High-tech drug Vasis for mesotherapy

Belly Body Face

The procedure for introducing drugs under the skin that restore tissues and improve their condition has been available in Russia relatively recently. Mesotherapy of the face and body is an effective, safe and attractively priced method of combating both cosmetic and medical problems. The specialists of the BioSpaClinic clinic in Moscow perform this unique procedure with high quality, as evidenced by the reviews of our clients.

Prices for mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy (COMPLEXES)
OUTLINE GEL MesoLift 1 ml.2,800 rub.
OUTLINE GEL Lifter 1 ml.5,500 rub.
OUTLINE GEL MesoLift Zn+ 2 ml.5,500 rub.
Dermaheal Booster Pore (narrowing of pores)5,700 rub.
Dermaheal Booster Superbrightening (intensive pigmentation treatment)5,700 rub.
Dermaheal SB 1.0 ml. (skin whitening) 2,500 rub.
Dermaheal SR 1.0 ml. (rejuvenation)2,500 rub.
Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution (for dark circles under the eyes)6,000 rub.
Dermaheal EyaBag Solution (for bags under the eyes)6,000 rub.
Idebae antiageing 1.0 ml.2,200 rub.
DMAE complex 3.0 ml.3,000 rub.
Mesoline SHINE 1.0 ml.1,300 rub.
UP Grade 1.0 ml.2,200 rub.
Light Eyes Ultra 1.0 ml.4,000 rub.
Skin R 10 ml8,500 rub.
Skin B 10 ml8,500 rub.
Skin C 10 ml8,500 rub.
Skinko 5.0 ml.6,000 rub.
Skinko E 5.0 ml.6,500 rub.
Anesthesia (cream)from 600 rub.
Nano-needle from JBP1500 rub.
Cannula1600 rub.
VASIS 1 ml.0 rub.
TAILLE 1 ml.0 rub.
DERMAXX Soft 1 ml.2,400 rub.
DERMAXX Forte 1 ml.2,700 rub.
DERMAXX Ultimate 1 ml.3,300 rub.
LIFTMAXX Soft 1 ml.1,700 rub.
LIFTMAXX Forte 1 ml.2,300 rub.
LIFTMAXX Complete 1 ml.RUB 2,750

I am depressed!

This can often be heard from friends or read on the forum. But, as a rule, the person who makes such statements is mistaken. After all, what is meant by “depression” in a colloquial environment? Usually this simply means a short-term deterioration in mood, irritability, fatigue under the influence of circumstances. Sometimes a person is just having a “bad day” or “got off on the wrong foot” and they call it depression.

Nowadays, people are constantly faced with stress: overload at work, a frantic pace of life, inflated demands on themselves, a huge amount of information that flows from all sources. It is not surprising that many people cannot cope with so many stressors, and this can manifest itself in various symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • panic attacks.

If these symptoms are short-lived and go away on their own, do not be too upset. In most cases, just a good rest will help defeat them. But sometimes a vacation is not enough, and the body needs a little help. It is very important to choose the right medications for this.

What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is an innovative technique that effectively corrects many skin imperfections and problems. “Cocktails” of a mixture of homeopathic medicines, vitamins, and herbal extracts are injected under the skin to a depth of 2–4 mm, using very thin and short needles. Thus, the drug enters the problem area, creating a high concentration of working substances at the desired point. The method improves the condition and color of the skin - it becomes more elastic and firm.

Mesotherapy normalizes the process of protein synthesis, which promotes the proper development of skin cells. The method is very effective in combating signs of skin aging. At the same time, the mesotherapy procedure, improving blood microcirculation, has a general beneficial effect on the body. Clients of our clinic often note improved sleep and mood, and the disappearance of headaches.

This effective anti-aging service is affordable and easy to use. The procedure is most often carried out in a course - from three to six sessions once a week. The great advantage of mesotherapy is the fact that skin rejuvenation occurs without serious invasive intervention.

