Alcohol after fillers: is it possible to combine alcohol with anti-aging injections?

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is produced by the body itself and has a high molecular structure. It is part of nervous, connective and epithelial tissue.

With age, the body produces less and less of this acid. But since hyaluronic acid is well tolerated by the body, if administered correctly and all measures are followed, it does not cause side effects.

Hyaluronic acid is used in cosmetology as a means of filling wrinkles, to improve the condition of facial skin and to enlarge lips. Fillers with hyaluronic acid injected into them completely harden in a few days. During this time, the body requires careful treatment.

Complications after the procedure

The physiological reaction of the dermis to the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin goes away independently, without treatment or additional intervention, without causing harm to the patient’s health. However, in some cases, due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor or the patient’s concealment of data about his state of health (when the desire to be attractive overshadows reason and a sense of self-preservation), unwanted and very serious complications arise:

  • The first signs of a dangerous development of the situation are hematomas, redness, papules, swelling that do not go away for 10 days or more. This is a reason to immediately contact a cosmetologist.
  • Fibrosis that has developed at the site of filler injection with a superficially located needle requires consultation with a surgeon (subject to surgical removal).
  • An incorrectly selected drug can lead to the development of thrombosis, ischemia of the skin area, and rarely to necrosis. In this case, only hyaluronidase, which destroys hyaluronic acid, can save the situation. It must be administered at the first signs of ischemia (numbness, loss of sensitivity, feeling of cold).
  • The development of herpetic infection is typical for patients with reduced immunity and requires special therapy.
  • Severe itching indicates the toxic effect of the filler on the human body and requires consultation with a gastroenterologist, allergist and dermatologist.
  • Rarely there is a reaction of individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid (genetic inheritance)

If the lip augmentation procedure is carried out by a highly qualified specialist, in compliance with all standards of asepsis and antiseptics, and the right choice of drug; If the patient has followed all the recommendations during the rehabilitation period, then nothing else can be expected except pleasure.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic fillers is modern, safe and effective. You can get detailed information about the procedure at a consultation with a cosmetologist at the aesthetic medicine clinic Soho Clinic (Moscow).

Hyaluronic acid and alcohol

In order to understand what results can be expected when combining beauty treatments and drinking alcohol, you need to analyze its effect on the body. Drinking alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration. As a result, swelling appears, the skin ages faster, and wrinkles form.

Hyaluronic acid injected into the lips helps to moisturize them for a long time. This is due to the fact that each molecule is capable of attracting and holding several hundred water molecules.

But with the simultaneous presence of filler and alcohol, the effect of hyaluronic acid changes. As a result:

  1. Hyaluronic acid begins to quickly break down and be absorbed into neighboring tissues, passing into the intercellular fluid.
  2. Drying of the skin is observed, including at puncture sites. As a result, cracks may appear and infection may occur.
  3. Alcohol has the property of increasing blood pressure and stimulating blood flow. But this is not advisable for cosmetic procedures, as it can provoke the formation of hematomas.

Alcohol after lip augmentation

After undergoing the lip filler procedure, it is recommended to abstain from drinking alcohol for several weeks. Following this simple rule will help you avoid complications and side effects, as well as prevent the hyaluronic acid from being completely absorbed without producing any results.

A strict ban on drinking alcoholic beverages is imposed on the first day. But it is advisable to refrain from using it for at least another 5 days.

Slow recovery

Loss of fluid when alcohol enters the body leads to a slowdown in the process of tissue regeneration. This changes blood counts and increases the risk of blood clots.

Blood vessels under the influence of alcohol endure a greater load - they first expand and then narrow. Against this background, pressure surges occur and disruption of the entire blood circulation process occurs, which will affect, including the area of ​​the lips that has undergone filler injection. Because of this, the tissues will not receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients.

Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid injections are a low-traumatic procedure that is usually well tolerated, the presence of alcohol in the body can cause side effects and slow down recovery.


Drinking alcohol-containing drinks leads to intensive removal of fluid from the body. Strong thirst indicates the need to replenish water balance. As a result, a person begins to drink a lot of water, which is retained in the body and causes swelling.


Alcohol also negatively affects the immune system. After a lip correction procedure, it is very important that no infection enters the body. But overdried areas with crusts formed become open gates for infection.

