Collagen cream for face and body - types and principle of action, at what age can it be used

Published: October 26, 2017

With age, the condition of the skin begins to change. Firmness and elasticity decrease, complexion becomes dull, and signs of withering appear. Such changes may be associated with a decrease in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin.

You can compensate for the lack of substance with the help of creams with collagen. However, to achieve a good result, it is necessary to choose the right product and take into account all the features of the application.

What is collagen

This is a fibrillar protein, the main component of connective tissues (skin, cartilage, bones, tendons). Collagen is responsible for their elasticity and strength, filling and connecting the intercellular space. The mass of the substance in the body is 25-35% of the total amount of protein. The collagen molecule has a helical shape, twisted to the right and consisting of three alpha chains.

These threads, along with elastin, are found in the third layer of the skin and together strengthen the framework of the epidermis and are responsible for its external condition. Glycosaminoglycans located in the intercellular fluid help improve the functions of the substance and stimulate its production. These substances increase the turgor of the dermis and provide structural support to skin tissues.

Types of collagen

With age, the natural production of collagen molecules in the body slows down, wrinkles appear (most of all in the mouth, forehead, eyes), so there is a need to compensate for the deficiency with dietary supplements, other drugs and cosmetics. To choose the right product with collagen, it is important to know what types of protein exist. There are three types of substance:

Name How it is produced Advantages Flaws
Animal Obtained from cut skins of cattle, meat and bone substance of birds by cleaning and crushing Has a softening, moisturizing, healing effect May cause allergies, does not penetrate the skin well due to the large size of the molecules
Vegetable Produced by hydrolyzing protein from wheat germ It has a small molecular size, due to which it is easily absorbed by the dermis, saturates the tissues with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen The production of plant-based collagen fibers requires large material costs, so products with them are not cheap
Nautical Extracted from the skin and bone mass of fish Has a high percentage of absorption, most similar to human May cause allergic reactions, is expensive due to special requirements for the production and storage of the substance

Tips for caring for the epidermis of the face

To produce collagen fibers, several very important rules must be followed:

  1. Proper diet, eat only fresh foods. The best helpers will be green leafy vegetables, dairy products, fatty fish, eggs, as well as nuts, meats, and cheeses. Apples, any citrus fruits, all kinds of currants, peppers, and also broccoli. Limit the consumption of sweets and flour.
  2. Creams with synthesized collagen solve the problem only temporarily. It is important to choose a cream that will promote the correct and natural function of the epidermis - the production of collagen on its own.
  3. Washing with ice promotes rejuvenation of skin cells and has a drainage effect. You can also freeze herbal decoctions and wipe your face with them every morning.
  4. Facial massages.

Before using collagen-based cream, you must:

  • Carry out the cleansing procedure. Use only mild formulations, without alcohol or harmful chemical compounds.

  • Cleanse with tonic or thermal water. This will help restore proper skin function.

  • Using cleansed fingertips, carefully apply the cream along the correct lines.

  • Tap lightly with your fingers for greater absorption.

Always try to test for an allergic reaction before purchasing a product or purchase a sample of the cream you have chosen first. This way you will avoid many common problems with the selection of funds. Also, always study the ingredients. The ingredients in it must be of natural origin. Do not buy a product that contains mineral oils as it is a petroleum product and will only harm your epidermis. Also ensure that the cream application lines are correct.

The principle of action of collagen cream

Natural fibrillar protein is very important for our body. The positive properties of the substance immediately become noticeable to those who give up bad habits that contribute to the destruction of spiral threads and use drugs that replenish the lack of collagen. Being in the composition of creams, collagen gets on the skin and, under the influence of body temperature, becomes a participant in a chemical reaction. The result of the process is low molecular weight water-soluble compounds that enter into metabolic reactions, stimulating the regeneration of cellular material.

The effect of collagen cream

The effectiveness of collagen creams is still a topic of debate among cosmetologists, but they still have a positive effect on human skin. The main thing is that the products are of high quality. The following effect is observed from the use of cream with fibrillar protein:

  • slowing down the process of withering of the dermis;
  • stimulation of self-rejuvenation functions;
  • moisturizing, skin tightening;
  • removal of facial and age wrinkles;
  • resorption of scars;
  • elimination of pigmentation;
  • formation of the oval face;
  • prevention of drooping of the upper eyelids.


