Cosmetic procedures for the face after 30 years: a list of the most effective. Face cosmetics after 30 years

Many women notice deterioration in the condition of their skin after 30 years. Of course, a lot depends on genetics, bad habits and lifestyle. Some lucky women under 40 enjoy smooth, firm, wrinkle-free skin. Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule. At this age, the dermis needs high-quality care and cosmetic procedures for the face. After 30 years, it is important to pay maximum attention to your skin in order to stop the process of its withering.

Facial care after 30 years

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How quickly the first signs of aging appear on the face depends on the woman. Girls who regularly take care of their skin from the onset of puberty tend to look much younger. Even at 30, it is impossible for many of them to be more than 25 years old.

If a woman smoked, abused unprotected exposure to the sun, washed off her makeup irregularly, and generally did not take care of herself very carefully, by the age of 30 she may look 10 years older. To stop fading, she will need to undergo many courses of various salon procedures. While girls from the first group will still be able to limit themselves to peelings and massages.

Only a cosmetologist can determine what cosmetic procedures for the face after 30 years are necessary for the skin. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis. It is better to contact a good specialist who will assess the condition of the epidermis and determine what it really needs.

Beauty treatments at the salon are important, but without proper home care they will be useless. Therefore, women who want to maintain youth for as long as possible are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Choose the right cleanser. It is better to use boiled, filtered or mineral water.
  • Dry your face with a regular or paper towel. Do not stretch or rub the skin.
  • Use day cream with sunscreen filters.
  • Avoid excessive use of cosmetics.
  • Spend time outdoors as often as possible.
  • Never go to bed without removing your makeup.
  • Cleanse your skin once or twice a week using a homemade or store-bought scrub.
  • Choose the right cosmetics. A cream for facial skin after 30 years should contain retinol, peptides, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, cyanocobalamin, vitamin E, AHA and ALA acids.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes.
  • Eat properly. Use vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • While applying the cream, do a light massage.
  • Watch your facial expressions and don’t grimace.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition will help fight old age. Some types of foods contain a large amount of useful substances that are well absorbed in the body. They provide the necessary energy. The body does not experience overeating, so it will not:

  • pressure changes;
  • irritation;
  • headaches.

The muscles are relaxed, the face is not tense. Therefore, folds do not appear on it and wrinkles do not form.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It will help remove toxins from the body. In addition, vitamins and nutrients promote protein and collagen production and help maintain skin structure. Therefore, proper nutrition will slow down the aging process and help maintain beauty and attractiveness longer.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

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Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are effective procedures for facial rejuvenation. The methods differ only in the components of the cocktail that is injected into the dermis. Vitamins, plant extracts, organic acids, peptides and minerals are used for mesotherapy. This can be a single drug or a cocktail of several. Hyaluronic acid is used for biorevitalization.

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What exactly the skin needs must be determined by a cosmetologist. After examining the patient, he prescribes the procedure he needs. It also determines the number of sessions and the duration of breaks between them. The course may consist of 3-10 procedures at intervals of 10-14 days.

When visiting the clinic, clients are interested in the question of how much mesotherapy costs. The price for one procedure is 2,500-3,000 rubles. The full cost of the course will depend on the number of sessions. The price for biorevitalization starts from 7 thousand rubles.

Improvements in skin condition can be noticed immediately after the first session. Both procedures make the dermis firmer and more elastic, smooth out wrinkles, nasolabial folds and improve complexion. The oval becomes clearer. Skin looks fresh and youthful. In addition, pigment spots lighten, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized and scars are smoothed out.

When choosing a procedure, you should not focus only on how much mesotherapy and biorevitalization cost. It will still be difficult to save. A mesotherapy session costs half as much as biorevitalization, but several times more procedures will be required. In addition, the results after hyaluronic acid injections last much longer. The effect after mesotherapy may be more pronounced at first, but will quickly fade away. This procedure will need to be repeated more often than the more expensive biorevitalization.

How often should you visit a cosmetologist after 35?

