Unique and effective gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio: technique and reviews

Carol Maggio was 50 when she began developing her facial exercise system. Her discoveries are based on the works of Dr. Benz, who first told Americans about Facebook building. Carol systematized all the exercises and opened gymnastics courses for the face. She soon became more famous than her teacher, thanks in part to her spectacular appearance. Now she is approaching 70, and time has stood still for her. She looks the same as she did 20 years ago.

  • What is gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio
    What is gymnastics for?
  • Gymnastics technique for the face Carol Maggio
      Video: gymnastics for beginners
  • Video: gymnastics for experienced
  • Course Descriptions
      Exercise to enlarge your eyes
  • Lower eyelid strengthening exercise
  • Nose shortening exercise
  • Jaw strengthening exercise
  • Gymnastics to strengthen the neck
  • Double chin exercise
  • Contraindications for implementation
  • Book by Carol Maggio in Russian
  • Reviews of facial gymnastics Carol Maggio
  • The secret of successful developments

    Maggio developed an interest in faces at a young age. The girl looked at women on the street for a long time, noticing age-related imperfections.

    The representatives of the fair sex with unnaturally marble, motionless faces attracted the greatest attention. Carol first noticed the unsuccessful results of plastic surgery that was beginning to become fashionable.

    Young Carol Maggio became convinced of the need to become a cosmetologist. Subsequently, having acquired the necessary knowledge, she learned to “read” external signs, recognizing the lifestyle, emotions, and habits of numerous clients. Increasing professionalism through observations and studying the achievements of colleagues, experience came.

    Maggio thought about the alternative to surgery for a long time. The final impetus for the development of an individual theory was the manifestations of old age. Carol felt noticeable changes after turning 35. She began to actively study the works of her colleagues. Maggio’s own practice was based on the principle of Benz (the founder of Facebook building). Using an experienced method, Carol changed and improved the technology, which later earned universal recognition.

    Efficiency of the technique

    The complex is designed to work with skin and muscles. 57 major muscles are involved. The exercises are based on muscle contractions and light finger pressure. Natural muscle movements play a major role. The fingers block and additionally load certain muscle groups when performing exercises.

    Maggio worked out the theory on her own body. Having received decent results, the author suggests doing aerobics to those who want to get similar results. Books have been published telling about the importance of proper nutrition, sleep patterns, describing in detail exercises involving fingers and muscles, eliminating various appearance problems. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the publications if you intend to comprehend the intricacies of the system.

    The effectiveness of the technique is associated with active muscle training, which provides natural skin tightening. Thanks to intensive exercises, muscles are trained, the flow of lymph and blood is accelerated, affecting the processes of nutrition and tissue regeneration.

    The result of gymnastics is:

    • formation of a regular oval;
    • correction of skin tension (double chin and wrinkles are removed);
    • regulation of the condition of the integument (color, blush, functioning of the sebaceous glands).

    Aerobics does not give immediate results. Obtaining results requires performing muscle-training exercises constantly. The preventive complex should begin from the moment the early signs of aging appear (25–30 years). It will significantly prolong youth.

    Attention! An intensive course of exercises that eliminate significant deficiencies lasts 6–8 weeks. Subsequently, regular maintenance sessions are carried out.

    Exercises are performed for 10–15 minutes 2 times a day. Achieving results quickly requires regular training (5-7 times a week). There are 14 exercises for beginners. After mastering the technique, you are allowed to perform an enhanced express complex (9 exercises of increased complexity).

    Gymnastics technique for the face Carol Maggio

    Facial aerobics according to the Maggio system activates all 57 facial muscles. Not everyone is constantly involved, and those who are inactive need to be stimulated - this is why finger gymnastics was developed. While performing it, it is important to focus on the muscles that are working at the moment and monitor your breathing. At the same time, keep in mind a slide picture of what your new face will be like. After each exercise, Carol advises relaxing: inhale deeply through your nose and exhale sharply through tightly closed lips. The posture during aerobics should be collected: the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the hips and buttocks are tense - just don’t strain all the muscles on the body. Carol recommends doing gymnastics every other day, alternating exercises with facial massage. Moreover, it should be conducted in full courses. The results will be noticeable in 1.5–2 months.

    The entire exercise is divided into three blocks:

    • gymnastics for beginners;
    • gymnastics for experienced;
    • Carol's separate development is a short course for business women who cannot afford a lot of time for classes.

    Video: gymnastics for beginners

    Start with any exercise from the basic course and work it every day for 20 minutes. The basic block is designed for 6-7 weeks of training, then you can move on to the advanced level. It is better not to break the sequence of blocks.

