Elimination of swelling of the face and body: at home and through salon procedures

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main causes of swelling
  • What to do if swelling of the face and eyes appears
  • How to eliminate swelling at home
  • How to eliminate puffiness using masks
  • How to eliminate swelling with medications
  • How to eliminate swelling with exercise and massage
  • What salon procedures are there to eliminate puffiness?
  • What are the preventive measures to eliminate swelling?

In modern conditions, eliminating puffiness is a fairly pressing problem, since people often become puffy. Swelling appears on the face, eyes, legs, and body. They look, to put it mildly, not very aesthetically pleasing. The main reason, as a rule, is either internal disorders in the body, or improper sleep and rest patterns, nutrition and bad habits. What measures need to be taken to eliminate or prevent the appearance of swelling? Let's take a closer look.

Main causes of swelling

Edema is fluid retained in the body. The reason for this phenomenon is a violation of the water-salt balance, which can be triggered by many factors. Let's look at the factors and ways to eliminate puffiness of the face and eyes in more detail.

Reasons that provoke the formation of edema:

  1. Insufficient sleep . There is a disruption in the circulation of fluid in the human body, and it begins to accumulate in the tissues. The skin of the face suffers first because it is very elastic.
  2. Excessive sleep (more than 10 hours) is also a factor that causes swelling. To prevent excessive stress on the kidneys and bladder, fluid that is not excreted from the body for a long time begins to accumulate in the tissues.
  3. Drinking plenty of water at night. At night, all human systems go into slow operation mode and simply do not have time to process the incoming liquid in a timely manner.
  4. Systematic overwork contributes to a decrease in the body’s activity, and, consequently, the normal excretion of fluid is disrupted and swelling appears.
  5. Poor nutrition. With insufficient or excess food intake, as well as due to the presence of various harmful components in the diet, metabolic processes are disrupted, which entails the formation of edema.
  6. Drinking alcohol and other bad habits. Toxins contained in alcoholic beverages interfere with the body's ability to properly distribute fluids. As a result, instead of being excreted, water is redistributed into the voids under the skin.
  7. Insufficient air humidity in the room.
  8. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  9. Allergy. In this condition, the intensity of swelling depends on the amount of allergen and can cause suffocation, fever, shortness of breath, and itching.
  10. Diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.
  11. Oncology.
  12. Pregnancy. Hormonal levels become aggravated, and the body’s excretory system cannot cope with the load. During pregnancy, swelling most often appears on the legs and face after a night's sleep.
  13. Heredity.

Complete, and most importantly, effective elimination of edema is possible only after establishing the exact cause of its occurrence.

Read material on the topic: How to remove puffiness under the eyes: simple tips for every day

The effectiveness of ointments for bags under the eyes

The effectiveness of ointments against such a disease depends on what active ingredients are included in the composition of the products.

Important! In most cases, these are substances with a similar composition and mechanism of action, therefore, when using any ointments against bags, in addition to eliminating such formations, additional effects are observed:

  • local blood flow improves;
  • inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  • pain relief occurs in pathological areas of the skin;
  • the likelihood of developing thrombosis is reduced;
  • antibacterial effect is manifested;
  • capillaries become less fragile and more elastic;
  • metabolic processes in skin tissues are activated;
  • the tone of muscles and vascular tissues increases;
  • swelling is relieved.

The high effectiveness of using ointments is due to its gel consistency, due to which the components quickly penetrate the skin and reach peak activity in the first two to three hours after application.
Removal of the “used” components of the product occurs within 24 hours through urine.

And such substances are not deposited in tissues, due to which the use of these drugs is not characterized by side effects (except in cases where a person is allergic to some components of a particular drug).

What to do if swelling of the face and eyes appears

The first and most important thing you need to do is seek the advice of a doctor to avoid negative consequences. The specialist will diagnose the body and, based on the results obtained, advise how to eliminate swelling. Some of the effective and affordable remedies are lymphatic drainage massage, compresses, or simply ice cubes from strongly brewed tea or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Myth #6: Creams with hyaluronic acid help remove puffiness under the eyes

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, concentrated in expensive luxury creams, partially penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. One molecule of it retains up to 500 molecules of water around itself, catalyzing not a decrease, but an increase in swelling.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid contained in budget analogues can dry out the skin when the air humidity in the environment is low. Sudden dehydration provokes a kind of shock in the tissues, and they begin to accumulate moisture “in reserve.” Swelling naturally increases.

