Permanent lip makeup, contour and tattoo with shading - how to make the natural look clearer

Sensual, alluring lips are the object of desire for many girls. Unfortunately, nature has not given such a gift to everyone, and even a daily ritual with lipstick and pencil cannot achieve the desired result.

A powerful tool in this case is tattooing, which makes the shape beautiful and adds brightness. It is a mistake to believe that the result of the procedure is a burgundy line over a natural contour; the subtleties of long-lasting makeup have long gone beyond the fashion of the 2000s.


Permanent tattooing of eyes and lips comes in a variety of types and purposes. Sometimes it is done to always be in shape and save time on applying makeup; in some cases, these techniques are used to correct natural imperfections or hide scars.

Watercolor lip tattoo

There are the following types of lip tattoos::

  1. Drawing the outline . This is the most popular permanent makeup. Here only the outer line is outlined, and the inner space is not filled. Thanks to this approach, you can be ready to apply makeup at any time, while still looking “made up.” The technique is practical, but can be a hassle if you want to try a new lipstick color;
  2. 3D tattooing is suitable for changing the volume of the lips - they visually become larger, while the shades are corrected. A very convenient option for those who have this part of their face that is naturally expressionless. Here the contour is painted, and the folds are drawn with dark strokes, after which the master shades it with a lighter shade. Due to this work, the lips visually look more sensual;
  3. Shading or monochrome . Very similar to eyebrow tattooing, except for the place of use and palette. The work is done with a wide needle-brush (relatively thin needle for contour). The outline is drawn according to the client's wishes. The pigment is driven under the skin evenly over the entire area of ​​the lips, the folds must be worked out to achieve the effect of uniform shading;
  4. Pigmentation . This is probably the most natural version of tattooing, which involves correction of lip color. Sometimes they are too light relative to the skin of the face, which is why they look faded and even age. You can get rid of this problem by regularly using lipsticks and glosses, or simply do permanent makeup;
  5. Watercolor . A special feature of the procedure is the filigree work of the master. This is the most natural type of tattoo; it looks very natural due to a special application technique. Pigment is driven into the folds with thin small strokes, but, unlike 3D, the work is done with only one color, without transition;
  6. Ombre . The newest, and currently popular, type of lip tattoo. It can only be performed by a professional master, since the work requires not only clear movements, but also the master’s experience as a color corrector. The ombre technique involves gradual lightening from the contour to the middle of the folds. If you choose the right contour shades and transition lines, your lips will immediately become visually enlarged, they will become plumper and more stylish.

Is it painful to get a lip tattoo? Yes, that’s why the doctor always offers anesthesia before the session. These can be injections - they are more effective (injected into the gums) or lidocaine-based ointments. If you choose Emla and other anesthetics as pain relief, the tattooing process will be more unpleasant than painful. If there are injections, then you won’t even feel anything.

Average price for tattoo: ombre for lips – 300 USD. e., watercolor – 150, pigmentation – 120, correction – $50.

Video: instructions on how to do lip tattooing


This technique is vaguely reminiscent of ombre, but is considered more familiar and traditional. The palette is selected from 2-3 colors, which should be as close to each other as possible. To make the result natural, but bright and noticeable, a classic transition between shades is used: the contour is tinted with darker ones, and the lip area is tinted with lighter ones.

Photo - 3D technology

3D tattoo technology:

  1. Makeup is removed and pigment is selected according to the client’s skin color and preferences. You need to be extremely careful at this stage, because choosing the wrong color can lighten your lips even more;
  2. The contour is outlined with a pencil to protect the delicate skin around the lips from exposure; it is lubricated with a special antiseptic;
  3. Like eye tattooing, permanent lip makeup is done using subtle strokes so as not to pull the skin;
  4. Thin strokes are drawn from the painted outer line to the middle. They should be small in size and different colors, but located as close to each other as possible;
  5. It must be said that the effect does not appear immediately. Immediately after the session, the color is very bright, but after a couple of days, when the swelling subsides and excess paint comes out, the lips will become significantly lighter. On the third day, you can judge the need for correction or the correct choice of color.

Watercolor technique

A contour with shading is a tattoo that allows you to simultaneously emphasize the beauty of your lips and correct their shape. The technique is an example of the fact that not always a beautiful result is a consequence of complex work. Here the outline is painted over with a dark color, and a lighter color is shaded inside it.

This technology is intended rather to emphasize the natural beauty of a form or slightly change the color than to solve complex problems. But if you expand the line correctly, you can even enlarge narrow features.

Photo – Watercolor technique

Application technique:

  1. Makeup is removed, shade is selected, and anesthesia is administered. Of course, you can refuse the anesthesia procedure, but the session is very painful;
  2. Depending on the shape, the outline is drawn in a dark color, or a dark line is drawn over it. This is how lips are often visually expanded with a simple pencil;
  3. Afterwards, the contour needle is replaced with a watercolor one - if you look at it closely, it is in the shape of a brush, and the process of shading the color begins. The pigment is driven in with soft strokes that gently stretch inside the contour line;
  4. The average session time is 1 hour, sometimes less if there is no need to expand the circuit.

This is a fairly simple technology, so an experienced master can offer a session at home. The main thing is to ensure that the environment is sterile and that only new instruments and needles are used.

