The drug Dermahil LL eliminates fatty tissue and cellulite


"Dermahil LL" is often used in beauty salons and private clinics. This drug, which contains lipolytics and peptides, helps to model the figure, eliminate fatty tissue, and cellulite. The product tightens the skin well, it becomes smooth and even.

Thanks to the active production of elastin and collagen after administration of the drug, it is possible to reduce the amount of fat deposits in the facial area, increase the elasticity of the skin, and tighten soft tissues.

Description and characteristics of this cosmetic product

Dermahealll is a relatively new technique in cosmetology, which has already taken a leading position in the market of cosmetic products. The drug has a unique composition and principle of action. Thanks to the product, it is possible to restore an attractive appearance to the skin, eliminate fat deposits, and improve the condition of the hair.

Procedures using the drug are prescribed to tighten skin that has lost its elasticity. The product is administered by injection manually or with a mesopistol. Punctures are made sequentially into the subcutaneous tissue or the area of ​​​​the junction of the dermis and epidermis (décolleté, neck, chin, body).

Such procedures should be performed by an experienced specialist who has practical experience in administering products against wrinkles and other skin problems.

Indications for the use of lipolytic "Dermahil LL" are:

  • Loss of skin elasticity;
  • Cellulite;
  • The need to eliminate some amount of fat.

The medicine contains peptides and growth factors that compensate for the lack of proteins and amino acids, trigger the formation of new skin cells, help normalize their composition, and restore damaged tissues.

The drug is placed in bottles in the amount of five milliliters each. One package contains ten bottles. This amount is calculated for a course of therapy of two people. One procedure involves the use of two and a half milliliters of solution.

Features of Dermaheal meso-cocktails

Before using Dermahil meso-cocktails, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Serums have a cumulative effect. You may not immediately notice the transformation of the skin, since beneficial substances enter the tissues in a fairly low, safe concentration;
  • Minimal skin recovery period. Despite its mechanical damage during injection mesotherapy, the drug contains collagen and elastin fibers. They ensure rapid restoration of the dermis after using the composition;
  • The peptides contained in meso-cocktails are of synthetic origin, which is why they cause an allergic reaction much less frequently;
  • Mesococktails are suitable for skin of any type, normalizing the water balance in its structure;
  • The beneficial components included in the preparations activate the work of healthy cells and restore damaged ones. Because of this, they are often used after aggressive cosmetic procedures that compromise tissue integrity.

In any case, before using the products, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. This way you can avoid complications and unwanted consequences.

How does the drug work after the procedures?

The action of the lipolytic for the body and face “Dermahil LL” is determined by the components that are included in its composition. The drug contains three active ingredients:

  1. The biochemical peptide accelerates metabolic processes in muscle tissue. It activates the fat burning process, as well as the growth of cells that produce fibroblasts (collagen). Lifting of the skin occurs at the injection sites.
  2. Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) is a phospholipid that is part of bile and is responsible for lipid metabolism. This component is used in the treatment of fat embolism. Lecithin also helps reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Lecithin is a powerful fat emulsifier that helps transport triglycerides to the liver, where they are metabolized.
  3. L-carnitine reduces the presence of glycerol and fatty acids in adipocytes, which are synthesized during the decomposition of fat.

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The drug must be stored at air temperatures from two to twenty-five days in its original packaging. If it has been opened, the product must be used within five days and then disposed of. The shelf life is two years from the date of issue.

The drug is often used to eliminate puffiness and bruising under the eyes. The components of the product have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Thus, this product is used for non-surgical liposuction at any age; it increases the tone of the skin, tightens it, helps to correct the figure and eliminate cellulite.

This procedure is carried out painlessly, the result can be seen after just a few procedures.

The principle of action of Dermaheal meso-cocktails

The components included in the serums are divided into two groups according to the speed of action: instantaneous and delayed. If the former saturate the epithelial cells immediately after their introduction, then the latter remain in the upper layers of the dermis until the need for them arises. This is what makes Dermahil preparations universal.

The effect of meso cocktails is based on the following factors:

  • Restoring normal skin renewal;
  • Acceleration of regeneration of new epithelial cells;
  • Acceleration of blood microcirculation, elimination of blockages in blood vessels;
  • Lymphatic drainage;
  • Introduction of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • Protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Dermaheal facial mesotherapy can be performed in two ways: injection and non-injection. If in the first case useful substances penetrate the skin due to their repeated puncture, then in the second - due to the influence of electromagnetic pulses.

Mesococktails can also be used when treating the head. Then they improve the overall condition of the hair, eliminate dandruff, split ends, fragility and make the hair soft and smooth.

"Dermahil LL": instructions for use

According to the results of numerous studies, it became clear that people who received this drug had a decrease in the volume of body fat, and this process was ongoing, provided they followed a diet for weight correction.

Before a course of therapy, each patient should be informed about the expected results of treatment and possible side effects. Before injection, the skin area is disinfected. Injections are given using syringes that bear the CE mark.

The drug is injected deep into the subcutaneous fat with a needle that is two millimeters long. Injections are made into the face, neck, and body.

It is recommended to combine the drug with anti-cellulite wraps.

