How to correctly determine your facial skin type using a test: basic rules and recommendations

How to correctly determine your facial skin type? How many tests are there to determine skin type and does the selection of cosmetics depend on their results? What care products are suitable for a particular skin type? Let's test your skin together!

What are the types of facial skin? How to determine your skin type: visual signs How to find out your skin type: wipe test Test for skin type, taking into account its reactions Care for different skin types

What are the types of facial skin?

There are four main types of facial skin (we will look at them in detail below):

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • fat;
  • combined.

Additionally, sensitive and problem skin is also distinguished - however, this is not a skin type, but rather an additional or temporary characteristic of it. Skin of any type can be sensitive (sharply reacts to external factors) and problematic (prone to the appearance of imperfections and rashes).

Dry skin

Those with dry skin are quite easy to identify. Their skin looks thin, resembles porcelain or parchment in tone (depending on its natural tone), and is prone to dehydration, flaking and the early appearance of wrinkles.

This is due to the fact that dry skin may be characterized by a deficiency of lipids (fatty structures) - the most important “building blocks” from which the protective barrier (hydrolipid mantle) of the skin is formed. A “weak” hydrolipidic barrier leads to the fact that the skin does not retain moisture well, quickly dehydrates and is susceptible to early aging.

Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by increased shine, enlarged pores, blackheads, acne and other imperfections. It is oily skin that is most often called problematic - to some extent, this is true.

This skin condition is associated with the active work of the sebaceous glands, which excessively produce sebum (sebum). It, in turn, “clogs” the pores and prevents the skin from self-cleansing, causing acne and other rashes to appear.

Combination skin

This type of skin can be shiny in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) but prone to dryness and flaking in the cheekbones and cheeks. It is important to understand that combination skin can be both problematic (especially in the nose and chin area) and prone to lipid deficiency (and dehydration).

For those with combination skin, it is better to look for cosmetics labeled accordingly, or select separate products for each area of ​​the face. When choosing “universal” products, it is important to monitor the absence of unwanted reactions to cosmetics on all areas of the face.

Normal skin

It would seem that women with a normal skin type can only be envied... However, behind the “calming” name the same problems can be hidden: reduced protective functions, increased sensitivity, a tendency to early aging or reactions to aggressive environmental influences...

True, if for dry or oily skin the causes of such problems lie in the area of ​​internal processes, then normal skin is more likely to react in a similar way to incorrectly selected care or neglect of regular beauty procedures.

Skin turgor

Dividing the skin only into dry, normal, oily and combination is insufficient, since it reflects only the characteristics of sebum and sweating, but does not take into account such important indicators of skin condition as firmness, elasticity and fullness, which in cosmetology is called skin turgor. Therefore, to more accurately determine the condition of the skin, it is necessary to conduct an additional test.

Skin turgor test

To assess skin turgor, you need to grab an area of ​​skin with two fingers (thumb and forefinger), hold for a couple of seconds and release. With this test you can check the elasticity of the skin on any part of the body. And on the face, skin turgor is determined by capturing the fold in the side under the cheekbones (see video).

If the skin resists and it is quite difficult to form a skin fold, the skin turgor is excellent.

If you can form a skin fold, but as soon as you release the skin, the fold immediately straightens - the skin turgor is slightly reduced.

If a fold is easily formed and does not straighten out immediately, and in some places the skin itself forms folds, the turgor is significantly reduced.

So, in addition to your skin type, you now know how to determine your skin turgor, and this indicator is just as important when choosing facial care products. But it is important to remember that, unlike skin type, skin turgor changes with age, so you need to repeat this test periodically.

How to determine your skin type: visual signs

How to quickly find out your facial skin type? An express test to determine your facial skin type based on its description may be suitable for this:

  • Dry skin: dull, flabby, prone to flaking and the appearance of fine wrinkles.
  • Oily skin: evenly shiny in all areas, enlarged pores, prone to blackheads.
  • Combination skin: areas of shine and dryness are unevenly distributed, there are rashes and blackheads, some areas may peel.
  • Normal skin: the skin is “clean”, there are usually no pronounced problems, isolated episodes of rashes or dryness are possible, usually associated with some external factors.

