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  • Retinoic peeling

Your doctor:
Malysheva Anna Leonidovna Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist. Certified specialist in BTA therapy and contour injection techniques.

We offer retinoic peeling in Yekaterinburg at an affordable price from the specialists of the ST-CLINIC clinic. Retinoic peeling is a fairly innovative method in cosmetology. It appeared relatively recently, but has already established itself as a reliable tool in the post-peeling care program. The procedure belongs to the class of chemical yellow peels. In terms of depth of impact, it can be superficial or intermediate. The peeling was called yellow because the product, synthesized from retinoic acid, applied to the surface of the skin has exactly this shade. The method is in demand at the final stage of chemical peeling.

The essence and benefits of the retinoic peeling procedure

Retinoic facial peeling is one of the types of superficial-medium chemical peeling, which involves the use of retinoic acid.
The latter can be either natural or created synthetically. Retinoic acid is a compound similar in structure to retinol, which is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. Natural acid is extracted from a herb that grows in the Amazon. Peeling with its use is superficial. As for the synthesized substance, the procedure using it is average.

Retinoic acid peels have a bright yellow color, which is their characteristic feature. Their correct use allows you to stimulate the metabolic and redox processes of skin cells. Moreover: other acids included in peelings can eliminate hyperpigmentation and enhance the effect of retinol.

The benefits of retinoic peels 3% and 5% are as follows:

  • Can be held at any time of the year;
  • Can be used for all skin types;
  • Gentle nature of the procedure;
  • No feeling of discomfort;
  • Short rehabilitation period;
  • Can be used on the delicate skin of the neck, eyelids and décolleté.

Preparations based on retinoic acid

One of the most effective preparations based on retinoic acid is peeling gel. This is an innovation in a group of similar products. The advantage of retinoic peeling gel and other products in the line lies, first of all, in the composition. In addition to retinol, such preparations include:

  • Tranexamic and azelaic acid;
  • 4-butylresorcinol;
  • Lecithin;
  • Diacetylboldine;
  • Growth factor.

During the yellow peel, a thin layer of retinoic acid cream is applied. The exposure phase lasts 6-8 hours. The nanosystem with active ingredients has a synergistic effect on all types of age spots, including vascular ones, effectively lightening them. After retinoic peeling, homogenization of skin color, improvement of the cellular renewal process, and control of sebaceous secretion production are observed.

Indications and contraindications for retinoic peeling

Retinoic facial peeling has a rejuvenating effect, so it is used between the ages of 35 and 50 years. At the same time, if necessary (for example, if a patient has post-acne), it can be performed earlier, starting at age 20.

Indications Contraindications
  • Rejuvenation of the face, décolleté, neck, hands;
  • Compaction and keratinization of the skin - keratosis;
  • Excessive skin pigmentation;
  • Prevention of age-related changes in the skin;
  • Fading skin;
  • Acne and post-acne;
  • Scars;
  • Skin aging;
  • Preparing for plastic surgery.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Pregnancy planning;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Open wounds on the area that will be treated;
  • Presence of warts;
  • Liver diseases, liver failure;
  • Taking pharmacological drugs that are incompatible with vitamin A;
  • Herpes.

Preparation and performance of yellow facial peeling

In order for retinoic yellow facial peeling to be as effective as possible, our cosmetologists recommend carrying out preparatory procedures. As a rule, they begin half a month before the session with the regular use of glycolic acid cream. Thanks to it, the layer formed by dead epidermal cells softens, due to which retinoic acid penetrates deeper and the effect of the procedure is more pronounced. If necessary, the patient can first undergo two enzyme, superficial peels.

As for the peeling procedure itself, it is quite simple and consists of the following:

  • Cleaning the skin of the treated area;
  • Application of a special solution containing salicylic and glycolic acid;
  • Apply retinoic peeling in an even layer for twenty minutes or several hours (depending on how concentrated the mixture is used by the cosmetologist);
  • Neutralization and removal of the composition;
  • Apply a moisturizer prescribed by your doctor.

When applying peeling, the patient may experience minor burning and tingling, which does not require the use of local anesthetics. The course of procedures, as a rule, consists of two or three sessions, which are carried out every half month.

