Complications and risks of mesotherapy. Causes and prevention

What is facial mesotherapy?

The procedures of modern injection cosmetology have almost completely “replaced” non-invasive skincare procedures. Very often, our cosmetologists recommend such an effective injection procedure as mesotherapy to patients.

The mesotherapy technique is based on the injection under the skin of a drug individually selected by a cosmetologist to solve specific problems depending on skin type, age and sensitivity to certain ingredients. For the procedure, both a ready-made composition and an individually prepared meso-cocktail can be used.

Mesotherapy improves skin quality, fights pigmentation, acne and post-acne. The procedure is also effectively used in trichology to treat various types of alopecia. However, in correcting age-related changes, this technique is rather preventive in nature, so it is advisable to carry it out before 30-35 years of age.

It is also worth considering that for a visible result it is necessary to complete a course of at least 3-4 procedures. Despite the somewhat painful procedure, the effectiveness and excellent results after undergoing a course of mesotherapy are worth the slight discomfort.

Benefits of mesotherapy

The effect of mesotherapy is achieved through the use of a thin mechanical injection needle and the introduction of the active components of the drug under the skin. Due to many microtraumas received during the procedure, blood circulation improves, elastin and collagen begin to be actively produced.

The technique effectively combats age-related skin changes and aesthetic defects: eliminates rosacea, acne, improves complexion, reduces skin porosity, increases skin turgor, lightens age spots and has a lifting effect. The procedure can also be performed on the body to eliminate cellulite, stretch marks and scars.

As a result of mesotherapy, a therapeutic cocktail enters the skin, which is distributed by cells throughout the body. That is why mesotherapy has a beneficial effect not only on the transformation of appearance, but also has a healing effect on the body as a whole.

Advantages of mesotherapy - The procedure can be performed at any age, for both women and men. — Safe and non-toxic composition of meso cocktails. — High skin susceptibility to beneficial cocktail ingredients. — Ultra-thin needles make the procedure virtually painless and cause minimal discomfort to the patient. — Long-term lasting results up to 1.5 years. — The procedure has virtually no contraindications. - It is carried out on an outpatient basis. — The procedure goes well with other methods of cosmetic treatment. — There are no seasonal restrictions.

The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, subject to subsequent protection of the face from direct sunlight and refusal to visit the solarium for a week before and after the procedure.

When is it really necessary? Indications for home mesotherapy

If you have similar cosmetic defects, it’s time to buy a UniLook mesoscooter:

  • unhealthy complexion (yellow, gray, pale)
  • excessive dry skin
  • expression and age wrinkles
  • decreased firmness and elasticity
  • flabbiness, lethargy
  • large wide pores
  • not very bright pigment spots
  • saggy cheeks, double chin, lost facial contour
  • acne, seborrhea
  • frequent muscle cramps.

If anything on this list bothers you, you can get rid of the problem with home mesotherapy with a mesoscooter. Micro-punctures activate the regeneration of damaged cells, and meso-cocktails launch cellular processes. All this helps eliminate such cosmetic defects.

Components for meso cocktails

Phospholipids. Components that can restore the elasticity of cell membranes.

Vitamins. Depending on the needs of the skin, either separately A, C, B, E, P, or several at once.

Minerals. Such as zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, which help with skin problems with acne.

Plant and animal extracts. The first include: gingko biloba and gingocaffeine, the second - collagen and elastin, which maintain skin elasticity.

Synthesized components. These artificial ingredients are included in most mesotherapy cocktails. For example, the most popular hyaluronic acid can quickly moisturize and smooth the skin.

Organic acids. For example, glycolic acid in a certain concentration.

Non-injection therapy

The method of non-injection (hardware) mesotherapy allows you to deliver active substances to the skin painlessly. To do this, a prepared cocktail of medicinal, homeopathic remedies, organic acids, microelements and vitamins is applied using a syringe without a needle to the treated area of ​​skin and distributed over it with a spatula.

Afterwards, this area of ​​the face or body is exposed to the action of a cosmetology device, with the help of which the active drugs penetrate deeply into the cells. For these purposes, devices are used for:

  • electrophoresis;

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser phoresis;
  • vibrophoresis;
  • iontophoresis;
  • magnetophoresis;
  • cryo, etc.

A very popular method is electroporation, based on the influence of electrical impulses. If a mesoscooter is used, then this method is called scarification.

The non-injection technique allows for:

  1. rejuvenation;
  2. nutrition;
  3. hydration;
  4. skin treatment;
  5. especially problematic with acne;
  6. helps get rid of sagging, as well as bruises and bags under the eyes.

The advantage of the method is the absence of swelling and microtrauma.

Contraindications are the same as for injection methods; also, in the case of using devices, procedures cannot be performed on people with a pacemaker. Ultraphonophoresis is contraindicated in patients with neuralgia and paralysis .

The video describes some methods of non-injection therapy:

Methodology of the procedure

Before the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

The method of carrying out mesotherapy can be either hardware or manual. The choice of technique is made by a cosmetologist depending on the patient’s skin type, as well as on the specific area where the injections will be administered.

