Burdock oil is an effective remedy for restoring damaged hair.

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

A hair mask with burdock oil is a source of vitamins, flavonoids, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. It contains B vitamins, vitamin A, E, C, as well as iron, calcium and chromium. Inulin, which is a valuable substance of natural origin, helps cleanse the scalp and moisturize it. Therefore, with the help of masks you can significantly improve the condition of the scalp, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and get rid of the problem of early baldness. The product not only gives hair an attractive appearance, it heals it, strengthens the roots from the inside, and increases their vitality.

Thanks to the regular use of masks based on squeezing burdock roots (this is what burdock oil is made from), you can solve many hair problems, including:

  • Dropping out.
  • Slow growth.
  • Dandruff.
  • Increased fragility.
  • Mechanical hair damage (perm, blow-drying, pulling with tongs, etc.).
  • Split ends of hair.
  • Initial stage of alopecia.
  • Itchy scalp and oily seborrhea.

The mask should be used on a regular basis. This is the only way to achieve a positive effect.

Features of the drug

The minerals in the product are beneficial for the health of curls: zinc, iron, chromium, etc. These elements accelerate growth, reduce the likelihood of thinning, and prevent hair loss. Thanks to them, the hair acquires shine and the hair becomes elastic. The complex of minerals promotes the renewal of hair cells.

Other important substances in the product:

  • Inulin. It has moisturizing properties, which promotes the penetration of nutrients deep into the tissues.
  • Fatty acids that protect against negative external influences.
  • Tannins that strengthen curls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of burdock oil:

  • composition rich in nutrients;
  • relative cheapness of the product and its availability;
  • a protective film is created around each hair, acting as a barrier to the effects of aggressive environmental factors;
  • comprehensive solution to numerous problems;
  • eliminates many problems in a fairly short period of time;
  • ease of use.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • formation of additional fat content in curls;
  • a large amount of oil is required;
  • clogging of pores (to avoid this, you will need to rinse off the product well with shampoo and do not leave it on the dermis for more than 50 minutes);
  • possibility of a reverse effect (in case of individual intolerance).

It happens that after the first or second procedure of using burdock extract, you began to notice even more hair loss. You shouldn’t be afraid, because already dead hairs are burdened with an oily base and begin to actively fall out. When this process continues, discard the product and be sure to consult a trichologist.

Indications and use

Burdock oil for hair can solve various problems. But at the same time it must be used regularly, and not from time to time. Masks based on burdock are indicated for weakening hair and slowing down its growth. They help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss under the influence of external negative factors. Burdock oil, when used regularly, relieves itching of the scalp, which occurs for various reasons. It allows you to successfully fight dandruff.

Burdock oil is most often rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements. The balanced composition of a natural product with a huge amount of useful substances enhances regeneration processes and provides the roots with complete nutrition.

Efficiency of use

Burdock oil, which is produced from burdock roots, can nourish curls with the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • microelements;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids;
  • stearic and tannic acid;
  • inulin of natural origin;
  • minerals.

All these useful components penetrate not only into the hollow structure of the hair itself, but also into the hair follicle. Will this oil help? Of course yes. The follicles are nourished and activated, so the hair begins to grow faster, and the “sleeping” follicles awaken, throwing out a new strong hair.

Do not think that the effect will occur immediately after 1-2 sessions. It should take at least 1.5–2 months for you to notice an improvement in the condition of your hair. This is exactly how long it takes to strengthen the hair follicle, which can throw out a new, stronger and more beautiful hair.

Thus, burdock oil promotes:

  • activation of hair growth by feeding the follicle and improving microcirculation;
  • establishing metabolic processes at the cellular level, as well as improved regeneration of the epidermis;
  • elimination of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • getting rid of microbes living on the scalp;
  • better natural shine and color activation;
  • thickening of too soft hair;
  • eliminating split ends;
  • the formation of an immune response of the skin to an external irritant.

Contraindications and negative reactions of the body

The only contraindication to the use of burdock oil is individual intolerance to the natural product. In very rare cases, it can provoke allergic reactions.

In order to eliminate hypersensitivity, you need to apply a little burdock oil to the skin in the wrist area and leave for a certain time. If the skin does not turn red and no other negative reactions occur, the oil can be used for hair care.

A conditional contraindication is oily scalp. But even in this case, burdock oil masks have a positive effect on hair. The only recommendation is to use a moderate amount of a natural product.

How long do you need to use masks to achieve visible results?