Someone only at this age crosses the threshold of a cosmetology clinic for the first time. As a rule, this is due to the fact that even the most thorough home care is no longer enough to maintain youthful skin - professional procedures are required. If, up to the age of 35, some lucky women could exploit the features given to them by nature, now it is time to turn to a cosmetologist for help. Hyaluronic acid injections, peelings, laser peels and photorejuvenation will help get rid of the signs of age.

As a rule, by the age of 35, almost everyone already has facial wrinkles. So, it's time to smooth out your skin with botulinum toxin injections.

How often you will need to visit a doctor depends on individual characteristics, the morphotype of aging, and the tasks facing the doctor. The regularity of visits should be discussed with the cosmetologist at the first meeting.

Chemical peeling

To remove dead cells and renew the skin at home, women use scrubs. This is an excellent method of cleansing and preventing aging. But it is not able to affect existing wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

After 30 years, and in some cases even earlier, it is recommended to use professional chemical peels for the face. The procedure perfectly copes with age-related pigmentation, sagging and sagging tissues, deep wrinkles, post-acne and nasolabial folds.

Chemical peels are superficial, medium and deep. During the procedure, special preparations containing acids are applied to the skin. They all have different concentrations. The higher it is, the more serious issues the procedure can resolve.

The acid practically burns out the top layer of skin along with all imperfections. In response, the body launches a powerful regeneration process. New cells are formed, collagen and elastin production increases. Pores are cleaned and tightened, and scars and scars are resolved. The skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic. The color of the epidermis is significantly improved. Wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and deeper ones become less noticeable.

In beauty salons, the price for the service is 2,500-3,500 rubles. The required number of procedures is determined by the doctor. To rejuvenate the skin using chemical peeling, it is better to choose the autumn-winter period. Carrying out the procedure during solar activity can cause the development of hyperpigmentation.

What procedures to undergo in the salon?

After 30 years, you should visit a beauty salon regularly. Choose a cosmetologist carefully, do not focus only on the cost of services. Optimal procedures in the salon after 30 years:

  • Peeling. A peeling course will help remove the top layer of skin - dead cells, and stimulate the process of restoration of the dermis. Several sessions will relieve you of scars, fine wrinkles, and pigmentation.
  • Microcurrents. The therapy is aimed at making the oval of the face clearer and more pronounced, as well as eliminating fluid stagnation and collagen synthesis. The process is absolutely painless: low amplitude currents affect the skin.
  • Massage. The skin is enriched with oxygen, biochemical processes are activated, and the tone of the dermis increases. The main thing is that the massage is performed by an experienced specialist in accordance with the technology. Illiterate actions can give the opposite result: the skin will simply stretch.

Your cosmetologist must have certificates and medical education.


Plasmolifting is an effective anti-aging cosmetic procedure for the face after 30 years. To carry it out, the patient’s individual biomaterial is used. Blood is taken from his vein and placed in a special centrifuge. As a result, the platelet part is released, which has biostimulating properties. The doctor uses it to inject it into the patient’s skin.

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After the injection, deep restoration processes are launched in the dermis. The skin begins to renew itself faster. Cell division accelerates, tissue respiration and metabolism are normalized. The procedure stimulates the synthesis of new collagen fibers and eliminates sallow complexion.

In beauty salons, prices for plasma lifting services start from 3,600 rubles per tube. The cost is higher if hyaluronic acid is additionally added to the plasma. And also if you need to use more tubes.

The number of necessary procedures is determined by the doctor. Most often, one or two sessions are required. In some cases, the achieved effect lasts for one and a half years.

How often should you visit a cosmetologist after 40 years?

By the age of 40, the signs of aging become obvious even to non-specialists. This means that now we need to devote even more time to preventing aging and combating emerging imperfections.

Some goals can be achieved in just one visit to the doctor. For example, one procedure is enough to fill wrinkles with fillers, inject botulinum toxin, restore volume to the cheekbones, or tighten the oval using mesothreads. Neoplasms that often appear with age (papillomas, keratomas, xanthelasmas and others) are also removed in one session. In other cases, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures such as bioremediation, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation, chemical peelings.

