Hardware myostimulation of the face and body: the essence of the method, indications and contraindications

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • A pacemaker installed in the patient;
  • Presence of chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • Acute dermatological diseases, including those manifested by inflammation;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, including the formation of stones.

Hardware facial myostimulation is not performed for acute sinusitis. Myostimulation of the body - for thrombophlebitis. In addition, it is not recommended to work on the abdominal muscles during menstruation or immediately after childbirth.

Preparatory stage

The therapy is carried out in the clinic, after the end of the session you can return to normal activities.

Myostimulation of the face and body begins with one procedure - cleansing the skin of cosmetics, impurities, and sebaceous gland secretions. Then the skin is degreased using special products and a transparent gel is applied on top.

Its function is to ensure penetration of the impulse to the muscle. Instead of gel, you can use concentrates in ampoules. These are products high in vitamins and amino acids. Under the influence of electric current, they will penetrate deeper into the skin, promoting its rejuvenation.

Main indications

Facial myostimulation sessions can be recommended for use as part of a complex of measures to rejuvenate the facial area. They are effective in eliminating the following unwanted changes:

  • deterioration of the tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • sagging (ptosis) of the skin of the eyelids and chin;
  • severity of the nasolabial triangle area;
  • swelling;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

This procedure is also prescribed to correct facial contours, stimulate regenerative processes and improve skin color.

Stage of muscle myostimulation

Electrodes are placed on the face and body at certain points, avoiding areas of rosacea (clusters of spider veins). It is important that the electrodes are positioned correctly, ensuring alternating contraction of the antagonist muscles.

Then turn on the device and set the appropriate mode (current parameters are adjusted individually). When choosing these indicators, you need to make sure that the muscles contract intensely, as if the body had received sufficient physical activity, but there is no pain. Myolifting affects not only the face. This method works with the abdominal, pectoral, and gluteal muscles, allowing you to correct your figure.

Myostimulation - a method of recovery after plastic surgery

Myostimulation plays a special role after plastic surgery . Any surgical intervention is accompanied by trauma to small vessels, sometimes to the smallest branches of nerves. It is important to accelerate tissue healing and restore microcirculation and metabolic processes in the skin.

Application during the rehabilitation period:

  • Significantly reduces pain.
  • Promotes tissue healing by primary intention (without scar).
  • Quickly improves the outflow of lymph and thereby removes tissue swelling.
  • Restores skin sensitivity.

In addition to myostimulation, microcurrent therapy, laser, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, mesotherapy, and darsonvalization are used for rehabilitation.

Final stage

Although the duration of the sessions may vary, it should not exceed 20-25 minutes (and during the course, myostimulation is carried out with a frequency of 1-2 days, sometimes with a longer break). When the allotted time for the procedure has expired, the device is turned off, the electrodes are disconnected, and the gel is removed with a napkin. Then a special cream is applied to the skin.

Hardware myostimulation does not provide an immediate effect. It will be noticeable only after 4-5 sessions. If you need to tidy up your face, the procedure can be supplemented with other beauty products.

What is the procedure?

Myostimulation is essentially exercise for the facial muscles . No one doubts the benefits of exercise for strengthening muscles. A low power pulse current affects the muscles and causes them to contract. The current strength on the face does not exceed 5 mA, and the pulse lasts from 0.5 to 300 ms. This is enough to obtain the effect of muscle toning . The person does not feel pain. Possible tingling and muscle twitching. In addition to improving muscle tone, hardware myostimulation has a positive effect on blood flow in tissues. The skin renews itself faster , its color and moisture improve, acne lesions heal faster, post-inflammatory pigmentation decreases, and collagen threads are more actively synthesized.


Anastasia, 35 years old, St. Petersburg: “I did myostimulation of the body two years after giving birth. The therapy helped to correct my figure a little, and now the consequences of childbirth are not so visible. But you shouldn’t count on dramatic weight loss without exercise.”

Elena, 48 years old, Tver: “I did facial myostimulation. I had a problem with a double chin, despite the fact that I am not obese. In 15 sessions, we managed to significantly improve the facial contour, and the skin smoothed out a little.”

