Liza Polygalova House 2: project participant, biography

Liza Polygalova is a model, participant in the reality show “Dom-2” and simply transformed herself with the help of plastic surgery.
Elizaveta Polygalova came from the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, although she was born in the capital. The girl does not like to share her past, but it is known that after Lisa was born, her parents decided to return to their small homeland. Date of birth: April 17, 1990. The girl has repeatedly said on air that the number 17 is very symbolic for her. Young girls and boys admire a girl’s appearance: her face and parameters. Name:

Elizaveta Polygalova

Date of Birth:

April 17, 1990


27 years

Place of Birth:


Anthropometric data:

height 173 cm, weight 60 kg, chest – 92, waist – 65, hips – 94


dancer, participant in the reality show “Dom-2”

Family status:


Childhood and youth

Participant of the Dom-2 project Liza Polygalova was born in Novokuznetsk on April 17, 1996. Zodiac sign: Aries. Little is known about the girl’s biography before appearing on the show. She does not like to talk about her family and life before the project. It is known that while studying in the last grades of school, the girl became interested in fitness and at the age of 16 began to actively engage in sports. After several years of training, Elizaveta got a job at the Eighth Passage go-go dance club. Having a good figure (with a height of 173 cm, Lisa weighs 59 kg), the girl managed to reach the finals of the Siberian beauty contest “Miss Kuzbass 2014”.

Liza Polygalova on the project "Dom-2"

Before the project, the independent and charming Lisa had already visited Cyprus and Singapore. The girl loves to travel the world. Therefore, when the casting for participation in the show “Love Island” was announced, Lisa went to it without hesitation. Moreover, there was no one in her personal life at that time. The girl easily coped with the qualifying round and already in early September 2016 was splashing in the warm waters of the ocean in the Seychelles.

The further fate of Polygalova

In her senior year, Lisa actively took charge of her health and switched to proper nutrition. In addition, she began to play sports. After some time, she enrolled in a go-go dancing school, where she was one of the best. And a few years later she already took part in a beauty contest, where she managed to reach the top three finalists.

Until the moment when Elizaveta Polygalova decided to participate in the project, she had already been able to achieve a lot. For example, despite her young years, she has already visited many countries, since one of her hobbies is traveling.

Lisa’s heart was free, so when she learned about the next recruitment of girls to Dom-2, she, without hesitation, went to the Seychelles.

"House 2"

Elizabeth immediately took an active position on the project. The girl made friends with all the bachelors on the island. It was difficult to connect with the image of this girl on the project - she was one of the few who promoted sports and proper nutrition. She soon became a member who was not so easy to dislodge.

The contender for her hand and heart was Ivan Barzikov. But, having started a relationship with Vanya, she never achieved success, since he changed his mind and proposed to another participant. After leaving the island, Lisa continued her participation in the clearing of the Dom-2 project.

After some time, a second trip to the Seychelles took place, where her Siberian admirer Gleb Zhemchugov followed Lisa, but the beauty did not reciprocate his feelings. The guy threw a scandal at this, which scared Polygalova. After some time, the girl was called to his place by Denis Baranov, who was staying in the clearing at that time, to which the girl responded with joyful consent. A couple of days later, the young man admitted that he was simply making fun of a girl he didn’t like, which caused her anger.

Continuing the fight for Ivan Barzikov, Liza Polygalova went to all lengths, she even fought over him with his ex-girlfriend Alisa Ogorodova and used the project’s heartthrob Nikita Kuznetsov to arouse feelings of jealousy in Ivan. The result was not long in coming. After some time, Barzikov broke up with his bride and announced the creation of a couple with Elizabeth.

Liza Polygalova and Ivan Barzikov

While the lovers were building a relationship on the “mainland,” unexpectedly for Ivan, Liza Polygalova’s mother arrived in the clearing and decided to help her daughter achieve personal happiness. Her stay on the project did not last long, since everything that happened there was not to her taste.

At the end of January 2022, Liza Polygalova again distinguished herself with her aggressiveness. This time she had to defend her rights in a fight with another participant Anna Sinitsina, who decided to remove Lisa from the position of Barzikov’s girlfriend. But nothing worked out for the intriguing Sinitsina; the young people remained together.

