Abdominal massage for weight loss: 8 techniques for a beautiful figure

A novice master may think that abdominal massage is carried out only as an anti-cellulite procedure, and someone who wants to get rid of extra centimeters at home on their own believes that such sessions are very difficult and ineffective. We debunk both myths in this article, talking about a wide list of problems that abdominal massage solves, and explaining a step-by-step procedure for the procedure at home using a brush, cups, honey and other “helpers.”

What are the benefits of a professional abdominal massage?

  • Anti-cellulite and fat-burning effect;
  • Improving the condition of the skin of the face and body;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Normalization of the functioning of internal organs, especially the digestive system;
  • Reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks;
  • Getting rid of congestion in the genitourinary system;
  • Treatment of prostatitis, diastasis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Fighting flatulence, constipation;
  • Fighting swelling, removing excess fluid, waste, toxins from the body;
  • Improving blood circulation and general well-being;
  • Improving emotional state, combating headaches, insomnia, and the effects of stress.

Corrective anti-cellulite massage

Patients enjoy the opportunity to relax during the procedure and improve their figure. The doctor uses special techniques aimed at gently correcting the contours of the body. The session is accompanied by pleasant relaxation and has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state.

The recommended course is 6-10 procedures, at least 1 session per week. Please check the price of corrective anti-cellulite massage at your appointment. Session duration: 50 minutes. (thighs and buttocks 20 min.).

An all-time classic: how to do a classic abdominal massage?

The abdominal massage procedure is carried out to treat diseases of the digestive tract (but not in their acute form!), as well as to reduce fat deposits. Sessions are also prescribed by a doctor for better rehabilitation after injuries.

How to do abdominal massage correctly:

  1. Before abdominal massage, the client needs to prepare:
      Do not eat two hours before the session;
  2. Go to the toilet before the procedure;
  3. Take a shower if possible.
  4. Apply oil to your skin.
  5. The first abdominal massage should not exceed 10-15 minutes, subsequent ones - 20-25 minutes. The course consists of 10 sessions with an interval of one or two days.
  6. All movements must be performed clockwise!
  7. Start by stroking with your fingertips. First light, and then increasingly stronger, outlining the area around the navel from a smaller diameter for the first movements to the maximum. Repeat in the opposite direction. Time - 3 minutes.
  8. Trituration. Working with both hands, you need to rub the skin. Time - 3 minutes. If you need to achieve an anti-cellulite and fat-burning effect, you can increase the intensity or duration of the movement.
  9. Pressure. Place one hand, palm down, on your stomach, and the second “press down” the first, hold for 2-3 seconds. Release and repeat at the next point in a clockwise direction. Time - 3 minutes.
  10. Kneading. The movement consists of grasping the skin with several fingers and then moving it. The intake warms the skin well, reduces the volume of fat deposits, and improves blood circulation. Time - 3 minutes.
  11. Vibration with the edge of the palm or fingers for 3 minutes.
  12. Proceed to stroking.
  13. Rinse off any remaining oil and wipe the skin with a dry or damp towel.


Cosmetic massage is performed to reduce fat deposits. If you have problems with the elasticity of the skin on your abdomen, uneven skin, stretch marks, cellulite, contact a professional massage therapist. After childbirth, you can also massage the abdomen to restore it to its previous appearance, prevent skin sagging, speed up its contraction, and enhance collagen production. However, the procedure can be carried out only after the end of postpartum bleeding, complete healing of the sutures and contraction of the uterus. Before going to the salon, consult your doctor.

Therapeutic abdominal massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Constipation due to slow intestinal motility;
  • Flatulence;
  • Colitis;
  • Problems with the reproductive system;
  • Biliary dyskinesia (bile stagnation);
  • Fat deposits in the abdominal area that are difficult to remove with diet.

How to do a manual abdominal massage to lose weight and get rid of cellulite?