Retina peeling: post-procedure facial care

The technology for performing the appropriate procedure for correcting aesthetic imperfections, be it enzyme peeling or other less gentle cleansing, can only be followed by highly qualified doctors of a clinic or beauty salon. Retinoic peels show a more significant and lasting cosmetic effect when combined with alternative anti-aging, depigmenting and restorative procedures using lasers and other devices. At the aesthetic medicine clinic ST-CLINIC in Yekaterinburg, yellow peeling using retinoic acid is prescribed as part of a set of other measures. After the statistics are carried out, the results are given as follows:

  • Prevention of wrinkles;
  • Improving skin elasticity;
  • Reducing the depth of existing wrinkles;
  • Lightening pigment spots.

Having delved a little deeper into the intricacies of retinoic peeling, we should indicate its beneficial auxiliary functions for health. It blocks the formation of plasmin, reducing inflammation. Plus, thanks to special measures carried out before and after yellow peeling, the skin barrier function is restored. An emollient cream or mask is prescribed as local therapy.

The recovery period, when the first results are noticeable?

24 hours after the procedure, the patient feels tightness of the skin, and after three days, as a rule, peeling begins. It takes at least seven days for the skin to recover and renew itself. The effect increases within 30 days and lasts up to six months. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and wrinkle-free.

In the periods between sessions, cosmetologists will recommend using creams with a moisturizing effect and enzyme masks. If procedures are carried out in spring and summer, it is necessary to protect the skin from UV rays in order to prevent its pigmentation.

After yellow peeling, the skin of the treated area will be very flaky and slightly itchy. Its shade will be different in areas where the old skin has already come off and in areas where it has not yet come off. It is not recommended to speed up the process, but the use of products recommended by a cosmetologist is mandatory.

Young skin cells that appear after the exfoliation process need protection from the negative effects of UV rays. This is why it is recommended to use sunscreen during this recovery period.

Immediately after completion of the course, it is prohibited to use cosmetic procedures aimed at abrasive treatment of the skin. Washing should be carried out exclusively with the use of special products for sensitive skin.

Possible complications after yellow peeling

Cosmetologists are well aware of such unpleasant sensations after retinoic peeling, such as an unpleasant feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. To neutralize them, they recommend using special cosmetics. In rare cases, minor swelling or redness may occur, which will subside in two to three days.

More serious complications arise when the procedure is performed at home. Burns, inflammatory processes and unbearable itching develop due to incorrect calculation of the concentration of the active substance. That is why this procedure should be carried out by a professional cosmetologist.

Retinoic peeling (yellow)

What is yellow peeling and why yellow?

Yellow peeling includes retinoic acid. It has a bright yellow color, which is why the peeling received such a “colored” name.

The essence of retinoic peeling.

Retinoic peeling, like many peelings, renews the skin and improves the appearance of the skin.
But it has a number of features that make it different from its “comrades.” Let's figure out why it is so unusual. To do this, it is worth comparing retinoids with fruit acids, for example, glycolic. It damages the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in the exfoliation of old cells and their replacement with new ones. Retinoids do not destroy anything and do not work directly with either the cells of the stratum corneum or the intercellular structures. The target of retinoids is not the surface of the epidermis, but the deeper basal layer where cells are born. Retinoids

- these are the smallest molecules that easily reach the target and accelerate the formation of new cells. Young cells begin a massive movement upward, to the surface of the skin, and literally push out the overlying layers. The skin is exfoliated and renewed.

Thus, yellow peeling stimulates living structures by contacting cell nuclei through special receptors. In addition, retinoic acid interacts with fibroblasts and melanocytes, and improves various criteria for skin condition, such as density, elasticity and evenness of pigmentation. In addition to retinoic acid, the peeling contains additional components that cope with various skin problems.

For example, fetinic, kojic, and azeloic acids are added for whitening; — salicylic acid is used for exfoliation; - allantoin, aloe and chamomile extracts soothe the skin.

Who is yellow peeling suitable for?

