“We are not a factory of freaks”: plastic surgeons talk about the true essence of their profession

In the 21st century, man has managed to subjugate almost all the laws of nature: we build concrete caves, fly on iron birds and wear silicone breasts. m24.ru correspondent Margarita Maslova became interested in how to deceive nature without consequences and what sacrifices beauty sometimes requires. That is why she talked with the capital’s plastic surgeons and found out how modern plastic surgery has evolved, whether it is possible to prolong youth without surgery, and where Hollywood stars made mistakes. Why and why - in the material m24.ru.


The man with the scalpel - who is he really?

Experts say that to become a good plastic surgeon you need to go through a journey of at least 15 years. First, the future doctor must graduate from a medical school and master general surgery, and only then improve his qualifications directly in his specialization. As the chairman of the patient protection society, plastic surgeon Andrei Khromov, said, after 8 years of study at a medical university, a plastic surgeon should practice his profession for about 10 years - only after that can we talk about the minimum set of skills that a specialist in this field should have.

Plastic surgeon Andrey Khromov:

Plastic surgeon Andrey Khromov. Photo courtesy of respondent

Of course, a quality surgeon must have a set of professional skills that are acquired with experience. However, this does not depend on the age of the doctor. Today there are a lot of older surgeons who have been involved directly in plastic surgery for only two years - believe me, it is almost impossible to gain sufficient experience in such a period. Therefore, it is important how many years the doctor has worked in the field of plastic surgery and how many operations of this type he has performed.

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov: It took me 15 years to achieve my specialization. At first it was the choice of medicine, then school, university, general surgery, and only then plastic surgery. I improved my qualifications in Italy, worked there, and then returned here. Why plastic surgery? This is a very interesting profession that can help people.

Anisimov Igor Dmitrievich

plastic surgeon

There are no ugly people - there are only those who don’t know that they are beautiful...
(Vivien Leigh)

Aesthetic medicine has long been an independent field, only undergoing some changes: from correcting significant defects to correcting undesirable features of appearance.

Here, more than anywhere else, personal experience, clinical thinking, and constant practice are important. Truly the best plastic surgeon in Moscow, as well as in any other city in the world, is only the specialist who has many years of painstaking work behind him.

All scientific research, coupled with modern medical materials and technologies, only makes the work of a specialist easier, but the limit of his personal capabilities depends on the doctor. The best proof of this is objective reality.

Thus, one plastic surgeon in Moscow enjoys stable interest from patients and the respect of colleagues, while another is more modest in his achievements, although they may have an equally good command of the theoretical basis or work in the same conditions. It is practical experience that becomes the measure of success.

Anisimov Igor Dmitrievich is not only a successful, sought-after, but also a plastic surgeon respected by his colleagues. There are not many specialists of his level in Moscow, and given his vast experience and availability of services for patients, Dr. Anisimov is a unique person.


Successfully graduated from Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I. Evdokimov of the Russian Ministry of Health, after which he was awarded the qualification of a doctor in the specialty “General Medicine”.
He successfully completed an internship at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 4 of the Ministry of Railways, in accordance with the completion of which the doctor was awarded the qualification of a surgeon.
He completed advanced training at the Peoples' Friendship University of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, specializing in phlebology.
The next advanced training at the State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the course “Current Issues of Surgery.”
Advanced training at the State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the specialty, and further professional retraining at the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training. workers in the Plastic Surgery program.
Goda is the leading plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Clinic SOLEIL CLINIC in Podolsk

Before deciding to have surgery...

Photo: TASS/Gero Breloer/DPA

Plastic surgery is conventionally divided into two types: reconstructive and aesthetic. Reconstructive surgery helps restore damage after injury or cancer, while aesthetic surgery concerns healthy people who want to correct any defects or simply improve their appearance. According to plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov, not everyone knows about the fundamental difference between these two types.

Psychologist's opinion: why people change their appearance

Natalia Panfilova


The desire to change your appearance can arise at absolutely any age. This means that a person wants changes and has special expectations for appearance. The desired changes are connected, first of all, with oneself. It may seem to a person that changing character or habits is difficult, but changing appearance is easy. For the same reason, people go to stylists and makeup artists, not to mention plastic surgery.