In fact, after the first use of a mask with burdock oil, hair becomes healthier and stronger. However, you will not be able to see the result immediately. To visually evaluate the effect of the masks, you need to undergo a hair restoration course. Depending on their condition, it can last for 1.5-2 months. After this time, the hair will stop falling out and will become smoother, silkier and thicker.

If hair loss has not stopped or has intensified, you should consult a trichologist. It is possible that the cause of alopecia is hidden in poor diet, lack of vitamins or some disease. In this case, masks with burdock oil will not be able to provide sufficient effect even if used regularly.

Author of the article: German Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, especially for the site ayzdorov.ru

Application rules

Burdock oil is applied to hair in different ways. The product is used both to nourish the roots and hair along the entire length. The choice of application method depends on the purpose of using the product.

Standard sequence of actions when using burdock oil to strengthen hair.

  • Hair should be washed as usual and dried with a soft towel.
  • The slightly warmed product should be applied to the hair roots with massage movements or distributed over the entire length of the hair using a comb. Alternatively, you can use a special brush.
  • Treated hair should be covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a terry towel.

The duration of the mask depends on the condition of the hair and existing problems. A wrap for a couple of hours is done for dry skin and brittle, thinning hair. If the goal of a burdock mask is to accelerate hair growth, then it is enough to leave the product on for an hour. To slow down hair loss, you can apply a mask of burdock oil for the whole day.

It is important to rinse off the product correctly. To do this, use warm water. First, distribute the shampoo throughout your hair, massaging the scalp. Next, you need to rinse your hair under running water. If it was not possible to wash off the oily base the first time, the procedure can be repeated.

How to properly wash off a mask?

Many women refuse to use masks with burdock oil for the reason that it is difficult to wash off, leaving behind a greasy shine on their hair. Firstly, if some of the oil remains on the hair, nothing bad will happen. This will only enhance the beneficial effect of the product used.

Secondly, if a woman is still concerned about the aesthetic appearance of her hair, then she needs to wash off the oil correctly. It repels water, so there is no need to rush to wet your hair. Otherwise, the shampoo simply will not adhere to the surface of the hair.

First you need to lather a little shampoo in your palms with the addition of water until foam forms. This foam is applied to hair coated with burdock oil. Now you need to try to foam the applied composition on your hair. If you can’t do this, you can lightly wet your hair. The water should be hot, naturally, within reasonable limits.

Then you need to apply a little more shampoo to your head, lather it and rinse your hair. Repeating the procedure two or three times is enough to completely cleanse your hair of burdock oil. After washing your hair, you should not use a hairdryer; your hair should dry on its own. Otherwise, most of the effect obtained from applying the mask will be lost.

The following components help neutralize oil and absorb excess oil from hair:

  • Egg yolk. In order to remove oil from your hair, you need to beat two yolks into it, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo. However, the water should not be hot.
  • Shampoo with the addition of baking soda will help get rid of oily shine on your hair. You just need to add soda to the shampoo in a ratio of 1:3.
  • You can dissolve mustard powder in a liter of warm water and rinse your hair with this mixture. Then you just need to rinse them with warm water. You can use shampoo.
  • You can add lemon juice to the water. For one liter of water you will need the juice of one lemon. By reacting with the oil, the acid will effectively remove it from the hair.

With these simple and affordable recipes, you can easily remove the remnants of the mask from your hair without harming its health.

Useful tips

To strengthen your hair, it is recommended to make hair masks using burdock oil weekly. For dry hair, procedures can be carried out twice a week. In this case, the positive effect depends on the regularity of actions.

If dandruff appears, you need to rub burdock oil into the roots of your hair every three days. The duration of treatment procedures is 10 days. After this, you need to take a 20-day break, and if dandruff recurs, you should repeat the course of treatment. But, as a rule, one intensive treatment cycle is enough to improve hair health.

You should not make masks from burdock oil and leave them on overnight. In this case, a prolonged greenhouse effect can lead to clogged pores, which will worsen the overall condition of the hair. The exception is when a natural product is applied to the ends of the hair to remove split ends.

Recipes for hair masks with burdock oil

There are many recipes for hair masks with burdock oil. All of them are quite effective. A selection of the most effective masks is as follows.

Multi-component masks

Recipe 1.

A mask with burdock oil and kefir will restore dry and lifeless hair. It is good to use when they have been exposed to a hair dryer or dyes. To prepare the mask you will need 50 ml of kefir, a teaspoon of burdock oil, half a tablespoon of any liquid honey and chicken yolk. All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other and applied to the scalp and hair roots. The holding time of this product ranges from 40 to 60 minutes.

