Active regeneration: a new method of hair restoration at A Clinic in one procedure!

And if the moisture balance in the cells is disturbed, a feeling of tightness may occur, the sebaceous glands may work too actively... In a word, an imbalance entails unpleasant symptoms and unsatisfactory appearance of the hair.

One of the methods that provides rejuvenation and healing of the scalp and hair is injection mesotherapy. It is often called “hair biorevitalization,” but this is not entirely true.

In this material we will describe the procedure, talk about its results, as well as the cost of the service.

Description of the procedure

Biorevitalization is the introduction of preparations containing hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous layers. The procedure can be performed by injection or one of the non-injection methods.

This technique is a type of mesotherapy. There are several differences between them:

  • During biorevitalization, exclusively hyaluronic acid or preparations in which it is found in the highest concentration are used;
  • Mesotherapy uses cocktails of amino acids, vitamins and other medicinal components. There may be no hyaluronic acid in their composition at all or its concentration is insignificant;
  • The effect of biorevitalization appears a few days after the first procedure. When carrying out mesotherapy, several sessions may be required before the first positive changes become noticeable;
  • The administration of drugs during mesotherapy is possible using injections or mesoscooters; injection biorevitalization is carried out only using injections under the skin.

Both procedures have their own indications and contraindications for use, which must be considered at the stage of choosing hardware hair treatment methods.

All the nuances of biorevitalization in beauty salons are described below.

Operating principle

The reasons for the deterioration in the strength and appearance of curls are divided into external and internal. Age-related changes in skin cells also play an important role in their condition.

Gradually, under the influence of all negative factors, the moisture content decreases, as a result, the hair loses its shine and strength.

The formation of hyaluronic acid inevitably begins to decline after 30 years. And this leads to skin aging and, accordingly, to the formation of associated defects. Age-related changes on the scalp cause dry hair, lifelessness, and baldness.

Biorevitalization restores broken links in metabolic processes, due to which cell aging slows down, moisture content increases, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the structure of the epidermis is improved and the nutrition of the bulbs is enhanced.

Injections are made with a syringe with a very thin needle, and the beneficial substances enter the deep layers of the epidermis. Sessions not only fill the epidermis with moisture, but also activate the work of “sleeping” follicles, which makes it possible to increase the thickness of the strands.

The result is clearly visible a few days after the session - the scalp becomes softer, dandruff disappears, and shine appears on the hair. And after a few weeks, that is, after new hairs grow, the thickness of the hairstyle improves.

Trichologists recommend biorevitalization once every 2 months, the general course is from 2 to 5 procedures.

The effect of the introduction of hyaluronic acid is cumulative, therefore, even after completion of the course, the skin cells and the hair itself continue to be restored.

Additionally, it is allowed to regularly use external products (shampoos, balms, serums) with hyaluronic acid, this allows you to maintain the results for a long time.

Plasma therapy for hair loss

All over the world, beautiful and healthy hair is a symbol of attractiveness, youth, and health, regardless of gender and age. Poor hair quality, hair loss, resulting in baldness, worsen a person’s psycho-emotional state, including affecting the quality of his life.

Stress, unbalanced nutrition, chronic lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, poor environment, etc. - all this undoubtedly affects the external and internal state of the body. Hair is one of the first to suffer in this case, becoming weak, split ends and lifeless, losing thickness and volume.

The modern cosmetic market offers many products and methods for hair care and treatment. One of the most effective is plasma therapy for the scalp - it is a low-traumatic and safe method of restoring hair quality and treating hair loss.

What is growth factor enriched plasma?

The essence of the method is the intradermal injection of one’s own blood plasma, enriched with platelet-derived growth factors, in order to stimulate new hair growth, reduce hair loss, strengthen the hair follicle, and improve the quality and structure of hair.

This is a highly effective technique that allows you to stop hair loss and quickly revive damaged hair with long-lasting results after a course of procedures.

The undoubted advantage of plasma therapy of the head compared to other methods is that the patient’s own blood is used, which virtually eliminates the possible risks of allergic and other reactions.

It has been established that the vital activity of the hair follicle is also regulated by growth factors - polypeptides (proteins). They stimulate hair follicle cells, which leads to hair growth.

The source of growth factors in the human body are platelets - the formed elements of blood. They contain the necessary concentrations of polypeptides that ensure hair growth.

Growth factors

The main platelet-derived growth factors that have a stimulating effect on hair follicle cells are:

IGF (insulin-like growth factor) - regulates the aging process, as well as tissue growth processes due to various effects on target cells (endocrine, autocrine and paracrine regulation). Affects the onset of anagen and catagen phases.

VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) - stimulates the formation of blood vessels around hair follicles and improves tissue nutrition.

FGF (fibroblast growth factor) is responsible for the reproduction and differentiation of many cells and tissues.

EGF (epithelial growth factor) – is involved in the regulation of DNA synthesis in the cells of the outer root sheath of the hair and hair follicle.

Hair receptors sensitive to these factors are located on the cells of the root membranes of the follicles and the cells of the hair papilla (hair follicle). Together, platelet-derived growth factors regulate the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, angiogenesis (synthesis of new vessels), and regulate the cycle of growth and development of the hair follicle.

