The use of herbs in cosmetology: recipes for face masks

Herbs for facial skin can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The main thing is to select a medicinal plant for the problem and type of skin. We will tell you which herbs will help maintain the health and beauty of your skin, and how to use them as care products.

Effect of medicinal plants on the skin

When will herbs help?

List of plants for skin

Rules for using herbs

TOP 10 herbs for facial beauty

Chamomile flowers (Flores Chamomillae Recutitae)

Nature of impact

Chamomile, thanks to the active substance azulene, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, and anti-allergic effects. Polyphenols, flavonoids and phytochemicals in chamomile accelerate cell regeneration, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. With regular use of chamomile infusion, pores narrow, oiliness decreases, rashes disappear and the skin becomes soft and velvety. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are reduced.

Uses of chamomile


1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water (200 ml) of dry raw materials, cover the dish with a lid. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain. Use the infusion to wipe your face twice a day. Store in the refrigerator for two to three days. You can pour the infusion into ice bags and freeze. Rub your face with ice cubes.

Mask 1

Pour 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Take a layer of cotton wool, cover it with the resulting infusion and apply it to cleansed facial skin, leave for 25 minutes, covering it with a napkin. Wash off the mask and lubricate your face with nourishing cream.

Mask 2

Mix 1 tablespoon of colorless henna and 1 tablespoon of white clay, brew with hot chamomile infusion or boiling water until paste-like.

Cool slightly and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water.


This anti-aging skin herb is used in Ayurveda, an Indian traditional medicine. For rejuvenation, roots and stems in dried form, powder in bulk or extract in capsules are suitable. When taken orally, guduchi removes toxins, heals the liver, strengthens the immune system, and improves metabolism. When used externally, it relieves acne, tones, and soothes the skin.

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Guduchi powder in capsules is available in Ayurvedic stores. The second name of the plant is giloy. It is taken according to the instructions, usually 1 tablet (0.5–1 g) twice a day with warm water, honey or ghee. Powder from capsules is added to masks and scrubs, but oral use is preferable.

Rhizomes with roots of Leuzea safflower (Rhizomata cum radicibus Leuzeae)

Nature of impact

Leuzea root is rich in vitamins A and C, mineral salts, inulin, flavonoids, essential oil, tannins and resinous substances. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, disinfecting effect, regulates sebum secretion, tightens pores and tones the skin.

Use of Leuzea


1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried root and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain. Wipe your face with tonic morning and evening.


To 10 ml of cream add 1 drop of oils, Leuzea, orange, almond and 2 drops of grapefruit oil. Apply an even layer to cleansed facial skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. Blot the remains with a napkin.

Products that rejuvenate facial skin. Diet - the first steps to rejuvenation

In the matter of facial skin rejuvenation, the leading role belongs to proper nutrition. Leading cosmetologists note that only 15% of nutrients enter cells from cosmetic care products, and the rest are extracted from food.

Maximum attention to premature aging of cells is given, first of all, to antioxidants, vitamins E, C. Such components prevent the negative effects of free radicals on the skin of the face.

However, to rejuvenate the skin, it is not enough to just consume anti-aging products. First of all, take care of removing toxins from the body. Fiber, found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals, can rid the body of toxins.

Don't forget about the production of histamine by the liver. It has a negative effect on all layers of the skin. Radical methods will help to significantly reduce its occurrence and restore the liver: giving up tobacco, alcohol, fatty, sweet and fried foods. Only healthy products, fresh, steamed or grilled. The protective function of cells is actively influenced by phospholipids (found in cottage cheese, egg yolk), vitamin B (buckwheat and oatmeal), magnesium (bran, almonds) and calcium (milk, cabbage).

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fatty sea fish and seafood will help eliminate allergies.

Flowers of fireweed (Chamaenérion angustifolium)

Nature of impact

Thanks to the abundance of active ingredients, including tannin, pectin, flavonoids, acids, trace elements, vitamins A and C, fireweed has an outstanding bouquet of beneficial properties: antimicrobial, astringent, anti-inflammatory, softening, tonic.

Application of fireweed tea

Mask 1

Mix 2 tsp. vodka tinctures of fireweed flowers, “Extra” salt on the tip of a knife, oatmeal (enough to form a mixture with a consistency reminiscent of liquid sour cream). Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do it twice a week for a month.