I in no way belittle the importance of these professions; now we are talking about a person’s personal motivations. For example, girls may feel that because of a hump on their nose they have problems in their personal lives. If plastic surgery helps to get rid of some complexes, there is nothing wrong with that. But here it is very important not to focus on any external factors (in particular, on the person you want to please), but to remain yourself. Otherwise, the desire to bolster your self-esteem may have the opposite effect.

At the same time, one should not deny the relationship between appearance and inner world. As they say, you are greeted by your clothes and seen off by your mind. Appearance is important, you just shouldn’t put this importance at the forefront.

Before deciding on plastic surgery, experts recommend first realizing the correctness of your choice and mentally preparing for the possible consequences. In addition, there are categories of people for whom the intervention of a plastic surgeon is strictly contraindicated - as a rule, these are patients with chronic diseases associated with blood clotting, oncology, severe diabetes, certain injuries or infections, as well as the elderly.

Plastic surgeon Andrey Khromov: Before deciding on plastic surgery, you need to be prepared to be patient. After any operation, time is required: approximately three months to a year. During this period, a lot can change: the scars will return to normal, the swelling will gradually go away, and as such the result will become noticeable only after a long time. And, of course, for the first two weeks or a month you need to go through a period of rehabilitation, accompanied by restrictions on physical activity, publicity, and so on.

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov. Photo courtesy of respondent

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov: It is morally worth being prepared for possible residual effects during the rehabilitation period - these are swelling and hematomas, which do not always go away quickly, and the desired result will be noticeable only after they pass. If the postoperative wound is not treated, it may become infected. But if the patient follows all the surgeon’s recommendations as much as possible, complications are minimized almost completely.

Before each operation, doctors conduct a mandatory examination to make sure there are no contraindications - this also helps to avoid unpleasant consequences. One way or another, the surgeon must carefully consult the patient before he goes under the knife.

Choosing a surgeon and the truth about medical errors

Andrey Khromov

Chairman of the Patient Protection Society, plastic surgeon

As a rule, medical errors in plastic surgery relate more to the aesthetic aspect, since the vast majority of claims from patients are associated with this. Often the surgeon cannot do what the patient requires, but does not admit this and undertakes the operation.

General advice to patients: don’t ask for the impossible. If, for example, during a nose job, a patient demands ideal symmetry, an adequate surgeon will have the right to refuse him, because it is impossible to achieve ideal symmetry. Human tissues are not plaster, they are alive. Even if everything is done perfectly in the operating room, something may change later during the scarring process.

To be honest, a patient cannot independently choose a good plastic surgeon based on any general parameters. The principle of word of mouth most often works here. If, for example, you liked the way your friend’s breasts were done, you can try going to the same surgeon with the same request. However, it is not a fact that this person will do eyelid surgery or a facelift well. Therefore, before choosing a doctor, you should visit several plastic surgeons and see if he inspires your confidence.

Andrey Khromov: “I just want to help people”

The endless flow of information that bombards us every minute leaves almost no opportunity to understand what is happening and how good or bad it is. And, probably, there is nothing wrong with this - however, only when these questions do not affect vital issues. Health, for example. Then every thoughtless act, every wrong action can lead to a tragic result. Preventing a tragedy is the main task that Russia’s first public organization for protecting the rights of patients in plastic surgery, cosmetology and dentistry sets for itself. Its founder, chairman of the board of the public organization “Patient Protection Society” and head of the Internet portal “Moscow Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology” Andrei Khromov talks about why it was created, how it functions and what it strives for.

— Andrey, how did your organization come about?

— Probably, in our case it doesn’t matter how it arose. The main thing here is why. Imagine the situation: in the register of medical specialties such a thing as a “plastic surgeon” does not exist at all. On the one hand, it looks funny, like some kind of incident, but, on the other hand, it’s scary. It turns out that anyone with a medical degree can be a surgeon. That is, a person simply goes to a monthly advanced training course, pays money for a certificate confirming that he has studied and has the right to operate. His next step is to pay organizational fees to OPREX - and that’s it. Nominally, he is an active plastic surgeon. This is where the problems begin... After all, not every doctor can stand at the operating table. Just imagine: a person learns to do plastic surgery at the expense of the life and health of another person. Not only does the patient become a guinea pig, he can also be injured at his own expense - and a lot of it. The main problem today is that a person who turns to a plastic surgeon cannot find information anywhere about who he can trust with his health and who he cannot. There are many known cases where patients were injured from an incorrectly performed operation and suffered all their lives... And how many such cases are not known! This is why I believe that the creation of an organization like ours is simply necessary for society!

