Why can one eye be larger than the other, and is this condition dangerous?

The epicanthus, or “Mongolian fold,” is the area of ​​skin on the upper eyelid located above the lacrimal tubercle, between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose. It makes the eye shape narrower and is normally found in people of Asian descent. In Europeans, it may be a sign of chromosomal abnormalities.

Epicanthoplasty helps to make the look more open and give it a European look. With its help, you can enlarge the eye vertically by 2-3 mm, and horizontally - up to 5 mm. The eyes look larger, the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, visually decreases. The overall facial expression becomes noticeably softer.

How is epicanthus removal performed?

The procedure for Europeanization of the eyes is performed under local anesthesia with sedation. When performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty, general anesthesia is required.

There are 3 correction methods:


The upper eyelid is excised along the crease and excess subcutaneous fat and skin are removed. In some cases, resection of the subcutaneous muscle is necessary to allow the eyelids to open and close normally.


Access is made from the inside of the eyelid, a suture is placed between the skin and the muscle. The fold itself is not excised, only its configuration changes.


The surgeon loosens the connection between the epicanthus and the muscles that bind it. Due to this, the tension of the skin is weakened, the fatty tissue is evenly distributed and the fold disappears.

Canthoplasty: types and results

Canthoplasty is a surgical correction of the shape of the eye, the purpose of which is to change the shape and cut (raise the outer corner higher than the inner) or (in combination with classic blepharoplasty) eliminate age-related changes in the upper part of the face.

With the help of surgery, the outer corner of the eye is raised higher than the outer corner, which changes the shape and cut. In addition to classic blepharoplasty, the operation will help completely remove age-related imperfections in this area of ​​the face.

Figure 1. The diagram shows that the lateral canthal ligament consists of an upper and lower part. Below the lateral canthus there is a thin ligament called the inferior retinaculum (retinaculum inferior).

With the help of surgery, the outer corner of the eye is raised higher than the outer corner, which changes the shape and cut. In addition to classic blepharoplasty, the operation will help completely remove age-related imperfections in this area of ​​the face. The canthal ligaments are responsible for the location of the corner of the eye. The height of their fixation on the periosteum of the orbital edge will determine how this area will look. There are two such connections:

  • medial – holds the angle at the bridge of the nose;
  • lateral – secures the outer corner of the eye.

The last type of ligament consists of 2 parts and acts as a suture with a tendon insertion between the outer lobes of the orbicularis muscle, which is located under the eyelids. There are also collagen fibers from the ends of the cartilage, which make it stronger. To determine the shape of the eyes, an axis drawn from the inner corner to the outer corner is used. Based on this feature, all cuts are divided into 3 types.

1. Classic. The most common, more common in youth. Both corners of the eye are located at the same level, the axis is drawn through the bottom of the pupil.

Figure 2. Classic eye shape.

2. Mongoloid or eastern. The outer corner is raised, the connecting axis runs in the middle of the pupil or slightly higher.

Figure 3. Eastern (Mongoloid) section of the eyes.

3. European or falling. The outer corner is lowered, the axis goes below the pupil. The form can be congenital or age-related. With such eyes, even a smiling face looks sad. With age, the canthal ligaments stretch and become flabby, which leads to drooping of the angle.

Figure 4. European (anti-Mongoloid, falling) eye shape.

With the help of canthoplasty, you can make your eyes slightly slanted, give them almond-shaped outlines and envelop your appearance in the flair of the mysterious East. As a result, the face is completely transformed. The surgeon cuts the canthal ligament, which supports the angle. Next, the tendon is fixed to the periosteum above the starting point.

There is another similar operation, canthopexy. It differs in that the ligaments are strengthened without incision. This method does not always achieve the desired results. And by separating and freely moving the ligaments, you can radically change the shape of the eyes.

Recovery after eye lengthening

After epicanthoplasty, the patient needs bed rest. He will be able to leave the hospital on the same day. The entire rehabilitation period lasts no more than 2 weeks.

