Getting rid of fine wrinkles: the most effective ways

Types of facial wrinkles

In cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish between dynamic and static types of wrinkles that form as a result of active facial expressions.

The first of them are visible only when the facial muscles contract, when a person, as they say, actively “talks” with his face - moves his eyebrows or raises them in surprise, smiles a lot. In a calm state, the skin looks smooth. This type of folds is typical of young people.

Static wrinkles are present on the face even in a calm state. There are several reasons for their formation. Firstly, in the absence of appropriate therapy, dynamic wrinkles turn into static ones. Secondly, age-related changes play a role: a decrease in skin elasticity due to slower collagenogenesis and less active production of hyaluronic acid by the body.

Cosmetologists also use gradation of wrinkles according to the depth of their occurrence:

  • superficial;
  • medium-deep;
  • deep.

We all know that wrinkles most often form on the forehead and between the eyebrows. But even on the bridge of the nose, noticeable furrows are found in 30% of people over 40 years of age. They are usually horizontal in shape, while in the forehead area they can be transverse and vertical.

There is a common belief that facial wrinkles form in women earlier than in men. To some extent, this is true, because men's skin is denser, and in most men, skin aging occurs more slowly than in women. But here, too, everything depends on the characteristics of a particular person. There are often cases when overweight people turn to a cosmetologist with the problem of early formation of wrinkles.

Why do wrinkles appear on the chin?

Folds in the lower part of the face are noticeable much more often than in other problem areas.
The presence of wrinkles on the chin immediately spoils the facial expression. But few people think about why their appearance is typical even for 20-year-olds. Causes of grooves on the chin:

  • excessive exposure to active sun;
  • insufficient water balance in the body;
  • prolonged depression and anxiety;
  • incorrect posture;
  • improper sleep patterns;
  • bad habits;
  • abuse of facial expressions;
  • incorrect diet.

In parallel with procedures and remedies aimed at getting rid of wrinkles on the chin, you should:

  • control your habits,
  • seeks to get rid of some of them.

How to solve a problem?

Modern cosmetology recommends taking care of preserving youthful skin from an early age. Preventive measures are always the most effective!

Starting from the age of 18, it is necessary to do moisturizing treatments both at home and with a cosmetologist. If facial expressions are very active, then for preventive purposes, from the age of 20-25, you can use botulinum therapy in small doses to prevent wrinkles from lying deep on the bridge of the nose. This is the injection of a drug based on botulinum toxin into the area of ​​muscle tension, which relaxes the muscles. Mesotherapy - injections of therapeutic cocktails including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants and other elements - contribute to maintaining the required level of dermis moisture, and, consequently, preventing the formation of folds.

With this approach, your skin will delight you with freshness and youth for a long time!

If the area of ​​the bridge of the nose already has wrinkles, then the algorithm for getting rid of them will be different. Many people dream of finding a remedy that would help solve this problem at home. But this is a utopia - not a single cream or cosmetic oil, not a single mask will get rid of furrows on the skin if they have already formed.

Some people think that methods such as SMAS lifting or photorejuvenation can help them. But these technologies are not intended to eliminate existing wrinkles.

Thus, SMAS lifting is aimed at tightening the contours of the face and combating sagging tissue. This is an ultrasonic facelift; in our center it is performed using an Ulthera device (Altera) made in the USA. The effect is on the muscle layer. There is a targeted heating of the tissues, as a result of which they contract, the production of new collagen is stimulated and after some time the contours of the face are tightened.

This technique can also be used to prevent tissue aging. Ulthera therapy is carried out once every 1.5 - 2 years, has an increasing effect - the most pronounced result will be visible after 3-4 months. Some compare it with a surgical method of rejuvenation, but hyperkinetic folds, as expression lines are called in cosmetology, this rejuvenating technology will not completely remove.

Photorejuvenation evens out the texture of the epidermis, eliminates age spots and vascular formations. With the help of broadband pulsed light, a targeted effect is exerted on problem areas, while the surface of the dermis is not damaged. Our cosmetologists work using the Lumenis M22 device. This device is the result of the joint work of Israeli and American cosmetologists. After a course of procedures, the vascular network disappears (small vessels can be removed immediately), hyperpigmentation. The skin becomes clean and fresh! But this method will not help with wrinkles.

