Front sight tattoo: permanent makeup of a mole above the lip

Date of publication: 08/17/2021 1095
A neat little mole is a highlight that attracts the attention of others, emphasizing the individuality of the owner. Floes make the face more expressive, and the features more harmonious, more feminine, and successfully distract attention from imperfections. On the body, a dark dot looks piquant and helps to catch interested glances. Women who do not naturally have spots on their face or body decide to apply them using permanent makeup. The procedure helps to put a recognizable accent, add charm and charm to the image.

What is front sight tattooing?

Tattooing a mole is a procedure during which a specialist uses permanent pigments to apply an image of a mole to the body. The dye has a long-term effect. An artificial mole is very similar to a real one; people around you will not distinguish a tattoo from a natural formation. The speck helps to disguise minor defects. It can be used to remove traces of acne or piercings and small scars.

An artificial mole can be applied to any part of the face or body. Most often, women choose the following areas for tattooing:

  • Upper lip. A small dot draws attention to the lips and looks seductive and sexy. Tattooing a mole above the lip is suitable for girls with different types of appearance, emphasizing natural femininity.
  • Face. A front sight on any part of the face looks impressive, catches the eye, and emphasizes the appearance. A dark dot distracts attention from imperfections, so women often use this type of tattoo to visually correct their facial features.
  • Neckline. The front sight in the neckline emphasizes the curves, focuses attention on the advantages, and makes the image more seductive. This type of tattoo is suitable for brave women who are not afraid to show off their sexuality.

A neat mole looks beautiful and natural in any area: above the eyebrow, on the cheek, on the temple, on the shoulder. This is a great way to put an elegant emphasis on appearance, which is available to every woman today.


Listen to the recommendations of experts:

  • An artificial fly should not be glued onto a natural mole in an attempt to correct its shape, as this can lead to dangerous consequences for health.
  • Under no circumstances should henna be applied to a natural mole in an attempt to change its color; this can also negatively affect health.
  • You should not touch or try to change natural convex moles with cosmetics.
  • The most optimal and safest solution for creating a spectacular mole is to contact a highly qualified clinic that has extensive experience in performing these procedures.

Dear ladies who dream of an ideal look, do not despair and remember that there is no limit to perfection. Modern developments, which medicine is happy to provide, provide many opportunities. In order to look beautiful, original and have your own irresistible zest, it is not at all necessary to be born with a spectacular fly on your face. You just need to contact a specialized institution that will help you make your dreams come true.

Execution technique

Before the procedure, the specialist applies an anesthetic to the area, which slightly freezes the skin. The skin on the face is sensitive, especially if the spot is placed above the lip. However, you can refuse pain medication. But only if the woman has a high pain threshold, or when the master works in another area of ​​the body. In many cases, during the procedure, the woman feels only a slight tingling sensation.

After this, the master begins to introduce pigment. A dye of the desired color is injected under the upper layer of the epidermis using a special tattoo machine with a disposable sterile needle. The needle is moved in a spiral motion, expanding the mole to the desired size.

At the end of the procedure, a special protective cream is applied to the front sight, which will prevent the entry of germs. After a visit to the studio, the mole looks bright, but the final result after healing will lighten by 30-50% and will look natural.

The essence of the occurrence of moles

You have probably noticed the appearance of new moles where there were none before. In fact, moles form throughout a person’s life. Their secret is quite simple: these small and large dots on the body represent an excessive local accumulation of melanocytes under the skin - cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment. Each mole is fundamentally different from the other in size and shape.

Each mole has its own life cycle. As a rule, the first nodules appear in infancy, and by 7-10 years they acquire their final form, although they may change over time. First, a nevus appears - a flat tiny spot of a dark shade; then you can notice how it grows, becomes voluminous and convex. The intensity of the color and shape of the surface directly depends on the concentration and location of melanocytes - the fewer there are and the deeper the layer of their localization, the lighter the mole. If multiple cells are located in the upper layers of the skin, the mole has a distinct contour, a “puffy” shape and a dark color.

How does the procedure work?

