Darsonval for spider veins - for rosacea on the face, technique and reviews

Cuperosis is a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system, characterized by dilation of blood vessels. Most often it occurs in those with sensitive, thin dermis. A common cause of this disease is heredity. Also, rosacea can occur due to poor diet, bad habits, an environment with sudden temperature changes, abuse of coffee, ultraviolet radiation, and stress. There is a widespread belief that neglecting the problem can lead to cosmetic defects that can be corrected with foundation. However, with prolonged inactivity, the skin will begin to fade at an increased rate. For this reason, it is worth using the Darsonval facial procedure.

What is rosacea and what causes its appearance?

Cuperosis is not just a cosmetic defect, it is a disease caused by impaired blood circulation. Due to malfunctions in the circulatory system, the vessels weaken, lose tone, and the walls lose all elasticity. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of a scarlet “pattern” of capillary mesh and most often traces of rosacea appear on the face.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • insufficient or improper skin care;
  • regular or abruptly changing exposure to heat or frost;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • weakness of the walls of blood vessels as a hereditary factor;
  • autoimmune processes due to which the lining of blood vessels becomes inflamed and damaged;
  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • VSD and hypertension;
  • hormonal imbalances (which is especially typical during pregnancy);
  • improper diet containing excessive amounts of spicy, hot, sweet foods;
  • bad habits;
  • long-term mechanical impact on the skin.

Pale, thin and very sensitive skin needs special care. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to normalize your diet, give up bad habits, avoid direct UV rays in hot weather, and use protective creams both in summer and in cold weather.

Attention! Couperosis does not pose a particular danger to human life and health. This is more of a cosmetic defect that brings discomfort and affects the age group from 40 to 50 years.


The following symptoms occur with varicose veins:

  • by the end of the day, the legs swell noticeably;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness, burning, tingling in the legs;
  • At night, cramps in the calves are possible;
  • blue-violet spider veins appear;
  • veins darken, dilate and bulge;
  • Varicose nodes appear.

In the initial stages of the disease, a woman may only be bothered by swelling that goes away after a full night's rest. But if varicose veins are not treated, the situation will worsen.

Trophic ulcers may occur. Due to impaired blood supply, soft tissue necrosis will develop. This allows infection to penetrate into the wound.

Symptoms of varicose veins are limited not only to damage to the lower extremities. What else a pregnant woman may encounter:

  • Varicose veins of the vulva and vagina. The venous pattern on the external genitalia intensifies, causing discomfort during sexual intercourse, defecation, and urination. There is a feeling of heaviness and burning in the perineal area.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvic organs. A woman may be concerned about the appearance of blood in the stool and urine, or spotting during sexual intercourse. On ultrasound, dilation of the uterine veins will be noticeable.
  • Hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum). It is characterized by the appearance of painful nodes inside the rectum, which fall out during defecation.

The appearance of such complaints in pregnant women suggests that there is no time to waste; varicose veins need to be treated urgently.

What is Darsonval, what are its benefits?

If there are changes in the appearance of the skin, which are expressed in dryness and redness of the epithelium, dermatologists recommend resorting to cosmetic procedures to restore the usual state. One of the effective methods is Darsonval - this is a device that exerts a targeted effect on the skin of a weak high-frequency current pulse. By affecting nerve endings, it helps to activate blood vessels and accelerate metabolic processes.

Due to the incoming current, the blood capillaries contract and then expand again. Alternating these two states of the walls of blood vessels strengthens them. Despite how easy this process seems, you should only trust a specialist to perform “gymnastics” for blood vessels. Otherwise, exceeding the required pace and impulse can lead to the blood vessels bursting.

Darsonval for rosacea on the face is useful in the following ways:

  • activates the movement of blood flow and lymph;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • tightens pores;
  • smoothes skin texture;
  • evens out shallow wrinkles;
  • relieves puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • relieves dryness, itching, redness.

The increased outflow of blood leads to the resorption of foci of inflammation that provoked redness. As venous stagnation decreases, capillary networks gradually disappear.

Important! In addition to the “anti-rosacea” effect, Darsonval thoroughly cleanses the skin, rejuvenating it and regulating the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

List of diseases that can be treated with darsonval

The darsonvalization method was developed 100 years ago, and during this time doctors were able to prove its effectiveness in the treatment of dermatological diseases. Many people have heard about such a popular method of therapy, but not everyone has had time to experience the effects of an electrical device.

