How to remove swelling and bruising under the eyes after fillers

Causes of complications

The main reasons for the formation of swelling, bruises, and bags under the eyes after administration of the composition are:

  1. The body's natural protective reaction to injections.
  2. Getting into a microcrack after injection of various infections, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
  3. Hydrophilicity is the ability of hyaluronic acid to bind, accumulate and retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis.
  4. Errors were made when choosing the drug, its dosage and the technique of the procedure. Injection of excess filler into soft tissue.
  5. Introduction of the drug into the surface layers of the skin. It is expressed by the formation of bruises and bags at the injection site.
  6. Failure to follow recommendations after the procedure. Drinking alcohol, smoking, taking medications that promote fluid retention in tissues.

About how fillers are made under the eyes >>

To prevent swelling after injection of filler under the eyes, you must strictly adhere to the advice and recommendations of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. And before introducing the composition, take into account existing contraindications.

What are the dangers of lumps and lumps after fillers and how to remove them?

Advertising for contour plastic surgery paints an attractive image of the future result, and during consultations specialists often gloss over the possibility of complications, so any deviation from the desired ideal becomes an unpleasant surprise for patients.

Lumps and lumps after fillers are one of the most common problems associated with “beauty injections.” Every woman, after an expensive and painful procedure, wants to see herself looking younger and prettier, but what to do if the gel that has collected in lumps, redness and swelling spoil the whole picture?

What causes this complication and is it worth worrying about? What to do: see a doctor right away or wait until everything resolves on its own? Will it help if I re-introduce the gel? Let's start with the fact that seals can be of different nature and require different methods of correction.

Why do bumps appear?

This trouble may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:

  • incorrect technique for administering the drug;
  • gel migration (its unplanned displacement in tissues);
  • inflammatory process in the injection area;
  • growth of connective tissue at the site of filler injection;
  • formation of a hematoma if vessels were damaged during the procedure;
  • development of a cyst (fluid-filled cavity) in tissues.

When should you not worry? Standard options

Not all women who have undergone a volumetric correction procedure for the first time are prepared for the fact that lumps and ridges can be felt in the treated area. But it’s not always worth worrying too much about them:

  • In cases where the gel has been injected to the correct depth, you can actually feel it with your fingers, although no seals will be noticeable from the outside. Most often this is typical for dense fillers. Gradually, as they dissolve, the lumps will decrease in size and soften.
  • It is also worth remembering that for several hours, or even a day after administration, preparations for contouring continue to spread in the tissues - hence there are so many field-procedural rules for facial care and other restrictions. You can control this process with the help of a special massage, which helps distribute the filler in the correct way. True, it is categorically not recommended to carry out it yourself, since you need to know how hard to press and where to direct the injected gel - the cosmetologist who performed the injections will best handle this.

How can you tell whether the filler has been injected correctly or not?

It’s very simple: you need to look at yourself in the mirror and answer three questions:

  • Are gel accumulations visible under the skin?
  • Is there obvious facial asymmetry?
  • Are there unusual deformations of certain areas of the face (appear as a result of gel displacement)?

If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. There is no need to worry ahead of time - for example, the same asymmetry can be caused by harmless swelling after injections, but it is better to see a specialist in order to exclude the possibility of any unpleasant side effects.

Bumps as a complication after injections

In the following situations, the appearance of seals is not considered normal; it neutralizes the entire aesthetic effect of the contour plastic surgery performed, and sometimes also threatens serious health problems:

  • Insufficiently deep injection of the drug due to incorrect injections, as well as the introduction of too much filler to patients with thin skin. In this case, accumulations of gel located close to the surface will be clearly visible visually - as bluish or grayish oval formations (Tyndall effect). Under the skin of the lips, such a lump may look like a cavity filled with liquid. There are two options: wait 1-2 months until the drug begins to dissolve and the lumps go away naturally, or remove excess filler at an accelerated pace - for example, with hyaluronidase.
  • Inflammatory process . It can develop either in one of the areas of the face that has undergone correction or throughout the entire treated area. The cause of inflammation is usually microorganisms that have entered the tissue through punctures, as well as the altered reactivity of our immunity, which is typical for people with autoimmune and some other diseases. Main symptoms: compaction, redness of the skin, local fever and pain. It is usually treated with a course of antibiotics. Under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor - the consequences of inflammation can be extremely severe, including necrosis of infected tissues.
  • Collection of blood . Most often it occurs after correction of the lips, since this is where the largest number of vessels are concentrated. The bump in this case is painful and may be visible under the skin of the red border of the lips as a brownish formation. Fortunately, such lumps do not require treatment and resolve on their own after a few days. In other areas of the face they do not form at all - here the blood usually saturates the tissues more evenly, forming flat, “spread” hematomas.

