Drooping eyelid and not drooping eyelid - comparison. Makeup step by step, how to get rid of it with surgery

Photo: jaay.ru A tired look, mascara marks and crumbling eyeliner are just a small part of the problems that owners of an impending eyelid face in search of the perfect makeup. One mistake - and now you seem to be five years older, and your gaze is heavier than stone. But it doesn’t matter, because we have already figured out how to avoid this!

What is drooping eyelid?

A drooping eyelid and a non-drooping eyelid (the comparison is made depending on the overlap with the skin of the eyes) are a structural feature of the organs of vision, expressed as drooping of the upper eyelid. In the presence of ptosis, the skin frames the eye in the form of a hood. Pathology occurs due to the genetic structure of the body or due to injuries and age-related changes.

Cosmetologists distinguish:

  • unilateral and bilateral prolapse occurring in one or both eyes;
  • complete and incomplete sagging, varying depending on the degree of overlap of the iris.

Age-related changes can be observed not only in the skin or body, but also in the eyes.
The causes of the pathology are related to:

  • with DNA predisposition;
  • with Gunn syndrome;
  • with underdevelopment of the muscles that control the raising of the eyelid;
  • with congenital blepharophimosis.

In the case of an anatomical pathology that disrupts normal visual perception, surgical intervention is used.

After 45 years of age, sagging eyelids occur due to:

  • constant lack of sleep;
  • aging of skin tissue;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • improper care of sensitive skin around the eyes;
  • allergies;
  • development of tumors of various etymologies;
  • fluid retention in the body.

Types of eyelid ptosis
Sudden onset of eyelid ptosis can be corrected with:

  • medicines;
  • sculptural or lymphatic drainage massage;
  • set of exercises;
  • salon procedures;
  • decorative cosmetics.

In the absence of a positive effect from alternative treatment and in the genetic nature of the pathology, upper eyelid blepharoplasty is indicated.


Experts also identify a phenomenon called pseudoptosis , in which the upper eyelid only seems ptotic, but in fact it is not.

It is important to differentiate this condition from true ptosis!

The causes of pseudoptosis include8,9,14:

  • blepharospasm,
  • hemifacial spasm,
  • narrowness of the palpebral fissure,
  • enophthalmos, microphthalmos, anophthalmos,
  • dermatochalasis (excess eyelid skin),
  • retraction of the eyelids,
  • high myopia,
  • structural features of the upper eyelid (glazed look).

How to properly apply makeup to eyes with drooping eyelids: advice from experts

Drooping and non-drooping eyelids (comparison of the anatomical structure is necessary for subsequent correction) require the use of different makeup techniques.

According to cosmetologists, ptosis is not a serious defect and is easily masked with decorative cosmetics.

Features of makeup for looming eyelids:

  • When camouflaging a looming eyelid, you need to pay special attention to the eyebrows. The brow ridges should have a not very thick, raised shape (house), which helps to “open up” the gaze. During make-up, pearl and white shadows must be applied under the lower eyelid.
  • All cosmetics are applied only after applying a beige base without glitter. The foundation helps prevent the decor from falling off.
  • Makeup is carried out only with open eyes.
  • The basis of eye makeup is careful shading.
  • Avoid using bright eyeshadow colors. The ideal option is matte dark and pastel shades.
  • The lightest eyeshadow color is applied to the inner corner of the eye. The outer corner is decorated with a brighter color scheme. The middle of the moving eyelid is painted over with a dark line of pencil or eye shadow, carefully blended with a brush.

Eye makeup for drooping eyelids

  • For makeup, only pencil and dry shadows are used. Liquid eyeliner does not blend well and makes the look heavier.
  • Small, clear arrows drawn at the corners of the eye will create the effect of an open gaze. Thick, very dark, with downturned ends - they give the face a dull expression.
  • Before applying mascara, it is advisable to curl your eyelashes (you can use mascara with a curling effect). It is allowed to use only products that lengthen and clearly separate the hairs. Creating additional volume is not recommended.

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Makeup mistakes for drooping eyelids

The main makeup mistakes made by women with an impending eyelid defect include:

  • Applying glitter eyeshadow. Glitter is not recommended for age-related makeup, as it draws attention to imperfections in the structure of the face and skin and makes it look dull.
  • Drawing arrows that emphasize the natural shape of the eyes. For drooping eyelids, the ideal option is a line drawn from the middle of the eye with a short corner turned up. A long arrow will visually narrow the eyes, and the tip pointing down will give a sad expression.