Of course, this rapid test does not pretend to be maximum accuracy - rather, it is a first acquaintance with the topic. If you want to try to figure out how to understand what skin type you have more accurately, move on to our next tests. In addition, to be confident in the results obtained and to accurately determine your skin type, we recommend that you seek a face-to-face consultation with a specialist.

Hardware cosmetology

The use of hardware cosmetology today has become an indispensable part of salon procedures for caring for different skin types. And this is especially true for combined, which requires a special, special approach.

The advantages of hardware cosmetology include its versatility and compatibility with any type of care. Among them:

  • darsonvalization: the effect of current on some cosmetic problems in order to eliminate them;
  • cryotherapy: the use of cold factors that give a peeling effect, improve skin tone and elasticity;
  • vacuum lymphatic drainage: reduces congestion, heals aging skin;
  • hardware peeling: a procedure for deep skin cleansing, the effect of which lasts for a long time;
  • hardware massage: usually used to correct excessive sebum secretion;
  • hardware lifting: rejuvenation and tightening.

A whole range of cosmetic procedures is available today in specialized centers. With their help, you can easily achieve the effect of well-groomed, healthy, beautiful and radiant skin.

Skin care should be systematic and regular. To reduce the amount of sebum secreted, a course of procedures may be required, but in the future it will only be enough to maintain the effect at the proper level with the help of special care at home or in a beauty salon.

How to find out your skin type: tissue test

How can you tell what kind of skin you have using a regular paper napkin? To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Cleanse the skin with a mild product that is familiar to it: gel or foam cleanser.
  2. Dry your face carefully with a towel or cloth without rubbing the skin.
  3. Wait about an hour - during this time you cannot use any cosmetic products.
  4. Place a thin paper napkin on your face and gently press it onto your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.

Hold for a minute and evaluate the results:

  1. Clear, clearly visible grease stains over the entire area of ​​the napkin indicate oily skin.
  2. Light traces of sebum are barely noticeable and are also distributed over the entire surface of the napkin - the skin is normal.
  3. The marks are clearly visible only in the T-zone - combination skin.
  4. There is no discharge on the napkin at all, the surface is clean - the skin is dry.

How to care for combination skin

Combination skin is the most common. In this case, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) has all the signs of oily skin: pimples, enlarged pores, shine. And the skin around the eyes and on the cheeks is delicate, thin, and prone to dryness.

Therefore, care methods will need to be combined. Choose soft cleansers: gels, hydrophilic oils, foams. They will gently cleanse shiny areas of the face without drying out the cheeks. Get some creams and foundations for your face. Apply tightening and cleansing masks only to the T-zone; for areas of dry skin, choose nourishing masks.

Test for skin type taking into account its reactions

How to determine your facial skin type if it is not possible to do a test with a napkin? You can answer a few simple questions to help assess your skin condition and type.

Describe the normal condition of your skin:

  1. Sluggish, reduced elasticity, prone to flaking, dull complexion, skin looks thin.
  2. It has a constant shine, the pores are enlarged, and is prone to the appearance of blackheads and rashes.
  3. It shines unevenly (usually in the T-zone); blackheads and slight flaking may appear.
  4. Matte, pleasant to the touch, no redness, blackheads, or greasy shine.

Are there any “habitual” skin problems that occur regularly?

  1. After being outside (in the sun, wind or frost) or under the influence of other factors, the skin looks tired, begins to peel, and the first wrinkles are more clearly visible.
  2. The skin is constantly shiny and looks “untidy”, the pores are enlarged, and blackheads and rashes often appear.
  3. Even with general good condition, rashes regularly appear on the chin or on the wings of the nose.
  4. With regular care there are no special problems.

How does the skin react to washing with water and its usual products?