Valentina, 54 years old, Saratov: “Myostimulation helped eliminate drooping upper eyelids. There were no unpleasant sensations."

Facial myostimulation

Price for facial myostimulation

Facial myostimulation2 500₽




2 000₽




You can make an appointment by phone or leave a request and ask any questions!

Get facial myostimulation: Darmed-Clinic

Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual treatment program taking into account your desires and needs.



No matter how wonderful this procedure is, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

* presence of a pacemaker, subcutaneous and dental implants; * oncology; * pregnancy, lactation, menstruation; * diseases of the circulatory system and blood vessels; * kidney and liver failure; * epilepsy; * sinusitis, sinusitis and other sinus diseases; * purulent processes in the skin; * trigeminal neuralgia; * malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Number of procedures and how long it lasts

To achieve a pronounced and lasting result, 3 to 15 procedures are required, depending on the condition of the skin. The duration of myostimulation is selected individually, it depends on age, sensitivity and the presence of diseases. Average time – 25 minutes.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type and power of the device. You must carefully read the instructions for use.

Is it possible to do it every day

The procedure is not recommended to be carried out every day. This reduces the risk of myostimulation and reduces the skin's sensitivity to electrical impulses. When undergoing a rejuvenation course using this method, you should adhere to an interval of 3-7 days between sessions. During this time, the cells have time to fully recover, and metabolic processes are normalized.

Precautions possible consequences

One of the advantages of myostimulation is the minimal risk of complications after the procedure. If the skin is hypersensitive and the technology is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of the following adverse reactions:

  • skin irritation and redness;
  • the appearance of swelling, expansion of capillaries;
  • pain, tingling and burning;
  • increased sensitivity to temperature and mechanical influences;
  • mild burns to the areas where the electrodes were applied.

If severe pain and itching is felt during the session, it cannot be tolerated - you should stop the procedure immediately. To relieve complications, topical agents with a calming and restorative effect are prescribed.

Our specialists


We have been providing procedures for our patients in Moscow since 2013.

Our carefully selected team consists of highly qualified doctors and nurses with years of experience in their respective fields. All medical personnel are constantly improving and undergoing various trainings from the best Russian and foreign doctors.


We employ only highly qualified certified cosmetologists. The permanent staff of our specialists has remained virtually unchanged since the establishment of the Clinic in 2013. This means that every patient of the Darmed Clinic has truly found her own specialist, whom she completely trusts with her beauty and health.

Now is the time to submit your request for a consultation! consultation!

We will contact you shortly and answer your questions.



An initial analysis of subjective Beck Depression Inventory data from all 65 women in the study found that 55% had no evidence of depressive symptoms. At the same time, 45% of women were diagnosed with depressive disorders of varying severity: in 30% of cases - subdepression, in 6% - moderate and 9% - severe levels of depression.

Analysis of the level of situational anxiety showed that in 75% of cases there was a low level of situational anxiety, which could be associated with positive expectations from the upcoming procedures. In 22.4% of women, the average score corresponded to a moderate level of anxiety, in 3% - to a low level.

However, along with this, 100% of women were diagnosed with moderate and high levels of personal anxiety.

It should be noted that the high prevalence of depressive and anxiety states in practically healthy women was the result of a targeted search of this study, while women who applied for cosmetic, massage or dental procedures for aesthetic purposes usually do not complain of bad mood or well-being.

Women's self-esteem on the subscales “Evaluation of appearance”, “Self-confidence”, “Well-being” can be characterized as quite high. At the same time, if we analyze the existing scatter of data, expressed through the ratio of minimum and maximum indicators, the greatest variability was given by the “Appearance Assessment” indicator - the average VAS score ranged from 16 to 100, which most likely characterizes women’s self-esteem as the most susceptible to external influences and evaluation those around you.

According to the initial EMG data, a significant excess of the normative indicators of bioelectrical activity of all facial muscles was established. Thus, EMG indicators m. masseter on the right and left sides of the face were 9.3±11.7 and 9.0±10.0 µV, m. corrugator supercilii - 7.9±7, and 9.0±8.0, m. depressor anguli oris - 11.1±7.1 and 11.2±7.3, m. nasalis - 11.8±6.6 and 12.2±5.6 µV, respectively.

