Secrets of Carla Ricciardone: How to prepare yourself and the client for PM lips

Permanent makeup is a procedure in which a specialist introduces special dyes under the upper layer of the epidermis using a professional machine. The result is long-lasting makeup for lips, eyebrows or eyes, which makes the appearance well-groomed and expressive, hides imperfections and age-related changes. This type of tattoo lasts 2-3 years, sometimes longer.

In order for the result to meet expectations, special preparation is needed before permanent makeup. This article contains tips from professional tattoo artists that will help you properly prepare for manipulation, avoid mistakes and get the desired long-term result.

Absolute and relative contraindications for permanent makeup

Tattooing should absolutely not be done if you have a number of diseases. Absolute contraindications:

  • acute inflammation in the body;
  • oncology;
  • poor blood clotting and pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • AIDS, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • somatic diseases;
  • keloid scars.

Relative contraindications are only a temporary reason to postpone the procedure. However, pigmentation can be done after eliminating these causes. These include:

  • skin diseases in the acute period;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • viral diseases, infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • stress, unstable emotional state;
  • taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, including 1-2 months before the procedure.

General recommendations

First of all, it is important to identify the presence of contraindications. There are quite a lot of cases when you can’t do permanent makeup:

  • diabetes;
  • acute inflammation;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • oncopathology;
  • on painkillers or pigments;
  • skin diseases;
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • AIDS, HIV, etc.

The procedure is not performed during pregnancy, lactation, while taking antibiotics or during acute respiratory viral infections. Tattooing is not done if there are moles or warts in the pigmentation area. It is worth postponing the introduction of pigment if the day of the visit coincides with your period.

As part of the general preparation of the client for the permanent makeup procedure, it is necessary to:

  • Exclude seafood, fatty, heavy, spicy foods from your diet, which reduce the speed of blood flow. This leads to uneven distribution of pigment.
  • Refuse coffee on the day of the procedure, and three days before your visit to the studio, avoid alcoholic beverages. Read about the effect of caffeine and alcohol on permanent results here.
  • 5-7 days before the tattoo procedure, stop taking medications that thin the blood, as well as antibiotics, corticosteroids, retinoids, anticoagulants, and antidepressants.
  • On the day of the procedure, take an antihistamine if there is a risk of allergies.

What and why you should not drink or eat before permanent makeup

Before permanent treatment, you need to adjust your diet. During this period you should not consume:

  • Alcohol. A week before permanent makeup, you need to stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol provokes changes in blood pressure, thins the blood, and weakens the immune system. As a result, tattooing causes complications, and damaged tissues heal less well.
  • Caffeine. About the same time before permanent makeup, experts recommend stopping drinking coffee and any other drinks with caffeine - tea, energy drinks, Coca-Cola. Caffeine dilates blood vessels and increases bleeding, which is why the technician will not be able to do the job correctly.
  • Seafood. Mussels, shrimp, squid and other seafood in the diet affect the speed of lymph flow, provoke bleeding in the presence of injury, and worsen the survival rate of pigment.
  • Fatty, spicy, fried foods. Such dishes affect blood flow in a similar way to seafood.

Herpes is 0.02 microns in size

Only 8 viruses pose a threat to humans.

There are about 200 types of herpes.

The most important one – HSV-1 (Herpes simplex virus 1) – after permanent makeup and in everyday life affects the facial area, most often the lip area after PM.

VH (herpes virus) lives in nerve ganglia and is present in an inactive state in 90-95% of clients. CH can also be transmitted at birth; it is not a living life form. To reproduce, the virus needs genetic material and therefore it is integrated into human DNA, which becomes viral.

The herpes virus is in the client’s body until PM in a dormant state. Lives in nervous tissue. A cozy place for it is the nerve ganglia (nodes) of the trigeminal nerve. Everything will be calm as long as there are no stimulating factors. Some people get herpes and others don't.

Some clients experience the inflammatory process of herpes after permanent makeup, but everything is fine and calm. There is no inflammatory reaction. Why is this happening?


It is important to understand how our immunity works.

Immunity is our safety first. It protects us from viruses and bacteria, from fungi and parasites, from infection. Every client's immune system is different.

The herpes virus is activated:

along nerve endings after stress,

after injury, cooling, overheating in the sun.

In permanent makeup, the lip area is very sensitive, delicate, and has a network of nerve endings.

As a result of PM of the lips, there is a very high probability of activating the dormant herpes virus.

How it all happens:

Stage 1 of herpes that you will observe is a tingling sensation. The virus has received a signal from the nerve endings to action and begins to multiply faster, tending to the damaged area.

If you received prophylaxis before the procedure, then there is hope to minimize inflammation in area and depth of spread.

Stage 2 is inflammation. Knight cells “phagocytes” begin to fight. It's an unequal battle. Lymphatic fluid forms in small blisters, and they quickly grow in size. The duration of the inflammatory stage depends on the treatment and mainly on the client’s immunity.

