What not to do after biorevitalization, tips for proper care

The biorevitalization procedure is an injection of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for the skin to produce elastin and collagen. The dose of the product is as close as possible to the natural one, which allows the substance to be absorbed in a short time and begin to act. However, to achieve results after the procedure, you must strictly adhere to the specialist’s recommendations. Otherwise, side effects may occur.

  • What not to do at different times after the procedure
  • Skin care
  • Possible side effects
      Extensive bruises
  • Swelling
  • Uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid
  • Development of an allergic reaction
  • What not to do after the procedure

    Every patient should know that after biorevitalization it is necessary to adhere to certain restrictions.

    Compliance with all recommendations will help achieve maximum effect and eliminate possible complications.


    Physical exercise increases body temperature, which is undesirable during this period, and also contributes to the appearance of sweat, which can cause inflammation of the punctures.

    Sports activities should be excluded for at least 3-4 days.

    Visit the bathhouse and sauna

    Temperature changes, as well as high humidity, negatively affect the condition of punctures. These factors can trigger the occurrence of rosacea or inflammation at the injection site.

    After the wounds have completely healed, you are allowed to go to the bathhouse or sauna.

    Use cream or cosmetics

    In the first days, it is forbidden to use the usual care and decorative cosmetics. You cannot use the cream after biorevitalization in the first 2-5 days, depending on the recommendations of specialists. For the first 2 weeks, it is forbidden to use foundation and powder (even mineral powder), as they will clog the pores and the recovery process will be delayed. After some time, you are allowed to paint your eyes and lips, but only if the area around the eyes and lips has not been treated.

    After 2-3 days, it is allowed to use alginate masks or collagen fabric masks. They help remove excess fluid. After 2-3 weeks, the cosmetologist may prescribe a superficial or medium peeling, which will help the skin renew itself.

    Face massage

    Facial massage will not help the fillers to distribute more evenly and speed up tissue restoration, but will only move the gel or promote infection.

    Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to do it until complete regeneration.

    Smoking and drinking alcohol

    Smoking promotes displacement of the gel that was injected into the lip area. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, which can also dislodge the filler. Even a small dose of alcohol causes swelling, which negatively affects the condition of the skin.

    The minimum period for giving up alcohol and cigarettes is 4-5 days after biorevitalization, but 2-3 weeks are better until the effect appears.

    Take antibiotics and other medications

    Most often, the result of biorevitalization is affected by aspirin and other medications to reduce blood clotting. They do not interact with hyaluronic acid, but contribute to the occurrence of hematomas and subcutaneous bruises. Therefore it is recommended:

    • Stop taking aspirin 2-3 days before and after the procedure. If pain occurs, it can be replaced with Tempalgin, Mig, Diclofenac.
    • If the patient takes medications to reduce blood clotting as prescribed by a doctor due to the presence of heart and vascular diseases, then they cannot be discontinued on their own. In this case, there is a high risk of blood clots. Therefore, it is recommended to cure the underlying disease and then plan biorevitalization.

    Antibacterial drugs do not affect hyaluronic acid and the effect of the procedure. But cosmetologists recommend taking into account the following factors:

    • Taking antibiotics is indicated in the presence of an inflammatory process, which is a contraindication to biorevitalization. If this is not taken into account, the risk of complications increases.
    • If indications for antibiotics arose after the administration of hyaluronic acid, then they can be taken 2-4 days after biorevitalization.

    What to smear your face after biorevitalization

    You can speed up the recovery process not only by observing restrictions, but also by using special ointments and medications. To use any product, even a compress with natural herbs, you should first consult with your cosmetologist. Standard moisturizing creams should not be used for the first few days.

    How to get rid of bruises

    In some cases, after biorevitalization of the face, bruises appear on the surface of the corrected area. This symptom is not a critical side effect and will go away on its own after a maximum of 10 days.

    However, with such war paint, not every woman is ready to lead a normal lifestyle. There are several ways to speed up recovery. These include the use of both pharmacological drugs and folk remedies.