Considering that, according to the clinical guidelines for interference EMG, normal values ​​should not exceed 3 μV for the masticatory muscles and 5 μV for the facial muscles, we can conclude that the normative values ​​are exceeded and the initial average and high level of muscle tension in the muscles being studied [18].

Thus, based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the surveyed sample of women applying for aesthetic procedures was characterized by the presence of high bioelectric activity of the facial muscles, depressive disorders of varying severity in almost 1/2 (45%) of them , high and moderate levels of personal anxiety (100%) and in the overwhelming majority of cases (75%) a low level of situational anxiety, apparently due to a positive attitude and positive expectations from the upcoming procedures.

Assessing the effectiveness of various techniques on the psycho-emotional state of women

When analyzing the dynamics of indicators of subjective severity of depression, it was found that after the study, significant positive dynamics of varying degrees of severity were observed in all groups. At the same time, in the control group the decrease in the average depression score was 24.7%, in the 2nd group - 31.4%, in the 3rd group - 45.6%. It is necessary to separately emphasize that all women in group 3 with initially high and average levels of depression after a course of myofascial massage showed no depressive symptoms (Table 1) .

Table 1. Indicators of psychological status in groups (scores, M±SD)
Note. *p<0.05; **p<0.01 — significance of differences in relation to the initial indicators; #p<0.05 — significance of differences in relation to the control group.

Analysis of the data on situational anxiety showed that in all groups in which manual influence on the facial muscles through massage was used (groups 2 and 3), there was a significant decrease in the severity of the level of situational anxiety. At the same time, the decrease in the average score of situational anxiety did not play a significant role, since the initial data were within the statistical norm. In the control group, there were no significant changes in indicators of situational anxiety (p>0.05).

Assessing the dynamics of personal anxiety indicators, it should be noted that it did not change significantly both in the control and in the 2nd group (p>0.05). In the 3rd group, there was a significant decrease in personal anxiety scores from 47.5±6.7 to 44.1±7.6 points (p<0.05), and after completing the course of procedures in women, the absence of a high degree of expression of personal anxiety was recorded anxiety.

Analysis of self-esteem indicators according to VAS revealed that in all groups, except for the control group, significant positive dynamics took place against the background of correction. The greatest positive changes were recorded in group 3 for all studied indicators - “Appearance Assessment”, “Well-Being”, “Self-Confidence” (p<0.01), and the average indicators for all studied subscales in this group were significantly higher than in the control group. When analyzing the dynamics of self-esteem according to VAS in group 2, there was a significant increase in the “Appearance Assessment” indicator after the end of the procedures. In the control group, on the contrary, there was a significant decrease in scores on the Appearance Assessment scale (p<0.05). On the “Well-Being” and “Self-Confidence” scales, no significantly significant changes were noted in the control group.

An assessment of the dynamics of neurophysiological data during tests at rest revealed the most pronounced decrease in EMG indicators of the facial muscles in group 3. Thus, women in this group showed a significant decrease in the initially increased tone of m. corrugator supercilii on the right and left sides of the face by an average of 39%, m. masseter on the right side of the face - by 53%, and m. depressor anguli oris - by 25% (p<0.05). In group 2 there were no significant changes compared to the initial values, which may indicate the insufficient effectiveness of cosmetic massage to reduce muscle tone of the facial muscles. In the control group, whose patients followed the basic recommendations, a unidirectional shift towards increasing the average amplitude of the bioelectrical activity of the masticatory and facial muscles on the left side was noted. Thus, an increase in the average amplitude of the biopotentials of the masticatory muscle (m. masseter), the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow (m. corrugator supercilii) and the nasal muscle (m. nasalis) was observed (p < 0.05).

The dynamics of neurophysiological parameters in different groups during tests at maximum voltage are presented in Table. 2 . Analysis of EMG data revealed a significant significant decrease in the functional activity of the masticatory and facial muscles in the myofascial massage group (group 3). In the control group (group 1), in a state of voluntary activity, a statistically significant increase in the functional activity of m. masseter on the right and left sides (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in other muscle structures studied. In the cosmetic massage group (group 2), no reliable data on the dynamics of neurophysiological parameters were obtained (p>0.5).