Mask 2

In 100 gr. infusion of fireweed tea add 1 tbsp. l. cream and 1 egg yolk. Mix until smooth. Apply to cleansed face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Herb Grass (Herba bidentis)

Nature of impact

The series contains a large amount of tannins, which give the grass pronounced bactericidal properties. It is thanks to them that the herb succession is successfully used in facial cosmetology. Tannins also give the plant anti-inflammatory properties and promote wound healing. Oil extracts of the herb, which contain a significant amount of carotene, have an anti-inflammatory, softening and nourishing effect. Provitamin A, vitamin C and flavonoids slow down skin aging.

Application of a sequence


2 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 50-60 minutes. The finished product is filtered.

A gauze napkin is moistened in the prepared broth and applied to the face. Keep for about 20 minutes. This procedure is done 2-3 times a week. Then the amount is reduced to 1 time.


Place crushed string leaves (50 g) in a dark glass jar, pour in 1.5 cups of olive oil for a day. After this, keep in a water bath for 2 hours. Strain. Add the finished oil to 50 g. melted beeswax and let it harden. Use as a cream.

Products that rejuvenate the female body. Nutrition for rejuvenation

How I always want to be young, beautiful and healthy! So that they look back, admire, and give compliments. If only they could finally come up with the elixir of eternal youth, and that’s it, life is good! In fact, there are things we can do ourselves to feel younger, look younger, be young. After all, we are what we eat every day.

Nutrition for rejuvenation is a sure step, perhaps not to eternal youth, but certainly to a more energetic life, slimness and attractive appearance.

  1. The first postulate of rejuvenation: eat fruits and vegetables every day in quantities of at least 500-1000 grams. It is ideal if there are colorful fruits and vegetables on your table. A large portion of salad every day will help rejuvenate the body and effectively lose weight.

These products contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant fiber, which slow down the aging process and stop the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Fruits and vegetables that are red, orange and yellow in color are especially valuable for these purposes: melon, orange zucchini, carrots, apricots. Tomatoes help in protecting the body from harmful UV rays.

To better absorb the nutrients from these foods, eat them with avocados.

  1. The second nutritional postulate for rejuvenation: eat nuts and berries. Eating a small handful of nuts a day is enough to provide your body with healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and proteins. Nuts, if consumed regularly, are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Berries help improve metabolism and help cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  2. The third postulate of a healthy diet to rejuvenate the body: eat protein foods. Protein is a source of collagen. When there is a deficiency of collagen in the body, the skin becomes wrinkled - this is one of the visible consequences of a lack of protein in the diet. Eat skinless poultry, egg whites, lean fish, tofu, legumes, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese.

Separately, I would like to say about seafood and fish. These products contain healthy unsaturated fatty acids that promote vascular rejuvenation and are especially good in a diet for high cholesterol.

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and tuna contain high amounts of Omega 3, which protects the skin from sun damage, which destroys collagen and contributes to the development of skin cancer.

Omega 3 is also found in foods such as pumpkin and flax seeds, walnuts, and tofu cheese, but there is much less of it. Make it a rule to eat at least 3-4 servings of any seafood per week, replace fatty pork, lamb, and beef with fish.

  1. The fourth postulate of nutrition for rejuvenation: eat complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. That is, whole grain cereals and products made from them: bread made from wholemeal flour, unpolished rice, durum wheat pasta. Such foods will provide the body with energy for a long time and will maintain stable blood sugar levels.

You don’t have to completely give up sweets; replace your favorite cookies and cakes with marshmallows without fillers, marmalade and dark dark chocolate, which contains at least 72% cocoa beans. This way you will be in a great mood and no breakdowns will happen...

Replace foods that contain refined sugar with small amounts of sweet fruits, honey and dried fruits.

  1. The fifth postulate of proper nutrition for rejuvenation: consume fermented milk products, they are useful not only as sources of protein, but also as a means to improve the health of the entire digestive system. There is only one condition: you must be confident in the quality of these products, so it is better to make them yourself, at home.

Use olive oil for heating or frying food and for salads. You can also use rapeseed oil,

  1. The sixth postulate of nutrition for rejuvenation: drink healthy drinks. Green tea, more than black tea, contains antioxidants and beneficial substances that improve blood circulation to organs, relieve inflammation and normalize blood pressure. Green tea also improves skin condition and stops the appearance of wrinkles.

