Lipolitics - what are they, do injections help with weight loss?

  • Definition of the concept
  • Mechanism of action
  • Direct lipolytics and drug categories
  • Examples of substances
  • Indirect lipolytics, application features
  • Examples of drugs
  • Indications for the use of lipolytics
  • Contraindications
  • Effects of direct lipolytics
  • Effects of indirect lipolytics
  • Aspects of work
  • Methods of administration
  • Stages
  • Differences between mesotherapy and injection lipolysis
  • Rehabilitation period
  • Side effects
  • Well
  • Age threshold for starting procedures
  • Combination with cosmetology techniques
  • Non-injection methods of administration
  • Using lipolytics at home
  • Advantages
  • conclusions

Subcutaneous fat is a necessary depot for energy and biochemical processes of self-regulation and recovery. With age or under the influence of external and internal causes (improper lifestyle, hormonal changes), the processes of lipid synthesis predominate over decay, which leads to local accumulation of fats in the hypodermis and vascular structures.

Local fat deposits are a concentrated accumulation of fat cells that cause an excessive increase in overall volumes and disruption of the physiological and psychological balance. To correct such areas, lipolytic substances are used that improve body contours and normalize metabolism. To choose the right products, you need to know the principles of action of the products and their features.

Direct lipolytics and drug categories

These substances burn and dissolve fat cells, followed by disposal of the contents through the body's excretory systems.

They work in specific, hard-to-reach areas and are the most effective way to remove excess fat, especially in the abdomen, upper and lower extremities.

Examples of substances

  • Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin, soy phospholipid) - converts refractory fat into a liquid emulsion with subsequent removal from the body, giving a quick effect (Veluderm Phosfatidylcholine).
  • Sodium deoxycholate (Kosmolitic III-IV) is a bile acid salt that destroys adipocyte membranes and releases fatty products into the space between cells.

Indirect lipolytics, application features

These components accelerate metabolism, stimulate lymphatic drainage processes, normalize microcirculation for subsequent reduction of excess volumes. Unlike direct substances, they have a natural, physiological, painless, mild and complex effect on the cells and tissues of the face and body.

There are 2 types of funds:

  • first type (L-carnitine, caffeine, cocoa extract, guarana, yohimbine) - to accelerate the transport of free fatty acids and energy production;
  • the second type (artichoke extract, centella asiatica, ginkgo biloba, melito) - to ensure lymphatic drainage, accelerate lipolysis and prevent the formation of swelling. They are often combined with vascular drugs (troxerutin) to improve blood vessel tone.

Examples of drugs

  • Caffeine is a plant alkaloid that is found in tea leaves and coffee beans to improve blood circulation, increase basal metabolism and utilization of fatty acids (Caffeine Care Kosmoteros).
  • Artichoke is a drug of natural origin for decongestant, choleretic and vascular strengthening effects (Veluderm Artichoke Extract 2%, Artichoke Care Kosmoteros).
  • L-carnitine is a substance for converting fats into energy (Lipo Slim).
  • Rutin + melilot extract (Kosmo-Tonus Kosmoteros, Melilotus Extract) - to strengthen blood vessels, stimulate regeneration and energy metabolism.
  • Ginkgo biloba - to restore capillary tone and reduce swelling (Ginkgo Biloba Care Kosmoteros).

Top 1. Aqualyx

Rating (2021): 4.7

The most popular Aqualyx is a lipolytic, which is most often offered by cosmetology clinics, discussed on forums and searched on the Internet, which allows us to call it the most popular.

  • Characteristics

    Average cost: 6500 rub. (8 ml)

  • Country of origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: sodium salt of deoxycholic acid

Aqualyx is one of the most popular lipolytics, in demand and trusted. It is produced by the Italian concern MarllorBiomedicalSRL, known since 2009. In just one procedure, Aqualix is ​​able to get rid of 2 cm of fat layer, and its course use will allow you to achieve even more impressive results. The effect is not noticeable immediately, but develops on average within 2-3 weeks. Application is possible on all areas of the face and body. Not used for BMI over 30. Aqualyx has an EU quality certificate and is also registered by Roszdrav, which guarantees high safety and effectiveness. There are different reviews about this drug. Some are delighted with the result, others write about the long-term persistence of swelling and pain after injections.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Popular drug
  • In use since 2009
  • Registered by Roszdrav
  • Painful sensations after the procedure

See also:

  • 10 best cocktails for weight loss

to the beginning of the rating

Indications for the use of lipolytics

Lipolitics normalize metabolic mechanisms, therefore they highlight general principles of use.

