Comparison of hair lamination with Botox and keratin straightening

A woman's appearance largely depends on the condition of her hair. Despite the fact that many girls naturally have healthy, thick, strong and beautiful curls, there are a large number of different external circumstances (in particular, the environment, poor-quality care products, poor water quality and much more) that worsen the condition of the hair. That is why many ladies have to resort to health-improving cosmetic procedures, the most popular of which are Botox and lamination.

What are these methods for improving hair health? How are they different and which one should you choose? What is the cost of the procedures? Read more about this in our material.

The essence of the methods

You can now transform your hair in just one trip to the salon; you don’t need to use expensive professional masks and balms for months. Lamination and Botox are aimed at instantly restoring hair, making it smooth, silky and shiny. Despite the fact that the visual effect of the procedures is approximately the same, the technologies for their implementation differ, as do the treatment compositions themselves.

Let's take a closer look at how each procedure is carried out to understand what is best to choose for your type of curls.


Botox for hair is the application of gentle substances. The procedure itself consists of two stages, the effect lasts from one to three months. Vitamin preparations penetrate the hair structure and treat curls from the inside. The complex restores structure, adds shine and silkiness and fights split ends and fragility.

Lamination is the application of a composition that smoothes hair scales and creates a protective barrier on curls.

Please note that lamination adds shine to hair and protects it from the harmful effects of natural phenomena. The effect lasts for about a month.

What does lamination give?

Hair lamination is similar to paper lamination: the strands are wrapped in a transparent film that protects them from the negative influence of external factors, chemical and thermal damage.
The hair shaft receives a durable “shield” that shines glossy in the sun. The curls become more voluminous, the hairstyle looks well-groomed and luxurious.
Problems with combing disappear, due to the leveling of the surface, the hairs stop getting tangled. It is advisable to laminate your hair before traveling to hot sunny countries and winter frosts to protect it from injury.

Stylists note that the procedure gives the following results:

  • reliable protection from frost and ultraviolet rays;
  • thickening of the hair shaft;
  • alignment;
  • mirror shine hairstyle;
  • smoothness;
  • eliminating frizz from curls;
  • clear outlines of strands;
  • weighting of strands;
  • sealing split ends.

What does Botox do?

Women often associate the procedure with cosmetic wrinkle smoothing. However, there is no need to be afraid, no poisons are used when processing curls, and the name is consonant, because the effect of Botox for hair and skin is similar: you get the straightening of all irregularities. The treatment also helps restore the shine and brightness of your curls from within.

The serums contain natural oils, vitamins, and plant extracts that penetrate deep into the hairs, nourish them and saturate them with moisture. As a result, the curls become more elastic, stronger, and less susceptible to destruction.

For girls who want to grow their length, Botox is ideal. It helps achieve the following goals:

  • restoration of damaged hair structures;
  • rod reconstruction;
  • additional food;
  • emphasizing the brightness of hair color;
  • health improvement;
  • smoothness;
  • eliminating fragility and split ends;
  • preventing hair from fluffing;
  • alignment;
  • giving volume to fine hair.

Some brands offer hair lamination formulations with a Botox effect.
They promise great results: after the procedure, up to 70% of the beneficial components remain in the curls, thanks to the protective film, and continue healing from the inside. The technique is best used in a salon setting, since failure to follow the rules for using the serum and dosage can cause negative consequences. When oversaturated with nutrients, curls become more brittle and fragile.

Which botulinum toxin preparation is better?

  • Hair removal with alexandrite laser
  • Hair removal with diode laser
  • Laser hair removal zones
  • Laser facial hair removal
  • Laser hair removal of the upper lip
  • Laser eyebrow hair removal
  • Laser hair removal for chin
  • Laser hair removal for hands
  • Laser hair removal of legs
  • Laser hair removal for breasts
  • Laser hair removal for armpits
  • Laser hair removal on the back
  • Laser hair removal on the abdomen
  • Laser hair removal for bikini
  • Laser removal of skin tumors
  • Laser tattoo removal
  • Laser cosmetology Ultrasonic facial cleansing
  • Chemical peeling
  • Carbon peeling
  • Mechanical facial cleansing
  • Retinoic (yellow) peeling
  • Aesthetic cosmetology
      Microcurrent therapy (face)
  • Myostimulation (body)
  • Peeling PRX-T33
  • Rejuvenation (RF-lifting)
  • Dermatology, treatment of skin diseases
  • Differences between procedures

    Now that we have become familiar with the nature of the most popular health procedures for hair, we should understand the question of how Botox differs from lamination (and vice versa), what is the fundamental difference between the processes, and what are the consequences for hair.