Yogurts with live cultures help to digest and absorb nutrients from food well, including for the skin.

Drink plain water in large quantities, as well as dried fruit compotes, fruit drinks, and chamomile tea before bed. But not strong tea or coffee. They only contribute to dehydration of the body. Have you noticed that in good coffee shops, when serving coffee, they place a glass of plain water next to you? After all, one cup of coffee displaces a glass of liquid from our cells. This is such an addiction.

  1. The seventh postulate of nutrition for rejuvenation: add biologically active complexes to your daily diet. When age-related changes occur in the body, calcium and vitamin D are the first to act to protect the body from destruction.

If you do not eat sea fish in your diet, you will have to drink fish oil to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. Or use a supplement containing Omega 3. You can also take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily, which can be found at the pharmacy.

For intestinal problems, complexes containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are an excellent healing agent.

Be healthy!

What else to read?

  • Separate nutrition - to mix or not to mix?

Herb St. John's wort (Herba hyperici)

Nature of impact

In addition to its medicinal properties, St. John's wort has great benefits in facial skin care. The plant has the following effects: cleanses and tightens pores, gets rid of blackheads, whitens, improves complexion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps in the treatment of acne, promotes smooth skin, regulates the water balance in cells.

Application of St. John's wort


1 tbsp. l. Mix freshly prepared St. John's wort infusion with 2 tsp. melted butter. Thoroughly beat these ingredients until smooth and add 5-6 drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix well again. Apply the cream to cleansed facial skin, blot off excess with a napkin.


2 tbsp. l. dry St. John's wort herb pour 4 cups of boiling water, boil for 8-12 minutes. Without allowing the broth to cool, tilt your face over the bowl in which St. John's wort was brewed and cover your head with a towel. Just be careful not to burn your face with hot steam. Steam your face for 5-7 minutes until the mixture cools down. Then strain the broth and rinse your skin with it.


3 tbsp. l. mix the broth with 1 tsp. yeast and 1 tbsp. l. curdled milk. Apply the mixture to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for 7-10 minutes. Then rinse with water. This mask helps to cope with acne.

Rules for the use of phytocosmetics

Herbs for facial wrinkles can be used in the form of decoctions, infusions or extracts. Both pharmaceutical raw materials and plants prepared independently are suitable for their preparation. You can also purchase herbs at the market, from herbalists, or online. The shelf life of fresh herbs does not exceed three days (in a cool place). It is advisable to prepare the necessary remedy from them immediately after collection. Dry herbs can be used at any time.

Before using a herbal anti-wrinkle remedy, perform an allergen test. Apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow and leave for 24 hours. If there is no redness or irritation of the skin, the product can be safely used for cosmetic procedures.

There are some contraindications for the use of herbs as an anti-aging agent. These are malignant tumors and individual intolerance. If there are wounds and recent scars on the skin, herbs can be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Herbs for facial wrinkles have a positive effect if products based on them are used regularly over a long period of time. It is also recommended to periodically alternate products and types of cosmetic procedures.

Peppermint leaves (Folia menthae piperitae)

Nature of impact

The main active ingredient in mint is menthol. The composition of peppermint is rich in the content of other, no less useful substances: vitamins in mint are represented by a whole complex (retinol, ascorbic and folic acid, thiamine with pyridoxine), mineral elements (manganese, copper, strontium, sodium), tannins and flavonoids, phytoncides and carotene, terpenoids and organic acids.

With regular facial skin care using home remedies with mint, the following effects are observed in a short time: signs of fatigue disappear, inflammatory foci are localized, the firmness and elasticity of the dermis is restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the network of capillary vessels is strengthened.

Application of mint

mint ice

Prepare a mint infusion from 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dry leaves and a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain and pour into ice cube trays. Every morning, instead of washing your face normally, you should use an ice cube. This procedure stimulates blood circulation, tones and moisturizes the skin.

Mask 1

Pre-grind 10 pcs. mint leaves, grate half a cucumber. Add 1 tsp. sour cream. Mix everything. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin. After 15-20 minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water.

Mask 2

As in the previous recipe, you need to chop 10-13 leaves of the plant, add grated half of a cucumber and a large spoon of lemon juice to the green mass. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. After washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream.

Mask 3

Beat one egg, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. grated mint and chamomile leaves. Apply the mask evenly to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. You can wash off the composition with mint decoction.

