Modern technologies of figure correction to protect beauty and health


Every year, the number of overweight and obese people around the world is steadily increasing, and the “obesity epidemic,” according to WHO experts, is becoming an increasingly acute medical and social problem that threatens not only the health of society as a whole, but also the economies of different countries. .
In Russia, the problem of combating excess body weight is no less acute than throughout the world. According to domestic researchers, the prevalence of overweight among the adult population of Russia in recent years has been 60% for men and 59.2% for women. Moreover, the incidence of obesity in adults is 21.9 and 29.7% among the male and female population, respectively. Due to the prevalence of obesity among the population, interest in various methods of body correction is currently increasing. An increase in body weight of 20% or more from standard values ​​and obvious deposits of adipose tissue lead to a violation of the aesthetic perception of the human body. This limits the physical activity of patients, negatively affects the quality of life, and in some cases leads to loss of professional fitness. For many women, by the time they reach puberty, excess fat deposits appear in some areas (including the abdomen).

It has been shown that the number of fat cells remains constant during adulthood and that fat mass in adults is primarily determined by changes in lipid storage in existing adipocytes. Weight loss does not reduce the number of adipocytes, but only changes their size. Likewise, significant weight gain leads to an increase in body fat, which is due to an increase in the volume of adipocytes rather than their number.

Laser treatments to eliminate skin imperfections

We also offer our patients various types of laser treatments to eliminate unwanted blood vessels, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks and other types of problems.

If necessary, doctors of other specialties are involved in the project, who provide consultations and take part in drawing up an individual plan for body correction.

Only people with higher medical education who have undergone special training in a specific field of medicine will assist you in implementing the program.

Within the framework of the project, goals and objectives are determined for each participant and an individual program is selected. Weekly monitoring of the results obtained is carried out with corrections and additions to the participant’s individual plan. In the end, you will receive not only the body of your dreams, but also pleasant bonuses from our team.

As part of the first procedure, the patient may be prescribed additional tests to clarify his health status. This is required for a clear understanding of the patient’s condition. For example, in order to establish nutrition, it is necessary to know the level of hormones, vitamins and microelements in the body.

People with serious illnesses are not allowed into the program:

  • decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system
  • decompensated liver and kidney diseases
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • decompensated autoimmune diseases

We have collected for you the best world technologies, our experience and desire to help.

Figure correction techniques

Most people struggle with body size fluctuations beyond adulthood. The most commonly used methods are food control and weight control programs. But all these measures provide only temporary changes in the volume of fat cells and are not always successful. To achieve long-term results of controlling fat mass in a specific part of the body, it is necessary to reduce the number of adipocytes.

Invasive methods

Over the past decade, the aesthetic medicine market has continually shifted from invasive procedures to non-invasive treatments.
According to ASAPS statistics, non-invasive cosmetic procedures grew twice as fast as surgical procedures in 2016. In 2022, liposuction was the most common surgical cosmetic procedure after breast augmentation, with more than 300,000 procedures performed in one year at that time. Due to the high risk of complications (eg, infection, scarring, or hematoma) following aesthetic body contouring surgical procedures, there has been an increased demand for non-invasive fat removal procedures in various areas.

Non-invasive methods

Unlike surgical treatments, non-invasive body contouring procedures have previously produced modest results.
However, with advances in technology in recent years, the aesthetic changes that can be achieved non-invasively have improved significantly. The main concern remains the longevity of the results of non-invasive treatment, as surgical procedures such as liposuction are thought to have longer-term results unless major lifestyle changes occur. Today, the leading technologies for non-invasive body contouring, widely used to reduce subcutaneous fat, are:

  • Cryolipolysis
  • Radio frequency (RF)
  • High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).

All these technologies are aimed at temporarily or permanently reducing the volume of adipose tissue. The mechanisms of action of these methods are different. These range from induction of apoptosis (RF), coagulative necrosis (HIFU) to programmed fat cell death caused by localized panniculitis (cryolipolysis). At the same time, aesthetic medicine specialists have the opportunity to combine these technologies to achieve optimal results in correcting body contours.