Today, the device can be used at home, without the help of medical professionals. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved through the impact of high-frequency current on certain areas of the skin. As a rule, people are interested in the question: what can be treated with Darsonval and how effective it is. The technique has become widespread in the treatment of ailments, among which it is worth highlighting:


Diseases such as eczema, fungus, psoriasis, acne, as well as various dermatitis and lichen. In this case, the choice of electric attachment will depend on the severity of the clinical picture and the degree of skin damage. The effectiveness of treating problem skin increases significantly if the darsonvalization procedure is combined with the use of special ointments and creams.

Cosmetological problems

Treats rosacea, sagging skin, sagging facial contours, pronounced folds, wrinkles, swelling and signs of aging. The physiotherapeutic method of treatment has also proven itself in the field of cosmetology. Electrical high-frequency impulses activate metabolic processes in dermal cells and improve blood flow, thereby promoting effective rejuvenation of mature skin. The overall turgor of the epidermis improves, facial wrinkles and creases are smoothed out, bags under the eyes are removed, and the relief of the skin is evened out.

Inflammatory processes

It will help in the treatment of ulcers, pustules, deep wounds. The device is used to restore the integrity of the epithelium after serious injuries, abrasions, and burns. Darsonvalization is indicated after surgery; the physiotherapy procedure promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues.

Darsonval for rosacea on the face

Darsonval, which is prescribed to patients with various complaints, will get rid of spider veins on the face.

This is interesting! Darsonvalization dates back to the 18th century and is the brainchild of the French physiologist Arsene Darsonval. But the intended use of the technique had nothing to do with cosmetology and was used to treat neuralgia, arthritis and serious injuries, accelerating the necessary regeneration processes.

Now darsonvalization is widely known in cosmetology and cosmetologists recommend it not only to combat rosacea, but also to clean fair skin, for which the use of acids and other aggressive components is unacceptable.

Operating principle

There are 2 ways to carry out the procedure: contact and non-contact.

  1. Contact. The electrode is moved in smooth circular movements along the massage lines of the face. The discharges penetrate into the lower layer of the dermis, where restorative therapy occurs. Muscle tissue is tightened, which increases turgor and removes wrinkles. When moving the device over the skin, the patient feels warmth and a slight tingling sensation.
  2. Contactless. The device does not come into contact with the skin, so a higher voltage is set and a discharge is formed at the end of the electrode, which enriches the adjacent space with ozone. The electrode moves according to the same principle at a distance from 1 mm to 4 mm from the surface of the face.

The device has several attachments that are selected for treating the face, scalp and body areas. Darsonvalization with the help of Darsonval for rosacea on the face is also carried out at home, purchasing the device at a pharmacy or on the manufacturer’s official website.

Before purchasing, you need to clearly understand for what purpose the product will be purchased and select the appropriate attachment for contact or non-contact technology. In a T-shaped nozzle, in the form of a balloon or a fungus, the air is ionized during operation and the brighter the glow, the higher the voltage.

Important! Even with low voltage, Darsonval remains an electrical device, which in inept hands can lead to burns, changes in the color of the epithelium and aggravation of many problems!


Under the influence of current, a number of problems that have been troubling for several years disappear:

  • pimples and blackheads;
  • post-acne;
  • comedones;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • peeling;
  • stretch marks;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • bruises;
  • scars;
  • warts, lichen;
  • dermatosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • stretch marks;
  • wrinkles;
  • spider veins and capillary networks.

The use of the device is common in cosmetology clinics, health centers, and private dermatologists. With the help of Darsonval, tissue regeneration increases and metabolic processes are accelerated, oxygen and active nutrients are actively supplied to the dermis.

Darsonvalization is famous for its antiallergic and antiseptic effects, relieves headaches and nervous tension, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Advice! Using Darsonval for localized baldness, lichen, and simply brittle and dry hair after regular use will accelerate hair growth and its quality.

The impact of the Darsonval technique on skin problems

The Darsonval method has become the leading, but at the same time safe, method in the fight against skin diseases associated with blood vessels. This is a device that delivers a light, high-frequency electrical impulse across the skin, affecting nerve endings. Metabolism accelerates, blood vessels are restored. To understand the principle of operation, it is worth considering it in different situations. Find out about rosacea creams here.

Cuperosis (spider veins)

Cuperosis is a consequence of impaired blood microcirculation. To compensate for its deficiency, the capillaries expand and become noticeable. When they become brittle, bluish spots may appear on the face as a result of subcutaneous microbleeds. More often, rosacea is a genetic problem that is inherited.