Permanent treatment is done after proper preparation. A week before the procedure, you need to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting. 2-3 days before tattooing, it is recommended to remove fatty, heavy foods, seafood, caffeine, and alcohol from the menu. You should not sunbathe, use facial peels or other cosmetics with aggressive ingredients on the eve of permanent treatment.

The procedure for tattooing a front sight goes through the following main stages:

1. Preliminary discussion. You need to discuss the location, shape, and size of the front sight with the master. The specialist will recommend the location of the mark and size. It will help you choose the tone of the mole that will match the color type of your appearance.

2. Sketch. The master makes a preliminary sketch and draws a mole on the body. If necessary, it modifies the mark, changes shape and color.

3. Pigmentation. When the master approves the sketch, the main stage begins. After applying the anesthetic, the specialist introduces a dye and forms a fly, moving the instrument from the center to the periphery. It is important that the artist uses high-quality pigments that do not spread or change color over time.

4. Completion. At the end of the procedure, the master applies a protective cream to the skin and gives recommendations for further care during the healing period.

The procedure takes up to 20 minutes. The first half of this time is spent on preliminary preparation, and the second half on pigmentation.

Recommendations from experts

Applying a mole with permanent makeup is very quick and easy. A competent master will select the most optimal color that will look natural and not provocative, and will also recommend a beautiful shape. Let's determine the order of applying makeup:

  1. A special anesthetic composition is applied to the part of the body on which the mark is planned to be made in order to numb the sensitivity of the skin.
  2. Next, using a special technique of driving in the coloring composition, the doctor will begin to apply the mole. The first puncture is made in the center, then, moving in a spiral, the doctor reaches the desired size of the mark.
  3. After driving in the coloring composition, the anesthetic is again applied to the newly created mole.

At home, you will need to lubricate the mole with a product prescribed by the doctor twice a day. Once the crust falls off, you no longer need to lubricate the mark. You can congratulate yourself on your new mole.

How long does the result last?

An artificial fly stays on the skin for several years. In the face area, the dye looks expressive for up to 2-3 years. The pigment stays on the body even longer, as it is less susceptible to exposure to aggressive environments and ultraviolet radiation.

The duration of pigment wear is also affected by:

  • age (in women over 30-35 years old, tauage lasts longer);
  • metabolic rate and immune function (the more active the metabolism, the faster the body removes the foreign substance - pigment);
  • skin type (dye lasts longer on dry skin than on oily skin);
  • compliance with the rules of care during the healing period of the tattoo.

When the mark fades, the pigment should be refreshed using the refresh procedure.

Basic rules for applying proper makeup

To make beautiful makeup, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics; you need to know the basic rules for creating it and be able to apply them in practice. Neat make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform herself, emphasizing her advantages and evoking enthusiastic compliments. Despite the fact that makeup is predominantly a female art, not every woman masters it. And the presence of the most expensive and elite cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result if you do not master the rules of its use. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly, you can look impressive and attractive in any situation, even without having an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes.

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman’s face; with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully shaded. Depending on the time of day and function, makeup can be daytime (close to natural) and evening, that is, intended for a formal appearance.

Everyday makeup refers to a simple look. It is designed to disguise minor imperfections, give the face freshness and highlight its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, proper daytime makeup will only enhance the natural charm of a woman, while being invisible. Evening makeup is usually complicated and requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use of decorative elements, glitter, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you will have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, lining the eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

Preparing for the makeup process

Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. Makeup should only be applied correctly to clean skin. Therefore, first you need to remove the remnants of makeup, wash your face, and wipe your face with toner. Next, we determine your skin type. It is important to moisturize dry skin with day cream. For oily or combination skin, apply a mattifying agent or base.

The durability and accuracy of the makeup, as well as the time spent on its creation, largely depend on this stage. It is important to pay attention to every detail, try new techniques and select a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will be developed over time, and then the question of how to apply makeup correctly will no longer arise. On a cleansed and moisturized face, makeup adheres better and lasts longer. It is not allowed to apply new layers to existing “plaster”. Makeup removal is definitely necessary. In general, the more the skin rests from cosmetics, the better its appearance and condition. If you have free time or on weekends, you can practice using homemade face masks or from store-bought ones. The frequency of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

Washing with water is not enough for adult skin; it needs to be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. Cleansing ends with tonic or lotion. Care is selected depending on skin type and time of year. The care product can be a fluid cream, a nourishing or moisturizing cream, or an emulsion.