Medical fitness

A set of exercises aimed at restoring and increasing muscle tone, creating a muscular frame, correcting the figure, improving joint mobility, eliminating discomfort, training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Medical fitness includes:

  • Cardio workout
  • Interval training
  • Fitball training
  • Exercise therapy
  • Pilates
  • Strength fitness
  • Stretching

As part of each visit, an individual training session is provided, consisting of a combination of exercises depending on the purpose of the specific workout. The level of load should correspond to your physical data, health status and level of physical fitness. The load may be adequate for a master of sports, or it may be suitable for a person with chronic diseases and a sedentary lifestyle.

After gaining the skills to correctly perform basic exercises and adapt the body to power loads, home workouts will be added to the program.

Fitness is conducted by a rehabilitation doctor, physiotherapist, international fitness trainer, candidate master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. These are individual trainings or classes in a group of no more than 3 people.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

The method has been used clinically for the non-invasive treatment of pathological conditions in various organs for more than 50 years.
The predictable and reproducible effects of HIFU have made it a promising tool for the treatment of various diseases. Current therapeutic options for HIFU in human medicine include the treatment of cancer and solid tumors, leiomyomas and atrial fibrillation. In modern aesthetic medicine, HIFU is used for fat ablation to correct body contours and treat collagen-rich layers. Decreased skin tone is another common cosmetic problem among middle-aged women. Using an external transducer, HIFU energy precisely removes targeted fat tissue through intact skin without affecting surrounding tissue or causing collateral damage above or below the focused energy zone.

Operating principle

Focused ultrasound causes a rapid increase in temperature in a predetermined focal area, where tissue temperatures approaching 70°C (133°F) are achieved within one to two seconds.
This results in almost immediate coagulative necrosis and cell death in the target tissue, while surrounding areas remain unaffected. Thus, HIFU can be used to remove fat tissue with a high degree of precision. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) with the Ultraformer (Classys) is one of the non-invasive methods that provides safe and effective fat reduction and improved skin firmness and tightening. Adipose tissue on the Ultraformer is processed at a depth of 13, 9 and 6 mm, and cartridges operating at a depth of 4.5 and 3 mm are used for skin tightening. This allows you to achieve high results in correcting body contours.

Price list for participation in the medical project “Love Yourself”

Procedure nameCost of the procedureCost of a course of 5 proceduresCost of a course of 10 proceduresCost with advance payment from 50,000
1Consultative appointmentFor free
2Starter package: 5 individual training sessions, 45 minutes each. 5 LPG procedures, 45 minutes each. Consultation and selection of individual nutrition Women 17500 Men 18000
3Individual training150065001200011000
LPG massage programs
4Test procedure, familiarization with technology1200
5Skin restoration, contour improvement150070001350013000
6Endermological massage LPG, recovery, wellness relaxation160075001450014000
7Edema cellulite190085001600015500
8Treatment of fibrous cellulite200090001700016500
9Lipomassage for women210095001785017000
10Lipomassage for men2200100001870018000
11Lipomassage “shorts”200090001700016500
12The procedure for the problem area can be added to general programs as an additional intervention1200
10Customized LPG suit2200
LPG care programs for face, neck and décolleté
11Test procedure, familiarization with technology1200
12Lift procedure “Radiant face”190085001600015000
13Activation of collagen production, strengthening the skin framework2200100001870018000
14Firming skin and smoothing wrinkles2400110001920018500
15Reducing volume, modeling the oval of the face (increased correction of the lower third of the face)200090001600015800
16Lift cellular regeneration procedure2400110001920018500
17Breast lift2200100001870018000
18Lift procedure for eyelids and periorbital area180080001530015000
Laser non-surgical lipolysis procedures
Processing area1 procedure2 procedure3 procedure4 procedure
21Treatment of a standard area of ​​10cm28000750070006500
22Laser lipolysis of the chin7000650060005500
23Fat trap on the neck and back (fat hump)8000750070006500
24Fat traps on the back (along the bra line), symmetrically on both sides8000750070006500
25Waist area, symmetrical on 2 sides, two zones 15*10 cm2 each15000145001400013500
26Anterior abdominal surface, 4 standard zones30000290002800027000
27Navel area8000750070006500
28Shoulder area symmetrically on both sides1200011501100010500
30Thigh area (breeches zone) symmetrically on 2 sides, area 15*15 cm217000165001600015500
31Areas of large joints (knees, elbows, ankles) symmetrically on both sides8000750070006500
Injections of lipolytic drugs
32Aqualyx®. Direct action lipolytic 7300720072007100
Manual massage
33Classic massage, 45 min., 60 min., 90 min.1800, 2200, 26008000, 10000, 1200015000
34Lymphatic drainage, 45 min.1900850015500
35Anti-cellulite massage, 45 min.190015000
36Corrective abdominal massage, 20 min.100048009000
37Brazilian butt massage, 20 min.10004800
38Vacuum cupping massage, 45 min.1600750014000
39Oil relaxing massage, 45 min.1800
40Various types of facial massagefrom 1200
41Buccal sculpting facial massage, 50 minutes2000
42Nutrition consultation1600