    The following pharmaceutical products can be distinguished:

    • Traumeel S;
    • Troxevasin;
    • ointment based on badyagi;
    • heparin ointment;
    • Indomethacin;
    • "Rescuer".

    These ointments help speed up the recovery of the dermis several times. Their effectiveness is due to their ability to influence the regenerative function of cells and metabolism, eliminate blood clots, and prevent bruising.

    True, according to some experts, the skin should be smeared with medications only in critical situations, because they can affect hyaluronic acid, as a result of which it degrades quite quickly.

    But there is an alternative - traditional medicine, which has been tested for decades and is an excellent way to remove bruises. Some of the most effective ones include:

    1. Garlic tincture . To obtain the product, you need to infuse 1 tablespoon of grated garlic in 100 ml of vinegar (9%) for 24 hours. After the infusion, you need to strain and wipe the damaged area with it.
    2. Potato juice . A fairly effective remedy, with the use of which the bruise will disappear within a day. To achieve the result, grate the root vegetable and apply the resulting mass to the damaged area. It is recommended to keep the natural compress for 2-3 hours, then replace it with a fresh one.
    3. Saline solution . Prepared at the rate of 20 g of salt per glass of water. The bandage with the sponge soaked in the solution is changed every 3-4 hours.

    How to relieve swelling

    Swelling is a common problem characteristic of the rehabilitation period after biorevitalization of the face. In itself, it is an accumulation of lymph in the subcutaneous space. It occurs due to individual characteristics of a person or due to incorrect work of a specialist.

    A fairly simple and effective way to relieve swelling is to apply ointment. However, you should consult your doctor before using it.

    Among the popular drugs are:

    1. Hirudin . Contains extract from leeches. Helps accelerate lymph flow and lightly thin the blood. Use is recommended from the 3rd day of rehabilitation.
    2. Traumeel . A natural preparation based on extracts of medicinal herbs.
    3. Troxevasin . Helps strengthen capillaries and blood vessels. Relieves inflammation. Contains troxerutin.
    4. Heparin ointment . Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Perfectly relieves discomfort if the corrected area is swollen and painful.
    5. Dexpanthenol . It is often used not only to eliminate swelling, but also if redness and inflammation appear at the injection site. When used on sensitive skin, it may cause an allergic reaction.

    Folk remedies are no less effective - at a low cost, they help to effectively treat the resulting swelling.

    To relieve swelling, you can use ice cubes made from soft water. Flow-through - with impurities will only worsen the situation. Natural infusions of eucalyptus, calendula, linden, chamomile or St. John's wort are suitable as a base. To prevent your skin from getting cold burns, place the ice cube in a clean, lint-free cloth.

    Bagged tea (exclusively in its pure form without flavorings or additives) or potato juice will also do the job perfectly.

    Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

    It should be borne in mind that the fight against bruises is necessarily accompanied by increased blood flow at the sites of application of drugs, which leads to a local increase in temperature. Due to this, the effect of biorevitalization is reduced.

    What not to do at different times after the procedure

    Depending on the timing of biorevitalization, there are a number of restrictions that must be taken into account to achieve the effect. Violation of these rules leads to the formation of side effects and complications.

    In the first 24 hours after biorevitalization you cannot:

    • touch the treated area of ​​skin;
    • squeeze the skin or massage;
    • apply warm compresses if there is a slight bruise in the subcutaneous layer;
    • apply makeup and skincare products (any cream or lotion).

    For the first 2 days it is prohibited:

    • apply any cosmetics;
    • take medications that speed up blood flow and increase blood pressure;
    • drink alcohol and smoke.

    During the week it is not recommended:

    • visit a bathhouse or sauna, swim or wash with hot water;
    • exercise (running, pulling up, lifting weights and other intense activities);
    • expose your face to sunlight, low temperatures and strong winds;
    • perform cosmetic manipulations aimed at reducing wrinkles.