  • General swelling and drooping of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Stagnation in subcutaneous fat tissue.
  • Cellulite correction.
  • Disturbances of microcirculation of the body and lymphatic stagnation.
  • Sagging skin after childbirth or sudden weight loss.
  • Rehabilitation after invasive procedures (liposuction, surgical facelift).

The anatomical pattern with the main areas of accumulation of fatty deposits is individual for each organism, therefore zonal points of influence are identified.

  • Sagging skin in the lower part of the face (“jowls”).
  • Thickening of the chin area (“double” chin).
  • Hernias, cholesterol plaques (xanthelasmas) and fatty capsules of the lower eyelids.
  • Loss of contours and a clear oval in the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Fat “packets” in the middle third of the face and neck.
  • Lipid “pockets” in the area of ​​the VII cervical vertebra (“widow’s hump”).
  • A large amount of subcutaneous fat in the forearms, inner surface of the shoulders, above the elbows.
  • Lateral “rollers” and folds of the torso and back.
  • "Lumpiness" of the hips and buttocks.
  • Local fat deposits on the front of the abdomen, in the “breeches” area and knees.

Contraindications for lipolytic injections

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Autoimmune processes (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  • Damage to the skin at the site of drug administration (pustular lesions, dermatitis, wounds).
  • Acute inflammatory and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Viral and herpetic infections.
  • Hormonal imbalances (decompensated diabetes mellitus).
  • Severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels (arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation).
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system.
  • Varicose veins with trophic skin disorders.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Presence of implants in the area of ​​proposed injections.
  • Generalized obesity (body mass index over 30).
  • Individual intolerance to components.

The best lipolytics for weight loss

A beautiful figure and graceful waist, absence of cellulite and double chin, slender legs and a swan neck are the dream of every woman. And let’s be honest, modern men also strive to get an athletic and fit figure, or at least try not to have noticeable fat deposits. In these cases, lipolytics come to the rescue - special cosmetic preparations for figure correction.

The effect of lipolytics is lipolysis - the breakdown of fat cells. The drug, which is injected into the problem area, recognizes the presence of adipose tissue and penetrates it to break it down. Excess fat is initially converted into an emulsion, after which it is completely destroyed. Everything unnecessary and unnecessary is eliminated naturally - decay products are removed from the body through the urinary system.

Many patients are interested in which lipolytics are suitable for different areas, how to choose the best lipolytic, and whether they have any contraindications. To get answers to these and many other exciting questions, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with the doctors at the Medial clinic. We will help you choose the best methods for correcting the shape of your face and figure, both for women and men.

The range of lipolytics is represented by several drugs that are injected using thin needles and help remove fat deposits in the face, as well as on the stomach, arms, hips, and décolleté. Our doctor will select a drug based on the area that needs to be corrected, the degree of the problem, and the patient’s health condition.

Effective lipolytics for the body and face help remove a double chin, deposits on the shoulders and neck, large cheeks, fat in the hips and buttocks, and excess fat on the back of the hands. It is important to note that they help remove exclusively local deposits, but are not used in the fight against obesity.

Our clinic uses only modern, successfully proven lipolytics, which quickly and safely allow you to tighten your body silhouette, narrow your waist and correct your sides. With their help, it is possible to remove the overhanging crease above the knees, full calves, and “nuances” on the hips.

To correct the contour of the face, 4-5 procedures are usually sufficient. How many procedures are there for the stomach? What about the legs?

What’s especially nice is that you can evaluate the results after the first procedure. However, the most noticeable effect becomes noticeable after a full course of therapy. Volumes are reduced, skin condition improves, cellulite disappears, facial and figure contours become more pronounced.

Direct and indirect lipolytics have different principles of action. The first include components due to which lipolysis occurs most actively - the drug destroys fat cells, the number of which quickly decreases. This type is used to eliminate significant deposits, increase lymph circulation and blood flow.

Indirect drugs are called lipid correctors. They have the mildest effect and are used to slightly burn fat in the cell, causing it to flatten and volumes to decrease. Indirect lipolytics are used to reduce the volume of adipose tissue without destruction, in order to enhance microcirculation in adipose tissue and metabolic processes.

