Stimulation of nerves and muscles causes the so-called working hypertrophy of muscle fibers - an increase in their thickness, length and mass, an increase in the strength of contraction, and an improvement in the response to impulses of their own nerve conductors. The strength and speed of the trained muscle is greater. Muscles improve their tone - some of the muscle fibers are constantly in a contracted state, sensitively responding to signals from the nervous system.
The area of the cheeks and neck has an amazing feature: muscle fibers are attached directly to the dense dermis. Thus, by stimulating muscles, we can improve skin tone. When stimulating skeletal muscles (figure correction), the skin is almost not involved. And on the face, the entire skin of the cheeks and neck can be considered as a superficial muscle layer.
What is facial myostimulation?
Myostimulation is a hardware procedure, the essence of which is the impact of electric current pulses.
The myostimulation technique strengthens the facial muscles. Signals are sent to nerve endings that control motor activity and cause muscles to contract naturally, due to which the skin is tightened, the face acquires clear contours, wrinkles are smoothed out, and tissue sagging is eliminated. Facial myostimulation is performed using a special device that causes muscles to contract, thereby achieving a lifting effect. On average, facial myostimulation lasts about half an hour, and to achieve a pronounced result it will take about 15 procedures.
Features of the procedure
To work with the use of myostimulators, the patient lies in a semi-sitting position or lies on his back. The skin in the area where the electrodes are applied is cleaned with warm water and soap or a special lotion. After this, the doctor attaches electrodes to certain points on the face and connects cables from the myostimulator to them.
Next, the equipment is programmed with operating parameters and exposure duration set. The procedure lasts on average 20-30 minutes, including the stages of relaxation, myostimulation, drainage, lipolysis. After turning on the equipment, the doctor gradually increases the level of exposure to pulsed current until the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation, “goosebumps”.
After completing the session and turning off the equipment, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle. One course of facial myostimulation includes 10-15 sessions with an interval of 2-3 days. To combine this procedure with other cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to first consult with a dermatocosmetologist.
As a result of facial myostimulation, the following results can be achieved:
- Restore skin tone and elasticity;
- Reduce the appearance of a double chin;
- Smooth out wrinkles and creases;
- Improve the contours of the oval face and contours;
- Restore beautiful and healthy skin tone;
- Level the microrelief;
- Tighten the tissues of the cheeks, eliminate the tear groove, smooth out the nasolabial folds;
- Give cheekbones expression;
- Reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
- Get rid of the impending century.
Myostimulation enhances the beneficial properties of various serums, creams and cocktails. Therefore, during the procedure, it is recommended to use additional products that will improve the contact of the myostimulator with the skin and also allow you to achieve a more pronounced effect.
How the procedure works
During facial myostimulation, electrodes are placed at certain points of influence
Myostimulation is the local pulse effect of low voltage electric current on the skin, causing contractions of muscle structures, which significantly improves blood circulation, accelerates all metabolic processes, lymph outflow, strengthens and tones muscles, and significantly tightens skin tissue.
To achieve excellent results, it is important to correctly select an individual program for correcting existing defects or changes in the skin structure, as well as apply electrodes in the necessary areas of the face - motor points located at the points of entry of motor nerve fibers under the muscle membrane. For this purpose, a diagram of the correct application of electrodes to certain areas of the face was specially developed, which is attached to the instructions for each device.
How does a facial myostimulator work?
The muscles of the face have one important difference from the muscles that we have in the body.
The muscles in the body are attached at both ends to the bones, and the facial muscles are attached to the skull at one end and woven into the skin at the other. Thanks to this feature, we have facial expressions and we can express our emotions. A decrease in tone leads to the fact that the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles, jowls, and a double chin appear. A facial myostimulator is a special device equipped with electrodes. They act on the facial muscles, causing them to contract. This can be compared to the effect of gymnastics.
Action of myostimulation
Stimulation of nerves and muscles causes the so-called working hypertrophy of muscle fibers - an increase in their thickness, length and mass, an increase in the strength of contraction, and an improvement in the response to impulses of their own nerve conductors. The strength and speed of the trained muscle is greater. Muscles improve their tone - that is, part of the muscle fibers are constantly in a contracted state, sensitively responding to signals from tonic fibers.
The area of the cheeks and neck is remarkable in that the muscle fibers are attached directly to the dense dermis.
Thus, by stimulating muscles, we can influence the tone of the skin itself. When stimulating skeletal muscles (figure correction), the skin is almost not involved. And on the face, the entire skin of the cheeks and neck can be considered as a superficial muscle layer.