Chemical peeling will not help in this matter either. Its function is to exfoliate the stratum corneum. Peels based on various acids are used to even out complexion, treat acne, as a preparation for more serious procedures (phototherapy, laser rejuvenation), in combination with mesotherapy or biorevitalization.

The only method of wrinkle correction that has proven effectiveness is botulinum therapy. The most famous drug for this is Botox, which is produced by the American company Allergan. It has been used in aesthetic medicine since the 90s of the 20th century. However, now other botulinum toxins have become more widespread in cosmetology - Dysport (France) and Xeomin (Germany). The first is produced by IPSEN, the second by MERZ Corporation.

Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are muscle relaxants that block muscles in the desired area, thereby relaxing them. Thanks to this, the creases are gradually smoothed out. The main component of these botulinum toxins is botulinum toxin type A. The drugs are administered by injection, the whole procedure takes no more than 1 hour. The effect lasts on average from 4 to 6 months, after which the injections can be repeated. The volume of injections depends on the degree of facial activity and how deep the wrinkles have formed. If we talk about the back of the nose, then usually 5 to 10 units are placed at one or two points in each muscle. The exact amount will be calculated by the cosmetologist after the examination.

All three drugs are certified in the Russian Federation and have been used for many years. Which one will be effective in a particular case is decided by a cosmetologist during a face-to-face consultation.

Many are concerned about the safety of such a procedure and whether it is addictive. Decades of practice have proven that botulinum toxins do not cause any harm to human health, but there are conditions and diseases for which they cannot be used.

How to get rid of fine wrinkles with gymnastics

American cosmetologist Carol Maggio has developed special gymnastics with which you can tighten 57 muscles of the face and neck. It may well replace plastic surgery, since the exercises really help get rid of fine wrinkles that appear near the mouth.

In order to get a positive result from gymnastics, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Exercises should only be done while sitting. In order to see how the muscles work, you should put a mirror in front of you. In the future, you can do without it when the techniques become a habit.
  2. Each exercise should end with blowing air through relaxed lips. The muscles should be relaxed.
  3. In order to start doing exercises, you need to sit down and strain the muscles of your thighs and buttocks to the limit. This is the starting position in Carol Maggio's gymnastics. During breaks, the muscles should be relaxed, and tensed again during exercise.

Exercise No. 1: to lift the corners of the lips.

Take the starting position, purse your lips and give your face a skeptical expression. There is no need to clench your teeth and jaws. Lifting the corners of your mouth up with your fingers, you must exert resistance with your lips. When the moment of maximum tension comes, hold for 10 seconds. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.

Exercise No. 2: for a clear lip contour.

Having taken the starting position, you need to make your lips “ducky” and freeze for 10 seconds. After this, you should smile widely (to the point of grinning) and also pause for 10 seconds. The number of repetitions in this case is 10 times.

Exercise No. 3: from nasolabial folds.

In the starting position, open your mouth as if you were pronouncing the letter “O”. Place your index fingers on both sides of the tip of the nose, and then make sliding movements towards the temples. The mouth should remain open and as tense as possible. This exercise is repeated 10 times.

Facial skin care complex for every day:

  • After pre-cleaning the dermis, apply oil or massage cream to it.
  • Distribute the product applied to the skin with stroking movements along the massage lines.
  • Place the index, ring and middle fingers with pads in the center of the forehead and move in spiral movements towards the temples. With this exercise you can easily get rid of small expression wrinkles in the forehead area.
  • Place the pads of your index and middle fingers at the inner corners of your eyes. After this, move in a circular motion towards the temples along the lower edge of the orbit and back to the bridge of the nose along the brow ridge. This will get rid of bags under the eyes and crow's feet.
  • Place the pads of your index fingers on the folds of the nasolabial triangle, press firmly in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and, while maintaining pressure, move towards the temples. This exercise is good for dealing with wrinkles on the cheeks and around the nose.
  • Place the middle and index fingers at the wings of the nose. Applying slight pressure, draw a line to the middle of the chin along the nasolabial folds. Then, along the same path, return to the starting position, but without pressure. This exercise allows you to get rid of wrinkles located around the lips.
  • Using the pads of the index, ring and middle fingers, draw a line from the middle of the chin to the temples, moving along the jawbone with light pressure. With this exercise you can improve the shape of your face.
  • Using alternating stroking movements, move your palms from the chin down the neck. Using this method you can get rid of small wrinkles on the neck.
  • Use your middle finger to massage the area between the eyebrows. This should be done in spiral movements with the pad, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending at the hairline.