The main indication for the use of injection lipolysis is the correction of problem areas in different parts of the body that cannot be eliminated with diet or sports exercises.

Side effects and contraindications

The use of lipolytics by a professional physician minimizes side effects. Occasionally, itching and redness, small hematomas in the injection area and swelling, and pain when pressed may be observed. These side reactions usually disappear after a few days. During the recovery period, it is not recommended to sunbathe, overcool or heat the treatment areas - you should temporarily avoid cryotherapy, baths and saunas. In the first few days, you should not drink alcohol or apply cosmetics.

Lipolitics are not used if the patient is under 18 years of age. Their use is not allowed during pregnancy, oncology, if there is a history of kidney or liver pathologies, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, or blood diseases.

To avoid complications and deterioration of health, you can undergo a course of therapy only with a doctor after consultation.

Correction of facial and figure contours using lipolytics should not be used as a course for losing weight, since they will be ineffective in case of obesity. They are used only locally - in separate areas that are treated with the help of compounds.


Dermahil is a professional South Korean line of cosmetics, which is one of the most effective means for abdominal correction. Compounds of peptides and proteins promote regeneration and restoration of the skin at the cellular level.

The drug is compatible with the body and does not cause rejection. Its chemical formula is optimally balanced to eliminate excess fat deposits, sagging skin and cellulite. After using this lipolytic, skin color improves, the dermis tightens, tissue elasticity increases, and the level of elastin and collagen increases.

The procedure is painless, usually does not require the use of anesthesia, and there is virtually no recovery period.

The manufacturer recommends 1 session weekly for the first 4 weeks of therapy, after which 2 sessions per month for 8 weeks. Maintenance therapy is carried out on average once a month. The drug is not used during pregnancy, acute and chronic pathologies during exacerbation, diabetes, malignant tumors.

"Revital Celluform"

This lipolytic is one of the best among those used to correct the itza and chin areas. The drug is used for lipolysis and skin regeneration, eliminating cellulite, reducing the volume of the hips and correcting the waist, abdomen, and arms. Suitable for removing a double chin to prepare the patient for surgical liposuction. One of the active substances is phospholipid. In addition, the drug contains deoxycholate, amino acids and vitamins.

It is especially effective in the fight against cellulite - this nuance can appear due to circulatory disorders, genetic predisposition, unstable hormonal levels and poor nutrition. A sedentary lifestyle, ill-fitting clothing, stress, and lipase inactivity contribute to the development of “orange peel.”

The most pronounced results from lipolytic can be achieved if the cellulite stage is 1 or 2; at stages 3 and 4 the composition is less effective. Therapy is possible only after reaching adulthood, if there is no pregnancy, diabetes, or peripheral circulatory disorders.

Therapy for hypertension is not carried out if there are chronic pathologies in the acute stage, autoimmune diseases. Manipulation is not performed in case of renal and liver failure if infectious skin diseases are present.


Some experts, when answering the question of which lipolytic to choose, recommend Dermastabilon. With its help, you can eliminate small amounts of fat deposits on the neck and face, as well as on the stomach and back, hips, and knees.

The drug contains two active substances. These are deoxycholate and lecithin. Due to the mutual action of these components, the layer of subcutaneous fat is destroyed. The resulting fat emulsion is removed from the body. The formation of collagen and elastin is activated, which provide skin elasticity and make it more toned.

Purposes of using the drug:

• Removal of local fat deposits;

• Elimination of cellulite;

• Leveling the skin texture;

• Double chin correction

To obtain a visible positive result from the procedures, several sessions are required. The drug can be used in combination with others to eliminate adipose tissue and strengthen vascular walls. Not used for skin inflammation and pregnancy, kidney and liver pathologies, blood clotting disorders, allergies, infections.


One of the best lipolytics for the body is Aqualix. It helps dissolve and remove fat deposits from the body. You can notice positive changes after several procedures. The active ingredient is sodium deoxycholate. Low risk of adverse reactions and allergies; no marks or bumps appear after the procedure.

• Indications for use of the drug: • Combating fat deposits; • Restoration of body contours; • Double chin correction; • Elimination of deposits on the back, arms, sides, stomach; • Correction of the buttocks, thighs, and lower legs.