Of particular importance is not so much the frequency as the regularity of visits. Visiting the doctor every month will be more effective than first visiting the clinic every day, and then forgetting about professional care for several years. The skin of an adult woman no longer forgives such experiments: care must be constant, and the best effect is achieved by combining professional procedures with home routine. You won’t be able to retain the elusive youth on your own, with the help of home care alone, but modern professional procedures will help significantly delay the appearance of signs of aging.

Facial skin massage. Peculiarities

Many cosmetologists say that facial massage after 30 years is a simple and safe way to keep the skin in perfect condition. This pleasant procedure allows you to strengthen muscles, increase tone, eliminate swelling and smooth out wrinkles.

The anti-aging massage course consists of 10 procedures. They need to be performed two to three times a week. It is important to find a truly professional cosmetologist who knows all the intricacies of the procedure. Inept and rough actions can only harm the dermis, stretching it.

Having studied the patient’s problems and skin type, the cosmetologist determines the type of massage he will use:

  • Classical.
  • Japanese.
  • Sculptural.
  • Spot.
  • Jacquet's massage.
  • Before the procedure, the face is cleansed and a massage cream is applied to it. For this, professional cosmetics or premium oils are used.

    To prevent wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity, you can perform self-massage at home. Its effectiveness will be slightly lower than that of a salon procedure. However, this will help maintain skin tone until your next visit to the cosmetologist.

    The use of Japanese lymphatic drainage massage by Yukuko Tanaka shows good results. The use of this technique allows you to activate blood flow and improve lymph movement. Thanks to this, swelling goes away, the contour tightens, wrinkles and nasolabial folds disappear.

    To properly perform a massage, it is necessary to study the location of the lymph nodes on the face and neck. Only after this can you master the technique. The best way to do this is with video tutorials.

    The skin should be treated intensively; light stroking is not suitable in this case. However, there should be no pain.


    • treats acne, rosacea and other diseases;
    • diagnoses and removes skin tumors;
    • eliminates scars, scars, stretch marks;
    • eliminates unnecessary vegetation;
    • evens out skin tone;
    • helps prevent the appearance of signs of aging;
    • removes wrinkles, enlarged pores, peeling;
    • tightens the skin on the face and body;
    • evens out the relief of the epidermis;
    • provides deep hydration and nutrition to the skin, its rejuvenation and renewal from the inside;
    • renews the skin by exfoliating its top layer;
    • eliminates asymmetry, changes facial features;
    • and also does many other things to help patients look attractive and youthful.

    Home exercises for the oval

    Facial muscles shorten with age due to poor posture, overexertion, overly active facial expressions, and incorrect head position. Overstrained muscles in the lower part of the face cause the cheeks and corners of the lips to droop. You can fix this problem yourself with regular exercises for the shape of your face.

    For a clear jawline and cheekbones, stretching and relaxing the chewing muscles is important. They are the ones that hold the frame and the middle part of the face. If you maintain a balance between the elevator and depressor muscles, you will be able to lift your cheeks, smooth out your nasolabial lips and outline an oval.

    Exercises not only activate the facial muscles. They stimulate blood circulation and improve lymph flow. Thanks to this, skin turgor increases and collagen production increases. Exercises for the oval of the face are exclusively a home procedure. The cosmetologist will not be able to perform it for the patient.

    The most effective and simple exercises:

  • Tilt your head back as much as possible, feeling the tension in your neck and chin. Count to three. Relax. Repeat 35 times.
  • Fold your lips into a tube and move them to the right side. Then turn your neck in the same direction. After three seconds, relax. Repeat for each side 10 times.
  • Smile as wide as possible, then purse your lips into a tube. Repeat 10 times.
  • Puff out your cheeks as much as possible, then relax. Repeat at least 30 times.
  • Inflate your right cheek and move the air to your left. Repeat for each side 10-15 times.
  • Close your eyes and frown deeply. After five seconds, relax completely. Repeat 10 times.
  • Why do you need to visit a cosmetologist?