For these trivial reasons, women who have actually tried eye creams based on hyaluronic acid often complain about the opposite effect to the declared one.

Eliminating puffiness at home

  • Massage with special steel balls will help eliminate swelling of the eyelids.
  • Compresses made from strongly brewed tea or decoctions of medicinal herbs help eliminate bags under the eyes.
  • A contrast shower is one of the most effective means for eliminating swelling of the face and body. It will help “bring to life” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system.
  • Massage with ice cubes prepared from a decoction of medicinal herbs and tea helps eliminate puffiness under the eyes, eyelids and face as a whole.

  • Sage tea in the evenings and flaxseed oil in the mornings. Both remedies are an excellent preventive measure and help restore the strength of blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Raw potatoes are excellent in combating puffiness around the eyes. Place slices of cold vegetables on your face and hold for at least 15 minutes. Then turn it over and repeat the procedure.
  • Chilled spoons are an old-fashioned way to eliminate swelling of the eyelids. Apply them to your eyes for 10 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  • Freshly squeezed juices have a diuretic effect on the body. Moreover, unlike tablets, they have no side effects. Carrot, beetroot and green juices (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially beneficial.
  • Heparin ointment. An excellent remedy in the fight against swelling caused by insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps). The ointment will help relieve itching and speed up healing. Apply it to the affected area in a thin layer and leave until completely absorbed. Update every two hours.
  • Parsley decoction. An effective remedy in the fight against “salt” or renal edema. Drink a glass of decoction after meals. Parsley is best at removing toxic elements and speeding up metabolism.

On a note! Despite popular belief, Badyaga cream is strictly forbidden to be used to eliminate swelling. It can only make your situation worse.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

Reviews about the application

“When, after 40 years, bags began to appear under my eyes , I tried to remove them with folk remedies: decoctions, compresses and lotions.

But over time, I realized that it was better to use medicinal ointments.

In particular, heparin ointment helped me reduce bruises , and although at first after applying it I felt a slight itching on the skin, overall I am satisfied with the effect.”

Marina Khmetevskaya, Volgograd.
“For me,
anti-bag ointments turned out to be the best option : creams were not as effective, and I never decided to have surgery. I have been using different products for three years, and although the bags are not shrinking very much , they are not increasing either, and during this time I have been able to eliminate the dark skin color in these areas.”

Natalya Golovlenkova, Orel.

“I am skeptical about anti-bag cosmetic products.

I myself had to struggle with such a problem , which developed as a result of chronic lack of sleep, but I prefer anti-hemorrhoid ointments.

Eliminating puffiness with masks

Cosmetic masks are one of the most popular methods aimed at eliminating facial swelling at home. The mask is easy to prepare from those products that you always have on hand.

Anti-swelling mask after sunbathing


  • Egg white – 1 pc.

Beat the egg whites into a foam and brush your face with it. Keep the mask until completely dry, and then rinse with cool water. Apply moisturizer to your skin.

Mask for bags under eyes


  • Parsley - one bunch.

Chop a bunch of fresh parsley until a little liquid comes out. Place the mixture on two small single-layer gauze pads and place under your eyes for twenty minutes.

Potato mask for swelling


  • Raw potatoes – 1 pc.

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, apply the mixture to the face and lower eyelid area. After twenty minutes, rinse with cool water. You can simply squeeze the juice out of the potato mass, moisten the napkins and place it on the area of ​​swelling.

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Apple mask


  • Chopped apple mass without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave until completely dry and then rinse with cool water.

Aloe and cucumber juice mask


  • Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Potato starch - one pinch.
  • Cucumber juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – three drops.

Combine the components into a homogeneous composition, apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. After the procedure, treat your skin with moisturizer.

Clay mask with sauerkraut and potatoes


  • Chopped sauerkraut – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Grated potato mass (fresh) – 1 tbsp. l.
  • White clay.

Mix potatoes with cabbage, add clay in such an amount to form a viscous mass. Apply on your face for 5 minutes, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Pumpkin mask


  • Boiled pumpkin – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Turn the pumpkin into a puree, mix with honey and apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Curd mask


  • Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply to the face, covering the top with a damp gauze cloth. After 30 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Mask with honey and papaya


  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp.
  • Ripe papaya pulp - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine ingredients and apply to face. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. The effect of such a mask is noticeable immediately.

Read material on the topic: Masks for facial rejuvenation: 8 tips from cosmetologists

How do hemorrhoid ointments help with bags under the eyes?