The drug is not used during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, if infections or skin lesions are present.
Manipulation is not performed for problems with blood clotting if the patient must constantly take anticoagulants. Limitations include venous and arterial pathologies, chronic renal and liver failure, obesity with a BMI over 30, and diabetes. "MRX-lipolytic complex"

This lipolytic is used to correct the shape of the face. Due to sodium deoxycholate, the volume of fat deposits and swelling is reduced. Used in mono view. Indication for use is the presence of loose deposits. For use only on healthy skin. Before and after the session, you cannot perform other cosmetic procedures for several days. After injections, you should not go to the sauna or take a hot shower.

During the course you should not sunbathe in the open sun or visit a solarium. Complex therapy on average includes about 10 body procedures at intervals of one week. To maintain the result, one session is performed per month.


The product contains levocarnitine, phenialalanine, ornithine. The amino acids that are present in the substance are actively involved in fat and energy metabolism. A substance such as L-carnitine is required to bind fatty acids. Ornithine is necessary to reduce the tendency of fat tissue to accumulate.

Procaine is added for an anesthetic effect and antimicrobial effect. The lipolytic can be released in the form of an injection solution. The drug is not used during pregnancy and in the presence of cancer, if blood clotting processes are impaired, or during breastfeeding.

Restrictions on use are various pathologies of the nervous system, allergies to components or epilepsy, inflammation and infections of the skin. The product is often used to combat cellulite, but the drug, like other lipolytics, does not cure obesity.

Most often, the drug is used to correct the area of ​​​​the hips and neck, shoulders, buttocks and lower abdomen, and arms. The composition is used to correct areas of the face such as the chin and cheeks, nose, and lower eyelids. When administering the substance, the anesthetic procaine is used to reduce pain.

In the first week, 2-3 sessions are performed. In the second week, it is possible to administer the drug twice. At 3-4 weeks, less drug is administered at a time than at 1 week. 1-2 procedures are performed.


The drug is made on the basis of lipoic acid. This reduces the risk of adverse reactions such as redness and swelling. The drug is used in the presence of local fat deposits, if cellulite is present. You can eliminate nuances in the abdomen, hips, arms, remove a double chin and correct the buttocks.

Through the use of lipolytic, local fat deposits are broken down, blood microcirculation is improved and the smoothness of the skin is restored. On average, the course requires about 4-8 sessions, each procedure is performed at intervals of once every 10 days.

Effects of lipolytic injections

Different types of lipolytics produce heterogeneous results.

Direct lipolytics

  • Correction of the chin area.
  • Increasing tone and smoothing of the skin.
  • Reduction of volume in the area of ​​the upper and lower extremities, abdomen, buttocks.
  • Alignment of the hips.
  • Elimination of excess fat in the neck area.
  • Reduction of knee folds.
  • Increased muscle density.
  • Removing toxins and excess fluid.

Indirect lipolytics

Unified consequences

  • Indirect stimulation of biochemical processes in subcutaneous fat tissue.
  • Normalization of water and lipid balances.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Activation of lymphatic drainage processes.
  • Blood thinning.
  • Removal of free fatty acids and metabolic products.
  • Producing energy through the processing of fats.

For front seats

  • Restoration of the oval and contour of the face.
  • Highlighting the cheekbone area.
  • Elimination of “painting bags” and tightening of the skin around the eyes.
  • Reduces sagging and puffiness of the cheeks.

Top 2. Super V-Line Sol

Rating (2021): 4.6

The best for correcting face shape, Super V-Line Sol is used mainly on the face, eliminating jowls, double chin and other unsightly features.

  • Characteristics

    Average cost: 3200 rub. (10 ml)

  • Country of origin: South Korea
  • Ingredients: horse chestnut extract, tyrosine, L-carnitine, sodium chloride, walnut fruit extract, thermostermophilus

Super V-Line Sol is an indirect lipolytic that is used primarily for facial correction. With its help, it is possible to remove jowls, make cheekbones more expressive, get rid of a double chin, and tighten the skin around the eyes. The Korean-made drug contains tyrosine, L-Carnitine, as well as horse chestnut and walnut extracts. The delicate composition makes the use of this lipolytic comfortable even in the most sensitive areas, and after its use there are much less bruises and painful lumps on the skin, which is confirmed by reviews. In some cases, Super V-Line Sol is used not only for the face, but also for the body, but this is done only if minor correction is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Healthy and balanced composition
  • Delicate action
  • Less likely to leave bruises and lumps
  • Not offered by all clinics

See also:

  • 10 Best Diet Pills

Aspects of work

To “soften” fat deposits and improve lymphatic drainage, the first 3-4 procedures are carried out with angioprotective and lymphatic drainage agents. A main injection is carried out (along the spine, thighs, legs) in the amount of 5 ml and a local one (to certain areas). Preparations with artichoke, rutin + melilot or ginkgo biloba extract are used. For example, Veluderm Natural Reducing.