Therapeutic and aesthetic effects after hair plasma therapy

  • Plasma therapy
    is a very effective procedure aimed at improving the quality and structure of hair, especially long hair. After a course of procedures, the hair becomes shinier, softer, silkier, and stops splitting and breaking.
  • Plasma therapy
    is perfect for those with oily hair or dry scalp. The procedure helps get rid of oily shine, the scalp stops itching and flaking.
  • A course of plasma therapy procedures
    for the scalp stops intense hair loss and promotes the active growth of new ones.

The results of plasma therapy for the scalp are cumulative. From session to session, the hair is filled with vitality, and the effect lasts for a long time.

Indications for plasma therapy of the head:

  • Changes in hair quality - thinning, thinning, fragility, slower growth;
  • Androgenetic alopecia in men and women;
  • Diffuse hair thinning/thinning;
  • Diseases of the scalp (seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, etc.)


In our clinic, to decide on the need for plasma therapy in all cases of hair loss or deterioration in its quality, a trichologist conducts a study - trichoscopy and phototrichogram.

These studies help clarify the problem and develop a set of therapeutic measures to solve it. And carrying out trichoscopy during medical procedures, including plasma therapy, helps to evaluate the effectiveness of their implementation in each individual case.

Preparation for the procedure

  • On the eve of the procedure, it is recommended to take a clinical blood test to make sure that all indicators are within normal limits; HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C should also be excluded;
  • Before the procedure (at least 2 days in advance), it is advisable to avoid eating fatty, sweet, smoked, spicy foods, eliminate alcohol and increase water consumption (at least two liters per day);
  • The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • On the eve of plasma therapy, you should wash your hair.

How is the procedure done?

  • The specialist takes the patient’s blood from a vein into special tubes with a reagent intended for plasma therapy.
  • Next, the doctor prepares plasma enriched with growth factors for injection. The tubes with blood are placed in a professional centrifuge, where during the centrifugation process, according to strictly specified parameters, the formed elements of the blood are separated from the plasma. At the same time, red blood cells - heavier cells - settle down in the form of a red precipitate. Platelets, valuable for their growth factors, are cells slightly smaller and lighter than red blood cells and remain at the boundary of the layers.
  • The specialist takes the “useful” layer of plasma using a special syringe without breaking the seal of the tube and, using microinjections, injects platelet-rich plasma into the scalp, paying special attention to problem areas.

The procedure is easily tolerated and takes 30-45 minutes, taking into account blood collection into special tubes, its preparation and administration.

What hair treatment methods can plasma therapy be combined with?

Plasma therapy for the scalp is also effective as an independent procedure, and is also perfectly combined with external, systemic medications and other procedures for better results.

With such a comprehensive treatment of hair and scalp, the result is enhanced and becomes even more pronounced.

How many scalp plasmatherapy treatments are required?

The number and intervals between procedures are always selected individually, depending on the problem being solved, concomitant therapy, the desired effect, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. On average, a pronounced effect is achieved after 3-6 procedures with an interval of at least a week.

Recommendations after the procedure:

  • do not wash your hair for one to two days after the procedure
  • Avoid direct sunlight or wear a hat
  • refuse to visit the bathhouse or sauna for a week after the procedure
  • do not use irritating hair products and masks based on them, such as mustard, pepper, onion and others.

Contraindications to plasma therapy:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Oncological diseases
  • Coagulation disorders, as well as systemic blood diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Infectious skin diseases
  • Taking certain medications (consultation with a specialist is required to clarify whether the drug is compatible with the procedure)
  • Violation of the integrity of the scalp - wounds, abrasions
  1. Consultation with a trichologist, initial
    RUB 2,000
  2. Repeated consultation with a trichologist

    1500 rub.

  3. Phototrichogram

    2000 rub

  4. Trichoscopy

    1000 rub

  5. Plasma therapy for the scalp

    4500 rub.

  6. Intradermal administration of medications into the scalp with microelements, vitamins, etc. 2.0 ml

    2300 rub.

  7. Scalp mesotherapy “Filorga NCTF 135” 1.5 ml

    4500 rub.

  8. Scalp mesotherapy “Filorga NCTF 135” 3.0 ml

    6300 rub.

  9. Scalp mesotherapy “HyalCode Zn” 1.0% – 2.5 ml

    3600 rub.

  10. Scalp mesotherapy “HyalCode Zn” 1.0% – 5.0 ml

    7000 rub.

  11. Scalp mesotherapy “Viscoderm Skinko” 2.5ml

    3600 rub.

  12. Scalp mesotherapy “Viscoderm Skinko” 5.0ml

    6500 rub.

  13. Scalp mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid preparation “Hydro line” 2.0ml

    2800 rub.

  14. Scalp mesotherapy – for sparse and thin hair – “Hair System” Mesotech 5.0 ml

    4100 rub.

  15. Scalp mesotherapy with vitamins and peptide complex “HairXpeptid” 2.0 ml

    4500 rub.

