What is plastic facial massage and is it effective?

Plastic massage is a specially developed technique of mechanical action on the skin, after which it acquires elasticity and freshness. It is considered an effective way to restore lost contours, the oval of the face, and also remove obvious age-related changes. After working on problem areas, graceful curves and lines appear. It is considered an effective alternative to injections and surgery. The effect lasts for a long time. Classic procedures do not give such results.

The technique of plastic massage is similar to myoplastic massage, but has slight differences, including the application of lubricants to the skin in the myoplastic process. The described technique is used in the presence of a cosmetologist with a medical education of the highest categories, because the technique is complex and affects important points of the body. Failure to do so can cause irreparable harm.

How does plastic facial massage work?

When exposed to certain points on the face and neck, the process of cell and tissue regeneration is triggered by improving subcutaneous blood circulation. At the same time, the sebaceous glands also begin to work actively. The nervous and lymphatic systems are normalized. Plastic massage starts all processes, leads to increased tone and strengthening of muscles. If muscle spasms are present, they also disappear. The launch of lymphatic drainage contributes to the disappearance of swelling, while toxic substances are actively removed from the cells of the subcutaneous layer.

How is Melannette's technique different from others and why is it better?

There is no need to say much about the advantages of Melannette’s technique. This has already been done by thousands of girls who completed her marathons or repeated exercises from various videos. And their results speak for themselves. Many people think that this is photoshop until they try some exercise on themselves.

  1. Melannette's exercises are popular for their simplicity - they can be performed by anyone without special training.
  2. Doing something wrong will not cause any harm - everything is safe.
  3. Annette writes a lot about the importance of the lymphatic system for the entire body. Therefore, her technique is aimed at activating the work of lymph. This helps get rid of swelling and various inflammations.
  4. Wrinkles and creases do not suit any girl. Therefore, at Annette’s marathons, many exercises are aimed specifically at combating these shortcomings.
  5. What happens to our skin is only an indicator of internal processes. Everything in our body is connected! Therefore, Melannette is not limited to ordinary massage. She teaches how to lie on a cushion correctly (yes, the beauty of our face depends on the spine), shows gymnastics and talks about cleansing the body.

Try one of Annette's exercises right now. You may not see an immediate result (after all, it requires several sessions), but you will definitely feel a pleasant change.

  • We tighten the skin using express lifting.
  • Removing wrinkles from the forehead.
  • Getting rid of bags under the eyes once and for all.
  • We smooth out the nasolabial area without the intervention of “beauty injections.”
  • Do you think that drooping eyelids are a natural given and you can’t do anything about them? No matter how it is! Just repeat this exercise.
  • We raise the corners of our lips and remove the sour expression.
  • We enlarge lips without injections and smooth out wrinkles.
  • A double chin can become just a memory if you start doing this technique.
  • Making the nose graceful.

Of course, individual exercises will give good results, but for the best effect you need a system. You can find it at the basic marathon “SmeloNET”. Within a month of active work, the result will be noticeable with the naked eye. Say NO to wrinkles, creases and swelling! Say goodbye to headaches, saggy skin and a crooked back.

What you need to know before undergoing plastic facial massage

  1. The procedure should be performed only in specialized cosmetology establishments.
  2. It is necessary to optimize the skin according to the skin type: if the surface of the skin is oily, then the face is lubricated with talcum powder, and dryness is removed with a moisturizer.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin is steamed and deeply cleansed.
  4. Plastic massage lasts no more than 20 minutes.
  5. The course involves 10 to 15 plastic massage sessions, which are carried out every other day.
  6. After the course there should be a rehabilitation period of up to two months; during rehabilitation, supportive procedures and masks are carried out.


After such a massage, patients are recommended to remain in a lying position for ten minutes. Also, according to the recommendations of the massage therapist, you can apply a cosmetic mask for better absorption of nutrients. The use of non-natural cosmetics and visiting a solarium or sauna during the first 24 hours is strictly prohibited. Sometimes, if the vascular wall is weak, small subcutaneous hematomas may occur during the first day, which go away on their own within a few days.

Contraindications to plastic facial massage

  • high or low blood pressure;
  • the presence of skin and infectious diseases with purulent foci;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • numerous pathological tissue formations in the form of papillomas or moles;
  • infectious diseases of the body;
  • allergic skin rash;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • elevated temperature;
  • heart and kidney diseases;
  • hemangiomas, rosacea;
  • increased growth of facial hair;
  • epilepsy
  • problems with intracranial pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • predisposition to capillary bleeding;
  • recent chemical procedures, peeling, Botox, surgery in the facial area and neck;
  • herpes.


Since plastic massage techniques can reduce, and in some cases even completely remove, signs of aging, this procedure will be useful if:

• the face has lost its clear contours;

• there are bruises and swelling under the eyes;

• the skin on the neck and face has become loose;

• the appearance of static deep wrinkles has been noticed;

• nasolabial folds are clearly visible.

