Liza Shatilova: biography, photo, date of birth, how old

“A blogger is not a profession, but a lifestyle,” this is exactly what the bright and sexy Internet beauty Elizaveta Shatilova says about her hobby. Is it necessary to resort to cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery in order to become famous throughout the Internet and collect millions of video views on your YouTube channel? Specialists from the Plastic Club portal conducted an investigation into exactly what procedures the 27-year-old girl had done. How plastic surgery helps a girl stay at the peak of popularity and what Liza Shatilova looked like before plastic surgery, read in our article today.


The future blogger was born in 1992 in the city on the Neva. The family in which Lisa grew up can be called average, unremarkable.

At the insistence of her parents, the girl entered the Faculty of Economics, but her heart was not in it. And in the future, Lisa did not accept attempts to further understand economics.


Elizabeth always stood out among her peers. Her appearance is the dream of any girl, deep brown eyes that you can drown in, long hair and a stunning figure cause envy. Many claim that Lisa had plastic surgery, but the beauty herself denies surgery.

Height176 cm
WeightAbout 55 kg
Eye colorBrown
Hair colorChestnut
Tattoos2, on the right wrist there is an inscription, on the left heart with the name of the first husband
Plastic surgeryShe denies it, although the photos before and after plastic surgery say otherwise. Judging by them, Elizabeth changed the shape of her nose, made her lips, enlarged her breasts and removed Bisha's lumps

Photo by Elizaveta Shatilova


After graduating from university, Elizaveta tried her hand at fashion. The beauty started working as a stylist and she did pretty well. The girl’s sense of style and excellent taste came in handy in her endeavors. Until now, we see how her images are perfectly chosen, and her bows are thought out to the smallest detail.

Lisa gained real fame thanks to her husband, blogger Yuri Kuznetsov. He posted his own funny videos (vines) online, and more and more often we began to see Lisa in them. Yuri noticed that the number of views with his wife was many times higher; the audience definitely liked the girl.

Already in 2016, the couple took this seriously, although previously they thought it was just entertainment. After several months of filming joint vines, Lisa even quit her main job, since her income on the Internet was many times more than in the office. The main income for the guys comes from advertising goods and services online.

Currently, the girl has more than a million followers on Instagram, and their number is growing rapidly.

Lisa’s new hobby is making short training videos for applying makeup; followers happily supported the idea and praised the makeup artist’s skills.

Liza Shatilova Drain Photos And Videos Biography Height Age childhood

Real name:Elizaveta Shatilova
Date and place of birth:1992, St. Petersburg
Family status:Married
Spouse's name:Yuri Kuznetsovsky

The biography of Lisa Shatilova has been of interest to users of the World Wide Web for several years. Since humorous videos with her participation appeared on Instagram and YouTube. The pretty brunette has been a popular blogger for several years now and her whole life has been spent in the public eye.

Personal life

It is known that Elizaveta married Yuri Kuznetsov in 2015. The couple lived together in Moscow. The couple was united not only by working together, but also by a similar sense of humor and love of life.

The couple recently announced their intention to divorce. According to Lisa, her husband is often not at home; the spree could last for 4 days. In the end, the girl could not stand it and moved to St. Petersburg, with all her things, her dogs and her car.

However, photos together continue to appear on networks, perhaps this is a way of PR or the couple has finally reconciled.

Lisa on Channel One

At the end of June 2022, Channel One aired the next episode of the “Tonight” program dedicated to the confrontation between glossy publications and the Internet. Elizaveta Shatilova was a participant in the show, representing the category of Internet beauties. On her Instagram page, the girl posted a photo with Maxim Galkin against the backdrop of the “Tonight” logo. She accompanied the photo with a humorous caption stating that she had discussed the topic of divorce with the presenter, and also added that he was very cool.

Rumors immediately spread online that Galkin was not indifferent to the spectacular beauty. There were even speculations about a budding romance, but these speculations were not confirmed by anything. Having appeared on the air of the country's main television channel, Lisa significantly increased her rating. Perhaps she has an interview with Andrei Malakhov ahead or participation as an expert in the “Let Them Talk” program.

Before and after plastic surgery

Looking at Lisa's photo, you can definitely tell that there are fillers in her lips. The girl does not hide the fact that she regularly adds volume to them, since plump lips suit her very much.

The blogger also confirms that he gives youth-supporting beauty injections to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and eye injections.

Fans are sure that the girl’s breasts are a merit of medicine, but, comparing photographs of past years, our experts do not agree with subscribers - there was no enlargement mammoplasty, the breasts look completely natural.

Lisa denies that she ever changed her nose, but the photos give away rhinoplasty. In the images we see that the nose has become neater - the tip has a different shape.

The girl shared with subscribers that she loves to take care of herself. She is a frequent visitor to beauty salons, regularly doing various masks, peelings, massages and wraps.

Fans are looking forward to a couple of new vines and a final truce with their lover. And we wish Lisa to continue to develop in this direction.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko


  1. A little girl was born in the warm, shrouded city of Krasnodar on April 9, 1988.
  2. Dad abandoned his family with three children almost immediately when the twins arrived.
  3. Katya and Yulia also have an older brother. His name is Vladislav.

The girls spent their entire childhood together. The star of the show had many interests:

  • playing the flute;
  • clarinet;
  • singing;
  • stage performances.

  1. Katyusha regularly performed on stage and went to music school. The girl was accepted into the Kuban Choir.
  2. The twin sisters, when they were little, often quarreled and hit each other, but when they got older and went to school they became friends. The girls decided to pursue a stage career and constantly performed on stage, sometimes performing solo numbers.
  3. Having matured, Katya and Yulia left the musical group, having quarreled with the management. Talented girls were not satisfied with the salary; they were sure that it did not correspond to their extraordinary abilities. The sisters began to earn money in the restaurant as waitresses. Soon the girls’ mother died, and they were left in the care of their grandmother. Everything was not easy; I had to work hard to earn a living and to dress myself.

Participation in the show "Tonight"

In June 2022, an episode of the show “Tonight” with the participation of Liza Shatilova was released on television screens. The issue was dedicated to glossy publications and the Internet. Lisa represented the side of fashion internet bloggers. On her Instagram, she posted a photo with the main character of the show, Maxim Galkin, signing that she really liked her participation and the show had a really cool host.

There were even rumors that a spark ran between Maxim Galkin and Liza Shatilova and a romance was emerging, but all this remained at the level of gossip. Participation in the program significantly increased the girl’s popularity.

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