Facial slimming massage: remove cheeks and double chin

How to shrink cheeks with massage

The face is losing weight slowly. The extra millimeters are in no hurry to leave the cheeks. Massage helps speed up the process. Success will require patience and a comprehensive approach.

  • Regular face fitness classes;
  • Transition to a balanced diet;
  • Massage;
  • Compliance with the principles of healthy lifestyle;
  • Sufficient amount of sleep;
  • Positive emotions and avoidance of stress.

An intensive weight loss course is needed. To achieve a visible result, it will take at least 2 months of work, with deep study of the area.

A variety of massage techniques are performed using jasmine, lavender, rosemary, bergamot, and citrus oils. It is better to buy them at a pharmacy. Try to keep the product natural. These oils enhance the effect of the procedure, normalize metabolism, and help eliminate toxins. The mixture of oils tightens the skin, makes it fresher and younger. And the specific aroma helps reduce appetite.

Exercises to normalize the function of lip closure

Exercise No. 1 Pull your lips forward, close them, draw a tube, and stretch them wide.

Exercise No. 2 Pull your lips forward, close them, depict a mouthpiece, a proboscis.

Exercise No. 3 Close your lips, puff out your cheeks, slowly squeeze the air through your clenched lips with your fists.

Exercise No. 4 Close your lips, then move them alternately to the right and left.

Exercise No. 5 Close your lips, blow air under your upper lip, then under your lower lip.

Exercise No. 6 Place bent little fingers in the corners of the mouth, do not close your lips, spread your fingers slightly to the sides, close your lips.

Exercise No. 7 Blow out a stream of air with force (“a breeze is blowing,” let’s put out the candle,” “let’s make a storm,” etc.).

Facial slimming massage: basic recommendations

Apply to the entire face, not just the cheeks. This will not only speed up the result, but will help improve blood circulation and tighten the contour.

The skin on the face is delicate. To avoid harm, perform the movement strictly along the massage lines and calculate the force. Do not use chaotic movements, otherwise you will not be able to remove swelling.

The procedure requires regular repetitions. If you want to speed up the result, do it:

  1. In the morning, 2 hours before leaving the house;
  2. In the evening in 60 minutes. before sleep.

The use of nourishing masks will relieve tension from the skin and consolidate the effect. Cosmetologists recommend choosing products that include:

  • Honey;
  • Salts;
  • Lemon juice.

If possible, additionally use vacuum massage. But it should only be done by a cosmetologist with a medical education.

You'll see results in just a month, but don't stop. In six months you won’t recognize your reflection in the mirror.

Exercises to normalize breathing function

Exercise No. 1 Full breathing. Take a long breath through your nose. During inhalation, the abdomen “inflates”, then the chest expands. When you exhale (through the nose), on the contrary, the volume of the chest first decreases, then the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 2 Chest breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the chest expands and the stomach retracts. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 3 Abdominal breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the stomach protrudes. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 4 The skill of full, extended exhalation. Walk at an average pace. Inhale and exhale only through the nose. Inhale for three steps, exhale for four steps. After three to four days, the duration of exhalation should be increased by one count (5,6, etc.)

Exercise No. 5 Inhale and exhale alternately through one nostril (press the second nostril tightly with your finger).

How does massage help you lose weight?

Facial muscles, exposed to the effect, become toned and strengthened. Thanks to the activation of metabolism, natural destruction of fat cells occurs, swelling goes away, wrinkles are smoothed out. Facial gymnastics also helps to work out the muscles. Can be alternated with a gymnastics course.

Important! Massage should be enjoyable. You shouldn’t overload your face, your cheeks are not abs, you don’t need abs there. If you feel discomfort and fatigue, complete the procedure to avoid muscle hypertonicity.

Exercises to normalize breathing function

Exercise No. 1 Full breathing. Take a long breath through your nose. During inhalation, the abdomen “inflates”, then the chest expands. When you exhale (through the nose), on the contrary, the volume of the chest first decreases, then the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 2 Chest breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the chest expands and the stomach retracts. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 3 Abdominal breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the stomach protrudes. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 4 The skill of full, extended exhalation. Walk at an average pace. Inhale and exhale only through the nose. Inhale for three steps, exhale for four steps. After three to four days, the duration of exhalation should be increased by one count (5,6, etc.)

Exercise No. 5 inhale and exhale alternately through one nostril (press the second nostril tightly with your finger).

Slimming the cheeks with massage, types of techniques

The facial correction plan depends on:

  • Conditions of the skin;
  • The scale of the problem;
  • State of health;
  • Age.

Successful work requires patience and strict adherence to the developed plan.

It will also be useful for you to know why the oval of the face changes with age and how to tighten it.

Easy correction

Apply some oil suitable to your skin onto your palms. If the problem is minor, the emphasis is on stroking.

  1. Carried out from the center of the face, to the sides;
  2. The eyelids are massaged around the eyes. The movement begins from the outer corners of the eyelids;
  3. Gradually increase the intensity and pressure. The task is not to rub the skin, but to disperse the blood in the deeper layers;
  4. Avoid pain.

Now move on to rubbing. Do it energetically, but with a sense of proportion. If you overdo it, you will create fertile ground for the formation of wrinkles.

Tapping queue. Performed with fingertips. In the area of ​​the double chin there are phalanges. You need to work on your double chin, even if there is no problem there. Prevention will not be superfluous.

Soothe the skin with stroking. Rinse off any remaining oil with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Classic way

For those who will perform the procedure twice a day. Basic Rules:

  • The fingers move symmetrically, working over the entire face;
  • Your thumbs should be placed under your chin. They move from the center to the earlobes and back;
  • Duration 15 min.