How to apply foundation and foundation

Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out using a corrector and concealer. They can “hide” dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding veins, and pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect, you should apply foundation and powder, which also provide an even complexion.

To select the color of the foundation, it is tested: applied to the inside of the brush.

For oily or combination skin, you can use products with a mattifying effect that will absorb excess sebum and eliminate shine.

  1. Let's apply the base. Before applying foundation, you need to prepare your skin. For this you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a mattifying effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, hide the circles and puffiness under the eyes using a concealer. This should be done with the pads of your fingers and soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should be used to cover the sharp edges of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face “softer” and more delicate. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation. Do not apply too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream onto the inside of your palm and begin to carefully apply it with a brush, moving from the edges of the face to its center. Carefully blend the product over the entire skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give your face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color of foundation and foundation. Too light shades will make the face look like a doll, lifeless. Dark ones are capable of creating an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the hand - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​the hand. To correct your face shape, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural one and a darker one. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonally, depending on the type of face.

Tools and cosmetics

Determining the color type of appearance, namely the shade of skin, eyes and hair, is the next step on the path to flawless makeup. A correctly selected palette of eye shadow, blush and lipstick can embellish or completely transform a woman’s face. You can determine the range experimentally, relying on the recommendations of professional makeup artists and your artistic taste. It is clear that for daytime makeup you should choose nude and pastel shades that will not clearly stand out on the face. For an evening look, bright, rich colors, enchanting combinations, and interesting textures are suitable.

In any case, it is better to prepare the necessary cosmetics and tools in advance so that you can apply everything at once and not be distracted by searching while creating makeup. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of cosmetics and decorative products and not to forget about their storage time after opening the package.

A set of sponges and brushes of different shapes and sizes will help in the difficult but interesting process of creating “make-up”. Cotton pads and swabs will correct errors and remove excess makeup. And of course, at a comfortable table with good lighting and a large (preferably magnifying) mirror it will be easier to apply makeup.

Some tips:

  • For those with a square face shape, it is recommended to apply a light shade to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. Use a dark product to treat the area near the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • A round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark foundation, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus attention on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • If you have an elongated face, it is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten your face. Do not skimp on blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow at the top, full at the bottom), a light tone should highlight the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Step-by-step makeup creation

It is important to follow the generally accepted sequence for applying makeup among makeup artists. In makeup, especially evening makeup, it is recommended to focus on one part of the face. As a rule, these are the eyes. They provide unlimited scope for the use of unexpected shades of shadows, their interesting combination with the natural color of the iris. A flutter of luxurious eyelashes, a bewitching gaze - these epithets are not in vain used when describing attractive women.

If you want to highlight seductive lips on your face, this is easy to do with bright lipstick. In this case, it is correct to make eye makeup natural and inconspicuous. Focusing on two or more parts of the face will make the image look doll-like or too “womanish.” Confidence and neatness are the hallmarks of a stylish and luxurious woman.

Eye makeup is the most important and difficult stage.

How to properly apply eye makeup? The first thing to consider is what type of makeup you need to do. For daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of eyeshadow and a dark brown or black pencil. Using a gentle pencil movement, shade the eyelash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will take on an expressive, beautiful shape. Apply shadows using a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know what tone suits you, you can use universal shades – these are considered gray and brown tones. To make your eyes look bigger, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye and dark shadows on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. For evening makeup, choose pearlescent warm or cool tones. The final step will be applying mascara to the eyelashes.

It usually uses tools such as:

  • base for shadows;
  • pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • Mascara.

In the daytime version, only light shadows and mascara or only mascara can be applied. Evening or stage makeup is unthinkable without expressive wings and rich colors; it allows the use of false eyelashes or rhinestones. Also, the formal look should be combined with the outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

In complex eye makeup, after the base, eyeliner is applied, then the shadows are shaded. There are various makeup schemes - horizontal, vertical, “bird”, “smoky ice”, “banana”. Their use depends on the shape of the eyes, the distance between them, and the shape of the eyelid. The choice of mascara is determined by the natural thickness and length of the eyelashes. It can be lengthening, curling, or increasing volume. Waterproof swatches provide longer-lasting makeup. The color of the mascara may also vary. Thus, brown-eyed girls are recommended to use brown shades in daytime makeup. For a festive occasion, blue, purple, green or silver mascara may be useful. Particularly extravagant ladies even pay attention to the color red. Some manufacturers offer “2 in 1” products, consisting of a caring serum, which additionally increases the thickness of the hairs, and a coloring composition.