  1. The client's preparation should be the same as for the classic procedure: do not eat two hours before the session and take a shower. During the course of procedures, the patient should adhere to the rules of abstaining from junk food (salty, smoked, sweet), maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, and maintaining a drinking regime. The results of the sessions will be much better if the master works together with the client: from the first - massage, from the second - “good behavior” at home.
  2. The first massage should not exceed 10-15 minutes, subsequent ones - 20-25 minutes. The course consists of 10 sessions with an interval of one or two days. You can combine massage of the abdomen and legs in one procedure.
  3. Apply anti-cellulite oil or cream to the treated area.
  4. You should start with stroking, as in the classical method.
  5. The main techniques are rubbing and kneading, which we talked about in the previous paragraph. They should be more intense and longer than in the classical method. Repeat them for 15 minutes. Please note that bruises should not appear after the session! This is a very delicate area (especially the lower abdomen) that cannot be injured.
  6. The session should end with stroking.
  7. Rinse the oil off the client's body.

After the first session, the stomach may hurt a little (but not at the level of the internal organs!) - this is explained by the intensity of the technique and is considered normal.

What could be the consequences?

Since during a massage blood rushes to the treated skin, the consequence of the procedure may be damage to the capillaries - redness of the skin or bruises appear. In general, this is an adequate reaction of the body; you should not panic and immediately consult a doctor. However, sometimes the problems are much more serious:

  • hematomas;
  • strong pain;
  • temporary hyperemia;
  • individual intolerance.

If severe pain occurs after a massage, you should inform your doctor about it.

Important! If you encounter any of these problems, you should definitely contact a specialist. He will prescribe ointments or other remedies that will correct these troubles.

Visceral massage that will replace pills and even operations

This technique of abdominal massage is used only by experienced practitioners who know anatomy perfectly. The philosophy of the visceral technique is that all processes in the body are regulated with the help of internal organs, the incorrect position of which leads to malfunctions of one or another function. The procedures are aimed at restoring the correct position of the organs: the master works directly with them through the layer of skin and muscles. The visceral technique is actively used to treat diastasis.

Where does cellulite come from?

If you want to get a beautiful body, you need to understand where these “orange peels”, or lipodystrophy, come from. Research shows that cellulite is not a disease, but rather normal changes in fatty tissue that occur in the body over time. Some experts claim that “crusts” are a secondary sexual characteristic characteristic of women and appear after puberty. But such statements are questionable, since cellulite can also affect members of the stronger sex.

Cellulite is quite common

The nature of such changes in adipose tissue lies in problems with lipid metabolism, lack of blood supply, as a result of which specific cells that make up the so-called “fat lobules” are “distorted”, which are transformed into nodules. Fibrous tissue appears there, which is why scars appear, and then “orange peels”. Most often it appears on the back of the thighs, arms, and stomach.

There are certain risk factors for the formation of “orange peel”:

  • inactive lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • excess weight;
  • dehydration;
  • plenty of sweets and caffeine in the diet. Of course, it is far from a fact that these products will provoke cellulite, but the chances of its occurrence increase significantly;
  • many people hide cellulite under a tan, but it is precisely this that is the main provocateur of this problem, since the sun's rays destroy elastin and collagen, which deprives the skin of its elasticity;
  • food allergies;
  • frequent stress;

Cellulite can even occur due to frequent stress

  • hormonal problems;
  • carrying a baby, during which changes occur in the body that negatively affect the skin. Weight constantly fluctuates, hormonal levels are disrupted, fluids are removed from the body more slowly. Nutrition is often disrupted, resulting in a lack of nutrients. Some women suffer from insomnia, which also has a bad effect on the body.

Plucking technique

Used to burn fat and improve body contours. The pinching technique allows you to narrow your waist and reduce the appearance of cellulite. A pinch massage session is useful to add to other procedures, as it does not take much time (10-15 minutes), but gives good results.

  1. If desired, apply oil, but a small amount: your fingers should not slip too much, otherwise the effect will be worse.
  2. Start with stroking (1-2 minutes).
  3. The main technique of this technique is pinching with the index finger and thumb, which should be quite strong in intensity. They should be performed first around the navel, then in the direction from the navel to the sides, and then along the sides themselves from bottom to top.
  4. Go back to stroking.