With drooping eyelids, it is important to correctly draw arrows on the eyes

  • Using liquid eyeliner. You need to highlight your makeup with a dark colored pencil. Eyeliner creates a thin, poorly shaded line that makes the eyes appear smaller.
  • Incorrectly shaped very thick or thin eyebrows. For women suffering from eyelid ptosis, only medium-thick brow ridges, designed in the classic “house” shape, are suitable. Wide eyebrows create a menacing look, thin eyebrows give an angry expression.
  • Applying bright eyeshadow colors. Makeup is done only with matte shades. The inner part of the eye is decorated in a beige tone, the middle and outer part - in dark, muted shades. Bright colors highlight skin imperfections.
  • Ignoring eyelash curling. To disguise the looming eyelid, lengthening mascara with a curling effect is used. Volume eyelashes will create a doll-like look and highlight the hood above the eye.
  • Applying mascara without shadows. Using only mascara will enlarge your eyes, but will not hide imperfections. Dark matte shadows together with a pencil will visually hide the defect.

We don't curl our eyelashes

Here new trends have spoiled everything... Eyelash extensions, which have been banished from trends, were miraculously good when hanging. And they gave it a bend, and there was no need to apply mascara. But what can we do, let's go the other way. We will curl and dye our eyelashes ourselves - this will correct the eyelid like nothing else.

Arm yourself with a curler (eyelash curler). If you are not friends with him at all, get eyelash lamination done in a salon. Eyelashes curved upward will instantly open up your eyes, make your eyes appear larger and hide the crease behind them. Now the main quest is to carefully apply makeup so as not to stain the overhanging eyelid. Try waterproof or heat-resistant mascara.

We have a cool selection: 5 cool mascaras for volume up to 600 rubles: they are chosen by makeup artists.

Everyday eye makeup with hooded eyelids

Drooping eyelids can be easily corrected using decorative cosmetics. Comparing the technology of eye makeup for a non-drawing eyelid and the corrective makeup needed for women with ptosis, cosmetologists note the need for the latter to use medium-density matte shadows instead of glitter and a bright palette.

Everyday eye makeup with hooded eyelids

Technology for applying camouflage makeup:

  1. The skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes is covered with a beige foundation and highlighter. Dark circles are disguised with a green corrector.
  2. Light beige shadows are applied to the entire surface of the moving eyelid.
  3. The dark tone is placed in the form of a strip in the middle of the eyelid and in the outer corner of the eye (with 3-color makeup, the middle of the moving eyelid can be painted over with a medium shade).
  4. All colors are shaded to erase clear boundaries.
  5. Using a pencil, draw a clear line from the middle of the eye with the tip curled upward, and then shade it.
  6. Eyelashes are curled with tweezers and then covered with dark, lengthening mascara with a curling effect.
  7. The brow ridges are shaped in the shape of a “house” using a pencil or shadows. A light highlighter or pearlescent (white) shadows are placed under the eyebrow.

The right shades

For women with aging eyelid ptosis, it is recommended:

  • Use matte shadows with a satin effect.
  • Do not use glitter in your makeup as it makes your eyelids appear larger. An everyday look is created by 2 close shades of the same color (light and darker).
  • Avoid strongly emphasizing the lower eyelid.
  • Apply medium-intensity shadows that correct the shape and hide skin imperfections.

The color scheme of cosmetics is selected depending on the color of the eyes.

Eye colorMatching Makeup ShadesColors Not Recommended
  • turquoise;
  • aquamarine;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • smoky pink
Hot pink and black
BrownAny shade is suitable
  • lilac;
  • amethyst;
  • pink;
  • ocher;
  • beige
  • peach;
  • blue
  • sapphire
  • indigo;
  • ocher;
  • light gold

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Depending on the shape and color of the eyebrows, you can change the oval of the face and its expression. The best way to get your eyebrows done is in a salon. The specialist will give the correct look, suitable for a particular person, by removing excess vegetation. In the future, you need to independently maintain the created shape by removing regrown hairs.

For a face with drooping eyelids, only medium-wide brow ridges made in the shape of a house are suitable. Eyebrow makeup can be done as a tattoo (using henna, paint) or with a pencil and shadows. Dark colors should be avoided, focusing on maximum naturalness.