To normalize metabolism and correct local fat deposits, direct and indirect lipolytics are administered, alternating with each other, in an amount of 5-10 ml.

To maintain the result and strengthen the skin at the end of the lipolytic course (3-5 procedures), preparations with DMAE, peptides, and vitamins are used. For example, Mesoestetic DMAE 3%.

Treatment algorithm

“Today, the understanding of the causes and mechanism of development of rosacea is different than 5-10, and even more so 20 years ago,” states Elena Arabianskaya, “therefore, the approach to treatment is different. The diagnosis is made on the basis of prolonged erythema and fim. Therapy depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease and the nature of the rash. For treatment, we already had good drugs: we had azelaic acid, metronidazole, but now topical ivermectin is becoming the leader. It gives a double effect. Its pronounced antiparasitic effect allows you to reduce the population of skin mites, but at the same time (which is very important) it has anti-inflammatory properties. This drug works great in the presence of inflammatory elements (papules, pustules), but redness may still remain. Therefore, it is recommended to act on receptors to blood vessels. For this purpose, brimonidine tartrate was used, which was used to treat some forms of glaucoma. It starts working in 30 minutes and wears off in 12 hours.”

Laboratory tests for microorganisms and demodex mites are not carried out for either acne or rosacea!

As for hardware techniques, so-called vascular lasers are relevant here. They not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduce the density of mites. Diode, alexandrite, neodymium lasers and broadband pulsed light (IPL) can be used for the same purpose.

Auxiliary methods of treating the disease are microcurrent therapy for lymphatic drainage, cryotherapy for vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment of concomitant diseases also plays an important role. In general, combination therapy gives good results.

Methods of administering lipolytics (injections)

For a correct and effective result, a manual method of administering lipolytics is used, which is carried out:

  • using a disposable syringe with the finest needles - for precise and specific delivery of lipolytics to hard-to-reach areas.
  • using a cannula (a special blunt-ended needle 7-20 cm long) - to introduce components using a reciprocating technique.


Infiltration - for introduction into the body area to a depth of 12-13 mm and into the face and neck areas to a depth of 6-8 mm. The needle is positioned perpendicular to the surface of the skin and inserted into the thickness of the subcutaneous fat.

Fan - to eliminate excess fatty tissue in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, cheeks, chin and distribute drugs at different angles to a depth of 3-6 mm.

Mesoperfusion - to normalize tissue nutrition and auxiliary correction of fat “traps”. Injections are made to a depth of 6-13 mm at right angles, depending on the selected area.

Mesodissolution - for membrane “rupture” of fat cells and reduction of compactions. A hypoosmolar solution with caffeine and vitamin C is used in an amount of up to 40-50 ml in one zone to a depth of 13 mm.

Mesotherapy: cost of one procedure

For mesotherapy, the price of the procedure will depend on the volume and cost of the drugs administered, as well as on the pricing policy.
The cheapest price for injection mesotherapy services will be in a regular beauty salon, where they are provided by mesotherapists with secondary medical education. Prices will be higher in specialized dermatological clinics, where doctors with higher medical education usually conduct consultations. How much does body mesotherapy cost in specialized clinics: for example, in the price list you can see that the price of one procedure will be from 3,500 rubles (for 10.0 ml of the drug). Typically, 15.0 ml of the drug is prescribed for 1 body mesotherapy procedure for weight loss. Approximately 5.0 ml is used for the main vascular injection, and another 10.0 ml is used to work with local areas. Thus, the final price of 1 procedure in the clinic will be about 5,000-6,000 rubles, and the entire course of 12 procedures, for example, abdominal mesotherapy, can cost from 60,000 rubles.