    A cosmetologist is a doctor (yes, exactly a doctor with a diploma in dermatovenerology, who has undergone additional training and received a diploma in cosmetology), specializing in the correction of aesthetic defects.

    Those who want to become more beautiful and maintain youth for a long time turn to such a specialist.

    Microcurrent therapy

    Pulsed current can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Its gentle effect restores metabolic processes, improves blood microcirculation, and removes toxins and excess fluid from the intercellular space. It also has a beneficial effect on muscles, the vascular system and subcutaneous fat.

    Microcurrent therapy is an effective cosmetic procedure for the face after 30 years. Its use allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes disappear.
  • The oval is being restored.
  • Pigment spots and scars disappear.
  • Seborrhea is eliminated, pores are reduced.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Nasolabial folds are eliminated.
  • Excess fat disappears in the facial area.
  • The procedure is painless. Due to the insignificant parameters of alternating current, it is not addictive. The body perceives each session as new and reacts to it with maximum efficiency.

    The duration of the course is determined by the cosmetologist. For 30-year-old women, 5-10 procedures are usually sufficient. The results obtained last for six months.

    Face cleaning

    Facial cleansing after 30 years improves skin microrelief and restores its freshness. It also prepares it for the application of nourishing creams or masks. Unblocked pores are better able to absorb nutrients.

    Many women think that if they don't have acne, they don't need cleansing. Unfortunately, it is not. The skin of all people is susceptible to contamination, especially those who live in a metropolis. Sebum, environmental waste, dead cells, makeup residue and dust accumulate deep in the pores. No cleanser can remove and completely remove all this dirt. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to cleanse your face twice a year. This will keep your skin healthy and fresh.

    Just a few years ago, facial cleansing could only be done manually. But now many cosmetologists refuse this procedure, considering it traumatic and even dangerous. They prefer to use a vacuum or ultrasonic device to cleanse their facial skin. This allows you to achieve maximum effect without damaging the skin.

    Ultrasonic cleaning can be performed up to six to eight times a year. And vacuum - no more than four. The procedures are completely safe.


    The photorejuvenation procedure appeared on the global cosmetic market a little over 10 years ago. Due to its high effectiveness in preventing and eliminating signs of aging, it has gained immense popularity. The procedure is safe and painless. It can be performed on all areas of the face. It is also suitable for the body.

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    Photorejuvenation is an effective cosmetic procedure for the face after 30 years. It helps activate collagen production, enhances blood circulation, restores skin turgor, eliminates wrinkles and improves contour.

    The course consists of 3-15 procedures. Their number depends on the condition of the patient’s skin and on which particular photorejuvenation method is used. During the procedure, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation. If the pain threshold is low, an anesthetic cream is used.

    Results will be noticeable after two weeks. During the recovery period, you will need to avoid visiting the beach, solarium and bathhouse. In addition, you should refrain from using alcohol-containing cosmetics, peelings and scrubs. The use of sunscreen during this period is mandatory.

    “Soft” methods of medical rejuvenation

    Biorevitalization is the injection of hyaluronic acid into problem areas of the face (nasolabial folds, corners of the eyes, lips, etc.). Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is part of connective tissue, attracts and retains water molecules. It fills the skin with moisture, making it elastic and smoothing the contour of the face.

    Mesotherapy is the saturation of the skin with vitamins, microelements and beneficial substances through injections. Used in women over the age of 30, the composition of the solution includes vitamins with antioxidants that maintain the youth and elasticity of the epidermis. Plant extracts, biostimulants, and amino acids are also used. The procedure stimulates cell renewal, collagen production, and improves local blood supply.

    Xeomin injections are facial contouring, which is carried out by injecting botulinum toxin type A under the skin. This is the latest generation drug developed by the German company. It effectively smooths out wrinkles and, unlike Dysport and Botox, preserves natural facial expressions, is non-addictive and absolutely safe.

    Laser rejuvenation (Derma Genesis) is a painless face lift with a laser beam. The procedure is carried out using the CUTERA device, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, get rid of rosacea, and restore smoothness, elasticity and radiance to the skin.

