All about enzymatic peeling: from indications to implementation

Our skin, under the influence of age-related changes, unfavorable environmental factors, and various diseases, loses moisture and healthy appearance. Therefore, deep skin care that is effective and safe is necessary. For you – a beauty product based on the enzyme papain.

Our cosmetic products have expanded their range with a new product. This enzymatic peeling is a unique gentle product for the skin of the face and neck, the main component of which is papain. Papain is a plant enzyme that is extracted from the fruit tree. Papaya is a tall palm-like tree with large fruits that resemble melons. That is why papaya is also called the Melon tree; it grows in Mexico, Thailand, India, and Brazil.

However, this tree is known not only for its tasty large fruits, but also for the fact that it contains papain, an unusual substance from the class of digestive enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes (proteases) have unique properties; they are capable of breaking down organic proteins. For example, enzymes are present in human gastric juice and are involved in the digestion of food. Natural papain in its action can be compared with gastric juice.

Papain is an enzyme that can soften even tough meat, so this plant enzyme is widely used to improve meat products. The enzyme helps digest food in the stomach. Papain is used in winemaking, cooking, cheese making and for cleaning contact lenses. Thus, papain can be classified as a substance of plant origin, which has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Papain is an excellent antimicrobial agent; the enzyme helps eliminate toxins and destroy harmful microorganisms;
  • Papain is an effective anti-burn and anti-bedsore agent. The enzyme cleanses the damaged surface and promotes rapid wound healing.

It is worth noting that papain only affects dead tissue, because living cells contain substances that make the enzyme ineffective, so papain can be applied to the skin without fear.

Since the 18th century, papaya has been used for beauty and youthful skin. But if then the plant itself was used for this, today a purified, processed enzyme is added to cosmetics - papaya extract. Papain-based preparations are effectively used both professionally and at home to cleanse the skin, eliminate age spots, calluses, improve skin texture and lighten the skin.

Enzymatic peeling: what is it?

Enzymatic peeling (enzyme) is a peeling based on enzymes as active ingredients; it is classified into the group of super-superficial peels. The composition includes enzymes (enzymes) that delicately cleanse the skin of excess dead cells, smooth its surface, smooth out wrinkles, and refresh the complexion.

Enzymes are molecules that control biochemical reactions in living organisms. Some enzymes accelerate biochemical reactions, they are called catalysts, others slow them down - inhibitors. Each enzyme has its own functions.

Enzymes (or enzymes) used in cosmetology are obtained from plant or animal raw materials. Foods such as papaya and pineapple are rich in plant enzymes. Papain, bromelain and, less commonly, other enzymes are used as enzymes in cosmetics. Enzymes of animal origin are obtained from cattle, pig pancreatic enzymes are used, etc. Trypsin, pepsin and, less often, other enzymes are used as such enzymes in cosmetology.

Product advantages

• Use of artesian water in the production of cosmetics.

• Application of the cold emulation method, which avoids thermal effects on product components that destroy their structure. Mirra cosmetics are very effective. Customer reviews, as we will clearly see, prove this.

• Introduction into the composition of anti-aging products of such highly active ingredients as milt and salmon caviar.

• Full compliance of the company's products with the standards of the cosmetic nanoindustry.

• Guaranteed safety of goods due to their thorough testing.

• Absence of harmful chemical compounds in the composition of the products.

• The widest range of Mirra cosmetics is available. Consumer reviews draw attention to this joyful fact.

Enzymatic peeling with papain

One of the manufacturers of enzymatic peeling is the Mirra company. Mirra is a Russian cosmetics manufacturer with its own scientific base, laboratory and production. To create the drug, plant raw materials are used (the most popular product on the cosmetic market among enzyme peels).

Enzymatic peeling with papain is suitable for any skin type. Its main feature is delicate cleansing without mechanical action. Peeling can be done at any time of the year - it is all-season. At the same time, rehabilitation is not required after peeling, so you can undergo the procedure without interrupting your work schedule.

A few words about the company

The history of this company dates back to 1996. During its existence, many different hair, body and face care products have been developed, as well as several types of various biologically active food additives.

The company uses the latest scientific achievements and high quality natural raw materials in the production of its products. Today we can say with confidence that the class to which Mirra cosmetics belongs is luxury. Reviews confirm this. The company's achievements have been recognized with numerous awards, medals, prizes and insignia.

Peeling composition with papain

  1. Water is an inorganic compound used as a solvent.
  2. Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol, necessary to impart a certain viscosity to the peeling.
  3. Papain is a plant enzyme (enzyme), obtained from the fruits of the Papaya tree, involved in the breakdown of proteins and protein compounds.
  4. Aristoflex is a new polymer used as a gelling agent for the production of emulsions.
  5. Katon is a cosmetic preservative with antimicrobial activity.
  6. EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - used to soften the skin and enhance peel penetration.
  7. A perfume composition is a fragrance used to impart a pleasant aroma to cosmetics.

The cosmetic product is produced in a stylish bottle that is convenient to use and store. Based on the composition of the peeling, it can be classified as acid-enzymatic due to its constituent components: enzyme (papain) and EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).

Enzymatic peels are available for both home and salon use. A professional procedure, as a rule, involves a combination of peeling with various acids - for a more noticeable result (such peelings are called acid-enzymatic).

How does enzymatic peeling affect facial skin?

