Body mesotherapy for weight loss: a modern method of figure correction

To carry out mesotherapy, you only need a syringe, a needle and a skilled hand.


Fat deposits in the human body are an evolutionary necessity for energy conservation. When various mechanisms of disruption of the synthesis (lipogenesis) and breakdown (lipolysis) of fats occur, local fat deposits form in the body area, including in the abdominal area, which causes discomfort. To restore metabolic processes, mesotherapy comes to the rescue, which is distinguished by specialized approaches and a significant amount of administered drugs due to the large size of the treated area. It is important to understand the features of the procedure for the correct choice of treatment tactics.

Indications for abdominal mesotherapy

  • Local fat deposits and the presence of a lower “roll” in the abdominal area.
  • Correction of the abdominal area with restrictions on sports and an active lifestyle.
  • Skin texture disorders: stretch marks, scars, scars.
  • Presence of signs of aging in the abdominal area (flabbiness, dryness, decreased elasticity, thinning of the skin).
  • Hypo- and hyperpigmentation, including post-traumatic.
  • Correction of cellulite on the stomach and sides.
  • Skin folds after weight loss.
  • Sagging soft tissues.
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery (liposuction).


  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Infectious and bacterial diseases.
  • Violations of the integrity of the treated area (wounds, injuries, dermatitis).
  • Obesity due to hereditary factors.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Previous heart attacks, strokes.
  • Herpetic infection.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Predisposition to keloid scars.
  • Autoimmune processes (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Individual intolerance to drugs.

Conditions for achieving a positive result during and after a course of procedures

To achieve a productive result, it is necessary to know the circumstances regarding the initial condition of the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall:

  • the skin of the anterior abdominal wall should be elastic and capable of contraction;
  • the volume of adipose tissue increased slightly;
  • there are no umbilical hernias, white line hernias, no diastasis (divergence) of the rectus abdominis muscles is observed;
  • there are no pronounced fat deposits in the area of ​​internal organs (visceral fat), since in this case mesotherapy is not advisable, because the technique is aimed at subcutaneous “fat traps”;
  • combining sessions with proper nutrition without hormonal drugs is of great value;
  • Physical exercises are useful, they improve blood circulation and stimulate lymph exchange, which is important for burning fat cells;
  • It is recommended to use a contrast shower to strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Body mesotherapy for weight loss will help you if you want to get rid of sagging and wrinkled skin, cellulite or other cosmetic imperfections (rosacea, scars, etc.).

A number of advantages of this technique make it possible to distinguish it from all other cosmetic procedures:

  • no surgical intervention;
  • high efficiency of the result and speed of its manifestation;
  • the body mesotherapy procedure is physiological, low-traumatic and almost painless;
  • strictly local effect of drugs without affecting the entire body;
  • minimum age restrictions;
  • duration of manifestation of the results obtained after body mesotherapy;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • low risk of complications and side effects;
  • Excellent compatibility with other cosmetic procedures.

Each method for losing weight has its disadvantages , and mesotherapy is no exception:

  • Risk of infection. Of course, it exists and is quite high, because this procedure involves puncturing the skin. It is advisable to find out before the first session how sanitary and hygienic requirements are observed in the selected clinic.
  • The pain of the procedure and its consequences. A person may experience pain, and after the session, the treatment area will appear red and bruised for several days.
  • Allergic reactions. Due to the possible occurrence of allergic reactions, it is important to do an allergy test before starting all manipulations.
  • Temporary effect. After introducing the meso-cocktail, its substances act on fat deposits for some time, breaking them down. Over time, the medicinal drug is eliminated from the body, and the figure may return to its previous state if you do not take care of your shape and do not maintain it with physical exercise and proper nutrition.
  • High cost of sessions. It should be understood that the work of a professional doctor and high-quality certified meso-cocktails are quite expensive. You can't skimp on your health. The low price of the procedure may indicate that the technology for performing the manipulations is being violated or that low-quality drugs are being used.


During mesotherapy of the abdominal area, a cumulative effect is observed, since the introduced components work gradually. The destruction of adipocytes and their subsequent elimination by the lymphatic system occurs step by step.