Keep in mind! Sometimes doctors themselves recommend using hemorrhoid ointments for bags under the eyes.

But not every drug is suitable : some of them contain potent components, which, if they come into contact with the delicate skin of the under-eye area (and even more so on the mucous membranes of the eyes), can cause severe allergic reactions.

In general, such drugs quickly eliminate bags due to their vasoconstrictor, vaso-strengthening and tonic effects.

It is worth noting that bags can be removed using such means only in cases where they are purely a cosmetic problem.

If the pathology develops against the background of diseases of the internal organs (in particular, kidneys or endocrine diseases), such remedies will not help .

Eliminating swelling with medications

Drug elimination of swelling can only be carried out after consulting a specialist, and it will only be justified if you have problems with internal organs. If this phenomenon is caused by an incorrect lifestyle (diet, bad habits, non-compliance with sleep and rest schedules), then you can do without the use of medications by simply changing your daily routine.

Diuretics will help eliminate swelling, but not its cause.

One of the commonly used medications to combat edema is Furasemide. It helps eliminate even their strongest manifestations and promotes the removal of fluid from the body. Like any medicine, it should be used with caution, since Furasemide is a fairly powerful drug, the side effects of which can lead to dehydration and leaching of important trace elements.

For minor swelling of the eyes, it will be enough to take potassium-sparing diuretics. "Veroshpiron" will do. True, its effect appears only on the fifth day.

Upon completion of the course of medication, swelling will reappear. Only after undergoing a full examination can the cause be found.

In some cases, it is possible to take synthetic drugs to eliminate edema, but it is important to remember that they have a complete effect on the entire body and lead to dehydration and even loss of substances necessary for normal functioning.

To eliminate swelling caused by allergies, antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, etc. are used.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Myth No. 5: Dark circles under the eyes can be easily lightened with lemon juice.

Ascorbic acid helps to partially lighten pigmentation, and if the appearance of dark circles is associated with excess melanin synthesis, the statement has a right to life. Lemon juice will have to be used regularly for 1.5-2 months to achieve minimal effect. Now imagine what will happen to the delicate, sensitive and vulnerable skin of the eyelids after daily smearing with a “caustic” acidic liquid.

It is likely that catastrophic dehydration, severe peeling, and the formation of sharp, deep wrinkles will be added to the dark circles that hastily returned after the experiment. And a “gift” in the form of an allergy.

A much wiser decision would be a course of injection or non-injection mesotherapy with cocktails containing adapted synthetic vitamin C.

Relieve swelling with exercise and massage

A good helper in eliminating swelling and removing excess fluid is massage:

  1. Lightly pinching and stroking the skin, move along the lines running from the nose to the outer parts of the face.
  2. Then from the middle of the neck to its sides.
  3. Along the forehead from the top to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, down from the eyes, from the nose to the temples.

This massage will help increase blood supply to the skin, which will speed up the removal of fluid and reduce swelling.

A set of specially selected physical exercises, which are recommended to include:

  • stretching exercises;
  • exercises for extension and flexion of arms and legs;
  • rotational movements of the body, arms, legs, head;
  • extension;
  • sudden movements of arms and legs;
  • tilts and turns.

There is also a system of exercises aimed at eliminating bags under the eyes.

is a fairly new, increasingly popular procedure that helps eliminate various cosmetic facial defects. By doing the exercises regularly, in a couple of months you will forget about droopy eyelids and bags under your eyes.

  1. Rotate your eyes alternately left and right, keeping your head straight.
  2. Squeeze your eyes shut, then open your eyes sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Close and open your eyes.

Read material on the topic: Face building for the face

BeautyHack Editors' Choice: 30 Best Eye Creams

BeautyHack editors and columnists share the products that actually get rid of dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines.

Silicium Eye Cream, Thalgo

BeautyHack editor Anastasia Speranskaya:
“A product with a melting texture and a funny name - cream with silicon, it immediately became my indispensable weapon against the first wrinkles.

Thalgo cosmetics are made on the basis of seaweed and plant extracts, and this cream is no exception: it contains marine silicon, which tightens the skin and fills wrinkles. The “neighbor” of silicon in the composition is hyaluronic acid. It moisturizes and restores the skin around the eyes, and also eliminates signs of fatigue. The result was noticeable from the first use: I applied the product at night, and in the morning I looked rested, as if I had slept for the entire eight hours. Since the cream is intended for aging skin, I recommend that young girls use courses so as not to overload their face.”

Price: 4,000 rub.