Recipe 2.

A fortified hair mask will improve its structure, making hair thicker, silkier and smoother. To prepare the composition you will need a tablespoon of oil, vitamin A and vitamin E in a volume of 5 ml. Vitamins are added to preheated oil and left on the head for 30 minutes.

Recipe 3.

Oil hair mask. This mask contains a teaspoon of burdock and olive oil, which must be additionally enriched with two drops of vitamin A and E. All components should be mixed and then heated in a water bath. The holding time is half an hour. It is good to apply this mixture not only to the roots of the hair, but also to distribute it along its entire length right up to the very ends. Regular use of an oil mask will make your hair silky, shiny and thick.

Simple masks

Recipe 1.

To soften hair, activate its growth and prevent early baldness, you can use the “burdock oil + honey” mask. To prepare it, you will need to mix both components in the volume of one teaspoon. The product is applied to the scalp, hair roots and along its entire length. The minimum exposure time is 1 hour.

Recipe 2.

Mask with burdock oil and nettle decoction. To prepare the composition, you will need to pour two tablespoons of nettle with 250 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid. After half an hour, the infusion needs to be strained. To prepare the mask, you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of the prepared infusion with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour. To prevent the remaining nettle infusion from disappearing, you need to mix it with a liter of warm boiled water and, after washing your hair, rinse your hair with it.

Recipe 3.

You can nourish your hair with vitamins, eliminate its fragility and speed up growth by adding egg yolk to the oil. The composition is very simple: you need 1 yolk and two teaspoons of oil. The exposure time of this product on the hair is an hour.

Recipe 4.

To get rid of dandruff and flaking of the scalp, you can add a teaspoon of aloe juice to one tablespoon of warm oil. This composition is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp. You can leave the mask on for several hours or even overnight. High-quality hydration after using this combination is guaranteed.

Recipe 5.

In order to enhance hair growth and more effectively combat hair loss, you can use a “burdock oil + onion” mask. To prepare it you will need a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a teaspoon of honey. All components are mixed and applied to the scalp for half an hour.

Masks for blondes and brunettes

Recipe 1.

Mask with burdock oil and cocoa. This product is great for women with dark hair color. Blondes are not recommended to use such a mask, as it can give the strands a dark tint. In order to prepare the mask, you will need to dilute 50 g of cocoa powder in warm milk until a paste is obtained. Then a tablespoon of burdock oil is added to this mixture and applied to the roots. If desired, you can distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair. The exposure time of the mask is 2-3 hours. In addition to strengthening the hair, the woman is guaranteed to receive increased shine and shine.

Recipe 2.

For blondes, a mask with burdock oil and lemon juice is suitable. In addition to making your hair healthier, this composition will make it a little lighter. Women with dark hair are not recommended to use the mask. To prepare it you will need the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. After mixing these components, you need to apply them to the scalp, grabbing the root part of the hair and leave for half an hour. Thanks to this mixture, you will be able to get rid of dullness, dandruff and hair loss.

Masks that require an allergy test

Recipe 1.

You can speed up hair growth, increase blood flow to the scalp and get rid of early alopecia using an oil-mustard mask. To prepare it, you will need to dilute a tablespoon of mustard with a tablespoon of water, add one chicken yolk and 2 teaspoons of burdock oil to the resulting mixture. The resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The exposure time of such a mask should not exceed half an hour.

Attention! If the scalp is irritated or there is any damage on it, then you should avoid using a mask with mustard. The mixture is applied only to the scalp and hair roots. This mask is not distributed over the entire length of the hair.

Recipe 2.

Mask with burdock oil and pepper. Due to the warming effect, it will be possible to increase blood flow to the hair roots, which will contribute to their accelerated growth. To prepare the mask, you will need to mix a teaspoon of oil and red pepper tincture concentrate. It is best to apply this mask only to the hair roots. The holding time should not exceed 30 minutes.

Attention! Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. You need to apply a ready-made mask to the skin of your wrist. If itching, burning or irritation occurs, it is better to avoid using this product. In addition, you need to be especially careful when washing the mask off your head so that it does not get into your eyes.

All of the above masks have beneficial qualities. However, it is not at all necessary to supplement burdock oil with any components. Oil itself is already an excellent source for enriching hair with nutrients. It can be used in its pure form, which will also help to heal and strengthen the strands.

