Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. The best plastic surgeons

Gulko Yuri Ivanovich

Plastic surgeon in Minsk.

Gulko Yuri Ivanovich was born on February 20, 1964.

Plastic surgeries performed:

  • Rhinoplasty. Usually performed using a closed method. It is possible to perform revision rhinoplasty.
  • Breast surgery. Breast augmentation (three types of access are used: periareolar, subaxillary, submammary). Breast lift with areola correction. Breast reduction – it is possible to maintain lactation.
  • Blepharoplasty. Lower, upper blepharoplasty.
  • Tummy tuck. Both standard surgery and mini abdominoplasty are possible.
  • Liposuction. Performed on various areas: stomach, chin, hips, sides, waist, knees.
  • Otoplasty. Correction of protruding ears.
  • Facelift. Lower third + neck, middle third + eyelids, and also upper third.
  • Correction of scars and scars. Treatment of hypertrophic scars is possible.
  • Buttock surgery.
  • Plastic surgery of the shin.
  • Intimate plastic surgery.
  • It is possible to perform other rare operations not listed in this list.


  • 1980-1985 studying at the Minsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor State Medical Institute, majoring in dentistry.
  • 2011-2012 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, retraining in plastic surgery.
  • 1994 He defended his thesis and was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • 2005 Assigned the second qualification category in the specialty of maxillofacial surgery.


  • 08/01/1985 – 07/31/1986 – intern, Vitebsk Regional Dental Clinic.
  • 08/01/1986 – 04/07/1987 – dental surgeon, Vitebsk City Dental Clinic.
  • 04/16/1987 – 10/01/1988 – dentist, Glubokoe Central District Hospital, Babichevskaya Hospital.
  • From 1988 to 1995 – State Institution “Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after. N.N. Alexandrova". oncologist of the ENT department. junior researcher at the Department of Combined Radiation Therapy and the Department of Rehabilitation. Researcher at the Department of Rehabilitation and Plastic Surgery.
  • Since 1995 to 1997 – Senior researcher and head of the orthopedic department, Research Institute for Expertise of Legal Capacity and Labor Organization of Disabled People.
  • 10.15.1997 – 08.20.1998 – Chief Physician for Commercial Affairs, Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical Unit of the State Enterprise MMZ named after S.I. Vasilyeva.
  • 08/21/1998 – 01/03/2000 – Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Inkras LLC
  • 01/04/2000 – 01/12/2004 – assistant at the department of maxillofacial surgery, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
  • 01/13/2004 – 06/06/2005 – maxillofacial surgeon, Medical and diagnostic private unitary enterprise “Optimed”
  • 06/07/2005 – 10/26/2009 – doctor of the department of reconstructive plastic surgery, ODO “Anusan”
  • 02.11.2009 – 15.07.2013 – doctor of the department of reconstructive plastic surgery, JLLC “KMKmed”
  • From August 2013 to the present - Private Unitary Enterprise "Astarta Plus"

Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. The best plastic surgeons

The international award in the field of beauty and health, Diamond Beauty, has summed up the results of its regular annual voting. This year, the winners in various categories were determined not by members of an independent expert commission, but by ordinary patients who had undergone aesthetic surgery with surgeons who participated in the voting.

For each candidate for victory, patients could cast only 1 positive and/or negative vote. All votes went through a moderation process to avoid false competition results. When summing up the results, only the votes of real people who provided confirmed information about undergoing a particular plastic surgery were taken into account.

Both positive and negative votes influenced the final rating. If 15 people voted for a specialist and 3 voted against, his total points are 12.

Today, Diamond Beauty nominees include only the deservedly BEST plastic surgery specialists and clinics. Considering the increasing number of unsuccessful operations in Russia and the CIS, Diamond Beauty advocates that potential patients take into account the results of an OBJECTIVE analysis of the aesthetic surgery market and cooperate ONLY with trusted specialists and clinics!

Belarus. Best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty 2015

Nominees : Viktor Vasilievich Baryash, Yuri Ivanovich Gulko, Nikolai Nikolaevich Kurilovich.