Stages of the procedure

Registration (online or by phone)

The client comes

Medical examination

Consultation (on any questions)

The procedure itself


Composition of the drug

Vasis mesococktail is the most popular drug for combating rosacea on the face when performing mesotherapy. This prevalence is associated with the high effectiveness of the product and the absolute safety of the cosmetic procedure.

The composition of the drug includes only gentle and non-toxic components that cannot lead to complications and side effects:

  • Complex of vitamins. Basically, for quick skin restoration, the preparation contains B vitamins and biotin;
  • Troxerutin. The enzyme helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as increase their elasticity and firmness. In addition, it increases the tightness of the capillaries themselves;
  • Plant extracts. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, plant extracts cleanse the walls of blood vessels, expand their lumens, increase capillary permeability, and prevent premature aging of tissues;
  • Glutathione. A strong antioxidant, thanks to which epithelial cells begin to recover faster, redox reactions in the dermis are normalized, the protective cell membrane thickens, making them less susceptible to external influences;
  • Coenzymes. Provide energy exchange in the skin, have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects. Coenzymes also normalize blood flow in tissues.

However, keep in mind that the effectiveness of the Vasis mesococktail lies not only in the powerful saturation of epithelial cells in the treated area with useful substances. The technique also has a mechanical effect on the epidermis, thanks to which its internal microflora is restored.

In what cases should you consider a mesotherapy procedure?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the aging process, but dermatocosmetologists are quite capable of slowing down its manifestations. Contact a specialist if you have:

  • oily or, conversely, dry and flabby skin;
  • cellulite;
  • acne or acne;
  • postpartum stretch marks;
  • rosacea;
  • swelling;
  • decreased skin tone and elasticity;
  • other problems of the scalp and the whole body.

Mesotherapy is also used to combat stress disorders, which are often one of the causes of skin deterioration. The use of this method gives amazing results in the treatment of the scalp. Individually selected cocktail components stimulate blood circulation in tissues and hair follicles, nourish them with vitamins, amino acids, microelements and other beneficial substances. The result of enhanced nutrition is normal hair growth, restoration of its structure, and normalization of sebum secretion. Mesotherapy is an excellent and inexpensive way to combat dandruff; there are cases when mesotherapists managed to cope even with baldness and gray hair.

Reviews of meso cocktails

Anna, 53 years old:

I almost always had spider veins on my face – it’s a congenital feature, but in recent years they began to become more and more numerous, and then I could no longer stand it. I went to the salon, where the master advised me to perform mesotherapy, they used vasis serum for it. So I had to go through about eight sessions with a break of a week. Now that the course is over, I can say with confidence that the procedure is worth it!! Yes, the stars are not completely gone, but they have become much lighter and are not so noticeable. In general, in a couple of months I’ll sign up for a repeat course and hope to get rid of them forever!

Lyudmila, 34 years old:

Good day, girls. A midlife crisis caught up with me too... I never had any problems with blood vessels, but after my second pregnancy, a light, light mesh began to appear on my face, which gradually became larger and darker. I first went to a dermatologist, but they prescribed useless ointments that had no effect. Gradually I came to my cosmetologist, where we almost immediately began treatment using VASIS mesotherapy. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing! After the third session, more than half of the meshes came off completely, the rest became much lighter. Now I have two procedures left to go through, and there are practically no traces of rosacea left on my face. Overall, VASIS is a truly wonderful tool that helped me in a matter of days!)

How is the mesotherapy procedure performed?

There are three ways to administer the drug under the skin:

  • manual injection with a syringe;
  • injections with a device (mesoinjector);
  • non-injection technique.

The choice of injection technique is made by a cosmetologist. Manual injections are more often used on the face. For body mesotherapy, a mesoinjector is usually used. It allows you to administer the drug quickly even to large areas of skin (thighs, abdomen).

