Hernias or swelling? We'll tell you how to understand what exactly is hidden in the “bags under the eyes”

Swelling under the lower eyelashes and drawn-out folds under the eyes do not decorate the face at all, making the look tired, sad and adding age.

Why do protrusions form in the eye area? The skin of the eyelids is the thinnest in the entire body, therefore it stretches, the fatty tissue is loose and located superficially, has the shape of a sponge, therefore it absorbs liquid like a sponge, and, accordingly, is prone to swelling.

How to determine where the hernia is and where the swelling is

It is quite difficult to recognize where the hernia is and where the swelling is. Only a doctor can determine this. But if the bags under the eyes are always hernias, “just liquid” does not lie under the eyes all the time!

What is a hernia? They are hypertrophied overgrown adipose tissue. As we age, the tissues around the eyes, including some of the muscles that support the eyelids, weaken. The fat that helps support the eyes can then move into the lower eyelids, causing the eyelids to become puffy.

Reconstruction of the lower eyelids, photo from the archive of surgeon D.R. Grishkyan, there are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.
Puffiness under the eyes is a slight swelling, most often temporary, caused by the accumulation of fluid due to improper eating habits (salty, spicy foods), drinking a lot of fluid at night, or appearing as a symptom of a disease.

Before you start fighting hernias, you need to make sure that they are really hernias and not swelling. If it is edema, then you can get rid of it with medication, nutritional adjustments and other non-radical methods prescribed by the doctor. Indeed, you need to see a doctor; based on the results of the examination, he will be able to determine whether any disease is causing the swelling.

Photo from D.R. Grishkyan’s website, there are contraindications.
specialist consultation is required. If it turns out that you have hernias, then only plastic surgery is used here - blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, lipofilling, or a combination of these operations.

But what about lipolytics , you say, or meso-cocktails for hernias, which some cosmetologists offer to clients? Remember, no lipolytics will help with hernias. As for mesopreparations, they exist to improve microcirculation and skin quality, and not to treat hernias. They are more likely to affect dark circles under the eyes.

The same applies to hardware procedures; they thicken the skin, which allows the hernia to be slightly contained, but do not remove it.


In this case, “cocktails” of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, oligoelements and other substances beneficial to the skin are injected subcutaneously. This course procedure: 4-5 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days. Mesotherapy maintains the hydration of the skin at the required level, and also performs a healing function - with its help, acne is treated and age spots are eliminated.


What to do if wrinkles under the eyes have already appeared?

As practice shows, most people turn to a cosmetologist when signs of age are visible to the naked eye, and at the same time they want to solve all their problems in one procedure. Let's say right away that this is impossible. To restore youth to your face, a set of serious measures will be required, which is why it is so important to prevent chronoaging and regularly take care of the condition of the skin.

The most effective method for quickly smoothing out wrinkles around the eyes is botulinum therapy. With the help of injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin type A (Dysport, Xeomin, Botox), muscle activity is temporarily blocked, and wrinkles caused by their tension are gradually leveled out. This method perfectly eliminates transverse wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The result lasts for about 4-6 months, then the procedure must be repeated.

It is worth considering that if the furrows are deep, then botulinum therapy can be combined with contour plastic surgery - the introduction of fillers. In this case, the effect will be visible immediately after the procedure, but slight swelling may be observed for 2-3 days.

Often, in addition to the network of wrinkles under the eyes, people are bothered by “bruises” in this area. To eliminate them, bioreparation using injections of gel for intradermal administration Meso Eye C71 or contour plastic surgery of the nasolacrimal groove are used.

In the first case, a drug with a unique composition, which includes peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and amino acids, is injected into the periorbital area. A course of such procedures strengthens the walls of blood vessels in this area and increases their tone, making the skin more elastic and youthful.

When filler is injected into the nasolacrimal grooves that run from the inner corners of the eyes downwards, they are leveled, raised, and due to this, the depressions under the eyes become less noticeable, and the face takes on a fresh, rejuvenated appearance. This procedure is carried out once a year.

