What not to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

We would like to immediately warn our patients that cosmetologists of our clinic value their reputation and adhere to medical ethical principles.

Our principles of lip correction:

  1. Only proven drugs that are approved for use and allow you to achieve a natural result and protect the patient after the procedure.
  2. Natural result , thanks to the techniques of the procedures and the skill of the doctors.
  3. Correct volumes of administration per procedure, patient comfort , including financial.
  4. Honesty when communicating with patients. For us, patients are not clients!

It is possible to find places where you will undergo the same procedures, only cheaper/faster, but we do not allow ourselves to compromise the safety of the patient and the effectiveness of the procedure.

We don't like lips like this:

Our principles are natural correction!

You can find other lip augmentation works in our photo gallery.

The most trendy lip shape is natural and natural lips: without excessive volume, but with an emphasized red border, without unnecessary inversion, with smooth turgor

Who needs lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

Most often, girls who have naturally thin lips turn to cosmetologists for this procedure. This technique is suitable if a girl is not satisfied with the shape of her lips, but she is not ready to undergo surgery or introduce synthetic substances, which are not always safe. Hyaluronic acid has the advantage that it is not rejected when injected, because it is normally present in the body of every person. That is why this method is the safest.


  • lips look more natural;
  • uniformity and uniformity across all lips.
  • the effect is reversible.

The latter plays a significant role, because there is a possibility that the patient will not like the result.

Lips: Malocclusion

• Working with lips in case of malocclusion . This is a separate topic, since ideally an orthodontist also needs to be involved in the process. The ideal option is to first work with the bite (braces, or other treatment options prescribed by the dentist). But, there are situations when you need to solve the problem only with filler.


Working with lips in case of malocclusion may consist of injecting the drug only into the lips (when the chin is of sufficient or excess volume), or maybe with a certain structure of the facial skeleton and enlarging the chin area with filler (micrognathia).

There is always an option when the doctor does not talk to the patient about the need to correct the chin area (or simply does not see this need), or in order to save money on the part of the patient. Then an incomplete correction will be carried out. In both cases, the result “on the lips” will be pleasing, but in general there is a high chance that the face will look inharmonious, because the small chin will become even smaller against the backdrop of the lips that have gained in volume.


In most cases, the face can be made more harmonious and prettier. Let's just say, closer to beauty standards, but without losing individuality, and in some cases even without the help of a dentist.

How is lip contouring performed?

There are two main methods of performing the operation, on which the result depends:

  1. Filling the contours. The point of the method is to create artificial edema by filling it with filler - an injectable drug that allows contouring without surgical intervention. The swelling increases within an hour, then the cosmetologist gives the desired shape and distributes the material by kneading the lips. The result depends on the speed of injection of the filler and the skill of the doctor performing the operation.
  2. Parisian lips. This method allows you to maintain the naturalness of facial expressions. The shape is easy to adjust throughout the day, and the result looks natural. The method differs in the way fillers are introduced - using vertical injections.

Enlargement of only the upper or lower lips, most often the upper, is also becoming popular; this creates an attractive swelling. The lower one is usually increased only to correct aesthetic defects, which are either acquired due to injury or are congenital.

Fillers are introduced:

  • needle;
  • using a cannula.

Since the needles are laser sharpened, they penetrate the skin more easily and injure tissue less. The material is injected to a depth of 3 millimeters. The introduction with a needle can be divided into several step-by-step procedures, and the final result will be visible after the lips have completely healed.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid through a cannula is a more modern method:

  • there is not much swelling left after it;
  • there is less risk of the formation of severe hematomas (since the ends of the instrument are blunt).

To administer fillers under local anesthesia, two incisions are made in the corners of the mouth. After the lip procedure:

  • swelling;
  • blush;
  • may look tense.

However, the next day after injection, the swelling begins to subside.

Deformed lips

• Working with deformed lips . Lip deformations can occur after injuries, surgeries (including removal of biopolymer-silicone after a previous correction) and congenital.