— Is this situation developing only in Russia, or all over the world?

— All over the world, the institution of public control over the activities of doctors is a very serious structure that is taken into account and feared. Therefore, in the West, everything is, of course, completely different. Although there is a problem that is probably typical for all countries: it is quite difficult to evaluate the result of plastic surgery. How to determine whether the operation was done well or not? One can, of course, from a medical point of view, note that, say, the stitches were placed well, competently, and so on. But what if the patient, for example, cries? Because what she sees in the mirror is not at all what she asked to do... Which evaluation criteria are correct? In fact, there is only one criterion - the patient. The surgeon must understand exactly what the patient wants and do exactly that. If, for one reason or another, he cannot do this, he must refuse the operation.

- So why don’t so many people refuse?

“Of course, none of them wants to do any harm on purpose, that’s understandable.” Basically, they agree because of financial problems. After all, all doctors need to rent offices, pay salaries to employees and taxes, and they just want to live. So they take on something they either don’t know how to do or have done a couple of times... And experience in surgery means a lot. Many surgeons literally captivate the patient by the fact that they have a huge “iconostasis” (diplomas, certificates, titles) behind them, they say - you will be heard, they look intelligent and inspire confidence. But it’s one thing to talk, and another to operate. This is precisely why our expertise is needed - to determine whose words do not diverge from their actions. After all, plastic surgery in our country is now the most vulnerable. In Russia there are no laws at all to control privately practicing doctors. It turns out that this area is completely uncontrolled. In the West, for example, any advertising of plastic surgeons is prohibited. Because this is an excellent obstacle for careless doctors. Only word of mouth works - and a bad surgeon will go bankrupt anyway. In Russia everything is different, and nothing can be proven.

- But even in our country you can sue a negligent surgeon?

— Theoretically, it’s possible, but it won’t make any sense. The worst “punishment” for a doctor that can be achieved in our country is a reprimand, nothing more. There is a kind of “corporate ethics” between doctors, but in reality it is just mutual responsibility.

- As far as I know, you are going to fight not only with careless plastic surgeons.

— Yes, we also want to identify bad cosmetologists and dentists. Why these three areas? Because in other areas of medicine there is an alternative: paid and free treatment. It is not found in plastic surgery, cosmetology and dentistry. You are simply obliged to undergo treatment for money. That’s why everyone and anyone is breaking into these areas—they are profitable. Meanwhile, more than half of all dentists, for example, simply bought their diplomas... In Moscow there are several thousand different dental centers, but there are no more than five dozen good doctors who really know how to work. Why should I pay for a filling that falls out in two days?

— Dentistry is understandable, but cosmetology is not always associated with any risky procedures.

- Naturally, we will not “chase” cosmetologists who make face masks poorly - this is not serious and not significant for health. But specialists working with lasers, for example, are of great interest to us. A girl pays a lot of money to have her scar polished off with a laser after surgery. As a result, instead of a scar, a painful crust forms. This happens because it is taken for processing before the time after the operation after which it can be done. If the cosmetologist were a doctor, this would not have happened. And in the salons there are people who not only have nothing to do with medicine, they can even complete eight classes and not even remotely remember the school anatomy course. The consequences of the “work” of such people can be simply terrifying - even facial deformities. And, plus, this is a huge blow to the psyche. Before the procedure, the woman looked, say, thirty years old, but “her” thirty, and after some “Restylane” administered by a self-taught person, she looked like she was fifty... That is why our organization is so important. We will use all methods available to us to identify doctors and clinics that operate dishonestly. At this stage, it is important for us to figure out who is making money off our health without having any right to do so.

— Who and how will evaluate the integrity of doctors’ work?