The procedures are carried out in several stages:

  1. During the first month, injections are performed every seven days;
  2. In the second month, the procedure is carried out once every two weeks;
  3. In the third month, only one injection is given;
  4. Then the procedure is performed once every three months for six months.

A cosmetologist or an experienced doctor may suggest another treatment regimen:

  1. In the first month, two injections are given every seven days;
  2. The procedure for the second month is performed every seven days;
  3. The third month requires injections every two weeks;
  4. One procedure is carried out every two months for six months.

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The course of therapy and a detailed regimen are prescribed by the doctor depending on the condition of the skin, age and individual characteristics.

How is the injection performed? In this case, the doctor makes injections along the line of the vascular pattern, while the needle is inserted upward with the cut, its angle of inclination should be equal to forty-five or ninety degrees. The needle is inserted to a depth of half a millimeter, the distance between punctures is one centimeter.

Review of a series of mesotherapy cocktails Dermahil

Despite the fact that the composition of many meso-cocktails of the Demahil brand is similar, it includes 5 different serums used to eliminate specific skin problems.

Let's look at them in a comparative table.

NameIndications for usePrice
Dermaheal HSRA classic serum used to rejuvenate tissues and eliminate expression lines and age-related wrinkles.
The lifting effect of the drug also consists in the radiance of the skin after its use, it becomes firmer and more elastic, and the double chin is eliminated.
1000 rubles
Dermaheal HLUsed to improve the condition of hair. Helps girls get rid of excessive hair loss, dandruff, split ends, dry or oily scalp. The drug is also used to prevent alopecia. 1300 rubles
Dermaheal LLIt is used on the body to improve the figure and correct fat deposits in the waist, hips and arms. The drug accelerates blood microcirculation and also increases the effectiveness of weight loss when playing sports. 2000 rubles
Dermaheal SRAlso intended for tightening facial skin and eliminating wrinkles, scars and scars. However, in addition, the composition promotes the removal of melanin pigment from epithelial cells, thereby eliminating pigmentation and post-acne. 1500 rubles
Dermaheal SBA fairly strong remedy for combating darkened skin - post-acne, pigmentation, freckles. However, keep in mind that it partially removes tan from girls’ faces. 1000 rubles

In what cases should this drug not be used?

Dermahealll has some limitations in use:

  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Thin and sensitive skin;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Herpes virus;
  • Autoimmune disorders;
  • Type 1 diabetes;
  • High susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.

To eliminate the risk of developing negative reactions, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity, visiting swimming pools and saunas for fifteen days, and not to be in the sun for a long time. It is also forbidden to massage those areas where injections were made; you cannot rub them. Four days after the first procedure, it is recommended to carry out a special lymphatic drainage massage.

Usually the result becomes noticeable after the fourth procedure, the effect lasts for five months after the end of therapy.

Contraindications to the use of lipolytic

The drug is absolutely safe, as confirmed by numerous studies and reviews of Dermaheal LL lipolytics, however, there are a number of contraindications for their administration.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Oncology;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Endocrine and autoimmune diseases;
  • Mental disorders.

Relative contraindications include periods of menstruation, exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute respiratory infections.

Cost and purchase of the drug

You can purchase the drug in specialized cosmetic stores. Some of them offer good discounts. Today Dermahealll can be bought for one thousand one hundred rubles.

Lipolifting procedures using this product are carried out in beauty salons by highly qualified specialists. They may offer manual injections or hardware mesotherapy. In the first case, the procedure will be more effective, but a little unpleasant. The second option is gentle; in this case, microneedling is performed. In this case, the skin is not injured, and the patient does not feel pain. One session will cost from three to seven thousand rubles.

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Main components of Dermaheal meso-cocktails

One of the advantages of Dermahil meso-cocktails is their absolute safety and hypoallergenicity. They do not contain toxic and aggressive components that could cause a negative reaction in the body and tissues.

The drug includes the following components:

  • Vitamins;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Nucleic acids;
  • Minerals;
  • Oils;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Organic acids;
  • Animal and plant extracts.

Also, many Dermahil serums contain protein and collagen fibers, which ensure rapid restoration of the skin after mechanical damage.

In any case, before performing the procedure, make sure there is no allergic reaction to the drug. To do this, apply it to the inner surface of the elbow for 20 minutes and rinse. If skin irritation occurs, do not use serum.


Feedback from cosmetologists about the drug is positive. Many note its high results and long-term effectiveness. The effect of the medicine occurs quite quickly, fat deposits begin to dissolve after a short period of time. Using the product, you can eliminate fat even in delicate places, as well as eliminate swelling and bruises under the eyes.

Patients also note good results from the drug. Some say that the result and effectiveness depend on the professionalism of the doctor. Some women did not notice a significant improvement in their skin condition.

What is Dermaheal?

Dermaheal is a South Korean cosmetic brand that produces a large number of therapeutic and anti-aging cosmetics, including mesotherapy.

Mesococktails instantly saturate the skin with beneficial components, and also awaken natural processes that fade with age - metabolism, regeneration of new epithelial cells, creation of collagen and elastin fibers, blood microcirculation, lymph movement.

Moreover, the drugs in this line contain biomimetic growth factors and peptides that promote rapid tissue restoration.

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