Facial myostimulation: video instructions
Indications and contraindications for facial myostimulation
- Loss of facial muscle tone;
- Gravitational ptosis;
- Dark circles under the eyes;
- Skin laxity;
- "Double chin";
- Drooping eyelid;
- Scars and acne;
- Deep and expression wrinkles;
- Changing the shape of the face;
- Dry or oily skin;
- Acne;
- Fatty deposits on the skin;
- Underdevelopment of muscle tissue;
- Nasolabial folds, jowls.
- Oncological diseases;
- Blood clotting disorder;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Reinforcement of implants in the affected area with gold threads;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- Presence of a pacemaker, dental and subcutaneous implants;
- Liver and kidney failure;
- Mental and neurological diseases;
- Viral and infectious diseases;
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- Inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin, acne in the acute phase, rosacea, dermatitis, allergic reactions;
- Thyroid gland dysfunction;
- Damage to the skin at the site of action of the myostimulator.
Hardware myolifting (soft facelift)
This is a massage of the skin and muscles of the face with pulsed microcurrents. Microcurrents tone the smooth muscles of pores and vessel walls, improve skin turgor, have an antispasmodic effect, and stimulate the production of joy hormones endorphins.
- swelling of the face
- dry and sagging skin
- oily skin
- acne vulgaris and rosacea
- pigmentation and scars
using current can be used if the skin and muscles are flabby, there is cellulite, excess weight, problems with the circulation of venous and arterial blood, venous-lymphatic diseases.
For myostimulation
to be effective, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the state of the muscles, and the excess weight that needs to be removed.
To get a more beautiful and slender figure, it is best to apply a symmetrical effect on the muscle area. Myostimulation
is similar to physical exercises, as a result of which it is also impossible to obtain the maximum effect in a short period of time. But, nevertheless, the stimulation procedure using current is reliable, safe and effective. Thanks to these qualities, she is popular and in great demand among those who want to have a beautiful figure.
Facial myostimulation at home: stages of the procedure
The facial myostimulation procedure is carried out in three stages: preparatory, myostimulation itself and final. At the first stage, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dust, dirt and grease. For this purpose, you can use the Cleansing Universal micellar cleansing gel mousse, Cleansing Universal oxygen foam or Cleansing Universal cream from the American brand Beauty Style. Each product is ideal for any skin type, gently but thoroughly cleansing the skin of any impurities. Additionally, the products saturate the skin with moisture and nutrients, do not cause a feeling of tightness and itching, and also relieve inflammation.
In some cases, a deeper cleansing of the skin may be required. To do this, you can carry out the brosage procedure or use a scrub. We suggest drawing your attention to the wireless facial brush with three attachments AMG 196 PRO from the Gezatone brand. A soft brush will delicately exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cleanse pores of accumulated impurities, and get rid of comedones and sebaceous plugs. The skin will be cleansed as much as possible, so the facial myostimulation procedure will be even more productive. If facial myostimulation is performed on a man, he needs to shave his face smoothly on the eve of the procedure, otherwise, close contact of the electrodes with the surface of the skin will not be achieved.
The next stage of facial myostimulation is the application of a special gel that facilitates the conduction of current. To do this, we suggest drawing your attention to the “Ultralift” gel, “Aqua-gel Aloe vera” or “Oxygen gel with hyaluronic acid” from the popular Beauty Style brand. The first has a good tightening effect and is suitable for skin with signs of aging. Ultralift restores skin tone, smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion and tightens contours. Gel for myostimulation "Aqua-gel Aloe vera" is suitable for skin prone to rashes and irritations. Active components normalize the hydro-lipid balance in cells, soothe irritations, give a feeling of freshness and reduce inflammation. “Oxygen gel with hyaluronic acid” improves metabolic processes in cells, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores cellular respiration, soothes irritations and returns the skin to a well-groomed appearance.
When the preparatory manipulations are completed, you can proceed directly to EMS for the face. For this you will need a special device. The facial massager “Myostimulation + Galvanics” Biolift 4 M 701 from the manufacturer Gezatone has good properties. This is a convenient, miniature and portable muscle stimulator with additional functions of vibration massage and iontophoresis. All three methods give excellent anti-aging results that are comparable to a set of cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon.
The device has four impact programs:
- "Strengthening"
- "Tonicing"
- "Infusion"
- "Relaxation"
- Tightens muscles and smoothes deep wrinkles.
- Intense stimulation of muscle fibers.
- Fills wrinkles and smoothes the skin.
- Relieves spasms of facial muscles, smoothes crow's feet and gets rid of dark circles under the eyes.
