Vector lifting with Radiesse in Krasnodar

Initially, Radiesse filler was produced by the American company BioFarm Medical, which in 2010 became part of the large pharmaceutical concern Merz GmbH. & Co.

The basis of this drug is calcium hydroxyapatite 30% and 70% gel carrier in the form of hydroxyethylcellulose.

The drug in its pure form has a white color, good elasticity and viscosity.

It was developed for general and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Calcium hydroxyapatite is part of the bone structures of the body, therefore it does not cause allergic and immune reactions after artificial introduction into tissues. Radiesse is FDA approved, meets EU quality standards and is certified in Russia.

The following procedures are successfully performed with Radiesse:

  1. Accentuating the angles of the lower jaw
  2. General alignment of the lower jaw lines
  3. Enlargement of cheekbones
  4. Chin shape correction
  5. Comprehensive restoration of facial contours
  6. Procedures aimed at improving skin quality - vector lifting and bioreinforcement.

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse for face is an injectable preparation.
A unique filler is designed for injection into facial tissue, it allows you to get rid of wrinkles and improve the quality of the skin, and perform lifting without surgery. The drug has been well studied and approved by leading health organizations. According to research, it is absolutely safe: Radiesse filler has been studied by more than 200 scientists and research teams around the world, and over three hundred publications have been published up to 2022 alone. Effective and safe, it allows you to perform vector lifting (bio-reinforcement) and provides instant results that last for a long time. It is fully compatible with the human body and is suitable for correcting the face and neck area at any age after 18 years. Radiesse returns the V-shape to the face - it is what is associated with youth: a narrow chin, wide cheekbones, toned skin. Over time, due to the redistribution of the subcutaneous fat layer, loss of tissue elasticity, age-related changes in ligaments and muscles, the face takes on the shape of an inverted V - the cheeks “sink”, a double chin appears, and the cheekbones lose their expressiveness. In this case, the face looks old and tired, regardless of the number and depth of wrinkles. It is precisely this problem that a volumizer allows you to cope with. Vector lifting Radiesse restores lost volume, stimulates collagen production, and lasts for a long time - from 12-15 months.

Composition of the drug

Radiesse consists of calcium hydroxyapatite in the form of microspheres (its share is 30%) and an aqueous gel carrier - it contains 70% of the drug. Calcium hydroxyapatite is produced synthetically, but its composition is completely identical to the substances that make up human teeth and bones - this ensures the absolute safety and biocompatibility of the drug. However, calcium hydroxyapatite is not bone - it is an inorganic component of teeth and bones.

Why does Radiesse have a two-phase composition?

The carrier gel provides the primary effect: after injection, it fills the correction area, providing the missing volume. That is, it works like a regular filler: it makes cheekbones clearer, cheeks firmer, and corrects the shape of the face the way the patient wants. The filler remains in the tissues for several months, then dissolves due to metabolic processes.

It's time for the second phase. Calcium hydroxyapatite in tissues triggers the process of creating new young collagen fibers. The formation of new connective tissue allows you to maintain volumes even after the filler gel is removed from the body. It is collagen that becomes the supporting frame on which facial tissues “hold.” In addition, it helps tighten the skin and makes it more toned.

The drug does not retain water and does not contribute to the appearance of swelling. It makes it possible to safely correct even the deepest wrinkles and replenish missing volume.

What is Radiesse used for?

The volumizer is used for:

  • improving the contours of the chin and cheeks;
  • replenishment of the missing volume;
  • smoothing nasolabial and labiochin folds;
  • formation of the facial frame;
  • getting rid of age-related changes;
  • oval face lift;
  • improving the tone and quality of the skin of the face, neck, hands, and décolleté.

How quickly can you see the effect after Radiesse correction?

The first result is visible immediately after application. Radiesse is evenly distributed in empty areas of the subcutaneous layer, returning aesthetically attractive volume to the tissues.

2-3 months after the injection, macrophages (utilizer cells in the skin) absorb the gel carrier, calcium microspheres remain, they stimulate the production of new collagen.

After administration of the drug, the face will look young and healthy for at least 2 years. Longer-lasting effects are also noted. At the same time, there are no negative consequences after the injection of filler: facial expressions remain natural, and skin color does not change its natural shade.

For which areas is Radiesse recommended?


With age, the subcutaneous fatty tissue on the face thins out, the skin becomes drier and thinner, while the muscles and ligaments also change slightly. As a result, the face loses volume, and this becomes noticeable first of all in the cheekbone area. To restore a youthful, V-shape, add volume to the cheekbones and perform non-surgical lifting, Radiesse injections are needed.