    Thus, a noticeable difference can be seen in the immediate result of the procedures.

    • If you choose lamination, then you should expect the color to remain rich and vibrant (even in the case of dyed and highlighted hair). In addition, your curls will be straight and smooth, gaining natural shine and volume. Another positive effect of lamination is giving thickness to the hair.
    • Botox is more aimed at healing strands from the inside. After the procedure, the hair will become more vibrant, it will gain elasticity, become strong and resistant to external influences.

    Thus, we can conclude that lamination is more of a cosmetic than a medical procedure, and Botox is the opposite.

    In addition, there are differences in the cost of salon procedures. It is this characteristic that is often decisive for many women. It is worth noting right away that both procedures are quite expensive, especially if carried out in elite beauty salons by highly qualified specialists. So, high-quality Botox will cost you at least 2,500 rubles, and lamination can be done from 2,000 rubles. The specific price will depend not only on the length of your hair and the drugs used, but also on the pricing policy of the beauty salon you choose.

    Pros and cons of procedures

    The advantages, of course, are obvious:

    • radiant and long-lasting color for dyed hair;
    • smoothness and silkiness of strands;
    • long lasting effect;
    • hair is manageable, strong and becomes stronger.


    • lamination can create the effect of a dirty head;
    • both procedures, with frequent use, weaken your hair, it becomes dull;
    • lamination must be repeated once a month for the effect to last long; Botox is also renewed as the product is washed off;
    • your hair will require professional care to maintain the desired effect;
    • price.

    The effect of the procedures

    These procedures are not a cheap pleasure if done in a salon.
    Therefore, it is worth figuring out what effect you want to see. Lamination is done by women who want to maintain color durability after dyeing their curls; due to the composition, the coloring pigment is not washed out. Hair becomes smooth, shiny, strong and voluminous. Therefore, lamination gives thickness to the hair. After leaving, the strands become heavier if you don’t take care of them, for example, don’t buy special shampoos.

    Botox gives a similar effect - softness, elasticity and silkiness, color fastness, etc., but unlike lamination, the procedure treats strands from the inside, making them vibrant and shiny, strong and resistant to split ends.

    Both procedures have a beneficial effect on hair. To choose the right one, base it on the initial state of the head:

    • If you have dead curls that require urgent treatment, then it is better to choose Botox.
    • If you want to treat and give your hair a luxurious look, then lamination will help.

    Ladies also choose salon procedures based on their cost.

    We recommend that you learn more about hair restoration in the salon and at home on our website.

    Botox for hair is the only hope for a bright future. Did you help?

    Hello everyone!

    So, today’s post of mine will be devoted to such an interesting procedure as Botox for hair. We are all used to hearing about botulinum, which is called Botox for the face. But this is a completely different product, which I will introduce you to, show the results of application, conclusions and conclusions.

    A little about my hair.

    I have curly, dry hair and it's also porous. In summer they require special nutrition and hydration. The roots, on the contrary, are greasy; washing lasts for a maximum of 2 days. My curls are quite difficult to comb through; I can’t do without leave-in hair removers. My hair is undyed; I spent several years growing out my color after bleaching it.

    What is Botox?

    Botox for hair is a completely different product and has nothing to do with the usual Botox for the face. The peculiarity of this procedure is that you will notice the effect from the first use and it should last for about 2 months. The bottom line is that the structure of your hair is restored from the inside. I heard about this procedure about a year ago, but I somehow doubted whether it was worth trying, in case I had the opposite effect, and a lot of worries about this did not allow me to try. But in the spring of this year, I began to see posts, reviews, and articles about Botox for hair more and more often, where girls shared their excellent results. Looking at my mop, I thought: “Why not? Many people like it, everyone is alive, which means we have to take it.”