Radio frequency

There is clinical evidence in both animals and humans that a significant increase in the apoptotic index in adipose tissue can be achieved using non-invasive treatment with radiofrequency devices (eg, Accent XL, Alma Lasers).
Apoptosis is defined as programmed cell death, which results in the decomposition and elimination of cells. Thus, RF can be used to reduce adipocytes by number rather than size. Thus, treatment may potentially cause long-lasting changes in body contour and a decrease in fat mass volume, since the remaining adipocytes are unlikely to increase in size before the original volume is restored. Accent combines the latest advances in ultrasound (US) and radiofrequency (RF) to provide effective treatments with natural, long-lasting results. A variety of techniques and protocols allow us to select individual solutions for each patient, and technological innovations make it possible to perform body contouring procedures at unprecedented speed. The Accent system was developed by Alma Lasers, an internationally recognized manufacturer of laser, light and radio frequency technologies. Alma Lasers is one of the leaders in the field of body contouring with clinically proven achievements and proven safety, having received FDA approval in 2007.


The scope of application of the nozzle is very wide:

  • stomach, sides, buttocks, inner thigh, knee area, face, chin and neck.

Also, when using the BODY FX attachment, it is possible to correct defects on the arms and back. These are the areas that are difficult to get into shape with sports exercises.

Due to the fact that the attachment allows you to correct almost all problem areas of the body, you do not need to look for a new clinic every time to solve different problems. It's convenient and profitable:

When a specialist can complete the entire scope of tasks, he can recommend a sequence of procedures so that the figure improves harmoniously and there are no untreated areas left. In addition, trusting relationships with specialists are the key to the fact that even very shy patients will be able to calmly and openly talk about their wishes. And this significantly increases the chances of getting the desired result.


In the 70s of the 20th century, the assumption of increased sensitivity to cold effects of tissues with a high lipid content first arose. From that moment on, scientific research into cryolipolysis began. The method was first discovered by a group of scientists at Harvard University led by Professor Dieter Manstein. And already in 2009, the first cryolipolysis apparatus was presented to the world for the first time. Cryolipolysis is a widely used method in the world for the correction of local fat deposits.

Operating principle

In response to cooling of the tissue in the affected area, an inflammatory reaction develops, followed by phagocytosis of adipocyte breakdown products and a gradual decrease in the thickness of the fat layer.
Histological studies immediately after the procedure showed no noticeable changes in the tissues. After 3 days, the number of macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes increases in the affected area. By days 7–14, the inflammatory process becomes more and more pronounced and reaches its maximum by the end of the first month (then the first results of the procedure become visually noticeable). Then the intensity of inflammation decreases, the thickness of the interlobular septa in the subcutaneous fatty tissue increases. It is assumed that the latter is the result of selective death of adipocytes, a decrease in the thickness of adipose tissue and, thus, an increase in the proportion of collagen in the hypodermis. The process completely subsides after approximately 90 days - by this time the results of cryolipolysis become most pronounced. Today, a prominent representative of cryolipolysis technology is the CLATUU device (Classys). This device uses 360° circular cooling technology in the applicator bowls, which makes the cryolipolysis procedure 18.1% more effective compared to devices in which the cold elements are presented in the form of parallel plates.