A clear cervical-chin angle is a sign of youth. But the so-called double chin does not suit any woman. Radiesse allows you to form a clear, beautiful oval of the face and tighten tissue.

Nasolabial folds

Under the influence of ptosis, as well as due to loss of tissue elasticity, nasolabial folds become deeper and more noticeable. The effect of a tired face is created, the corners of the lips seem to droop down. Vector lifting allows you to cope with this problem: it adds volume and smoothes out creases.


Loss of volume under the cheekbones, downward displacement of the cheeks, and the appearance of jowls are all signs of aging that can reveal the age of even the most beautiful face. Volumizer injections allow you to replenish the missing volume, and then create a frame using the produced collagen, restore clarity to the oval of the face, and forget about sagging and jowls.

Neck and décolleté

The neck and décolleté area shows age in the same way as the face. If not more noticeable: the face is usually more carefully cared for. After 40 years, the skin in the décolleté area becomes thinner, becomes dry, and many small wrinkles appear. And on the neck, age-related changes are noticeable even earlier - the so-called rings of Venus (transverse wrinkles) can appear at 25 and 30 years. Radiesse injections allow you to restore elasticity, youth and beauty to this area.

Indications for use

A volumizer can be used if:

  • Signs of age-related changes have become noticeable - loss of skin elasticity, deepening of wrinkles;
  • A pronounced drooping (ptosis) of facial tissues has appeared - for example, the cheeks have “swollen”, the face looks tired, a double chin has appeared, and the nasolacrimal and labiomental folds have become sharply defined;
  • I would like to correct traces of scars and cicatrices;
  • It is necessary to get rid of age and facial wrinkles;
  • Age-related changes appear not only on the face, but also on the neck, earlobes, hands - their shape changes with age, the volume is redistributed. To get rid of signs of aging, Radiesse is perfect;
  • There is a need to perform skin tightening without surgery;
  • It is necessary to improve the quality of the skin, make it more elastic.

Radiesse is an effective remedy for restoring lost volume and, therefore, restoring youth to the face, neck and hands.


Before the Radiesse procedure, a consultation with a doctor is held at the clinic. A certified cosmetologist or dermatologist examines the patient, finds out his medical history and checks for contraindications. These include:

  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Blood clotting disorders and any blood diseases;
  • Chronic diseases in severe form or acute stages;
  • Inflammatory processes in the layers of the skin;
  • Any diseases and infections that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypersensitivity to components;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.

Also, Radiesse Lifting is not compatible with all cosmetic procedures: for example, if there is liquid silicone in the correction area, the use of Radiesse is prohibited by the manufacturer.

To find out if the procedure is right for you, we recommend scheduling a consultation. If it turns out that you have absolute contraindications, the clinic’s doctors will help you choose other rejuvenation options so that you can enjoy the beauty of your skin and a clear oval face for as long as possible.

Can filler be used by pregnant women, while breastfeeding, or during menstruation?

During pregnancy and lactation, injections of the drug cannot be given. During menstruation, the strict prohibition does not apply. But a decision must be made taking into account the characteristics of the body. How sensitive and problematic does the skin become? And is there a tendency to edema?

Experts recommend carrying out the procedure no earlier than 4-5 days of the cycle. In this case, complications are possible that will not arise at other times:

  • During menstruation, blood clotting decreases. Even an injection into the middle layers of the skin can cause hematomas.
  • The body accumulates fluid, so sometimes the face swells. Those who suffer from edema need to remember this.
  • The pain threshold decreases, and it becomes more difficult to endure injections.

Preparation for the procedure

No action is required from the patient before Radiesse injections. There is no need to change your usual lifestyle. The only thing that can be done is to stop drinking alcohol on the eve of the procedure and limit the intake of blood thinning medications (by the way, these include the popular aspirin).

On the day of the procedure, do not overuse coffee, try to get a good night's sleep. Radiesse does not require a long recovery period, but if possible, it is worth rescheduling appointments to the next day and ensuring yourself a relaxing rest after visiting a cosmetologist.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts have differing opinions regarding the effect of Radiesse preparations - some note the high effectiveness of implants, others express distrust. The well-known Elena Malysheva, as part of the “I want to be beautiful” project, conducted an independent experiment and confirmed the effectiveness of the products.

The cosmetologist talks about the possibilities of using this line:

The specialist shares his long experience of working with the drug:

In his commentary, the doctor expresses his doubts:

How is the procedure performed?