Peeling copes well with dullness, increased greasiness, and uneven surfaces. But its main task is to work with age-related skin changes: - wrinkles; - dark spots; - photoaging; - decreased turgor; - thickening of the stratum corneum. Therefore, it is especially favorable to women who begin to notice age-related changes and want to delay them.


Like most peels, retinoic peeling is done in a course.
The result in the form of fresh, renewed, radiant, smooth skin is noticeable after the first session. But, a course of procedures will bring: - smoothing of superficial wrinkles and reduction of deep ones; — lightening or elimination of pigment spots; — alignment of skin texture and tone; - skin tightening and light lifting. How often can you do yellow peeling? For a stable and clearly expressed effect, you need to carry out a course of at least 3 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days. You can maintain results once every three months.

Benefits of yellow peeling

The main advantages of the procedure are mild, minimal damage to the skin, a short recovery period and a low possibility of complications.
Therefore, it can also be called “weekend exfoliation”, because after the service, the skin is restored in just a couple of days. Many clients come for an appointment on Friday, and after the weekend they delight everyone with a fresh and well-groomed face without any consequences of cleansing. Among the advantages of yellow peeling, we can also highlight: - mild effect, virtually no discomfort or burning during the procedure; — after the first session, a significant improvement in skin condition is noticeable; — four to five sessions are enough to consolidate the result; — the effect lasts for three to four months. Skin care after yellow peeling procedure

After the procedure, dryness and flaking may occur; itching; redness; swelling.

On average, these effects disappear within two to three days. Peeling may stop completely after a week.

Skin care after the procedure

Follow the following recommendations of the cosmetologist for 5-7 days:
- use sunscreen for 10 days after the procedure; - do not get rid of flaky skin, as scarring may form; do not scrub, rub or pick off crusts; - wash your face with light cleansers that do not contain alkalis or acids; - to moisturize, treat your facial skin with thermal water; - do not visit saunas and baths, if possible, limit swimming in a pool or open water to avoid the risk of infections; - Avoid sunbathing and visiting a solarium.


Yellow peeling is not indicated for: ARVI, skin diseases, allergies, liver diseases, pregnancy and lactation, neoplasms on the face.
The variety of peelings offered by the Galamed cosmetology center can be puzzling, but rest assured that our experienced cosmetologists will select those procedures that will help eliminate imperfections and solve certain skin problems.

Prices for the procedure: Retinoic peeling (yellow)

5000 ₽
Retinol peeling (yellow)

5000 ₽

Retinol peeling R-Peel or yellow peeling

Benefits of retinoic peeling at the Doctor Nearby clinic

Our clinic has been providing cosmetology services for several years now and enjoys a good reputation. Our cosmetologists have many years of experience in performing yellow peeling and are well acquainted with all the features of this procedure. They have at their disposal drugs whose effectiveness and quality have been tested through repeated use in practice.

We eliminate the risk of developing allergic reactions by conducting testing, as well as taking a medical history to find out what medications the patient is taking and whether they will “conflict” with retinoic acid.

You can find out the cost of the procedure in our clinic by reading the price list presented in this section of our website.

Retinoic peeling: benefits of visiting the ST-CLINIC clinic

The aesthetic medicine clinic ST-CLINIC in Yekaterinburg offers several effective methods of cleansing the skin of the face and body. Retinoic peeling is one of the most popular procedures. Thanks to the full complement of modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, clients are offered various methods of hardware rejuvenation. Even such a gentle procedure as superficial almond peeling is not prescribed without a comprehensive study of the aesthetic problem. A visit to ST-CLINIC is:

  • New and time-tested techniques;
  • Efficiency and reasonable price of complex rejuvenation procedures;
  • The highest professionalism of the team of cosmetologists;
  • Advanced medical technologies and proprietary developments;
  • An atmosphere of care and comfort.

By visiting the clinic for retinoic peeling, the patient receives effective elimination of aesthetic imperfections. The doctor will study the individual symptomatic picture in detail, present photos of clients who have undergone therapy using retinoic acid, and advise on the final price of the service. You can make an appointment for an initial consultation by phone in Yekaterinburg or through the feedback form located below on the page.

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