    Until the end of the course it is prohibited:

    • Do full face makeup.
    • Squeeze or cauterize injection papules.
    • Perform scrubbing or peeling. Such care will harm the skin and cause severe peeling.
    • Massage and touch your face frequently.


    Biorevitalization procedures are used in programs for the prevention and treatment of skin aging. In complex anti-age programs, biorevitalization is actively combined with radio wave lifting, fractional photothermolysis, and peelings of varying depths. Indications • Genetic and photoaging of the skin, which results in thickening of the stratum corneum (roughness and dullness of the skin) and changes in the structure of the elastic fibers of the skin.

    • Stressed skin and smoker's skin.

    • Preparation for peelings (medium, medium-deep), laser resurfacing, plastic surgery and rehabilitation after them.

    • Mesopil courses (combination of biorevitalization with superficial peelings). • The need for volumetric restoration of dermal tissue in case of scar changes resulting from superficial skin injuries.

    • Working with local problems (eyelids, neck, décolleté, perioral area, lips, hands, earlobes).

    Skin care

    In order for the face to recover as quickly as possible after biorevitalization and the effect to last for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for the skin during the recovery period:

    • For the first 2-3 days, do not wash your face, but only wipe your face with an antiseptic solution in the morning and evening. This can be an alcohol solution of salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide 3%, Furacilin, chlorhexidine.
    • After 3 days, wash with warm boiled water and neutral gel or foam. After the procedure, there is no need to rub the skin, just gently blot it with a towel.
    • Drink more clean water, which will provide the necessary hydration to the skin and enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid.
    • If swelling occurs, apply ice.
    • After 1-2 weeks, use water-based healing gels that moisturize the epidermis and promote its restoration.
    • If a specialist allows you to sunbathe, then use sunscreen with high SPF.

    Opinion of cosmetologists

    Several additional recommendations from cosmetologists for rehabilitation:

    1. Taking into account the fact that biorevitalization normalizes hydrobalance, it is recommended to drink the amount of water per day - approximately 2.5 liters.
    2. Under no circumstances should you exert pressure on the tubercles in order to even out the relief. With proper care they will disappear on their own.
    3. Antibiotics and coagulants should not be used.
    4. At night it is best to sleep only on your back. It is advisable to change your pillowcase to a clean one every day. It should first be ironed with a hot iron to eliminate bacteria.

    How cosmetologists feel about the biorevitalization procedure and the rehabilitation period after it can be judged by discussions on various Internet forums.

    In this commentary, the specialist focuses on lifestyle and the result that depends on it:

    Another cosmetologist’s opinion regarding restrictions on the recovery period and the effectiveness of the procedure:

    Possible side effects

    Like any procedure, biorevitalization can cause undesirable consequences. Most often they occur when the drug is administered incorrectly or restrictions are violated.

    On average, recovery after biorevitalization takes 3-10 days. Swelling in the eyes and cheeks goes away in 2-3 days, on the lips - 7-8 days, and hematomas - up to 12-14 days.

    Extensive bruises

    Bruising occurs in people prone to rosacea or when taking anticoagulants. Weak blood vessels are destroyed due to mechanical damage, which causes profuse hemorrhage into the tissue. This does not pose a threat to human life, but it does bring psychological discomfort. After 1-2 weeks, the bruises disappear on their own. But for faster resorption, it is recommended to treat them with special ointments (Troxevasin, Traumeel, Heparin). They thin the blood and improve its microcirculation.

    Ointments can be used starting from the 2nd day after the procedure, 2-3 times a day, applying with light movements, without massaging.

    It is also recommended to make a mask from badyagi:

    1. Dilute the powder with vegetable oil.
    2. Apply the composition to problem areas and keep it on for as long as possible.
    3. The mixture can be used as a compress at night.

    It is more convenient to use pharmaceutical cream or gel with badyagi.


    Swelling of the areas where hyaluronic acid was injected is a normal reaction of the body to mechanical damage to the skin. Most often this is the area of ​​the eyelids, lips and nasolabial folds. Especially if biorevitalization affected large areas of the skin.