The most successful colors:

  • all shades of brown;
  • graphite;
  • black (for bright brunettes).

For drooping eyelids, only medium-wide brow ridges made in the shape of a house are suitable.
Eyebrow creation technology:

  1. Drawing the contour of the brow ridge with a pencil.
  2. Shading the middle with shadows or a lighter pencil.
  3. The end of the eyebrow is shaped in a dark tone, leaving the base pale to create a natural look.

Upper eyelid

Shadows and arrows are applied to the upper eyelid to visually correct anatomical defects and create an open look with wide eyes.

Makeup is done with 2-3 shades of the same color scheme:

  • The skin is cleansed with micellar water or foam.
  • The foundation is applied to the upper eyelid to prevent makeup from falling off.
  • The lightest color (beige) is used to draw the entire surface of the moving eyelid.
  • A dark shade is applied to the connecting fold of the moving eyelid and to the outer corner. The boundaries are blurred.
  • An arrow is drawn from the middle of the eye along the eyelash growth line, curving upward at the outer corner, and the line is shaded.
  • A white (pearl) shade of shadow is placed under the eyebrow.

Lower eyelid

The lower eyelid should not be strongly emphasized. An arrow is created with a brown pencil from the middle of the eyelid to the upper corner along the lash line. Dark colors should be avoided in makeup. It is best to use brown and graphite shades. Dark circles under the eyes are masked with a green corrector applied before applying foundation.


Mascara with a curling effect is ideal for makeup with drooping eyelids.
Eyelid ptosis requires the use of a lengthening mascara with a curling effect.

Cosmetics should have an oval brush that provides clear separation without sticking.

There is no need to add a lot of volume to your eyelashes to avoid a very dark look.

Application technique:

  1. Before applying mascara, eyelashes must be curled with tweezers.
  2. Cosmetics are applied to clean, lightly powdered hair to create natural volume.
  3. After applying the 1st layer, you must wait 2-3 minutes. (before fixing the cosmetics) and apply eyelashes a second time.

For drooping eyelids, black and dark brown mascara is used for everyday makeup.

Find out how to make eyebrows perfect: Popular brands of henna for eyebrows, how to choose, how to apply.

When is surgery needed?

A drooping eyelid and a non-drooping eyelid (the comparison is the detection of a hood located above the iris) differ depending on the shape of the eye structure. Ptosis of the eyelids occurs due to genetic predisposition, under the influence of injuries and age-related changes.

You can get rid of the defect for up to 15 years with the help of plastic surgery performed with a laser or surgical instruments. During blepharoplasty, the doctor tightens the skin, removes excess fat and tissue, and increases the size of the eyes.

Hanging eyelid and hated eyelid: comparison

Possible purpose of the operation:

  • for medical reasons (impaired vision, hernia of the eyelids);
  • in the presence of a cosmetic defect (decreased skin tone, appearance of wrinkles).

The operation lasts 40-60 minutes and is performed under general or local anesthesia. If there is a genetic predisposition that interferes with normal visual perception due to complete occlusion of the eye, and to correct the consequences of injuries, blepharoplasty is mandatory.

Ptosis of the eyelid: symptoms

Often with ptosis, eyelid mobility is reduced or completely absent. Sometimes, due to a drooping eyelid, a person involuntarily raises his eyebrows and wrinkles his forehead. Some Patients - often children - in order to see better, tilt their heads back and take the so-called “stargazer pose”.

Drooping of the eyelid interferes with blinking movements, and this leads to overwork, dryness and soreness of the eyes. Sometimes amblyopia (“lazy eye”) develops, since the eye under the constantly closed eyelid does not work. Chronic conjunctivitis and keratitis also occur with ptosis.

How to remove a drooping eyelid surgically

Upper eyelid ptosis can be easily corrected with plastic surgery. During the operation, an incision (or puncture) is made along the natural folds, followed by excision of excess skin and fat. Most often, the procedure is combined with a lift.

Laser blepharoplasty

The most modern method that allows you to remove ptosis of the eyelid skin, bags and wrinkles under the eyes. The operation is performed using laser beams without the use of a scalpel.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed using laser beams

Characterized by:

  • low morbidity;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • absence of scars and incisions;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.