Continuing the topic of contradictions on the part of cosmetologists about how useful collagen is for the face, it is worth knowing that they are not groundless. The basis for the controversy was factors that are also a disadvantage of drugs containing synthetic protein:

  • Addiction after prolonged use, which slows down the natural processes of production of collagen compounds.
  • Cheap products include animal protein, which does not penetrate the skin, but creates a protective film on top, preventing the organ from performing its natural functions.
  • All cosmetic products of this type have age restrictions.

Summing up

Although collagen in a face cream can quickly compensate for its lack in the skin, this is often not enough for significant rejuvenation. Therefore, consult a cosmetologist. Perhaps he will suggest that you take a course of drugs with collagen, as well as additional hardware or injection procedures.

An even faster effect is achieved by simultaneous use of serum and cream. But such an intensive course can be done a maximum of twice a year, so that the skin does not refuse to produce collagen on its own. And, of course, we must try to remove all factors that slow down its natural production.

You can share your observations and impressions in the comments.

At what age can you use collagen cream?

Up to a certain age (approximately 30-35 years), the human body naturally produces the required amount of collagen to maintain skin health, ensure elasticity and firmness. Young people are not recommended to use anti-aging creams, since the dermis, receiving protein from the outside, will stop producing its own. Cosmetologists recommend starting to use creams with collagen compounds no earlier than 35-40 years, when natural processes slow down, there is not enough fibrillar protein and the skin loses its properties.


There are different cosmetics with collagen - for the face and body, with different types of protein and other excipients. You can select and buy such products in any specialized cosmetics store or order from an online store, where you can also arrange delivery of your purchase by mail to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Manufacturers often hold sales, product promotions, and offer discounts, as a result of which you can purchase goods relatively cheaply.

Collagen face cream

Anti-aging night face cream with collagen from Libriderm fights age-related changes in your skin while you sleep. The product has a delicate texture, a pleasant aroma, providing the epidermis with elasticity, energy and radiance. After just two weeks of regular use, wrinkles will smooth out, and the skin will become more toned, refreshed, and rested. By creating an airtight film on the surface, liquid loss is reduced. Basic indicators:

  • model name: Dina+ LLC, Libriderm Collagen;
  • price: 630 rubles;
  • characteristics: Russia, volume – 50 ml, night, intended for the face, neck, décolleté, suitable for all skin types, age group – 30 years;
  • pros: does not contain parabens;
  • cons: not found.

Cream mousse from the Merz company performs three functions at once: deep nutrition due to the rapid absorption of small collagen particles, moisturizing by creating a protective film on the surface of the skin with large molecules, and saturation with amino acids that stimulate the synthesis of natural protein. Brief characteristics:

  • model name: Merz;
  • price: 742 rubles;
  • characteristics: Germany, volume – 50 ml; for all skin types, contains pectin, serine, arginine, proline;
  • pros: quickly absorbed, moisturizes;
  • cons: not found.

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For body

The Medical Collagene 3D company presents a series of anti-aging hand creams, because this part of the body is the calling card of every woman. The product is well absorbed, moisturizing the skin, and collagen compounds give youth, tenderness and beauty. Basic indicators:

  • model name: Medical Collagene 3D hand cream;
  • price: 239 rubles;
  • characteristics: Russia, volume – 75 ml, moisturizing, suitable for all skin types;
  • pros: affordable price;
  • cons: not found.

Women's feet also need hydration and nutrition, and Medical Collagene 3D took care of this by creating a line of foot products. Creams not only saturate the feet with moisture and retain it, but also promote healing and prevent cracks. Short description:

  • model name: Medical Collagene 3D foot cream;
  • price: 230 rubles;
  • characteristics: Russia, volume – 75 ml;
  • pros: cheap;
  • cons: not found.

With marine collagen

The La Soyul company presents products with marine protein, which have a low molecular weight, due to which they are easily and quickly absorbed by dermal cells. This ensures a powerful lifting effect, active hydration and maintenance of moisture levels for 48 hours. Basic indicators:

  • model name: La Soyul;
  • price: 1100 rubles;
  • characteristics: Korea, volume – 50 ml, daily, age – 35+, skin type – any;
  • pros: removes wrinkles around the eyes;
  • cons: very expensive.