But if you go to a mesotherapist at a beauty salon, then the prices in these establishments will be lower, and 1 procedure will cost from 2500 to 3500 rubles (depending on the drugs used). But these prices are true only for cellulite therapy and weight loss procedures, i.e. when working with the body. If we are talking about mesotherapy of the face, neck, scalp, as well as intensive facial biorevitalization procedures, the cost of the procedures will be different (see links below).

→ Cost of facial mesotherapy procedures → Cost of biorevitalization procedures → Cost of hair mesotherapy procedures

Stages of introducing lipolytics into adipose tissue

  1. Preparatory stage (collection of general and allergological anamnesis, consultations with a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, conducting the necessary studies - ultrasound of the abdominal organs, kidneys, general clinical and biochemical blood tests).
  2. Compliance with recommendations (excluding the use of strong drinks, anti-inflammatory drugs) 2 weeks before sessions due to the risk of a subsequent decrease in effectiveness.
  3. Measuring the thickness of the fat fold to evaluate performance when body volumes are reduced by 6-10 cm.
  4. Strict marking of impact points for correct administration of substances.
  5. Cleansing the target areas and applying a local anesthetic, if necessary, under the film 20-30 minutes before the procedure.
  6. Selection of the necessary lipolytics and administration using the selected optimal technique.
  7. Maintain injection depth to prevent the formation of large hematomas and foci of necrosis. The products are injected exclusively into the subcutaneous fat to a depth of 10-13 mm for the body, 6-8 mm for the face, neck, and décolleté.
  8. Remove the needle or cannula only after complete administration of the drugs.
  9. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.
  10. Treatment of 2-3 zones in one session, maintaining a total dose of the lipolytic mixture of no more than 50-100 ml.
  11. Perform a light massage after injections to evenly distribute the products throughout the fat layer.
  12. The use of soothing, healing agents after manipulation to restore the skin in accordance with the recommendations.

Differences between mesotherapy and injection lipolysis

Mesotherapy and therapeutic lipolysis are varieties of the same direction in injection cosmetology that perform different tasks.

  1. Mesotherapy stimulates skin elasticity and affects connective tissues with a penetration depth into the middle layer of skin up to 5 mm. Lipolitics act only on subcutaneous fat tissue with an injection depth of up to 13 mm.
  2. Mesotherapy cocktails saturate cells and tissues with vitamins, microelements and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. Lipolitics destroy adipocytes (fat cells).
  3. Mesotherapy changes the surface and quality of the skin. Lipotherapy models and corrects the face and body with local fat deposits.
  4. Mesotherapy is a consolidating and more superficial technique for improving intra- and extracellular processes. Intralipotherapy is a procedure to combat excess weight.

Top 3. Dermastabilon

Rating (2021): 4.5

Best value for money Dermastabilon is a relatively inexpensive drug, the procedures of which allow you to achieve excellent results in losing weight and correcting body shape.

  • Characteristics

    Average cost: 2500 rub. (5 ml)

  • Country of origin: Spain
  • Ingredients: phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate

Dermastabilon is a lipolytic serum that quickly and effectively removes local fat. The result of its use is sometimes so impressive that it is compared to the effect of liposuction. It contains a combination of two direct lipolytics - phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate, which destroy the subcutaneous fat layer, activate the production of elastin and collagen, restoring elasticity and attractiveness to the body. Dermastabilon can be used on different areas - stomach, buttocks, back, neck. The number of procedures required to achieve the desired result will be determined by a cosmetologist. This lipolytic is one of the most affordable, but its price, taking into account the prices directly for the procedure, may differ.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Price
  • High-quality fat loss
  • Direct lipolytic
  • Pain after the procedure

Rehabilitation period after lipolytic injections

  • In the first 30 minutes after the procedure, you should be in a lying position under the supervision of a specialist to monitor your general condition.
  • After completing the session, drink 200-300 ml of water to start lymphatic drainage processes.
  • Do not wet or apply decorative cosmetics to the treated areas of skin for 12-24 hours.
  • For 3-5 days, use dry cooling compresses and special anti-inflammatory agents (Troxevasin gel, Traumeel cream, Bepanten) to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.
  • For 7-10 days, do not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, or engage in active physical exercise.
  • During the course, maintain an adequate drinking regime for detoxification and adhere to a balanced diet, limiting fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  • You cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium for 14 days.
  • Use manual and hardware lymphatic drainage techniques 3-5 days after injections.
  • Avoid alcohol for 3-7 days.
  • For 7-10 days after the administration of lipolytic agents, do not wear tight clothing to prevent congestion, but use elastic compression garments for the body with uniform pressure.
  • For 24-72 hours, avoid mechanical impact and friction (massage, electrical techniques).
  • Engage in physical activity (walking, jogging) at low intensity for 3-5 days after the procedure.
  • Use cosmetics in home care to model body contours (gels, creams).