Rules for anti-cellulite massage

  • The maximum result in eliminating cellulite will be achieved if, in addition to massage manipulations, auxiliary cosmetics are used. For example, this could be a peeling cream and a special anti-cellulite gel.
  • Anti-cellulite massage is especially effective in the first and second stages of the disease.
  • It should be remembered that at any stage of the disease, cellulite can only be eliminated with complex therapy. This means that in addition to massage, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet, exercise, take a contrast shower, etc.
  • If, in addition to cellulite, the patient has problems with excess weight (more than five or seven extra kilograms), then in this case it is necessary to first normalize the weight, and only then begin massage treatment.
  • When treating cellulite, the massage course ranges from eight to fifteen sessions. And if the massage is performed for preventive purposes, one session is enough, which will be carried out systematically with a break of two or three weeks.
  • The optimal frequency of performing anti-cellulite procedures is every other day or even once every three days.
  • Vigorous massage manipulations should begin when the body muscles are warmed up and completely relaxed. Therefore, at the beginning of the session, a light massage of the whole body is necessary, which will help the body prepare for the procedure itself.
  • When performing anti-cellulite massage, the massage therapist's palms should not be cold and wet.
  • You cannot work on the groin area, the hollow located under the knee, as well as the inner surface of the thighs near the pubis.
  • If bruises and hematomas appear on the body during a massage course, this means that the massage is performed incorrectly.
  • After the session, it is advisable not to overcool the body and try not to put too much strain on the muscles and spine.
  • At the end of each procedure, you must drink at least 200-300 grams of warm clean water or a mug of herbal tea.

Japanese acupressure massage

Chinese and Japanese medicine is based on the philosophy that small points on the body affect the entire body. Doctors in these countries believe that by influencing a couple of points, the most serious diseases can be cured. And you can trust them: the experience of Asian doctors shows that acupressure techniques really work! This method improves metabolism, normalizes hormone production, and calms the client’s emotional state, which helps speed up the weight loss process.

When not to massage for weight loss

Despite the effectiveness of the technique, in some cases it is better to refrain from massage for weight loss.

The procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and people with high blood pressure. And:

  • If there is a violation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • Tumors of soft tissues;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is better to avoid massage for people with blood clotting problems, a tendency to form blood clots, varicose veins, skin diseases - allergies, dermatosis, eczema, etc. The procedure should not be performed during menstruation.

How to do a belly massage with acupressure treatment?

  1. Help the client assume a supine position.
  2. We start with stroking in a clockwise direction. Oil can be used as desired.
  3. Using two finger presses, work through all the points and repeat in a circle for 7-10 minutes:
      A point located one fingertip higher than the navel;
  4. Two centimeters to the right and below the navel;
  5. One palm above the navel in the center;
  6. One palm to the left of the previous point;
  7. On the palm to the right of the navel;
  8. 3 cm to the right of the navel;
  9. On the palm to the left of the navel;
  10. One palm below the previous point;
  11. One palm to the right of the previous point (under the navel);
  12. Half a hand below the navel.
  13. Finish the abdominal massage with stroking.

The course lasts 2-3 weeks, procedures are performed daily.

Anti-cellulite back and arm massage

In addition to the traditional “problem” areas - the abdomen, hips and buttocks, the back area and upper arms need the attention of a massage therapist. Loss of muscle tone and deterioration of microcirculation of the subcutaneous fat layer become the reasons for the appearance of “orange peel” and sagging in these places.

Arm and back massage is carried out using techniques such as:

  • stroking (improves blood flow, prepares the body before the procedure and relaxes after);
  • rubbing (increases skin tone, stimulates lipolysis);
  • patting (actively fights cellulite);
  • pressure (improves microcirculation in tissues, stimulates blood and lymph flow, eliminates “orange peel”).

The procedure takes 30-40 minutes.

Can I do it myself: the benefits of self-massage of the abdomen

After reading several abdominal massage techniques at home and using all our tips, you will be sure that your waist will become several centimeters narrower, and cellulite and stretch marks will decrease.

