Lipolitics - what are they, do injections help with weight loss?

Excess fat deposits on the face are extremely difficult to correct through sports and diets. With a general effect on the entire body, fat does not leave the places where it needs to be removed, and where it is least needed. The result of losing weight most often is deepening wrinkles against the backdrop of a plump double chin, the fat from which is the last to be lost. Aesthetic correction of the volume of fat deposits can be carried out using lipolytic injections. What is it and how to use lipolytics for the face?

The effectiveness of lipolytics

The drug is effective for eliminating fat deposits in unwanted places after body weight correction. Injections will not save you from obesity. They do not replace the need for a healthy lifestyle, outdoor activity and proper nutrition. They do not replace sports and diets.

Lipolytic injections are the final, finishing touch in the weight correction process, allowing you not only to lose weight, but to make your face more attractive. To maintain the effect of the procedure for as long as possible, it is necessary to monitor your body weight, avoiding excesses.

Lipolitics are also used to correct the shape of the face in case of metabolic disorders. The drug is safe and well absorbed by the body. It is suitable for correcting small defects. With its help, the cosmetologist, like a sculptor, corrects small details, making the face attractive.

If significant fat deposits are present on the face and body, more radical measures such as liposuction are required. But a small double chin, which is not associated with obesity and bulldog cheeks that upset women so much, can be removed with its help.

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Advantages of the method

The choice of method for correcting problem areas is always made by a cosmetologist. However, since cosmetic procedures are not mandatory, the final decision remains with the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen product.

Advantages of using lipolytic injections:

  • Efficiency and safety. The product allows you to remove excess fat deposits in a low-traumatic way and get the effect almost immediately. The finest needles used leave almost no marks. Anesthetics are not used.
  • Easy and fast rehabilitation. Often after the procedure, a girl goes to a romantic meeting with powder on her face. Of course, it is advisable to allow the body to rest and fully recover, and not immediately return to an active lifestyle, but there is no extreme need to completely avoid communication.
  • Versatility. The method suits almost everyone. The number of contraindications for the use of lipolytics is minimal.


Lipolytic agents are administered by injection. Before starting the procedure, the doctor determines the injection area and treats the skin with antiseptic agents to avoid infection. The problem area is pricked with a thin needle. The depth of administration of the lipolytic agent depends on the thickness of the skin and subcutaneous fat. The duration of the procedure itself ranges from 5 to 20 minutes. To achieve the desired result, several sessions of lipolytic therapy may be needed with breaks of 1 to 4 weeks.

Currently, non-injection methods of administering lipolytic agents are actively used: phonophoresis, laser technologies. The opinions of cosmetologists vary - some believe that the distribution of the drug is the same as with injection, others talk about lower absorption using hardware methods. ProfMedLab uses a well-proven injection method.

There are no significant restrictions after the procedure. For 24 hours after lipolytic therapy, you should not wet your face and it is recommended to avoid cosmetics, baths and saunas for several days. Otherwise, you can stick to your usual lifestyle.

Types of lipolytics

Drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • Direct. These are highly effective formulations that provide a quick effect due to the complete destruction of fat cells, including cell membranes.
  • Indirect. Gentle compositions. They give a less pronounced effect, but act more subtly: fat burning occurs without destroying cell membranes. As a rule, indirect-acting lipolytics are used in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

It is important to understand that the introduction of lipolytics is only part of a comprehensive body care program. The procedure does not replace the need to correct fat deposits in other ways. For each specific patient, the cosmetologist individually selects a set of measures to achieve the best aesthetic result. Thus, it is advisable to combine lipolytic injections with dietary supplements that promote the removal of fats from the lymph.

Result and duration of effect

The effect of lipolytic administration develops gradually, so instant results should not be expected. The full effect of the products is noticeable 2-4 weeks after the procedure, when the adipose tissue is destroyed and removed from the injection area. In addition, in the first few days after injections, slight swelling and redness may appear in response to needle pricks, so it is premature to evaluate the result during this period.

The duration of the effect depends on many factors. The duration of the result is influenced by the characteristics of the patient’s body: tendency to gain weight, swelling of tissues, unhealthy eating behavior. Get advice on how lipolytics can help in your case, make an appointment by phone: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Indications for correction of body fat volume with lipolytics

The use of lipolytics can be recommended in the following cases:

  • ineffectiveness of traditional methods;
  • moderately pronounced double chin;
  • large lumps of Bish;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • defects in the shape of the nose;
  • swollen oval face and others.

