Body liposculpture: is it possible to get in shape in one operation?

Unfortunately, excess fat is often deposited in so-called “depots” - places on the body from which it never leaves. Diets, workouts, anti-cellulite massages, wraps and creams do not help against this fat.

It is this fat that forms the breeches and belly. In people with an inverted triangle body type, it is deposited on the back and arms. Then, with the overall slimness of the figure, the back looks massive like a man.

Expert comment:

“Even models have such “depots”.

For example, Cindy Crawford needed liposuction on her overly wide back to begin her rise to supermodeldom.”

Salim Ragimov, plastic surgeon.

Cindy Crawford
Compared to conventional liposuction, modern technologies for working with fat are much more elegant. They allow you not only to remove excess fat, but also to use it as a unique filler for other areas of the body.

Lipomodeling, or fatlifting, or body liposculpture, not only removes fat from where it is not needed. It allows you to transfer fat to where it is missing.

This is a great way to tidy up your figure and create seductive, harmonious proportions.

Therefore, the most popular areas for lipomodeling are lipomodeling of the breasts and buttocks.

What is body liposculpture

Why such a strange name: liposculpture? As if we are talking not about medicine, but about high art.

So it is: a good plastic surgeon is not only a doctor, but also necessarily an artist who does exactly what the great Michelangelo said - removes everything unnecessary. This is the only way to create a work of art.

Expert comment:

“Liposculpting is not at all the same as traditional liposuction.

The purpose of liposuction is to remove excess fat tissue. The task that the liposculpture method solves is to redistribute this adipose tissue so as to create a beautiful harmonious body. Fat is removed from fat depots and transferred to strategically more advantageous places.

A striking example of this is buttock lipomodelling, which is now very fashionable - buttock augmentation with one’s own fat. I carefully remove fatty tissue in the riding breeches, waist and “sides”, making the waist thinner and more graceful.

I transfer all the material obtained during liposuction to the upper pole of the buttocks - I form tall and rounded “Brazilian” shapes.

In addition, you can use your own fat to enlarge your breasts or rejuvenate your hands - make them smooth.

“Many places require the same fat that we used to call “terrible” and which we so dream of getting rid of.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Who is liposculpture indicated for?

Patients resort to body modeling operations regardless of gender or age, but more often women are still concerned about aesthetics issues. In one operation, you can correct those figure imperfections that can be difficult to correct during training in the gym:

  • breeches zone
  • sides and abdominal area
  • knee area
  • back area
  • buttocks

During your consultation with a plastic surgeon, be sure to tell us about the effect you would like to achieve. Based on your anatomical and unique data, the plastic surgeon will create the most harmonious result.

Facial liposculpture

The fat that the doctor removes from fat depots is used not only in the body, but also for bioreparation of the face.

Why are we talking about the face separately? Because with age, a person loses the volumes of fatty tissue he needs in the cheekbones, temples and eye sockets.

After lipofilling, the visible contours around the eyes disappear, the cheekbones become clearer and more expressive, and the lips become fuller. Fat is stored using a special, proprietary method, taking into account the “vectors of youth”. This technique, in addition to restoring lost volume, provides a pronounced lifting effect.

Bioreparation not only tightens the face and restores volume. Fat contains a small amount of stem cells, which, after transplantation, activate the internal reserves of the skin, smooth and tighten it. The face looks much younger, softer, fresher, more harmonious and beautiful, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Photos "before" and "after"

The operations were performed by Andrey Iskornev.

Surgeon: Abramov Pavel.

Liposculpture of the abdomen, sides and hips has its own professional secrets

Human adipose tissue is not a single mass of fat. It consists of layers separated by connective tissue plates.

In order for lipomodeling to be successful, so that the contours of the body look natural, so that the transplanted fat does not “slip” or dissolve, the surgeon must clearly follow the anatomy of these layers.

Waist lipomodelling. Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

The result of liposuction of the anterior abdominal wall, abdominal flanks and hips. Performed by surgeon: Gladysheva Vladislava.

Lipomodeling of the figure. Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Laser lipomodeling does not leave behind any unevenness, washboard effect or skin folds. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

3D lipomyosculpture of the abdomen. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Waist lipomodelling. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Lipomodeling of the figure.
The waist is formed. The resulting fat is used to model high, round buttocks. Before and 6 months after surgery. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Expert comment:

“It is very important to use the right equipment.

At Platinental we use a whole arsenal of cannulas made in America and Japan. Lipomyosculpture of the abdomen, back and sides is always performed with cannulas with a special tip, which helps remove superficial fat that is tightly “fused” to the skin. This is how we form a flat stomach with well-defined abs, a chiseled waist and a fragile shoulder line.

The cannulas used to deposit fat are very thin. A puncture of 2-3 mm is sufficient for them. They allow you to build fat layers one after another, as it should be by nature.

Such thin layers grow very quickly with blood vessels, are well supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and therefore do not dissolve over time.