    How does Botox work?

    Many manufacturers say that Botox should restore hair from the inside, penetrate deep into it and fill in all kinds of damage. I still believe that this is a cosmetic, but in no case a medical procedure. Long-term damage from external factors can only be corrected by scissors, and oils can improve the condition of hair. Botox is an opportunity to give damaged hair a divine look, in my opinion. As a result, the hair should become silky, strong, shiny and manageable. Of course, I wanted to check all this.

    What active components can be included in Botox?

    1. Hyaluronic acid may be included in such products. I understand that this notorious hyaluronic acid gets into everything it can: masks, balms, shampoos, creams, and even got to Botox. It perfectly moisturizes both skin and hair. This is why we appreciate her. 2. Elastin can also be part of Botox, as it gives the hair elasticity, elasticity and flexibility. This will reduce the risk of hair breakage. 3. Well, vitamins, peptides, ceramides and much more. 4. Keratin or its derivatives. Well, I don’t have to talk about the benefits of keratin, because this protein is the building material of the hair, which will fill all damaged areas. 5. Various oils to soften, strengthen, restore hair and add shine. Argan and macadamia oils are often added .

    Who needs Botox?

    Botox is intended for those who have hair problems such as: 1.Dryness and porosity of hair. 2.Damaged hair. 3. Unruliness, lack of shine, dullness, fragility. My hair is dry and porous, damaged and unruly. In general, almost all hair problems are familiar to me.

    Botox set for hair Fix Nanokeratin.

    I thought a lot about which Botox to choose? I didn’t want to take the advertised one in ampoules, although of course I understand that it is effective. But in the spring I often came across reviews and reviews of products from Fix, so I decided to opt for this Botox. The set includes three products: 1) Pre-procedure shampoo 125 ml. 2) Botox 125 ml. 3) Final stage 125 ml. General information: 1. The number of products in the set is 3.
    2. Made in Turkey. 3.Price-1720 rubles. 4. The set is enough for 3-6 procedures, it all depends on the length of the hair. 5. Purpose - restoration, moisturizing of hair. From the manufacturer:

    Removes split ends, porosity, frizz, makes the hair structure uniform along the entire length. Argan oil, included in the composition, moisturizes the hair, adding shine, and prevents its premature aging. Long-lasting effect - up to 4 months. (As a rule, the result of skincare procedures is up to 1 month) The procedure takes only 30 minutes. The procedure is extremely easy to perform: there is no need to dilute, mix, etc. The composition is already ready for application The product is absolutely safe: it does not contain harmful fumes or components The “Botox for hair” procedure is at the peak of demand.

    1.Protein hair shampoo. This shampoo is a Deep Cleaning Shampoo, in other words SHGO. It should wash away all the fat, dirt, silicones and everything that your hair has accumulated.
    It exposes your hair, but allows all the beneficial substances of the subsequent product to penetrate deep into the hair, i.e. Botox will penetrate better. Appearance. The shampoo comes in a beautiful plastic bottle. Its design is beautiful, it immediately evokes thoughts of a professional, it is simple and laconic.

    As always, on the back of the package there is a full description from the manufacturer in several languages, including Russian, and the composition, of course.

    I like the small volume of shampoo, because such a set fits easily on a shelf and looks neat.

    The dispenser for all products is the same and very convenient. The lid snaps off easily and closes tightly.

    Texture and aroma. The shampoo has a pleasant gel-like texture. It's not too thick, but not runny either. Its shade is soft milky.

    The shampoo is very economical, I need about a tablespoon for my hair, and due to good foaming, the consumption is small.

    The shampoo gives good, rich foam and forms a soapy cap of foam. It is washed off from hair without much difficulty. The aroma of the shampoo is very light, pleasant and not at all unobtrusive. It's hard to associate it with anything, just a pleasant scent.

    2.Protein hair botox. The application of Botox is the second step in this procedure. This product is the foundation of the basics. And if SHGO can be replaced with shampoo with the addition of soda, conditioner with any other balm, then this product cannot be replaced with anything, it is the main one here. Thanks to it, we get the effect that we need.