Side effects

Pain is a natural discomfort due to damage to the skin and the type of components.

An allergic reaction (itching, rash, blisters) is a response mechanism to the composition of substances.

Headache, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting) and urinary system (frequent urination) are generalized effects on the removal of toxins from the body.

Hematomas occur due to increased fragility of subcutaneous capillaries.

The addition of a secondary infection is possible due to non-compliance with the rules of disinfection and subsequent recommendations.

An increase in temperature is an expected reaction to increased blood circulation and the breakdown of fatty tissue.

Redness, compaction, burning, swelling, feeling of heat are natural short-term processes affecting the characteristics of the composition.

Fibrosis, necrosis are complications due to improperly performed procedures and injection of the drug into the skin or muscles.

Criteria for choosing lipolytics

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Composition and functionality. Many products contain auxiliary components, including vitamin supplements. Enriched drugs are much more profitable because they have a complex effect.
  • Purpose. The product description always contains information; special formulations have been developed for each zone. This is important to consider.
  • Texture. For external use, cream and emulsion are used. For injections - solutions.
  • Brand. The best manufacturers are focused on consumers of different financial capabilities. You can choose budget products from well-known brands that have positive customer reviews. There are also elite cosmetic lines, which include new products from the beauty industry that give high mesotherapeutic results. Which company is better is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but branded products are always of high quality, so it is better to purchase products from companies that have a good reputation.
  • What is the price. Inexpensive cosmetics cannot boast of high functionality.

Where to buy the best lipolytics? You can find a cosmetic product that has decent characteristics in the online store of the manufacturer or distributor. Often specialized trading platforms hold promotions that are beneficial for clients and give bonuses. Before placing an order online, you should be sure of the seller’s integrity by checking the availability of reliable contact information for the legal entity.


When using indirect lipolytics, noticeable results in the form of stimulation of the breakdown of fat reserves appear after 1-1.5 months, therefore, to obtain a lasting effect, 10-20 procedures are necessary with an interval of 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

When using direct lipolytics, there is a consistent change in processes from inflammation to recovery, so the course of procedures is 3-10 sessions with an interval of 1 time every 3-4 weeks.

Courses are repeated 1-2 times a year with effects lasting up to 10-12 months with an optimal comprehensive approach.


More than the risk of the procedure if performed correctly is minor swelling and bruising at the injection sites. In this case, dry, cold compresses will help. Your temperature may also rise.

To minimize the consequences and promote lasting results, in the first week after lipolysis you need to drink more fluid (up to 2.5 liters per day) - this will help the body get rid of waste products more efficiently. You should also follow the doctor's recommendations, which are as follows:

  • for a couple of days you need to completely give up alcohol;
  • for a week, visiting baths and saunas, sunbathing are prohibited;
  • If the face has undergone correction, then in the first days you can go outside only with the use of protective equipment.

During the rehabilitation period, it would be good to resort to massage, thermolifting and other procedures that will help speed up the breakdown of fat (the doctor will tell you more about this).

Another important point: for the results to be truly lasting, you should switch to proper nutrition and exercise regularly. Moreover, this should become a habitual way of life, since gaining even a couple of kilograms will negate the entire process of losing weight. First of all, this concerns the face. In this case, “dissolved” fat and extra centimeters will remain a thing of the past forever.

Combination with cosmetology techniques

Drug lipolysis is an effective procedure when combined with additional methods of influence. Several different methods are used to enhance the effect.