The procedure lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. First, the doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin with an antiseptic solution. Then, if necessary, local anesthesia is given using lidocaine cream or other means. In most cases, mesotherapy does not require pain relief.

After this, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to injections. An individually selected drug is injected into the skin. For one injection, 0.02 ml of the drug enters the skin, and for the entire procedure - 10–20 ml. The cocktail is deposited in the dermis and does not enter the systemic circulation.

After the injections, a soothing gel or cream is applied. The doctor gives recommendations for skin care and sets a date for the next visit.


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Skin restoration after Vasis mesotherapy

Before performing mesotherapy using the drug Vasis, the girl is not prescribed any special prohibitions or instructions, however, there are some precautions that are important to follow after the session:

  • Avoid washing and applying cosmetics to your skin for 4 hours;
  • Stop drinking alcohol, energy drinks and smoking for 6 hours;
  • For three days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath;
  • Stop taking blood thinning medications and do not sunbathe.

You cannot neglect the instructions and prohibitions that are prescribed by the cosmetologist after the introduction of the meso-cocktail. Otherwise, you will not only reduce the efficiency of assimilation of useful components, but also increase the risk of complications and any undesirable consequences.

Cosmetologists usually recommend using the drug in the salon by injection. However, if you wish, you can also use it at home, combining it with a mesoscooter. In this case, you can also achieve the desired result, but it will take more time.

Contraindications to mesotherapy

Contraindications to mesotherapy are assessed by a cosmetologist at the first consultation.

You cannot do the procedure:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • women during menstruation;
  • in the early postoperative period;
  • with local inflammation of the skin;
  • with recurrent herpes at the injection site;
  • if you are allergic to meso-cocktails.

Mesotherapy is safe and well tolerated. Therefore, it can be performed for many chronic diseases. For example, gastritis, diabetes, bronchitis are not contraindications to the procedure.

Facial skin mesotherapy allows you to eliminate superficial and deep wrinkles, overcome dryness and sagging skin, restore reduced tone, and remove dullness of the complexion and blood vessels.

The need for facial skin mesotherapy, according to reviews, may arise after 25-28 years, when the first signs that the skin begins to age appear. Physiological aging is characterized by a decrease in the number of fibroblasts, on which the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, valuable for the body, depends - and their deficiency leads to a decrease in tone and the appearance of wrinkles. This is where facial mesotherapy comes to the rescue. It is difficult to achieve a similar effect at home, since the influence of creams is limited and their ingredients rarely penetrate deep into the skin.

The effectiveness of the procedure is so high that it is used not only for direct skin rejuvenation. Facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid and other nutrients perfectly fights stress, which provokes many problems and accelerates age-related changes.

Anti-stress facial mesotherapy, the prices of which are relatively low, is an effective treatment for anxiety, psychotrauma, restlessness, insomnia, and headaches. In addition, both doctors and patients give good reviews about mesotherapy for hair.

Body skin mesotherapy (reviews here are almost unanimous) tidies up the skin in the area of ​​the ribs, pelvis and navel after childbirth and helps get rid of stretch marks. For this, many women literally deify mesatherapy, because at home it is incredibly difficult to get rid of hated stretch marks.

So, what is mesotherapy?

The procedure is a method in which a drug containing biologically active substances is injected intradermally. Mesotherapy is the enrichment of the body with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements, amino acids, enzymes, as well as substances that improve blood circulation and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

How long has mesotherapy been used?

Mesotherapy in cosmetology appeared more than 50 years ago, and began to be widely used in the mid-eighties. Three decades of successful experience prove the effectiveness of facial mesotherapy; reviews note a noticeable correction of age-related changes and obvious rejuvenation.