Cuperosis is considered a cosmetic problem and creams are used. But in reality, it accelerates the aging of the dermis, provokes the appearance of early wrinkles, and deprives the cells of the possibility of adequate nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it, including with the use of Darsonval.

Method of use

Before you begin the procedure, you need to prepare yourself for it. It is worth doing a test to see how the body reacts to electric current. It is possible that such treatment will be contraindicated.

The method is divided into 2 ways:

  1. Remote or non-contact (spark). Implies no contact of the device with the dermis. High voltage is used, creating an electrical discharge. The affected area is enriched with ozone. The electrode moves along the massage lines in a circular motion. The distance between the face and the electrode does not exceed 8 mm.
  2. Contact (quiet). The electrode is in contact with the epidermis, causing the applied voltage to be lower. This use gives the patient a tingling, warm sensation. The method for moving the device is similar to the previous method.

Additional drugs

After therapy, the skin's sensitivity to substances coming from outside improves. It is recommended to use treatment consolidation agents in combination with Darsonvalization:

  1. Angioprotectors. Substances to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You can use grape oil or creams with chestnut or walnut extracts.
  2. Vitamins for nutrition. Thanks to them, the body will recover after therapy, and will also effectively resist diseases. The main priority is given to groups A, E, K. The best vitamin masks are collected here.
  3. Plant extracts. It is a natural source of beneficial nutrients. Black currants, chestnuts, sage, and lemon are better suited.
  4. Humidifiers. Glycerin, hyaluronic acid or lanolin are substances included in medications to combat rosacea. Their use during therapy with the Darsonval method is almost mandatory. This is especially true when one of the goals of therapy is to combat the signs of aging. Find out the recipes for masks with glycerin in the article.
  5. Elastin, collagen. They consolidate the rejuvenating, smoothing effect, and also reduce sensitivity.
  6. Shea butter, almond and tea tree oils. They relieve inflammation and moisturize. Such oils are most often included in masks for rosacea.


A bruise is a hematoma that occurs as a result of rupture of blood vessels and leakage of blood under the skin. Darsonval - deeply penetrating currents that promote the resorption of hematomas.

Darsonvalization is carried out with a mushroom-shaped electrode, which is slowly moved with stroking movements over the area of ​​skin corresponding to the projection of the pathological focus and around it. The intensity of the effect is until the patient feels first weak and then moderate heat. The procedures are carried out daily, their duration depending on the area of ​​influence ranges from 10 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is from 6 - 8 to 10 -12 procedures.

Mushroom nozzle

Only after the examination can treatment with the device be prescribed. Making such a decision on your own is contraindicated. You can aggravate the situation or damage the delicate covering around the eyes.

Contraindications to the procedure

Due to the fact that Darsonval’s effect on the dermis is characterized by high intensity, it is not suitable for everyone and has a wide range of contraindications:

  • arrhythmia and heart disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • recent heart attack/stroke;
  • tuberculosis;
  • herpes and other infectious skin diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased hairiness on the face or other treated area;
  • ulcers;
  • mental disorders.

Darsonvalization, although it is an effective and efficient method of treating rosacea, has many stop factors, the main of which are various diseases. In order not to worsen the situation and not to provoke side effects in the form of allergies, itching, redness, burns, injuries and aggravation of existing diseases, if there is at least one of the contraindications, it is better to abandon the technique.

Important! You cannot “prescribe” darsonvalization for yourself. It is prescribed only by an experienced dermatologist, who has previously received all the tests and is convinced of the proper state of health.

Positive effect of darsonval

The action of the currents is aimed at dilating blood vessels and improving local blood circulation, which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients. Local immunity is strengthened, skin tone increases, and the regeneration of its cells increases. Due to this, small and medium wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is tightened and becomes clearer.

Currents dry the skin, disinfect it, helping to eliminate inflammation, including purulent ones. Pimples, acne, pustules go away, wounds heal faster and do not cause discomfort.

The action of the device, irritating and at the same time drying, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. They begin to produce less oil, the pores are cleared of sebaceous plugs clogging them, which prevents the appearance of acne in the future.

Swelling and inflammation disappear, small hematomas resolve, complexion improves, and a healthy glow appears.

How is the procedure performed?

Many people feel fear when mentioning current and facial skin in the same sentence. But once you understand the methodology, the session will no longer seem so terrifying. The darsonvalization procedure consists of several successive stages, the first and mandatory of which is thorough cleansing of the skin.