When conducting a full course of sessions, the following effects occur:

  • reduction of swelling as a result of eliminating stagnant processes in the lymphatic system;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • splitting of fat cells (adipocytes) and reducing volumes;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • acceleration of metabolism (removal of waste and toxins);
  • restoration of cells and tissues;
  • smoothing the microrelief and stimulating skin renewal.

Types of drugs

Preparations for abdominal mesotherapy provide a targeted effect, gradual accumulation, slow resorption and differ in the type of active substances into allopathic, which includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and homeopathic, which contain only plant extracts.

Based on the number of components, preparations are divided into single preparations that contain only one active substance (for example, silicon - Organic Silicon Care Kosmoteros), complex preparations that contain several components to solve specific problems (for example, to reduce age spots or correct cellulite) and individual cocktails that are selected individually by a specialist.

The drugs also differ in the content of the procedures:

  • mesolipolysis (for abdominal weight loss) - lipolytics (L-carnitine, phosphatidylcholine, for example, L-Carnitine Care Kosmoteros, Mesostabil Mesoestetic) are used to break down refractory fat and its subsequent removal;
  • mesolifting (to tighten the abdominal skin) - collagen, elastin, vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid (Mesoestetic Organic Silicon, Veluderm Natural Reducing) are used;
  • anti-cellulite program - defibrosating components are introduced to stimulate lymphatic drainage processes (rutoside, artichoke), as well as to activate microcirculation and metabolic mechanisms (Artichoke Care Kosmoteros, Mesoestetic Alcachora);
  • method for correcting stretch marks (stretch marks) - enzymes are used to dissolve compactions (Mesoderm Firming Cocktail).

The price of the procedure is determined individually and depends on the specifics of the questions asked, the number of sessions, the type of meso-cocktail, as well as the volume of the administered composition.

Working methods

Manual - the use of a syringe with the finest needles is more effective, since there is no loss of injected funds.

Using a cannula (a special long and blunt-ended “needle” 7-20 cm long) is a variant of the manual method that is used to administer lipolytics. In this case, the tissues move apart using reciprocating movements and the drugs flow in the reverse direction of the movement in the form of a “vector”.

Hardware use of a special device with needles (mesoinjector) - recommended for large areas with increased skin sensitivity.

Complications of lipolytic administration -

Local complications when working with the aggressive lipolytic deoxycholate are the formation of dense infiltrates and local fibrous compactions in the soft tissues. You should take into account that the more often you do courses of body mesotherapy for weight loss with deoxycholate, the more areas of fibrosis there will be in the fatty tissue. In turn, fibrosis of the pancreas will reduce the effectiveness of all subsequent courses of lipolytics, and without a cannula in the future it will be much more difficult to achieve a good effect.

If there are errors in calculating the volume of the drug and the depth of administration, very severe inflammatory reactions can occur. In addition, on the thighs or any areas with not too thick adipose tissue, the administration of deoxycholate can lead to a “washboard” effect. Those. There will be a focal decrease in the amount of fat with a change in the relief of the skin surface. Therefore, the safest local areas for administering deoxycholate are the stomach and sides.

You will also certainly have hematomas after injections (this always happens), and also a complication can also be understood as the lack of effect from the course of treatment. Considering all of the above, it is very important to understand which specialist you are seeing and what this specialist has the right to do for you.

An important question: which specialists have the right to perform lipolytic injections?

First of all, you should first make sure that the specialist you are visiting has the right to practice mesotherapy. It is good if mesotherapy is performed by a doctor, i.e. specialist with higher medical education. But in most cases, nurses work as mesotherapists. In order for a nurse to receive the right to practice mesotherapy, she must complete the following two training courses for advanced training - 1) “nursing in cosmetology”, 2) a training course in mesotherapy.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that the right to practice mesotherapy does not appear after any training course in mesotherapy, but only if it is a standardized course that complies with the program approved by the Ministry of Education. Such a course must last at least 32 hours, and after its completion, a certificate of an established (state) standard is issued on paper with watermarks (Fig. 17). All other courses and certificates do not give the right to engage in this type of activity.