  16. Scalp mesotherapy with vitamins “HairXVita Line B+” 2.0 ml

    2400 rub.

  17. Intradermal injection of Kenalog into the affected area 1.0 ml

    2500 rub.

  18. Intradermal injection of Lidase/Longidase into the affected area 1.0 ml

    2500 rub.

  19. Fractional mesotherapy of the scalp (excluding the cost of the drug)

    600 rub

  20. Treatment of the scalp with erbium laser (Photon)

    3000 rub

  21. Carboxytherapy – injection of CO2 into the scalp

    2000 rub

Main causes of hair defects

By nature, most people have strong, healthy and shiny hair. But over time, natural beauty is lost, and there are many reasons for this, the most basic:

  • Lack of microelements and vitamins in the body. Very often, noticeable hair loss and increased dryness occur in late winter and spring. This is explained by the fact that it is at this time that the deficiency of nutrients increases;
  • Psychotraumatic situations, depression. Negative experiences negatively affect the functioning of the bulbs, reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to them;
  • Poor nutrition. Obvious hair problems very often appear after following strict diets, thus the body reacts to a lack of microelements, fats and proteins;
  • Hormonal imbalance. Excessive hair loss in women often occurs during the postpartum period, during menopause, and with gynecological diseases. Adolescents are also at risk - during puberty, instability in the production of hubbub can also cause noticeable hair loss.

If there is a sharp deterioration in the condition of the hairstyle, the development of somatic diseases of the digestive tract and endocrine system should be excluded.

It is also necessary to pay attention to care - dry skin and curls, loss of softness and fragility often occur due to the use of aggressive paints, frequent use of curling irons and straightening irons.

Benefits of hair plasma therapy

Dr. Korchagina’s clinic uses only the best equipment, which is approved by the European Plasmolifting Association. Each set is individual and disposable; repeated penetration into the body is excluded. Only safe work with a guarantee of no infection.

Firstly, these are individual disposable kits with consumables that make it impossible for infection to enter the body.

Secondly, the plasmolifting procedure serves as the best prevention of baldness, strengthens and heals hair.

Varieties of techniques

Biorevitalization according to the method of introducing drugs into the scalp is divided into:

  • INJECTION. Today it is the most common. To administer injections, a needle with the smallest possible diameter is used, which makes the procedure less painful. Disadvantages - possible errors when choosing injection sites and failure to comply with the required volume of the product;
  • NON-INJECTION. Carries out using chemical or physical processes. Low molecular weight hyaluronate is used - molecules of minimal size, which, under the influence of heat, cold, laser, and currents, easily penetrate into the subcutaneous layers. The method allows the procedure to be performed without punctures, which makes the session comfortable for the patient.

Types of non-injection method

  • LASER. Hyaluronic acid is injected using a laser emitting infrared radiation. The procedure improves metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, increases moisture content;
  • CRYOBIOREVITALIZATION. The first stage is applying serum with hyaluronic acid to the curls and skin, the second is exposure to liquid nitrogen;
  • IONOPHORESIS. After applying preparations with hyaluronic acid, the head is treated with a device that produces galvanic current. During the session, beneficial substances penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, toning cells and improving biochemical reactions. Iontophoresis is considered the most effective method of non-injection biorevitalization;

  • MAGNETOPHORESIS. The penetration of the beneficial components of cocktails into the subcutaneous layers is facilitated by the magnetic waves used during the procedure. Due to the magnetic effect, the effect of hyaluronic acid is prolonged and the risk of adverse reactions is reduced;
  • OXYGEN. First, a vitamin cocktail is applied to the head, after which it is treated with pure oxygen, which allows saturating all layers of the epidermis and hair follicles with useful substances;
  • ULTRAPHONOPHORESIS. Transport of hyaluronic acid is carried out under the influence of ultrasound on the epidermis. Cellular metabolism is activated and lymphatic drainage is enhanced. Ultrasound also acts on the skin as a massage.

How to restore your hair to its former volume, shine and strength?

A remedy that effectively works for the benefit of hair is hair biorevitalization . The term biorevitalization means “biological revitalization.” Hair biorevitalization is a beauty injection procedure for hair. In this case, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the scalp to restore metabolic processes in the skin. Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in moisturizing the skin, in the process of formation of hair follicles and keratin - a protein, the main component of hair, which is responsible for its structure. After the positive results of biorevitalization of the face and hands, specialists began using hyaluronic acid injections for the scalp. The success of the procedure was not long in coming, the hair in the before and after photographs becomes thicker and stronger, grows faster, patients are satisfied with the results and note the positive effect that hair biorevitalization leads to.

Indications for the procedure

Cosmetologists advise paying attention to biorevitalization for the following hair problems:

  • Excessive hair loss;
  • Increased fragility and split ends;
  • Dryness;
  • When dandruff appears on the head;
  • With loss of natural shine.

The defects listed above indicate not only the external influence of negative factors, but also a possible disruption in the functioning of internal organs.

Deterioration of hair condition can be associated with natural aging of cells, hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, and constant thermal and chemical (dye) exposure.

Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to take a closer look at your own health - an integrated approach to restoring the strength and beauty of curls gives much more positive changes.