  1. First of all, a consultation is carried out. The dermatologist collects anamnesis, clarifies allergic reactions, and discusses the patient’s wishes.
  2. Then the patient lies down on the couch, the remaining makeup is removed from the face, the skin is cleansed and treated with an antiseptic.
  3. If necessary, anesthesia is provided. As a rule, by application - that is, using ointment or cream. But if you've already had injections in a clinic and know you're immune to a little discomfort during the procedure, your doctor may not administer anesthesia. For the remedy to work, a pause of 15-20 minutes is necessary. Injection anesthesia is sometimes used too.
  4. The specialist draws a vector grid with a cosmetic pencil, marking the areas of influence of the drug.
  5. The doctor performing Radiesse contouring opens the sterile packaging of the drug in front of you, shows the series, number and expiration date.
  6. The next stage is the direct injection of the drug into the injection zones. The doctor can do this directly with a disposable needle or a flexible cannula - the second option is used if it is necessary to distribute a large volume of Radiesse in the facial tissues. A cannula is a blunt-ended needle that has a rounded hole. The shape allows the cannula to easily penetrate deep into the tissue and minimize trauma to blood vessels.
  7. After completing the Radiesse lift, the face is again treated with antiseptic agents, and a special healing cream is applied to the skin.

At Cleo Line, Radiesse vector lifting is performed by cosmetologists and dermatologists with higher education who have extensive experience and constantly improve their knowledge and skills in advanced training courses. By contacting us, you trust your beauty and safety to professionals.

Types of fillers

The line includes several products. They have identical composition, but are available in different volumes.

The package contains: sealed disposable syringes and 27G needles (2 pcs.), a connector and instructions for use.


Available in a volume of 0.3 ml. Used to correct a small area or fill a specific wrinkle/skin crease.


Volume - 0.8 ml. Ideal for reinforcing several areas of the face, replenishing volume and smoothing out pronounced wrinkles.


Suitable for contouring of older clients, if large-scale correction is necessary. The drug is available in a volume of 1.5 ml.

Procedure time and number of recommended procedures

Radiesse injections will not require a lot of free time from you. The entire procedure, including consultation and anesthesia of the injection area, takes about 60 minutes, and the actual implantation of the drug lasts from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on its quantity.

Typically, only one procedure is required. Radiesse is a highly effective drug that provides facial lifting, smoothing out wrinkles and improving skin quality, while the results last a long time. The doctor calculates the amount of filler you need during your consultation.

Radiesse comes in three forms:

  • 0.8 mm – suitable for minimal correction in small areas;
  • 1.5 mm – average volume for correcting creases and folds;
  • 3 mm – for significant correction of deep wrinkles.

How sustainable are the results?

The visible effect can be assessed after the specialist’s manipulations are completed. It will last for 1-1.5 years. In this case, no changes in facial expressions or other external signs of intervention are observed. However, there are also unpleasant moments during the process:

  • Painful sensations may occur when the drug is administered. Therefore, for comfort, the anesthetic lidocaine is used, which reduces the sensitivity of the receptors.
  • If Radiesse is used in the lip area, small nodules may form over time. Similar phenomena were not found when using the drug on other areas of the face.
  • During the first 2-4 weeks, itching may occur at the puncture sites.

Recovery period

The recovery period after injection of Radiesse under the eyes, cheekbones or any other area takes about a day. During this period, you need to apply ice compresses at the injection site. Swelling may be noticeable - this is normal; it will subside on its own in a few hours. However, if you experience severe pain or a fever, consult a doctor immediately.

  • On the first day after the procedure, do not use cleansers, avoid contact with water and do not apply makeup;
  • Also, within 48 hours after visiting a cosmetologist, you should avoid taking blood thinning medications. These include not only aspirin, but also fish oil, vitamin E and even ibuprofen;
  • For 14 days, limit visits to baths, saunas, and do not take a hot bath;
  • Avoid the beaches for a couple of weeks, and when going outside, don’t forget about sunscreen;
  • It is also better to wait with peelings and cleansing: do not injure the skin.

Important: try not to scratch or rub the correction area. You should also not knead the filler without the direct instructions of a doctor: the Radiesse lift is performed by a doctor using a certain technique, this is not an ordinary filler that simply fills the space in the tissues, returning volume to the face. Therefore, by kneading and distributing the drug, you can only worsen the effect. If you have any questions or doubts, you should immediately contact a cosmetology center for advice.

Side effects

By contacting specialists who have the necessary education and significant experience, you reduce the risk of side effects. Complications are most often associated with the characteristics of the patient’s body or insufficient qualifications of the doctor.

At Cleo Line, Radiesse lifting is performed only by cosmetologists and dermatologists who have been trained by the manufacturer of the drug and received the appropriate certificates. By trusting us with beauty and health, you are making the right choice.