Stage 3 – growth limit. When the bubbles have reached the peak of their growth, they begin to burst and lymph with viral DNA can spread over the entire unhealed surface of the lips after permanent makeup. IMPORTANT!!! During this period, use drying agents and take immunostimulating drugs.

Stage 4 – the long-awaited crust. In those places where there were ulcers, crusts (scabs) form, which perform a protective function. Here it is important not to damage these crusts, not to pick, but to use special ointments for healing.

The entire process from the first to the fourth stage lasts about 14 days, give or take. Therefore, depending on the client’s immunity level, I recommend following the rules of hygiene and regularly using medications against herpes.

How to choose the ideal time for the procedure

During the procedure, the integrity of the dermis is compromised, so after tattooing, swelling, redness, and inflammation will appear on the skin. This is a normal reaction, and it will take 2 to 7 days for the skin to restore its healthy state. It is necessary to plan your visit to the studio in such a way as to avoid contact with the environment as much as possible during this acute period. For example, before the weekend or vacation.

If you are planning a trip during your vacation, it is better to get a permanent one a month before the trip or upon your return. During the healing period, you should not be exposed to sunlight - ultraviolet radiation will harm the pigment, weaken its survival rate, and distort the color.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The popularity of the permanent is explained by a lot of its advantages:

  • saving time and money - permanent makeup lasts for years;
  • perfect makeup - the contour is always smooth, nothing is erased;
  • correction of various imperfections - drooping eyelids, insufficient eyebrow thickness, lack of hairs, small scars;
  • the procedure does not leave scars;
  • minimal pain of the procedure;
  • The pigment can be removed if desired.

The disadvantages of permanent makeup include its cost. In fact, this is a controversial point - it saves not only time, but also money on buying cosmetics. If you don’t have enough money, and you need to make purchases urgently, on the website you can choose the appropriate loan option for yourself for any purpose.

The disadvantage of permanent makeup is also the need for correction. Its cost is also considered a disadvantage. Correction usually costs 50% of the cost of permanent makeup.

How to prepare for eye tattooing

Before pigmenting the eyelashes or the interlash space, you cannot perform cosmetic procedures in this area: laminate eyelashes, curl them or do eyelash extensions. If you already have eyelash extensions, they need to be removed within 2-3 days. When the eyelids have completely healed, the eyelashes can be extended again.

Contact lenses should be removed immediately before the procedure. You will have to give them up in the next few days after tattooing. Also, before visiting the specialist, you will have to remove all decorative cosmetics from your eyes and cleanse your skin.


Let's get back to the main point.

Should the client use medications before the first signs of herpes, or should they use them after the first signs of herpes?

Imagine that you have not been trained.

What is your risk if the first signs of the virus appear?

Cold, heat, sudden changes in mood, and possibly stress - everything can affect the virus to enter the activation stage and begin to multiply (especially when you have weak immunity).

This can be countered by a small number of medications that you could take for prevention + strengthening the immune system.

How does herpes develop:

— initial stage (up to 24 hours);

— hyperemia (1 day);

— bubbles (1-2 days);

— stage of erosion (2-3 days);

— crusts (3-9 days);

- healing (9-12 days).

Let's return to treatment, acyclovir is the least toxic among other drugs, can be prescribed to children and pregnant women, in addition to viral treatment, it strengthens the immune system: tablets/ointment 3-6 times a day for 5-10 days.

Valacyclovir - analogues of the drug Valtrex, Valcicon, Valvir (the active substance Valocyclovir in the body is broken down into acyclovir and valine, an amino acid, which affects nerve fibers). The action is more powerful than that of acyclovir. The medicine should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age; during pregnancy and VH it is prescribed according to clinical indications. Treatment – ​​2 times a day – 5-10 days.

In two drugs, the main active ingredient remains acyclovir.

Acyclovir and valacyclovir are different drugs in terms of bioadmissibility, time of exposure and treatment regimens.

Acyclovir for the prevention of herpes is a mild and harmless drug. It should be used more often and second on schedule.

How to prepare for lip tattooing

Before permanent lip makeup, you should adhere to the following reminder:

  • cleanse the skin of your lips using scrubs in a week;
  • use nourishing creams, balms, cosmetic oils to soften the skin;
  • protect the skin from wind and temperature changes using hygienic lipsticks;
  • carry out preventive antiherpes therapy, which we mentioned above.

Preparation for permanent eyebrow makeup

Before permanent eyebrow makeup, you do not need to correct their shape or remove regrown hairs yourself. The last self-correction should be done no later than a week before the procedure. This will make it easier for the specialist to determine the natural shape of the eyebrows, their thickness, and natural curve.

According to the recommendations of experts, before permanent eyebrow makeup you should not:

  • do facial cleansing, peelings;
  • inject Botox and Dysport injections into the face;
  • carry out contour plastic surgery;
  • tint eyebrows.