Before finishing the set of exercises, you need to walk along the massage lines of your face with your palms. The movements should be stroking.

If you do the above techniques regularly at home, then within two weeks you will be able to see the result: the condition of the skin will improve, deep wrinkles will decrease and fine wrinkles will disappear.

Contraindications to botulinum therapy:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Lactation
  3. Feverish conditions
  4. Acute viral infections
  5. Inflammatory processes at the injection site
  6. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug
  7. Myasthenic syndromes.

There are others, so first you must consult a cosmetologist and fill out a medical card.

For deep folds in the bridge of the nose, a combination of botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery can be used. After blocking muscle activity, the doctor uses a filler that fills the unevenness from the inside and smoothes it out.

This way you can quickly achieve smooth skin. The basis of most contouring preparations is hyaluronic acid. This is a natural component of the human body, which is also present in the skin, providing its moisture. However, starting from the age of 25, the process of hyaluronic acid synthesis slows down, as a result of which the dermis becomes drier, loses its freshness and fullness. Filler injections, on the one hand, replenish lost volumes, and on the other, create conditions for deep hydration of the skin, eliminating water deficiency, evening out the relief of the skin.

What methods do clinics and beauty salons offer?

Not all women are able to fight wrinkles day after day. There is a category of beauties who are skeptical about various cosmetic forms and prefer only clinical and salon methods.

On the one hand, hardware and radical procedures give a quick effect, but on the other hand, all procedures are expensive, require correction every few months, and have contraindications and side effects.

Techniques used in salons

To get rid of wrinkles on the chin, cosmetologists use methods that are aimed at activating metabolic processes and producing substances necessary to improve the texture of the skin. This:

  • Microcurrent therapy. Briefly, the microcurrent procedure is as follows: using electrical impulses, certain layers of the epidermis are affected, thereby increasing muscle tone and the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Lifting . Thermolifting of the face is one of the most popular techniques, since contraindications and side effects are minimal. Wrinkle smoothing occurs using radiofrequency energy.
  • Laser correction . Alignment of folds using laser energy.
  • Chemical peeling . Acids are used to clean the upper layer of the epidermis, after which the wrinkles become less deep. The procedure is quite painful.
  • Photorejuvenation of facial skin . Skin renewal using laser beams. At the same time, the production of substances necessary to align the structure of the epidermis is activated.

When visiting salons, women should remember that each of the procedures gives a quick, but not long-lasting effect and requires periodic repetition.

Salon procedures require periodic repetition.

How to get rid of wrinkles - radical ways

When neither cosmetic forms, nor massages, nor hardware methods have led to complete elimination of folds on the chin, women have to resort to cosmetology clinics.
Clinical procedures also provide quick results that last longer than hardware methods. They also have a number of contraindications, possible negative consequences and high cost. Although in pursuit of the desire to become beautiful, this stops few people.

Methods used in clinics:

  • Beauty injections . This was the name previously given to Botox injections. Now there are several other drugs with a similar spectrum of action that are used by injection. But they all tend to relax the muscles that contribute to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Surgical lift . With this method, wrinkles are completely smoothed out, but periodically appear again. Experts do not recommend performing this procedure for the chin more than 2 or maximum 3 times.
  • Introduction of implants from your own tissues , which are subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of allergic reactions and rejection is reduced to zero. The effect of the operation lasts for several years with proper care.
  • Artificial implants . Small thin plates that are implanted under the skin. When done correctly, the result is permanent.

When contacting salons and clinics, it is worth remembering that after such procedures, the skin on the chin requires more active protection than before.

After radical procedures you will have to:

  • refuse solarium and sunbathing;
  • Carefully monitor your diet, fluid intake and use of decorative cosmetics to remain beautiful.