Why do hair problems appear?

The causes of weakened, dull, split ends, falling out and sparse hair can be, in addition to hereditary factors, poor environmental conditions, hormonal imbalances in the body, adherence to strict mono-diets, lack of vitamins and microelements due to vitamin deficiency, lack of protein, monotonous and insufficient nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, abuse of cosmetics and technical hair styling products. In addition to the above reasons, the scalp, as it ages, produces less and less kerotene and weakens the growth of follicles from which hair is formed and grows. Aging of the scalp and weakening of hair is also associated with an age-related decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid in the body. One of its functions is the production of sebum on the scalp, which coats the hair, making it shiny and healthy. Failures in this metabolic process lead to excessive production of sebum, which leads to seborrhea.


Hyaluronic acid for the skin used during biorevitalization is natural, but it is not recommended to carry out this procedure:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • People with a predisposition to allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of the serum;
  • If the integrity of the skin on the head is damaged;
  • During the period of dermatitis;
  • For acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, during exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Patients with malignant neoplasms;
  • For hypertension;
  • For autoimmune pathologies and diseases that impair blood clotting.
  • During treatment with anticoagulants and antibiotics.

In order for the procedure to take place without side effects, the cosmetologist needs to talk about all your diseases and health problems in advance. If necessary, consultation with specialists may be required.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • skin diseases of the scalp in the acute stage;
  • wounds, burns;
  • viral, infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • mental illness;
  • chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • menstruation;
  • onology (consultation with an oncologist is needed);
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Typically, biorevitalization of the scalp is not performed on patients under 18 years of age. The optimal age for administering drugs whose main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid is considered to be over 25 years of age. The introduction of vitamin cocktails is possible earlier - as prescribed by a doctor.


Initial consultation: RUB 4,500

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Initial consultation: RUB 9,500

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Initial consultation: RUB 4,500

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Gynecologist-endocrinologist, oncologist
Initial consultation: RUB 6,000

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The resulting effect

The introduction of hyaluronic acid and other components of preparations during biorevitalization contributes to:

  • Activation of the follicles, which in turn leads to the appearance of new hairs and increased growth of existing ones;
  • Increasing the volume of strands;
  • The appearance of natural shine, increased tone and color saturation of curls;
  • Restoring the structure of the rod, reducing fragility;
  • Improved elasticity.

Carrying out such sessions has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp. After the session, irritation decreases, the skin becomes moisturized, and dandruff gradually disappears.

Products with hyaluronic acid are recommended to be administered once every 2 months, this will help maintain the result achieved after the first session at the proper level.

How does hair biorevitalization work?

Hair biorevitalization is an injection of hyaluronic acid into the scalp. Its solution affects the roots of the hair, which are called follicles, and the sebaceous glands. This method only works on dormant and new hair, so for thin and sparse hair you need to wait until the new hair grows. Trichologist specialists believe that biorevitalization of hair with hyaluronic acid is the most radical and effective method for restoring the thickness of hair. However, the result will not be noticeable immediately; the patient will have to be patient. Many salons present products with hyaluronic acid, however, one must understand that only its intradermal effect leads to an obvious lasting positive result. External influence only keeps the hair in a healthy condition.

The hyaluronic acid preparation is injected into the thickness of the scalp using a needle, or a mesoscooter, or a mesoinjector. Trichologists (hair specialists) recommend pre-injections with microcurrent therapy to prepare the scalp for better absorption of the drug. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the hair biorevitalization cocktail may contain vitamin and mineral supplements. The cosmetologist performing the procedure must be sufficiently qualified for a successful result of the procedure. Biorevitalization of hair is carried out in several sessions. In some patients, the result is noticeable immediately, it depends on the individual susceptibility and sensitivity to the drug. However, it usually takes several visits to a cosmetologist to achieve results. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor, based on the initial condition of the hair.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to prepare for biorevitalization. At the first appointment, after examining and assessing the condition of the hair, the cosmetologist offers clients an individual preparation plan, but several points are considered mandatory:

  • Two days before the scheduled session, you must completely stop applying styling cosmetics;
  • On the eve and on the day appointed for the procedure, it is prohibited to take a number of medications, so you need to find out from the doctor in advance what medications you can and cannot take;
  • In the morning, you just need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, rinses and balms are not used;
  • Before the session, most cosmetologists advise doing a microcurrent therapy session, which will increase the effectiveness of the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

Most people tolerate biorevitalization without any particular discomfort; one session lasts 50-60 minutes on average. Immediately after its completion you can go home.

Execution technique

After clarifying all possible contraindications to the procedure and thorough preparation, the cosmetologist sets a date for it.

The first stage is microcurrent therapy, which improves blood circulation in the skin and prepares the epidermis for the active absorption of hyaluronic acid. As a rule, 1-2 sessions of microcurrent exposure are carried out.

Biorevitalization itself takes place in two stages:

  • The scalp is treated with an antiseptic;
  • The cosmetologist administers the drug using a syringe with an ultra-thin needle. Typically, injections are placed over the entire scalp at certain distances.