Soon the couple Ivan Barzikov and Lisa Polygalova returned to the Seychelles archipelago again. They enjoyed nature and communication with each other. But then the scandals between the couple resumed with renewed vigor, and Lisa decided to leave the project. Fans of the couple did not want to believe in the final separation of Lisa and Ivan. As soon as she left the perimeter, they began to suspect her of resuming her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. It turns out that before the project she met with Zakhar Salenko, and it was he who invited her to the casting of “Love Island”.

Some associated her abrupt and unexpected departure with the fact that Lisa was pregnant with Ivan’s child. Allegedly, she flew to Novokuznetsk to register with the antenatal clinic. Rumors immediately spread about an imminent wedding. But all this turned out to be nothing more than speculation from the audience.

Trying to break up a couple

In 2022, a girl who had sympathy for the guy, Anna Sinitsyna, tried to interfere in the personal life of Elizaveta Polygalova and Vanya Barzikov. She was so persistent and arrogant that she drove Lisa into hysterics, and she attacked her. Having provoked a fight, she still had no intention of stopping. Anya continued to pay attention to Ivan, and again provoked Polygalova’s aggression. Despite this, the couple was able to maintain their relationship.

Upon returning to the island, Lisa and Vanya continued to maintain a romantic mood and enjoyed each other's company. However, this did not last long, soon they began to argue again and separated. The girl said that she intended to leave the project. Many participants did not believe her and made fun of her, but she was absolutely serious. As soon as she left the gate, rumors immediately began to spread that she was pregnant. But this turned out to be just speculation.

After the project

After the project, the girl returned to sports and even won several awards at prestigious bodybuilding competitions.

Liza Polygalova with her mother

Fans also learned that Lisa sings beautifully, and sometimes she posts videos on Instagram. Subscribers are sure that with such vocal abilities and figure, if a girl decides to conquer show business, she will easily become a Russian J.Lo.

But Polygalova decided to take a different path, joining the galaxy of coaches - an entrepreneur and creator of the Women's Club, as she calls herself, promises to change the lives of her clients in one month and is happy to post reviews from students about the courses they have taken.

Instagram beauty Liza Polygalova

The girl runs a page on the well-known social network Instagram, where she posts a wide variety of photographs. Judging by the latest publications, one can understand that Lisa is again enjoying the warmth of exotic countries. MAE is an island in the distant Indian Ocean, from where Polygalova posts many of her photos. This means that she is conquering the hot Seychelles again. It is worth noting that it looks very organic against the backdrop of the luxurious island landscapes. Today, Lisa has more than 123 thousand subscribers, and this number is growing weekly.

Compromising evidence

Both participants and spectators studied her past for a long time, trying to find at least some real incriminating evidence. And for some time, the only thing they managed to find out about Lisa was that the girl was passionate about plastic surgery.

If you compare photos from 7 years ago with the latest photos on her Instagram, you can see the difference before and after plastic surgery with the naked eye. Lisa looked different before. She had a different shape of her nose and lips. In addition, Polygalova's breasts were at least a size smaller. But, despite obvious evidence of a change in appearance, the girl does not report anything about surgical intervention.

In February 2022, incriminating evidence on Lisa was finally found. Another participant of “House-2” Lera Frost published a video that testifies to the beauty’s not entirely pure past. The footage clearly shows Polygalova dancing in front of Turkish businessman Adnan Oktar. He is the owner of a scandalous show, an analogue of the Peter Listerman competition, in which attractive and relaxed girls are looking for sponsors. Haters immediately stated that Liza Polygalova, whose parents live quite modestly, had operations to change her appearance at the expense of a Turkish tycoon.

Adnan Oktar is a well-known person in Turkey, he is the head of the Scientific Research Foundation, which promotes a campaign against the theory of evolution and Darwinism. Turkish media claim that Oktar is the leader of a pseudo-Islamic sect that practices sexual slavery and group sex. Former members of his sect say that orgies are held there and girls are forced to have sex. Often everything was recorded on video and then used for extortion and blackmail.

Liza Polygalova before and after plastic surgery

In July 2022, Adnan Oktar and his supporters were arrested and he was charged with numerous charges, including sexual relations and sexual abuse of children and minors, rape, and child abduction.