What complications could arise in theory?

Swelling and hematomas at the injection sites cannot be considered a side effect. There are many small vessels in the facial tissues, and it is impossible not to damage them even with the most careful injection. But swelling and small bruises go away quickly, and ice helps with this.

A truly unpleasant consequence of turning to an unqualified specialist can be facial asymmetry - such a complication arises due to improper administration of the drug under the skin. It is possible to correct the result, but it is difficult: the gel will have to be removed using special compounds.

Incorrect administration of the drug can also lead to tissue necrosis. If you notice a small white area of ​​skin at or near the injection site, contact your doctor immediately.

Nerve damage is a rare but no less unpleasant side effect. Symptoms: decreased sensitivity or its sharp increase, numbness.

Inflammatory processes develop, as a rule, if the sterility of the procedure is not met or if the patient, after visiting the clinic, does not properly care for the correction area. There is no need to take antibiotics on your own and deal with inflammation, contact a specialist!


Any procedure performed by an inexperienced specialist or on a patient who conceals medical history can lead to complications.

One of the most common complications after Radiesse injection is contouring of the drug. A large volume of the drug or insufficient depth of injection, or an incorrectly selected injection technique can lead to its noticeable occurrence in the correction zone. Instead of skin rejuvenation, the effect will be lumpy and excess. A similar complication can be encountered when injecting any filler, however, in the case of calcium hydroxyapatite, it is not so easy to correct. There is no enzyme or “antidote” to remove excess drug. In such cases, the manufacturer recommends the administration of saline solution and active kneading of the desired area, however, in most cases this method does not achieve the desired result and you have to wait about 6 months until the drug is independently eliminated from the body.

Another common complication is the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Its occurrence is possible with the introduction of any fillers. If you have a significant allergic history, you should start administering the drug with small doses. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Due to the unpredictable reaction of interaction with other substances, the use of radice is possible in the absence of other injected fillers. Their combined action can lead to an inflammatory reaction, fibrosis and other complications, the cosmetic correction of which will be, at a minimum, difficult and may require surgical intervention.

Improper administration of the drug can contribute to the occurrence of such a serious complication as necrosis. Treatment of such a complication is possible only through surgery, which is why it is extremely important to prevent the likelihood of its occurrence.

Violation of the injection technique also leads to neurological complications: compression of tissue in the area where the nerve branches pass can cause various types of parasthesia (numbness, sensation of “pins and needles”, etc.), which go away on their own within a few days.

How does Radiesse differ from its analogues?

The main difference between Radiesse and other fillers is the increased duration of action. So, with conventional fillers it averages 8-10 months, maybe less if the patient is young, leads an active lifestyle, and has a good metabolic metabolism. Radiesse lasts for an average of a year - during this period of time you do not need to worry about any age-related changes being noticeable on your face.

In addition, Radiesse is completely compatible with the body due to its composition. During the entire period of use, not a single case of an allergic reaction was observed - and in the case of analogues, incompatibility cannot be excluded.

Results and discussion

Patient A

., 54 years old. Tired morphotype, ptosis according to D. Baker, 2nd degree. Implantation of absorbable Light Lift Needle sutures 2G was performed in the middle zone of the face; after 3 weeks, Radiesse was injected subperiosteally on the zygomatic arch (Fig. 1).

1. Patient A. before implantation of threads and after 6 months of observation. Implantation of Light Lift Needle 2G threads was performed in the middle zone of the face; after 3 weeks, Radiesse was injected subperiosteally on the zygomatic arch. Patient B.

36 years. Tired morphotype, ptosis according to D. Baker 1st degree. Implantation of Excellence Visage threads was performed in the middle zone; after 3 months, Radiesse was injected subperiosteally into the depression zone as a bolus (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Patient B. before and 3 months after implantation of Excellence Visage threads, 14 days after the introduction of Radiesse, control photo after 2 years.

What to choose, Radiesse or hyaluronic acid

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid and Radiesse are drugs that solve similar, but still different problems. Therefore, what to choose is up to you. Of course, together with a cosmetologist. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are suitable for replenishing the missing volume; they can correct the oval of the face and the shape of the lips, cheekbones, nose, chin, and jaw angle. Hyaluronic preparations also moisturize the skin and help reduce visible wrinkles and folds.

Radiesse performs a facelift - with its help you can cope with tissue sagging due to age-related changes. It corrects the oval of the face, eliminates even deep wrinkles, and compensates for the lack of soft tissues. Performs the function of a “framework” of the face, maintaining its youth and beauty. But Radiesse is not used to increase the volume of lips and correct their shape.