What happens if you don’t prepare for the procedure?

Proper preparation largely determines the quality and durability of pigmentation. No master will be able to achieve an impeccable result if the client did not follow the recommendations and violated prohibitions: drank alcoholic beverages and coffee, did not adhere to a diet, sunbathed, or did not take herpes prevention.

If improperly prepared, the pigment may not take root, and after the crusts come off, it may change color or become deformed. In addition, the procedure will be more painful, and the rehabilitation period will at least double. As a result, damage will be caused to health, appearance and wallet.

Who is it suitable for?

In order for the artist to do a job that you will like, he must ask you about the purpose of performing permanent makeup. Permanent makeup does not always fulfill its intended purpose and does not always hide flaws in appearance. Before you decide to have the procedure, familiarize yourself with the defects that permanent makeup can correct.

Permanent makeup is necessary in the following cases:

1. A girl has thin lips since birth, but she wants to increase their volume and plumpness.

2. The presence of asymmetry of the halves, which does not suit the woman.

3. The boundaries are unclear; this may be due to age-related changes or defects in appearance from birth. The reason does not affect the result and delivery of the service.

4. The girl wants to change her lip color to a brighter one. Young girls prioritize bright shades, closer to red or burgundy. And women prefer to use colors similar to the natural shade of their lips to highlight their smile.

This problem occurs among females over 40 years of age. With age, the brightness and richness of a smile disappears, so permanent makeup will become a replacement for lipstick, which must be used constantly.

5. There is a desire to make your lips juicy and fresh. This is done using complex permanent makeup techniques, in which the tone is applied in several layers or shades. Thanks to this approach, the master achieves the result that the girl asks for.

If you find your problem on the list, then permanent makeup will correct your problem. To do this, find a good cosmetologist to express all your wishes to him.

How to care for permanent hair

To quickly restore the injured area and improve the result, for 7-14 days after the procedure you should not:

  • wet the pigmented area;
  • tear off scabs, comb the skin;
  • go to the solarium, sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool;
  • sunbathing;
  • use decorative or skincare cosmetics.

Injured skin should be treated with antiseptics and wound healing agents, and lubricated with moisturizer. The master will provide detailed recommendations for caring for the permanent.


– Finally, let's talk about repeat meetings with clients and is there any need for correction after your procedures?
Perhaps not every client may need it, but then what does it depend on? – All my clients come for a follow-up appointment after 10 weeks. Why exactly 10? The normal time for pigment to fix under the skin of the lips ranges from 60 to 90 days. If you carry out the correction earlier, you can provoke its premature loss and ruin all the work done. It is impossible to know for sure how a patient is healing or whether they followed proper lip care procedures.

I prefer to be able to tint an area, make it more saturated and get a great result in a couple of treatments, rather than try to inject all the pigment in one go, because in the end this can lead to poorly painted areas or wounds. Skin pigmentation is a complex process, the steps of which must be followed very clearly and precisely, especially on the lips.

Work by Sculpted Studios

If you need to neutralize an initially too dark lip color, then sometimes it takes several procedures to achieve the desired results.

The goal is an ideal natural result that both you and the client will like. For me, there is not a single circumstance for haste that would cost the happiness of my clients.

Work by Sculpted Studios

You can purchase professional Perma Blend pigments for permanent lip makeup on the website.
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Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Do I need to choose the pigment application technique myself before tattooing my eyebrows?

You need to decide on the desired result; you can also choose a photo of the eyebrows you like. It is better to select the final pigmentation technique and dye color together with the specialist at a preliminary consultation. A specialist will help you choose the best approach, taking into account the structure of your eyebrows, appearance, color type, and wishes.

  • Is it possible to tattoo lips if there are peelings on the skin?

The pigment should lie on smooth, moisturized skin without peeling, cracks or wounds. You cannot tattoo on unprepared skin, as the pigment will be distributed unevenly and will not take root. Proper preparation will help remove peeling: using scrubs and moisturizing balms for a week before the procedure.

  • Do I need to take painkillers before getting a tattoo?

No no need.
The specialist applies a local anesthetic in the form of a gel or cream, which acts on the pigmented area, reduces sensitivity and makes the procedure as comfortable as possible. Share link:

About the master

– Carla, how long have you been working in the permanent makeup industry?
What do you specialize in and where do you currently practice? – I have been in the industry for 5 years and specialize in modern PMU-Natural Effect lips, dark lip neutralization, eyeliner and eyebrows. I have three studios: two in New York and one in Miami, where my academy is also located, which trains not only beginners, but also experienced professionals.

Our courses are based on working with different skin types. Our clients from all over the world include people with high melanin levels. And the service to neutralize dark lips is popular.

Work by Sculpted Studios. Neutralizing dark lips

“The more hydrated and smooth the client’s lips are during the procedure, the better the results will be.”

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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