    Blanching with Belotero is a modern injection technique for smoothing wrinkles. Its peculiarity is that even wrinkles in previously “resistant” areas, such as cheeks, around the mouth, forehead, neck, etc., are filled.

    Comparison table of methods

    NameMain advantagesRehabilitation
    BiorevitalizationFirm and moisturized skin. Correction of early wrinkles. Slowing down the aging process. Within 24 hours, small papules are visible after injections. For seven days you should avoid direct sunlight, do not visit the solarium, sauna, or swimming pool.
    MesotherapyPrevention of wrinkles; lifting. Significant temperature changes should be avoided. It is not advisable to use cosmetics immediately after the procedure.
    Laser rejuvenationTreatment of rosacea mesh and rashes; Improving skin texture; Laser face lift. The procedure is painless. No.
    Xeomin injectionsCorrection of wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows. Non-addictive (unlike Botox and Dysport) Swelling may persist for some time.
    Blanching with BeloteroCorrection of wrinkles in previously “resistant” areas: cheeks, around the mouth, neck, etc.) The filler is absolutely safe. Made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. In individual cases, traces of injections are visible for 1-7 days.

    The listed procedures for the face after 30-35 are combined with each other and can be used in comprehensive care. The doctor selects the best rejuvenation options and draws up a course taking into account the client’s characteristics (initial skin condition, health status, desired result, etc.).

    Cosmetics after 30

    After 30 years, sebum production decreases and the skin becomes less oily. The dermis thins and becomes more susceptible to dryness and flaking. Cleansers can completely wash away the natural lipid barrier, which will further damage the epidermis. Therefore, it is important to choose cleansers that do not dry out the skin. You can find such products among pharmacy cosmetics. For example: Purete Thermal from Vichy, Toleriane from La Roche-Posay and Cold Cream from Avene.

    A good cream for facial skin after 30 years has a complex effect. It needs to nourish, moisturize, protect and restore the epidermis. Anti-aging cosmetics should contain the following substances:

  • Retinol.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Peptides.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • Sun filters.
  • Polyphenols.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Epidermal growth factors.
  • It's easy to get confused among the variety of cosmetic products. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of cream to a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the highest quality and safest product.

    Rules for choosing decorative cosmetics for makeup

    Decorative cosmetics can have both positive and negative effects on the health and condition of changing skin. Some important tips:

    • Give preference to mineral cosmetics. They contain no artificial components. Minerals have soothing properties;
    • Avoid using silver eyeshadow. Recommended use: matte shadows and mascara;
    • Use a moisturizing and light product as a makeup base;
    • Choose decorative cosmetics that suit your skin type (oily, dry, etc.).

    Your makeup should be aimed at highlighting your natural beauty and hiding age-related changes. The less decorative cosmetics are used for this, the better.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Anti-aging cosmetics are not cheap. Unfortunately, its high price does not guarantee quality. You can often find mineral oil, parabens, fragrances and other harmful components in its composition. At the same time, the concentration of truly useful substances can be scanty.

    More and more women are using pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments for skin care. They contain a really high concentration of nutrients. They do not contain parabens or other harmful chemicals. The following drugs are used for rejuvenation:

  • "Solcoseryl". The basis of the drug is hemodialysate obtained from the blood of calves. This substance accelerates recovery processes, retains moisture in the skin, enhances collagen production and saturates cells with oxygen.
  • Ointment "Relief". This drug is effective against wrinkles thanks to the shark liver oil it contains. This substance contains valuable microelements, vitamins and fats. They nourish the skin, eliminate inflammation and stimulate regeneration. The drug helps smooth out deep wrinkles, increase elasticity and eliminate swelling. “Relief” from wrinkles in the form of an ointment is recommended to be applied to the skin two hours before bedtime.
  • "Curiosin." The drug contains hyaluronic acid and zinc, valuable for the skin. It moisturizes the dermis well, restoring its firmness and elasticity. In addition, it protects the skin from inflammation and reduces sebum production.
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