The main component of the Tiande Marine Collagen cosmetics line is hydrolyzed marine collagen, which has maximum absorption capacity. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the day cream increases skin turgor and performs protective and healing functions. Short description:

  • Model name: Tiande Marine Collagen;
  • price: 1150 rubles;
  • characteristics: daily, volume – 30 g, age – 35+;
  • pros: improves complexion;
  • cons: expensive.

With collagen and elastin

The company Christina produces and sells anti-aging products with collagen and elastin. 8 moisturizing components along with hyaluronic acid effectively saturate the skin with moisture without leaving an oily sheen. Azulene has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving redness and irritation. Calendula oil and clove extract disinfect, and vitamins A and E protect against harmful external influences. Basic indicators:

  • model name: Christina Elastin Collagen Azulene Moisture Cream;
  • price: 810 rubles;
  • characteristics: Israel, volume – 60 ml, suitable for normal skin,
  • pros: has a cooling effect;
  • cons: not found.

The “Self-Rejuvenation” series from the Black Pearl company is aimed at eliminating age-related changes in facial skin. Thanks to its light texture, the cream penetrates perfectly into the skin, saturating the fibers, saturating them with nutrients, protein and elastin. Short description:

  • model name: Black Pearl, Self-rejuvenation 26+;
  • price: 160 rubles;
  • characteristics: Russia, volume – 50 ml, universal, for normal, combination skin;
  • pros: suitable for the neck and décolleté, inexpensive.
  • cons: not found.

Significant disadvantages

Cosmetologists categorically do not recommend starting to use collagen face creams earlier than the age of thirty. And they are advised to use them only periodically in courses of no longer than one and a half months. And I absolutely agree with them. The reason is in the characteristics of the human body.

You've probably heard of "drug withdrawal syndrome." This is when, after long-term use of a medicine or cosmetic product, some time after the cessation of its external supply to the body, the problem that was solved sharply returns and often even gets worse.

Something similar happens with continuous use of collagen. If it constantly comes from the outside, the body simply stops producing it. And it is almost impossible to start this process again. Therefore, a person becomes dependent on collagen creams. And this is expensive and inconvenient.

The second important point is that collagen often provokes severe allergies. Moreover, it may be present for one of its types, but absent for another. Therefore, it is advisable for people with hypersensitive skin to do tests before using any new product with this substance. It is applied in a small amount to the elbow or the back of the wrist. A negative reaction usually appears within 15-20 minutes.

How to choose collagen cream

The modern market of cosmetic products offers a wide range of creams with collagen molecules, hyaluronic acid and other components that tone the skin, providing the epidermis with moisture, elasticity and youth. The advertisement for each product states that this particular drug is the best. You shouldn’t believe absolutely all slogans; when buying an anti-aging cream, adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Compound. If the word collagen is in one of the last positions in the list, then the content of the substance is minimal.
  2. Type of protein threads. The most affordable are preparations with animal collagen, but such creams are ineffective. Products with sea protein are considered the best, just be aware of the possibility of allergic reactions.
  3. Price. This indicator should not be the main one for you, since it is not a guarantee of the quality of the product, but products with marine and vegetable protein, unfortunately, are not included in the budget group.
  4. Best before date. High-quality cosmetics contain marine protein spiral threads, which quickly deteriorate when exposed to sunlight. If you find such products with a long shelf life, then you have in your hands a product with synthetic preservatives.


Many manufacturers add protein compounds to skin cleansing products, which allows you to simultaneously remove impurities, remove the stratum corneum of the dermis and restore cellular structures. Such products have a gentle effect on the skin, ensuring high-quality preparation of the face for the next stages of care.

KWC Cleansing Oil

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To cleanse the skin, you can choose KWC Cleansing Oil, a hydrophilic cleansing oil that contains a triple formula of collagen protein, hyaluronic acid, extracts of sugar cane, lemon, sakura, blueberry, maple and orange. The product not only cleanses pores and removes dead cells from the skin, but also softens the dermis, provides deep hydration, and encourages the skin to glow from the inside.

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