Resveratrol [Lift] Eye Lifting Balm, Caudalie

BeautyHack editor Anastasia Speranskaya:
“We have a particularly warm relationship with Caudalie cosmetics - I love it for its natural plant extracts and essential oils.

The composition of the eye contour balm generally sounds like poetry: it contains a complex of hyaluronic acids and grapevine resveratrol (in other words, an antioxidant). The texture of the product resembled a gel rather than a balm: it is absorbed very quickly, without the feeling of a film. Therefore, it has received a well-deserved place on the cosmetic table - I apply it before makeup, and sometimes on top of it during the day.

The balm promises to deal not only with wrinkles around the eyes, but also with nasolabial folds, so I confidently use it on both areas.”

Price: 3,350 rub.

Cream for eyelids and areas around the eyes “Rose”, Ausganica

BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova:
“One of the main advantages of the product is its composition. It contains 100% natural extracts (olives, roses, jojoba, aloe vera and a dozen other components) that smooth out facial wrinkles and tighten the skin. It is for those who have already formed facial wrinkles. But it will also be useful for girls who have just begun to develop such wrinkles, as a prevention and detox.

The cream gently moisturizes the skin due to hyaluronic acid in the composition, nourishes the skin and has a pleasant smell. I used it as night and day care and it absorbs quickly. Can be applied as a base for shadows - they do not roll off and blend well.

The cream also gives a lifting effect. After a week of regular use, the result is already noticeable: the skin looks more toned.

Price: from 4970 rub.

Eye Cream, 3Lab

BeautyHack editor-in-chief Karina Andreeva

“Almost every girl dreams of trying 3Lab products at least once in her life (and also finding out whether the high price corresponds to the quality!). WW Eye Cream is perfect for any age. We all live in the frantic rhythm of the city, rarely get enough sleep, and often complain about dark circles under our eyes. The product contains the ingredient Nano-Claire GY™, patented by 3LAB®, which at the cellular level can reduce and prevent the appearance of facial and chronological wrinkles, as well as strengthen the cellular matrix of the skin. The composition also contains Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): it controls the production of melanin, and also neutralizes the negative effects of the environment and fights dark circles and swelling. I tried this cream for the first time when I slept 3-4 hours a day all week. It gives a wow effect: after half an hour you can already notice that the swelling has subsided, the skin has smoothed out, and not a trace of the bags remains (the formula contains Portulaca extract, a highly effective anti-inflammatory agent). It is absorbed quickly, does not have any special smell, and does not leave a greasy film. It’s also great to apply 10 minutes before foundation and concealer.”

Price: 26,435 rub.

Vitamin serum for the eye area V7 Spot Eraser, Dr. Jart

BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova:
“A real vitamin boost for the skin around the eyes! The serum successfully fights dark circles and fine wrinkles. After a week of use I see noticeable improvements. There is a cumulative effect. After one and a half to two months, Dr. Jart promise that circles will practically disappear.

I apply the serum using the built-in applicator using massage movements. Be careful: when pressed, quite a lot of product is squeezed out. Don’t worry, the product is economical and will last for a full course - the kit includes a replaceable unit. The serum is absorbed long enough, but does not leave a sticky feeling.”

Price: about 1200 rub.

Retinol Eye Gel, Skincare cosmetics

BeautyHack special correspondent Nastya Lyagushkina:
“The texture of the gel is similar to jelly, green in color with golden balls inside, which, as I understand, are retinol.

I take a very small amount of the product and apply it to the skin under the eyes with massage movements before going to bed. With light friction, the balls dissolve and the gel is quickly absorbed.

In the morning, the skin is moisturized, and the face looks fresh and rested.”

Price: about 2000 rub.

Anti-aging serum Age-Delay Eye Serum Caviar de Russie, Natura Siberica

BeautyHack special correspondent Nastya Lyagushkina:
“The product has cool packaging: matte, it’s pleasant to touch, and the serum has a convenient applicator. The product is very delicate in texture, applies easily, moisturizes the skin and is quickly absorbed. Smells like spa cream.

I confidently apply it morning and evening. There is no feeling of a film on the face. The composition contains vitamins A and E, extracts of Siberian herbs and algae from the Faroe Islands. The main innovation of the product is the Regu-Age complex: it removes swelling and dark circles, helping the skin receive more oxygen.”

Price: 1500 rub.