    Appearance. The design of the Botox bottle is absolutely similar to the design of shampoo and conditioner, after all, one series, one set.

    Botox promises to give us a mirror shine, total restoration, lasting and long-lasting effect.

    On the reverse side, as always, information about the manufacturer and composition is indicated.

    Texture and aroma. The composition is quite thick, but distributes well throughout the hair. It doesn't leak and dries quickly.

    The aroma of Botox in the tube is very pleasant, you can hear a pleasant fragrance. But when you start applying the composition to your hair, it becomes harsh and not at all pleasant, but repulsive. But here it is clear that I’m not dealing with a hair mask, but with Botox.

    3.Protein hair conditioner. Conditioner is the final stage of the entire procedure in order to consolidate the effect. I won’t talk much about it, let’s get down to the description, and then to the procedure itself. I will skip the description of the appearance, because they are the same everywhere, only the information on the packaging is different.

    Texture and aroma.

    The color of the conditioner is white, the conditioner itself is thick and dense. But it is distributed quite unproblematically over wet hair. It rinses off perfectly, and while rinsing you can feel your hair transforming. The aroma is very pleasant, reminiscent of some rich oriental aromas. It stays on the hair for a very long time.

    Botox procedure for hair. Step by step.

    So what? So we come directly to the Botox procedure. Now I will describe step by step what and how to do so that everything works out for you and you can enjoy the result. But first, you need to prepare everything before the procedure.

    1.Cleanse hair SHGO. We rinse our hair about 2-3 times to ensure that all the silicones are removed from the hair. Then dry your hair with a hairdryer.

    The shampoo gives a very rich foam, of course it dries out the hair, it looks disheveled, but oh well. 2. Apply Botox to the hair, distribute it with a thin comb or with your hands. If you want to get the best result, then it is better to apply the composition to dry hair, then the effect will last for a longer time.

    When applying the composition, it is better to wear a mask so as not to breathe in the vapors. The aroma, to put it mildly, is not very good and sometimes hurts the eyes. Comb your hair well so that everything penetrates deep into the hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 40 minutes. 3. Dry your hair with a hairdryer. Then we take the iron and straighten the hair at a temperature of at least 200 degrees, recommended 210. It is better to divide your hair into small strands and straighten them; the effect will be much better if you take large ones. By the way, if you don’t have an iron, then don’t worry. You can warm your hair with a hairdryer. The effect will be worse, but you will still get it

    4.Rinse the composition from the hair and apply Botox again, only for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with water again and apply conditioner. 5.If desired, straighten your hair again with an iron. I do this to see the effect most clearly. I did not use serums or leave-in products so that my entire Botox test drive would be as honest as possible.


    Well, the most interesting thing is, of course, the RESULT, but is there one? Yes, there is an effect and it is simply UNREAL, I didn’t recognize my hair at all. It feels like just a smooth, flowing fabric, there is no hint of porosity, fragility, dryness or anything like that. Take a look at the results for yourself.

    There is a result and I really like it. The hair is so shiny, soft, flowing and manageable. They are so light, dense and elastic. You just want to touch your hair.

    Here's what happened to my ends. They became beautiful, alive, these white spots, porosity and, accordingly, dryness disappeared. I don’t know how to describe my delight in words, but it’s chic, glitter and unreal softness. Just the way I like it.

    What about hydration? Yes, it exists and is simply excellent. The dryness has simply disappeared, the hair is nourished, moisturized, and easy to comb.


    1.Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes hair. They become like a surface of water, you can feel how much moisture your hair has received. 2.Makes hair soft, shiny and manageable. 3.Seals damaged and split ends. 4.Removes porosity, dryness and frizz. 5. Makes hair soft and easy to comb after use. 6.The procedure is not too time-consuming. It took me 1.5 hours to do everything and be happy with the result. 7.Gives hair order and a divine look.


    1. Short-term effect. The effect on my hair lasted no more than 3 weeks, perhaps it’s just the way my hair is. 2. Does not treat hair, but still temporarily masks imperfections.


    I am delighted with this procedure and I can say that for some girls whose hair is in a catastrophic state, this is a salvation. It makes hair nourished, moisturized, beautiful and silky. In terms of tactile sensations, it’s absolutely lovely. The hair seemed to have regained vitality, energy and beauty.