Most clients perceive injections as light tingles or mosquito bites. But, for some people, the pain threshold may be increased, so you should agree in advance with the specialist on the possibility of applying an anesthetic gel.

Non-injection biorevitalization is distinguished by the fact that the selected drug is first applied to the head and hair and then exposed to laser, cold or current.

Such procedures, compared to the injection method, require more time to carry out and are somewhat more expensive.

Popular drugs used for biorevitalization of the scalp

Doctors at the Marina Ryabus clinic use Viscoderm meso-cocktails (Skinko; Skonko E; 1.6), as well as placental drugs Laennec and Curacen. If you come across a review that another clinic uses a biorevitalizant with HA to improve scalp health, know that such a procedure will not be fully effective for improving scalp health.


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Hair biorevitalization NIRVEL

Nirvel Professional is a Spanish company specializing in the production of restorative and therapeutic hair cosmetics.

NIRVEL biorevitalization takes place in three stages, each of which uses a specific drug.

The procedure restores hair at the molecular level, the cuticle is smoothed, and the strands acquire a healthy appearance.

NIRVEL cosmetics have a rejuvenating effect on curls; first of all, it is suitable for owners of dry and lifeless hair.

The treatment course leads to the following results:

  • They become shiny and elastic, their vitality improves;
  • They become soft, easy to comb and style;
  • Fragility is reduced and straightened;
  • A natural shine appears;
  • The diameter of the curl shaft increases.

The duration of the recovery course is determined by the condition of the hair.

The NIRVEL biorevitalization kit includes:

  • Shampoo – Hyaluronic Shampoo;
  • Elixir – Hyaluronic Elixir;
  • Hyaluronic Filler – filler.

All products contain high concentrations of hyaluronic acid. At the initial stage, washing your hair with shampoo is carried out. Then, after drying, filler is applied for 15-20 minutes; to enhance the effect, the curls can be heated using a straightener or hair dryer.

After drying, wash with shampoo again and apply the elixir; it is washed off the head after 20 minutes with warm water. Then the curls are dried.

The effects of hyaluronic acid on hair

Under the influence of hyaluronic acid, the skin is moisturized and the structure of the core is improved. It makes combing the strands easier and prevents them from tangling, and the follicles are activated.

The NIRVEL set uses hyaluronic acid molecules of different sizes:

  • “Short” have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase local immunity;
  • “Medium” attracts water, filling the skin and strands with moisture;
  • “Long” ones fill the voids in the curl shaft, increasing the volume of the hairstyle.

After a course of NIRVEL biorevitalization, hair can more easily withstand stress and the influence of unfavorable factors, it recovers faster, and growth accelerates.

When to expect results

Noticeable positive changes in the condition of the strands are visible after the first procedure. If necessary, the cosmetologist prescribes repeat sessions. The restorative effect of the NIRVEL set lasts for an average of 6 weeks.

At this time, there is no loss of natural moisture, even if an iron or hair dryer is used.

Drug treatment


For hair loss, the drug Minoxidil is widely used. It is available in liquid or foam form. The drug is rubbed into the scalp twice a day. Products in the form of 2% and 5% solutions of Minoxidil are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

The results are noticeable after regular use of the drug for 3-4 months. If the product is used at an early stage of hair loss, the effect appears faster. Minoxidil prolongs the anagen (active growth) phase, providing more time for hair to grow and achieve the required density.

Despite the fact that Minoxidil has a positive effect in 81% of cases of diffuse hair loss, it also has a disadvantage. The drug must be used constantly. Once you stop doing this, your hair will start falling out again.

Minoxidil does not provide a lasting effect after the end of treatment

Hair loss is best treated comprehensively. Along with local effects, the doctor will check the level of ferritin protein to find out the total amount of iron in the body, and will analyze the content of trace elements and vitamins. If necessary, he will prescribe iron supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes, and drugs that normalize metabolism.


Mesotherapy is a procedure during which nutrients are introduced into the scalp. Today, this method is one of the most effective in restoring and stimulating hair growth.

After the procedure, blood supply to the scalp improves. Blood flow in this area passes through the narrow space between the skull and the superficial layers of the skin. By saturating the follicles with a vitamin cocktail, hair nutrition, disturbed due to vasospasm, is restored. It is caused by stress, lack of minerals and vitamins.

Preparations for mesotherapy are selected individually. They can use ready-made cocktails (NCTF 135, XL-hear, Keraktiv, etc.) or specially formulated for the patient. For this purpose, vasodilators, antiandrogens, antispasmodics, veno- and lymphotonics, and vitamins are used.

Immediately after the procedure, you should not wash your hair - part of the cocktail remaining on the skin will continue to work

The standard course of mesotherapy is 10 procedures once a week, then five more times every two weeks, after which maintenance procedures once a month are sufficient. Each session lasts about half an hour. Depending on the degree of hair loss, the course may be adjusted.

The effect of mesotherapy is visible after the 5-6th session. Additionally, oral medications and hair lotion may be prescribed.

PRP therapy

Another name for the procedure is plasma lifting. The essence is to stimulate the hidden reserves of scalp tissue by introducing plasma from the patient’s own blood.