Brightening eye cream Eye Expert Dual Eye, Vprove

BeautyHack special correspondent Nastya Lyagushkina:
“This is a two-in-one product: cream and concealer. To use the first one, you need to unscrew the washer with concealer. The product has a very light, bitter floral scent. The cream nourishes, moisturizes, gives the skin radiance and relieves puffiness.

The concealer is applied with a roller applicator. It completely hides the bruises, the eyes seem to become brighter. The product is suitable for all skin types!”

Price: 1950 rub.

A Perfecting Eye Cream, Ultraceuticals

BeautyHack editor-in-chief Karina Andreeva:
“It’s a small tube, but the product is used very sparingly. One press gives the right amount of cream at a time. More like a gel - when applied you feel a slight cooling effect. Contains encapsulated retinol, shea butter, bisabol. The product soothes delicate skin.

I applied it once a day for a week, and my eyes became noticeably fresher and the puffiness disappeared. It’s convenient to use before concealer - it enhances its effect, dark circles under the eyes become less pronounced.”

Price: 6,600 rub.

Refreshing gel against bags under the eyes Hydra Végétal, Yves Rocher

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“I always deal with such products in the same way and very quickly. As soon as the gel fell into my hands, it immediately went into the refrigerator, where it is now stored. I really love the feeling of freshness around my eyes in the morning. It is the dense gel textures that give the right “chill.” In the composition I found extracts of Madagascar tea and blue agave leaves - familiar components for Yves Rocher products protect cells from moisture loss. There is also caffeine, which tones the skin.

The gel has an elongated applicator, so it won’t work for a light massage. I do it with my hands, and when the gel is absorbed (and it will be absorbed if you don’t apply too much), I apply concealer. It gives a good matte effect and no swelling.”

Price: 840 rub.

Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, Kiehl's

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“I only use this product in the evening. It has a thick oily texture that does not absorb immediately. After applying the cream there is a feeling of a mask, which is very useful at the end of the day. The consistency of the product resembles avocado puree, which is not surprising, because its main component is avocado oil. After two weeks of use, I already saw a difference: fatty acids and shea butter made the skin nourished and moisturized.

And the product is also very economical. It is available in two miniature sizes: 15 and 28 ml. – both fit perfectly into a travel cosmetic bag. In this case, you only need a pea of ​​cream, it is very dense and really “drives” into the skin with light patting movements.”

Price: 2250 rub.

Rich Eye Contour Cream, Egia

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“I don’t suffer from dry skin around my eyes, but with the onset of cold weather it needs special care and hydration. Rich Eye Contour Cream is a light-textured product that is practically odorless (this is a separate plus!).

The cream is easy to apply and works well with cosmetics - it does not “float”. Contains: phyto-oils, antioxidants that fight free radicals, peptides with moisturizing properties. The effect is cumulative. After a week of regular use, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and swelling disappears. The skin around the eyes looks well-groomed and healthy.”

Price: 3220 rub.

Aox Eye Gel, SkinCeuticals

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes is applied in the morning. Its main function: protecting the delicate area from free radicals, reducing puffiness and dark circles. The gel contains ascorbic acid - when squeezed out, it instantly turns yellow, but does not leave circles. Aox Eye Gel has a characteristic pharmaceutical smell - it disappears 2-3 minutes after application.

The effect is noticeable after several days of use - not even a hint remains of the traces of sleepless nights and several flights.”

Price: 5641 rub.

Cream Hydraphase Intense Eyes Rehydration Anti-Puffiness, La Roche Posay

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“Products from this brand often become “long-lived” on the bathroom shelf. Hydraphase Intense Eyes cream with a light, gel-like texture moisturizes well without leaving a greasy film. Main active ingredients: soy protein, caffeine with antioxidant properties, hyaluronic acid. The cream is quickly absorbed and not sticky at all. For lovers of lightness and a pronounced moisturizing effect, this is an ideal option.”

Price: 1976 rub.

Eye cream against dark circles and swelling Bioregene Creme Anti-Cernes, Cholley

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“This cream is part of the Bioregene series for dehydrated, sensitive, dry skin. For me it is normal, but, of course, the area around the eyes needs care. After using the cream, the Swiss brand Cholley promises to make it moisturized and improve microcirculation. That is, I was waiting to get rid of bruises, swelling and a tired look. And I waited! Swelling goes away immediately, and bruising decreases after a couple of weeks. How it works? The composition contains horse chestnut extract (improves microcirculation), the herbal ingredient arbutin (brightens the skin) and hyaluronic acid. By the way, about the ingredients. There are practically no synthetic components in Cholley products.”

Price: 5600 rub.