Rice. 1. Hematomas

  • Development of connective tissue (scars, nodules and cysts). It is typical for fillers based on hyaluronic acid, whose molecules stimulate the activity of fibroblasts - skin cells that are responsible for the formation of connective tissue fibers of collagen and elastin. Excessive stimulation can, over a period of days, weeks or months, lead to the formation of connective tissue clumps to form a scar, which, depending on its size and density, can be both palpable and visually noticeable (especially in the lip area, where significant asymmetry results ). Scars must be distinguished from cysts - cavity formations filled with fluid. Differential diagnosis can only be made using ultrasound. Treatment tactics in these two cases differ significantly, so you should not save on ultrasound, so as not to pay later for ineffective therapeutic procedures.

Rice. 2. Granuloma

How to get rid of lumps and lumps after fillers?

Contour plastic surgery is far from a new direction in cosmetology, so doctors have developed not only the most effective techniques for administering drugs, but also ways to correct the unsatisfactory results of volumetric facial correction. Let's take a closer look at them.

Strict adherence to post-procedure restrictions and proper facial care

It will be necessary to change your habits, slow down the pace of life and cooperate with a cosmetologist only 1-2 weeks after the injections - nothing complicated, especially in comparison with the difficulties that will have to be overcome when bumps or other complications appear.

Introducing additional portions of gel in order to correct the formed seals

Unfortunately, the most popular correction method today is even though it often only masks the existing problem for a while, and sometimes even gives the exact opposite effect.

It makes sense to “finish” the face only in cases where after the first procedure a slight asymmetry appeared (due to uneven distribution of the drug) or the first portion of the gel was not enough to create the required volume. But much more often, the additional introduction of filler not only does not hide the resulting defect, but also makes it even more noticeable. The repeated injection of the drug seems to push an existing lump to the surface, and also further increases the likelihood of excessive growth of connective tissue lumps.

And even if during the corrective procedure the unevenness can be masked, it is possible that problems will soon reappear. This is especially dangerous in the case of scarring, because the more time is lost, the more expensive the treatment will be and the less predictable the result will be.

Rice. 3. Lumps on the forehead after contouring

Introduction of drugs that accelerate the destruction and excretion of hyaluronic acid

Injections of the hyaluronidase enzyme make it possible to remove hyaluronic acid-based filler from tissue in just a few days. The main indications for their implementation:

  • hypercorrection (introduction of excess gel volume);
  • translucent filler due to too superficial injection or injection of too dense a product under thin skin;
  • tissue infection at the location of the filler;
  • excessive formation of connective tissue;
  • compression of blood vessels by filler with the threat of tissue necrosis (death).

Unfortunately, this enzyme does not work on preparations of other compositions, for example, those based on calcium hydroxyapatite, polylactic acid or collagen. In addition, due to its protein nature, it sometimes leads to the development of allergic reactions.

Administration of glucocorticosteroids and anti-scar enzymes

Steroid hormones suppress the activity of immune system cells and also promote the resorption of scars and granulomas. Such injections are indicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of a foreign body (filler) in the tissues causes a violent reaction from the immune system (not to be confused with inflammation due to bacterial infection);
  • hyperstimulation of fibroblasts led to the rapid growth of connective tissue compactions;
  • the presence of a connective tissue capsule prevents the resorption of the gel and supports the growth of granulomas.

A small dose is injected locally directly into the problem area. Typically, a single injection is sufficient to obtain the desired result. True, such injections can provoke their own complications, including the appearance of retracted atrophic scars at the injection sites. In addition, they are ineffective against seals located in the lip area.

Rice. 4. It happens that the bumps are the result of an infection, but an unscrupulous cosmetologist refuses to admit his mistake and insists that it is an allergic reaction. To remove the “allergies”, steroids are administered. And since they suppress local immunity, inflammation ultimately only progresses, sometimes taking very serious forms.

To correct scar/connective tissue defects, enzyme preparations such as “Lidases” and “Longidases” are sometimes used - they do not affect the immune system, have fewer contraindications, but otherwise their principle of action, capabilities and disadvantages are almost the same as those of steroids.