The doctor, taking into account many associated factors, must work very delicately.
If necessary, at the very beginning of the correction procedure, use techniques to work with scar tissue, and only then take on filler . Danger:

Deformed lips are a difficult option to work with, since the scar tissue is very dense and difficult to give in, not only to the injection of the drug, but even just to puncture it with a needle. The distribution of the drug is almost always unpredictable, especially if there are cicatricial deformities.


When the work is structured correctly and the patient is committed to a long course of procedures and waiting for the result, then it is possible to correct the lips for the better much more noticeably.

How painful is the procedure?

The fillers are administered under local anesthesia, but there is still discomfort. Everyone’s feelings are different: some endure the procedure with their eyes slightly closed, while others already in the first second regret that they decided to undergo the procedure, feeling severe pain. Reviews vary and only agree that discomfort cannot be avoided. It depends on the sensitivity of the patient, which is different for everyone.

Pain occurs not only due to lip sensitivity:

  1. Starting the procedure too quickly after applying the anesthetic, or vice versa – a long wait. Often the doctor either starts the injections too early or waits too long, which is why the effect of the painkillers may not be sufficient for the entire duration of the procedure.
  2. The fact that the filler comes into contact with living tissue also causes pain.
  3. Too much filler causes discomfort. Plump and thinner lips require different amounts of material. For thinner people less, but for plumper ones you need to work not only more, but also in several stages, this will also increase the pain.
  4. Injury to blood vessels is inevitable when pierced with a needle. If a larger vessel is damaged, hematomas may occur. And if the cosmetologist inserts the needle too deep, the procedure may be more painful than expected.
  5. Low pain threshold or, more simply put, sensitivity. Each person handles pain differently.
  6. Nervous tension. The feeling of nervousness and fear causes vasospasm and increases tissue resistance. When a patient is afraid, he cannot relax, this also causes pain.

There are some recommendations that you can follow to make this procedure a little easier for yourself:

  1. It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol, as they have a bad effect on blood vessels and irritate nerves and pain receptors.
  2. You need to choose the right day and time. It is best to carry out the procedure at lunchtime, since after 13 hours the pain is lowest. Choosing a day is easier - you should not carry out the procedure on critical days, since at this time the body is more sensitive.
  3. It is recommended to replenish the balance of B vitamins in the body 10 days before the procedure; this will strengthen the mucous membrane of the lips.

The most important thing is to expect the operation in a good mood, because it’s all for the sake of beauty.

Photos "before" and "after"

“This is an example of how the perception of a face changes after harmonization.
I removed the biopolymer from Marisha’s lips, and her eyes immediately “lit up.” This is the rule: the gaze of the beholder always catches the eyes, so nothing should distract from them - neither a large nose, nor lips. Moreover, the adjusted lips immediately lengthened the lower third of the face, making it more model-like and memorable. Plump lips are a feature that is initially atypical for the Caucasian type of appearance. This means that girls with a certain type of appearance can afford such large lips and still look natural.

And it’s not a matter of skin color at all - lips should have a “place” on the face. That is, the proportions of the lower third of the face should be of sufficient length to accommodate plump lips. Ideally, the height between the upper and lower lips should be 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

But in harmonizing appearance, not everything is so simple. If the tip of the nose is tilted down, then it “cuts off” the full face, shortens the above distance, and the lips, even after moderate contouring, look artificial.

Only a true artist who knows and understands the principles of appearance harmony can correctly fit new lips into the structure of your face.” Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Lip reduction, removal of biopolymer gel. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

The biogel was removed from the lips simultaneously with plastic surgery of their shape. Excess skin was removed using internal access. Surgeon – Iskornev A.A.

Another story of silicone gel:

“I introduced the gel about 3 years ago. Immediately after the injection there was nothing wrong - the lips retained their softness.