  1. It’s uncomfortable to wash your face with clean water, it creates a feeling of tightness – you have to use foam or soft gel every time.
  2. It’s as if the skin doesn’t notice the washing – the shine and feeling of oiliness return almost immediately.
  3. It is not always possible to choose the right product - areas of the face react differently, and you have to use several beauty products.
  4. The skin reacts calmly to any product, no special problems were noticed.

Tell us, by what principle do you select skincare products?

  1. Thick, dense, rich products are best for the skin - after them the skin seems to come to life.
  2. I try to choose products with the lightest possible texture: gels, lotions, foams, tonics...
  3. According to the principle of zoning: each area of ​​the face has its own product.
  4. I just go by the composition and the desired effect on the skin, I don’t pay attention to the texture and density.

How to understand what type of skin is the result? Rate which options you chose most often:

  1. Mostly option A – dry skin.
  2. Preferably option B – oily skin.
  3. Preferably option C – combination skin.
  4. Mostly option D – normal skin.

Hydration and protection

Moisturizing procedures involve applying the cream twice a day. In the summer season, it is especially important to use a cream with a sunscreen effect.

The cream can be moisturizing or toning, depending on the inclination of your skin. If the cheeks are more prone to dryness, then a moisturizer will do; if there is no such problem, then it is quite appropriate to use a toner.

Throughout the day, you can use special wipes for the T-zone, and in the summer, thermal water is very cool and refreshing. If acne is present, you can use antiseptics based on chamomile or salicylic acid. If you can’t imagine your life without decorative cosmetics, then instead of powders and loose blushes it is better to use tinted mousses and creamy blushes. Makeup must be removed from the face before going to bed.

Care for different skin types

Once you have determined what type of facial skin you have, you need to figure out how to properly care for your skin depending on its type? We offer you a selection of tips and recommendations.

Dry skin care

It is very important to provide dry skin with intense hydration and gentle, gentle cleansing. It is important that care products help restore the skin's hydrolipid barrier, help it retain moisture and maintain its protective functions.

The following Cerave products may be suitable for this:

CeraVe Moisturizing Cleansing Cream-Gel for normal to dry skin: it gently cleanses the skin and gently removes traces of dirt and makeup. In addition, glycerin and hyaluronic acid included in the product help moisturize the skin after the first use.

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream for Dry to Very Dry Skin: A rich yet non-greasy cream with hyaluronic acid and glycerin that helps provide long-lasting hydration throughout the day. It also contains ceramides, phytosphingosine and cholesterol, which help restore and strengthen the skin's protective barrier.

Moisturizing cream

For dry to very dry skin of the face and body

Provides long-lasting hydration throughout the day, restoring and strengthening the protective skin barrier.

More details

Oily skin care

Oily skin, on the contrary, needs intensive (but gentle) cleansing and light moisturizing. It is recommended to ensure that cleansers do not disturb the hydrolipid balance of the skin and do not cause it to “overdry”.

The following Cerave products may be suitable for this:

CeraVe Intensive Cleansing Gel for normal to oily skin: it effectively cleanses the skin, removing not only traces of dirt, but also excess sebum - without damaging the skin's protective barrier. In addition to ceramides and hyaluronic acid, the gel contains niacinamide, which helps soothe the skin.

Intensively cleansing gel

For normal to oily skin of the face and body

Deeply cleanses and refreshes the skin, removing excess sebum and impurities.

More details

In addition, oily skin also needs hydration, just like any other skin type. Don’t fall for the myth that oily skin only needs to be “dried out.” Choose moisturizers that are suitable for her and light in texture and include them in your daily beauty routine.

Combination skin care

It is better to select products for the care of such skin depending on its current needs. For example, in winter, combination skin can dry out and need increased hydration; in summer, it can become problematic and prone to rashes (especially in the T-zone).

For cleansing, you may want to consider a generic moisturizer, such as CeraVe Hydrating Micellar Cleansing Water for All Skin Types. It helps to carefully cleanse the skin of traces of cosmetics and impurities, moisturize it and strengthen the protective barrier. CeraVe Micellar Water contains ceramides, glycerin and niacinamide and is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.

Hydrating Cleansing Micellar Water

For all skin types

Gently cleanses of cosmetics and impurities.