For the operation the following is used:

  1. An erbium laser penetrates the dermal layer to a depth of 1 mm, which avoids burns.
  2. A carbon dioxide laser that seals blood vessels to prevent bleeding. Most often used in cosmetology clinics, but can cause thermal damage to the skin.

The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and lasts 60 minutes. The effect lasts from 4 to 10 years. For the best anti-aging effect, it is recommended to combine laser blephroplasty with resurfacing.

Classic blepharoplasty

A surgical operation consisting of making incisions in the fold of the eyelid to subsequently remove fatty tissue and excess skin. The correction is carried out under general or local anesthesia. You must stay in the hospital for 24 hours after the procedure, and after discharge, follow a gentle regimen for 7 days.

After surgical blepharoplasty, 2-3 weeks may cause concern:

  • increased tearfulness;
  • double vision;
  • bruises and swelling;
  • high sensitivity to light;
  • numbness of some parts of the body;
  • visibility of scars.

Postoperative sutures are removed on the 3-4th day (self-absorbable threads can be used).

The recovery period after surgery is 15-20 days and consists of:

  • in the use of ice compresses;
  • applying healing ointment;
  • oral antibiotics.

Ptosis and botulinum therapy

In general, the occurrence of ptosis due to botulinum toxin injection is rarely reported in the literature12,15,16.

The most common cause of iatrogenic ptosis is botulinum injection, which usually resolves spontaneously within 3–4 weeks. The literature describes the use of Apraclonidine 0.5% eye drops to speed up this process. The active substance alpha2-adrenergic agonist causes the Müller muscles to contract faster and raise the upper eyelid by 1-3 mm11.

Detailed protocols can be read at the link.

To minimize the risk of iatrogenic ptosis, it is recommended to use appropriate injection technique and remember the anatomy.

The frontalis muscle on the orbital rim alternates with the orbicularis oculi and the central brow depressors, including the corrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii, and procerus. These muscles move the eyebrows and skin.

The muscles of the eyeball function as eyebrow depressors. The lateral orbicularis oculi muscle is responsible for the formation of crow's feet wrinkles. In the lower eyelid, muscle activity explains the appearance of lower eyelid wrinkles. Procerus wrinkles the base of the nose, and corrugator produces two vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.


The first results of the operation will become noticeable on the 17th day. The eyes will return to normal after 1/5 months after the procedure.

The changes will affect:

  • Look, making it clear and open.
  • Age-related changes. The operation will remove excess skin, and the tightening will correct the wrinkles that have appeared.
  • Eye shapes. By raising the eyelid, the cut will change, the shape and expressiveness will increase.

After the operation, you must adhere to a special regime for 14 days:

  • get more rest (preferably lying in bed);
  • refuse physical activity;
  • do not overload your eyes with reading, watching TV shows, or browsing the Internet;
  • do not consume fatty foods, alcohol, and cigarettes;
  • do not wear glasses or contact lenses;
  • do not take blood thinning medications (in particular, Aspirin);
  • do not wear makeup.

After surgery to correct an overhanging eyelid, it is forbidden to strain your eyes by watching TV, computer, etc.
For a more pronounced rejuvenating and aesthetic effect, it is recommended to combine blepharoplasty:

  • with aesthetic facelift;
  • with correction of the shape of the brow ridges;
  • with injection correction of wrinkles with fillers;
  • with laser facial resurfacing;
  • with rhinoplasty.

The duration of the postoperative effect is from 4 to 10 years. After 15 years, plastic surgery can be repeated.

An anatomical feature such as a drooping eyelid is a tissue defect that gives the look a tired and sad look (compared to photographs of women who do not have drooping eyelids). With the help of decorative cosmetics and plastic surgery, tissue ptosis can be corrected, giving openness and creating the effect of wide eyes.

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Salon treatments

  1. Laser blepharoplasty

Cosmetologists often offer laser removal of drooping eyelids. This is a procedure in which fractional rejuvenation techniques are used to correct defects or improve the aesthetics of the area around the eyes. The results last up to 5 years.

  1. Injection blepharoplasty of eyelids

Correction of age-related changes with an injection is a common technique used to eliminate various aesthetic problems. The action of the drugs is aimed at regenerating the skin in the upper eyelid area.

  1. Hardware eye lift

RF lifting is used to rejuvenate and eliminate various cosmetic imperfections. The essence of the procedure is to stimulate fibroblasts. As a result, processes associated with the production of elastin and collagen are launched.

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