    Video: gymnastics for experienced

    For skin care, choose suitable cosmetics, master different facial massage techniques (lymphatic drainage, vacuum, spoon massage, honey), adjust your diet and go in for sports.

    Preparation for classes

    They begin to master gymnastics with a basic course. Relaxed muscles are “accustomed” to training gradually. After 5–7 days of training, the load is increased. Mastering basic exercises and muscle adaptation opens the way to performing secondary actions.

    You can start working with any muscle group. It is more expedient to identify the most problematic areas. Pay special attention to the appropriate exercises. For the remaining areas, maintenance charging is performed. Carol Meijong recommends practicing a combined approach, not overlooking potentially “dangerous” areas. This strategy is the most correct and brings tangible results.

    It is permissible to engage in Facebook building in any environment. Some perform exercises without interrupting their usual activities (at work, in transport). For overly busy people, Carol Maggio offers a special adapted complex.

    It is advisable to immerse yourself in the technique in front of a mirror, studying the movements of muscles, skin, and controlling the pressure of your fingers. Every movement is perfected. Carefully observe the movement of the muscles and the tension of the integument. Before starting class, it is recommended to cleanse your skin. It is permissible to perform the exercises with cosmetics (relevant when using an express course of exercises).

    What is Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics?

    In addition to intense stress on the muscles, the Maggio system involves working with energy flows: it calls for mentally visualizing them and directing them to problem areas. To master a course in facial gymnastics, you need to master at least basic understanding of the human bioinformational field and energy charging skills. Without them, it will be unclear how to do individual exercises.

    In the translation of her work, there is an instruction to perform all exercises by touching your fingers, which means that physical contact with the skin and muscles will be minimal. This is already at odds with the principles of face-building, with the help of which it is proposed to pump up the face. You do exercises, achieve a flow of lymph to the face and visible growth of muscle mass. How simple and clear everything is, and the result is obvious.

    In Carol Maggio's system, physical activity is offered only to help the so-called mental work with energy flows. Simply copying the exercises offered in her book will not achieve results; you need to be aware of how each muscle works. Carol's book talks about this, you just need to delve into it and learn it. It would be easier to master the Maggio technique with a video course, but it is limited in distribution.

    There is only one face-building trainer in Russia personally certified by Maggio - Muscovite Anastasia Burdyug.

    Anastasia Burdyug received the certificate personally from Carol, now she is the only licensed face-building trainer in Russia

    Why do you need gymnastics?

    Facial muscles cannot be pumped. At one end they are attached to the bones, at the other - to the skin or woven into neighboring muscles. Constant exercise will result in temporary improvement, but the aging process is inevitable. Over time, the spasmed muscles will begin to pull the skin along with them, first sagging areas will appear on the face, and then wrinkles. Carol's technique does not involve any force on the facial muscles and gives results for years to come.

    Carol's recommendations help:

    • tighten the skin and achieve a pronounced lifting effect;
    • sculpture the oval of the face;
    • give yourself the right facial features, a beautiful lip contour, a nose shape;
    • get rid of wrinkles on the neck and double chin;
    • remove jowls and sagging cheeks;
    • smooth out age and facial wrinkles;
    • strengthen the muscles of the orbital region and open your eyes;
    • strengthen the lower eyelids and get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes.

    With the help of facial gymnastics, you can remove a double chin and correct the shape of your face

    Advice from Carol Maggio: before you start exercising, take a profile and full-face photograph so that you can later evaluate the benefits of gymnastics.

    Set of exercises

    According to the author, the basic program (14 exercises) takes about 6 months to master. The body adapts to the stress, significant changes occur in appearance.


    The goal is to relieve swelling, strengthen the upper eyelids, and smooth the skin of the lower eyelids. Index fingers are placed on the outer corners of the eyes. The rest (excluding large ones) are placed along the back of the nose. Use your middle fingers to lightly press between the eyebrows, and your index fingers to press lightly on the hollow in the corner of the eyes. The pressure is moderate. The gaze is directed upward. Maintain the position, squint tightly, trying to raise the lower eyelid high.

    After completing 1 approach, relax. Repeat the steps at least 15 times.

    Lower eyelid

    The area under the eyes is tightened, bags and swelling go away. Use your middle fingers to press on the inner corners of your eyes, and your index fingers to the outer corners. The gaze is directed upward. They squint. With the eyes open, they try to “pull” the lower eyelid towards the upper. Relax. Repeat the steps 15 times.


