Eyelid tattooing, types, how it is done, consequences, correction: interciliary, permanent, arrows with shading, drooping eyelid, before and after photos, reviews

What is eye tattooing and permanent makeup?

Permanent eye makeup or tattooing involves the introduction of special pigments into the upper layer of the skin using a needle. Thanks to this technique, a lasting pattern is created that imitates makeup or the natural beauty of the eyes.

The differences between tattooing and permanent makeup are in the components used. When applying a tattoo, chemical pigments are used, which are injected 1.5 mm under the skin, and when performing permanent makeup, natural pigments are used (to a depth of 0.8 mm).

The most common types of permanent makeup and eye tattooing today are: interciliary tattooing, arrows and eyelid tattooing with shading. At the request of the client, you can simply fill the space between the eyelashes, you can draw a small arrow, or you can add shadows or create the effect of eyeliner or a shaded pencil.

What materials and tools are used

Devices for applying permanent makeup and tattooing are:

  • Induction - the needle moves using an electromagnet. Due to the noticeable vibration, the efficiency of drawing clear lines is significantly reduced. The force and speed of the impact does not change. It is not easy to adapt to such a machine, so it is better to use more modern rotary machines.
  • Rotary – ergonomic devices with low vibration. Various configurations facilitate the execution of tattooing techniques with the precision of clear lines. Modern devices have powerful engines. They are quite compact and easy to use.

Modern devices are equipped with IQ keypads and microchips, have a display and software. After selecting a specific program, the device sets the required depth and speed of needle entry.

Thanks to the central processor, it is possible to select one of the programmed modes, depending on the type of procedure: eye makeup, lips, eyebrows or medical procedures.

How to make an eye tattoo

The most popular devices for permanent makeup are the following:

  • Intelligent High Definition is one of the most popular devices. Its motor has high power, and the needle speed reaches 250 strokes per second. The main advantages are the ability to apply clear and even lines, minimal trauma to the skin, rapid healing and minimal pain of the procedure.
  • NOUVEAU CONTOUR. The device has 4 programs with optimal speed in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, eyebrows and lips. Delivers 170 strokes per second and has 18 needle module configurations.
  • Digital 1000 device. Thanks to the microprocessor, a stable needle speed is ensured, which facilitates the implementation of various types of work and uniform saturation of the skin with pigment. The needle speed reaches 150 strokes per second. The punctures are stable and durable, which ensures minimal trauma.
  • Simplicity device - the mechanism is also controlled using a microprocessor. The needle speed reaches up to 140 strokes per second. Both manual control and pedal control are possible. There is no lateral runout or vibration. Has 5 modular configurations.

In addition to the device, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sterile gloves;
  • Mask for the face;
  • Anesthetic drugs;
  • Containers for pigment mixes with dispensers;
  • The pigments themselves;
  • Markers for sketching;
  • Sterile needles or needle modules;
  • Tips-nose;
  • Caps for paint;
  • Pigment stands;
  • Microblading blades and pens;
  • Handpiece for microblading (possibly with backlight);


The mission is to make women more beautiful, and therefore happier. The salon is worth visiting for a girl who wants to look bright and natural without wasting time on applying makeup every day.

Studio services and minimum cost:

  • eyebrow lamination;
  • permanent makeup of eyebrows, eyelids, lips - 4000 rubles;
  • eyebrow and lip threading – 300 rubles;
  • eyebrow tinting – 1600 rubles;
  • eyebrow architecture and correction;
  • correction and coverage of permanent makeup – 4,000 rubles.


  • quality of work;
  • experienced craftsmen with many years of experience;
  • safety of materials and sterility of equipment;
  • free consultation;
  • procedure without pain and without blood;
  • individual approach and reverent attitude.

Address: Moscow, Butlerova street, 40

How long does permanent eyelid makeup last?

The service life of permanent eyelid makeup depends on a number of factors:

  • Quality of paints used;
  • Make-up technique and specialist experience;
  • On dry skin, permanent makeup lasts longer. Metabolic processes occur faster on oily skin;
  • External factors (sun rays or artificial tanning);
  • Correct selection of cosmetics to care for inflamed eye skin in the first days after the procedure (they should not contain acid);
  • One important factor is patience. It is important not to rip off the healing crust, otherwise you can remove the dye along with it and the makeup will be ruined;
  • 30 days after permanent makeup, you can contact a specialist for a light fixing correction.