What should a standard mesotherapy certificate look like?

In addition, there is also such a profession as “cosmetologist-esthetician,” which means that such a specialist can only give you facial massage, masks and peelings. That is, this is not even a health worker at all. However, in an effort to earn money, many training centers teach mesotherapy even to such “specialists” who do not even have a secondary medical education (thus violating the law). Therefore, you should make sure that you are at least not a cosmetologist-esthetician when doing lipolytic injections.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the administration of lipolytics by cannulas. This is a more complex technique, and mesotherapists with secondary medical education do not have the right to do this; they can only administer lipolytics by injection. Only doctors can legally work with cannulas, i.e. specialists with higher medical education (cosmetologists, surgeons).

Techniques for introducing meso cocktails

Infiltration - used to correct “fat traps”. The technique is carried out at a right angle to the skin surface to the entire depth of the needle (10-13 mm). Distance between injections: 2.0 - 2.5 cm.

Tracer - used to correct scars and scars. The drugs are injected as the needle moves back along the length of the defect at a small angle to the skin. The penetration depth is 6 - 13 mm, the injections are located at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm from each other.

Papular - to achieve a tightening effect. The distance between the injections is 1.5 - 2 cm to a depth of 4 - 6 mm.

Mesoperfusion is a technique for administering drugs to achieve a pronounced correction of local fat deposits. Injections are made perpendicular to a depth of 4 to 13 mm with a distance between injections of 1.5 - 2.0 cm.

“Point by point” is a classic procedure in the form of mesopuncture (point injections). Punctures are carried out to a depth of 4 mm with a distance between them of 1.5 - 2.0 cm.

Mesodissolution is combined with the “classic” mesotherapy procedure and is an option for non-surgical reduction of fat deposits. In this case, a hypoosmolar solution (100 - 120 m0sm/l) with vitamin C, caffeine, and water for injection is used, which breaks the adipocyte membrane. Penetration depth - 13 mm.

Mesothreads for the body

Mesothreads are an excellent alternative to drastic methods of correcting shapes for those who are afraid of full-fledged plastic surgery. They can restore the lost volume of your body and give you a youthful appearance. In this case, absorbable threads made of polydioxanone and hyaluronic acid are used, creating a visually invisible frame. Thanks to this, the skin of the body is tightened without surgical intervention. Since the body's production of collagen is stimulated, the achieved effect lasts for 20 months. Moreover, the procedure itself only takes half an hour.

Using special thin long needles, the drug is injected in microscopic doses into the problem area of ​​the body.

Subcutaneous injections are made to a depth of 0.5–5 mm depending on the following parameters:

  1. Extent of the problem.
  2. The area of ​​the body where the defect is present.
  3. The desire to obtain a certain result.

The composition of mesopreparations may include the following substances:

  • multivitamin complexes;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vascular drugs;
  • eutrophics.

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Course of procedures

The number of sessions depends on the patient’s age, his individual characteristics, as well as on the initially set goals. The optimal course is 8-15 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 7-10 days. Maintenance sessions are held once a month. The effect lasts up to 10 - 12 months, subject to an integrated approach.

The influence of age on the technique of abdominal mesotherapy

It is advisable to use abdominal mesotherapy up to 35-50 years of age with satisfactory skin condition and normal body mass index. After 55 years, sessions can be carried out with proper support of hormonal status. To correct stretch marks or post-operative scars, the procedure can be used for people over 20 years of age.

How much does body mesotherapy for weight loss cost?

The price of body mesotherapy for weight loss by injection depends on several factors. No one will give you a definite answer about the cost of a session without first studying a number of factors.