Table 2. Electromyography indicators of the masticatory and facial muscles before and after correction in groups, test at maximum voltage (µV, M±SD)
Note. *p<0.05; **p<0.01 — significance of differences in relation to the initial indicators.

Analysis of indicators of the psychological status of the applied massage techniques studied in the long-term period showed reliable preservation of stable positive results achieved during myofascial massage in the 3rd group (n=18) in terms of “Depression” and “Self-confidence” (p<0. 05). However, in group 2 (n=20) the positive results did not persist. In group 1 (n=12) there was a significant deterioration in self-esteem on the VAS “Self-Confidence” subscale (p<0.05). The remaining indicators of psychological status in all groups did not undergo any significant changes in the long-term period.

Electrical stimulation of muscles while walking

Treatment of motor neurological deficits involves the use of several treatment regimens. One of the modern ways to increase their effectiveness is artificial correction of movements. In this method, the patient is given electrical stimulation while walking. This is external electrical stimulation of muscles, the parameters of which are selected individually by rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital in accordance with the patient’s characteristics, physiological norms and walking dynamics.

The method of electrical muscle stimulation allows you to achieve the following results:

  • reduction of fatigue;
  • increased range of motion when walking;
  • increasing the pace of walking;
  • increasing the maximum distance a patient can walk.

Electrical muscle stimulation in Moscow is used by rehabilitation clinic specialists as a method of treating motor neurological deficits. You can undergo a course of treatment by calling the Yusupov Hospital.


Impact on nerve endings can be achieved by having separate electrodes with different polarities. By placing the electrodes in a certain way, you can force the current to pass directly through the nerves. For example, interference current is used in the treatment of arthritis. Cross application of four electrodes on the knee gives the desired effect. And a special program sends a specific current pulse. This is how the procedure took place on a device with a neurostimulation function.

This method can treat many diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis...) and promote rapid recovery of joints after injuries.

Choice among the ESMA line

All ESMA devices combine both types of electrical stimulation and have the ability to perform myostimulation and neurostimulation procedures. The ESMA line of computer devices has additional capabilities due to the presence of pulsed simulated current and an expanded list of procedures. For more detailed information, you can always contact the managers of our company. They will help you choose a device specifically for your needs.

Computer physiotherapeutic complex ESMA Profi

What to choose?

Each method is aimed at solving different problems. If you want to increase muscle mass, burn excess fat, or use the device in cosmetology, then your choice is a classic myostimulator. If you need treatment of joints or restoration of the musculoskeletal system after injuries, then you definitely need to use a device with electrical stimulation capabilities.

Myostimulator ESMA Galant

What is the difference between procedures in cosmetology and at home?

There are portable, simple devices for use at home. With regular use, a person himself can maintain the tone of his facial muscles and prevent lymph stagnation. However, such devices are usually low-power. When contacting a cosmetologist, the solution to a facial problem is always complex. The doctor selects different procedures that can improve the condition of the skin:

  • massage;
  • hardware procedures;
  • injection and non-injection mesotherapy – delivery of nutrients and vitamins to the deep layers of the skin using ultrasound or injections.

The result of anti-aging procedures in cosmetology clinics is always better . The rooms are equipped with new technology and there is a large selection of procedures and medications. The mode and dosage of current in the device are calculated by a professional, so they are suitable specifically for your skin.

Microcurrents and myostimulation for the face are a painless procedure without compromising the integrity of the skin. When carried out regularly, it provides a good lifting effect and overall rejuvenation of the treated area.

Cosmetology clinic in Moscow

Myostimulation of the face, neck and décolleté is passive gymnastics and is aimed at combating age-related changes in the skin.
It is also often prescribed as a method of recovery after plastic surgery. How much the procedure costs in Moscow can be found on the Darmed Clinic website in the section - Prices. You can also make an appointment with a cosmetologist to find out the price and essence of other anti-aging procedures. PRESERVATION OF YOUTH WITHOUT LOSS OF INDIVIDUALITY!


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