Combination with other components

To enhance the effectiveness of hair masks, burdock oil is often used in combination with other ingredients. In particular, for oily hair, it is combined with grape seed extract and grapefruit juice, taken in equal proportions. This mixture nourishes the hair without weighing it down.

You can buy a hair care product that combines burdock oil with pepper. This mixture has an irritating effect on the scalp and improves blood circulation in the tissues. This enhances hair growth. This mask can be prepared at home. Add 5 g of hot pepper to 40 ml of burdock oil. To strengthen hair, you can buy burdock oil with propolis in pharmacies.

There are many other recipes for hair masks based on burdock oil. It is important to use a quality product to prepare them. It is important that it is packaged in dark glass bottles. When exposed to light, burdock oil loses some of its healing properties. You should avoid products that contain cosmetic fragrances. In addition, the packaging must indicate the composition of the product and its expiration date.

How to choose the right burdock oil?

The assortment of burdock oil, which is presented in pharmacies and stores today, is very diverse. The main criterion for choosing high-quality burdock oil is the absence of fragrances and preservatives. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The best oil can be considered to be one that consists 100% of burdock root extract. If such an oil contains additional components of plant origin, then this is rather a plus. They will help enhance the therapeutic effect and more fully disclose all the beneficial substances.
  • The packaging in which the oil is located must not be transparent. It is good if it is poured into dark glass containers, which are additionally placed in cardboard boxes.
  • The label must indicate the composition of the product, detailed information about its manufacturers, the shelf life of the oil and the required storage conditions.

Based on these criteria, you can choose the highest quality and useful product.

TOP 5 products from the best manufacturers

The list includes products that successfully cope with hair loss and dry hair. They belong to the budget segment and are sold in stores and pharmacies.


In addition to the classic one-component version, the manufacturer offers products with the following additives:

  • red pepper;
  • hops;
  • nettle;
  • propolis.

The product is easily washed off and packaged in 155 ml plastic bottles. The recommended course of treatment is a month, as a result the hair becomes shiny, soft, and elastic.


The product is characterized by a thick consistency, which makes it easy to apply. It needs to be evenly distributed over damp, clean strands. The results of regular use are comparable to salon biolamination; hair is fully moisturized, gains thickness, and feels like soft silk to the touch. Burdock extract is packaged in plastic jars, the texture resembles custard, and has a soft, unobtrusive aroma.


It is produced in darkened plastic containers and contains no antioxidants or preservatives. The line with red pepper is in demand: it eliminates hair loss in 2 weeks. Strands acquire a healthy shine and are cleared of dandruff.

Clean line

The bottle is equipped with a dispenser spout, which simplifies the procedure for dispensing the product. Oil of light consistency allows you to reduce the fragility of hair shafts, cope with hair loss, and restore your hair to a natural, healthy look. The product is quickly washed off, softens hair, and makes combing easier.

Kefir mask-removal

With regular use, such a mask will help you “lighten” by 1-2 tones after the first use. It can also be used to smooth out the result of unsuccessful dyeing in dark colors: an acidic environment can etch away part of the stable pigment. Kefir has strengthening properties and is suitable for all hair types. The egg contains a whole set of micro- and macroelements that help prevent split ends, hair loss and dandruff. Lemon can open up hair scales and make the tone lighter. To make a kefir mask, you will need the following components:

  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • one fresh egg;
  • cognac or vodka – 20 ml.

The longer you leave the composition on your hair, the more noticeable the effect will be. It should be washed off without shampoo and not earlier than after six hours. Of course, you shouldn’t expect drastic changes after the first use. To achieve results, you need to use the mask 1-2 times a week.

Homemade recipe

You can make this unique product yourself. According to one of the trusted recipes, to prepare it you need to take 70 grams of burdock root (fresh or dried) and chop thoroughly. Then pour 150 ml of any vegetable oil into the raw material (almond, olive and even sunflower will do). The resulting mixture is stored in a dark place for a week and a half. When it has stood, a small amount is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes and applied to the hair. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Pharmaceutical oil has a lighter texture and is easier to wash out. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition and color. It shouldn't be greenish. Sometimes the composition may contain extracts of various medicinal herbs, but oil should be first on the list.

Those with blonde hair can try burdock oil with chamomile.

How to choose the right product?

There are many brightening oils available now. Their composition is different, and the visible result after use will also be different.

Attention! Lightening oil is intended for use on strands with natural color. Those who have used dye should look for other lightening methods, as it will not be effective on colored curls.