— An independent expert council, which includes a variety of people from various walks of life - doctors, politicians, actors, singers, presenters, journalists and others. Plus - we cooperate with many Internet resources, which also conduct primary voting, and conduct absentee and in-person polls and questionnaires. Their results are provided to the expert council, which, in case of the slightest doubt, can easily check the information received. We are interested in the objectivity of our assessments. It is important to understand: we do not want to spoil the reputation of a good surgeon. A professional in his field will definitely receive a certificate from us that he is such. Let good specialists earn money in the end!

- But it happens that the doctor is already, as they say, “knocked” in one thing, but does something else poorly...

— If a surgeon, say, does a good job of nose surgery, then we will issue him a certificate only for this type of operation. It sometimes happens that a person is stronger in something, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you must always tell the truth: “I do this well, but I won’t undertake this.” If even 30% of respondents are not satisfied with the doctor’s work, we will not issue him a certificate. Because the percentage of errors can be 5-6-7, but not 30!

— Through what sources will the information you receive be disseminated?

— Firstly, all detailed information about the examinations carried out is available on our website
. Secondly, we cooperate with many media outlets that are very supportive of our endeavors and are ready to cooperate. Although, in fact, it cannot be any other way. Each of us, in one way or another, is a patient in this life, and therefore this topic cannot be indifferent to anyone. In particular, we are now reaching out to various committees of the State Duma, meeting influential people, and enlisting their support. It was a huge surprise for me that someone was even willing to help us financially. This means that we hit the mark, and people needed such a society!

— On what basis are clinics and specialists selected for testing?

— Firstly, some clinics themselves turn to us with a request to test them. I really respect such clinics, this is already a point in their favor. We choose someone ourselves, for example, based on complaints received from patients. In any case, we always notify the establishment or person that we will be conducting an examination. Nothing happens in secret. It’s another matter that someone refuses, and this only makes it more alarming: it means that not everything there is clean.

— Aren’t you afraid that the surgeons whom you will “reject” in the process of work will begin to harm you?

- As they say, if you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest... But seriously, what should I be afraid of? Most of the problems in the country, in the world, and even in someone’s specific, individual life occur because everyone is afraid of everything. I still believe and hope that good specialists will support me, and bad ones will be powerless in the face of the truth.

— Andrey, well, and finally, I can’t help but ask, why do you need all this personally?

“This may sound pathetic, but I really don’t like injustice.” Believe me, for me there is no commercial spirit in all this, and for now I am just investing in this project. I have my own business, but I’ve never been interested in just making money. Money in itself does not mean anything, it is needed for something. I want them to commit to this business so that it develops. Like in that cartoon about Prometheus: “Is it really so difficult to understand that I just wanted to help people?” I want to help. I don’t like demagogues who only talk. I love to do it - and I do it.


“We are not a factory of freaks”: ordinary and unusual requests from patients


The most common plastic surgeries are breast and lip augmentation, face lifts, correction of the buttocks and cheekbones, and eyelid surgery. As noted by plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov, today these operations can be performed with a minimal degree of trauma to the patient’s body. According to him, today there is a special method of transplanting a person’s own fatty tissue from one area to another, which allows many operations to be carried out without the use of foreign bodies or implants.

But there are also more unusual requests. If women sometimes ask to enlarge their breasts to unimaginable sizes, then operations to create the treasured six-pack on the stomach have become popular among men. As you already understand, a traditional trip to the gym has nothing to do with it.

“Today you can get the coveted six-pack without going to the gym. People have surgery to create a six-pack on their body - but it is important to understand that this is not about muscle, but about a purely visual effect created by injecting fat. It turns out that there are no muscles, but there is relief. Those who perform such operations are not looking for a strong, but a beautiful belly. Such people do not need strong muscles, but a beautiful photo on Instagram,” the surgeon explained.

According to Abramov, intimate plastic surgery is no less in demand. Many women turn to plastic surgeons for surgeries to help them recover after childbirth, and some ask to enlarge their erogenous zones to get more pleasure from sexual intercourse.

Psychologist's opinion: what does the desire to change gender indicate?

Natalia Panfilova


In fact, there are not many people who really want to change their sex - about five to seven percent. A certain set of hormonal or psychological problems can lead to such a decision, when a person begins to feel uncomfortable in his gender.

In addition, this can be influenced by completely different social goals that a person has set for himself, but for some reason these settings do not fit into social norms. For example, a girl may have a desire to have ten lovers with the thought that, in the context of social attitudes, she will be able to do this better if she were a guy. Or, conversely, a failed pick-up artist may think that if he were a woman, he would be better able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It's all an illusion.