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  1. Preparatory - general clinical, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and ECG of the heart are performed to exclude possible contraindications.
  2. Consultation with a doctor to collect an allergy history (identify possible adverse reactions to the composition of the products), determine the method and technique of exposure.
  3. Compliance with recommendations 3 - 4 days before the procedure in the form of excluding the consumption of strong drinks.
  4. Carrying out waist measurements before and after a course of procedures to assess the effect obtained. Interestingly, the first results appear two weeks after the procedure, when waist size can decrease by 6-12 centimeters.
  5. Visual and manual determination of the boundaries of local fat deposits.
  6. Cleansing the affected area - peeling the abdomen if necessary, wiping the skin with an antiseptic (for example, 0.25% solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate).
  7. Applying an anesthetic cream under the film 20-30 minutes before the procedure when conducting sessions using a more superficial method.
  8. Preparation of the necessary preparations - the use of ready-made solutions or individual selection of substances.
  9. Compliance with successive “steps” of influence: stimulating vascular lymphatic drainage injection, lipolytic program, achieving skin tightening.
  10. Exposure to the selected technique in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Typically, thin needles 10-13 mm long are used, which are inserted at a right angle to the full depth into a pre-formed skin fold.
  11. Post-procedure care in the form of applying a regenerating cream.
  12. Home care - following the recommendations and using moisturizing, restorative and protective products.

Consequences of the mesotherapy procedure

Despite the fact that body mesotherapy for weight loss is highly effective, you should remember the possible consequences that may occur after the session.

The preparatory stage involves assessing the condition of the skin and the volume of fat deposits. Based on the information received, the specialist selects a composition for weight loss and determines its dosage. On average, from one to three ampoules of the drug are used per session. You must first do an allergy test. For this purpose, a little meso-cocktail is injected into the forearm, and after some time the result is assessed. If any deviations from the normal reaction occur, the patient is referred for additional examination.

It is important to avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and medications containing acetylsalicylic acid three days before the procedure. In addition, it is prohibited to drink alcohol and perform any cosmetic procedures (including simple application of cosmetics) in the problem area.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Identification of problem areas, their cleansing and treatment with antiseptics.
  2. Pain relief using special external agents.
  3. Direct injection of the composition into the problem area. The drug is injected along lines coinciding with the direction of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  4. Applying a soothing and anti-inflammatory cream in the form of a cream to the manipulation area.

Often after the procedure, burning, itching, swelling, bruising or redness of the treated area may occur. This is a normal reaction for the first three days. If such disturbances do not go away after three days, you should consult a doctor.

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Abdominal mesotherapy programs

Lymphatic drainage and vascular - carried out at the first stage from the first to the fourth procedures in an amount of 5.0 ml to normalize venous and lymphatic outflow and improve capillary trophism. Rutin, Melilot, vitamin C, artichoke are used. For example, Kosmo-Tonus Kosmoteros.

Lipolytic - the second stage in the amount of 6-7 procedures using direct (for example, phosphatidylcholine) and indirect (Mesoestetic Caffeine caffeine, Mesoestetic L-carnitine) lipolytic agents to destroy fat cells. The injected volume is 10 ml. Additionally, peptides are administered: DermahillLL, caffeine, Kosmolitic III-IV deoxycholate (the drug should be administered carefully at intervals of 1 time every 3 weeks, as it is gradually distributed in the tissues and has an effect in the area where it is administered).

Lifting - the third stage in the amount of 3 procedures with an interval of once a week to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Preparations containing DMAE (DMAE Care 3% Kosmoteros), as well as those containing vitamins, peptides, and amino acids, are used.

Recommendations after sessions

  • Do not wet the affected area for 3-5 hours.
  • For 24-72 hours, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool or engage in heavy physical exercise.
  • Do not visit the solarium or actively sunbathe for 14 days.
  • If swelling and pain persist for more than 24 hours after the procedure, Troxevasin gel and Traumeel cream are applied to speed up the recovery process.
  • From about the third day after the sessions, it is advisable to undergo lymphatic drainage procedures (manual massage or hardware).
  • For 3-5 days, avoid rough mechanical manipulations on the abdomen, including massage.
  • During the course, do not wear tight underwear to avoid increased swelling and inflammation.
  • Observe an individual drinking regime, adhere to a balanced diet and optimal physical activity.

Side effects

Soreness - the degree of sensitivity depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the quality of the needles and the characteristics of the injected drugs.

Hematomas - occur when the integrity of the vascular wall is violated during the procedure.

Allergic reactions (itching, blisters, weeping lesions) - as a response to the components of substances.