With the help of Radiesse you can get rid of scars. In addition, due to its composition, the drug stimulates the production of additional collagen - a substance responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin.

As a rule, Radiesse is chosen by patients over 30-35 years of age who want to get an immediate effect with a prolonged effect as a result of the procedure. Radiesse delivers what you want.

Efficiency of funds

Invasions are intended exclusively for people over 35 years of age.

The result is visible immediately, but the peak occurs after 1-2 months. During this period, additional stimulation of one’s own biological processes occurs - due to the activation of collagen, the skin glows and becomes silky, and the relief is evened out.

In addition to contouring, the products are used for mesotherapy: correction of the hips, neck, décolleté or periorbital area.

Taking into account the good viscosity and density of the gel, it is pre-diluted with physiological sodium chloride solution.

The procedure in this case consists of several stages: the introduction of mesothreads into the intercellular matrix and the subsequent filling of the space with a mesosolution containing Radiesse.

The use of Aptos threads together with a diluted formula of the drug prevents the appearance of ridges and subcutaneous bumps.

Advantages of the drug

  • Instant effect - the result is noticeable immediately after the procedure; during the month, while the drug is distributed in the tissues, it only increases.
  • Hypoallergenic - due to its composition, Radiesse does not cause an allergic reaction, it is completely safe, accepted by any organism and does not cause rejection.
  • Correction of even deep wrinkles - Radiesse is able to cope with age-related wrinkles and creases that conventional hyaluronic acid-based fillers only smooth out. It restores missing soft tissues, returns the required volume to the face, and allows you to model your appearance.
  • The effect is long lasting - the drug has a prolonged effect. It immediately fills wrinkles, restoring the desired volume, then the body begins to produce its own collagen, and the processes of natural physiological facelift are launched. One procedure allows you to forget about age-related changes for a year or even more!

Radiesse - a new dermal filler

Radiesse is an injection material based on HAP (hydroxyapatite)

Currently, the drug is approved for use in the USA, EU, Asia and Russia.

It is designed to increase the volume of soft tissues, regenerate and correct various cosmetic defects. Radiesse is widely used in aesthetic medicine for non-surgical correction.

First visit promotion

Natural hydroxyapatite (HAP) is often found in nature and is the basis of the inorganic component of bone tissue. However, the material isolated from natural sources contains protein impurities; its use is fraught with the risk of developing allergic reactions. Therefore, biosynthesized HAP, with a chemical formula similar to natural Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, is widely used in medicine.

Three-dimensional model of the chemical structure of natural hydroxyapatite -

Radiesse injection implant basics

The synthesized analogue, like natural HAP, is capable of biodegradation with subsequent decomposition into calcium ions Ca2+ and phosphate PO4 3–

Through targeted processing, the properties of HAP can be altered, creating a wide variety of dense and porous forms with a wide range of characteristics.

The first mention of the use of biosynthesized HAP in medicine dates back to the late 70s. In 1997, at the International Congress of Plantologists, it was named “the best medical material of all time.”

Radiesse is an injectable material based on HAP. Currently, the drug is approved for use in the USA, EU, Asia and Russia. It is designed to increase the volume of soft tissues, regenerate and correct various cosmetic defects.

Radiesse is widely used in aesthetic medicine for the non-surgical correction of nasal defects, increasing the size of the chin, treating dermoatrophies, lipoatrophies in various areas of the face and body, including in HIV-infected people; in surgery and urology - for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, vesicoureteral reflux, restoration of the original size of the vocal cords, and fecal incontinence; in dentistry - for building up bone defects.


Radiesse is a two-phase filler consisting of hydroxyapatite microparticles evenly distributed in a carrier gel.

Hydroxyapatite microspheres are evenly distributed in the carrier gel

and occupy 30% of the total filler volume

The material is a milky-white suspension, supplied in sterile syringes with a volume of 0.3 and 1.3 ml. Stored at 25°C. Individual particles of the drug have a spherical shape, a smooth surface, and a diameter of 25–45 microns.

The gel carrier occupies 70% of the total volume and contains glycerin, water and sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose. The stability of the dispersion form (a suspension of solid particles in a viscous liquid) and the uniform distribution of microspheres of a given size in it is achieved by the presence of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (2% by volume). Sodium carboxymethylcellulose is a product of the interaction of cellulose and monoacetic acid. Due to the presence of a small percentage of glycerin (5%) in a certain ratio with water (1:10), the filler has very good penetrating ability and is evenly distributed in the deep dermis and subcutaneous fat. In addition, the glycerol molecule is a signal molecule and regulates regeneration processes. All components of the carrier gel are completely hydrolyzed within the first month after administration.