Prevention of wrinkles

It is quite difficult to prevent their formation on the face, but it is possible. Firstly, facial activity should be controlled. To monitor facial muscle contractions, it is recommended to look in the mirror more often.

For example, you can place it next to your workplace and note in what situations certain grimaces appear, so that you can then gradually try to avoid them, developing new habits.

Secondly, regular cosmetic care is necessary to nourish and moisturize the skin and relieve muscle spasms. Special facial massage techniques, mesotherapy and biorevitalization will help with this. Home care also needs to be given attention, using high-quality professional cosmetics - creams, serums, nourishing and alginate masks.

To select the most effective cosmetic products, we advise you to consult a cosmetologist who will diagnose your skin condition and recommend the best option. As for facial exercises (face lifting), there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness yet. Of course, if folds on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and on the forehead have already formed, and you cannot get rid of them with the help of cosmetics and massage, more effective procedures are needed.

Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles

Representatives of the fair half do not have to run to the clinic for radical procedures if they have deep wrinkles on the chin. It is possible to get rid of grooves using gentle and inexpensive means.

Cosmetic forms

To combat grooves on the chin, creams, gels and masks are suitable. Among the products of modern cosmetology, the most popular products are:

  • The anti-myoaging line from Vichy helps to relax and smooth the skin due to the presence of microparticles that fill unevenness.
  • Derma Genesis cream from L'Oreal with special components aimed at the production of collagen and elastin fibers. With daily use for 12 weeks, you can get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  • Skin Naturals cream from Garnier is one of the few products that can be used during the day. Actively evens out the structure of the skin and activates all metabolic processes within it.

Home Remedies

To prepare masks, compresses and lotions, you can use the components that are available. The main thing is to pre-cleanse the skin, follow temporary recommendations and carefully remove the compositions.

Home methods:

  1. Moisturizing mask , which is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. You need to grind 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. oatmeal Add enough warm milk to get the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture for 5 maximum 10 minutes. Wash off with a weak tea solution.
  2. heated olive oil to your chin and cover with a napkin for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
  3. Contrast compresses . Prepare two containers with cold and hot water. Alternately apply cloth napkins soaked in hot or cold water for 1 minute. Perform 20 applications.

When using masks, lotions or compresses you need:

  • alternate compositions,
  • Avoid daily use
  • Always thoroughly cleanse your skin first.

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Time dictates its own laws. Today, those who look well-groomed and young achieve success. The well-known proverb “You are greeted by your clothes” can be supplemented – and by your face too! But what to do if age takes its toll?

Contour plastic

You can also remove rabbit wrinkles from a cosmetologist using contour plastic surgery. During the manipulation, gel-like substances with hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin. The latter is capable of retaining water in the intercellular space, and thereby providing high-quality hydration of the dermis. Thanks to their gel structure, filler preparations effectively replenish the missing volume, literally “pushing” wrinkles to the surface. As a result, deep creases disappear, the skin smoothes and the general condition of the epidermis improves.

The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately and lasts about 1-2 years. After the drug is absorbed, the manipulation can be repeated.


The method is also based on the introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. But, unlike contour plastic surgery, with biorevitalization the smoothing of wrinkles occurs not due to replenishment of lost volume, but due to the action of hyaluronic acid itself. Due to the saturation of the dermis structure with hyaluronic compounds:

  • rejuvenation processes are launched;
  • healthy skin color returns;
  • cell renewal is stimulated;
  • the synthesis of framework proteins is activated.

The procedure is indicated for people aged 25 to 50 years and is effective for eliminating small, superficial wrinkles.

All of these methods combine well with each other: for example, the new direction of biorevolumetry involves a combination of biorevitalization and contouring. The simultaneous use of several techniques allows you to achieve a more pronounced and lasting effect. The decision on how to remove rabbit wrinkles, which method is best to choose, what substances to use, is made taking into account individual characteristics, skin type and condition, and the patient’s age.

Experienced specialists at the Amara Aesthetic Medicine Center will conduct a thorough examination and select the optimal method for solving the problem, taking into account the patient’s wishes. To make an appointment with a doctor, leave a request on the website or contact us by phone.

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