The following manipulations follow:

  • after ideal removal of cosmetics and atmospheric pollutants, the face is washed with soft foam or gel;
  • You cannot wipe your face with a towel; instead, lightly blot it with a paper napkin;
  • select the desired nozzle and connect Darsonval to the network;
  • Next, you need to smoothly move the electrode in the treated area, without pressing and without staying in one place for a long time;
  • work on one problem area should not exceed 2-3 minutes, and in general the session lasts from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • When the procedure comes to an end, the face is treated with an alcohol-free composition and nourishing cream.

Non-contact methods for severe rosacea are prohibited. For the effect to appear, you need to undergo 8-15 sessions with a break of 2 days. If the effect is not pronounced, take a break at intervals of 2 weeks and repeat the course again.

For more information about the Darsonval procedure, watch the video:


It is not entirely correct to talk about the cost of a particular cosmetic procedure - it depends on the city, region, the popularity of the salon, the chosen specialist and many other factors.

Service in professional salons

This is the case when it is almost impossible to calculate any average. The procedure can cost 150 rubles (small salons in small cities, without additional use of cosmetics) and 1,500 thousand (elite salons in large cities). Even if you find a salon with minimal prices, it is more cost-effective to purchase a home device.

Device for home use

Reviews of Darsonval for rosacea

First-hand reviews of Darsonval for rosacea on the face will help you verify the safety and effectiveness of this hardware method. Not only women who tried it on themselves, but also qualified cosmetologists shared their opinions.

Anna Egorova, dermatologist-cosmetologist:

Darsonvalization is a new word in cosmetology, since it does not have a narrow focus, but acts comprehensively, which allows one to get rid of many aesthetic defects during a course of treatment. For my clients, I try to introduce vitamins, moisturizers, angioprotectors and oils into the procedure, which penetrate very quickly and deeply into the tissues through enlarged pores. And if rosacea is at a stage that requires drug treatment, then preliminary darsonvalization will only contribute to the better effect of the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Irina Stanishevskaya, cosmetologist:

Often girls, without experience, buy devices and carry out such procedures at home. But not everyone is able to professionally cleanse their skin, and then we, cosmetologists, have to eliminate the consequences in the form of burns and redness. It is a serious mistake to use alcohol-containing products to treat the skin, since alcohol particles, when interacting with electricity, can ignite and burn the face.

Elena, housewife:

The sensations are not very pleasant, but in order to completely get rid of the spider veins, you can be patient. 8 sessions were enough for me to get rid of the red mesh on my cheeks. This technique also works well for stimulating hair growth: hair grows faster and is itself thick and strong - tested on myself!

Method of application

Treatment is based on the use of several Darsonval techniques:

  1. Contact method. The procedure is performed by slowly moving the electrode in a circle. The process is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and tingling.
  2. High voltage technique. A voltage emerges from the end of the electrode, saturating the air with ozone. The nozzle is not touched to the skin, but is directed at the face at a distance of four millimeters.

If there are no contraindications, then after obtaining the doctor’s permission, several treatment sessions are performed. When there are no unpleasant symptoms after the first use, you can use Darsonval regularly.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you will need about twenty procedures each lasting about a quarter of an hour.

Although the device is sold without a doctor’s prescription, improper use leads to serious consequences, so during the treatment process, follow the doctor’s instructions.

The device should be used as follows:

  1. The skin is prepared for exposure by carefully removing makeup and drying with a napkin.
  2. The massager is wiped using cotton wool, which is first dipped in alcohol.
  3. The nozzle is moved along the face along the massage lines, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  4. To eliminate the inflammatory process or acne, a five-second exposure is enough.
  5. After completion of treatment, toners or special creams are used to treat the face.

Follow the instructions during treatment.

Prevention of varicose veins

Basic measures to prevent the development of varicose veins in pregnant women:

  • monitor weight gain, it should not be too fast;
  • limit salt intake to prevent swelling;
  • try to sleep on your left side - this will minimize pressure on large arteries and veins;
  • avoid standing work in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • During the day, try to rest more, ideally in a horizontal position so that your legs are slightly higher than your head.

When the first symptoms of varicose veins appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist managing a pregnancy is not always enough.

The development of varicose veins requires contacting a qualified phlebologist. This is a specialist who studies, treats and prevents varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other vein pathologies. He will examine the patient and suggest appropriate treatment tactics, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the child.

The medical service provides treatment for varicose veins at a high level. Already at the consultation you will receive a complete diagnosis of the venous system.

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