Steaming face mask before cleansing: review of professional cosmetics

The main signs of problematic skin are the presence of inflammation, acne, uneven shade and clogged pores on the face. What to do to restore her beauty and health? Experts recommend combating these imperfections both with the help of professional cosmetologists and at home. It is worth noting that before carrying out any manipulations, the skin must be prepared. The most effective procedure is cleansing, but to get maximum results and reduce pain, your face needs to be steamed.

What is the need

Cleansing the pores on your face at home helps fight imperfections, remove blackheads and prevent their further appearance. This procedure is different in that it is carried out in several stages, perhaps the most important of which is steaming. The need lies in the fact that due to high temperatures, the skin becomes softer, the pores open, and this allows you to remove impurities most quickly, painlessly and effectively.

Hot steam also has an antibacterial effect, which significantly improves the condition and prevents inflammation. Through enlarged pores, more nutritional components enter the cells when care products are applied, which has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the dermis. There are many ways to help achieve the desired result, but a steaming face mask before cleansing is the simplest and most comfortable option.

When should you steam your face?

The rhythm of life of a modern woman constantly exposes her skin to all kinds of pollution. Pores become clogged with cosmetic residues, products of the sebaceous glands and dead cells.

To keep your skin healthy, you need to clean it regularly. Before many cosmetic procedures, the pores must be open. Steaming is carried out before the following procedures:

  • deep scrubbing;
  • acid peeling;
  • healing or nourishing mask.

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Steaming is done when you want to clear pores of blackheads and acne, as well as when it is impossible to use other methods of cleaning the epidermis. This procedure helps open the pores before shaving, so you can recommend it to your men. After such preparation, the risk of ingrown hairs is minimal.

Features of the procedure

Before steaming your face before cleansing, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this procedure. It has a large number of positive properties, which allows it to be used by owners of any type. On the cosmetic market you can find a huge variety of care products that act like a steam bath. But they contain nutritional components for a comprehensive effect on the skin.

Features of steaming are as follows:

  • It is important to exclude the presence of contraindications.
  • Take into account the individual characteristics of the skin: it is recommended to steam oily skin once a week, dry skin twice a month, and combination skin once every 10 days.
  • The duration of the procedure also depends on the type of dermis: the oilier the face, the more time is needed to obtain the effect. Those with dry skin should not be exposed to high temperatures for more than 7 minutes.
  • After choosing the appropriate method, it is important to follow the instructions for use to avoid unwanted consequences.

There are many cosmetics and home recipes that can open up the pores on your face. The ones presented below, judging by the reviews of specialists and ordinary girls, are distinguished by their effectiveness and safety. But if you have sensitive skin, it is very important to use all products with caution, to exclude the presence of allergic reactions.

Avoid cosmetics that contain fats and oils

Most often, enlarged pores are a sign of Sang Ju Lee, Joon Seok, Se Yeong Jeong, Kui Young Park, Kapsok Li, Seong Jun Seo. Facial Pores: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options / Dermatologic Surgery for oily skin. That is, one that produces excess sebum. The connection is simple: fat accumulates in the pores and stretches their walls.

Thick nourishing creams that contain petroleum jelly and various oils (coconut, shea, others) increase fat content. Because of this, pores become clogged How to control oily skin / AAD faster. This means they are expanding more actively.


Professional cosmetologists do not recommend performing this procedure in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  1. Various dermatological diseases in the acute stage.
  2. Cuperosis.
  3. Purulent inflammations, wounds, abrasions and open scratches.
  4. All kinds of allergic reactions, irritation, itching, redness.
  5. Sensitive skin type.

Cleansing pores on the face at home is a fairly quick procedure that gives noticeable results. It should be noted that while steaming the skin, you should not squeeze out pimples, as this can lead to the appearance of scars. It is also not recommended to use peels and scrubs with hard abrasive particles, which can damage the integrity of the epidermis.


There are several options for steaming your facial skin, each of which is highly effective and does not take much time. The simplest and most popular method is boiling water. Pour high-temperature water into a pan or bowl, bend over it and cover with a towel to achieve maximum effect. It is important to follow safety rules, since the steam should not be scalding to prevent unpleasant consequences.