Benefits of abdominal massage:

  1. Reducing the fat layer and the severity of cellulite, stretch marks;
  2. Tummy tuck, reduction of “sides”;
  3. Improved digestion, general well-being, immunity;
  4. Improving the condition of facial skin and getting rid of swelling by normalizing the functioning of internal organs and accelerating blood circulation and lymph flow.

Local contraindications

In some cases, massage is prohibited only in the abdominal area, but in other areas (if they are not affected by damage and pathology) it is possible.

Such local contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy,
    recent childbirth or abortion. Doctors impose a ban for up to 2 months after childbirth. Consult a gynecologist about this.
  • Unhealed wounds.
    These could be post-operative scars, burns, fresh tattoos, etc.
  • Large and protruding moles, nevi, warts.
    We go around them and massage the remaining areas.
  • Prolonged irritation or itching of unknown origin.
    May indicate a disease that the person does not yet know about.
  • Skin lesions: psoriasis, eczema, allergic rashes.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Stones in the gall bladder, liver, kidneys.
  • Benign tumors of the reproductive system.

A controversial question is whether it is possible to do lymphatic drainage massage with cupping for varicose veins (and it happens in the lower abdomen too, not just on the legs). Doctors and even instructions for banks say that it is impossible.

But Annette herself is predisposed to varicose veins and fights them with the help of vacuum self-massage. Her experience proves that cupping improves the condition of blood vessels and reduces the vascular network.

There is also no clear opinion about the admissibility of lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen during menstruation. Someone prohibits the procedure. Annette allows it, but the impact must be gentle and short-lived.

It will be sweet: honey procedure at home

  1. Choose natural honey: options with sugar and molasses are not suitable.
  2. Check for allergies to the product, even if the body reacts normally to eating sweets. Apply a drop of honey to your wrist for 5 minutes and check the reaction: there should be no itching or redness.
  3. Avoid eating two hours before your session.
  4. Take a shower, ventilate the room.
  5. Take a lying or standing position - whatever is comfortable for you.
  6. If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath. Do not allow the product to overheat or boil. Honey should be warm.
  7. Apply the product to the treated area in a thin layer.
  8. Make all subsequent movements clockwise! Do not put too much pressure on your stomach (especially the lower area).
  9. Start with stroking, increasing their intensity for 1-2 minutes.
  10. The main and only movement of the main part of the procedure is “sticking”. Place three fingers on the skin, hold for 2-3 seconds and sharply lift your palm away from your stomach. Your fingers will stick to your body - this is a good sign. Repeat the technique, increasing the speed and intensity.
  11. After a few minutes the honey will turn gray - don't be alarmed. It is colored by waste and toxins that honey “pulls out.” This explains the high efficiency of the method.
  12. The entire session will take you 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove any remaining honey from your body. Lie down for a few minutes and then take a shower.

Honey anti-cellulite massage

The price and benefits of this method of combating cellulite have made it one of the most popular among patients of our clinic. Honey massage not only helps to cope with the “orange peel”, unlike other techniques, it is not prohibited, and is even recommended for mild colds and coughs.

The procedure helps improve blood flow, making the skin smooth, elastic and velvety. Massage gives relaxation, restores strength and fills you with energy. A beautiful figure and lightness in the body are the result of a course of honey procedures. The duration of one session is 50 minutes.

Cupping abdominal massage

The vacuum method will allow you to achieve greater skin tension, which provokes an even more active improvement in blood circulation and acceleration of lymph flow. You can use one or two jars. Choose rubber or silicone options if you are just learning how to conduct sessions. Take a position lying on your stomach. Place the jars on the center of your belly (not your belly button!) Start moving them in a circle from the center to the sides. Be careful with the lower abdominal area, do not put a strong impact on it! The whole procedure will take you 6-7 minutes. The course consists of 15-20 procedures at intervals every other day.

General (absolute) contraindications

In some cases, massage is not allowed, regardless of the area being worked on. Exposure to any location would increase blood circulation and lymph flow, which could harm the body.