It is important to understand that injections cannot replace the restriction of excess nutrition. Fat will quickly return if you limit yourself to this measure.

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, exacerbation of severe chronic diseases and herpes. The possibility of using lipolytics to correct the volume of fat deposits in people with cardiovascular, renal and endocrine diseases is accepted by a cosmetologist.

Chin fat not going away?

Sometimes getting rid of a double chin on your own can be an impossible task. Did the method described above not help you?

The list of probable causes is short:

  1. You expected to get the result very quickly, literally “tomorrow”.
  1. You don't have enough time to do double chin exercises and exercise every day.
  1. The chin was inherited from my parents.
  1. You are over 40 years old. At this age, loose skin on the chin practically does not tighten on its own and spoils the oval of the face even after massive weight loss.
  1. You have Central Asian, Caucasian or Slavic roots. The facial structure of these nations physiologically predisposes them to the appearance of a double chin even at a very early age.

But don't be upset. There are several extremely effective ways to remove a double chin quickly and without plastic surgery. Removing the double chin with lipolytic drugs will help.

Advantages of lipolysis with direct-acting drugs

The use of direct lipolytics helps reduce waist or abdominal volume by 5-6 cm.

The advantages of the drugs include:

  • Accuracy and targeted action, the ability to remove fat in a limited area;
  • Short rehabilitation period;
  • No scars or other marks on the skin;
  • Fast, noticeable and lasting results;
  • Minimal risk of side effects and complications;
  • Lower cost of the procedure compared to liposuction.

After a course of injections of direct lipolytics, the skin at the injection site tightens, becomes smooth and elastic. Lasting results can be achieved by adjusting your diet and physical activity.

Top 3. PBSerum Triada

Rating (2021): 4.5

three-enzyme complex contains three components, each of which is placed in a separate bottle. They can be used both together and separately.

  • Characteristics

    Average cost: 8500 rub. (3 bottles of 70 mg)

  • Country of origin: Spain
  • Ingredients: lipase, collagenase, hyaluronidase

PBSerum Triada is a unique drug, a new generation lipolytic, consisting of three enzymes, each of which is placed in a separate bottle. Lipase - breaks down fats and reduces their deposits, collagenase stimulates collagen production, improves skin condition and increases its elasticity, gualuronidase reduces swelling and helps remove excess fluid. The components of the drug can be used either separately or in combination. It all depends on the characteristics of the problem and the choice of the doctor. For complex use, the components are pre-mixed. The course should consist of at least 4 procedures, the exact number depends on individual characteristics and preferences. Enzyme lipolytic PBSerum Triada will help you lose weight both in the face and in different parts of the body. It is also used to get rid of scars, stretch marks, and skin tightening.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Complex of three components
  • Course from 4 procedures
  • New generation lipolytic
  • Helps both for weight loss and for getting rid of scars
  • Painful sensations after the procedure

First roles

In recent years, it has been believed that the leading roles in the appearance of rosacea are played by innate immunity, microbiota and the inflammatory process. Innate immunity triggers the production of antimicrobial peptides and proinflammatory cytokines. “With rosacea, their levels increase sharply. For example, the activity of antimicrobial peptides cathelicidins increases 10 times, and the level of peptidase increases 10 thousand times! - continues Elena Arabian. — Flora also works in a special way. Staphylococcus is of great importance here, but the leading role is played by mites of the genus Demodex. Together with bacteria, fungi and viruses, they are a representative of the microbiome, but with rosacea their increased density is noted: it has been proven that they provoke inflammation. One of the reasons why this microscopic mite becomes pathogenic is low skin moisture.

Factors that provoke exacerbation of chronic rosacea are considered to be stress, extreme cold or heat, alcohol intake, hot and spicy foods. Recently, soy sauce and vanilla have been added to the list of food provocateurs. But coffee and drinks containing caffeine have been rehabilitated.

Concomitant diseases play a major role in the development of rosacea. First of all, we are talking about gastrointestinal problems, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, irritable bowel syndrome - these are all background conditions. Recent studies have shown a connection with hypertension, cardiovascular pathology, anxiety disorders, depression and diabetes. Considering all these factors, it is clear that patients with rosacea require a multidisciplinary approach.”

Clinical symptoms of rosacea are redness of the skin, the appearance of telangiectasia (dilation of small vessels) and various rashes: papules, pustules, fimas (inflammatory elements, rosacea, bumpy formations).

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