Botulinum therapy

If there are contraindications to injection cosmetology techniques, the doctor may recommend a hardware method of combating wrinkles - SMAS lifting. This is a unique technology for ultrasonic skin rejuvenation, which can be applied both to the entire face and to individual areas, including around the eyes. It must be said that the result of the procedure appears gradually and increases over 3-4 months. This is due to the fact that under the influence of focused ultrasound waves, the aponeurotic layer is heated, which stimulates the gradual production of new collagen and tissue tightening. This procedure is carried out once every 1.5-2 years.

Which of the listed methods will be effective in each specific case is decided by the cosmetologist after examining and collecting the patient’s medical history.

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle and hope that there is a magic cream that will get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. But, unfortunately, there is no such remedy. Creams, serums and masks act only on the surface layer of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it, which can help prevent the appearance of furrows and folds.

Our cosmetologists have been working with professional cosmetics from Sothys (France) since 2002 and recommend the following for home use:

  • Multi-active eye care cream
  • A corrector against dark circles that will help hide them
  • Energy-saturating gel for this area.

We are often asked the question: “How to fight wrinkles around the eyes with massage and gymnastics?” Indeed, there are special massage techniques that provide a lifting effect. These include myoplastic massage, which, due to its deep impact on facial tissues, including the area around the eyes, makes the contours more toned. But such a procedure must be performed by a specialist who has undergone appropriate training and has a good knowledge of the anatomy of the face. Self-massage without professional supervision can be harmful and aggravate the problem.

As for facial gymnastics, to date there is no confirmed evidence that such exercises are beneficial. If you want to prolong your youth and get rid of wrinkles, we advise you to contact certified cosmetologists.

Pronounced nasolacrimal groove

This problem becomes more pressing with age. The skin loses its firmness, elasticity, and becomes less hydrated. There may also be other reasons for the appearance of tear troughs. For example, in the presence of a genetic predisposition or chronic diseases.

The main way to solve the problem is contour plastic surgery. She can quickly and effectively correct this area. Thanks to fillers based on hyaluronic acid, it is possible to hide all the unevenness under the eyes, remove dark circles, and at the same time moisturize dry skin. The result is noticeable immediately and lasts for a long time.

Features of care after 50

During this period, the body produces less and less collagen and hyaluronic acid, the influence of gravity becomes even more noticeable - tissues sag, in addition to wrinkles, deep creases form. Therefore, to eliminate such changes, a larger volume of botulinum toxin and filler injections is usually required, a regular course of bioreparation is necessary to improve the quality of the skin, and SMAS lifting is necessary to tighten it.

We think everyone knows that the condition of the skin directly depends on the conditions and lifestyle of a person, including the nutritional system. For example, there are products that prolong her youth. These are nuts, beets, beans, peas, lentils, broccoli, eggs, greens, fatty fish. As you can see, there is nothing exotic or expensive on the list.

Now let’s talk about what accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and what should be avoided.

Here is our anti-rating:

  • Smoking and alcohol abuse
  • Excessive tanning (including in a solarium)
  • Insufficient consumption of clean water
  • Passion for sweets (candy, cakes, etc.)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Unfavorable environmental situation
  • Improper skin care: aggressive home peelings, poor quality skin cleansing.

Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles

If the first signs of aging appear, you need to urgently take action by changing your usual care in accordance with age-related characteristics. This will reduce the rate of increase in the depth of wrinkles and their number. For quick results, you can contact specialists to smooth your facial skin in a beauty salon:

  • Botox injections are injected under the skin in problem areas. It deprives the nerve of the treated area of ​​sensitivity, filling the voids that once belonged to collagen. The wrinkle above the injected drug is smoothed out instantly.
  • For deep wrinkles of great length, contour plastic methods can be used. They involve the introduction of implants under the skin that do not allow the epidermis to sag and wrinkle.
  • Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct sagging upper eyelids. During the intervention, excess skin is cut off. The eyelid no longer has a stretched look, the drooping disappears.
  • Injections with hyaluronic acid. As a rule, such procedures are done in a course. Over a certain period of time, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected several times at a given interval, which fill the skin with a substance that prolongs youth. The face becomes smoothed and tightened.