    The exercise is designed to tighten the frontal muscles. The index fingers are placed parallel to the eyebrows in the central part of the forehead. Using your fingertips, gently but forcefully press on the skin, pulling down. Fix your fingers in this position. The gaze is directed upward. At the same time as pressing your fingers on your forehead, you try to use your eyebrows to return it to its place. Repeat the steps 20 times.


    Actions tighten the ptosis, jowls disappear. The mouth is opened slightly. The upper lip is pressed to the teeth, the lower lip is rolled up. In this position they smile, stretching the corners of their mouth wide. Hold the center of the chin with your index fingers. Move their mouth (open, close). Repeat the steps 20 times.

    Energy boost

    They work the upper lip, improve the brain's response to movements, and eliminate tension. Open your mouth in an oval. The index fingers are placed in the dimples on the cheeks without pressure. They stretch their smile and relax. It is important to think about the sensations during movement of the facial muscles (feel them). Repeat the steps 10 times.


    Impact on the nasal muscles, preventing drooping edges, easy shape correction. The index finger is placed in the middle of the tip of the nose. Make a gentle upward pushing movement, producing resistance with the nostrils. The position is fixed, counting to 10. Relax. Repeat the steps 35 times.

    Corners of lips

    Prevents drooping corners and strengthens ends. Lips pursed into a smile. The corners of the mouth are tense, as if the jaw is cramped. You should not clench your teeth tightly. Index fingers are placed at the corners of the mouth. Place the ends of the lips into the mouth. In this position they try to stretch out a smile. The corners are moved up and down. Remove your fingers and quickly concentrate the energy at the site of impact, holding for up to half a minute. Relax, removing accumulated tension.

    Lip contour

    The lips are strengthened and pumped up, a contour is formed, and wrinkles around the mouth are smoothed out. The lips are pressed together without clenching the teeth. With the index finger they carefully hit the center, mentally imagining a blow of great force. The finger is moved away. Hands concentrate energy without touching the skin. Exhale and relax.

    Nasolabial folds

    Tightening of the nasal muscles, smoothing of the nasolabial lips. They open their mouth in an oval shape, pressing their lips to their teeth. Energy is directed from bottom to top along the fold area. The index fingers help without touching the face. Having reached the nose, they change direction. Do the same from top to bottom. Delay 30 seconds. As the actions are repeated, the pace increases.


    Formation of a clear neck contour, eliminating sagging. The exercise is performed lying down. Be sure to use a flat surface. Fingers are placed on the sides of the neck. The position is fixed, with light pressure. The head is torn off the surface by 4–5 cm. Concentrate on muscle tension for no more than 5 s. Return to the starting position. Relax. Repeat the steps 20 times.


    Formation of an “open” expression for thin cheeks. The mouth is slightly opened, the corners point inward. They mentally endow their appearance with chubby cheeks. Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips and make rotational movements. Represent the formation of expansion of the cheek muscles. They remove their fingers from their lips. They begin to rotate with their fingertips without touching the skin. Exhale. Relax.

    Strengthening facial muscles

    Achieving muscle tone, reducing volume. The mouth is opened slightly, the lips are pulled inward. They look up. Place your palms on your cheeks. Perform smooth movements up and down to the temples. Mentally imagine the effect of losing weight on the oval. Hands are torn from cheeks. Make similar movements without touching the skin. Exhale. Relax.

    Neck and chin

    Strengthening the jawline and neck. The head is thrown back, raising the chin as much as possible. They smile without showing their teeth. They pull the skin under the neck down. They look to the left, tense up, count to 10. Do similar actions while looking to the right. Return to the starting position.

    Double chin correction

    The oval is tightened, the contour is strengthened, and the sagging of the chin is eliminated. The lips are tightly compressed, the corners of the mouth are tense (similar to a smile without exposing the teeth). Use your palm to stretch the skin at the base of the neck. They look up. They throw their heads back and achieve tension. Return to the starting position. Relax. Repeat the steps 40 times.

    At the stage of mastering gymnastics, they do not focus on the number of repetitions. Each exercise is performed no more than 5–7 times. Attention is paid to developing the correct technique. The pace doesn't matter either.

    Note! Completion time can take up to 30–40 minutes. In 1–2 weeks, experience is gained, exercises are performed as usual.

    Introduction to the methodology and author

    Carol Maggio is a successful former American cosmetologist who has developed a thoughtful and scientifically based set of exercises for face-building. She actively uses it herself and, at 65, looks no more than 50.

    At its core, this is a rejuvenating gymnastics for the face, working primarily with the muscles - it trains them so that they become more elastic and adapted to age-related changes. Thanks to this, the aging process slows down significantly and does not spoil the appearance.