    I certainly recommend this procedure. Perfect for those with dry and damaged hair, as well as those who just want to maintain length. My hair stopped getting tangled, especially at the ends, where this problem was especially pressing for me. I still have a few more uses left, so I will definitely repeat the procedure if necessary.

    Beautiful and healthy hair to everyone!

    Products in post

    • Botox for hair Fix Nanokeratin

    What to choose for a long-lasting effect?

    If your hair is strong and healthy, and does not need long-term restoration, but there is a desire to revive the strands a little, then you should give preference to lamination. This procedure will contribute to even greater health of the strands, giving them a healthy shine and silkiness. Lamination will help temporarily protect curls from the negative influence of external factors.

    Important: regardless of the chosen method, before going for the procedure, it is strongly recommended to visit a trichologist. The doctor will assess the general condition of the strands and help you choose a more suitable and safe method for their improvement.

    Today, many salons offer a new healing technique - lamination with the Botox effect. This procedure has a longer lasting effect compared to conventional lamination.

    Video: lamination or botox for hair, which is better


    Thus, the choice of treatment technique for restoring curls depends on various factors. Both procedures have many benefits and have a positive effect on the hair. But each method also has its own contraindications that must be taken into account. Oversaturation of the scalp with nutritional compounds can lead to the opposite effect and significantly weaken the hairs. Therefore, the first procedure, regardless of whether it is Botox or lamination, must be carried out only by a qualified specialist. Reasonable use of Botox, due to its healing properties, will help restore the structure of the hair, and lamination will protect it from harmful factors and re-damage.

    What to choose for thin hair?

    When choosing a hair restoration method, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the strands and what result needs to be achieved. So, if the curls are too thin and damaged and need urgent treatment, preference should be given to the use of Botox. After its use, the nutrients included in the product continue their healing effects on the roots.

    Botox is also suitable for those girls who want to grow long beautiful hair. The procedure will help restore the structure of damaged strands in the shortest possible time and saturate each hair with vitamins and nutrients. This effect will eliminate excessive fragility and get rid of split ends, prolong the brightness of the color, and make the curls smoother and more voluminous.

    Curly hair

    If you wear curls or have naturally curly hair, then there are special formulations and restoration techniques. Curly hair has a special twisted structure. They are more “fluffy”, dry and brittle. Therefore, the care will be special.

    First of all, you need to figure out what effect you want to get:

    • Leave your hair curly (that is, the curls will be more well-groomed and moisturized).
    • Or straighten your curly hair.

    In the first case, Botox is better suited so as not to weigh down the hair. In the second case, you can use both lamination and Botox.

    If you want to straighten curly hair, then hot lamination is what you need. Because this option is more effective.

    If you are blonde

    Rio Bottox. Brazil is what you need. Developed by Brazilian specialists. Includes:

    Serecin (a unique substance) for active recovery.

    • Omega acids.
    • Complex of vitamins.
    • Life-giving oils.

    On light hair it removes the unpleasant yellowing effect. A long-lasting effect after use was also noted.

    Other Features

    Before the procedures considered, make sure there are no allergic reactions to the components. Also, lamination and Botox are not suitable for those who have scalp disease or wounds. Remember: if you want to change the color, you need to dye your strands immediately before the procedure. If your curls are split, cut off the ends first.

    Do you have dry, brittle and lifeless hair? Here is a review of the best hair moisturizers:

    • balms;
    • masks;
    • sprays;
    • air conditioners;
    • shampoos;
    • folk recipes.

    Hair extensions

    When extensions are made, the strands (tresses) are already in a processed state. High-quality tresses are made from natural hair and have an aesthetic appearance. Since the hair is natural, it can be subjected to various types of processing, including lamination. It should be said that this procedure is rarely resorted to.

    • Firstly, because it is much more profitable to laminate your own hair, and only after that extensions.
    • Secondly, because the tresses themselves do not require such a procedure.
    • Thirdly, because extension presupposes subsequent correction, and this is a separate topic.