Based on the above criteria, permanent eyelid makeup can last from 1 to 3 years, and sometimes longer. If the client does not want to use makeup for a long time, you need to tell the master about this. He will select pigments and application methods that will allow the paint to come off within a few months.

If you want to remove parchment makeup ahead of schedule, you can do this using neodymium lasers or chemical methods. For this purpose, acid and alkali are used. After the acid, the alkaline solution is rubbed on top, it foams and lifts the dye to the top. Removal occurs after 2 – 3 procedures.

Methods for permanent removal

Permanent makeup requires constant care and periodic correction. Therefore, after several years, many women decide to get rid of tattoos. There are several ways to remove paint, including:

  • use of chemically aggressive substances;
  • clarification using special solutions;
  • removal by electric current (electrocoagulation method);
  • removal using laser.

Not all of the available methods are safe when it comes to permanent treatment in the eye area, where the skin is too delicate and sensitive. For example, when using acids and other chemical reagents, there is a risk of burns to the conjunctiva, cornea, and hair follicles. Therefore, only an experienced master can carry out such a procedure.

Laser removal is considered the safest and most painless. The laser beam splits the pigment particles, after which they enter the bloodstream and are eliminated from the body naturally.

The procedure lasts no more than 1 hour. During removal, there is no direct contact between the technician and the patient’s blood and mucous membranes, which minimizes the possibility of tissue infection. To completely remove a tattoo, about 2-3 repeated sessions are required with a break of 2 months between them.

Laser removal of permanent makeup.

How painful is the procedure?

The skin of the eyelids is highly sensitive, so eye tattooing, as well as permanent makeup, are painful procedures.

Before work, it is necessary to apply an anesthetic cream or gel to the eyelids and leave for a certain time (from 10 to 50 minutes, depending on the content).

Anesthetic drugs:

  • Gel OBEZBOL (new). Due to the lack of vasoconstrictor properties, repeated use during a long session is allowed. Contains lidocaine;

  • One of the most popular is TKTX Blue cream. It contains painkillers Prilocaine and Lidocaine, as well as the coagulant Epinephrine, which helps reduce bleeding and swelling of tissues;
  • J-PRO ointment, which has a similar composition.

If the anesthesia is chosen correctly, the device is modern and a good specialist, then this process is almost painless. To find out most accurately how painful the work of a certain specialist is, you need to take into account customer reviews and ask in advance what technique the specialist uses.

Disadvantages of eyelid tattooing

  • Possible allergic reaction to dyes (the specialist needs to do a test before starting the procedure);
  • During the first days, swelling will persist;
  • The recovery period lasts up to 3 weeks, which is quite a long time;
  • In some cases, after applying permanent makeup, stye appears from time to time;
  • During the rehabilitation period, proper care of inflamed skin is required;
  • After some time, the color changes and becomes less saturated;
  • Over time, age, fashion, tastes and views change, but the tattoo remains the same;
  • If this makeup is tired or done poorly, you will have to resort to removal using laser or chemicals.

Possible consequences

On the first day after the procedure, swelling of the eyelids is inevitable. Glasses will help correct the situation visually, and proper care will help physically. Itching may appear in the evening. Swelling can be expected to subside within 2 days. During this period, you can use Hydrocortisone ointment.

On the 3rd day, in most cases, the swelling subsides. The crusts have not fallen off yet, but they already look attractive. You still can’t get your eyelids wet, as this procedure will prevent the healing crust from drying out.

On day 4, the pigment begins to crumble. After 2-3 weeks, the healing process ends and the final result can be seen.

  • When contacting an unqualified specialist, severe swelling may occur due to deep injection of the dye.
  • Also, due to the fault of the “specialist,” the lines may turn out to be crooked and the color may be inappropriate.
  • Self-removal of the resulting crust while the skin is healing can lead to partial loss of paint, after which the procedure must be redone.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the new needle is unpacked, otherwise there is a risk of contracting many infectious diseases.
  • Partial temporary loss of eyelashes.
  • The skin on the eyelid is very thin, immediately underneath there are muscles and a large number of nerve endings. If the technician violates the permissible depth of needle penetration, damage to the optic nerve may occur.

Preparatory activities

During the procedure, the cosmetologist punctures the skin, damaging small blood vessels. As a result, multiple areas of hemorrhage are formed. To prevent possible side effects, you need to prepare properly:

  1. For 2-3 days before the procedure, it is recommended to give up coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and alcohol.
  2. You should not take Aspirin, because... acetylsalicylic acid thins the blood and increases the risk of bruising.
  3. It is recommended to take antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Vaptrex) for 2-3 days before applying the permanent. This will prevent the development of herpes.
  4. You need to take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Loratidine) a day in order to reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction and reduce swelling.