Choose the required mode, set the optimal intensity and act on problem areas of the facial skin. The intensity is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the skin, the severity of the problem and the sensations during the procedure. If during facial myostimulation you feel a slight tingling and muscle contraction, it means that the power has been selected correctly. If you feel pain, it means that the power is exceeded and you need to reduce it. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining gel is removed, and a cream, serum or mask corresponding to your skin type is applied to the skin.
Micellar cleansing gel-mousse “Cleansing Universal”, Beauty Style, 120 ml
Gentle micellar gel-mousse for daily cleansing of all skin types, especially normal, dry and thin.
Cleansing cream “Cleansing universal” for all skin types, Beauty Style, 120 ml
Delicate silky emulsion for cleansing and removing make-up of any skin type, especially with signs of aging and low tone.
Wireless face brush with 3 attachments AMG 196 PRO, Gezatone
Premium massager-brush for skin cleansing and facial roller massage.
Instructions for performing myostimulation
General rules of myostimulation
Myostimulation is carried out using stationary electrodes attached to the face. These can be disposable or reusable sticky electrodes of a small area, which can simply be glued on like a patch. Fabric, rubber and sticky electrodes perform the same functions, differing only in convenience, processing features and appearance.
a mask and myostimulation in one procedure . This combination saves time for the cosmetologist and the patient, improves the conduction of current and gives an additional result - enhancing the effect of the mask. |
The main frequency range for electrical stimulation is 30-150 Hz. Pulse currents are used, mono- and bipolar, with different pulse shapes. It is preferable to use bipolar (alternating) current, with short (0.1-0.5 ms.) pulses. The best results of facial myostimulation are achieved when using current with neuron-like impulses (MIORHYTHM-040-16 device). For muscles, such a current does not differ from the own impulses of the central nervous system. Therefore, in addition to good results, patients note the complete comfort of the procedure.
So some general rules carrying out electrical stimulation on the face.
Sometimes discomfort occurs during electrical stimulation. This may happen for the following reasons:
- loose fixation of the electrode;
- the skin is not degreased
- insufficient moisture of the gel or a thin layer of the mask;
- spider veins;
- microtraumas on the skin;
- too much current
- electrodes are installed too close to the periosteum (cheekbones, lower jaw, orbit)
- increased tooth sensitivity
- In male patients, the cause of discomfort may be stubble, which interferes with the adhesion of the electrode and the conduction of current.
Is there rehabilitation after facial myostimulation?
If facial EMS is performed correctly, no side effects are observed after the procedure.
However, after facial myostimulation, it is necessary to allow the muscles to rest and recover, so it is recommended to apply nourishing and rejuvenating creams to the treated areas of the skin. Facial myostimulation is an effective procedure that allows you to restore smoothness, elasticity, youth and radiance to the skin in a fairly short time. You can perform myostimulation at home by purchasing a special device. Home facial myostimulation gives good results when performed regularly, and also minimizes the risk of side effects due to the use of low-power currents. The online store “Constellation of Beauty” offers high-quality devices for facial myostimulation, as well as cosmetics for the procedure that will enhance its effect. Our specialists will tell you which device is best to choose and conduct a mini-training on its use.
It should be noted that the process of myostimulation
It is not recommended for people with:
- cardiovascular diseases;
- thrombophlebitis;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- kidney and liver failure;
- acute purulent inflammatory processes;
- acute intra-articular injuries;
- hypersensitivity to electrical impulses;
- pregnancy.
Before you decide to use this method, you should consult your doctor.
Reviews from cosmetologists and ordinary patients about the procedure
Professionals speak rather reservedly about the myostimulation technique, saying that there is an effect from it, but it is cumulative, that is, it manifests itself over time, after completing the full course. They also indicate that the results obtained are short-lived, and therefore, multiple maintenance sessions will be required to prevent the re-formation of defects.
Ordinary women who have undergone this procedure claim the following:
- Marina, 35 years old
I completed a month-long course of myostimulation in a beauty salon. After it, everyone noticed that my complexion had noticeably improved, a healthy glow appeared, my skin and cheeks were tightened, and my double chin disappeared. I'm happy with the spanking, but only 2 months have passed since the correction, so I'll keep watching.
- Natalya, 42 years old
On the advice of a friend, I went for facial myostimulation. After the second session, I saw negative changes - a noticeable fold appeared near the nose and on the forehead, although there were none before. Maybe this is because about six months ago I underwent biorevitalization? I don’t know, but I didn’t go to another session!
- Olga, 28 years old
For a long time I could not get rid of swelling and dark circles under my eyes. On the advice of a dermatologist, I went for myostimulation. After the 3rd session, the first results were already noticeable, and when the entire course was completed, I realized that I had not done it in vain. I am very glad that I finally got rid of my problem.
