Laser vaginal rejuvenation – narrowing and restoration of sensitivity in one procedure

Childbirth, age and hormonal changes negatively affect the vagina. For many women, it becomes less elastic and wide, sexual sensations turn into something amorphous, the amount of lubrication decreases... Intimacy in this development of events becomes more torture than pleasure, and achieving orgasm does not bring satisfaction.

Fortunately, gone are the days in which a woman humbly wrote herself off as scrap and left the world of sensual pleasures. A modern woman lives a rich and vibrant life, including a sexy one, for as many years as she sees fit.

We at the Platinental clinic offer to prolong intimate youth. Laser vaginal rejuvenation gently corrects changes in the intimate area and prolongs your sexual sensitivity.

To achieve results, two sessions with a break of 1 month are enough. The entire rehabilitation is usually limited to one day, and the effect of the course of procedures lasts for more than two years.

Who is suitable for laser vaginal rejuvenation?

The vaginal remodeling procedure is suitable for those women who want to tone and firm the vaginal walls.

The laser is very effective in cases where you feel friction during sexual intercourse, when unpleasant “farting” sounds appear during sex, when the vagina feels too wide, when the girth of the penis is insufficient and you have trouble feeling your partner inside you, when achieving orgasm becomes difficult work, and relaxation does not bring satisfaction.

Expert comment:

“Women often come to me with complaints about weak sensations from intimacy and loss of orgasm.

Naturally, when all your strength is spent not letting your partner out of the “embrace”, and attention is distracted by unpleasant sounds, there is no time for orgasm.

Is it possible to improve the situation? Certainly! This is why vulvo-vaginal laser rejuvenation was invented.”

Vladislava Gladysheva, plastic surgeon, specialist in aesthetic gynecology.

Even if you think that everything is in perfect order in your intimate life, you will be surprised when you feel how wonderful it really can be.

Alternative Methods

  • Contour plastic

In addition to laser technologies, the Department of Aesthetic Gynecology of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow uses injection methods using hyaluronic acid formulations. This allows you to increase tissue tone and solve problems associated with the external unattractiveness of the intimate area and physiological pathologies (enuresis, bacterial accessibility through a gaping gap, etc.).

  • Surgical treatment

In difficult cases, when gentle injection and laser techniques do not give the desired result, we are always ready to approach the problem radically, surgically correcting the organ and narrowing the vagina surgically.

How does laser correction of the vagina work?

Laser vaginal wall tightening and vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical and painless procedure that lasts about 20 minutes and requires only local anesthesia.

The mechanism of laser vaginal rejuvenation

Expert comment:

“We perform vaginal restoration using a wide-spectrum Eraser-C-RF CO2 laser. Using uniformly dosed radiation, this fractional vaginal laser forms a network of microperforations to a strictly specified depth.

Around the perforation zones, the tissue begins to actively recover and fill with collagen. Like a framework, collagen penetrates the mucosa and contracts it.

After the procedure, the quality of the mucous membrane increases significantly - it becomes more elastic and dense, moisturized and elastic. A pronounced vaginal tightening occurs, the volume of the vagina decreases.

In turn, RF radiation enhances the effect of the laser, warms up the deeper layers of the vagina, further stimulates collagen production and promotes incredibly rapid tissue restoration and renewal.”

Vladislava Gladysheva, plastic surgeon, specialist in aesthetic gynecology.

Narrowing of the vagina after laser treatment

The laser attachment has horizontal and vertical notches. Horizontal ones allow you to control the depth of vaginal treatment. Vertical incisions are needed to treat the entire circumference of the vagina.

After inserting the nozzle, a full rotation of 12 flashes is made, after which the nozzle moves one centimeter and circular processing of the new area begins.

A pronounced result is felt after the first procedure and increases over the course of several weeks. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to perform 2-3 procedures at an interval of three weeks.

Features of the procedure

Laser plastic surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in modern gynecological offices of the Central Clinical Hospital. At the preparatory stage it is necessary:

  • get examined by a doctor,
  • ultrasound examination,
  • bacterial tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

The optimal age for vaginal rejuvenation with laser is 25-55 years.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless and therefore does not require anesthetic drugs. On the gynecological chair, the doctor first drains the vagina, then inserts the tip of the laser equipment into it. The patient's sensations are slight warmth, slight vibration. The duration of laser exposure is 20-40 minutes.

The use of a laser embodies all the advantages of contouring of intimate areas -
effectiveness, painlessness, safety.

Results of vaginal laser therapy

  • narrowing of the vagina,
  • increased sensitivity and increased orgasms; many experience vaginal orgasm for the first time after this procedure, many women become multi-orgasmic,
  • correction of age-related atrophic changes,
  • strengthening the vaginal mucosa, restoring its physiological health,
  • correction of postpartum scars,
  • relief from initial forms of urinary incontinence,
  • elimination of itching and pain.

Consequences of changing the shape of the genital organs

Prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall causes displacement of the urethra and bladder. Changes in the position of the reproductive system organs lead to urinary incontinence to varying degrees. If the posterior wall of the vagina is lowered, the normal act of defecation is disrupted. Pathologies also increase the risk and incidence of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In addition to the negative impact on health, vaginal dystrophy worsens the quality of intimate life. Weakened pelvic floor muscles and insufficient mucosal sensitivity reduce libido and sexual satisfaction. In addition, there is dryness, burning, and pain during intimacy. The expansion of the vaginal vestibule makes the appearance of the genital organs unaesthetic, causing uncertainty and psychological discomfort.