It is thanks to the 360° circular cooling technology that the results after a single procedure are clearly visible after just two months. The ability to install two applicators on the CLATUU cryolipolysis device in one procedure makes body correction twice as fast compared to previous versions of cryolipolysis devices.

Cryolipolysis does not lead to changes in serum lipids and does not affect liver function. CLATUU cryolipolysis is a safe, effective procedure for reducing localized fat deposits with a high level of patient satisfaction.

Indications and contraindications for correction using hardware methods

Each of the hardware correction methods has a number of indications and contraindications. Let's look at some general recommendations.

Indications for correction using hardware techniques

  • cellulite
  • local fat excess
  • extra centimeters at the waist
  • saggy belly
  • stretch marks
  • fuzzy outlines
  • flabbiness
  • folds

Hardware cosmetology allows you to painlessly and quickly eliminate imperfections in the hips, abdomen, arms, legs, correct the bottom of the chin, sides, inner thighs, shins, knees. The correction is accompanied by weight loss in the treated areas, and total body weight decreases.


  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • phlebeurysm
  • diabetes
  • oncology
  • autoimmune diseases
  • metabolic disorders
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • acute diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder

Some correction methods are only suitable for certain body weights. To achieve visible results, you need to undergo a course of procedures.


It should be noted that modern medical equipment used in aesthetic medicine clinics makes it possible to create individual combined figure correction programs.
The possibility of combining the non-surgical methods described above for correcting body contours allows us to achieve maximum reduction in the volume of subcutaneous fat and satisfy the needs of even the most demanding clinic clients. Sources: World Health Organization: Obesity and overweight. Available from: (access date 04/18/2016). Ivleva A. Ya., Burkov S. G. Overweight and obesity are a medical problem, not a cosmetic one. Obesity and metabolism. 2010; (3): 15-9. Grinevich V. B., Sas E. I., Kravchuk Yu. A., Efimov O. I. Abdominal obesity: clinical and social aspects of the problem. Obesity and metabolism. 2012; (2): 28-32. Soboleva N. P., Rudnev S. G., Nikolaev O. V. Bioimpedance screening of the Russian population in health centers: the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Russian medical journal. 2014; (4): 4-13. Nikolaev D. V., Rudnev S. G. Bioimpedance analysis: fundamentals of the method, examination protocol and interpretation of results. Sports medicine: science and practice. 2012; (2): 29-37. Krayushkin P.V. Cryolipolysis: present and future. Hardware cosmetology 2016, 2: p.38-50 Achkasov E. E., Razina A. O., Runenko S. D. Pathogenetic approach in choosing methods for conservative treatment of obesity and correction of excess body weight Clinical Medicine, Russian journal. 2016; 94(7) DOI 10.18821/0023-2149-2016-94-7-509-517 Ernesto Gadsden María Teresa Aguilar Bruce R. Smoller Mark L. Jewell. Evaluation of a Novel High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Device for Ablating Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue for Noninvasive Body Contouring: Safety Studies in Human Volunteers. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 31, Issue 4, May 2011, Pages 401–410 Gadsden E, Aguilar MT, Smoller BR, Jewell ML. Evaluation of a novel high-intensity focused ultrasound device for ablating subcutaneous adipose tissue for noninvasive body contouring: safety studies in human volunteers. Aesthet Surg J 2011 May;31(4):401-10. Jewell ML1, Desilets C, Smoller BR. Evaluation of a novel high-intensity focused ultrasound device: preclinical studies in a porcine model. Aesthet Surg J 2011 May;31(4):429-34. Manstein D., Laubach H., Watanabe K., Farinelli W., Zurakowski D., Anderson RR Selective cryolysis: A novel method of non-invasive fat removal. Lasers Surg Med 2008, 40(9): 595–604. Riopelle JT, Kovach B. Lipid and liver function effects of the cryolipolysis procedure in a study of male love handle reduction. Lasers Surg Med. 2009:82. Portal 1nep

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