    In addition to muscle training, Carol Maggio's system is based on energy flows. If you mindlessly and indifferently carry out the complexes she suggests, you may not achieve any result at all. The main thing in her technique is to mentally imagine all the colossal energy with which you are filled during gymnastics and follow it. This is how the muscle-brain connection is organized, thanks to which the rejuvenation effect is achieved.

    According to statistics, at this point in time, this is the most popular gymnastics for facial rejuvenation, practiced by hundreds of thousands of followers around the world. In particular, in Russia its official representative is Anastasia Burdyug, a face-building trainer who received a license from the hands of Carol Maggio herself.


    It is a mistake to think that gymnastics from Carol Maggio only gets rid of wrinkles and its only value is its rejuvenating effect. First of all, it trains the muscles, and this gives many other positive results. In particular, regular exercise:

    • restores skin elasticity;
    • makes the oval of the face beautifully outlined;
    • eliminates sagging cheeks;
    • corrects features, making them more correct;
    • normalizes complexion;
    • has a lifting effect;
    • raises eyebrows;
    • tightens folds on the neck;
    • gives expressiveness and openness to the look;
    • raises the corners of the mouth;
    • smoothes nasolabial furrows;
    • opens heavy eyelids;
    • widens too thin lips;
    • tones;
    • removes expression lines and age wrinkles;
    • strengthens the muscles of the orbital region, which opens the eyes wider;
    • improves the shape of the nose without any plastic surgery;
    • eliminates double chin;
    • cares for the skin around the eyes, removing bruises, swelling and bags.

    The results become noticeable 6-7 months after the start of classes, and the rejuvenation effect is long-term and persistent. The author promises that in this way you can lose 10 years at once!


    Each exercise of this gymnastics affects quite deep layers of the skin and can affect not only the dermis. Here, blood circulation, lymph flow, neurons of the brain, and muscles of the collarbones and back are involved in the process. Therefore, it is so important to follow all contraindications for such face-building, so as not to harm your health:

    • beauty injections that were given over the past 2 weeks: muscle exercises neutralize the effect of solutions injected under the skin;
    • facial surgery performed within the last month;
    • any damage to the facial nerve: inflammation, neuritis, injury, paralysis, etc.;
    • pressure surges;
    • wounds that have not had time to heal, scars, ulcers, scratches, etc.

    In addition, during the period of exacerbation of any diseases and fever, gymnastics should be postponed until complete recovery.


    In order to effectively and profitably put into practice the rejuvenation method of the American Carol Maggio, you should listen to her recommendations.

    General Tips

    1. Carol advises taking a frontal and profile selfie before doing her gymnastics, and then repeating the same thing, trying out several of her courses and visually evaluating the results.
    2. To perform the exercises correctly, you need to watch the video tutorials and work through the step-by-step instructions for them.
    3. Classes must be regular.
    4. Beginners can devote no more than 20 minutes a day to gymnastics. The main thing is not the amount of time spent, but the correct execution of each exercise.
    5. It is optimal to do it twice a day.
    6. In addition to gymnastics, Carol Maggio strongly recommends organizing proper facial skin care, which includes the use of suitable cosmetics and various anti-aging procedures (massage, moisturizing spa masks, light peeling, etc.). An integrated approach to this issue at a young age will be an excellent prevention of early withering, and at a later age it will be a noticeable lifting.
    7. Carol Maggio pays special attention to massage and recommends alternating gymnastics with it: a day - massage, a day - exercises. Moreover, it should be carried out in full courses and constantly change: vacuum, honey, spoons, Asahi, lymphatic drainage. And once a year she strongly advises going to a professional.

    As already mentioned, Carol places great emphasis on visualizing each exercise. Only by imagining the energy flows can you correctly perform the desired movement.

    Execution technique

    1. It is advisable to do Carol Maggio’s gymnastics in front of a mirror to monitor the correctness of the exercises.
    2. Starting position - correct posture, retracted abs, tense hips and buttocks.
    3. It is necessary to carefully concentrate on performing each exercise. When training muscles, you need to feel how deeply you are working them - this part of the face should become warm.
    4. A greater effect can be achieved if you use your imagination and imagine how, when doing it, the energy fills the worked muscle to the maximum. Without this, gymnastics loses all its salt.
    5. After each exercise, both the body and facial muscles need to be relaxed.
    6. Carol Maggio recommends finishing gymnastics each time as follows: purse your lips as tightly as possible and begin to forcefully exhale air from your lungs, feeling their vibration.