The stitches are removed after 5-6 days. To ensure that the rehabilitation process goes without complications, follow these simple rules:

  • Do not scratch your eyes: this increases the risk of stitches coming apart.
  • Reduce physical activity: it may cause bleeding.
  • Limit your visual strain.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics or contact lenses.
  • Wear sunglasses when outdoors.

Discomfort in the eyes, dryness or excessive lacrimation, swelling and small hematomas after epicanthoplasty will go away on their own within 8-10 days. To alleviate the condition, the specialist prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, moisturizing drops.

Eye asymmetry in a child: causes

The causes of ocular asymmetry in children are practically no different from the causes of pathology in adults . The most common of them include:

  • kidney disease - in this case, the outflow of fluids from tissues is disrupted, swelling is formed, which often leads to similar problems;
  • injuries, for example, as a result of playing sports;
  • eye infections;
  • disorders of the brain.

You should definitely contact your pediatrician in the following cases::

  • if the defect occurred unexpectedly against the background of the child’s complete health;
  • if, in addition to the difference between the eyes, the child experiences additional symptoms in the form of pain, itching or burning;
  • if the difference between the eyes is large enough, or if the eye practically does not open.

Cost of epicanthoplasty at IPH

Removal of epicanthus in our Institute costs from 44,000 rubles. depending on the volume of intervention. You can find out the exact price at a free consultation with a plastic surgeon. The cost includes all preliminary tests, anesthesia, hospital stays, suture removal, and specialist consultations. No additional fees or unexpected expenses.

Take advantage of our installment plan and enjoy your new look today!

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Eye asymmetry in newborns

Know! This problem occurs quite often in infants and raises many questions among parents.

Only a pediatrician can determine the exact cause and make the correct diagnosis. However, we can give the most common reasons for different eye sizes, according to Dr. Komarovsky .

Congenital edema

Swelling after childbirth can last a long time in a child.
The main symptom of this condition is a decrease in eye size.

After some time, the problem goes away on its own and does not require any outside intervention.

Basic Makeup Techniques for Enlarging Eyes

There are several techniques for making your eyes appear larger using makeup.

  • "Horizontal" technique.

Who is the operation indicated for?

First of all, correction is recommended for patients with pronounced Mongoloid features, such as the absence of a supraorbital fold and the presence of an epicanthus. But with the help of surgery it is also possible to remove defects such as drooping eyelids, hernias under the eyes or excess skin. The main indication for surgery is always the patient’s desire to change his features and get rid of self-doubt.

Classic blepharoplasty is mainly in demand among patients aged 45-55 years. But in the case of sangapuri, Asian eyelid surgery, young people aged 18 years and older often turn to the surgeon. Indications for surgery may also include individual anatomical features that interfere with normal life and cause internal discomfort.

Sangapuri is suitable for people with Mongoloid appearance.

How to enlarge your eyes with exercises

The width of your eyes will certainly not change, but doing facial exercises will help prevent drooping eyelids and swelling. In addition, it improves blood and lymph circulation, which has a beneficial effect on visual functions, allowing the eyes to rest from everyday stress. It turns out there are benefits for both health and beauty. So, how to make your eyes look bigger with exercises?

  1. Place your fingers as in the photo above.
  2. Look up. Without lowering your upper eyelids, try to raise your lower ones without completely closing your eyes, that is, as if squinting.
  3. Do ten repetitions, then hold the eyelid muscles tense for half a minute and return them to a resting state.

You can also open and close your eyes with tension. For this exercise, you do not need your hands, since your fingers only control the degree of muscle tension and pulsation of blood vessels.

Use colored magnifying lenses

This trick was invented by Koreans. To make naturally narrow eyes appear larger, they wear lenses with enlarged irises.