Eye cream Sublimage, Chanel

BeautyHack editor-in-chief Karina Andreeva:
“This is the third generation of the Sublimage line. This year's new product, La Créme Yeux, was created by the Chanel Research Center with enviable diligence. A special chrono-extraction technology was invented that makes it possible to extract the main active component of the cream - planifolia ephemera (molecules available in the vanilla pod before ripening). They normalize microcirculation, reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

2 in 1 product: cream and mask. If you want sos-restoration and radiance of the skin, apply La Créme Yeux in a thick layer, leave for 10 minutes and remove with a cotton pad, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The set includes a special applicator for applying cream and massage.

Take note: light pats on the upper and lower eyelids activate microcirculation, smoothing the area between and under the eyebrows strengthens the skin, and sliding movements with the applicator on the lower eyelid removes signs of fatigue. The cream has a light texture, I use it morning and evening, massaging it into the skin with my fingertips.”

Price: 6999 rub.

Cream for the skin around the eyes “Moisturizing Expert” 24 hours, L'Oreal

BeautyHack special correspondent Daria Mironova:
“The product is enclosed in a cardboard box and cellophane packaging, so when purchasing you will definitely be sure of its safety. The jar is made of lightweight plastic - it is convenient to take on trips.

The cream is white, odorless and has a delicate texture. I applied the product with my fingers, took a pea-sized amount and spread it over the skin around the eyes. I'm 20 years old and don't have any visible wrinkles yet. The cream moisturizes my skin perfectly, I will use it in the cold autumn, and for the winter I will look for something nourishing.”

Price: 250 rub.

Revitalizing eye cream, Dr.Konopkas

BeautyHack special correspondent Daria Mironova:
“Cream in a convenient soft plastic tube. In the bathroom, it is better to store it on a shelf rather than placing it vertically so that it does not fall. The consistency of the product is very light, it is quickly absorbed and well moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

The cream has a natural aroma - a mix of herbs and flowers. Plus: the product really nourishes the skin, so you can safely use it in cold weather for prevention, even if you have no visible deficiencies.”

Price: 200 rub.

Eye Balm, Skinceuticals

BeautyHack columnist and beauty blogger Elvira Chabakauri:
“Finding the right eye cream is a whole story for me (and others!)! Everyone loves the lightest possible means: manufacturers rely on them. But I love rich ones, and only these suit my dry skin, and this is already minus 2/3 of the products on the market. Even if the product has a rich texture, it does not always pass the following test: it burns the face or irritates the eyes after application. For me, the exception is Eye Balm.”

Price: 5078 rub.

Gel Caress de Lotus, Kenzoki

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“This weightless gel, narcotically smelling of lotus, is aimed primarily at hydration. It absorbs very quickly, instantly smoothing the skin, and the ceramic applicator gently cools the skin, reducing swelling. The skin under the eyes feels smoother and reflects light better immediately after use. The product is so lightweight that it can be used over makeup with minimal risk of concealer smearing.”

Price: 1920 rub.

Eye Cream, Somme Institute

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The creators of the brand invented and patented MDT5™ technology, which allows a complex of five essential vitamins (A, B3, B5, C and E) and proteins to penetrate deep into the skin without losing active concentrations. The brand has a small assortment; there is one product for each stage of care. The eye cream does it all - strengthens, brightens the skin, tones and reduces wrinkles. Indeed, the composition of the product is impressive - there is niacinamide, caffeine, and even a small concentration of glycolic acid.”

Price: 6900 rub.

Cream against dark circles under the eyes Mission Perfection Yeux, Clarins

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The French brand released two new products for the eyes this spring - one with anti-aging effect, which I will talk about later, and Mission Perfection Yeux cream to reduce dark circles. Mission Perfection Yeux is tinted and contains silicones in its composition - so your eyes really immediately look more rested. It also has SPF15, a rarity in the world of eye products.”

Price: 3400 rub.

Cream mask Reine Blanche Illuminating Eye Care & Mask, L'Occitane

BeautyHack Special Correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The newest line of L'Occitane is all designed for whitening, radiance, and evenness of the skin. One of the most interesting characters in the series is a cream mask with tonic extracts in its composition, packaged in tubes with a massage applicator. The product can be used daily in the morning and evening, or applied twice a week in a thick layer as a mask.”

Price: 3550 rub.