Experts recommend planning the procedure for the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is not recommended to get tattoos during menstruation, because... During this period, due to hormonal changes, blood clots more slowly.

Preparation for tattooing

The new tattoo should be combined with morning and evening makeup and look relevant in any style used. For this reason, there is no need to make an artificially too catchy appearance, because it is not so easy to get rid of it. If the decision has been made, it’s time to start choosing a salon and a specialist.

For immediate preparation, the client is required not to drink alcohol the day before; everything else is the work of a specialist. He must look at the skin, have a conversation, and determine whether there are any contraindications.

Further actions of the wizard:

  • Wear a mask and gloves;
  • Clean and degrease the skin;
  • Test the sensitivity of the eyelids to painkillers and sensitivity to dye;
  • Apply anesthesia for 20 minutes or more;
  • Rub on the anesthetic ointment and apply the sketch;
  • Once the final results are fully agreed upon, you can begin applying permanent makeup.

School-Studio Tatuel

For those who want to know about innovations in permanent makeup, the Tatuel studio school is an ideal option. The studio has 11 years of experience. It offers not just training courses or advanced training courses, it is a four-level master training system.

For everyone who wants to develop in the permanent makeup industry, the school offers constant promotions and discounts.

Available courses:

  • TOR master;
  • TOP master + set of consumables;
  • Nanostylist-new;
  • Eyebrow stylist.


  • multi-level training program;
  • promotions and discounts;
  • updating training programs;
  • experienced international teachers.

Address: Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 22, entrance 2, floor 2.

Tattooing of the inter-eyelash space

Before getting an interciliary eye tattoo, it is recommended to refrain from direct sunlight on this area of ​​the face for about 5 days in order to avoid difficulties during the procedure (the color may not appear correctly and excess blood and ichor may appear during the procedure).

Also, these factors can affect the survival rate of the pigment. Before the procedure, you should not drink coffee and you should remove lenses if you have them. Interlash tattoo is the painting of the interlash space without shading and arrows or with a small arrow, with the help of which the eye appears more open. Thanks to this technique, eyelashes look thick and black.

Interciliary tattooing is suitable for any eye shape and is performed along the lash line by painting the skin between the hairs. At the same time, it looks natural, emphasizing natural beauty.

Execution technique

Don't be afraid of painful sensations. Experts say that such fears are unfounded. Yes, the procedure is painful, but it is usually performed with an anesthetic, which can be in the form of a gel or injection.

If you get into professional hands, you might be surprised how quickly the technique goes. The coloring pigment is introduced shallowly - no more than 0.5 millimeters. Therefore, the result does not last forever, as is the case with a tattoo, but only for several years.

Filling the interlash space is done without using a template; the best template is the natural shape of the eyes. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • discussing the nuances of working with a specialist;
  • preparation of instruments;
  • sample: a variant of future tattooing is applied with cosmetics;
  • anesthesia;
  • pigment application;
  • treatment of the skin with healing agents, its disinfection.

After the procedure, the eyelids will appear swollen and the makeup will appear overly bright. But these are side effects that go away after a couple of days. The shades of colors will smooth out, acquiring the desired tone. After two weeks, you need to make a correction, during which the master will correct the mistakes made. If the tattoo is too dull, you will need to apply the pigment again.

To fill the space between the eyelashes, the specialist needs:

  • device with replaceable needles;
  • coloring pigments;
  • gloves;
  • disposable nozzles and needles;
  • container for mixing colors.

All instruments are disposable; they are first disinfected with a quartz lamp to avoid complications with the introduction of infections.

Eyelid tattoo with shading

This tattoo looks like applied shadows or arrows without clear contours and boundaries. It is a superficial thin application of pigment to the skin of the eyelids. Often used when the arrow goes into the crease or on Asian eyes with drooping eyelids.

After the preparatory procedures (applying a sketch and anesthetic cream), use a thin needle to draw a line in the eyelash area (paint the interlash space). Thanks to this procedure, the eye becomes brighter.

In this case, black or dark gray paint is mainly used, and when shading, you can add brown color, which will create the illusion of eyelash shadows. Then a larger needle is taken and an arrow is drawn. Vertical strokes are drawn from this line. After the session, wash off the paint and treat the pigmented area of ​​the eyelids with an antiseptic.