The terrible torment began 1 year ago. It all started with severe swelling of the lips. At first I thought it was an allergy to lipstick. Then they opened my eyes that it was because of the gel... It began to migrate - it settled under the eye, and in the cheeks, and down to the chin.

Everything periodically becomes inflamed and swollen.

I used to work as an aerobics instructor, but now I don't work because... the face is scary to look at. The right side is much larger than the left. I am a complete bundle of nerves and complexes. Horror. Depressed all the time.

My health has deteriorated. Because of the hormone Diprosana (only it relieves inflammation), I gained 20 kg. I'm afraid to go out and meet someone I know. I've been around a bunch of professors this year.

If only I had known that this would be the case. The most annoying thing is that by nature I have a rather beautiful face and lip shape. I hope for deliverance. So you want to live a normal life, and not cover your mouth with your hand so that food and water don’t fall out. And I want to arrange my personal life.”

...But she is only 28 and she wants a child...

However, to be objective, you can always find those who are happy with everything and for whom the biopolymer gel did not cause any negative consequences.

But - attention! Upon detailed questioning, it turns out that they had their lips enlarged not by a cosmetologist, but in well-established plastic surgery clinics, by competent specialists who know exactly how this or that drug is used in order to minimize the risk of complications. The simplest example: in a beauty salon, a cosmetologist injects the entire syringe of gel at once: I hope it doesn’t spread and migrate! The doctor administers the drug in minimal portions, so as to reduce the likelihood of gel migration to zero. And only if necessary, after a while, the gel is “tweaked”, correcting the result.

And there are many such differences! Not to mention the fact that in a good clinic you will receive guaranteed quality drugs and a record on your card with a unique number of the syringe used.

Although, by and large, lip augmentation with silicone is no longer practiced almost anywhere - the risks are too great. No doctor can guarantee with 100% certainty how the next non-absorbable “Spanish” gel will turn gray.

In order to enlarge lips without consequences for health, beauty and psyche, either lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid or lip augmentation with lipofilling is used, when one uses one’s own adipose tissue taken from the abdomen or thighs.

Expert opinion:

“Platinental specialists have extensive experience working in Russia and abroad. And our international experience in removing silicone from lips does not allow

we offer biopolymer gels to our patients.

The reason is simple. These drugs do not dissolve and remain in the tissues forever. At the same time, the risk of undesirable consequences remains even when the gel behaves calmly.

But there is something to fear:

  • migration of the gel beyond the lips (girls with duck lips are familiar characters in our gossip columns),
  • fibrosis (internal scarring), which changes the shape of the lips,
  • formation of lumps,
  • inflammation, etc.

Therefore, the recommendation is simple: if you are going to enlarge your lips, especially for the first time, use methods of non-surgical lip correction using gels based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. There are never any complications after lip correction with hyaluronic acid, and excess volume is easily removed using an enzyme that will convert excess gel into carbon dioxide and water in 3-4 hours.

If you have already done this and now want to get lasting results for many years, it is better to have surgery: it is more reliable and ultimately safer.

In any case, be very, very picky when choosing a clinic and specialist and do not choose lip correction methods based on their low cost!

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon

What condition are your lips in immediately after the procedure?

Immediately after the augmentation procedure, swelling appears and the lips look swollen. As a rule, this goes away within a few days. There are:

  • redness;
  • slight lumping is possible;
  • blurring the contour of the lips.

The sensations after the procedure are different for everyone, for some the swelling goes away faster, for others it takes longer. Painful sensations are purely individual for each girl.

After lip augmentation you cannot:

  • touch lips with hands;
  • eating food and drinks that are too hot or too cold;
  • visit bathhouses, swimming pools, beaches, solariums for some time;
  • open your mouth wide;
  • strain the perioral area.

It is worth giving up kissing, eliminating physical activity and drinking alcohol. Do not make an appointment with the dentist for a month, and do not use any cosmetics or decorative cosmetics.