295 ml

More details

Why does the type change over time?

Over the course of a lifetime, your skin type can change several times. The first changes occur during puberty, when the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies. As a result, it can become oily or problematic.

In older age, the skin produces less sebum. Therefore, the normal and dry type is more common. Collagen production also decreases, leading to decreased firmness. As a result, the skin begins to fade and the first signs of aging appear.

In addition, the type is affected by care. The skin becomes dehydrated due to lack of hydration. And due to cosmetic procedures or past illnesses, sensitivity may increase.

To determine your skin type, it is not at all necessary to contact a specialist. It is enough to choose 1-2 convenient methods and conduct the test yourself. However, it is worth considering that there may be an error in the results. To be sure of the accuracy, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will determine your skin type and give recommendations for care.

Disadvantages of this classification

Modern cosmetology does not rely on this classification, because it is too arbitrary and does not take into account many other features of the skin. For example, the characteristics of the skin renewal process.

Let's say a woman has dry skin, but the peeling of horny scales is slow. If you begin to intensively lubricate such skin with a rich cream, taking into account only the dryness of the skin, then it will glue the horny scales and prevent them from peeling off from the surface of the epidermis. This will lead to deterioration of the skin condition, possibly even to the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

And yet, despite the conventions, it will not be superfluous to determine your skin type.

Firstly, it is convenient for both cosmetics consumers, manufacturers, and cosmetologists.

Secondly, any skin still has certain characteristics associated with this classification. These characteristics can be taken as a basis when choosing cosmetics.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics and what are their advantages?

Let us dwell in detail on the third group of cosmetics. Active cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics, medicinal cosmetics - all these terms are used to refer to cosmetic products whose purpose is to correct deficiencies and have a regenerating effect. Medical and pharmaceutical data are used in the development of these cosmetic products, which means that the use of all ingredients is scientifically based. Also, another advantage of such cosmetics is that they are certified; therefore, sales are possible only in pharmacies, online pharmacy stores or in specialized stores.

Can everyone sunbathe?

Unfortunately, it is not enough to determine whether the skin is dry or oily to develop complete facial care and protection. The epidermis is constantly exposed to external factors, the most aggressive of which are ultraviolet rays. They can provoke a large number of changes in tissues, including accelerating the aging process. At the same time, certain characteristics of the dermis determine its greater or lesser sensitivity to the sun.


Tanning itself is a protective reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation. Melanin is produced, which accumulates in the upper layers of the skin and colors them dark. However, with excessive sun activity, melanin ceases to cope with its protective function, the epidermis dries out, becomes rough and burns appear. Therefore, it is the degree of content of this substance that determines whether a person can stay under the rays for a long time or not.

Let's consider the types of skin for tanning, and also list those cases when it is better to avoid sunbathing.

  • 1 type This includes people with fair skin (very pale), eyes and hair. There are often freckles on the face. This color type is an indicator of low production of melanin in the body, so it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time, as well as constantly use creams with high SPF (50).
  • Type 2 It includes people who have fair skin and eyes, and hair that is more likely to be brown (light brown). This category also needs to be extremely careful and use maximum sun protection.
  • Type 3 Representatives of this type have a naturally slightly dark dermis. The hair has a dark shade (dark blond, chestnut). Eyes can be any color, but most often they are brown. The tan goes on well, evenly, and there are practically no burns. At the same time, you should not neglect protective creams (SPF 20–30), and also stay in the sun for a long time.
  • Type 4 Very dark skin, dark hair and eyes. Moreover, the latter are often almost black. It would seem that nature has already created natural protection, but in fact such people can still be susceptible to sunburn. The ideal SPF is 15.
  • Type 5 Black skin, hair and eyes. Melanin production is maximum. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation can still negatively affect the epidermis of such people, so even they often use sunscreens, albeit with a minimal factor.

A tan suits most girls very well, but you need to be very careful with it. It is important to know that not all skin types can sunbathe. The paler the face and body, the more dangerous ultraviolet rays can be

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