Posted by คอนแทคเลนส์80฿ (@bigeye220) Aug 2, 2022 at 5:54 PDT

Lenses with an iris of 14–15 mm (with or without diopters) will make your eyes look like a doll, like those of anime characters. For comparison, the iris typically measures about 11–13 mm in diameter.

The effect of magnifying lenses is instant and very bright. But before using them, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. For some people, even wearing lenses for a short time causes irritation.

Stages of canthoplasty

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the complexity of the upcoming intervention, as well as the personal wishes of the patient). During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid, peels off the canthus (tendon) and moves it, after which it is fixed in a new position.

At the final stage, the surgeon applies neat sutures; after healing they will be completely invisible. To protect the eyeball during the correction process, a plastic shell is placed on it (reminiscent of a regular contact lens), reliably protecting the pupil from damage.

Types of canthoplasty

  • lateral canthoplasty – correction of the outer corner of the eye (performed in 80% of cases);
  • medial canthoplasty – correction on the inner corner.

It is possible to carry out a combined correction and a combination of canthoplasty with various techniques for rejuvenation and elimination of aesthetic imperfections on the face: blepharoplasty, canthopexy (correction of sagging lower eyelids), etc.

To eliminate wrinkles near the eyes, contour plastic surgery may be required, in particular the use of hyaluronic acid; it can also be performed in combination with canthoplasty. The operation has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes, making them not only beautiful and expressive, but also healthy.

Contraindications for surgery

  • diabetes and heart disease;
  • hemophilia (blood clotting disorder);
  • myopia and high intraocular pressure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory processes in the eye, etc.

Enlargement of eyes by shaping eyebrows

When the eye shape is very small, special attention should be paid to eyebrow care. Of course, you need to monitor the condition and appearance of your eyebrows for any type and color of eyes. There are no exceptions here, and this will be confirmed by every representative of the fair sex who always takes care of herself. So, how can you make your eyes look bigger by adding eyebrows?

First, you need to pluck the hairs located near the upper eyelid and bridge of the nose. But remember: too thin eyebrows look very ugly and unnatural!

To choose the right eyebrow shape, it is best to ask an experienced eyebrow specialist for advice. This way you will save money and be confident in the chosen eyebrow design. The specialist will give practical advice on how to make your eyes visually larger.

Thus, it is almost impossible to expand the shape of the eyes without working on the shape and thickness of the eyebrows. It is important that they are symmetrical and neat, not too thin. You can buy special compositions for hairs that will maintain their shape for at least a day. It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to decide on the type of eyebrows.

Patient reviews of Asian eyelid blepharoplasty

This review was left by my patient on one of the plastic surgery portals, so I’ll just quote:

July 07, 2022, 11:41:26, Agnes, Moscow

Operation: Blepharoplasty of Asian eyelids

Since childhood, I dreamed of having blepharoplasty and getting rid of the Asian eyelid. For a very long time I could not dare to have an operation, and when the decision was made, I was faced with a problem - I could not find a doctor who could be trusted with such a serious matter. Over the course of a month, I had consultations with about 10 doctors and could not find my surgeon. And when I got an appointment with Svetlana Nikolaevna, I immediately realized that I would have the operation with her. And she was not mistaken: she is actually a competent doctor and surgeon who knows her business. Before the operation, I received detailed consultation and answers to all my questions, the operation itself was painless, and an hour and a half later, when the pressure bandage was removed from me, I immediately saw how my eyes and face as a whole had changed. And one more thing - after the operation I prepared for pain (according to the stories of my friend and mother), I bought a whole bunch of painkillers, but I never felt any discomfort, I don’t know whether it was Svetlana Nikolaevna’s merit or I was just lucky, but I was incredibly happy. To summarize, I would like to thank my surgeon, Svetlana Nikolaevna Zharkova. If someone, like me, is looking for a surgeon in Moscow who can be entrusted with a serious operation, then be sure to go for a consultation with Svetlana Nikolaevna.

You can read more reviews from my patients in the Reviews section.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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