Blood is drawn from the patient and processed in a centrifuge to separate platelet-rich plasma. The result is a safe, hypoallergenic drug for normalizing hair growth.

Platelets contain growth factors and restore hair at the micro level. The procedure is carried out similarly to mesotherapy through micro-holes. Carry out at intervals of 10–30 days, depending on the condition of the hair.

PRP therapy restores hair growth and fights hair fragility and dullness

The effect of the procedure is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. New hairs begin to grow all over the head. At the end of the course, hair loss is reduced, hair gains shine and strength. The procedure is cumulative in nature, the results last a long time.

See also PRP Regen Lab - Swiss PRP therapy method.

Healing lotions

Lotions that stimulate hair growth are prescribed as an independent remedy and as an auxiliary during a course of PRP or mesotherapy. Their action is aimed at stimulating hair follicles, restoring structure and accelerating hair growth.

The lotion is selected by a trichologist individually, depending on the existing problems. Popular drugs: “Follicel” with a mesotherapeutic effect, Dercos Neogenic from Vichy, Time to Grow based on natural sphingolipid immunomodulators.

Therapeutic lotions stop hair loss, improve the appearance and resistance of hair to negative factors

Good results are obtained by massage with heated coconut oil, applying aloe vera juice or gel, jojoba, emu, safflower or rosemary oils mixed with almond oil to the scalp.

Precautionary measures

The effectiveness of biorevitalization and the absence of side effects depends on several conditions:

  • Qualification of a cosmetologist;
  • Correct choice of drug;
  • No contraindications.

In order for hyaluronic acid to act gently and not cause harm to the body, it must be injected at certain points and to a certain depth.

Only an experienced specialist can perform an injection session correctly, so you should not trust dubious beauty salons.

The absence of adverse reactions also depends on the composition of the drug with hyaluronic acid - cosmetologists must take into account the possibility of individual reactions of the body and the quality of the chosen products.

Before the procedure, the doctor must find out all absolute and relative contraindications. You should not trust cosmetologists who prescribe hair biorevitalization without a preliminary examination and preparatory stage.

Adverse reactions

The most likely complications of the procedure:

  • Swelling of the injection site;
  • Hematomas;
  • Dryness and irritation of the scalp.

Swelling and bruising are explained by an individual reaction to the injection or improper administration of the drug. Irritation and itching may indicate intolerance to the product.

In most cases, adverse reactions disappear within a few days and do not require additional therapy. But the cosmetologist must be notified of their appearance.

Side effects

A meso-cocktail injection performed by a cosmetologist is not dangerous and does not entail any side effects. The exception is individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug. If they are detected, the doctor changes the composition or prescribes another method of healing the scalp.

If the procedure was performed using a low-quality drug or in violation of the protocol, complications such as the development of inflammation and subsequent scarring are possible. By contacting our clinic, you can be sure that the administration of the drug will be as comfortable as possible for you, the rehabilitation period will go unnoticed, and the result will be pronounced and long-lasting.

Preparations with hyaluronic acid used in hair biorevitalization

During the procedure, different drugs are used; the doctor must recommend the one that is suitable specifically for solving your problems with curls.

The most popular today are:

  • Contains high molecular weight hyaluronate. Made in France;
  • CRM Soft. Products from a German manufacturer;
  • Manufacturer – Russia.
  • IAL System is based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid. The drug IAL System ACP contains stabilized hyaluronate. Made in Italy;
  • Contains pure hyaluronic acid. Country of origin: Italy;
  • Spanish products;
  • Meso-Wharton P199, meso cocktail containing hyaluronate, vitamins, microelements, amino acids. Produced in South Korea;
  • Princess Rich, a cocktail containing hyaluron and glycerin. Produced in Austria;
  • Teosyal-Meso. The composition includes pure hyaluronate, the drug Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity - a mix of hyaluron, lidocaine, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins. Produced in Switzerland.
  • Country of origin: Italy;
  • Yvoire Hydro. Korean drug for hair biorevitalization;
  • Gialripayer bioreparant (Russia). Contains modified hyaluronic acid, lysine, ascorbic acid, glycine.

Mesoestetic mesohyal BIOTIN

Biorevitalizant is produced in Spain. Contains hyaluronic acid and biotin. The use of the drug accelerates biochemical reactions in cells, increases the quantitative content of vitamins, proteins, and minerals in the dermis.

When used to improve the condition of curls, it reduces their fragility and prevents hair loss.

Mesoestetic mesohyal is suitable for eliminating age-related changes and treating androgenetic alopecia. Improves the condition of the scalp with seborrheic dermatitis. Can be used in combination with other mesohyal products.

Mesoestetic mesohyal VITAMIN C

In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains vitamin C in high concentration. The combined action of the two main components is ensured by:

  • Activation of collagen production;
  • Protection of cell membranes from the action of free radicals;
  • Skin lightening.

The use of Mesoestetic mesohyal VITAMIN C for biorevitalization of hair increases its elasticity and reduces hair loss in cases of seborrheic dermatitis.