    Keratin straightening (keratin)

    This is not treatment or hair restoration. This is a chemical composition that is used to make hair straight. This procedure becomes a real salvation for those who have super-voluminous hair and restless curls. Just choose the manufacturer carefully and be very careful! Many brands use large amounts of formaldehyde, which evaporates during the procedure. All this poison settles in the respiratory organs of both the client and the master. True, there are several companies that replace formaldehyde with another component (when it evaporates, only a sweetish pleasant smell remains).

    The advantages of keratin straightening are that the curls become straight forever, styling is almost not needed (if the keratin preparation is of high quality). This procedure has more disadvantages, but only if it is cheap, low-quality keratin: the scalp becomes oily faster, and over time, the hair becomes wavy and brittle.

    Price comparison

    Let's compare prices for these hairdressing services:

    • The price of Botox depends on the length of the hair and the salon, but it varies from two to three and a half thousand rubles. Home procedures will be cheaper, since the products cost from 1,500 to 4,000 thousand rubles per 100-500 ml, and they will be enough for more than one use.
    • The price of lamination varies from two to seven thousand rubles: it depends on the qualifications of the hairdresser, the condition and length of the curls. The products themselves can be purchased at prices ranging from three to seven thousand rubles.

    Who should not use the techniques?

    The high popularity of quick restoration of curls pushes many girls to go to a salon or independently use lamination or Botox compounds.

    However, it is worth considering that not everyone can undergo the procedure. In some cases, improving the appearance of your hairstyle will have to be delayed for a while, and in others, a more suitable alternative will have to be found.

    Let's consider what contraindications the methods have:

    • Pregnancy and lactation period.
    • Serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Violation of the integrity of the scalp.
    • Advanced age.
    • Personal intolerance to the components of the products.
    • Tendency to allergies.


    Therapeutic procedures for hair are the most useful, as they give not external, but internal results. They help get rid of problems such as dandruff, hair loss, and also improve the quality of hair shafts and follicle endurance.


    Mesotherapy is the introduction of cocktails rich in amino acids, microelements, and vitamins into the upper layers of the skin. The procedure helps stop hair loss or accelerate growth, get rid of dandruff, tone hair follicles, and strengthen blood vessels.

    The procedure is performed only in salons or clinics with a medical license, as it is an invasive procedure.


    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • oncology;
    • diseases of the circulatory system;
    • colds in the acute stage;
    • menstruation;
    • individual intolerance;
    • diabetes;
    • renal failure;
    • inflammatory processes of any nature.

    Cost – from 1500 rubles per session. It is carried out in a course of 10-12 procedures.

    Care instructions

    The effect of hair restoration procedures depends on how you care for it. Despite the fact that the techniques are intended to improve the condition of curls, after their use the strands require regular and careful care.

    Following all the recommendations of hairdressers is the key to the health and beauty of your hair. Experts urge you to adhere to the following rules:

    • we choose only mild shampoos that do not contain sulfate or parabens - these aggressive chemicals contribute to the rapid leaching of the protective layer and beneficial substances;
    • We try to wash our hair as little as possible - the more often the compositions present on the curls come into contact with detergents and water, the faster they are washed out;
    • We minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons and tight elastic bands - they quickly destroy the structure of the curls and give them a sloppy appearance.

    At home

    You can take care of your hair yourself at home. However, we recommend that you do the first procedure with the help of a professional.

    The Botox procedure is simple and is done in 4 stages:

    1. Wash your strands using a special shampoo. It will cleanse your hair of fat and dust particles. Next, dry your head with a towel.
    2. Apply serum along the entire length, which will give the hair nutrients along the entire length. The exposure time of the drug is 30 minutes.
    3. Apply a sealing product for five minutes and rinse with water. It will help maintain the effect.
    4. Now a mask is applied that does not need to be washed off. Throughout the procedure, carefully work through your hair and perform self-massage of the scalp.

    Video: Botox at home - step-by-step instructions.

    Lamination is also done in several stages:

    1. Cleaning hair with shampoo.
    2. Applying a nourishing mask along the length of the hair.
    3. Next, the “main product” is applied, preferably with a brush.
    4. The hair is warmed up using a hair dryer.
    5. The composition is washed off with warm water without shampoo.

    Video: lamination at home - instructions.

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