Yuza Sorbet Eye Gel, Erborian

BeautyHack Special Correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The extract of the Asian citrus yuzu contains a lot of vitamin C - it is an excellent antioxidant and one of the few components that can really reduce the intensity of circles under the eyes. By the way, vitamin C is very unstable, but Erborian was able to keep it effective - the extract is placed in capsules that burst when applied, and the gel itself is packaged with a pump.”

Price: 3100 rub.

Shadow-Off Eye Cream, CremorLab

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The CremorLab brand seems very interesting to me - the Korean approach to beauty, combined with high-quality, expensive ingredients, together can create a small revolution. The brand has two eye creams – one with a blur effect, the second – firming and brightening. Asian brands are the undisputed leaders in skin whitening, so this cream, containing oils and niacinamide, gets the job done.”

Price: 4023 rub.

Genuine Glow Eye Balm, Estee Lauder

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“Skin radiance is the general focus of the entire Genuine Glow line, the products of which combine decorative and caring functions. This balm, billed as the perfect primer for concealer, does not contain any reflective particles and has no tint itself. But it smoothes the skin well, filling wrinkles, and lightens it slightly.”

Price: 3915 rub.

Gel Eye Contour Gel-XT, Cellcosmet

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“This gel from a smart Swiss brand is recommended for use from the age of 20, but promises not only to lighten dark circles and reduce swelling, but also to smooth out small wrinkles. There are no silicones in the composition (mostly plant extracts), so visual smoothness will not come instantly - but when it comes, it will remain for a long time. And when you use it, you feel like a wildly luxurious woman - this makes wrinkles and swelling disappear on their own.”

Price: 9200 rub.

Serum Enhancing Eye Lift Serum, Clarins

BeautyHack columnist and beauty blogger Elvira Chabakauri:
“A very interesting and unusual product! This is a serum with a light gel texture and gold reflective particles. However, after distributing the product they are invisible on the skin. Suitable for those who have swelling not only under the eyes, but also in the upper eyelid. If the latter is swollen and you don’t know where to draw the arrows, this remedy will help you out. After application it seems a little sticky, but the eyelids seem to be “glued” and the eyes open.”

Price: 2700 rub.

Pep Start Eye Cream, Clinique

BeautyHack columnist and beauty blogger Elvira Chabakauri:
“Clinique Pep Start Eye Cream is a lightweight cream with reflective particles and a very quick effect - in just a couple of minutes it noticeably invigorates the skin around the eyes (both in feel and appearance). I also like that it applies makeup well, even if you don’t have time to wait for it to completely absorb. This Clinique series is specifically designed for city dwellers who are always in a hurry.”

Price: 2100 rub.

Radiant cream-mask for the skin around the eyes “White Queen”, L'Occitane

BeautyHack editor Olga Kulygina:
“White Queen” is a line of L'Occitane products based on meadowsweet extract (a plant with snow-white flowers). The products promise to lighten pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes and generally make the complexion uniform.

The cream mask for the skin around the eyes is a thick gel that is squeezed through a cooling metal applicator. If you take the time to massage your skin with it (especially in the morning), you will see that the swelling will noticeably subside. I applied the cream in a thick layer as a mask before bed and in the morning in a thin layer under makeup. From what is visible immediately after application, the skin under the eyes seems to be illuminated (due to this, the look looks rested) and small wrinkles are smoothed out. And after a week of use, dark circles really lighten. By the way, this cream lasts for a long time - it squeezes out exactly as much as you need.”

Price: 3,550 rub.

Renewing eye cream-balm Skin Regimen, [comfort zone]

BeautyHack editor Olga Kulygina:
“My relaxing spa procedure for workaholics took place with Italian products (we wrote about this here).

The brand is focused directly on spa care, so all products have a very calm design, subtle scent, delicate composition and light texture.
Skin Regimen eye cream-balm is a unisex cream that can be used by both women and men. It contains caffeine (1%) and the “longevity complex” developed by the brand, which awaken and renew the skin of the eyelids. In appearance, the cream seems thick, but the texture is more like a balm, so it is suitable for thin skin. It moisturizes well and smoothes out fine wrinkles, but I can’t say that it copes with dark circles. But it can (and should) be applied to the upper eyelids in order to achieve a lifting effect over time and “open” the eyes.” Price on request.

Salon procedures aimed at eliminating puffiness

Whatever the cause of the swelling, there is only one desire: to eliminate it as soon as possible. For this purpose, in the age of constant development and the emergence of new technologies, various cosmetic procedures have been created in beauty salons. Just remember, before choosing any of them, consult a therapist or phlebologist.