Hardware cosmetology

There are procedures that can be used to speed up the metabolism in tissues and, as a result, the resorption of the gel that has collected in lumps. The most popular of them are ultrasonic massage and darsonval. However, they are indicated only in cases where there is no fibrosis, inflammation, or hemorrhage. The disadvantage of the method is the slow achievement of results, but the advantage is the absence of the risk of developing complications such as the appearance of atrophic scars and allergic reactions.

Plastic surgery

The most extreme case, which is resorted to only when the bumps do not respond to conservative treatment. Typically, such intervention is necessary to remove complex connective tissue nodes and cysts, as well as to remove non-absorbable biopolymer gels. And if the cyst can be emptied through a simple puncture, and the nodes can be removed through incisions on the side of the oral mucosa, then it is almost impossible to remove biopolymers from tissues without leaving marks on the face - this is one of the reasons why such fillers have been banned for the second decade for use.

Rice. 5. After surgery to remove biopolymer gel from the lips and nasolabial folds

Is it possible to insure yourself against complications?

It is no secret that the main key to successful contouring is choosing the right specialist. And it is also the most difficult part of the plan. A woman can be so inspired by the dream of making her lips plump or making other changes to her appearance that she trusts her face to the first person she meets. Often, the desire to save money plays an important role here, which ultimately leads to additional expenses on procedures to eliminate various kinds of undesirable consequences:

  • It should be understood that the difference in prices for services is not always due to the status of the clinic and the appetites of the cosmetologist alone. Much more often it is determined by the difference in the quality of specialist training. Compare: facial contouring can be performed by a doctor with a higher medical education, training in general, plastic and reconstructive surgery, a thorough knowledge of facial anatomy and extensive experience in performing both minimally invasive aesthetic corrections and full-fledged plastic surgeries. Or maybe he’s a recent graduate of a non-core medical school, performing injections according to a scheme that was once shown to him during a course and which may not be suitable for a particular patient (not to mention the notorious “girls at home”).
  • The quality of the specialist’s training is important both when you need to choose the most suitable drug for a certain area of ​​the face, and if complications arise after the procedure - and they happen not only due to medical errors, much more often the cause is the patient’s excessive carelessness or simply an unpredictable set of circumstances. In this case, an experienced cosmetologist will provide the necessary treatment and then repeat the contouring procedure, while it will be easier for an amateur to refuse the client and let someone else solve the unwanted problem.

Experts' opinions

Alekseenko Nelly Aleksandrovna – dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, mycologist, candidate of medical sciences, Doctor Shikhirman Clinic (Moscow).

There are several reasons why lumps may appear after filler injections:

  • If nonspecific inflammation develops in the dermis in response to hyaluronic acid. This reaction is considered normal and usually goes away without treatment within 3-5 days.
  • If the filler is chosen incorrectly, that is, it consists of too high a concentration of hyaluronic acid. In this case, the infiltrate will not resolve on its own and treatment with special medications will be required.
  • Due to purulent-septic inflammation. In addition to infiltration, there is pain at the injection site, redness and a local increase in temperature. The problem can be caused by various factors: violation of the rules of septic and asepsis, non-sterility of the drug itself, concomitant diseases of the patient, decreased immunity, etc. In this case, treatment by the attending physician and the prescription of local and systemic antibacterial therapy are necessary.
  • Due to the development of fibrous tissue. In this case, the seal may not appear immediately, but within a month. Most often, this is an individual reaction of the patient’s body to the administration of the drug. If treatment is started promptly, this complication can be reduced.

Gogiberidze Nino Malkhazovna – dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Clinic K+31 (Moscow).

Seals after injection are formed directly due to the administration of the drug. They can be of various types:

  • hematomas and bumps from the administration of the drug;
  • fibrosis due to the ability of the skin to produce new collagen too quickly, which rapidly grows at the injection site, forming compactions;
  • granulomas are small nodules on the surface of the skin that arise as a result of the body’s immune reaction to a foreign drug.

Lumps remaining in the skin for up to 5 days are normal. If after this period the bumps still have not resolved, you should not self-medicate, massage your face, etc. - immediately contact your doctor, as he knows where he injected and with what drug, he will be able to take immediate measures and give further care recommendations.