These common taboos include:

  • Heat.
  • Flu, ARVI, sore throat.
  • Acute inflammation and suppuration (regardless of location).
  • Diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Hypertensive and hypotensive crisis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs with a risk of bleeding.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Neuroses and psychoses.

Get your brushes ready, let's do an anti-cellulite procedure at home!

First you need to choose the right brush: its bristles should be natural. The procedure itself is carried out strictly on a dry, clean body without the use of oils. It can be done in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening (two hours should pass after eating). The technique is very simple: move the brush from bottom to top and from the navel to the sides, also diagonally upward. The procedure will take 5-10 minutes. You should start with 3-5 minutes. The course consists of 15 sessions at intervals every other day. Sessions using a brush are convenient to carry out even every day: they do not require special preparation and provide a good lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite effect.

Stages and techniques of performing the procedure

Manual anti-cellulite massage can be carried out in various ways. All of them are applicable to the whole body or its individual parts - for example, abdominal massage. In addition to traditional stroking movements, pinching and rubbing, massage can have a therapeutic effect. Most often, honey, algae extracts, and various oils are used to correct “crusts”.

This massage is done using honey and oils.

Main stages of the procedure

Any massage - no matter what technique was chosen - is carried out in three stages.

1. Warming up or warming up. They act superficially on the skin, affecting excess adipose tissue. The skin is captured and compressed. To influence the blood supply to tissues, special creams, lotions, and oils are used.
2. Intense power massageActive pinching, tapping, squeezing and displacement are carried out. Thanks to this action, the fat is “shredded” and leaves the body with the help of lymph.
3. Relaxation To complete the manipulation, a relaxing massage technique is used. This is necessary for the skin to return to normal. The skin is tapped with the edge of the palm.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily until the problem is corrected. On average, it takes about twenty minutes. For the effect to last for a long time, three weekly repetitions are enough.

The massage should last about 20 minutes

I try, but there is no result: why don’t home treatments work?

Any anti-cellulite procedures (even in the hands of a professional) have a more pronounced effect if all the rules are followed not only during the session, but throughout the day:

  • give up junk food, smoking, alcohol;
  • do not eat 4 hours before bedtime;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • keep drinking regime;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

If you read this article with the goal of learning how to massage the abdomen for yourself, your family and friends, or you want to improve your professional skills in order to make massage your main source of income, then online and offline courses from the School of Massage Masters will help you! You can explore the programs on our website and choose the one that suits you best!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

The most effective massage techniques in the treatment of cellulite

The technique of this type of massage does not differ significantly from the technique of classical European massage. The only thing in this technique is that special attention is paid to tissue kneading techniques in order to increase blood circulation, and deep squeezing techniques to activate lymphatic drainage and the movement of intercellular fluid.

There are five most effective massage techniques used to eliminate cellulite:

  • Stroking. This technique involves gently stroking the body with your fingertips, which is performed at the beginning and end of the massage procedure. This promotes better blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Squeezing. This technique is somewhat similar to the previous one, but is performed rhythmically and with more energy. Unlike stroking, the squeezing technique has a beneficial effect not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the hypodermis, connective tissue, and the upper layers of muscle tissue. Movements when performing this technique should be made along the lymphatic vessels and capillaries.
  • Trituration. Improves skin tone, helps eliminate subcutaneous fat and remove excess fluid. In the area of ​​the legs, rubbing is done exclusively from the bottom up, and in the area of ​​the hips - in a circular motion. If a person has many superficial veins or capillary fragility, it is better to avoid using this technique.
  • Pressure. It can be performed both superficially and affect the deeper layers of the skin. In the first case, the skin is simply pulled back and then released, causing the top layer to soften. In the second case, they grab most of the skin with both hands and perform massage movements reminiscent of kneading dough. Thanks to this technique, the appearance of cellulite disappears and muscle tone increases.
  • Pat. Includes a series of blows of varying strength. It is performed either with the pads of the fingers or the joints of the fingers, which are clenched into a fist.
  • Grips. Such techniques are much more effective than superficial massage, since they cause greater blood flow, thereby activating vascular functions and improving the condition of connective tissue.

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