If necessary, you can apply a protective ointment to prevent infection from entering the area of ​​the inflamed epidermis. The entire procedure takes about an hour. After the session, the skin looks swollen, red and inflamed. Light shadow liner suitable for any eye. The main thing is to draw and agree on all the details.

Type five: shadow effect

This type has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin in the area around the eyes, because after introducing the pigment you will no longer injure it every day with cosmetics.

The peculiarity of the shadow effect is that the structure of the arrow moves away from a clearly defined line to a brush stroke - light and relaxed, creating a soft shadow and giving sculptural grace to the facial features.

Based on the long-term practice of cosmetologists in the field of tattooing, it is recommended to choose nude and pastel colors, as they will bring harmony to the overall composition of the facial structure. In addition, a competent approach to tattooing with a shadow effect will allow you to correct the disadvantage of a looming eyelid.


Arrow tattoo is a more decorative element of makeup. This technique helps to visually correct the shape of the eyes and has the appearance of eyeliner. An arrow is drawn above the level of the eyelashes.

A professionally performed arrow tattoo can give the eye the desired shape, including reducing or increasing the visual perception of the shape of the eyes. It also partially eliminates wasting time on morning procedures and makes the eye look beautiful at any time of the day.

Arrow tail direction:

  • If the tip of the eye is drooping, an upward arrow works well. This option dramatically increases the height of the eye.
  • A straight arrow is well suited for rounded eye shapes. It will “pull” the direction.
  • The direction of the arrow should never fall below the horizon line or the center line. Such an arrow will only spoil the shape of the eye.
  • If you want to bypass drooping eyelids, you can lengthen the eyelash contour and draw an arrow without crossing the eyelid crease. This stretching increases the length of the eye. With an overhanging eyelid, in most cases the interciliary space is filled. You can shade the eyelid a little over the eyelashes with a slight thickening at the end. If you make an arrow, it should be small and very delicate.

When applying makeup, it is important that the client looks straight and does not raise his eyebrows, otherwise it will not be possible to build a good, even arrow.

What type of tattoo to choose?

To understand which type of eye tattoo is suitable, how a different eye shape is made and what type of tattoo to choose, first of all you need to have an idea of ​​the horizontal and vertical axes of the eye. To do this, you need to virtually draw a vertical line through the center of the pupil and a horizontal line (from the inner corner to the outer end of the eye).

When studying the vertical axis, you need to pay attention to whether it is shifted to the side, and if so, in which direction. To do this, you need to follow the eyelash line. From the corner it goes up, reaching a peak height, and then goes down. The vertical line must be visually tilted to pass through the point at the peak of the height.

Thus, the vertical line that intersects the center of the pupil will also intersect the upper and lower peaks of height. Now the eye is figuratively divided into rising lines and falling lines (both on the upper and lower eyelids).

In the case when the rising lines prevail over the falling ones, and the horizontal line is straight or raised, the eye has the correct shape. Using makeup, you can achieve this shape by darkening the falling lines with an arrow.

Also, to apply makeup correctly, you need to take into account the shape of your eyes:

  • Almond-shaped - height equal to half the length of the eye. Most of the height is at the top of the eye.
  • Round shape - the height of the eye is more than ½ half the length of the eye.
  • Narrow shape - when the height is less than half the length of the eye.

Determine the set of the eyes - wide-set eyes, close-set or normal set eyes. Take into account the natural rising point on the upper lash line. Blondes are better off drawing arrows. If your skin is light, it is better to choose brown or gray shades. In this case, it remains possible to cover this arrow with makeup.

If the width of the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the width of the eye

This is the normal form of eye set. With this arrangement, inter-lash coloring, a slightly raised arrow starting from the inner corner, and tattooing with shading are also good options. Before choosing a method of applying makeup, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the eyes and the tilt of the visual vertical axis.

If the eyes are set close together (the distance between the eyes is less than the width of the eye)

When your eyes are close, you can visually expand this distance. To do this, you need to emphasize the outer corner and refuse to draw the inner corner. That is, draw arrows on half of the eye starting from the point of ascension. This adjustment will make the close-set eyes less noticeable.

If your eyes are wide apart

If the eyes are located at a large distance, special attention should be paid to drawing the inner corners of the eyes and in no case should you draw a long arrow on the outer corner.

If your eyes have drooping corners

When the corners of the eyes are drooping, an arrow is drawn, thickened in part of the outer corner of the eye. If the inner side is also drawn, then the arrow in this part should be almost invisible. This type of makeup will visually lift the drooping corner.