In my practice, there was a rather tragic case when a male patient decided to change his sex and gradually began to implement it: he took the necessary medications and so on. And so, at the final stage, when he had already changed his passport, the man’s breasts had already grown and the final step remained in the form of cutting off the necessary organ, he fell in love with the girl. As a result, the patient became seriously depressed. The point is that the male energy still existed in him, even despite external changes.

Uncle Freud

The so-called subconscious envy of a woman towards the male genital organ, according to Freud, actually means recognition of male authority. From the point of view of procreation, a woman depends on a man. Of course, this dependence is mutual, but Freud believed that women are physiologically more vulnerable, and men have a simpler attitude towards procreation.

Plastic surgeon Andrey Khromov: We try to work with adequate people. If patients have unusual requests, I usually say this: “Your taste is your taste, but we are not a factory of freaks, so we will not change your appearance for the worse.” The surgeon must be frank and in no case follow the patient's lead. There were situations when, for example, a person wanted to perform several operations at a time: with one anesthesia and one rehabilitation.

In such cases, the doctor can offer more adequate solutions, in particular, performing these operations in several stages. However, some patients do not want to listen to anything and demand everything at once - this is fraught with repeated corrections and a completely different result than if they followed the advice of a professional.

“Moscow Time”: How to preserve youth

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov: One of my patients of European appearance asked me to make her a so-called Asian eyelid. Usually people of Asian appearance want to make themselves European-type eyes, but here it happened the other way around. I did not change her eyelids because I understood that the patient did not need it. The same goes for requests to sew on a third nipple, enlargement of fingers and other nonsense. An adequate surgeon will not deal with such things.

There are cases when plastic surgery is not needed - and the doctor should understand this. When patients wanted their nose to be two millimeters narrower, without having any serious defects, I dissuaded them, because in such situations the effect would be almost unnoticeable. The same applies to breast enlargement to unimaginable sizes. Why injure yourself for the sake of a completely invisible or, conversely, too noticeable effect? A good surgeon should be responsible for a quality result, and not be led by the strange desires of a patient who may not understand all the consequences.

Eternal youth: with or without a surgeon?


The aging process largely depends on the lifestyle and climate in which a person lives. It is known that residents of the southern regions age much faster than northern peoples, since they are exposed to the active sun around the clock. Experts say that the skin of the eyelids ages first. Most often, this becomes noticeable after 30 years, when the skin under the eyes begins to thin and swell, so-called fat packets or bags, as people say, form under it.

Surgeons unanimously say: there is no secret to eternal youth. However, you can maintain your body in good condition without surgery. The doctors themselves will tell you how best to do this and how effective cucumber masks are.

Plastic surgeon Andrei Khromov about folk remedies: There is only one folk remedy - spend more time in the fresh air and avoid any sudden weight changes, otherwise it will affect the face and body. If you lose or gain two or three kilograms, it’s okay, but if you suddenly lose 10 kilograms, this can significantly speed up the aging process. The skin stretches, does not have time to contract, loses elasticity... as a result, we get numerous stretch marks, wrinkles on the face, sagging arms, belly, and so on. For this reason, many women go to a plastic surgeon.

Nutrition is important. You can eat whatever you want, but little by little. Moderation is needed in everything, including plastic surgery. You can't fool nature, even if you do a lot of plastic surgery. Unfortunately, some kind of universal anti-aging pill has not yet been invented in medicine.

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov about cosmetology: Sooner or later we will still face wrinkles. However, it is possible to prolong youth at least a little without surgical intervention. Cosmetic procedures aimed at moisturizing and changing the quality of the skin can help with this. Creams, in turn, act on the surface layer of the skin, which is constantly renewed - often this does not bring the desired effect. In this regard, expensive creams are not far removed from cucumber masks. Cosmetology procedures penetrate deeply into the skin.

At the same time, we should not forget that after a certain age nature takes its toll. The face can always be kept in good condition, but if a person is 40-45 years old, it is hardly possible to make him look 30-35 even by cosmetic means. Moreover, if you overdo it with cosmetic injections, you may encounter the opposite effect in the form of severe swelling. Unfortunately, some things can only be corrected through plastic surgery.