Also, before injections, it is imperative to check the expiration date of the filler, the syringe must be opened in front of the patient, and upon completion of the procedure, the patient is given a special sticker that contains all the information about the drug, which must be kept.

Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin – leading plastic surgeon at the Studiomed clinic, Ph.D. (Moscow).

Due to tissue trauma, a slight inflammation and hematoma always forms at the injection site, but all this should go away the next day. If after 7-10 days the bump and redness still remain, we can talk about a complication or superficial administration of the drug. What to do next? In the case of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, after 6-24 months they should completely resolve. If this does not happen, then the question of surgical treatment may arise.

Based on materials from Plastic surgery: technologies for effective correction

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Contour plastic surgeryComplicationsFillers

Contraindications for injection of fillers

To prevent unwanted reactions of the body to the procedure, it is important to take into account the existing contraindications for its implementation:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period,
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Inflammatory rashes in the area of ​​filler injection, dermatological diseases on the face,
  • Individual intolerance to filler components, hyaluronic acid,
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.

The cosmetologist must inform you about these contraindications before performing the procedure. Considering the existing disorders in the body, it is advisable to postpone the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin until the disorder is eliminated.

Lip augmentation: swelling after the procedure is an unpleasant side effect

Despite all the charm and effectiveness of this mechanism for adjusting the shape of the mouth and filling it with splendor, the method provokes redness and swelling. Injections are made with very thin needles to minimize trauma to the skin. But it is inevitable, an injection is an injection, and the integrity of the epidermis is violated, barely noticeable dots appear. Sometimes such spots transform into severe bruises after lip augmentation.

The area of ​​manipulation undergoes a process of inflammation. The doctor must warn you about this and give professional recommendations on what you will need to do: how to care for the piercing area after the session, what you should not do, what you need to do so that the swelling of the lips after the injections goes away as soon as possible. By following the advice of a specialist, you will help your body easily cope with swelling and redness quickly and without consequences. Most often, the first noticeable positive changes take from 2 to 7 days. Then the process goes faster, and after 10-12 days you will see the final result of the procedure without inflammation.

Of course, a week, ten days is quite a long time. And all this time you will have to walk around with an unpleasant side effect on your face. But if you had manipulations done in the clinic and your skin is not overly sensitive or allergic, then swelling after lip correction will be quite acceptable. Discomfort and unpleasant sensations in this case will be minimized. May you be reassured by the fact that no hyaluronate mouth correction procedure can be done without this side effect. Such painful, alarming swelling is just a consequence of internal changes in the lower layers of the epidermis. You will see daily changes for the better.

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Possible complications

If the biorevitalization procedure is carried out incorrectly, the following complications may occur.


A bruise under the eye after fillers can occur:

  • With impaired metabolism,
  • When blood and tissue fluid accumulate under the skin,
  • For thin skin under the eyes,
  • Abuse of bad habits, poor diet, stress.

To eliminate a bruise after filler, apply an ice pack to it for 5 to 10 minutes every 2 hours. To prevent the appearance of a bruise within 7 days after the procedure, it is important to avoid moderate physical activity and the use of medications that cause bruising (Aspirin, Motrin).


Bags under the eyes after fillers are a rarer complication.

May occur in the following cases:

  • Increased skin sensitivity to filler components,
  • Very thin skin
  • Damage to blood vessels, micro effusions of blood under the skin,
  • Tendency to dermatological diseases,
  • Diseases of the urinary system.

Bags under the eyes disappear on their own within 10 to 14 days.

If after this time the bags have not resolved, you should contact a cosmetologist who will help eliminate this problem.

About correction of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers >>


Swelling is the most common complication after hyaluronic acid injection. Swelling should go away on its own within 5 to 8 days after the procedure. Edema appears in the case of:

  • Exceeding the permissible amount of filler required for injection,
  • Deep injection of the composition under the skin,
  • Individual intolerance to filler components,
  • The client's tendency towards swelling.
  • Skin pigmentation. Occurs when the client’s blood clotting is reduced and the integrity of blood vessels is compromised.
  • Filler migration under the skin. Occurs when the procedure is carried out incorrectly. The composition “flows” into neighboring areas of the face and causes puffiness and swelling in the areas of migration.
  • Seals in the area of ​​filler injection, the appearance of nodules (granulomas), and irregularities.

The procedure for introducing fillers under the eyes must be carried out only in specialized cosmetology rooms with a trusted specialist. For administration, use only proven high-quality formulations.