Another stumbling block is Lisa's age. Viewers are sure that the girl was lying when filling out the Dom-2 questionnaire. And the year of her birth is not 1996, but 1990. She once mentioned that before the project she had a serious relationship that lasted 5 years. And then there’s a video of dancing in front of a Turkish millionaire. Subscribers are sure that it is simply impossible to do all this in 21 years.

Lisa on “House-2”

For the first time, Lisa got into the famous project without any difficulties after passing the casting. The organizers of “Dom-2” thought she was quite a sophisticated and charming person, which is why she passed the selection so easily. In addition, the girl is smart, and this is a rarity on a scandalous television project. On Love Island, Polygalova showed her favor towards Ivan Barzikov, without changing her attitude towards him for two months. Elizabeth managed to win all competitions for the hearts of bachelors, thanks to her vast experience in sports. And the time spent with Ivan was, in turn, a bonus. It should be noted that Lisa did not allow her partner more hugs and kisses. Intimate relationships between the young people began after the officially announced status of the couple. However, nothing worked out with the man, and Lisa did not become a finalist in the project. Polygalova broke up with her fiancé, unable to withstand the condemnations and comments from other girls. Barzikov himself did not prevent the breakup, having warm feelings for the other participant, Irina Pinchuk. After the competition came to an end, Elizabeth was offered to continue participating in the Moscow project, to which she gladly agreed.

Personal life

Despite all these rumors and incriminating evidence, Barzikov left the project after Lisa. Later it became known that they rented an apartment in Moscow and got a dog. But, as before, they became media heroes almost every week. Either they were going on vacation to Thailand, then Barzikov burned their foreign passports, then parting with loud accusations and equally vivid reconciliations.

In October 2022, a photo of Lisa’s bloody face appeared on the Internet. Journalists reported that Barzikov allegedly beat her because she gave their dog Judy to the shelter. But a little later Polygalova denied this information. According to her, she just started bleeding from her nose, and she asked her subscribers how to stop it. As a result, no matter how hard they tried to mend their relationship, which had cracked during the project, they failed. The guys broke up.

Liza Polygalova and Masis Hovsepyan

And soon photos of Lisa with her new lover appeared on the Internet. It turned out to be Masis Hovsepyan, a young millionaire from Chita. On Instagram, he positions himself as a “millionaire, philanthropist and playboy.” As Hovsepyan himself says, he got rich on cryptocurrency. They met Lisa while filming an advertisement for a shopping and entertainment center in the capital.

On July 15, 2022, Lisa reported on Instagram that Masis proposed marriage to her. But things didn’t come to a wedding - in 2021, the young man, who by that time had acquired the unpleasant reputation of a swindler, announced a breakup. Polygalova refused to comment in an interview and did not defend her former lover from the accusations of deceived users.

Lisa's latest news

Currently Lisa is in the Seychelles. Together with Ivan Barzikov, she participates in the “Million for a Wedding” competition. One of the latest events that excited the Internet space was an incident in the Seychelles, when Ivan tried to please his chosen one with a surprise. Barzikov expressed a desire to live in a house and not in Seychelles bungalows, despite Polygalova’s dissatisfaction. To prove to his beloved that their room does not remind of a previous relationship, he decided to decorate the walls with photographs of them together. Initially, Elizabeth was delighted and delighted to see the walls decorated with photos, but in the end the young lady got really angry. But the fact is that, upon entering the room, Liza Polygalova saw that Barzikov had hung up photographs not only of her, but also of his ex-girlfriend, the same Irina Pinchuk. Although the young man convinced his companion that he had been set up and this was not part of the plans, she perceived what he had done as a bad and cruel joke. The incident caused indignation among television viewers. Some fans of Elizabeth were very aggressive towards Ivan. Most of the viewers found the prank not funny and, moreover, quite offensive.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Liza Polygalova now

In November 2022, television viewers saw Polygalova in the television project “Russian Ninja,” which reminded many of “Fort Boyard” in format. There were thousands of applications for participation - only those who could boast of both serious physical fitness and a stable mental state were selected, since mental health, according to the creators, was the most important during the tests. Morgenstern, Vasily Artemyev and Ida Galich were entrusted with hosting the show on STS.

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