  • LPG massage - endermological vacuum rollers eliminate puffiness, cellulite and revive the condition of the skin.
  • Ozone therapy - the introduction of oxidizing gas corrects cellulite and normalizes tissue microcirculation.
  • Carboxytherapy - dosed administration of carbon dioxide activates the restoration and regeneration of the skin.
  • Wraps provide firmness and elasticity to the skin by nourishing cells with beneficial substances.
  • Pressotherapy - chamber compressed air improves metabolism.
  • Radiofrequency lifting - high-frequency currents warm up the skin and subcutaneous fat, reducing fat pads in hard-to-reach places.
  • Anti-cellulite massage - reduces local fat deposits and stimulates muscle activity.
  • Ultrasonic cavitation lipolysis - under the influence of ultrasound, metabolic processes are accelerated and fat cells are destroyed.

A few words about hormones and nutrition -

Lipogenesis (the process of accumulation of fatty acids in fat cells) is triggered by the hormone known to you as insulin. The higher its concentration in the blood, the more fat cells capture fatty acids, accumulating them. And if you want to reduce the volume of adipose tissue, then it is important not only to inject lipolytics, but first you should exclude foods with a high glycemic index (boiled potatoes and carrots, rice, starch, sugar, etc.) from your diet.

Secondly, diet is important, i.e. It is best to eat more often, but little by little. This allows you to reduce peak insulin concentrations in the blood and also make your metabolism more intense. Thirdly, good sleep is important. If you don’t get enough sleep, the body’s production of growth hormone decreases, and this hormone is one of the activators of lipolysis. As a result, poor sleep also contributes to weight gain. We hope you found this article useful!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience with clinical use, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.), 6.

Non-injection methods of administering lipolytics

In cases of severe fear of pain and the presence of contraindications, hardware administration of indirect lipolytics is used.

  • Iontophoresis - with the help of galvanic current and specialized electrodes for the face or body, active substances stimulate blood circulation and trigger metabolic processes.
  • Ultrasonic method - using wave vibrations, the components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate metabolism.
  • Laser exposure - a focused beam of light delivers drugs deep into the skin and normalizes microcirculation.

Using lipolytics at home

The administration of drugs for direct lipolysis requires a clear knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and functioning of the main body systems, therefore using the drugs at home is not recommended.

Injections can be dangerous:

  • pain during administration prevents the exact and necessary dosage;
  • if the drug gets into the skin, an abscess may occur;
  • when a lipolytic enters a muscle, the likelihood of fibrosis increases several times;
  • to shrink the skin and prevent consequences, the dosage of substances may change during the session, which excludes the correctness of independent selection and requires the supervision of a specialist;
  • failure to maintain sterile conditions increases the risk of infection.

In some cases, to maintain and consolidate the effect, mesoscooters with special cocktails containing indirect lipolytics are used. Dermarollers are compact devices for personal use in the form of a roller on a handle with thin metal needles in the amount of up to 1200 pieces and up to 3 mm in length.

The depth of the punctures does not allow substances in the subcutaneous fat to act actively, but it stimulates metabolic processes and improves microcirculation. Sessions in the amount of 10-20 with an interval of 2-3 times a week must be carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis and with prior consultation with a doctor to select the right drug (for example, LIPO CONTOUR, for correcting stretch marks and giving elasticity - Mezorollers Elastin, Mezorollers Collagen) and method of influence.

Why is it important to contact a highly qualified specialist?

Despite all the advantages of the procedure, it is important to carry out lipolysis in a clinical setting, where suitable conditions are created and only certified drugs are used. Among them:

  • “Aqualix” - used for correction in any areas; for a lasting visible result (minus 25-35% of body fat) with a cumulative effect, 2-5 procedures are enough.
  • "Dermahil LL" - in addition to phosphatidylcholine, stomatomedin, carnitine, which are responsible for the breakdown and effective removal of breakdown products, contains hyaluron and amino acids, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin.
  • "Dermastabilon".

It is equally important to choose the correct composition of the lipolytic and the depth of its administration. This can be done by a doctor with special education and the necessary experience. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of extra centimeters and returning the skin to its former attractiveness, you may end up with an abscess.


Direct lipolytics

  • Long lasting effectiveness.
  • Fast results.
  • Possibility of correction of a specific target zone.
  • Short rehabilitation period.

Indirect lipolytics

  • Physiological due to the natural action of the drugs.
  • Delicacy of components due to the natural composition.
  • No damage to fat cells when achieving the fat burning mechanism.
  • Absence of unwanted reactions when substances are administered correctly.


  • Soreness.
  • Systemic manifestations of the body on the breakdown of fats.
  • Course methodology.
  • Risk of allergic reactions.
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