Facial mesotherapy against scars: effect, technique, care

Scars and scars on the skin are common in both men and women. Some try to disguise them with cosmetics, others decide on radical surgical removal.

Scars and scars on the skin are common in both men and women. Some try to disguise it with cosmetics, others decide on radical surgical removal. There is another way - mesotherapy for scars. The technique is carried out without incisions or general anesthesia and at the same time allows you to achieve very good results.

Effective scar treatment




Scars are a common problem that can be encountered at any age. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to disguise it with the help of cosmetics, and the treatment of such defects until recently involved only radical surgical removal. However, today there are safer and less traumatic procedures. For example, one of the popular techniques is mesotherapy, which helps to achieve excellent aesthetic results without long-term rehabilitation.

In our cosmetology clinic KallistoMed, the procedure for scars is carried out using drugs from INNO-TDS (Spain), PBSerum Cosmeceuticals (Spain), etc. The manipulation is carried out by experienced cosmetologists who are proficient in various mesotherapy techniques.

Contraindications for fractional mesotherapy

This procedure is based on the subcutaneous administration of medications containing vitamins, amino acids, extracts, therefore fractional mesotherapy may have limitations for:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions to any component of the cocktail;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of epilepsy in the patient's history;
  • the presence of inflammation, wounds at the sites of planned injections;
  • infectious diseases;
  • if less than 2 weeks have passed since the chemical peel.

Fractional mesotherapy is absolutely harmless and can be used at any age. Most restrictions are temporary. During the consultation, you should honestly inform the doctor about the presence of allergies, pregnancy and other limiting factors. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Features of the procedure

The essence of the technique is to inject special preparations under the skin that smooth out scars. Components are used that improve metabolic processes and promote tissue regeneration. As a rule, manipulation is performed using injections, but a non-injection effect is also possible, consisting in the delivery of nutrients using ultrasound.

Mesotherapy is considered a fairly safe and low-traumatic procedure. It is suitable for most patients and causes virtually no side effects. That is why it is chosen for the treatment of small scars on any area of ​​the face and body.

Reviews about fractional mesotherapy

Elena, 37 years old.

I am used to maintaining my health and youth. I learned about the fractional therapy method several years ago and resorted to it immediately, especially since my cosmetologist advised me to undergo it. My result exceeds expectations: even skin tone, smoothness, absence of wrinkles, narrowing of pores, “crow’s feet” around the eyes have disappeared. Now I regularly treat my skin with rejuvenating treatments using fractional mesotherapy. The prices are affordable, and the effect is very lasting.

Valentina, 28 years old.

I tried fractional facial mesotherapy once. I was wondering how she would correct the minor flaws. After one session, literally the next day I noticed pleasant changes: fine wrinkles disappeared, my skin became more radiant. The result, as they say, is obvious. I decided that I would take the full course, especially since the cost was reasonable.

What scars can be removed

There are several types of scars that can appear on the body. Normal scars respond well to mesotherapy treatment. These include the following defects:

  • normotrophic (level with the skin, without atrophy of the underlying tissues);
  • atrophic (below the skin level, with tissue atrophy; these include stretch marks and stretch marks).

There are also pathological scars. These include:

  • hypertrophic (rising above the skin);
  • keloids (growths of scar tissue).

Normal scars are a physiological defense response of the body to maintain homeostasis. Their appearance is not any deviation. Whereas hypertrophic and keloid scars are the result of a pathological reaction. Unfortunately, the treatment of the latter type of defects is quite complex and today there is not a single 100% effective technique.

Problems solved by facial mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy involves the subcutaneous administration of special meso-cocktails, which are selected by a cosmetologist individually for each client. In addition to saturating epithelial cells with useful substances, the technology ensures the awakening of natural metabolic processes in tissues.

The procedure has a cumulative effect, so as the course progresses, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin will gradually increase, and the regeneration of new epithelial cells will also accelerate. This ensures the effectiveness of mesotherapy.

Let's look at the main problems that mesotherapy copes with most quickly and effectively.

For the prevention and elimination of age-related changes

Most girls love mesotherapy precisely for its lifting effect, since the technique effectively copes with the signs of early photoaging.

Age-related skin changes can be expressed in the form of the following problems:

  • Flabbiness, dullness of the skin;
  • Swelling;
  • Dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • Wrinkles.

The essence of mesotherapy in the fight against skin aging is to increase the production of collagen and elastin by epithelial cells, which makes the epidermis more elastic and firm.