Myths about biorevitalization

  • THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOUNG GIRLS TO APPLY TO THE PROCEDURE. This is far from true, and at a young age problems can be identified for which the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the epidermis is optimally suited;
  • BIOREVITALIZATION IS NOT EFFECTIVE AFTER 35 YEARS. There are no age restrictions for this procedure; its ineffectiveness is explained only by contraindications and certain diseases in old age;
  • INJECTING DRUGS IS VERY PAINFUL. The degree of pain is determined by the individual sensitivity of the body; in most cases, injections are tolerable;
  • THE EFFECT LASTS NO MORE THAN ONE WEEK. If the procedure is done by an experienced specialist, you take into account all the recommendations offered and complete the course to the end, then the beauty of your hair will delight you from 6 to 12 months. The result of the impact depends on the correct choice of product and the number of sessions;
  • HARDWARE TECHNIQUES PRODUCE LESS POSITIVE CHANGES. The injection method of introducing hyaluronate into the skin is the simplest and fastest. Hardware methods are no different from this in terms of their effectiveness, but they may require more time;
  • THE HIGHER THE CONCENTRATION OF HYALURONIC ACID IN THE PRODUCT, THE BETTER THE RESULT. Not true, the optimal amount of hyaluronate is selected based on the type of skin and hair. If you introduce too much of the drug, the opposite effect is possible - cell dehydration, that is, loss of moisture;
  • BIOREVITALIZATION IS DANGEROUS TO HEALTH. This is true only if the master does not have the appropriate qualifications and uses low-quality preparations in his work.

Hair mesotherapy

A whole cocktail of active microelements, vitamins, including hyaluronic acid is injected under the scalp. Beneficial substances enter directly into the hair follicle, which promotes increased hair growth and improves its general condition.

How does hair biorevitalization differ from mesotherapy?

Biorevitalization is aimed at moisturizing the skin, cell regeneration, and improving hair condition. The product uses hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The effect of hair biorevitalization lasts from several weeks to 3-4 months.

For mesotherapy, hyaluron of animal origin is used, so the result of the procedure lasts exactly as long as the drug is in the body. But the effect of mesotherapy, unlike hair biorevitalization, occurs instantly. To keep your curls well-groomed all the time, you should repeat the procedure periodically.

Biorevitalization is often used as a preventative measure to slow down the aging process and moisturize the skin and hair. Due to the larger amount of useful substances, mesotherapy can be used even when specific problems already exist: baldness, seborrhea, dandruff formation, itching and dry skin, dry and brittle hair.

Mesotherapy in the beauty salon “Bahamas for Mom”

The composition of the therapeutic cocktail is selected individually by a cosmetologist and includes exactly the ratio of substances that is optimal for eliminating the existing hair problem. The number of injections is also individual.

How is the procedure performed?

  1. First, the specialist cleanses the head with a special shampoo.
  2. In order for the drug to be better absorbed, a microcurrent therapy session is first performed.
  3. Then the medicinal composition is injected over the entire surface of the head to a depth of 1-2 mm.
  4. After injections, small lumps sometimes appear, which usually resolve within a day.

How does hair change after mesotherapy?

Injecting into the scalp increases blood circulation, cells are saturated with vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. Hyaluron attracts liquid, due to which the scalp and follicles are additionally moisturized.

As a result:
  • hair begins to grow faster, becomes thicker and denser;
  • their elasticity increases, fragility decreases;
  • curls become shiny and their color more saturated;
  • the scalp also becomes healthier: dryness goes away, dandruff disappears.
Cost of hair mesotherapy

The price for a course of restorative procedures depends on their quantity. To achieve a lasting result, it is advisable to undergo several sessions, the number of which will be determined only by a cosmetologist. To find out the cost of one procedure, call our beauty salon or check the prices directly on the website.

Rules for hair care after the procedure

The stability of the result obtained during biorevitalization and the least likelihood of developing side effects are determined by how correctly the head is cared for after the procedure.


  • Stop washing your hair for 1-2 days;
  • Do not massage your head for several days;
  • For two weeks, avoid exposing your head to too low and high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Do not visit solariums, baths, swimming pools, saunas for at least 14 days;
  • For the first 5-6 days, avoid aggressive effects on the strands, that is, do not dye or perm.

The hair restoration specialists also give additional recommendations to their clients, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the body.


“I have naturally thin hair, so the hairstyles that I like cannot be created with it. I tried many methods to increase the density of my curls, the last time it was biorevitalization. So far I’m quite happy with the effect - after three weeks the curls at the roots became noticeably denser and thicker, in a month I’ll repeat the session, especially since such a service is not so expensive” - ZHENYA, 28 YEARS OLD.

“After reading about biorevitalization, I decided to treat my strands, dried out by many years of bleaching. At the salon they dissuaded me from getting injections, and instead they forced me to use shampoos and balms with hyaluronic acid, which supposedly work in the same way. As a result, having given a rather large amount, I didn’t see any results after two months” - OLESYA.