Determining the type of drug

During the examination, the specialist assesses the condition of the patient’s skin and, in accordance with the type of age-related changes, prescribes a course of mesotherapy procedures with the appropriate drug. If skin tone is reduced, medications are needed to stimulate the active production of collagen and elastin. Dry and sagging skin, deep wrinkles are corrected by facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. A complex of preparations containing vitamins, microelements and amino acids copes with the network of superficial wrinkles and dull complexion. The combination of mesotherapy and other techniques provides a longer and more lasting effect.

Facial mesotherapy - doesn't it hurt?

Probably every woman wants to remain beautiful and young. But is she ready to endure pain to regain her youth? The mesotherapy procedure, according to many patients, is comfortable and safe. The founder of the mesotherapy technique, Dr. Michel Pistor, formulated the following main principles: shallow injections (with very thin, short needles) are made exactly in the problem area, small doses are used and rarely.

When can we expect the first results?

By and large, after just two or three mesotherapy procedures (reviews often refer to this exact period), a visible lifting effect is observed, that is, wrinkles are smoothed out and the oval of the face is tightened. This effect is not surprising - after all, the body receives the substances it needs directly into the cells.

The number of necessary procedures is determined for each person separately - due to a large number of different factors, for example, age and the problems being solved. It generally ranges from 4 to 15 sessions.

Duration of the result obtained

The effect lasts for several months. Facial mesotherapy, as reviews note, is advisable to repeat once every six months.

Facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

Facial skin resists aging, retains elasticity, youth and beauty due to a high degree of hydration (moisture) and the ability to retain moisture. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for this, and less and less is produced in the human body with age. It is very difficult to “push” it into the skin of the face - it has a large molecular size. Therefore, intradermal injections are more effective in facial mesotherapy rather than using creams at home.

Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is an effective way to deliver hyaluronic acid to the skin of the face, where it replenishes the lack of moisture and normalizes the condition of collagen fibers and elastin.

Disadvantages of facial mesatherapy with hyaluronic acid, which are usually not described in glossy publications

Opinions about the rationality of facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid are controversial. There are serious “buts” that you need to be aware of when agreeing to procedures.

Firstly, facial mesotherapy using hyaluronic acid should be carried out regularly, without violating the course prescribed by the cosmetologist. The acid is instantly included in metabolic processes, and it lasts only two or three weeks (depending on the degree of dehydration of the skin). But the effect of the full course has a prolonged effect. Despite the fact that the procedure itself has an affordable price, due to the number of sessions required, it adds up to a tidy sum.

After facial mesotherapy, as some reviews indicate, sometimes swelling and bruising remain, and the skin at the injection sites may become inflamed. There is also a small but still likelihood of withdrawal syndrome and a kind of dependence on the procedures.

Are you ready to adhere to some lifestyle restrictions while mesotherapy is being carried out? Among the most common: a ban on sunbathing, including in a solarium, visiting saunas and baths, swimming in pools, and others. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is a complex procedure, and you should not break the prohibitions, otherwise the drug will lose its effectiveness, and complications are also possible. Read Mesotherapy: complications and side effects

When mesotherapy is contraindicated

Mesotherapy is not recommended for people with allergies and cancer, epilepsy, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation. It is canceled in case of complications such as pain when inserting a needle, rapid heartbeat and loss of consciousness.

Recommendations for those who decide to undergo facial mesotherapy

If you are offered total rejuvenation along with a fashion model figure in one course of 8-10 facial mesotherapy sessions, run away from such offers as quickly as possible. Achieving a lasting result (whether you get rid of cellulite or wrinkles) is the result of several courses over a long time.

The doctor, without consulting with a preliminary survey, prescribed a course of mesotherapy - leave the office. Mesotherapy requires collecting a complete patient history.

Facial mesotherapy at home

Facial mesotherapy with its injection procedures is a serious skill. It can only be done by a specialist who has undergone special training in the technique of performing mesotherapy injections.