    To reduce swelling, it is recommended to apply cold chamomile decoction to problem areas. You can take diuretics once a day for 2 days.

    It is recommended to sleep on your back, placing several pillows so that your head is as high as possible.

    If within 3 days the swelling does not decrease or increases, then you need to contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

    Circles, bags and swelling under the eyes deserve special attention. They are not allowed:

    • mask with decorative cosmetics;
    • cool with ice;
    • massage, knead and touch them with your hands.

    Uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid

    If the cosmetologist made a mistake and injected a lot of hyaluronic acid into a certain part of the face, then bumps and unevenness may occur. This defect cannot be removed; it will not disappear on its own.

    In this case, only removing the filler from the subcutaneous layer will help.

    Impact principle

    The principle of the technique is the intradermal injection of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which causes the skin to produce its own hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide naturally present in the human body.

    Its function is to maintain the necessary hydration of tissues, thanks to its internal ability to retain large amounts of water. Thus, after the biorevitalization procedure, preparations of unstabilized hyauronic acid introduced into the skin begin to actively attract water. After a few days, the drugs are completely absorbed, and water molecules remain there for a long time.

    Due to such intense internal hydration, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

    Advantages of the method

    • High efficiency.

    • Painless.

    • Speed ​​of impact.

    • Atraumatic.

    • Short rehabilitation period.

    Indications and contraindications for biorevitalization

    Biorevitalization can be used both to eliminate existing deficiencies and for preventive purposes. But until the age of 25-30 there is no need to carry out this cosmetic procedure, since before this age the body produces hyaluronic acid in sufficient quantities.

    A course of biorevitalization is indicated to eliminate the following cosmetic problems: Excessively dry skin. A more effective method of moisturizing the deep layers of the epidermis than hyaluronic acid has not yet been created.

    When fine wrinkles appear due to age-related changes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, stress, smoking.

    To restore damaged skin. The procedure is indicated for restoring the dermis after laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, and plastic surgery.

    With an unhealthy, dull complexion, the presence of age spots. Biorevitalization increases the antioxidant protection of skin with hyperpigmentation, and also helps restore its natural color. Faster results are achieved through a combination of cosmetic methods such as biorevitalization and peeling.

    For oily skin types and enlarged pores. The active substances in biorevitalization preparations have the ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and narrow pores.

    To restore skin after ultraviolet irradiation. The procedure is applicable both for the regeneration of the epidermis after UV irradiation and for preparing the skin for ultraviolet irradiation. Hyaluronic acid protects cells from ultraviolet radiation and moisturizes dehydrated skin.

    But, despite all the advantages, like any other cosmetic procedure, there are a number of limitations and contraindications for biorevitalization. If this cosmetic procedure is performed for the first time, in order to prevent possible side effects, it is necessary to notify the cosmetologist about this in advance. Contraindications to the procedure:

    — Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid; — Inflammations on the skin: acne, dermatitis; — Pregnancy and lactation; — Presence of cancer; — Herpetic infection; — Acute stage of infectious diseases; — Severe chronic diseases: heart failure, diabetes, bleeding disorders; - While taking anticoagulants.

    It is prohibited to perform laser biorevitalization procedures in the area of ​​the eyelids and thyroid gland.

    Also, after biorevitalization, side effects may occur:

    With sensitive skin, small hematomas may appear at the injection site, which usually disappear within 1-2 days. You should consult a cosmetologist if this side effect persists for more than 48 hours.

    After the procedure, there may be slight swelling at the puncture sites for some time, and the skin may have a pale or reddish tint. If the swelling of the skin is significant, then an allergic reaction to the injected drug has occurred. A similar side effect can occur if the procedure was performed by an inexperienced cosmetologist.


    Recently, a cosmetic procedure called “Biorevitalization” has become increasingly popular. What is the reason?