Permanent lip contour makeup: main advantages

  1. If the work is performed correctly by an experienced craftsman using high-quality equipment, the effect can last for two years.
  2. Maintenance of the applied pattern is minimal. There is a significant saving of time, since there is no need to constantly use cosmetics and remove makeup before going to bed or after events.
  3. Thanks to modern technologies and special equipment designed to perform such tasks, the result is very naturalistic, almost indistinguishable from natural lines. No one will suspect you of abusing cosmetics or tattoos.
  4. The procedure itself is quick, painless and does not cause discomfort. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of an experienced master - and the process of improving your appearance will take place quickly and will leave only the most pleasant emotions.
  5. If desired, it is possible to apply decorative cosmetics to the tattoo, if you want to add zest to the image and emphasize its originality, to place accents. But you should wait for final healing.
  6. Available in a variety of shades to suit girls of all color types. There is no need to compromise, as modern pigments allow you to choose the option that perfectly complements your specific look. Modeling a sketch will help you “try on” the final result before completing the work, so you will know in advance how your face will look later.

Of the shortcomings, we note only one - the full pigment appears a month later through several stages of recovery. But you can enjoy it for at least two years.


This is the most beautiful and high-quality tattoo that you can imagine on your lips. It provides correction of shape, color, creation of a new image. Only good beauty salons provide it, because to perform the technique, the master must have excellent experience.

Ombre tattooing is a lip correction style; the before and after photos clearly show how much more interesting the face becomes after such permanent makeup. The technology can be compared to 3D, except that in volumetric practice 3 colors are used, and in ombre you can use up to 5 different shades, which do not necessarily have to be from the same range. Circuit. Often, darker than the inner filling.

Photo - Ombre on lips

Progress of the procedure:

  1. First, a contour line is drawn, and thin strokes are drawn from it to fill the folds. The lines should be of different lengths - this will ensure a soft transition of pigment;
  2. Towards the middle, the colors may become lighter, even beige. The strokes are of medium length, as the lines expand. Otherwise, the gradient simply will not be visible;
  3. The paint does not appear immediately, so the artist requires filigree skill in combining different shades and shading them.

Creating a matte lipstick effect

This tip will suit you if you prefer to alternate between glossy and matte lip makeup, but don’t want to buy a lot of cosmetics or are used to just any brand and color. To make a glossy lipstick matte, use a blush without shiny particles in a shade close to the lipstick. Apply blush over lipstick using your fingertips to create a beautiful, natural matte effect. It is important not to apply too much product, otherwise sloppy lumps and cracks will form on your lips.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Considering that this is a real tattoo, it has contraindications. Tattooing is harmful during colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, herpes). Any intervention at this time will significantly weaken the body and prolong the healing process. It is not recommended to do permanent makeup during menstruation and skin diseases.

Other contraindications for lip tattooing:

  • Moles at the site of pigmentation. They may react negatively to the intervention and become inflamed;
  • Presence of a tendency to herpes diseases. In fact, herpes on the lips itself is not dangerous, but if you add paint, tissue tears and an inflammatory process to it, the disease can develop into a serious complication;
  • The procedure is allowed only from 18 years of age;
  • Pregnancy, lactation. This is not a categorical contraindication, but unsuccessful tattooing of the eyelids or lips during this period can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the child.

Reviews claim that if tattooing of the eyelids or lips was performed by a professional, then everything will be fine, but sometimes consequences still arise. The most famous and common is edema. This reaction is considered normal, because, in fact, you got a tattoo on your lips, this is how the body reacts to unnatural interference. It goes away on its own on the second day, or it can be removed with special antiseptics.

Photo - Unsuccessful lip tattoo

Other side effects and consequences are also listed::

  1. Increased body temperature. Most often on the first day it is a consequence of stress. By evening it will return to normal;
  2. Severe itching, crusting - this could be the healing process or signs of an incipient infection. If you still have a fever, you need to see a doctor to rule out possible viral diseases;
  3. Herpes. It appears due to improper care. This is not a consequence of tattooing, but of the lack of the required level of hygiene and refusal of antiviral drugs.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth?

As the chief physician of the American clinic of aesthetic medicine, cosmetology and dermatology “A Clinic” Natalya Zhmurina explains, wrinkles around the mouth appear primarily due to the fact that with age there is a decrease in the hormonal level of estrogen, which entails a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid and the quality of collagen fibers It is these fibers that keep the skin toned and give it elasticity and smoothness. With a decrease in the number of collagen fibers, the structure of the dermal matrix is ​​destroyed, which is why wrinkles and creases begin to form. An additional negative factor is smoking. Nicotine provokes accelerated degradation of natural hyaluronic acid from tissues. “Smokers experience increased dryness of the skin around the mouth and eyes,” says Natalya Zhmurina. “And if a person smokes, then purse-string wrinkles may begin to appear at an earlier age.”

Lip care after tattooing

Lip healing after tattooing lasts from a week to 2, depending on the characteristics of the body. If you monitor the condition of the skin throughout the entire period, moisturize it and treat it with antiseptics, then tissue regeneration will take place quickly and without complications.

Photo - Lip healing

Rules of care:

  • For the first day you should not drink anything hot, take a bath, and it is not recommended to influence body temperature in any way;
  • It is imperative to smear your lips with special compounds to moisturize and protect against bacteria. This could be Acyclovir ointment, Gerpevir ointment and others. Every 4 hours check the surface of the skin, it should be moisturized;
  • On the second day a crust will appear. It cannot be torn off - it will fall off on its own after healing. If you catch it, you can ruin the contour and require makeup correction.

How long eye and lip tattoos last depends only on care. On average, from 4 months to six months, then it begins to fade noticeably. If correction is not planned in the future, then traces of permanent makeup can be removed with a laser. This type of pigment removal is carried out in any salon where permanent treatments are performed and is inexpensive – up to $50.

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