When purchasing cosmetic oils, you should pay attention to the composition. There should be more natural ingredients. It is also good when the composition is enriched with vitamins.

It is important where the product is purchased. Typically, natural oils that are truly effective should be sold in specialty stores. As a rule, mass-market products only discolor strands without positively affecting their structure.

How to use the product?

Burdock oil will help solve the problem of excessive dry scalp and dandruff. It has been used for a long time to perform simple massage. To do this, after making a parting, apply the product to your fingertips and gently massage the scalp, lightly pressing on it. So they go part by part, carefully separating strands of hair, and massage the entire scalp. This procedure takes about ten minutes, but greatly improves blood circulation and makes the scalp smooth. If dandruff is profuse, then this massage should be done every other day before bed. In the future, the procedure can be done only before washing your hair.

For dry hair, a mask is very useful, which is done no more than twice a week. Its composition is very simple and accessible. Beat two egg yolks with two tablespoons of burdock oil. Add three tablespoons of arnica and a tablespoon of mayonnaise to the mixture. To this mixture you need to add honey, previously melted (1 tsp) and two crushed cloves of garlic. The resulting mask should be rubbed into the roots, and the remaining mass should be distributed throughout the curls. Keep the mask on for about an hour, wrapping your head in a towel, then wash off using regular shampoo.

Everyone knows that with constant dyeing, curls are seriously damaged. This especially applies to those who dye their dark curls light. In this case, burdock oil for blondes is simply irreplaceable. Based on it, you can make a wonderful mask that can be used as often as you want. It includes:

  • One teaspoon each of burdock and castor oil;
  • two teaspoons of lemon juice.

This mixture is thoroughly mixed, rubbed into the skin and distributed through the hair. Having wrapped your head well, you forget about the mask for an hour or two. Wash off with water, and to consolidate the effect, use egg yolk instead of shampoo. By the way, henna is also good for blondes.

I have heard the phrase “only silicones are suitable for damaged, bleached and dyed hair, and oils only for undyed hair” so often that I decided to write and prove the opposite) But first I would like to clarify some points that will help you understand the benefits and harms of oils. Shall we begin?

Dry hair. Why is that?

(popular photo that clearly shows the differences)

Hair becomes dry due to damage to the cuticle scales, which break, “fall off”, and expose the hair, which leads to evaporation of moisture from the inside. There are many reasons for the “killing” of hair, but the result is similar. Damaged hair becomes porous because the cuticle is damaged or constantly open.

How to “cure” hair?

(damaged hair)

Well, we are not children here to believe that hair can be cured. Hair can be restored, but only for a certain time. Hydrolyzed proteins (keratin, protein, collagen, elastin) are considered the best in this matter. They patch holes in the keratin fibers of the hair, restoring damaged areas. It is hydrolyzed proteins that are important, because in “pure” proteins (for example, egg) the molecule is too large, which physically cannot get under the hair cuticle and, of course, restore it. Ideal for our purposes is hydrolyzed protein. Its size allows it to penetrate under the cuticle, integrate into the damaged area and anchor there (it is not washed out by water). CONCLUSION No. 1: Oils do not heal, but damaged hair can be perfectly moisturized and prevent dryness, because oils can replenish the lipid structure for a long time.

Enveloping and penetrating oils

Not all oils are needed by hair; some are simply useless. They are divided into penetrating and enveloping.

Enveloping oils: as the name suggests, they do not penetrate the hair, but envelop it, thereby preventing moisture evaporation. We usually use silicones for this) The most popular are jojoba, broccoli, almond, flaxseed, argan (used as a leave-in on ends). Penetrating oils: have the right molecular size to get under the hair cuticle and nourish with vitamins, sterols and fatty acids. The best: virgin coconut oil (unrefined), avocado, shea butter, olive oil, macadamia oil (thanks to new research). In general, there may be some others, but the study was carried out only with these oils. Takeaway #2: Use penetrating oils to moisturize.

What determines the result of oil hair wrap?

Discussions are still ongoing on this point. Let's think logically - what kind of hair needs moisture? That's right, dry. What happens if you apply an oil mask to sufficiently moisturized hair? That's right, it will overload the structure of the hair shaft, open the cuticle and there will be a feeling of dryness (hence there are so many complaints about dryness after coconut oil), and maybe even worse - the hair will break off under such pressure, literally tearing. Have you read the post about how an excess of keratin “explodes” your hair? Well, it’s the same here, and all because of lauric acid (coconut oil consists of 50% of it). Another reason for dryness is that oils dissolve silicones accumulated in the hair and, as a result, show us our current hair condition. Conclusion No. 3: determine whether your hair needs strong moisture.