Facial mesotherapy at home, as well as in dubious establishments, is often harmful to health. However, thrifty fashionistas, women with a catastrophic lack of time, and lovers of home-based get-together procedures still use facial mesotherapy at home. In the salon, the procedure itself, the prices of which are pocket-friendly, limits the number of patients. It’s the same thing, only at home it will cost much less. To perform this, a special device called a mesoroller (mesoscooter) is purchased. It is a roller covered with thin needles and equipped with a handle for ease of use. This type of mesotherapy is called microneedling. Read more: Microneedling.

Facial mesotherapy at home requires special attention and caution. Therefore, be sure to purchase any antiseptic, do not forget about an anesthetic, nourishing cream or mask that soothes the skin.

Remember, facial mesotherapy at home is less effective than in the hands of a professional.

About non-injection facial mesotherapy

Many salons provide their clients who want to look younger with a more gentle procedure - non-injection facial mesotherapy, the prices of which are not much different from classical mesotherapy. This alternative procedure differs in the method of drug administration. The same composition of vitamin “cocktails” prescribed by the doctor is used, but instead of injections they are administered using sonophoresis or iontophoresis. Non-injection facial mesotherapy is not carried out at home due to the lack of necessary equipment. Read more: Microcurrent therapy.

To ensure that the mesotherapy drug penetrates well into the skin, ultrasonic wave radiation is used when applying it. Reviews of non-injection facial mesotherapy show that this method is an ideal solution for patients with a pathological fear of injections. It is great for both mature and young skin.

Facial mesotherapy without injections is also valued for the absence of even the slightest tissue damage, swelling and redness. Without using a needle, the cosmetologist ensures maximum sterility and hygiene of the procedure.

Facial mesotherapy and prices

According to numerous reviews, facial mesotherapy, whose prices are comparable to the cost of many conventional cosmetic procedures, is worth the investment.

Prices for facial mesotherapy are purely individual; it is impossible to even approximately calculate its cost. It largely depends on the patient’s age, complexity and direction of her problem.

Prices for facial mesotherapy also depend on the type of drugs prescribed. Vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid, cocktails for hair loss and other drugs are quite affordable (see price list). However, it is not always (more likely, on the contrary) that the result is achieved on the first try. Facial mesotherapy, reviews are unanimous on this, is required every six months.

Spending 600-2000 rubles to restore youth and beauty once is relatively cheap. What if you have to pay five or ten times? For example, you can get rid of cellulite no earlier than 15 mesotherapy sessions. To reduce the fat layer, 4-10 sessions are enough. Read more: intralipotherapy. Bags under the eyes will disappear after 5 sessions, the oval of the face is tidied up with a dozen procedures. Wrinkles on the face will disappear after 10-15 sessions. Here you involuntarily decide that a surgical lift will be cheaper than facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. On the other hand, the body really rejuvenates, and this is priceless. But not everyone can decide to have surgery, because the rehabilitation period can take up to a year!

Therefore, facial mesotherapy today is considered an effective and safe means for eliminating problem areas of the skin and delaying the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles. It preserves youth and beauty and gives real joy to life. And according to the recommendations of dermatologists, nutrition, general internal health, as well as psychological attitude and stress resistance play an important role in the overall appearance of the skin. Often, when meeting people in life, you may have noticed that a person’s appearance does not always reflect the number of years he has lived. Of course, a lot depends on your skin’s own predisposition to aging, the place in which we live, how we live, what we do, what we eat and how we feel inside. Therefore, having decided to look better, start with those things that are least harmful to health and most effective for your body, both externally and internally. And most importantly, psychologically too.

Why can't you take antidepressants without a prescription?

  • Only a doctor can assess the risk of side effects for a particular patient.
  • Different antidepressants have different nuances of therapeutic action. If the medicine is chosen incorrectly, at best it will not help, at worst it will harm.
  • Dose selection is carried out individually. If you increase the dose too quickly on your own, you can experience a lot of unpleasant consequences.
  • Cancellation should also be carried out gradually and under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you risk withdrawal symptoms.
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