The second method is washing with hot water. It is less effective than the previous one, but if you have sensitive skin type it is considered the best alternative. The face, cleansed of decorative cosmetics, is washed with fairly hot water in order to open the pores. This method is not capable of maximally steaming the skin, but is suitable for various manipulations at home. You can also wash your face with hot water before applying care products.

Steaming face masks before cleansing is the most popular method among women and professional cosmetologists. The caring products contain active and nutritional components that not only open the pores, but also saturate the cells with the necessary substances. There is a huge assortment on the world market, which allows customers to easily choose the right product.

Patient reviews

There are many different means for cleansing the skin, which can only have temporary effects.

In particular, these include exfoliating products:

  1. Using masks to steam the skin is an excellent way to make the skin softer, add elasticity and also significantly even out the tone.
  2. Homemade masks, which contain apricot, flakes and other components, are the so-called professional products, but at home.
  3. By steaming, the pores open, dirt is removed from them, and visually the skin becomes healthier and more attractive.

Consumers have different attitudes towards steaming. Most people lean toward the classic option and don’t look for alternatives. For some, traditional steam is contraindicated, which leads to a negative attitude towards the option. Those who have tried special loosening cosmetics leave mostly positive assessments of the method of action on the skin.

Negative attitude towards classic steaming.

Positive impression of steaming cosmetics.

Negative score for hydrogenation.

Classic way

Steam facial baths at home are the most traditional method to open pores and prepare the skin for further manipulation. All you need for this is boiling water, a bowl and a towel. It is very important to first cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics and all existing contaminants. To make the procedure easier, you should put your hair in a ponytail or bun.

Steaming with boiling water can be either pure or with the addition of various components. The most effective are decoctions of herbs and plants, as well as essential oils. Instructions for carrying out:

  1. Prepare the skin for steaming.
  2. Boil water and pour it into a container. This could be a basin or bowl.
  3. Tilt your head over the steam, not too low, but not too high. There should be no discomfort or burning sensation on the skin during exposure.
  4. You need to stay in this position for about 7 minutes for a dry type, and about 15 for an oily type.
  5. After completion, remove any remaining moisture with a napkin - and you can proceed to subsequent manipulations.

This method is easy to use and highly effective, as it does not require financial costs. After the procedure, you can perform various manipulations, clean the pores and apply caring cosmetic products. Below is a list of the best budget steaming face masks before cleansing. These brand representatives are used by both professional cosmetologists and ordinary women at home.

Decoction for steam bath or compress

Select components in the table based on your skin condition.

FatLemon, mint
DryRose, oregano, thyme
NormalRosemary, jasmine, lavender
With wrinklesSage, coltsfoot
With acneChamomile, calendula
With age spotsDandelion, parsley

To prepare the decoction, take 1 tablespoon of each component and pour 700 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour in a thermos or in a water bath. Strain the composition and use as directed.

How to make a compress:

  1. Take the mask and soak it in the solution. Make sure it is at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Place it on your face. When it cools down, you can soak it in the broth again. A total of 3-4 such manipulations are allowed.
  3. The total procedure time is about 15 minutes.

This is interesting! You can buy a mask at a pharmacy or make it yourself. Take a piece of natural material and cut out a circle from it that follows the parameters of the face. Now make holes for the eyes and mouth. The mask is used only once and then thrown away.

"Organic Shop"

The high temperature of the steam room is aimed at opening pores throughout the body and removing toxins from the body. That is why the cosmetic brand Organic Shop has released a steaming mask “Facial Bath 50 °C”. She incredibly quickly became a sales leader and won the hearts of millions of girls across Russia. The peculiarity of this product is its unusual consistency - quite thick, heterogeneous, with a large number of scrubbing particles. The intense herbal aroma allows you not only to care for your skin, but also to get the effect of aromatherapy.

The Organic Shop mask contains: glycerin, shea butter, chamomile and cinnamon leaves, tea tree essential oil and lavender extract. The manufacturer claims that this product is aimed at steaming the skin, has an antibacterial effect, prevents inflammation and improves skin condition. Apply the product to damp skin using circular movements and leave for 8-10 minutes. Customer reviews of the steaming face mask before cleansing show that it has a comprehensive effect, smoothes out the natural tone, exfoliates the stratum corneum and cleanses the skin of impurities.


An equally popular cosmetic product that will help achieve the desired effect at home. Garnier's "Clean Skin Active" mask provides maximum steaming and cleansing of pores in just a few minutes. According to the manufacturer, a special formula with zinc helps fight comedones, inflammation and oily sheen. The active components heat up upon contact with the skin without causing an unpleasant burning sensation.