Features of the problem

Even wrinkles do not reveal age as much as a swollen oval of the face. This includes jowls and a double chin. At the same time, most often the “youth angle” depends on two factors: age and posture. Young girls have a clear oval: the “angles of youth” really look like angles. They have no jowls, so the lower jaw line is clearly defined. They also have well-defined cheekbones and taut cheeks. The oval of the face begins to float when muscle tone and skin turgor decrease, and subcutaneous fatty tissue is depleted.

The floating oval becomes noticeable after 35 years. The reason most often lies in posture and disturbances in the statics of the head, as well as the condition of the dermis, muscles, and adipose tissue. Moreover, disruptions in blood flow and lymph flow also lead to sagging tissue.

After twenty years, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, so the skin loses its former firmness and elasticity, becomes thinner and flabby.

With age, muscles atrophy and spasm, causing the muscular frame of the face to suffer. Spasm of the masticatory muscles occurs in almost every person. They pull the lower jaw up and back, resulting in excess tissue appearing under the cheekbones and jaw. And if there is still swelling or fat, then all this weight pulls the face down even more.

There are three important muscles in the area where the jowls form. Therefore, if a clamp occurs in one, then the others are connected. The “extra” skin sags, like a pug’s.

Moreover, when some muscles stop performing their functions, others begin to work for them. Because of this, they are greatly overstrained, and the muscle frame is no longer able to support soft tissue as before.

At the “Face Oval and Chin” intensive, all exercises are selected specifically to work on this area.

Reader Questions

Is it good for the night?

Depends on the time you go to bed. There should be at least 60 minutes left before your night's rest. It is difficult to fall asleep immediately after an intense workout. Same with the face. In addition, you activate your metabolism and speed up your blood. After this, immediately lying on your side is contraindicated.

How many massage sessions are needed?

If you trust a cosmetologist, he assesses the condition of the skin, selects the type of massage and its duration. Usually these are 10 procedures prescribed every other day. At home you will not get a massage as professional as in a salon. Therefore, you can carry out the procedure every other day or daily. The main thing is regularly. Duration is at least a month, and then depending on the condition. Massage not only helps make your face look thinner. It tones the muscles, makes the skin younger and fresher. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Do you need massage products?

Experts have not come to a common denominator on this issue. Some argue that it is necessary to lubricate the skin so as not to injure it or cause irritation. Others believe that the effect without the use of creams and masks is more noticeable. Friction increases, blood accelerates better.

When you massage at home, check what works best for you. Start without lube. If there is discomfort or unpleasant sensations, it is better to take oil. Everyone's skin is different, and so is their sensitivity.

Please note: if you are undergoing a massage course, peeling is strictly prohibited. Use only delicate cleansers.

Will it really help?

It's up to you. If you want to lose weight, you need to reconsider your diet and do physical activity. Massage is a helper, but not a panacea. An integrated approach, perseverance and patience are guaranteed to produce results. If you indulge in sweets, fatty foods, carbohydrates, or spend time in front of the TV, a massage alone will not do the job.

Session cost

To obtain a guaranteed effect, it is better to carry out a massage from a professional massage therapist. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin and conduct a conversation. As a result, he will suggest the most suitable methods of influence.

The course of procedures is 2–4 weeks with maintenance exercises and light massage at home. The cost of a single session with a master ranges from 1–5 thousand rubles. The price depends on the type of massage, the required intensity of treatment, and the number of problems to be solved.

Restrictions and contraindications

Depends on the intensity and techniques used. The main ones include:

  • Fragility of blood vessels, inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • Hypertension;
  • Acne, herpes and other inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Serious diseases such as diabetes, oncology, heart pathologies;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation;
  • Colds, FLU

You need to start a massage course carefully, increasing the load gradually. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed. Be sure to start with warming up.


Ekaterina, 27 years old

Easy to do. The facial muscles begin to work. Helps against the first wrinkles.

Ksenia, 37 years old

You can escort the lady herself. But when a specialist does this in the salon - complete relaxation! The time required for a massage is more than 15 minutes, because you still need to prepare the skin, and after the session soothe and nourish it. Plus the mask takes time. But you can set aside an extra half hour for your loved one.

Anastasia is 34 years old.

This facial slimming massage does not involve force, therefore, it is suitable for almost everyone. I am also currently taking a course with a cosmetologist. A combination of useful and pleasant, that’s how I can describe it.

Valentina 28 years old

Without exaggeration, a facial massage can help relieve stress and improve the oval and contours of the face, relieve headaches, and even with a plasticizing mask, it’s absolutely fabulous!

Valeria 42 years old

I love massage, but there’s also a cosmetologist, you need to find the right one. If his hands are crooked, then his face will look tired and exhausted. Sometimes it’s better to do it yourself than to go to such a specialist.

Exercises to normalize breathing function

Exercise No. 1 Full breathing. Take a long breath through your nose. During inhalation, the abdomen “inflates”, then the chest expands. When you exhale (through the nose), on the contrary, the volume of the chest first decreases, then the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 2 Chest breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the chest expands and the stomach retracts. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 3 Abdominal breathing. Exhale. Take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the stomach protrudes. When you exhale (through the nose), the stomach retracts.

Exercise No. 4 The skill of full, extended exhalation. Walk at an average pace. Inhale and exhale only through the nose. Inhale for three steps, exhale for four steps. After three to four days, the duration of exhalation should be increased by one count (5,6, etc.)

Exercise No. 5 Inhale and exhale alternately through one nostril (press the second nostril tightly with your finger).

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