The effectiveness of ultrasound in the fight against uneven facial skin textures

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is one of the important steps in cosmetology; thanks to its action, uneven skin surfaces caused by acne in the past are reduced. An uneven surface of the skin is most often formed due to damaged cells and skin particles that are located between the layers of the skin. It's a fact that oily skin tends to produce five times more dead cells than normal skin, making it more prone to blemishes. For oily skin, it is essential to keep it sufficiently hydrated to ensure that sebum production is reduced. The skin's natural reaction to protect a dehydrated surface is to increase the amount of the above substance.

Ultrasonic cleansing causes the skin to speed up the skin cell renewal process to replace damaged skin on the surface layer. The causes and treatment of uneven facial skin texture are determined and prescribed by a qualified dermatologist. New ultrasound treatment methods help many people maintain youth and beauty.

The initial stage in smoothing the skin relief with ultrasound is diagnosis. Determining the cause of the existing skin condition will allow all measures to be carried out comprehensively, competently and effectively.

In order to learn how to remove uneven facial skin texture, clinic patients are told about the effectiveness of modern ultrasound devices used for therapeutic purposes to even out facial skin texture, confirming their safety and effectiveness with practical results. Feedback from patients who were helped to improve skin texture with ultrasound testify to the quality and effectiveness of such an event.


Serums for the care of sagging skin around the eyes are created on the basis of biologically active components, have a light, non-greasy structure, due to which they penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and are well absorbed in the subcutaneous tissue. The bioavailability and concentration of nutritional components in the product is 2 times higher than in various creams and ointments. Serums have the following effect on skin condition:

  • restore tissue elasticity;
  • eliminate wrinkles;
  • normalize water and electrolyte balance;
  • activate collagen production, improve microcirculation;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • whiten and relieve a person from hyperpigmentation.

To obtain maximum effect, apply the serum in the morning and evening to cleansed skin. 2-3 drops of the product are distributed with gentle tapping movements. After 20 minutes, a moisturizer is applied to fix the concentrate on the eyelids.

In winter, serum and cream should be applied 40 minutes before going out. Otherwise, they will not have time to be absorbed and can injure the skin by turning into ice crystals.

It is necessary to select serum depending on age:

  1. After 25 years, the skin needs serums with plenty of vitamins and collagen. At this age, the aging process is activated, so it is necessary to start taking care of your skin as quickly as possible.
  2. In the period from 30 to 45 years, moisturizing serums are suitable, restoring the normal water-salt balance in the upper layers of the dermis. The product improves skin protection, eliminates the feeling of tightness and prevents the appearance of sagging.
  3. After 50 years, you should buy anti-aging products along with a nourishing cream. For older women, two-phase serums with a special mark “serum in oil” are suitable.

If, in addition to age-related changes, a woman is bothered by age spots, she should buy a serum with kojic acid.

Homemade masks

Homemade masks can be effective against sagging skin under the eyes. When using them, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The ingredients for making masks must be fresh. Do not use cold or hot mixtures. Formulations should be taken at room temperature.
  2. Before using the product, you must do an allergy test. To do this, it is recommended to apply a drop of the mixture to the inside of the wrist, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse. If the process does not cause rash, itching or other unpleasant sensations, the mask can be applied to the skin under the eyes.
  3. It is recommended to apply the product using a cotton pad. It will ensure fixation of the mask under the eyes and evenly distribute the composition on the skin.

To obtain maximum effect, you must apply the selected product 2-3 times a week.

After the procedure, you should moisturize the skin around the eyes with vegetable oils from sea buckthorn, almond, olive or jojoba. After 15 minutes from the moment of application, blot off excess product with a dry cloth.

From oatmeal and honey

The phytonutrients contained in oatmeal and the nutrients in honey restore tissue trophism and provide the skin with vitamins and minerals. To prepare the mask you should take:

  • 30 ml honey;
  • 15 ml each of water and concentrated black tea;
  • 25 g oatmeal.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. After this, the warm composition should be applied to the skin and wait 20 minutes. The product is washed off with cool water.