A sad eye shape is when the falling lines prevail over the rising ones. In this case, it is necessary to shift the axes to the outer corners of the iris. The arrow extends to the outer corner, and the tip of the arrow is drawn raised.

Protruding eyes

To visually narrow the shape of the eye, it is necessary to do a full interciliary tattoo and lengthen the eyes using arrows. The eyeliner should be thin and shaded.

With a rounded eye shape, the main task is not to expand this shape further above the pupil. Therefore, the arrow is drawn on the floor of the eye. It is very thin at the top, and widened at the outer corner. The location of the arrow's tail is not upward, but horizontal, elongated, and does not extend into volume.

Another option is an arrow from the inner corner of the eye. The line is drawn very thin, after crossing the eye above the iris, the width increases, and a horizontal tail of the arrow is drawn.

Deep-set or narrow eyes

In this case, the goal is to increase the height of the eye. Increase the width of the arrow. We move the point of ascension to the edge of the iris. By increasing the thickness of the arrow, thin shading with a light color and painting over the eyelash line is suitable. You can widen your eyes using a wide stroke in the center of the eyelid.

The most important thing in constructing arrows is the ascension point. To change the shape of the eye, you need to visually move this point.

Main varieties

Tattooing may vary. Some women love bold Egyptian-style wings, while others just want to line the space between their lashes. There are several types of treatments offered by beauty salons.

Classic arrows

Classic arrows look like a thin, gracefully curved line passing above the lash line.

The artist first makes a sketch on the skin, after which he applies paint using a special pen with a needle at the end. This permanent looks like a smooth, clear line of eyeliner and helps make the look more expressive.

Classic arrows are a gracefully curved line that runs above the lash line.

Tattooing of the inter-eyelash space

This type of permanent is the most popular. The pigment is applied to the space between the hairs, creating the effect of thick eyelashes and wide open eyes. At the same time, the tattoo looks as natural and beautiful as possible. It suits all women, regardless of eye shape and size. We wrote more about the procedure in the article: Interciliary tattooing: what cosmetologists are silent about

Interciliary tattooing is suitable for almost all women.


Most often, black, gray and brown pigments are used to create a tattoo. But the arrow can be drawn with green, red, and blue colors.

The shade is selected depending on the woman’s color type and helps highlight the color of the eyes.

This technique has a number of disadvantages. The pigment is short-lived, fades quickly, and after that it looks like a bruise. The girl has to constantly select clothes and accessories to match her makeup, which is not always practical.

One of the disadvantages of color tattooing is the rapid fading of the pigment.

With shading

During the procedure, the master first applies pigment between the eyelashes, then applies an arrow, and then creates a small “haze” on the upper eyelid, reminiscent of a shaded eyeliner.

This type of makeup creates a seductive “smoky eye” effect, helps hide small expression wrinkles, and disguise sagging skin.

Shading is created by dotting paints of different shades. This procedure is considered the most difficult to perform.

Tattooing with shading creates a “smoky eye” effect on the eyes.

Lower eyelid permanent

The pattern is applied along the eyelash growth line of the lower eyelid. This procedure is more complex and painful, but it helps make the look more seductive.

Permanent makeup of the lower eyelid is usually done together with the upper eyelid.


The master can not only draw an arrow, but also apply pigment to the skin in the area of ​​the outer and inner corner of the eye. This creates the effect of shadows. It is recommended to choose the most natural shades (brown, gray) to make the makeup universal and suitable for any outfit.

The artist can apply pigment in the outer and inner corners of the eye, which will give the effect of shadows.

How to remove swelling and bruises after tattooing

Swelling and swelling after this procedure is an inevitable fact, since eye tattooing is done by micro-punctures of the upper part of the skin with the introduction of coloring pigments. After 2–3 days, the swelling will go away on its own.

Unfortunately, there are reasons of a deeper nature:

  • Poor quality of the pigment used;
  • Allergic manifestations to dyes or painkillers;
  • If you get an infection.

Relieving swelling is helped by applying ice compresses for 10 minutes with a two-hour break between procedures. For medications for eye swelling, use Dexamethasone eye drops every 2 hours or treat the eyelid with Hydrocortisone eye ointment up to 3 times a day.

The use of Prednisolone tablets also helps relieve swelling, and Furosemide will help remove excess fluid from the body. To get rid of bruises after the procedure, the following drugs are available: Rescuer, Indovazin, Bruise Off, Troxevasin, etc. It should be noted that medications have contraindications.