How to prevent swelling after lip correction

In order not to provoke an increase in swelling and to speed up its resolution as much as possible, there are a number of restrictions after the procedure. Within 4-6 days you should exclude:

  • massage (meaning procedures in the facial area);
  • frequent touching of hands to and around the lips;
  • excessive physical activity, fitness or training (especially in the first days);
  • strong alcoholic drinks;
  • visiting saunas, baths, solarium;
  • smoking the first day after the procedure (can cause infection in the area of ​​soft tissue punctures);
  • use of peelings, face and lip scrubs;
  • use of decorative cosmetics for lips;
  • performing wax depilation in areas near the lips;
  • visits to the dentist within the first two weeks after lip augmentation.

It is also recommended to eliminate the habit of licking or biting your lips, as this will negatively affect their condition and may cause increased swelling.

Kissing after lip augmentation

One of the most popular questions from the fair sex. Girls, we well understand your desire to immediately show the advantage of your new volumes to your halves. However, you should wait at least until the swelling subsides, and preferably 6-7 days after the procedure. Although light and airy kisses are completely permitted!

If I follow the rules, but my lips are still big?!

Additional reasons that cause severe swelling after the lip correction procedure are:

  • allergic reaction to the drugs or anesthetics used (tests are recommended before the procedure);
  • Exceeding the dose of filler and excessive “pumping” of the lips causes not only an unnatural and unaesthetic appearance, but also the appearance of serious swelling (since preparations based on hyaluronic acid tend to attract water);
  • development of secondary tissue infection if the rules for filler injection or lip care are violated;

If you feel that after visiting a cosmetologist something is wrong or the swelling persists longer than the specified period, you must definitely visit a doctor for consultation.

How to get rid of swelling and bruises?

You can quickly get rid of swelling using the following measures:

  • Stimulate blood circulation in the manipulation area using:
  • warm compress,
  • massage,
  • applying ice compresses,
  • the use of vasodilating ointments and creams.
  • Conducting microcurrent therapy. The effect of low-frequency electric current on tissue promotes muscle contraction, improvement of microcirculation of lymphatic fluid and blood, activation of the metabolic process and tissue regeneration. Carrying out 3 – 5 procedures helps to get rid of bruises, swelling, bags under the eyes.
  • Biostimulation is the effect of electrical impulses on muscle tissue, lymphatic and circulatory systems. The current strength, its amplitude and contraction frequency are selected individually. For an effective noticeable result, it is necessary to carry out from 3 to 8 procedures, depending on the degree of complexity.

The cosmetologist will tell you which method to choose, taking into account the available indications and contraindications.

Precautionary measures

To avoid swelling under the eyes after fillers, you must adhere to the following rules of prevention:

  • Avoid using decorative cosmetics after filler injection,
  • Refuse to visit the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, gym,
  • Do not take medications that thin the blood, antibiotics, antidepressants,
  • Adhere to a proper diet, a gentle diet, keep a drinking regime,
  • Do not touch the filler injection site with your hands, do not apply ointments and creams to it that were not prescribed by a cosmetologist.

Compliance with these recommendations for 2-3 weeks after the procedure will help to avoid complications and unforeseen consequences.

For safe and effective results when injecting fillers under the eyes, it is important to choose a qualified specialist - a cosmetologist.

He will be able, taking into account existing contraindications, the individual characteristics of the client and possible risks, to select the most optimal composition for administration under the eyes. And then complications in the form of swelling, bruises, bags under the eyes will not bother the client.

The article has been verified by a medical practitioner.
Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience. More details... Share on social networks:

Features of the lip augmentation procedure and swelling

In modern cosmetology, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used to enlarge lips. The drugs do not cause complications (subject to the conditions of administration) and are administered using needles or cannula technology. This process causes slight injury to the soft tissues, which causes swelling.

The lip correction procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist who knows how to properly inject filler. It is generally accepted that the smallest number of punctures helps reduce injury and subsequent swelling. Our cosmetologists recommend making one puncture, after which you do not remove the needle completely, but simply change the direction of introducing fillers from one puncture.

Swelling after the lip augmentation procedure persists for two to three days, after which it disappears without a trace. Often swelling lasts longer - three to five days, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The tissues themselves take longer to recover, since during the procedure vascular damage often occurs, externally manifesting itself in the form of small hematomas.

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