The risk of implant migration is minimized, since the primary reaction of the dermis to the injection of the drug is fine-fiber encapsulation of microspheres, and later, as the carrier gel is absorbed, the native tissue replaces it, distributing itself between the particles.


When the drug is introduced into the dermis, hydroxyapatite microspheres stimulate fibroblasts and the process of neocollagenesis starts.

Fibroblast in the active stage of neocollagenesis

When a filler is introduced under the periosteum, hydroxyapatite particles stimulate osteoblasts and the osteosynthesis process starts. Thus, hydroxyapatite particles stimulate the cellular structural unit of the tissue where it is injected (fibroblasts, osteoblasts).

During the first month after filler injection, the carrier gel is absorbed by macrophages. What remains is the “biomatrix” (microspheres). As the gel carrier is absorbed, the process of fibrosis occurs, that is, the formation of connective tissue, which, together with the microspheres, begins to act as a filler.

Radiesse microspheres stimulate fibroblasts to produce new collagen. Histological preparations show a progressive increase in fibrous connective tissue around the microspheres. Results of clinical trials in 2001:

After 1.5–2.0 months, a semi-natural implant is formed in the area of ​​filler injection: hydroxyapatite microspheres + connective tissue.

Diagram of the structure of the newly formed implant. Spherical HAP particles are located in the three-dimensional space of connective tissue


The absence of components of animal and plant origin in the composition of the drug determines its non-immunogenicity and makes it possible to avoid preliminary testing for tolerability. In experimental studies on animals and many

Years of clinical trials have established that Radiesse does not have any adverse effects on a living organism, that after intradermal injection the particles remain at the site of implantation, and no inflammatory reaction from surrounding tissues is observed.

The drug has no irritating, toxic, mutagenic effects, and does not cause allergic reactions.

The area of ​​filler injection into the dermis after 2 months. The structure of a new cellular framework has been formed.

The specimen did not show signs of an inflammatory reaction, ossification, or compaction. The compact arrangement of HAP microspheres indicates the absence of particle migration

Radiesse injections do not affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. From 1990 to the present, during the entire period of research and practical use of the drug, not a single case of granuloma formation was found.

Clinical trials of the material regarding its compatibility with a living organism were carried out from 1990 to 2000. In 2003, official FDA approval was received for the use of Radiesse in medicine, and in 2004, EU approval was received. In 2006, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation allowed the use of Radiesse as an implant. Registration certificate FS No. 2006/107


The aesthetic effect of the introduction of Radiesse is noticeable immediately after the procedure. However, a month after the injection, you may feel that not enough of the drug was administered. This is explained by the fact that the rate of absorption of the transport medium (gel carrier) is faster than the rate of formation of connective tissue.

It must be remembered that Radiesse is a long-term filler, so the consequences of overcorrection will be difficult to cope with. The universal recommendation is as follows: the drug should be administered until the optimal level of correction is achieved under visual control. The decision on additional administration of the drug is made no earlier than 6–8 weeks after the initial administration and in a volume of 30–50% of that administered during the previous procedure. If these rules are followed, the complication of overcorrection is practically eliminated. A satisfactory aesthetic effect lasts for 18–24 months. The tissues have a normal texture. The color of the skin over the implant does not change. Facial expression is not impaired.


Given the possibility of long-term correction, patient selection is extremely important. Before the procedure, a conversation is held with the patient, during which his general condition is clarified and a traditional medical history is collected.

A. Contraindications

Relative contraindications: previous surgical operations or trauma to the relevant areas.

Absolute contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • autoimmune and severe chronic diseases, blood clotting disorders;
  • calcinosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory (infectious) processes in areas where
  • intended introduction;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Procedures are not performed during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case, the healing process worsens and a change in skin color in the injection area is possible. Radiesse is not injected into the bridge of the nose due to the possible risk of necrosis due to compression of blood vessels with subsequent retinal ischemia.

B. Indications for use:

  • non-surgical correction of nasal defects;
  • correction of the zygomatic region;
  • hypotrophic scars;
  • increasing the volume of the cheeks and chin;
  • nasolabial folds and wrinkles - “puppets”;
  • perioral wrinkles;
  • correction of age-related changes on the back of the hands.

During the examination, special attention is paid to the skin in the areas of planned injections. It is not allowed to administer the drug into areas of the skin with impaired vascularization, as well as into areas where foreign bodies are already present (materials based on silicone, PMMA, PAAG). When injected into scars, the reaction is not always predictable.