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Winner - Yuri Gulko

Plastic, reconstructive, maxillofacial surgeon.

Yuri Gulko has been in plastic surgery for a quarter of a century, but such a long period of time does not prevent him from continuing to develop professionally. Regularly taking advanced training courses is proof of this. Over the years, Dr. Gulko has performed about 15,000 aesthetic surgeries, which helped the surgeon gain respect and recognition from Belarusian patients. Yuri Ivanovich especially often performs rhinoplasty; Regular implementation of this operation led to the doctor's mastery of all methods of nose surgery. When performing rhinoplasty, the surgeon prefers a closed approach, which ensures the absence of any postoperative traces

Belarus. Best plastic surgeon for facial plastic surgery 2015

Nominees : Baryash Viktor Vasilievich, Boyko Andrey Vladimirovich, Mechkovsky Sergey Yulyanovich.

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Winner - Sergey Mechkovsky

Plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Winner of the Belarusian competition “Best Doctor 2007” in the “Surgeon” category.

Today, Sergei Mechkovsky is considered a leading specialist in facial plastic surgery in Belarus. His competence includes the implementation of rejuvenating and beautifying operations of any degree of complexity. Dr. Mechkovsky is also actively involved in scientific activities: he publishes in specialized publications and is the author of more than 20 inventions and innovation proposals. The surgeon achieves high aesthetic results thanks to perseverance, hard work, constant self-improvement, as well as a well-developed artistic taste. Patients note the doctor’s willingness to listen to their wishes as much as possible, while taking into account the possibilities of modern surgery.

Belarus. Best plastic surgeon for breast surgery 2015

Nominees : Gulko Yuri Ivanovich, Kosinets Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Stasevich Oleg Valerievich.

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Winner - Vladimir Kosinets

Plastic, reconstructive surgeon. Doctor of Medical Sciences.

If not all, then many patients in Belarus and Russia have heard about Vladimir Kosinets as a talented specialist in mammoplasty. Dr. Kosinets successfully performs all types of reconstructive plastic interventions in the mammary glands. The surgeon’s relatively young age did not prevent him from becoming the author of more than 80 scientific papers. Dr. Kosinets performs all types of reconstructive and aesthetic surgeries, but he considers breast augmentation, reduction, and lifting to be the most professionally preferable. Masterfully masters VECTRA-XT three-dimensional modeling technology, which allows you to accurately predict the outcome of the operation.

Ukraine. Best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty 2015

Nominees : Borodko Alexander Vasilievich, Patlazhan Gennady Igorevich, Khrapach Vasily Vasilievich.

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Winner - Gennady Patlazhan

Plastic surgeon. Full member of OPREH, EAFPS, ISAPS, member of the presidium of VAPREX.

4,000 successfully performed operations is certainly an indicator of the high success of plastic surgeon Gennady Patlazhan. For many years, Ukrainian and other patients have noted the skill of this specialist and recommend him to their loved ones. One of the main areas of activity of Gennady Igorevich is nose surgery: he regularly performs both reconstructive and aesthetic operations in this part of the face. Among other things, his deep immersion in the scientific process helped him become one of the leading plastic surgeons in Ukraine. Thus, Dr. Patlazhan is the author of a monograph, a number of medical articles, and also the holder of a patent for inventions in the field of rhinoplasty.

Ukraine. Best plastic surgeon for facial plastic surgery 2015

Nominees : Borodko Alexander Vasilievich, Pirus Vladimir Petrovich, Khrapach Vasily Vasilievich.

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Winner - Alexander Borodko

Plastic surgeon. Full member of OPREH and the Association of Plastic Surgeons of Ukraine.

In the person of Alexander Vasilyevich Borodko, Ukrainian patients invariably find a true master in the field of aesthetic surgery and no less a true friend, ready to listen to all their problems related to appearance correction. Dr. Borodko is a recognized professional in facial plastic surgery. In many ways, his repeated internships with European specialists in reconstructive and plastic surgery helped him become one. Patients who voted for Alexander Vasilyevich, who underwent body and facial correction with him, described him as “a responsible, decent specialist who is not afraid to trust with their health and recommend to their family and friends.”