Professional achievements

Igor Dmitrievich Anisimov is an active member of ROPREH - Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.

At the same time, constantly adhering to his own principle that the appearance of any person is unique, and the main task of a plastic surgeon is to harmoniously emphasize natural beauty, avoiding cliches and ordinary solutions.

According to many patients and colleagues, it is this approach that allows Igor Dmitrievich Anisimov to achieve success in situations that not every plastic surgeon in Moscow undertakes. You can familiarize yourself in detail with the main operations performed by the doctor and their results on the pages of the relevant sections of our website.

Gentleness, kindness, sensitivity towards patients, responsibility, accuracy, scrupulousness, hard work - these are the main qualities of Igor Dmitrievich.

Actively working in his specialty, Igor Dmitrievich Anisimov is constantly developing the theoretical direction of plastic surgery, making his own contribution to the development of domestic aesthetic surgery.

As Dr. Anisimov often likes to say: “My credo: never rush!...” , which is an extremely important quality for a plastic surgeon, because aesthetic surgery, which requires a jewelry and delicate approach to solving the problem of each patient, does not tolerate haste.

The future of plastic surgery


Medicine does not stand still, including in the field of plastic surgery. In the modern world, new technologies for rejuvenation and body correction are actively developing. Experts told m24.ru about the evolution of plastic surgery in Russia and its role in the international arena.

Plastic surgeon Andrey Khromov: I have seen the work of Swiss, American and other foreign specialists, and I can say that Russian plastic surgeons perform operations of much higher quality than Western ones. I think our doctors approach things more responsibly. The school of plastic surgery in Russia is at a fairly high level. We have more stringent requirements for the naturalness and quality of the operation.

There are very good clinics in the West, but the attitude of doctors towards patients in Russia is much more serious. There have been cases when patients came to Russia in order to correct the results of operations performed abroad. You can study endlessly to become a plastic surgeon. Experience is experience. One surgeon, whose experience exceeded 35 years, once told me that only after such a time did he begin to understand what eyelid surgery was.

Plastic surgeon Pavel Abramov: Plastic surgery is developing very quickly and productively, largely due to the use of hardware techniques, lasers, video cameras, more modern operating rooms, new types of safer anesthesia, and so on. All this is aimed at improving the quality of operations. Now there are many prerequisites for advancing rejuvenation procedures. Personally, I try to use the most progressive methods in order to injure the patient to a lesser extent. We can say that modern plastic surgery is moving towards eventually abandoning the scalpel. Today, plastic surgery can fix almost anything. Another thing, is it necessary?

Khromov Andrey Viktorovich

– head of the author’s clinic of plastic surgery, cosmetology and gynecology IMCmed.

Should a plastic surgeon love women as passionately as gynecologists love them?

For an answer to this difficult question, we turned to the owner of the Author's Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, Andrey Khromov

. As it turned out, not in vain.

- Andrey, do you like women?

“In our profession it’s impossible not to love them.” Do you imagine an artist who hates paint and canvas?

- With difficulties. On the other hand, the canvas will not come to the artist with a request to enlarge his chest, will not start frantically waving his arms, and then sob throughout the entire surgical department.

- What you are talking about occurs because of the internal anxiety that a woman experiences. It `s naturally. My task is precisely to eliminate this anxiety. Unfortunately, not all plastic surgeons think about the emotional state of their patients. Many even abuse the fact that a woman is in some confusion. For example, a patient comes for a breast augmentation

, and they say to her from the doorway: “Didn’t you hit your nose on the doorframe as a child? Come on, urgently for rhinoplasty.” As a result, the woman undergoes two plastic surgeries instead of one, experiences terrible stress, and the surgeon rubs his hands contentedly and counts the money he has earned.

— How, then, do you structure your conversation with a woman who has decided to go under the knife?