  1. Mesotherapy is an injection into the skin of special homeopathic and fortified preparations that help remove fluid from the body and, as a result, eliminate facial swelling.
  2. To obtain a visible effect, it is necessary to perform the procedure once a week for several months.

  3. Cryolifting is a short-term exposure of the skin to extreme cold, which achieves an instant, long-lasting and stable effect.
  4. Mud masks and wraps have a positive effect on the skin, restoring its strength and flexibility. They help eliminate swelling and get rid of excess fluid due to exposure to certain irritants: temperature or chemical components.

Read material on the topic: Cryotherapy in a beauty salon - transformation with the help of cold

How to quickly remove swelling of the face and under the eyes using cosmetics?

Serums and creams with a lifting effect can be used as products. Day creams with caffeine relieve swelling. And evening ones with amino acids and peptides regulate the amount of fluid in tissues, eliminating the possibility of swelling. In addition to folk remedies, try to correct the impression with makeup. Still, it is better to use professional cosmetics from, which will not only reduce swelling, but also help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

Mild swelling of the face and eyelidsGently removes makeup. Normalizes microcirculation.
Dark circles, puffy eyes.Helps remove dark circles under the eyes. Moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic. Reduces swelling of the eyelids
Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.Has a draining effect and moisturizes.Quick view 30 ml

Cream-Veil for eyelids

1 010 ₽

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Swelling of the eyelids, dark circles.Moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity. Normalizes the circulation of intercellular fluid, strengthens capillaries. Pro

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30 ml

CONTOUR eye gel

1 150 ₽

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Bags, dark circles, swelling around the eyesIt has a preventive effect on the main problems in the area around the eyes. Relieves swelling. Pro

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30 ml

Contour meso cocktail for eyelids

1 500 ₽

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Swelling around the eyes.Increases skin elasticity. Reduces swelling of the eyelids.
Swelling of the faceA light massage with this remedy improves blood circulation and helps the outflow of fluid from tissues. Pro

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150 ml

Massage oil Phytobiocomplex for face and body Citron

600 ₽

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Swelling of the face and eyelidsIce cubes from the toner soothe the skin and relieve puffiness. Pro

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350 ml

Preventive measures to eliminate swelling

It is enough to follow the basic rules, and you will forget what swelling is:

  • sleep and rest;
  • eat right;
  • drink enough liquid;
  • Don’t drink too much before going to bed;
  • do not smoke;
  • Drink alcoholic beverages as rarely as possible and in minimal quantities;
  • humidify the air in the room where you are often located.

By adhering to these recommendations, as well as promptly diagnosing and treating diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, you will not have to think about what measures to take to eliminate swelling.

The importance of understanding the causes and treatment of this phenomenon should not be ignored. After all, swelling can be not just a cosmetic defect, but a signal of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Only a one-time occurrence should not cause concern, the cause of which is obvious to you and its elimination is not associated with any problems.

Read material on the topic: How to increase skin elasticity

Diuretic tablets for edema

To combat swelling, the most effective drugs are:

  1. Lasix is ​​a loop diuretic that prevents sodium and chlorine retention.
  2. Britomar is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Has long-term therapeutic activity.
  3. ​Diuver is a loop diuretic medicine. Often prescribed for heart failure and severe edema.

All medications have contraindications, so they must be taken as prescribed by a specialist.

Where in Moscow to sign up for a procedure to eliminate swelling

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Contraindications of drugs

The use of diuretics is not always advisable. There are certain conditions that prohibit the use of this type of medicine. These include:

  1. ​Low potassium levels in the blood.
  2. ​Individual intolerance to sulfonamide substances.
  3. ​Severe form of respiratory failure.
  4. ​Acute kidney diseases.
  5. ​Any type of diabetes.

An implicit contraindication to taking diuretics is ventricular arrhythmia. This clinical condition requires adjustment of the therapeutic dose and strict medical supervision.

Why does the face swell in adults?

Swelling on the face can occur at different times of the day - mainly in the morning or late afternoon, or they persist throughout the day, decreasing or increasing.
There are two types of reasons:

  • physiological (or natural, not associated with diseases), they are usually not pronounced, not very strong, and disappear quickly;
  • pathological, can be very strong, with changes in facial features, signs of inflammation, and are often quite persistent.

Each type of edema has the most typical causes; they occur mainly in the morning or evening hours, or do not depend in any way on the time of day. These characteristics are important for the doctor so that he can identify the leading causes and determine the tactics of examination and treatment.

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