In some cases, you should immediately discuss with the patient the benefits of complex correction (using botulinum toxin preparations, chemical peeling and other cosmetic methods).


Local topical anesthesia (Emla 5%) is recommended; a nerve block or tissue infiltration of anesthetic in the injection area can be created (lidocaine 2%).

To administer Radiesse, 27 G needles with a length of 1.9 or 3.2 cm are used. When correcting wrinkles and folds, the optimal injection depth is the deep dermis or the border of the dermis and hypodermis; subcutaneous injections are allowed.

Diagram of the structure of the newly formed implant. Spherical HAP particles are located in the three-dimensional space of connective tissue


A. Nasolabial folds

When injected into the nasolabial folds, Radiesse gives particularly good results.

B. Zygomatic region

This is perhaps one of the most indicative areas for using Radiesse. The filler is used to increase the volume of the cheekbones and correct this area.

B. Wrinkles - “puppets”

Isolated “puppet” wrinkles can also be corrected well with Radiesse. Such wrinkles are formed as a result of sagging skin; they are multiple, with an uneven surface. As a rule, patients undergo comprehensive correction of facial wrinkles.

G. Chin

Mental folds on the chin and chin atrophy can be corrected well with Radiesse.

Photo a-before administration of the drug, photo b-after administration.

Excellent results are achieved by the combined use of Radiesse and botulinum toxin in this area.

D. Non-surgical correction of nasal defects

Given the densely elastic texture of the filler, Radiesse should be injected into the nasal area under the nasal muscle.

Photo BEFORE Photo AFTER nose correction procedure

E. Correction of age-related changes on the dorsum of the hands

Good practice has been established for augmentation of the dorsum of the hands using Radiesse.

Photo a-before drug administration, photo b-after


There are no data on complications after the administration of Radiesse for cosmetic indications. So far, there have been no reports of either the formation of antibodies or increased sensitivity to the drug. Common to all areas of correction is moderate swelling that goes away within 1–3 days.

The risk of hematoma formation is lower than with other fillers. The feeling of “bloating” appears 2–3 minutes after administration, lasts 30–40 seconds and is moderate.

The arsenal of materials for injection contouring has been replenished with the drug Radiesse. The question arises: which filler should I prefer: a filler based on stabilized hyaluronic acid or a filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite?

In 2005, a group of American doctors conducted a comparative study of various biodegradable implants used to correct the volume of soft tissues of the face. According to their data, when correcting the shape and volume of the lips, it is more physiological to use stabilized hyaluronic acid preparations. When correcting dermal defects in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, the shape and volume of the cheekbones and cheeks, and non-surgical correction of nasal defects, Radiesse is the drug of choice.

The final choice remains with the patient and the doctor’s recommendations.

Sign up for a free consultation now

Reviews from doctors about the procedure and drug

Experts rightfully consider Radiesse facelift one of the most effective and safest ways to prolong youth and beauty. Radiesse was first used for cosmetology purposes back in 1995, and has been constantly researched since then - perhaps it is the most studied remedy in aesthetic medicine. Its safety has been confirmed by several hundred clinical trials and studies conducted not only by Merz (the manufacturing company), but also by independent laboratories around the world.

The procedure for doctors is no more complicated than classic contouring with fillers, but the effect for the patient is more noticeable, long-lasting and natural: the volumizer not only restores lost volume, but also activates the production of collagen in the tissues.

Sign up for a consultation to learn more about the procedure.

Cost of the procedure in clinics

The cost of contour plastic surgery is from 8,000 rubles per session.

The price is influenced by both the territorial location of the clinic and the degree of complexity of the correction.

Prices in different cities


Clinic Medst. Montazhnikov, 1/4 from 25 000+7(861)292-25-02
Ego Estheticianst. Kalinina, 324 from 15 000+7(861)220-20-70
Clinic of aesthetic cosmetology and massage “Lady Boss”st. Vostochno-Kruglikovskaya, 30 from 20 000+7(861)249-24-97
Clinic “Refresh Academy”st. Stavropolskaya, 204/1 from 12 000+7(918)115-5-68
LASER CLINICst. Machugi, 41 from 18 000+7(988)241-31-41
Body correction center “She”st. Sormovskaya, 118 from 16 000+7(861)232-12-74


Cosmetology Clinic “8 Miracle”st. Vasenko, 96 from 8 000+7(351) 248-65-52
Institute of Health and Beauty “Lotos”st. Sony Krivoi, 32 from 9 000+7(351)220-0-03
Aesthetic center “Comilfo”st. Elkina, 43 from 1 500+7(351)220-97-27
A RAY OF LIGHTst. Brothers Kashirinykh, 12 from 9 500+7(351)225-04-04