If swelling is accompanied by pain with redness of the skin, you should not self-medicate. This may indicate an infection.

Eye care after the procedure

During the first day after applying permanent makeup to the eyes, the eyelids should be rinsed with cool water or cooled tea. During the first 2 days, ice should be applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes 4 times a day. This will help get rid of swelling. To stimulate skin regeneration until healing occurs, Bepanten ointment must be applied 2 times a day.

The rehabilitation period lasts about 5 - 7 days. During this time, the swelling and crust disappear. During this period, you should avoid contact with water, alkaline drugs and antibiotics in this area.

Inflamed skin can also be treated with Dexpontenol. You cannot apply cosmetics and remove the crust yourself (it will come off along with the pigments). To avoid color removal, washing during the first two weeks is done without cleansers.

After 2 - 3 weeks (the period varies depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, proper care and compliance with all recommendations), the skin of the eyelids will be completely restored, and the paint will acquire the desired shade.

Correction and restoration

Sometimes, after the recovery period after permanent makeup has expired, correction is required. It is impossible to say in advance with 100% certainty that everything will turn out perfect in terms of color scheme. Due to the individual characteristics of the skin, the shade may turn out lighter than planned, in which case correction is necessary to add color intensity.

Even if the result confirmed expectations, primary correction makes the permanent longer lasting. It can be done within a month after the procedure. By this time, the inflammatory healing process has completely passed, and the colors acquire their final shade.

Over time, the permanent tends to lose color. If it has simply faded, then correction will help in this case as an update to previously applied makeup. It is better to contact the same master, only he may have information about the pigments used previously.

If there is a desire to change the shape of the permanent or the complete disappearance of the contours, it is not correction that is required, but new makeup. Correcting the mistakes of another master also cannot be called correction, since this work is often technically more complex, so it is not cheaper than primary makeup, and sometimes even more expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Permanent makeup has many advantages, which include:

  • saving time on creating makeup;
  • beautifully contoured eyes without using decorative cosmetics;
  • long-lasting effect that can last up to five years;
  • emphasizes the advantages of the eyes, hiding minor imperfections in their shape;
  • resistance to water, bad weather;
  • visual increase in the thickness and density of eyelashes;
  • use of hypoallergenic dyes;
  • changing the image for the better.

Of course, all these benefits will only come if you carefully choose a qualified specialist! After all, with an unsuccessful result, you will have to walk for a very long time.

Any procedure has advantages and disadvantages. Interciliary tattooing is no exception to the rule. The main disadvantage is pain, because each girl tolerates discomfort during the procedure differently, much depends on the sensitivity threshold. Unpleasant sensations will persist even when using anesthetics. The pain can be either severe or manifest itself only in the form of a slight tingling sensation, which is easy to endure.

A small number of cilia may come off the surface of the skin along with the crust. We will have to carry out a rehabilitation procedure for the hairs to strengthen them. You can't get rid of this kind of makeup. Therefore, if you quickly get bored with everything new, then it is better not to resort to this method. After tattooing, the eyelids will become swollen and very red. Recovery takes up to two weeks. If you decide to resort to the procedure before going on vacation at sea, then do it in advance - preferably a month or even two in advance, in order to have time to make a correction if necessary .

The cost of the procedure can also be considered a disadvantage. Experienced masters fill the space between eyelashes in a couple of minutes, but for such a session you will have to pay up to nine thousand rubles. But you shouldn't skimp on it. If the technician does not follow the rules of hygiene, then an infection can be introduced into the blood, due to which various eye diseases will develop in the future. It’s clearly not worth saving on your health!

How to choose a salon and specialist

When the client has learned how to make a tattoo that suits his eye shape, it’s time to start choosing a salon and artist. It is necessary to read reviews about the specialist, look at the number of visits, and at photographs with the quality of work. Also find out about the availability of modern equipment.

If the chosen salon has been operating for a long time, this also indicates high-quality work, since poor work leads to a lack of clients, without whom the salon will not last long. The best option for selecting a specialist is the visible result on someone you know and their direct feedback.


The reasons why tattooing is contraindicated are as follows:

  • Pregnancy (due to unpredictability of results);
  • Allergic reaction to dyes;
  • During the menstrual cycle, the procedure is more painful;
  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • HIV infection;
  • For various diseases of the eye shell;
  • Viral infections and blood diseases;
  • Chronic conjunctivitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Skin inflammation in the area of ​​the planned tattoo.

If you want to get eyelash extensions, you can do this only a week after permanent makeup.

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