Normal lips

• Working with normal lips . What does normal lips mean? Correct or close to correct proportions and shapes, symmetrical, generally harmonious. Correction may be necessary simply because there is a desire to make them plumper, more expressive in contour and shape.


Correction with a volume of 0.6-1 ml of filler, usually once, to achieve the desired effect.

The main thing when correcting lips with a good shape that suits the face is not to spoil this harmony, do not try to stick someone else’s shape on your face, most often such lips look beautiful separately, but in general they look alien on the face. Well, of course, don’t overdo it with volume, always keep in mind that lips are one of the most mobile areas of the face. People pay attention primarily to the lips and eyes. Even the slightest unnaturalness in the movement of the lips will look strange, even caricatured; patients often tell me “I don’t want to walk around with sausages instead of lips” and I understand these fears, because I see this “sausage effect” on the faces of beautiful women literally at every step in everyday life.


The beauty of these lips is very pleasing with the results. Most often, people around you notice that your face has become fresher and more attractive, even more rested, but few will understand what has actually changed in it.

When is the result visible and how long does it last?

You should not draw conclusions immediately after the procedure. At first the lips look like this:

  • not entirely natural;
  • tense;
  • there is redness.

The result becomes visible only after rehabilitation and complete recovery. As a rule, this is no more than two weeks. The swelling gradually subsides, the lips acquire a natural color.

The result lasts from 6 months to a year. This depends on individual characteristics, on how quickly the fillers split, and on the drug injected. The more hyaluronic acid contained in the drug, the longer the effect will last. We must not forget about the cumulative effect - the more often you prick your lips, the longer the substance will remain in the layers of the skin.

Seagull Lips

• Working with gull lips . It is always difficult to delicately and naturally enlarge gull lips, and it is not always possible to correct the shape at the first correction. It all depends on the anatomical features of the face.


if you don’t want to change the shape, but just need to swell what you have, you should give preference to small volumes of the drug.
If you need to even out the shape of your lips, then tune in to two, perhaps three corrections with small volumes of the drug. But even after the first procedure, with the right technique and preparation, you can see a decent result. Danger:

Incorrect technique for performing the correction procedure and the wrong density of the drug will give a weak, unnoticeable effect, and sometimes worsen the situation


Once the desired effect is achieved, subsequent corrections will be easier; such multi-step work will not be required.

How much filler does it take to enlarge lips?

The calculation of the amount of materials should be made by a cosmetologist, preferably a licensed one. As a rule, this is individual. But usually:

  • no more than 1 ml of the drug is used for thin lips;
  • for fuller lips up to 3 ml, as it is necessary to increase the volume.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a voluntary matter; every girl must choose for herself whether to decide on it or not. It is worth resorting to the procedure only after carefully weighing the pros and cons. One of the most compelling arguments in favor of such lip correction is safety. If you follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations and choose the right drug, you can achieve an excellent result that you won’t have to regret in the future. If you are still not satisfied with the result, you can “roll back the effect” and return your lips to their previous shape and appearance.

Determining the optimal size and proportions of lips

The criteria for the attractiveness of facial features is a subjective matter, but many patients who insist on “lips like Angelina Jolie” receive overcorrection and disharmony in appearance.

Doctors should not literally follow the wishes of patients, and patients themselves should soberly assess the features of their faces!

Determining the lip proportions that are ideal for the face is best left to a cosmetologist with an aesthetic sense and anatomical knowledge.

Often the issue of lip augmentation is due to a disproportionately developed chin, in which case a comprehensive correction is necessary!

An example of correcting a patient’s appearance without changing the shape of the lips.

You can read more about determining the optimal lip size and measuring proportions in a separate article.

Popular fillers in aesthetic cosmetology

Despite the regular appearance of competitors, the most popular fillers are still those from the giant concerns Allergan, Teoxane and Merz. They have ideal cohesiveness and elasticity, undergo multi-level cleaning and control, and are packaged in convenient dosages.