Redness (erythema), swelling, short-term feeling of heat are natural manifestations of increased blood circulation.

Attachment of a secondary infection - appears when the technique is incorrect, or due to inadequate and undisciplined care after the procedure.

Headache and chills are responses to the resorption and elimination of fat breakdown products.

The most common myths about body mesotherapy for weight loss

Myth No. 1. Mesotherapy is only suitable for those who…

The age at which body mesotherapy for weight loss may be needed is determined based on the individual characteristics of the body. Each person develops in his own way. Some people experience skin problems as early as 18 years of age, while others begin to experience problems only after 35 years of age.

Remember that mesoprocedures for weight loss are the most gentle among all cosmetic services.

However, according to statistics, the average age when the first signs of skin aging become noticeable ranges from 22 to 30 years. This period is considered optimal for starting mesotherapy. It is undesirable to start using this method too early, because the drugs cause some addiction to the skin, and it gradually ceases to independently maintain itself in tone.

Myth No. 2. A couple of mesotherapy sessions and you can forget about cellulite!

This statement is not entirely true.

In the fight against cellulite, you should not rely solely on mesotherapy sessions. Only an integrated approach combined with proper nutrition, diet, exercise and anti-cellulite massage will help cope with this difficult problem.

A comprehensive program will improve blood circulation, activate the process of cell regeneration and enhance the production of your own elastin. Together with mesoprocedures for weight loss, these actions will allow you to achieve maximum results.

Myth No. 3. Mesotherapy can replace any cosmetic procedure.

Of course this is a myth.

Despite the high effectiveness of body mesotherapy for weight loss, it should be understood that it cannot solve all problems. There are other cosmetic procedures that can significantly improve the appearance of the human body. These include photorejuvenation, chemical peeling, thermolifting, botulinum toxin injection, darsonvalization, etc. Each of these methods gives its own excellent results, which cannot be replaced by mesotherapy.

Myth No. 4. If you are afraid of injections, there is nothing to think about the mesotherapy procedure.

Even if a person is afraid of pain and injections, modern pain relief methods help many overcome their fears on the path to losing weight. There are special creams with lidocaine that significantly reduce pain when administering mesococktails.

The most sensitive area for injections is the area around the eyes. In this case, redness and bruising from the injections can last up to seven days.

Myth No. 5. After mesotherapy, you can get such complications that mom, don’t worry!

There are practically no side effects if the method of administering the drug was not violated and the weight loss cocktail was selected correctly.

The consequences of the procedure and complications should not be confused. It is normal if at first there is swelling of the skin, slight bruising, pallor or local soreness. Such phenomena pass in two to three days, leaving no traces.

Myth No. 6. If you constantly do mesotherapy procedures, your skin will begin to age quickly.

It is a myth. The skin ages on its own, and this process can be accelerated by exposure to sunlight, poor nutrition, various diseases, and bad habits. Mesoprocedures for weight loss, on the contrary, stop, rather than accelerate, it. They help the dermis to better produce elastin and collagen. As a result, a framework of our skin is created that keeps it in good condition.

Myth No. 7. If you do mesotherapy constantly, you can get hooked on its needle...

Mesococktails do not contain drugs that cause physical addiction to the body. Perhaps we are talking about the fact that a person who enters a salon, where he is greeted by friendly staff and a pleasant atmosphere, enjoys caring for his skin, body and hair. As a result, some psychological addiction develops.

Myth No. 8. Nothing bad will happen if you drink a little alcohol after mesotherapy procedures.

This is a very dangerous myth. Alcohol greatly dilates blood vessels, so mesomedicines are not absorbed by the body. As a result, the desired effect is not achieved and additional sessions may be required.

In addition, the usual consequences of sessions in the form of minor swelling and bruising can be aggravated by alcohol intake, leading to even greater defects. It is unlikely that such a prospect will make you happy.