Ukraine. Best plastic surgeon for breast surgery 2015

Nominees : Denishchuk Pavel Andreevich, Donets Evgeniy Georgievich, Pasechnik Vasily Vasilievich.

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Winner - Pavel Denishchuk

Plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Member of WAPREC, OPREH, national secretary of ISAPS.

Pavel Denishchuk knows everything about high-quality mammoplasty. Currently, he is one of the most sought-after and popular plastic surgeons in Ukraine. More than 12,000 patients from the CIS countries, Europe, and America received the desired changes in appearance thanks to the skillful hands of this specialist. A significant number of them are women who have undergone breast surgery. Pavel Andreevich's constant participation in scientific activities has led to the fact that today he is the holder of 2 patents for medical inventions. Dr. Denishchuk is actively developing in the field of breast plastic surgery: he has completed a training course on mammoplasty and mastopexy under the guidance of the world famous Per Heden, as well as conducting demonstration breast augmentation operations using implants.

Kazakhstan. Best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty 2015

Nominees : Bogin Igor Alexandrovich, Tsoi Vladimir Ken-Sonovich.

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Winner - Igor Bogin

Plastic surgeon, cosmetologist, member of the Euro-Russian Association of Plastic Surgeons, member of the Italian Association of Implantologists.

Many Kazakh patients call Igor Bogin a surgeon “able to turn any nose into a work of art.” About 10,000 successfully performed plastic surgeries are a serious argument in favor of a highly qualified specialist. Igor Aleksandrovich’s priority areas of activity include rhinoplasty. The presence of a valuable ENT specialization made it possible for Dr. Bogin to perform both aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty. The doctor performs primary and secondary corrections in the nasal area no less effectively. Igor Bogin is a constant participant in many large specialized events taking place in Russia, a number of countries in Asia and Europe.

Kazakhstan. Best plastic surgeon for facial plastic surgery 2015

Nominees : Globa Viktor Sergeevich, Pak Dmitry Anatolyevich.

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Winner - Victor Globa

Plastic, maxillofacial surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Vice-President of the Kazakhstan Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery.

Among Kazakh patients, Viktor Globa is known, first of all, as a surgeon who can perform rejuvenating operations at a high level. It is this specialist who is actively recommended by many women who have undergone facial plastic surgery with Viktor Sergeevich. The doctor’s popularity is explained not only by his skill in performing anti-aging and beauty surgeries, but also by his ability to listen to the needs of each of his patients. Every year, Dr. Globa achieves more and more significant success in his work through self-education, including taking courses “Basics of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery on the face”, “Endoscopic methods of face and neck rejuvenation”, “Use of facial implants” and others.

Kazakhstan. Best plastic surgeon for breast surgery 2015

Nominees : Zhilichev Dmitry Alekseevich, Kuimov Alexey Mikhailovich.

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Winner - Dmitry Zhilichev

Plastic, laser surgeon.

Plastic surgeon Dmitry Zhilichev has deservedly enjoyed the trust and respect of his compatriots for many years, who with his help improve their appearance and quality of life. Dmitry Alekseevich successfully performs a number of plastic surgeries. She considers mammoplasty to be one of her main professional interests, during which she uses only proven, safe and effective techniques and technologies. Performing breast replacement, mastopexy, and reduction mammoplasty, Dr. Zhilichev strives to reduce the occurrence of any complications in the mammary glands to a minimum, and also “guides” the patient until the very last day of rehabilitation.

Dear plastic surgeons and representatives of plastic surgery clinics. You can apply to participate in Diamond Beauty 2016 now. Contact managers by phone.