  1. Refreshing effect. Eliminates pigmentation, brightens skin, refreshes dull and aging skin.
  2. Cleansing action. Cleanses pores of excess sebum, eliminates comedones, removes impurities from the surface of the skin along with keratinized scales.
  3. Smoothing effect. Smoothes wrinkles, reduces flaking of the skin, evens out its relief, polishes scar changes.

How to use Mirra enzymatic peeling

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to do a test to ensure there is no allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little peeling to your wrist and wait a few minutes. If the composition is well tolerated, you can proceed directly to the procedure.
  • Pre-peeling preparation. First, you need to cleanse your face with a product suitable for your skin type.
  • Apply peeling to clean skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. The T-zone is covered first, then the rest of the face.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes (individually, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin). During the procedure, slight tingling may occur, and after peeling, slight redness may appear.
  • Wash off with warm water.
  • Post-peeling care. Apply toner and cream appropriate for your skin type. To prevent photoaging and the appearance of age spots, you should choose creams with UV protection above 30.

Eye oil

The skin on the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. Not every product is suitable for caring for it. According to experts, preference should be given to products that have a very light consistency, spread well, and do not contain components that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes. One of these products is an oil composition for the eyelids from this company. The product contains unique natural ingredients, like all Mirra cosmetics. Reviews from women about it are unanimous: the product really works. Consumers found a lot of advantages: the smell is pleasant, the consistency is light, the bottle is equipped with a pipette for easy application, it smoothes out wrinkles around the eyes well, removing crow's feet. The fact that the oil composition is an effective rejuvenating agent can be understood by looking at its composition: salmon caviar extract, grape, sesame, castor oils, milk thistle and jojoba oils, vitamin F, essential oils of basil, jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang ylang, sage. However, some of these natural ingredients can cause severe allergies. For example, essential oils, although highly active in small quantities, can cause itching and rashes. Another drawback of the product is pointed out by our customers - the high price. A 5 ml bottle costs 711 rubles. Women say that you can find cheaper analogues of the product.

Possible complications after enzymatic peeling

  1. Allergic reaction (itching, redness, local swelling and inflammation).
  2. Exacerbation of a chronic skin disease (acne, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.).
  3. Exacerbation of herpetic infection.
  4. Increased skin sensitivity.

Acne after enzymatic peeling

Complications after enzymatic peeling are rare.

However, despite a solid list of indications, after the procedure it is possible that the rash on the face may worsen. This complication develops when the rules for using peeling are violated: for example, if you incorrectly assessed the indications and contraindications for the procedure or worked on problematic skin. Therefore, before peeling, cosmetologists recommend additional facial skin cleansing (mechanical or ultrasound).

In addition, complications are possible if peeling is abused, because the lipid mantle of the skin is damaged, which is a provoking factor in the development of skin diseases or exacerbation of existing ones (acne, acne and even herpetic eruptions).

Facial products should be selected carefully, taking into account the structure, type and characteristics of the skin, as well as the problems being solved!

Mattifying cream soufflé

It's no secret that for oily skin it is worth choosing products with a very light consistency so that they do not clog pores, giving the skin the opportunity to breathe. The manufacturers of this brand understand this. For people with oily skin, they have released an effective product – mattifying soufflé cream “Mirra”. Reviews about it are mostly positive. First of all, buyers are attracted by the composition of the product: boron nitrites, which help control fat secretion, rice bran oil, vitamins E and PP, necessary for the skin, kaolin, extracts of calendula, burdock, soybean, D-panthenol and much more. Women write that the cream has a very light, airy consistency, mattifies the skin well, and with regular use eliminates inflammation and acne.

Many have no doubt that the quality class of this Mirra product is luxury. Reviews from cosmetologists are also unanimous here: a product with such a composition should work well. According to some users, it has only one drawback - it has a smell that cannot be called pleasant. To some it resembles turpentine, to others it resembles pine needles or grass. The price of the cream is about 300 rubles.

Enzymatic facial peeling: real reviews

I have normal skin. But age-related changes are noticeable. A friend recommended enzymatic peeling. She had this procedure done at the salon. I bought Mirra with papain, cleansed my facial skin and started the peeling procedure at home.

To assess the effectiveness of the procedure, I will attach my photos before and after enzymatic peeling:

The drug does not have a very pleasant smell. I applied the drug to the skin of my face, left it on for 20 minutes, the skin turned quite red. Then I washed off the peeling with warm water and applied moisturizer. Within an hour, the redness disappeared, fine wrinkles disappeared, and deep wrinkles decreased. The skin seemed to have smoothed out. I was pleased with the result.

Decorative cosmetics from

What else will this manufacturer please us with? It turns out that his product line includes a lot of decorative cosmetics.

If all the caring products of this company contain unique natural ingredients that take care of our hair and skin, then we can expect that the manufacturer has added valuable ingredients to their makeup products. Let's see if this is true using lipstick as an example. Some women were disappointed with this product, while others were pleased with its results. What is unique about Mirra nourishing lipstick? Firstly, it contains useful substances and natural oils for the care of delicate lip skin, made in Italy. Secondly, a rich palette of shades will help every fashionista find her own color. Thirdly, its formula with a fatty base is perfect for the harsh conditions of our Russian winter. It turns out that this is a 2 in 1 multifunctional product: lipstick and lip balm. Many women fully appreciated the benefits of this product and were satisfied. Among the disadvantages, according to customers, are the following: the unpleasant feeling of lipstick on the lips all day and low durability. The price of the product is 432 rubles.

We talked about the most popular cosmetic products. Customer reviews about them given in the article will allow you to make the right choice. All the best!

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