Vaginal reduction surgery options

Laser vaginal reduction

At the Marina Ryabus clinic, lasers are used to treat stress urinary incontinence, narrow the vagina after childbirth, increase the density of the mucous membrane in older patients, and prevent uterine prolapse. We work on the multifunctional Fotona platform (Slovenia), which combines eribium and neodymium laser effects. A wide range of possibilities allows you to solve a variety of aesthetic and functional issues. For example, Photona perfectly removes pigmentation in the urogenital and anogenital areas.

Injection contour plastic surgery

Contour plastic (CP) is performed not only on the face, it works great for the functional and aesthetic correction of the intimate area. With the help of fillers, you can augment the G spot to enhance sensations during sex, narrow the entrance to the vagina, tighten the mucous membrane, restore the symmetry of the labia, and make the clitoris more sensitive.

Another injection method used in modern aesthetic gynecology is biorevitalization. Moisturizing with hyaluronic acid is carried out as a single procedure, and is also used as a means of intensive hydration during laser procedures.

Surgical correction

The decision in favor of surgery is made when it is no longer possible to restore muscle tone and stop genital prolapse using a laser. We stand for timely diagnosis, which allows us to solve problems with the least time, physical and emotional costs!


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How long after birth can perineoplasty be performed?

The operation is not performed immediately after the birth of the child, since the woman’s body needs to recover. In addition, in the postpartum period there is very little collagen protein in the genital tissues, so healing may be prolonged. Often after childbirth, the acidity of the vagina becomes slightly alkaline, which provokes the development of dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, any intervention during this period can lead to infection.

The body of a healthy woman returns to normal by about the third month after childbirth, the mucous membranes are restored, and the acidity of the vagina shifts to the acidic side. This indicates that beneficial bacteria have begun to multiply intensively, preventing harmful microorganisms from developing. During this period it is already possible to carry out such an operation. Since postpartum recovery occurs differently in different women, only a gynecologist can name the exact timing of possible plastic surgery after an examination and tests.

A young mother must take into account that after the operation she will not be able to lift anything heavy, so someone will have to help care for the child. If a woman plans to give birth again later, it is not advisable to have surgery. It is unknown how the birth of the next baby will go. Perhaps the perineum will stretch again, tear, or have to be cut.


What is the rehabilitation period after colpography?

— For the first 2-3 days after colporrhaphy, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Then the woman can return home, but for another two weeks she is only allowed to take a horizontal position - sitting is strictly prohibited. The total rehabilitation period is 2 months.

Please tell me, with posterior colporrhaphy, will the suture in the vagina be up to the cervix or only 3-4 cm from the entrance?

— The suture in the vagina depends on the severity of the problem before surgery. The larger the problem, the longer the seam will be. Usually the suture is about 3-4 cm in size, but in each specific case it also depends on the degree of prolapse or stretching of the mucosa.

Ask a Question

How is perineoplasty performed in women after childbirth?

During perineoplasty, old scar tissue remaining after tears or dissection of the perineum (episiotomy) is excised. Then the muscles, skin and all tissues damaged as a result of a difficult birth are stitched together. Often it is necessary to operate on the anus.

Excess skin is cut off and the perineal tissue is sewn together. As a result, the genitals become the same as before childbirth. Labiaplasty is often performed at the same time, since childbirth affects the condition of the labia.

After the operation, thin cosmetic sutures are applied and, if possible, self-absorbable threads are used. Therefore, the crotch looks very aesthetically pleasing. Over time, traces of surgical intervention become almost invisible.

Thread perineoplasty

The operation lasts approximately an hour, but may last longer. Its duration increases if a woman has serious changes in the perineum and anus, as well as when labiaplasty and other surgical procedures are performed simultaneously.

Perineoplasty is performed under general or local anesthesia, so the woman does not feel anything. After the plastic surgery is completed, she is monitored for some time and, most often, goes home the same day.

For patients who prefer simpler, non-traumatic methods, there is a non-surgical perineoplasty procedure. In this case, the perineum is tightened using special threads made of absorbable material. Gradually they dissolve, and their place is taken by protein and connective tissue, which form a specific framework that supports the tissue.

However, if there are cicatricial changes, tightness of the perineum, or traces of severe tears, the situation can only be corrected through surgery.

Indications for colporrhaphy

Kegel exercises do not have the desired effect in the second and third degrees of pathology, accordingly, surgical intervention becomes a reasonable necessity. In addition to the reasons listed above, indications for organ plastic surgery occur when:

  1. Urinary incontinence caused by a displaced urethra, excessive stretching of its mouth.
  2. Gas incontinence due to incompetence of the anal sphincter due to a displaced rectum, which occurs as a result of prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall.
  3. Difficult or uncomfortable defecation, despite the fact that there is no constipation as such.
  4. Pain during physical exertion, intercourse, which is explained by the unstable position of the organs of the genitourinary system.

In addition to all of the above, plastic surgery can be performed at the patient’s request even in the absence of organ prolapse. A fairly common reason is the deteriorated quality of sexual relations after childbirth; in some cases, surgery is required in the presence of anatomical features, when partners have a discrepancy in the size of the genital organs. Surgery may also be required for patients who are not satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of an enlarged vaginal slit, even to the point of gaping, which is usually observed in those who have given birth multiple times.

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