    The basis for youthful and elastic skin is hyaluronic acid, which is produced naturally by skin cells. However, from about 25 to 30 years old, a “countdown” begins in our body; the process of production of certain substances that ensure normal life processes, including hyaluronic acid, slows down, leading to all the signs of aging. And first of all, age-related changes affect the skin, because it is the skin that is most susceptible to contact with the environment.

    To avoid loss of skin elasticity and youth, a unique method has been developed - biorevitalization, which can stop the aging process by delivering the required amount of hyaluronic acid from the outside into the deep layers of the epidermis. And as a result – the production of collagen and elastin, the absence of wrinkles and elastic skin.

    How is injection biorevitalization performed?

    As a rule, before performing injection biorevitalization, local anesthesia is performed. To make the procedure painless, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin.

    Preparations for biorevitalization are stored in the refrigerator. To ensure that the drug has time to warm up to the required room temperature, it is removed from the refrigerator in advance of the procedure. The injection packaging is sterile and must contain information about the expiration date and lot number.

    The biorevitalization procedure itself consists of superficially introducing small doses of hyaluronic acid under the skin with a thin needle. Injections are made evenly over the entire area of ​​the treated area; a larger amount of the drug is injected into the most problematic areas. After completing the injection, the cosmetologist applies a cream with a cooling, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

    The course of biorevitalization procedures depends on the problems being solved and their severity in each specific case. As a rule, the course of biorevitalization is 1 - 4 procedures with breaks between them of 2 - 4 weeks.

    Benefits of biorevitalization

    Quick cosmetic effect. The result of biorevitalization is noticeable after 1-2 procedures.

    Duration of saving the result. The effect after a course of biorevitalization lasts up to six months. And when carrying out preventive procedures, the resulting effect can last much longer. The long-lasting effect after the procedure is maintained due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is delivered to the deepest layers of the epidermis, where it triggers their restoration processes. The duration of the result obtained depends on the patient’s biological age, as well as the rate at which the body “consumes” hyaluronic acid.

    Natural skin regeneration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is completely compatible with the epidermis, so the occurrence of side effects, allergic reactions or reactions is almost impossible.

    Depth of effect of the drug. Many cosmetic products contain hyaluronic acid. But when applied to the surface of the skin, the active substance is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and affects only the uppermost layers of the skin. And during a course of biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid penetrates and moisturizes not only the stratum corneum of the skin, but also the middle and deep layers of the epidermis, stimulating the regeneration of collagen and elastin.

    No discomfort. The biorevitalization procedure does not cause any pain and takes very little time.

    Biorevitalization in Krasnodar

    You can take a biorevitalization course at the Symmetry cosmetology clinic. High-quality certified drugs are a guarantee of quality results. Our specialists are only certified cosmetologists and dermatologists who regularly undergo training not only in Krasnodar, but also in other cities, as well as abroad.

    The cost of biorevitalization in our clinic is always affordable, we also constantly have promotions and discounts for our patients on various cosmetic procedures. You can find out more about the biorevitalization procedure by calling toll-free or using the feedback form. More information about the cost of biorevitalization at the Symmetry clinic can be found in the Cost of Services section.

    External result of the procedure

    After the swelling from the injections goes away, you can immediately notice the effect of the skin after the procedure, which manifests itself in:

    • skin hydration;
    • turgor elasticity;
    • improving complexion;
    • smoothing out wrinkles.

    It is noteworthy that the effect is durable; it not only pleases with its presence on the face for a long time, but also tends to accumulate from one procedure to another. Over time, you will only need to make occasional injections to maintain excellent results.

    It is also important to mention that after the procedure, not only the quality of the skin increases, but also its elasticity. Ptosis in the lower part of the face is eliminated, the cheekbones look higher.

    The cost of the procedure in St. Petersburg is not low, but it can easily compensate for the cost of good conservative care, consisting of creams, serums and lotions. But in order for the effect to meet expectations, it is necessary to find reliable and experienced cosmetologists. For example, New Skin Clinic is an excellent example of competence and individual approach to each client of the clinic.

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