Education, advanced training

Korostelyuk Yuri Vitalievich received an excellent education.
He studied the basics of the profession at the Russian Medical University named after Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. After graduating from the university, he entered the RMAPO (Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education), where he completed a clinical residency and received a specialization in plastic surgery. Yuri Vitalievich is convinced that a real doctor, especially a plastic surgeon, never stops learning. To acquire new knowledge, the doctor regularly attends specialized international and all-Russian congresses, conferences and forums dedicated to current issues of his chosen profession.

In 2014, Yuri Vitalievich Korostelyuk attended certification courses on the theory and practice of using fillers and volume-forming preparations with hyaluronic acid. Also in 2014, he attended the International Congress of Plastic Surgeons, dedicated to new principles for improving the aesthetics of the face and body. In 2015, at the Allergan Institute, he studied the subtleties and nuances of correcting age-related changes in integumentary tissues with injections of botulinum neurotoxin.

Yuri Vitalievich studied the theory and practice of nasal surgery operations using closed rhinoplasty access at master classes by a recognized expert in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, Arthur Vladimirovich Rybakin. In 2016, at Artur Vladimirovich’s master classes, he studied current issues of periorbitoplasty.

In 2022, in Germany, Yuri Vitalievich studied in depth modern aspects of breast reconstruction after radical operations. The seminar was led by the world famous professor Axel-Mario Feller. In the same 2022, Yuri Vitalievich Korostelyuk attended a master class by Professor A. Kh. Ismagilov, dedicated to the issues of mammary gland augmentation through the installation of endoprostheses.

In 2022, Yuri Vitalievich attended an international training course led by Professor Oscar Ramirez. The intensive training course covered issues of facial rejuvenation using endoscopic operations, the intricacies of aesthetic rhinoplasty and body contouring.

Honorary citizens

Yuri Aleksandrovich Gulko was born on September 29, 1944 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Yuri Aleksandrovich received a degree in mechanical engineering at the Omsk Polytechnic Institute. He began his career after graduating from the institute in 1968 as a forge shop foreman at the Kurgan Wheel Tractor Plant of the Ministry of Automotive Industry. Subsequently, he worked in senior positions at industrial enterprises of the country, from 1978 to 1987 - as director of the Neftekamsk dump truck plant of the USSR Ministry of Automotive Industry. In 1987, on an alternative basis, he was elected to the position of General Director of the Production Association “Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant” of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Engineering. In 1992, he was elected president and general director of the Metrovagonmash Joint Stock Company. May 8, 1996 Yu.A. Gulko was appointed general director of the Closed Joint Stock Company Metrovagonmash. In all positions Yu.A. Gulko showed deep practical knowledge. Excellent organizational skills, perseverance and perseverance in achieving assigned tasks earned him well-deserved respect in the work team, as well as among his work colleagues. Despite the heavy workload, Yu.A. Gulko took an active part in public work. In 1979-1987 he was elected as a deputy of the Neftekamsk City Council of People's Deputies, in 1991-1993 as a deputy of the Mytishchi City Council of People's Deputies, in 1991-1993 - a people's deputy of the Russian Federation. He worked and works as part of the Supreme Economic Council under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation (1991), in the operational coordination group for solving economic and social problems under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation (1992), the Supreme Economic Council under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation (1992) , Council on Industrial Policy under the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993), Council on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation (1994), Scientific and Economic Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (1996), commission under Government of the Russian Federation on the improvement of the status of women (1997), Scientific Expert Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (section of industrial policy) (1997), Economic Council under the Government of the Russian Federation (1997), Commission on State Awards under the President of the Russian Federation (1999). Since 2000, he has been Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers). For conscientious work and achieved successes Yu.A. Gulko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, "For Services to the Fatherland" III degree, Bronze and Gold medals of VDNKh. For achieving success in the development and production of new defense systems in 1996, he was awarded the honorary title “Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.” Yuri Aleksandrovich Gulko passed away in December 2004. The title “Honorary Citizen of the Mytishchi District” was awarded by decision of the Council of Deputies of the Mytishchi District No. 48/8-2 dated August 28, 2003 for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Mytishchi District at the request of the administration, the Board of Directors and the trade union organization of Metrovagonmash CJSC.

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