List of plants for skin

Since the list of herbs that are suitable for healing the skin is large, we will combine them into groups taking into account skin type.

Table 1 - Medicinal plants for different skin types

Skin typeList of herbsAction
NormalChamomile, basil, linden, plantainTones, suitable for skin care around the eyes, nourishes, evens out tone, disinfects
DryNettle, hops, yarrow, chamomile, oregano, thymeSaturate the skin with vitamins and moisturize
FatYarrow, calendula, wormwood, chicory, coltsfoot, aloe, butterbur, birch, oak, St. John's wort, nettle, linden, plantain, burdock rootSuitable for cleansing the skin, reducing oiliness, narrowing pores, reducing inflammation, disinfecting
CombinedMint, St. John's wort, horsetail, sageNormalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, refresh
SensitiveMint, chamomile, calendula, sage, lavender, stringPrevents inflammatory processes, tones, soothes

The best remedies for acne are plantain, chamomile, calendula, aloe, St. John's wort, and plantain. Nettle and tricolor violet can be taken internally to cleanse the skin. But rowan cleanses pores and reduces the visibility of blackheads when applied externally.

The most extensive list of herbs is specifically for treating acne, since plants contain biologically active substances that reduce inflammation.

Sage, horsetail, rosemary, and chamomile have a rejuvenating effect. Parsley and dandelion are effective for age spots.

Large leaf plantain (Plantaginis majoris folia)

Nature of impact

Laboratory studies have proven that this plant is effective: heals wounds and microcracks; relieves acne on the face and other rashes; lightens hyperpigmentation; perfectly moisturizes, softening areas of peeling; cleanses clogged pores on the face; prevents early aging; smoothes wrinkles; resolves scars and cicatrices; relieves redness, inflammation, itching; tightens enlarged pores; removes oily shine.

Uses of plantain


2 tbsp. l. crushed plantain leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, let it brew, strain. You can also pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

Wash your face with the decoction every day 2 times a day or wipe your face with an ice cube.

Mask 1

Cut several leaves of grass with a knife into small pieces, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey (if necessary, combine everything with 1 tsp olive oil), mix the ingredients well. Place the contents on problem areas of the skin, rinse with running water after 25 minutes.

Mask 2

1 tbsp. l. pour potato starch with a small amount of plantain broth to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream, mix the ingredients well. Apply to cleansed facial skin, after 20 minutes wash with warm, then cool water.

Why natural hydration is not enough

Natural hydration in the skin is constant. Rising to the dermis through the capillaries, water combines with hyaluronic acid and turns it into a gel. The remaining evaporates from the surface of the skin. Ideally, this process should provide complete hydration, but in reality this does not happen.

According to research by cosmetic companies, in half of the cases, lack of moisture in the skin is a consequence of improper care, and the main mistake in it is the abuse of cleansers.

Signs of skin dehydration:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • dull color;
  • uneven surface;
  • enlarged pores;
  • peeling;
  • redness.

It is worth considering that all skin types are susceptible to dehydration to one degree or another, therefore, for each of them you need to choose the right moisturizer:

  • normal. Light textures containing a sufficient amount of collagen.
  • fat. Low-fat preparations, high in vitamin E.
  • dry. Fatty creams with a high content of natural oils, elastin, collagen, vitamins A and C.
  • combined. Oil-free mattifying gels.

The main problem for most is determining the skin type, because... A dehydrated person may exhibit symptoms inherent in several. In this case, it is better to entrust the therapy to a specialist. The cosmetologist will conduct the necessary research, prescribe procedures and select the right care.

Horsetail grass (Equiseti arvensis herba)

Nature of impact

The plant is rich in organic acids - aconitic, malic, linoleic, oxalic, gluconic. The composition also contains carotene (provitamin A), essential oils and tannins. Herbal raw materials have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing activity. Effective for allergic skin reactions. Silicon in the extract helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminates

rosacea, tones and tightens pores.

Use of horsetail


3 tbsp. l. dried plant, pour 500 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Leave for 24 hours, then squeeze and strain through a sieve.

Wipe your face with cold infusion 2 times a day.

Horsetail cosmetic oil

Pour 1 glass of finely chopped horsetail with a glass of olive oil. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, strain the contents of the jar, squeeze out and pour into an opaque container.

Apply the oil to your face with light massage movements.

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