“I didn’t really count on a positive effect in changing the condition of my dull and brittle hair from biorevitalization. I signed up for the procedure on the advice of a specialist, especially since it was part of some training course and cost only 100 rubles. I was pleased with the result immediately - the strands became soft, a noticeable shine appeared, and after about two weeks I noticed that the roots had become stronger. The injections are not too painful, only in some places I felt a strong tingling sensation. I’ve already signed up for a repeat session next month” – ILONA.

Treatments for hair loss in salons for women and men

Long, thick and shiny hair is not only the dream of most women, but also an indicator of health. Unfortunately, in the modern world, hair problems are far from uncommon. Due to frequent stress, hormonal changes, and health problems, hair often suffers. They become dull and look absolutely lifeless. Hair loss is one of the most common problems that almost every woman has encountered at least once. If your hair falls out above the permissible norm, which is about 150 hairs a day, then you should take control of your health condition and think about using anti-hair loss treatments. The problem of hair loss should be solved with the help of a set of measures. Initially, you need to find the cause of this disease by consulting a doctor. If you do not have any problems with hormones, deficiencies of macroelements and vitamins, then consult a trichologist. After an in-depth study of the problem, a specialist will help you choose treatment and proper scalp care, and recommend cosmetic procedures against hair loss that are right for you. Treatments against hair loss at the cosmetology center are aimed at restoring hair, increasing its thickness, giving hair a healthy shine and increasing its elasticity.


When the question arises, what procedures help with hair loss, most often experts recommend mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure during which special vitamin compounds or preparations are injected under the skin using injections. The solution is selected individually by a cosmetologist based on your problem. Mesotherapy is used not only to solve the problem of hair loss. The procedure also helps with diseases such as seborrhea, dandruff, ringworm, and helps solve the problem of split ends of hair. Benefits of the procedure:

  • Stimulates hair growth;
  • Slows down the development of gray hair;
  • Improves blood supply to hair follicles;
  • The procedure has a long-term effect;
  • Used to treat scalp diseases.

How is the procedure done?
The drug is injected under the patient's scalp to a depth of 2-4 mm. The drug itself is selected individually by a trichologist or cosmetologist. The most commonly used cocktails contain amino acids, vitamin B, hyaluronic acid and zinc. Such injections are made throughout the entire scalp every 1.5-2 cm. To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure and for the treatment to have the most significant effect, it is necessary to complete a course of 8 to 10 sessions. The frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor; usually the procedure is performed once every two weeks. You should not expect visible results immediately after the first procedure. The result will become noticeable after a month, and you will be able to observe the maximum effect only after six months. It is then that the body absorbs all the introduced nutrients as much as possible.

Are there any side effects to the procedure?

  • Mesotherapy is a low-traumatic procedure, but some side effects can still be observed.
  • Pain during the procedure can be expressed completely differently for each patient. It all depends on the pain threshold.
  • Edema and erythema. Possible for several hours after the procedure, everything is purely individual.
  • Allergic reactions to any components of the selected drug for mesotherapy are possible. People who have a tendency to allergies should notify their doctor in advance before selecting a cocktail.

What are the contraindications?

  • Oncology;
  • Diabetes;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys during exacerbation;
  • ARVI;
  • Various blood diseases;
  • Intolerance to mesococktail components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.


What other treatments are there for hair loss in beauty salons? Plasmolifting (or plasma therapy) is a procedure whose effect is aimed directly at the scalp. The procedure is used to restore hair and to solve the problem of hair loss. This procedure is often recommended for people suffering from excessive hair loss who experience:

  • Alopecia;
  • Hair loss;
  • Dry and brittle hair, split ends;
  • Dandruff;
  • Itchy scalp.

Advantages of the procedure
The procedure technique is absolutely safe and natural.
Plasma does not cause any allergic reactions. The procedure does not require the use of general anesthesia; it is enough to numb the scalp if necessary. Plasma therapy does not require any lengthy preparation. The effect of the procedure lasts for a long time. How is the procedure done?
Immediately before the procedure, the doctor takes venous blood from the patient. You will need approximately 20 ml. The test tube is placed in a special centrifuge, where the plasma is separated from other blood elements. In some cases, drugs to stimulate hair growth may also be added to the plasma. Plasma is injected under the scalp to a depth of no more than 1 mm. The procedure itself will take approximately 1 hour.

Are there any side effects to the procedure?
Plasmolifting has only one significant drawback: when choosing a negligent and illiterate specialist, there is a high risk of blood poisoning. Therefore, you should take your choice of doctor seriously.

  • What are the contraindications?
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Oncology.

In order to choose the most effective recovery procedure, we advise you to sign up for a free consultation at our clinic. We are waiting for you at our cosmetology center “Galamed”

Is it possible to restore hair using biorevitalization?

Using this technique:

  • Metabolic processes are activated;
  • Blood circulation improves;
  • The supply of nutrients to the follicles increases;
  • Skin hydration increases.

Thanks to such effects, curls can be made voluminous, thick, shiny and strong. But it is necessary to take into account that the cause of hair loss and deterioration in its appearance may be a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

Therefore, to eliminate serious problems with curls, a complete examination of the body and an integrated approach to treatment is necessary, one of the points of which may be biorevitalization.

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