“First of all, I’m trying to understand what she wants. Not in words, but in reality. Often women do not realize the true reasons for their desires - why they want this particular nose and not another. To understand the situation, I turn on the psychologist for a while and we have a heart-to-heart talk. When I understand where the root of the evil lies, I propose to discuss possible changes - here from a psychologist I turn into a surgeon and thoroughly study the problem. I don’t always agree with the patient’s decision to change something about herself. Let's say a woman wants exactly the same breasts as Demi Moore in the movie "Striptease." And so she comes, armed with a photograph of Demi, strips to the waist and shows off breasts of a completely different shape. You can increase it, but the end result will be different. Sometimes it takes me a lot of effort to convey to the patient this seemingly obvious nuance and dissuade her from her decision. This is the original approach of our clinic and its main difference from many others.

— There is another nuance, psychological: there is no guarantee that a woman with Demi Moore’s breasts will marry Ashton Kutcher. Often, women who are hungry for change think that plastic surgery will change their life, and this is wrong.

“And some plastic surgeons fuel this belief with empty promises. I categorically do not understand specialists who give their patients guarantees like “Now we will operate on you - and there will be no end to the fans.” A good plastic surgeon will never take responsibility for a woman’s relationships with men, with the outside world. Otherwise, he will give her hope, which may not come true. Alas, large breast size does not guarantee a long and happy life, including a personal one!

“If you listen to you, it seems that you surround women with some kind of almost maternal care: you have a heart-to-heart talk, and you pick men apart…

- Well, you yourself asked if I like women. I hope I was able to answer your question.

Anna Levitskaya talked with Andrei Viktorovich Khromov on the topic of building a relationship between a patient and a plastic surgeon.

Brief information:

Khromov Andrey Viktorovich

– head of the author’s clinic for plastic surgery, cosmetology and gynecology IMCmed, since 2006 heads the public council of the Society for the Protection of Patients’ Rights, Russian Reporter magazine according to the results of a survey by VTsIOM, in 2012 included Andrey Khromov in the TOP 10 most authoritative public figures in Russia , a regular participant in special projects and talk shows on ORT, NTV, Russia-1, REN-TV, MIR television company, Radio Russia and other TV channels on issues of healthcare organization and plastic surgery.

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  • — A new approach to plastic surgery
  • — How to get your figure back after childbirth for free
  • - Mukla! New generation of plastic surgery

Article publication date: 09/28/2012. Author of the article, source of publication Women's online magazine Women's Secrets. All rights reserved. The magazine is not responsible for submitted manuscripts, photographic materials or the content of advertising texts. It is prohibited to reproduce, in whole or in part, articles and photographs published in SecretWoman.ru magazine without the written permission of the editors. The editors' opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the author of the article. Articles marked with the ADV mark are published as advertising.

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Donatella Versace, 2016. Photo: TASS/Zuma/Ben Stevens

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone, 2006. Photo: TASS/Zuma/Armando Gallo

Clear signs of a facelift are visible - a forehead lift, circular eyelid surgery and a not entirely successful cheekbone augmentation, which makes the face unnatural.

Sylvester Stallone, 2022. Photo: TASS/FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA IMAGES/Hahn Lionel

Professional awards

  • "Best Plastic Surgeon for Blepharoplasty 2017" . In November 2022, the award ceremony for the laureates of the International Prize in Beauty and Health “ Crystal Lotus” .
  • "Best Plastic Surgeon for Breast Augmentation 2017" . On March 29, 2022, the XIII ceremony of the GRACE Award took place, which for many years has rightfully been considered the most prestigious International Award in the field of beauty and health, a recognized mark of quality for clinics working in the field of Beauty & Health, equating it to the legendary Oscar. in the global film industry.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie, 2000. Photo: TASS/Zuma/Armando Gallo

If we compare older photos with what Angelina Jolie looks like these days, we can note the rhinoplasty done to narrow the back of the nose and plastic surgery of the tip of the nose. Also visible are traces after the removal of Bisha's lumps (they give swelling to the cheeks - m24.ru), minor cosmetic correction of the lips and nasolabial folds.

Angelina Jolie, 2016. Photo: TASS/Zuma/Armando Gallo

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson, 1997. Photo: TASS/TASS Photo Chronicle

Pamela Anderson is known to everyone for her breast augmentation and reduction surgeries. However, the actress deals not only with her breasts, but also with her face, as traces are visible after eyelid surgery, changes in the shape and volume of the lips, enlargement of the cheekbones and correction of facial wrinkles.

Pamela Anderson, 2016. Photo: TASS/Sergey Fadeichev

Margarita Maslova

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