From parsley root

The root system of parsley contains a large amount of beneficial plant components that relieve inflammation and tone the skin. The mask contains 1 plant root. It must be thoroughly washed and cleaned, then grind the ingredient using a blender or grate on a fine grid. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.

From aloe and honey

The most effective means for cleansing the skin and normalizing water-electrolyte metabolism in epithelial tissue include masks based on aloe juice. To increase the positive effect on the skin, honey should be added to it. The combination of natural ingredients increases the tone of facial muscles, eliminates puffiness and eliminates facial wrinkles.

To prepare the mask you will need the following components:

  • 15 ml aloe juice;
  • 15 ml liquid honey.

The prepared solution is applied under the eyes using cotton wool or a brush for 20 minutes.

Curd and herbal

The fermented milk product in combination with herbs has a sedative effect on soft tissues, relieving the skin on the lower eyelids from sagging. The mask moisturizes the dermis. To prepare it you need:

  • 20 g cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. sage;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  • 150 ml boiling water.

The herbs should be filled with hot water and left in a warm place for 30 minutes. Afterwards, you need to drain the liquid into a separate cup, grind the remaining sage and chamomile with butter and curd mass. The resulting mixture should be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which you need to apply the product to your eyes and wait another 20 minutes. Then you should wash off the mask with the remaining broth in the cup.

From linden and chamomile

Linden and chamomile remove excess fluid from tissues, improve elasticity and relieve skin inflammation. To prepare the mask, you need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l. linden flowers;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • a glass of boiling water.

You need to mix the dry mixture and brew the herbs with hot water, leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, soak cotton pads in the broth and then apply them to the skin for 20 minutes.

Features of the structure of the skin around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is due to the anatomical features of the area, a number of age-related changes in normal structures, as well as negative influences from the environment.

Due to its structural features, the skin of the periorbital area is more susceptible to aging and this is where we see the first signs of age-related changes.

  • Thin epidermis , consists of only 2-3 rows of spinous cells (in other areas 8-15), the granular layer is absent, and the stratum corneum is very thin.
  • There is also an advantage: the thin epidermis ensures rapid and deep penetration of active ingredients.
  • The skin of the eyelids is quite reactive and prone to allergic reactions, and contains a large number of mast cells. Products for the area around the eyes should be chosen only from proven brands and hypoallergenic.
  • A small number of sebaceous glands , they are monocotyledonous and concentrated along the edge of the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes - the skin around the eyes is more prone to dryness and dehydration.
  • The pH of the skin in the periorbital zone is higher and leans towards the alkaline side - less protection against inflammatory processes.
  • The dermis of the periorbital zone is thin , the papillary layer is poorly defined. There is little collagen, elastin fibers are poorly developed, there is no subcutaneous fatty tissue, which provokes earlier aging

Why do wrinkles form around the eyes at 30?

Factors leading to the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Skin dehydration is the most common cause and the most “forgotten”. By returning moisture to the skin, it is easy to remove the first wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Active facial expressions combined with anatomically thin skin and the absence of fatty tissue in this area.
  • Photoaging - with a passion for tanning, even in the old days several years ago, there is an accumulation of cellular damage. These breakdowns lead to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Digital – aging – a large amount of screen time spent in front of a computer, tablet and smartphone. Today, in cosmetology, irradiation of the skin with “Blue Light” from gadget screens has gained great importance - the reason for the start of the skin aging process.
  • Age-related changes - involutionary processes that start at the age of 25, lead to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in the area around the eyes. At the age of 30, the influence of these processes is minimal, but when exposed to other negative factors, it manifests itself in the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • Swelling – when there is a tendency to edema due to impaired microcirculation, overstretching of the skin occurs. The result is that folds form. Skin laxity and wrinkles.
  • Diet violations - when you abuse sweets, collagen glycation processes occur, i.e. gluing it with sugars. The result is that the fibers become hard, rigid and inelastic. Creases form.
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