The consistency is quite creamy and homogeneous, which makes it easy to distribute the product over the face. The clay in the composition affects inflammation, smoothes the surface and tone, and also restores the natural processes of cells. Instructions for using the Garnier “Clean Skin Active” mask show that the composition should be applied in an even layer over the entire face and left for 3-5 minutes to take effect. Buyers in the reviews note that after removing the residue, you can notice that the pores are open, removing acne and blackheads becomes as simple as possible, and the overall appearance of the skin improves significantly. A steaming facial mask before cleansing does not cause any discomfort and is suitable for use before various cosmetic procedures.


This cosmetic company produces many decent care products at budget prices. Avon's "Volcanoes of Iceland" steaming facial mask is aimed at softening, exfoliating and restoring the natural processes of cells. The cosmetic product contains useful components, namely magnesium, volcanic minerals and spring water.

The thick consistency allows it to lay down in an even layer and act as deeply as possible on the skin. The manufacturer recommends distributing the mask in a circular motion to achieve maximum steaming effect. After use, girls note that the pores become cleaner, the skin is smoothed and the natural tone improves, and elasticity is restored.

According to reviews, this product should be used in combination with the Avon Planet SPA face film mask. This will help remove dirt as deeply as possible, exfoliate the surface and prevent the subsequent occurrence of inflammation. The peculiarity is that after exposure to two care products, the pores become clean and noticeably narrower without additional manipulation.


The manufacturer claims that this product will help get rid of various imperfections on the skin. The mask from Floresan “Face without problems” provides effective steaming for deep cleansing of pores, prevention of the appearance of new inflammations, pimples and blackheads, and also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When exposed to the skin, the active components begin to penetrate the skin and create a sensation similar to visiting a sauna. Customer reviews show that after use, complexion noticeably improves, the number of comedones and blackheads becomes significantly less, and tone is restored.

The manufacturer recommends applying a steaming face mask before cleansing in beauty salons and at home. To obtain the effect, the composition must be left to act for 7-10 minutes. The mask is enriched with clay, zinc, oils and acids, which allows it to be universal for any skin type. To obtain maximum results, you can use exfoliating or other care products after use.

Why steam your skin before cleansing?

In the normal state, the skin pores are closed, and on the surface of the epidermis there is a mixture of dead cells and discharge from the sebaceous and sweat glands. And this is even without a layer of makeup.

There is no point in starting many manipulations on the skin, especially cleansing, without special preparation. Therefore, before starting most cleaning techniques, the skin is steamed.

At the same time, surface contamination softens, the upper layer of the epidermis loosens and the pores open. Comedones and acne are removed much easier and less painful. Skin trauma and the risk of infectious complications are significantly reduced.

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Before chemical cleaning with acids, steaming makes the effect of the procedure much stronger and longer lasting.

How to tighten pores

Steaming face masks before cleansing allow you to open the skin for quick and complete removal of various impurities. It is important to remember that to prolong the effect and keep the skin clean, the pores must be narrowed. This reduces the risk of new blackheads and inflammation. There are many ways that allow you to achieve quick results without much effort:

  1. Masks. The cosmetic market offers not only warming but also cooling products. Using them in combination will help achieve the desired effect. Quite often they are sold in a set and complement each other.
  2. Washing. Hot water helps open pores, while cold water does the opposite. Also, washing with cool water awakens the cells and gives them tone. After carrying out various manipulations, you can use this method, which allows you to quickly narrow the pores.
  3. Ice. Many girls use ice cubes in the morning for quite a long time. This method works on the principle of washing with cool water, but it has more positive properties, since the exposure time increases. Rubbing with ice cubes is not recommended if you have rosacea, sensitive skin type and closely located blood vessels on the face.

How steaming masks work

The mechanisms of action of the masks differ. They are:

  1. Thermoactive - warm the skin, improve blood flow, open pores. There are many manufacturers - Nuxe (France), Styx (Austria), budget domestic KORA and New line.
  2. Hydrating gels are applied coldly, dry and seal the epidermis with a film, thereby not causing increased redness and inflammation of the skin elements. When using both, they are applied to cleansed skin and covered with a napkin. Waiting time 10-15 minutes.
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