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Posted by Levon Chakhoyan (@doctor_levon) March 29, 2022 at 10:50 PDT

The main and proven drugs for lip correction are:

  • Juvederm UltraSmile, Volbella
  • Teosyal Redensity, Kiss
  • Belotero Balance, Intense
  • Etermis 4

Juvederm filler is so popular all over the world that the corporation has created a huge variety of its derivatives. Allergan has developed UltraSmile and Volbella for the lips and perioral area only - and these are not the only gels in the series that can be used in the mouth. Teoxane also produces Teosyal Redensity, Kiss and other fillers suitable for lip contouring. And Merz released Belotero Balance and Intense fillers for a full-scale “game” with contour and volume.

For example, with Belotero Intense you can outline the contour, which is what any patient, both young and mature, expects from the procedure. It is the contour of the red border that women paint on with pencils and lipsticks, and sometimes they fill it with pigment for permanent makeup. The same filler is optimal for global treatment of the lips and periorbital area in older women. It is suitable for smokers, athletes, and patients with accelerated metabolism.

Belotero Balance and Intense preparations can be perfectly combined within one procedure, filling the contour with one, and the red border itself at a deeper level with the other. Princess Filler is also used for superficial rejuvenation or correction of adjacent areas.

The collections of cosmetologists contain innovative developments - fillers, in which each molecule of hyaluronic acid is enveloped in the antioxidant mannitol, protecting it from breakdown under the influence of native hyaluronidase, a degrading enzyme present in the body. This significantly prolongs the effect of the gel and keeps it in its original volume for a long time.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous cosmetologists often pursue only one goal: to sell more of the drug. They are not interested in such “little things” as harmony and proportionality of the face.

Remember: a conscientious and competent doctor will never inject you with more than 1-1.5 ml of filler during one procedure.

If your lips are thin and this is your first lip augmentation procedure, then introducing more than 0.5 ml is not advisable!

Pros and cons of the new product. How does a lip plumper work?

We must pay tribute to the simple but effective lip trainer. A girl of any age can easily handle a lip pump, following simple safety precautions. At home, at a photo shoot, at work or in a club, the plumper tool pleases with impressive results BEFORE and AFTER, regardless of the size of the mouth, the natural features of the facial structure and physiological nuances. How does it work?

The principle of operation of the plumper is to create a vacuum when the suction cup is applied exactly to the shape of the lips, tightly to the skin. You draw in air as if through a cocktail straw, adjusting the intensity yourself for 5-30 seconds. Due to the activation of blood flow and the pump effect, the sponges become plumper. The main rule that must be strictly followed in order for the effect to appear correctly, aesthetically and last a long time is to apply the suction cup perfectly evenly. Otherwise, the swelling will be crooked, which visually looks terrible.

Despite the rosy assurances of manufacturers, some girls are unsure whether they need a miracle lip trainer or not. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of using a plumper.

Pros and advantages of the gadget:

  • It will be useful for ladies of any age, with lips of any size and shape;
  • The suction cup acts on the lips very quickly, and the increase is completely painless;
  • Depending on the physiology, a noticeable visual increase in volume can last from 3 to 12 hours;
  • There are suction cups that add volume and a slight shine;
  • The device is very small and compact, it will certainly find a place even in the smallest handbag;
  • Unlike injections and the work of a surgeon, using a lip plumper is much cheaper. And besides, regular use leads to a cumulative effect, in which the result lasts longer.

In addition to the advantages, there are also significant contraindications and nuances.