The manual method is more balanced in relation to the physiological structure of certain areas of the face and body, so this method can work more subtly and accurately on the most sensitive areas, for example, around the mouth or eyes. In particular, the manual method of mesotherapy is indicated for those with thin skin.

Hardware mesotherapy usually makes injections less painful. Also, the method of hardware introduction of mesotherapy is effective for eliminating cellulite.

Before the mesotherapy procedure, the cosmetologist will first prepare the skin by applying an anesthetic for 20-30 minutes to minimize possible pain. This will be followed by cleansing the skin. After which he will begin injecting the drug into the skin with an ultra-thin needle. The depth of needle insertion is no more than 5 mm. The number of injections performed is quite large, so the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Injections contain small dosages of the active ingredients of the drug - no more than 0.2 ml of the active substance. The source of the spread of meso-cocktails is strictly controlled by a doctor.

The cosmetologist will complete the mesotherapy procedure by applying a soothing mask. Skin restoration after the session occurs quite quickly, but you must adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, namely: refrain from using decorative cosmetics, do not touch your face with your hands, and do not visit the bathhouse, sauna or solarium for a week after the procedure.

The transformation effect can be noticed immediately after the first procedure, and it is recommended to repeat the course 1-2 times a year. Do not forget that it is prohibited to carry out the procedure yourself at home; it can only be performed by cosmetologists. Lack of professional skills and incorrect technique can lead to hospitalization. In addition, there is a high risk of causing irreversible damage to one’s appearance, the consequences of which are difficult and sometimes impossible to correct.

Nappage (Picottage)

This is the most popular and fastest-acting rejuvenation technique. Depending on the depth of the punctures, 2 types of nappage are used.

  1. For superficial nappage, the needle is held with the cut upward and inserted to a depth of 0.5 mm, working through the epidermis of the face and neck. The injections are given quickly, at a distance of less than a centimeter from each other, injecting microdoses of the drug. At the same time, drops of the substance appear on the skin, which must be allowed to be absorbed. Superficial nappage stimulates skin lifting, nourishes it and fills it with moisture.
  2. Median nappage fights acne scars, vascular networks, small scars, pigmentation, and stops hair loss on the head. And microtraumas trigger the processes of skin restoration and renewal.

The needle is inserted with an inclination of 45° to a depth of 1.5 mm, also with an upward cut, piercing the dermis. Because there are blood vessels there, droplets of blood may appear on the skin. The injection interval is up to 1.5 cm.


Infiltration delivers the mesococktail to the layer of adipose tissue. With this method, injections are made to a depth of at least a centimeter, the needle is inserted vertically (angle 90 degrees) at intervals of about 1.5 cm.

Lipolitics, which enter the hypodermis thanks to deep nappage, break down fat and reduce cellulite skin irregularities.

For medium and superficial injections, gel-like preparations are not used, only liquid ones. The nappage procedure is a little unpleasant, but tolerable. For particularly sensitive people, the cosmetologist applies an analgesic to the skin before the session.

Possible side effects after the procedure

PAPULES. For a couple of days after the procedure, there will be small lumps at the injection sites, which will go away on their own. There is no need to be alarmed - this is a normal skin reaction.

Minor swelling or bruising. During mesotherapy, the skin receives many microtraumas, so it is possible that an ultra-thin needle may accidentally enter a capillary and cause redness or a small bruise.

Also, in some cases, an allergic reaction to the drug may occur.

Papular technique

In this way, buttons are formed in the middle layer of the skin - papules, in which the medicinal mixture remains. It gradually, over 2-3 days, dissolves in the dermis, moisturizes and nourishes the tissues for a long time.

On the eyelids, cheekbones, neck, where a thin layer of fat is located, the cosmetologist produces micropapules measuring 2 mm. The needle is inserted with the cut up almost parallel to the skin to a depth of 1.5 mm.

Medium-sized papules with a diameter of up to 4 mm form under the skin with a thicker layer of fatty tissue at a depth of 2-3 mm. The needle is placed at an angle of 45°, the interval between buttons is about a centimeter. Medium papular injections are also suitable for hair restoration; they nourish and stimulate the roots in the follicles.

After the procedure, slight swelling, bruising and redness may remain on the skin. They will go away on their own in a couple of days.

Cost of mesotherapy in Krasnodar

The cost of the procedure depends on the composition of the cocktail and the problem of each patient. Depending on the age and problem, the number of procedures will vary from 4 to 10 sessions. You can find out about the cost of mesotherapy at the Symmetry clinic in the Price List section.

Mesotherapy will be effective only if the procedure is performed by a professional cosmetologist. Our clinic employs only certified, competent specialists with extensive experience.

Our cosmetologists will select the best meso cocktail for you, based on the condition of your skin, as well as the presence of contraindications. In their work, our doctors use only high-quality certified drugs, which minimizes the risk of possible side effects after the procedure and guarantees an excellent result.

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