The shade of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades and brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, cool-spectrum shades, such as smoky, white, and blue, are suitable. To achieve the desired effect when tinting your eyelashes, you can try several methods of applying mascara:

  • vertical, in which the brush moves vertically relative to the eyes, that is, parallel to the hairs;
  • blinking - rapid fluttering of the eyelashes when touching them horizontally with a brush;
  • Zigzags - alternating movements of the brush left-right and up-down.

One of the final stages is lip makeup.

To highlight the natural beauty of your lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are ideal for summer makeup or light makeup for every day. Choose light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what a girl chooses – lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create classic makeup. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, it should be applied with a brush.

Lips can be pre-softened with balm and thus prepared for applying lipstick. There are also special scrubs with fine exfoliating particles that will delicately remove the stratum corneum and chapped skin. A lip liner pencil will highlight and, if necessary, correct their shape. Its color should match the lipstick or differ from it by several tones. A soft, well-sharpened lead will help achieve a clear outline.

It is important to carefully paint your lips with lipstick and cover their inner surface as much as possible so that the makeup looks beautiful and natural when talking and laughing. The first layer can be powdered or blotted with a cosmetic napkin, then apply another layer. This will make your lip makeup richer and more durable.

The shade of lipstick should be combined with the color of the shadows and skin tone. For each color type of appearance, there are recommendations for choosing cosmetics. For bright eye makeup, nude lipsticks are usually used, that is, lipsticks close to the natural color of the lips. For daytime make-up, you can limit yourself to liquid gloss or balm. Some people may like long-lasting lipsticks, but you should not overuse them, as they dry out the skin of your lips.

Blush - refreshes the complexion

Gives him a natural glow and completes his makeup. Their color is usually selected to match the skin tone: pink and beige are suitable for fair complexions, bronze or brown are suitable for dark complexions. By changing the direction and width of the strokes, you can adjust the shape of the face, visually stretch it vertically or horizontally, increase or decrease its width. The optimal intensity for applying blush is when it does not stand out on the face.

It’s not difficult to understand how to apply makeup beautifully and correctly. Their practical implementation will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge. With such skills, a woman will feel confident in any situation and will be able to make the desired impression on others.

Rules of care

Proper care during the healing period is one of the main factors that affects the duration of pigment wear. Like any other type of permanent makeup, a mole above the lip, on the face or in the décolleté area requires proper care:

  • Apply Depanthenol or Bepanten ointment to the treated area for 7-10 days. In the first 4 days, you need to treat the skin with ointment every 2-3 hours, after that - 3-4 times a day.
  • Wash the tattoo with cool water and antibacterial soap. This should be done in the morning and evening.
  • Do not rub the pigmented area, do not wipe with a towel.
  • Do not go to the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, or sunbathe for 10 days after the procedure.
  • Avoid using decorative cosmetics until the inflammation goes away completely.

After the procedure, slight redness and swelling will appear around the spot. This is a normal condition of the skin after damage. As a rule, swelling and redness subside already on the second day.

If during the healing period a crust forms on the front sight. You cannot remove or comb it, even if you feel severe itching. Soon it will fall off on its own. If you tear off the crust, the pigment will come off with it. As a result, the dye will not take root or will become uneven.

Complete healing occurs in 3-4 weeks. In a month you need to come for a consultation with the master. The specialist will evaluate the work and, if necessary, make a correction that will consolidate the result and extend the period of wearing the pigment.

How to become the owner of a beautiful mole?

Today, there are several ways to become the owner of a piquant mole:

  • a front sight glued to the skin;
  • a mole painted using decorative cosmetics;
  • henna tattoo;
  • mole made with permanent makeup.