I’ll tell you how I do it, and you can customize the “witchcraft” to suit yourself)

  1. Mix the ingredients. First, melt the butter directly in a bowl (if it is a butter), then add liquid oil, and at the very end - essential oils (for shine).
  2. Warm the mixture a little and apply to hair from roots to ends. I didn’t notice the difference between “comb it” or “leave it as it is,” so I don’t see the point in once again injuring my hair by combing.
  3. Braid your hair/make a bun/gather your hair and forget about the mask for 10 hours. It is more convenient to do this before bed. I’ll say right away that my pillowcase has never gotten dirty, because I apply oil without excess, so I don’t put any hats/bags on my head.
  4. In the morning (after 10 hours), wash off the mask with shampoo. Don't worry about oily scalp - penetrating oils are easily washed out. Shampoo without SLS takes 1 lathering longer.
  5. After shampoo, use any conditioner to close the hair cuticle and “seal” the oils.
  6. Apply a leave-in solution to retain moisture inside.
  7. Enjoy nourished and soft hair, as well as the aroma of coconut and/or avocado)
Oils I use

When using other oils that are not penetrating, you will not get the moisturizing effect. Oils will remain on the surface of the hair and will protect it, some can make the hair softer and give crazy shine, but this has no real benefit (it is for shine and smell that I sometimes add cocoa butter). Then why so much hassle with a mask and rinsing off, if you can apply a silicone leave-in solution? With penetrating oils, you won't need to look for a moisturizing mask that works.

I will not say that oil masks should be done in a course, because we all have different care, hair type, and rhythm of life. Just saying a few things you should know:

  1. Oils should be applied for AT LEAST 10 hours. In less time, oil molecules will not be able to penetrate under the hair cuticle and will not be able to moisturize it.
  2. Oils should only be applied to DRY hair. Otherwise, water molecules will fill the hair itself and will not allow the oil to pass through.
  3. It is important to understand which oil or combination of oils is best for your hair, and you should choose from “penetrating” oils.
  4. You should not “bathe” your hair in oil. The amount of oil that can penetrate inside the hair is limited, so most of it will remain on the surface, but the excess will have to be washed out with shampoo longer.
  5. The mixture of oils can be applied to “dirty” hair. Oil dissolves most silicones, so even with this application it will work.


Oil wraps are a good supportive treatment for damaged hair. It’s very cool to grow healthy hair in this way and at the same time maintain already “dead” hair, besides, the mask also disguises split hair. The main thing is to know whether your hair needs strong moisture or not. Oil masks will not replace your full-fledged care (moisturizing - nutrition - restoration - protection), but they do a good job with the first and last. It is not necessary to “sit” only on organic or professional care, for example, I am one of those lucky ones who can combine professional and oils, just listen to the needs of your hair) By the way, coconut oil and avocado oil weakly wash out pigment from the hair (unlike olive, burdock, castor, almond, etc.), but you should still wait 10 days after painting.

Effect on my hair:

The tangles are smoothed out, damaged and split hair are hidden and moisturized, the hair lies one to one and is soft (the ends are dry, because they haven’t been cut for 5 months, in general, after the NG, a bob is ruban, because there is a lot of damage)

(1 photo - after the Kapus mask, 2 photos - after only shampoo, 3 photos - only the oil mixture (without leave-in washes and conditioner).

Lightening and bleaching with dyes containing hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, of course, harms the hair to one degree or another. However, if light hair suffers less, since when bleaching it there is no need to keep the dye for a long time, then lightening dark, and especially dyed hair, is a real problem. Not only does their structure deteriorate more, but the resulting color is often not pleasing. Hair either lightens unevenly when dyeing it yourself, or acquires an unpleasant red or yellow tint. Therefore, it is better for brunettes and girls with dyed hair to do without amateur performances. As a last resort, if you absolutely do not want to go to the salon, or decide to give up chemical dyes, you can resort to folk remedies that, although they will not make you a bright blonde, will not cause harm.

Let us make a reservation that the recipes proposed in this article for hair bleaching with folk remedies are intended specifically for colored hair, that is, they do not destroy the natural pigment, but “wash out” the foreign one. It is useful to resort to them if you decide to abandon coloring altogether and grow out your color, or if you are not satisfied with the acquired shade.

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