Unaesthetic effect

A gel with hyaluronic acid injected into the lips in the presence of alcohol in the body can either completely dissolve or harden unevenly. In this case, spots may appear on the contour of the mouth, which will differ in density and color from the natural surface of the lips.

This effect does not pose a health hazard, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. A cosmetologist will help eliminate it by injecting a product to neutralize hyaluronic acid into the lips.

Biorevitalization: mechanism of action of beauty injections

A few words about how beauty injections work and how the desired effect is achieved.
Renewal of the intercellular substance of the dermis and its cellular composition is a continuous process. In fact, the skin is constantly renewed through a self-healing process called physiological regeneration. In youth, the rate of physiological regeneration is high, due to which the skin maintains its tone and elastic properties. With age, the regenerative potential of tissues weakens. The proliferative and synthetic activity of cells decreases, and the degradation of collagen and hyaluronic acid molecules, which form the basis of the intercellular substance, begins. As a result of these changes, the skin loses its tone and becomes less elastic. External manifestations of aging are static wrinkles, deep folds, increased microrelief, and changes in skin color.

The goal of the biorevitalization course is to enhance the regenerative potential of integumentary tissues. The purpose of beauty injections is to stimulate the division, differentiation and synthetic function of fibroblasts - cells responsible for the synthesis of key components of the intercellular substance. Biorevitalizants promote renewal of the collagen framework, increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, improve skin hydration, and restore lost elasticity to it.

The desired changes are achieved by enhancing physiological tissue regeneration; in the context of biorevitalization and alcohol, it is important to focus on this. Most biorevitalizants include hyaluronic acid in combination with various organic compounds (vitamins, growth factors, trace elements, amino acids, homeopathic substances) that have a stimulating effect on regenerative mechanisms.

In other words, the goal of a course of anti-aging procedures is to renew and self-heal the dermis by activating internal reserves. Yes, under the influence of the introduced hyaluronic acid, tissue hydration improves, but its stimulating properties are much more important. The task of a cosmetologist is to stimulate restoration reactions, change the direction of the resulting vector of metabolism from gradual degradation to synthesis, renewal, rejuvenation!

When will alcohol be allowed?

In order to be confident in the effectiveness of the procedure for introducing fillers and to minimize unsuccessful consequences, it is advisable to abstain from alcoholic beverages for 5 days, or better yet, a couple of weeks after the procedure. This restriction applies not only to strong drinks, but also to low-alcohol drinks.

A ban on alcohol is not the only requirement after the introduction of hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to consult a cosmetologist about all the nuances of using decorative and caring cosmetics, as well as taking medications.

Drinking alcohol-containing drinks before hyaluronic acid injection

Cosmetologists working with hyaluronic acid recommend refraining from drinking strong drinks not only after the procedure, but also several days before it. This circumstance also affects the effectiveness of the procedure and the recovery period.

In addition to alcohol-containing drinks, products that can cause an allergic reaction or lead to dehydration are also prohibited. For example, smoked, salted and peppered dishes.

It is recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages for 3-4 days before the procedure.

Alcohol after lip augmentation increases the risk of side effects. In order for the results of filler injection to be good, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol and follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

How to make rehabilitation quick and effective?

To increase lip volume without complications, you must follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. During the rehabilitation period you cannot:

  • apply decorative cosmetics to lips;
  • smoke;
  • be exposed to UV radiation (sunbathing in a solarium or on the beach);
  • go to the sauna or bathhouse;
  • drink hot or very cold drinks.

In the first few days, you need to protect your lips from squeezing to avoid deformation and migration of the drug, so avoid passionate kisses, as well as scrubs and peels for a while. To prevent inflammatory processes, it is advisable to treat with chlorhexidine or the drug Miramistin. Any other non-alcohol based antiseptic will do.

Reviews from people

  1. Yulia, 33 years old: Enlarging my lips was my dream. Girls who have so little volume will understand me that paint or not apply lipstick - there is no effect. Before deciding on hyaluronic acid injections, I studied a lot of reviews on thematic forums. The main recommendation is to strictly comply with all the requirements voiced by the cosmetologist. And you also need to choose the cosmetologist himself very carefully, because you trust him with your appearance.
  2. Tatyana, 36 years old: As for alcohol, the ban is not accidental. My friend broke it, and all of her hyaluron simply disappeared, as if it had never been injected. She was very upset - she had invested money and it was all in vain. But it’s her own fault – the champagne a few hours after the fillers was clearly too much.

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