You will be able to notice the first results of the technique after 1-2 sessions, as the skin will begin to smooth out and become visually younger.


Scars on the skin appear due to mechanical damage, burns or previous operations. Regardless of the cause of the defect, most often it can be eliminated fairly quickly.

Small scars usually go away spontaneously after a course of mesotherapy, while large ones become lighter and less pronounced.


Post-acne is a special type of pigmentation that remains on the skin after acne and acne disappear. Mesotherapy for acne scars is also performed quite often, since the technique helps accelerate the regeneration of epithelial cells, which removes melanin from keratinized tissue.

Post-acne is usually removed in 4-6 sessions and forever. As a result of completing a course of mesotherapy, the skin is evened out and becomes of a uniform tone.

Oily skin

Regulation of the sebaceous glands is also included in the scope of influence of the mesococktail and the mesotherapy apparatus. Penetrating into the structure of tissues, they normalize the water balance of the skin, which eliminates increased oiliness and sweating.

At the same time, the technique allows you to cope not only with oily, but also with dry skin, so girls often take the course in the fall for preventive purposes in order to avoid peeling and dryness of the epidermis during this period.

Vascular problems

Often, due to thin skin or genetic predispositions, small veins or spider veins are visible on the face, which are very noticeable in daylight. Mesotherapy deals with them quickly enough, helping to even out the tone in just 7-8 sessions.

However, keep in mind that sometimes vascular problems are associated with the presence of diseases and inflammatory processes in the body. Then it will be possible to eliminate them only temporarily.

When undergoing mesotherapy in the salon, the master independently selects the drug that suits you, taking into account the initial condition of the skin and the desired result. However, when performing the procedure at home, you should not prepare the meso-cocktail yourself; it is better to choose a ready-made option.

These meso-cocktails usually include the following components:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Oils;
  • Organic acids;
  • Animal and plant extracts.

Mesococktails are always absolutely safe for girls; they do not contain fragrances or other toxic, aggressive substances that could lead to undesirable consequences. It is important to take this into account when purchasing a finished drug.

Also, first make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the composition used. To do this, apply it to the inside of your elbow for 20 minutes, then rinse and check your skin for irritation.

Indications for mesotherapy

The manipulation is suitable for the treatment of the following defects:

  • normotrophic scars;
  • atrophic scars;
  • whitish thread-like stretch marks;
  • pink atrophic striae.


  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin diseases and skin damage at injection sites;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • allergy to drug components;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Before the procedure, a consultation with our cosmetologist is required.

Performing mesotherapy

On average, it will take from 4 to 12 mesotherapy sessions to remove scars. The duration of each is about 30-40 minutes. The interval between procedures is determined for each patient individually.

Before the procedure, the drug administration area is treated with antiseptic solutions. If the patient wishes, it is possible to use an anesthetic gel, which will reduce all discomfort to a minimum. Injections are performed taking into account the selected technique and drug. After completing the injections, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic composition.


To treat scars, mesotherapy is performed using two methods:

  • Manual technique. Suitable for normotrophic and atrophic scars. The technique is based on manual injection of a vitamin cocktail into the deep layers of the epidermis using a syringe and a thin needle. The injections are performed at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other.
  • Fractional technology. It is based on the principle of fractionation, that is, multiple microinjection effects on certain areas. This allows the drug to be administered in small doses at a short distance from each other. This technique is preferable in the treatment of multiple striae.

Recommendations after mesotherapy

You will need proper skin care, which involves following a few simple rules:

  • For 1-2 weeks, avoid direct sunlight and use protective creams to prevent pigmentation.
  • Stop using decorative cosmetics for 1-2 days.
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • Limit alcohol intake and smoking for 10-14 days.
  • Refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.

You will receive an exact list of recommendations after the procedure - the rules may vary depending on the drug used and the method of mesotherapy.

Do you want to solve the problem of scars and stretch marks once and for all? Contact our KallistoMed clinic in St. Petersburg. We will select an effective set of procedures that will help restore your skin to its ideal smoothness and even color. For details, please use the form on the website or by phone.

How to care for your skin after mesotherapy

After the procedure, the skin needs proper care, which involves following a few simple rules:

  • Avoid exposure to ultraviolet and sunlight, use special creams to prevent pigmentation.
  • Refuse to use cosmetics.
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Limit visits to the sauna, solarium, and swimming pool.

An exact list of recommendations is compiled individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the mesotherapy performed.

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