Clinic “Olympus”st. Rokossovskogo, 62 from 1 000+7(8442)595-595
ARTEVITAst. Grushevskaya, 12 from 20 000+7(8442)49-90-16


DelArtst. Kirgizskaya, 9/3 from 18 000+7(928)270-09-21
SKINERICSst. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 72 from 12 500+7(800)777-47-82
Shevchenko Clinicst. Murlycheva, 89A from 14 000+7(863)294-30-95


Beauty and Health Center “Ljubljana”st. Gagarina, 86 14 000-20 000+7(846)201-16-16
VISVITALISst. Stepana Razin, 102 25 000+7(846)310-26-16


ST-Clinicst. Vainera, 60 from 16 000+7(343)201-45-05
Baden Badenst. Winter, 23 from 10 900+7(343)363-3-3
Clinic “Reforma”st. Sheinkmana, 1 from 14 000+7(343)287-16-16
PERFECTIONst. Marshala Zhukova, 1 from 8 000+7(343)311-90-21
Aurorast. Opalikhinskaya, 18 from 15 000+7(343)346-97-40


Aesthetic Medicine Center “Beauty Formula”st. Kosmonavta Leonov, 58 15 000-23 000+7(4012)610-024
KATARINAst. Gaidara, 93 15 000-20 000+7(4012)5-101
Skin Clinicst. Baseinaya, 38 12 000-15 000+7(4012)335-177


Casa Blancast. Baikalskaya, 202/5 following consultation+7(3952)5-93-03
De Vitast. Partizanskaya, 28 from 9 500+7(3952)99-86-66
Diagnostic Medical Center “Altera”st. Piskunova, 50 from 8 000+7(3952)22-71-70
NOVOMEDst. Dzerzhinskogo, 20 from 7 900+7(3952)57-82-82
Monicast. Baikalskaya, 198 from 13 000+7(3952)40-05-95
PROSst. Sverdlova, 36 from 19 000+7(3952)20-21-45


iNeost. Chernyshevskogo, 75 from 16 500+7(391)2223-21-23
Laser cosmetology center “Neoline”st. Alekseeva, 17 from 18 500+7(391)205-05-17
Clarimedst. 78th Volunteer Brigade, 7 from 17 000+7(391)295-37-60
Oneginst. Vzletnaya, 26G from 8 500+7(391)275-5-1
Cosmetology center “Rose Garden”st. Red Army, 18 from 15 000+7(391)221-22-1
Clinic “Triumph”st. Karla Marksa, 14 from 19 000+7(391)205-44-01


Beauty Seasonsst. Spartakovskaya, 2 from 15 000+7(843)200-03-44


New Agest. Galushchaka, 15 based on consultation results+7(383)240-85-05
Sante Aestheticst. Michurina, 21 from 20 000+7(383)221-49-22
Terra Del Solst. Voskhod, 14/1 from 13 500+7(383)299-02-71
Victoria Clinicst. Koroleva, 32 from 12 000+7(383)279-92-01
Beauty salon “Bonjour”st. Ilyicha, 23 from 15 000+7(383)239-52-50
Beauty studio “Spain”st. D. Kovalchuk, 75/1 from 15 200+7(383)239-63-54


Beauty Embassyst. Abrekskaya, 6 from 23 000+7(423)205-61-49
GELENIUMOkeansky Ave., 101 Afrom 20 000+7(423)259-46-89
Sophestikst. Ivanovskaya, 6/4 from 15 000+7(423)292-40-50


NameAddressCost (in Belarusian rubles)Telephone
In Bloomst. Galo, 76 from 300+375 29 378 60 60


MONT BLANC2nd Baltiysky Lane, 6from 25 000+7(495)134-12-0
Center for Aesthetic Medicine “Amadeo”st. Mosfilmovskaya, 53 from 21 000+7(499)665-85-5
Buterrast. Molodogvardeyskaya, 8 following consultation+7(495)109-06-04
Beauty Institute “Belle Allure”st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 35 from 10 500+7(495)650-3-66
Capelli d'OroVernadskogo Ave., 94, bldg. 3 from 23 000+7(495)7480-86-32
Darmed1st Ochakovsky Lane, 1from 30 000+7(495)430-01-77


DIASSPobedy Avenue, 25224 000+7(978)274-3-30
Cosmetology Center “Moskovsky”st. Treneva, 21 from 14 100+7(978)267-73-38
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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