Let's look at these methods in more detail:

  1. A front sight is a small piece of fabric or silicone base attached to the face using special glue. This method is the oldest method of applying an original mole. The obvious disadvantage of this method is its fragility. Such a mole can come off at any time and cause your inconvenience.
  2. A mole applied with a cosmetic pencil, eyeliner or special shadows is an express method for every day. However, this method is also characterized by fragility, and there is also a risk that the mole will float or become blurred if you accidentally touch your face in the place where it is drawn.
  3. A good way is to apply henna to a mole. This mark will remain on the face for up to several weeks and does not require special care or daily correction. In order to make such a mole, you need to dilute the henna with warm water to the required consistency. Next, the composition is applied to the fat-free area of ​​the face where you want to see your mole. The disadvantage of this method is that such a mole will gradually change color, becoming paler every day.
  4. The best option for applying a mole is permanent makeup performed in a professional clinic or beauty salon. This mole will remain on the face for 5-8 years and will not change its color or shape in any way.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina has extensive practice in carrying out various cosmetic procedures. She is an experienced surgeon and highly qualified specialist in her field.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

In some cases, the procedure is postponed to a more favorable time. Pigmentation needs to be transferred if a woman has:

  • high blood pressure;
  • menstruation (it is also not recommended to get a tattoo during the week before the start of menstruation, the best time is the middle of the cycle);
  • inflammation, skin rashes in the pigmented area;
  • acute phase of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation.

There is also a list of contraindications under which permanent makeup should absolutely not be done. These include:

  • diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent form);
  • bleeding disorders;
  • somatic diseases, pathologies of the immune system;
  • oncology (with the exception of the period of remission, but only with permission from the attending physician);
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • mental disorders.

Before the procedure, the master must interview the client and find out the presence of contraindications.

Pathological moles

There are other neoplasms that rightly cause concern in their owner. They can provoke the development of skin cancer. These moles also require removal, but this should be done by an oncologist or surgeon, with the selection of subsequent therapy. Removing pathological moles in aesthetic clinics and centers is extremely dangerous, which is why competent and conscientious plastic surgeons prescribe a series of tests at the slightest suspicion of a malignant growth.

The main signs of a “suspicious” mole:

• Abrupt appearance in adulthood;

• Intensive growth up to 1 cm in diameter;

• Rapid modification of form and structure;

• “Glossy” or rough surface, disappearance of the skin pattern from the elevation;

• Thinning texture;

• The appearance of pronounced asymmetry;

• Peeling of the surface followed by the formation of a crust;

• Presence of itching and burning in the area of ​​the tumor;

• Partial or complete loss of hair from the surface;

• The appearance of depigmented areas, complete or partial change in color;

• Ulcerations on the surface;

• Formation of daughter nodules;

• The presence of hyperemia and swelling around the nevus;

• Formation of new nodules directly on the surface;

• Bleeding (sudden or with minor trauma);

• Separation of moisture and exudate.

Materials and tools

A qualified master in a professional salon uses for tattooing:

  • Special high quality equipment.
  • Sterile needles (single or triple needles can be used).
  • Certified pigments (paints) of various tones.
  • Painkillers for applications.

The client may inquire about the documents for the equipment and the materials used, and the master is obliged to provide him with all the information he is interested in.

What are the types of congenital moles in a child?

VMN come in various sizes, and depending on the diameter they are divided into:

  • small - up to 1.5 cm;
  • medium - from 1.5 to 10 cm;
  • large - from 10 to 20 cm;
  • giant - more than 20 cm.

One of the most typical symptoms of VN is hypertrichosis, that is, hair is present on the surface of the formation, most often dense and black. It is worth noting that the appearance of some VN is formed gradually, the nature of the coloring may become uneven, tubercles may appear on the surface, and over time, hair begins to grow.

For VN, such changes are a variant of the norm, but they require monitoring by a doctor.

Are there any restrictions after mole removal?

A small crust forms at the site of the mole, which, after complete drying, comes off on its own, leaving clean, healthy skin in its place. Under no circumstances should this process be accelerated, because an unsightly scar may form in place of the crust. You should not sunbathe for a month after removing a mole. Before going outside, if it is an open area of ​​the body, use a cream with SPF 50+, which provides a good level of protection against ultraviolet rays.