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the technique will be effective for women whose age-related changes on their faces are mild. It is not a guarantee of obtaining excellent and lasting results in rejuvenating mature facial skin, especially after turning forty, but, of course, it’s up to you to decide!
Carrying out the procedure
Taking into account the existing problems and the desired result, you can choose the following myostimulation technique:
- neuromuscular;
- transcutant.
The latter option is practically not used in cosmetology. This is a complex medical procedure, the indications for which are acute pain in a number of diseases. It is prescribed as part of medical therapy.
Neuromuscular current stimulation is considered to closely replicate the natural processes occurring in tissues. In aesthetic cosmetology, this kind of gentler effect on the skin is most often chosen. The whole process takes 10-30 minutes and consists of the following steps:
- removing makeup (sometimes additional peeling is required);
- treating the dermis at the sites where the electrodes are installed with a gel that improves current conductivity or applying a mask to the treated areas (when performing myostimulation at home);
- applying stationary electrodes and securing them (processing with movable electrodes);
- supply of current of a certain frequency, amplitude and pulse shape;
- The final stage is applying a mask or cream depending on your skin type.
When current is applied, the patient feels a slight and painless tingling and noticeable muscle contraction in the affected area. Dosing of the current pulse is carried out gradually and is selected individually.
Preparatory stage
The procedure begins with cleansing the face of dust, cosmetics and dead cells. Cosmetologists use multi-stage peeling for preparation, which gradually frees facial tissues from fat and foreign particles. To perform myostimulation, you also need to configure the device for certain functions and frequency.
Then a gel is applied over the entire area of intended impact, increasing the permeability of the impulse. The passage of current can be blocked, as well as ultrasonic waves, therefore application of the product is a mandatory stage in the preparation of the session.
If you have any allergic reactions to medications, you must inform your doctor about this, since the gel may contain medicinal components.
Video instruction
The specialist selects the location of the electrodes based on the client’s testimony. The regimen can be adjusted taking into account symptoms and the number of previously performed sessions. It is important that symmetry is maintained between the centers of overlap on both sides of the face, but the error must be taken into account. Each person's facial muscles on the right and left sides are slightly different. For more information about the myostimulation procedure, watch the video:
During the action of current pulses on areas of the skin, a slight tingling sensation is felt, causing discomfort. After some time, the skin will get used to it and the condition will improve. If the tingling remains unchanged, then the device settings should be reduced. The entire procedure from preparing the face to applying the cream takes about 30 minutes.
After current pulses, a soothing composition is applied to the dermis. In professional salons, myostimulation is carried out using a stationary device, but for home use there are mobile devices on sale, such as the MIORI myostimulator.
Recommended number of sessions
In professional offices, to achieve the effect and fix it, from 6 to 10 procedures are carried out, the specific number is determined by the client’s problems. The result of home current therapy will be more obvious if you increase the procedure time and the number of sessions, to about 15.
From what age
According to cosmetologists, the most suitable age category for performing myostimulation is women over 40 years old. In some cases, exposure to current pulses is permissible at an earlier age - from 35 years.
Before agreeing to sessions of such a procedure, it is worth excluding medical contraindications and the possibility of side effects. To do this, you will need consultations with a cosmetologist and dermatologist.
Pros and cons of myostimulation
Especially for our readers, we have selected a list of the advantages and disadvantages of this technique so that you know exactly its strengths and weaknesses.
Let's start with the disadvantages, which are:
- undesirable performance of the procedure at home, since commercially available devices are based on direct exposure to electric current, which in itself is obviously dangerous;
- the possibility of getting burns of varying degrees of intensity, a burning sensation on the skin, the appearance of swelling and injury to muscle tissue if the basic parameters are incorrectly set and inappropriate places for applying the electrodes.
The advantages of the procedure include:
- noticeable improvement in complexion;
- getting rid of age spots;
- smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
- improvement of epidermal tone;
- normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands;
- elimination of double chin;
- correction of facial contours and oval;
- getting rid of puffiness and “bruises” under the eyes;
- elimination of ptosis of the upper eyelids;
- smoothing nasolabial folds;
- lifting the skin surface of the face.
To whom is the technique recommended?
Cosmetologists advise carrying out the facial myostimulation procedure for women who have:
- gravitational ptosis of the epidermis (sagging skin);
- age-related changes in the contour and oval of the face;
- pronounced double chin;
- shaving in the cheek area (under the lower jaws);
- small and medium-depth expression wrinkles;
- skin withering and losing elasticity;
- local fat deposits that form uneven relief;
- pronounced nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal grooves;
- puffiness, dark circles in the area around the eyes and general puffiness of the face;
- decrease in turgor density;
- dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
- hyperpigmentation;
- drooping upper eyelids.