And finally, in order for the skin in the liposuction area to tighten on its own, we additionally treat the liposuction area with a special pulsed laser.”

Salim Ragimov, plastic surgeon.

What operations can be combined with liposuction?

Liposuction and liposculpture can be successfully combined with lipofilling - the introduction of fat cells into the area of ​​fine wrinkles on the face or body. The transplanted fat contains a high percentage of stem cells, which improves tissue regeneration and the production of its own collagen. Your own fatty tissue takes root well in a new place and does not cause rejection. Also, liposuction is often combined with tummy tuck, which is a popular request among young mothers after pregnancy.

Egor Andreevich Parygin - plastic surgeon at the Pirogov Clinic

The result of the work of Egor Andreevich Parygin. The first patient underwent abdominoplasty and liposuction. The second patient underwent liposuction of the abdomen and lipofilling of the buttocks.

Lipomyosculpting of the buttocks is a special technique for creating Brazilian shapes

3D lipomyosculpture of the buttocks is a complex technology. Fat is not just stored under the skin - this is not enough to create the required volume.

The root “myo” in the name of the procedure means muscle. For good survival, a large volume of fat is placed in thin layers under the skin and under the muscles. Only this technology guarantees the survival of fat in large volumes of transplantation and provides a naturally beautiful result.

Liposuction of riding breeches and lipofilling of the buttocks. Performed by surgeon: Gladysheva Vladislava.

Lipomodeling of the buttocks. “Before” and 1.5 months “after”. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

“Before” and “after” lipomodeling (500 ml in each buttock). Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

Enlargement and lifting of the buttocks using your own fat. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Only 3D lipomyosculpting of the body. And nothing else

Pay attention to how often on clinic websites you can see, for example, only “before” and “after” photos of the buttocks. The result seems impressive. In fact, with a comprehensive assessment of the entire figure, even “after” it may remain disharmonious and disproportionate.

The Platinental approach is distinguished by the highest requirements for the aesthetics of the result. Our goal is to create not an attractive part of the body, but an irresistible image as a whole. We call this type of body work 3D lipomyosculpting. Therefore, when planning lipomodeling, we take into account other body proportions.

Only with this approach, the final result looks very harmonious and proportional - a thin waist, a beautiful hip line and high buttocks.

3D lipomyosculpting does not end after marking. For example, in the “lying down” position, the tissues in the thigh area are compressed by body weight. Therefore, the result of the work is always assessed by two surgeons

– in medicine this is called a double eye check. This approach allows you to avoid even the slightest imbalances.


“My figure has always been far from ideal. I wanted a thin waist and more volume in the mammary glands, but it turned out that when I lost weight, my breasts deflated first, and when I gained weight, my waist and sides immediately swelled.

It was terrible and I was very worried until I got to Platinental.

It turned out that with the help of the Body-Jet device you can remove excess fat from the sides and use it in the mammary gland area.

Now I have beautiful high breasts and a waist like that of a ninth-grader daughter, I am very proud of my new body and I tell all my friends: make up your mind! Many thanks to the doctors of the clinic!”

Natalya, 37 years old.

Preparing for liposculpture: what tests need to be taken?

Liposculpture and liposuction are considered full-fledged plastic surgery, for which, like any surgical intervention, you need to prepare. As we have already noted, if you are currently unhappy with your weight and plan to lose weight, it is better to do this before liposuction. A comprehensive weight loss program coupled with physical activity will help reduce body size and shrink the skin. Also, before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the body; at the Pirogov Clinic this set of tests is called Standard “C”. Based on the diagnostic results, you will only have to see a therapist, who will give you permission to undergo surgery, and consult with an anesthesiologist.

The success of the procedure directly depends on the equipment

The result of lipomodeling always directly depends on the survival of fat.

When using conventional techniques, due to contact with oxygen, fat cells begin to die immediately after liposuction.

At Platinental we perform extraction using a Body Jet water-jet liposuction device, which collects fat in a special sterile vacuum container. Fat cells do not come into contact with the environment - they are not exposed to the destructive effects of oxygen and medical antiseptics.

This fat is used without lengthy preparation. Before being introduced into new anatomical areas, it is carefully centrifuged and enriched with germ factors, which contribute to high engraftment rates. This is how we manage to achieve engraftment at a level of 70-80%.

Rehabilitation takes from 7 to 30 days. The final result of lipomodeling can be assessed 2-3 months after the procedure.

We decided to have an operation. What's next?

It is important to understand that liposuction and liposculpture are not a panacea. If you have problems with being overweight, it is best to schedule surgery after you have lost weight and are as close to your goal weight as possible. About 4 liters of fat can be safely removed in one operation, and this volume can be transplanted into the buttocks or breasts. The duration of the operation depends on the number of zones; the size of one zone is comparable to the size of the palm.

Amit Khatri - plastic surgeon at the Pirogov Clinic

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