Restrictions that must be followed for 2-3 weeks after mole removal:

  1. Avoid contact with water
  2. Refrain from visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, and open water bodies.
  3. The place where the nevus used to be must be protected from any thermal effects.
  4. Both natural and artificial tanning in a solarium are prohibited.

Where can you check moles in St. Petersburg for malignancy?

If you have a problematic mole and would like to have it checked for malignancy and removed, please contact our clinics. Removal of tumors is carried out by experienced specialists who treat each patient carefully and responsibly - dermatocosmetologist, dermatologist, laser removal specialist, dermatologist-oncologist. Moles are tested for malignancy in the laboratory immediately after collecting the material. If you decide to remove a mole at the nearest beauty salon, they will not provide you with this service, which means there will be no opportunity to assess the nature of the neoplasm, which is very important when diagnosing cancer. Laser mole removal can be done in our clinics.


Tonal products with a thick consistency cope best with the task assigned to them. Such products are much heavier than any other decorative cosmetics, but they are easy to use. The specific structure of the cream does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

Due to its thick consistency, it is enough to apply one layer of cream to the moles. The pigment included in the cream will be able to paint over the treated area the first time; you should not apply the product to the same place several times. Even if the foundation is chosen to match your natural skin color, the areas where multiple layers have been applied will appear significantly different in tone from the rest of your skin.

The foundation is applied directly to the moles without touching the skin around them. It is recommended to apply the product using a special brush.

What to do if a child scratches or tears off a mole?

In most cases, nevi are not a cause for concern. The appearance of moles in a child of any age is absolutely normal. They will gradually increase along with the growth of the child himself, and the location of the moles can be anywhere, including on the head, soles and even the genitals. Moles in children can easily be irregular in shape, have uneven borders, varied color patterns and large size, especially for congenital nevi.

It is also normal that moles will arouse your child's curiosity. If a child scratches or even picks off a mole, do not panic. This is only a reason to contact a dermatologist for dermatoscopy and further observation. So the answer to the question of what to do if your baby picks a mole is very simple: don’t worry and make an appointment with a specialist. ⠀

Parents need to be wary only in the following cases:

  • rapid, sudden growth of formation in volume or diameter;
  • the appearance of bleeding or a crust on the surface of the mole without previous injury;
  • a rare type of mole;
  • a large number of moles (>50) or cases of melanoma in the family;
  • positive “ugly duckling” symptom (one formation is very different from other moles).

If you or your child just touched a mole, there is no need to worry.

Red, hanging moles - which nevi can scare parents?

Nevus Spitz

Histological examination of UMN shows that this nevus accounts for 1–2% of all UMN. This pink-red or deep black mole has a flat, hemispherical shape. The boundaries are clear, even, and the outlines are regular.

The mole grows, changes quickly, initially appears as a small speck, and mothers often confuse it with dirt on the child’s skin.

Spitz nevus is a benign structure, but clinically and histologically it is the main simulant of melanoma. That is why doctors recommend removing it immediately, or taking it under total control and observation.

Red flags for Spitz nevus:

  • size greater than 8 mm;
  • rises strongly above the skin level, resembles a knot, a hanging mole;
  • independent ulceration, i.e. the appearance of a crust on the surface for no reason;
  • pronounced clinical or dermoscopic asymmetry.


This is an acquired melanocytic nevus surrounded by a depigmented rim. It is represented by a red-brown nodule that rises slightly above the skin level. The diameter of the nevus itself is small and is approximately 0.2–1.2 cm, but the whitish rim around it exceeds the size of the nodule itself.

This formation is usually not dangerous and does not require treatment, but dynamic observation and mapping of the element is recommended.

Nevus Reed

A black mole with clear, smooth edges. It is small in size, no more than one centimeter, and is a benign formation.

Nevi of Oto and Ito

They are bluish-gray formations with disturbed pigmentation, located in certain areas. The localization of Oto's nevus is characterized by the periorbital region (in other words, these moles appear on the face, around the eyes), and for Ita - the skin of the neck and shoulders.

Most often, these formations require constant monitoring; laser lightening may be used due to a pronounced cosmetic defect.

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