    Course Descriptions

    1. A basic gymnastics complex for beginners includes 14 simple exercises.
    2. The main complex for advanced ones offers 9 exercises: some repeat the basic ones, only more complicated.
    3. An adapted gymnastics complex is now gaining great popularity because it is designed to be performed at the workplace, at a party, at the computer or in the car.

    You should start doing gymnastics with a basic or adapted course from Carol Maggio. You can order them for a certain amount or find free video tutorials.

    Exercise Tips

    To quickly master the technique and achieve your goals, Carol Maggio advises adhering to the following recommendations:

    • Maintaining the correct posture when performing exercises. You cannot achieve success by relaxing your body. You need concentration and composure. The following posture is recommended: sitting position, strongly retracted stomach, tense muscles of the thighs and buttocks. A static position will allow you to better concentrate while performing actions. At the same time as the area being trained, the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen will be toned.
    • Focus on results. It is recommended to perform the exercises carefully, paying close attention to the muscle group being worked. At first, you may experience unpleasant burning and tingling sensations (as when doing abdominal exercises, doing pull-ups, or running). The fingers increase the resistance of the muscles, acting as weights. Signs like this shouldn't stop you. It is focal heat and moderate pain that indicate effective work.
    • Subsequent recovery. After training, muscles need moderate rest. Each series of exercises is alternated with short-term relaxation. It is recommended to close your eyes and perform breathing exercises.
    • Focus on the current action. It is advisable to consider each movement as a projection, mentally visualize it (the working muscle contracts, is supplied with blood, and is filled with energy). Close observation of the movement of the muscle allows you to remember and detail the movement.
    • Visualization of results. Having captured the initial state of the oval, after 2 weeks of classes, after 1-2 months, you will be able to really track your achievements. The action helps to establish the effectiveness of the technique and the need to continue doing the exercises. An incentive appears to move in a given direction.

    The tips were developed by the author based on many years of observations. Compliance with recommended actions increases the effectiveness of the technique.

    Book by Carol Maggio in Russian

    The original book by Carol Maggio was published in English. In translation, the book was called “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” (Moscow, Eksmo-Press, 2012. – 128 p.). This work sets out in detail the author's recommendations for performing each exercise, and there are few of them, which is why the book turned out to be small. The first section contains a complex for beginners (14 exercises), the second contains gymnastics for professionals (9 exercises). Each complex is divided into 5 blocks, which contain exercises for different muscle groups. The section “Exercises in the car” is highlighted.

    The book “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is called not the most successful translation of Carol Maggio’s work, but in Russia it is the only one

    It is not necessary to do the entire set of exercises every day. If your chin is bothering you, you can only work with exercises from the corresponding block. The book provides the basics of anatomy - the names of the muscles and explanations of what they are responsible for and which part of the face. For each exercise, the technique of execution is shown and comments are given on why exactly it is useful and what results can be expected. The text is accompanied by black and white photographs that clearly show the technique. At the end, general recommendations for skin care are given.

    Safety regulations

    You will need to protect your body from unpleasant consequences by starting to get acquainted with the technique. Non-standard manifestations are possible (an untrained body is not ready for intense work).

    You cannot start active activities on weak muscles. The same applies to older women. Loose skin is prone to stretching. Smooth preparation required.

    You cannot move on to actively performing an exercise before it has been practically “polished.” Wrong actions can cause harm. It is not recommended to proceed to an intensive course before mastering the basic exercises.


    If there are contraindications (skin pathologies, problems with joints, muscles), performing gymnastics is dangerous to health. If the violations are temporary, then you need to wait until the problem is resolved. It is not recommended to start aerobics if you have high blood pressure, elevated temperature, or inflammatory processes.

    Injections that fix muscles (Botox, filler) performed less than 2 weeks ago lose their meaning if gymnastics are not suspended for the recovery period.

    Regularly performing facial fitness is useful for maintaining beauty, health, and youth. Carol Maggio's technique is recognized all over the world. Although there is a Russian version of Facebook building.

    What is the role of exercises in a facelift?

    Regular gymnastics of the facial muscles leads to the same results as plastic surgery. Only wrinkles are smoothed out not due to tissue tightening, but because the volume of the facial muscles increases. In fact, face building causes muscle spasm - from constant tension, they look something like after a botulinum toxin injection. Meanwhile, the load on the tissues should not be constant; most of the time they are in a passive state, and this is normal. Overexertion causes side effects, facial expressions are distorted, and nervousness appears. Women who oppose Maggio's exercise system say they have noticed involuntary, slightly nervous facial expressions on Carol herself.

    Facial gymnastics helps remove facial and age wrinkles, but only temporarily

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