But these are not all indications for performing plastic massage techniques. Sessions of such procedures will help remove negative changes on the face caused by excessive stress on the facial muscles. Typically, a similar phenomenon is observed among actors, teachers and representatives of other professions. Muscle tissue also needs additional support after surgical plastic surgery. Therefore, patients who have undergone such correction surgery are always prescribed sculptural and plastic facial massage at the recovery stage.

Cosmetologists often recommend plastic surgery sessions to improve the health of the dermis for teenagers who suffer from extensive acne.

How is plastic facial massage performed?

With the correct plastic process, a certain sequence of different types of influence is observed: kneading, tapping, vibration, stroking, pressing and fixing. Also in the process, the superficial effect on the skin is replaced by deep kneading. Manipulations are carried out exclusively along massage lines. It is impossible to do all these steps correctly at home and on your own, which is why it is recommended to turn to the experts for their services, so that there is benefit and not harm.

Techniques of this technique

  1. Stroking. Stroking movements are made along the massage lines.
  2. Superficial kneading. It is carried out by the two outer phalanges of the fingers, without the participation of the thumbs. Actions resemble spirals inscribed within each other. It is required to work all massage zones in this way up to 8 times.
  3. Deep kneading. Simultaneously with all fingers and part of the palm along the lines of superficial kneading to the chin area.
  4. Tapping. Done with the nail phalanges of the fingers. The trajectory resembles circles inscribed within each other. The movements are directed from the chin area up along the front side surface of the neck to the chest, and back to the starting point.
  5. Vibrating movements. Produced by the palmar part of all fingers. The direction of movement is from the middle of the sternum, through the center of the clavicle to the earlobe and further to the temple.

To increase grip with the fingers, before a plastic massage session, sterile talc is applied to the surface. This prevents your fingers from slipping.

The technique differs significantly from conventional cosmetic massage. In this case, there should be no unnecessary movements, and the actions should be clearly verified. All skin lines along which movement occurs are taken into account, preventing displacement of muscle tissue.

Plastic facial massage is performed with the palms of the hands in a rhythmic pattern.

Massage lines for the face area:

  1. From the center of the chin to the earlobe.
  2. From nose to temple.
  3. From the corner of the mouth to the ear hole.
  4. From the tip of the eyebrow and around the eye, across the bridge of the nose along the brow ridge to the starting point.
  5. From the temple down to the base of the jaw.
  6. From the central point of the forehead to the temple.

Massage lines for the neck area:

  1. From the area under the jaw to the ear.
  2. From the sternum along the front side in an upward direction.
  3. From the lower jaw along the collarbone to the sternum and subclavian region.

The procedure is carried out starting with stroking and ending with it, thus increasing the intensity and decreasing it at the end.

After performing a plastic facial massage, you need to treat all areas with an antiseptic or a special herbal tincture, then you need to make a half-hour compress from the same tincture and cover the surface of the skin with a cold cloth. For several hours after the plastic massage, swelling and redness will persist, which will later completely disappear.

The plastic procedure should be done as needed, unlike a regular facial massage, which can be done once a week.

Choose your training option

GroupTermNumber of hoursDaysTimeTeacherPrice
Seminar Plastic facial massage (day off)Recruitment in progress4 academic hoursSunday11:00 — 14:00Elena Andreeva4500 rub.
Plastic facial massage (individual)Your schedule8 academic hoursYour daysYour timeTeacher's choice17800 rub.

Author of the article

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Results and features of the procedure

The result of the procedure will be not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. The improvements last a long time because myoplastic massage (as it is called in salons) really slows down the aging process.

The effect of the procedure can only be guaranteed if it is performed by an experienced, qualified specialist. To reduce the risk and enjoy the process, contact a beauty salon. The adequate cost of the procedure is approximately 2000 rubles per session. Novice massage therapists offer cheaper services.

The duration of the procedure increases with each session, but the total duration should ultimately take no more than 20 minutes. The duration of the massage depends on the client’s age and skin condition.

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, carefully study articles and video tutorials on this topic. Maintain good hygiene. Before massaging, you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities, then steam it. Hands should be thoroughly washed, nails should be cut short. Remember that through the pores enlarged before the massage, the infection penetrates the body faster. After the procedure, the skin may be red and slightly swollen. If the massage was performed correctly, side effects will disappear after a few hours. Plastic massage does not work miracles, however, a high-quality procedure will help your face look healthy, young and fit.

Execution Rules

To carry out such a procedure, special training is needed. A cosmetologist must have a higher education and be proficient in plastic massage techniques.

The technique consists of four main stages: superficial and deep kneading, light tapping (staccato), vibration. Movements should be clear, purposeful, and pressing should be light and comfortable. All four fingers (except the thumb) must be kept connected together in one line.

Vibration movements are performed by special shaking (vibration) of the fingers, without stretching the patient's skin. The master must also master the technique of relaxing the pads of his fingers in order to control the force of pressure.

Attention! The essence of the technique comes down to rhythmic repetitions of spiral movements along massage lines on the count of “four” or “eight”.

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