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Compatibility with aesthetic methods of influence

Abdominal mesotherapy goes well with many cosmetic procedures. To enhance the effect, use techniques such as:

  • LPG massage - hardware vacuum-roller sessions tighten, polish the skin, help increase the effect of meso-compositions on refractory belly fat;
  • ultrasonic cavitation lipolysis - wave vibrations destroy adipocytes with subsequent removal of their contents through the body’s excretory system;
  • pressotherapy - compressed air normalizes the activity of the lymphatic system and stimulates metabolism;
  • anti-cellulite vacuum and cupping massage - procedures enhance skin respiration processes, activate muscle contractions and burn subcutaneous fat;
  • wraps - help enhance nutrition and elasticity of the skin;
  • radiofrequency lifting - high-frequency electric currents warm the skin, increase microcirculation, increase tone in the affected area, and destroy fat cells.

Alternative uses

If there are contraindications, as well as with a pathological fear of needles, alternative methods are used.

  • Oxymesotherapy - a high-pressure oxygen stream saturates tissues and promotes the penetration of active substances.
  • Magnetotherapy - magnetic waves evenly warm the skin and activate the transport activity of the products used.
  • Laser exposure - a focused beam of light improves microcirculation, which facilitates the delivery of applied drugs deep into the skin.
  • Electrophoresis - pulsed or direct currents introduce substances into the deep layers of the skin.
  • Cryomesotherapy - low temperatures stimulate the action of active components on treatment areas.
  • Ultrasound therapy - Ultrasound waves inject biological substances into the layers of the skin.

Contraindications to the use of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin

Fractional mesotherapy of facial skin is the safest option among all hardware rejuvenation methods. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications:

  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • fungal and viral skin lesions;
  • heart diseases;
  • psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • skin oncological pathologies;
  • the period after peeling is less than two weeks;
  • oncology of facial parts;
  • epilepsy;
  • high body temperature;
  • mental illness;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • Botox injections less than 14 days before the procedure;
  • the presence of moles, warts in the treatment area;
  • taking certain medications;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergies to injected drugs;
  • HIV;
  • weeping dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, eczema and other skin diseases;
  • low blood clotting;
  • severe inflammatory processes;
  • open wounds, burns on the face;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years.

If there are any oncological diseases of the skin, the decision on the possibility of carrying out fractional mesotherapy is made by a specialist. If the pathological changes affected the face, then this is a strict contraindication. You cannot perform fractional mesotherapy if you have recently taken corticosteroids or have undergone a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In any case, if there are any abnormalities in your health, you should always remember the possible risks of the procedure.

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Using mesotherapy at home

For self-correction of the abdominal area, mesoscooters (dermarollers) are used. A mesoscooter is a special personal compact device with an attachment in the form of a rotating roller on a plastic handle with up to 1,200 fine metal needles, penetrating to a depth of 3 mm. When using the device, microscopic channels are formed to enhance the penetration of active components into the skin and activate metabolic processes. Indications for sessions are similar to those for medical mesotherapy.

Using a dermaroller means following the rules.

  1. It is important to choose the right mesoscooter. For the abdominal area, wide dermarollers (up to 30 mm) are used for better and greater coverage of the treated area. For example, Body Roller, YYR, GMT/DRS.
  2. Periodic replacement of the device is necessary as the needles wear out.
  3. Before using a dermaroller, you should consult a doctor to identify indications, contraindications and the optimal method of use.
  4. The device should be stored in a special sealed case.
  5. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. The course requires 10-15 sessions with an interval of 1-3 times a week.
  6. In the abdominal area, make 10-15 light movements in both directions.
  7. Before the procedure, a special composition is applied to solve specific issues (for example, to correct stretch marks - Mezorollers Elastin, to reduce volume - Mezorollers Lipolysis, to give elasticity to the skin - Mezorollers Collagen).
  8. In case of increased sensitivity, preliminary application of anesthetic cream under the film 15-20 minutes before the procedure is allowed.
  9. Microneedling is carried out on a cleaned area in compliance with sterility rules.
  10. The device is disinfected before and after sessions by rinsing in running water, and also treated with special solutions (for example, Octenisept, Chlorhexidine, Amidine Aqua).
  11. It is advisable to apply restorative compounds after skin treatment (for example, Cora concentrate for elasticity) and follow the general instructions after the session.
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