, which you need to remember when using a plumper:

  • This gadget is prohibited from being used by girls suffering from various skin diseases and microdamages, as well as by colds and acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - in order to avoid the spread of infection;
  • Contrary to popular belief, a device for correcting the shape and volume of lips requires thorough disinfection with a non-alcohol-containing solution;
  • You should not use a plumper too often, as this can lead to disturbances and deterioration of the peripheral blood flow of the tissues adjacent to the lips;
  • For those with thin, sensitive and irritated skin, the suction cup will not add any charm, but may, on the contrary, cause significant, unesthetic redness;
  • If you choose the wrong shape of the accessory, apply it incorrectly or overexpose it, your lips may look distorted or skewed, and look vulgar rather than sensual;
  • Those with full lips should not look for even greater perfection using an enlarger. Instead of elegant, beautiful, swollen lips, you will get an effect like after excessive Botox augmentation (dumpling lips);
  • If you have problems with the tone of the skin adjacent to your lips, do not forget to use a balm before applying to your lips. And keep your facial skin well moisturized. This will help you avoid premature wrinkles and deep nasolabial folds.

As you can see, a simple-looking device has many important and critical features. So how can you avoid making mistakes when buying a plumper?

How does the procedure work?

  • Makeup removal and application of disinfectants.
  • Application of local topical anesthesia in the form of a special cream.
  • Injection of filler with hyaluronic acid at strictly defined points. Injections are performed invasively and the filler must be injected with a thin needle or cannula.
  • Carrying out a light massage to evenly distribute the gel after injections.
  • Applying antiseptic lotion.

Slight temporary redness and swelling are a normal reaction after contour lip augmentation. The duration of one session is from 15 to 30 minutes.

Indications for the procedure

  • Thin, small, narrow lips.
  • Flat lip shape.
  • Asymmetrical lips.
  • Uneven or unclear outline.
  • Disproportionality in the size of the lower and upper lips.
  • The client’s personal wishes to increase volume, add fullness to the lips, make them larger and more expressive.
  • Correction of the consequences of injuries and birth defects.
  • Drooping of the corners of the mouth, desire to raise them.
  • Wrinkles above the lips, under the lips, creases around the lips
  • Pale, dry, peeling lips
  • Age-related changes

Enlarge your lips with gloss or lipstick

With the choice of lipstick color or gloss, everything is individual. It is generally accepted that for the effect of voluminous lips it is better to use light shades. But bright red can also work. Dark colors - burgundy, wine, plum, black - will not add volume.

We will not recommend a specific type of product. Now, perhaps, every lipstick or gloss “enlarges the lips” - marketers are not asleep. There is no need to delude yourself especially on this score. Although there is a category of products that contain irritating components. Your lips will tingle for a few minutes, they will seem a little more voluminous, but the illusion will quickly pass.

The way you apply lipstick or gloss matters. For example, you can get used to putting on makeup as if you were doing it casually: you patted lipstick on your lips, rubbed them together, and removed the excess along the contour. The result was the effect of kissed lips. For many women, this option suits them best: the lips look fuller than with a drawn contour.

Do it yourself: is it worth looking for a replacement for the plumper?

It is quite possible that your lip plumper was accidentally left at home. Or you just want to experiment with something more familiar than a plastic suction cup. Is there an adequate and equal quality replacement for the plumper?

  • Method No. 1.

    If you plan to leave the house, grab peppermint essential oil and hyaluronic acid. Apply your favorite lipstick with a brush; between layers, add a drop of ether and hyaluronic acid onto the brush. The final result will be close, but not as long lasting. This method is preferable for those who prefer a full face of makeup and do not want to touch it up due to the application of a plastic plumper.

  • Method No. 2.

    Add red pepper extract to your favorite gloss or chapstick. However, there is a high risk of overdosing the dose and causing an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of the lips.

  • Method number 3.

    Some extreme sports enthusiasts experiment with cans or wide-necked plastic bottles. Let us remind you that the use of devices that are not ergonomically intended for cosmetic procedures on the face is fraught with extremely negative consequences for the beauty of your nasolabial area.

We hope that we were able to answer all your questions about using the Plamper suction cup at home and in everyday life. Now you know how to safely enlarge your lips using a training cap, preserving and increasing your beauty and health! You can buy a plumper using the link.

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