Margarita Larchenko Dom-2 photo, height, weight, biography, date of birth

Beauty is a great and terrible power! And this is confirmed by the appearance of Margarita Larchenko, who becomes more and more beautiful with each plastic surgery. A girl without outstanding shape always wanted a larger bust size. Recently it became known that a participant in the scandalous TV show “Dom-2” nevertheless realized her cherished dream and had breast augmentation surgery, having received funding from her boyfriend Ilya Yabbarov, whose relationship with whom was eventually severed. How Margarita Larchenko looked before plastic surgery, and how she feels after, read in our article today.

Childhood and youth

Margarita was born in Murmansk on October 29, 1991. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. The childhood of the future participant of “House-2” was unremarkable. The family did not have much financial income, and the parents raised their daughter according to the difficult times: modestly, but with love. Rita went to kindergarten, then to school. Everywhere and always the girl enjoyed public attention. She was a good organizer and the life of the party.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Jul 25, 2014 at 7:12pm PDT

Margarita Larchenko before the Dom-2 project
Margarita’s biography is not full of bright events, but Larchenko constantly tried to diversify her life by participating in public events. She was involved in various clubs and sections: she danced, played in amateur theater productions, and went in for sports. But none of the hobbies became serious.

Having received a certificate, Rita entered the Murmansk Trade and Economic College. She chose to specialize in food service technologist. In parallel with receiving her education, the girl realized herself as an entrepreneur. Her brainchild was an agency for organizing dates and acquaintances.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Jan 6, 2019 at 12:59pm PST

Margarita Larchenko in a swimsuit
Realizing that the provincial city did not offer as great prospects as she would like, Rita moved to Moscow. There she entered the Russian State Social University and received the profession of a social worker.

In Moscow, Rita tried herself in the modeling business, but did not achieve much success. It is likely that raging ambitions and a thirst for popularity became the impetus for coming to the country’s main television set in search of love.


The girl was born on October 29, 28 years ago. Margot spent her entire childhood in the city of Murmansk, where she was born. Rita was active from an early age and constantly attended dancing and acting classes; those around her considered her the life of the party.

During my student years, I created a marriage agency for single people. But she herself did not experience love in her native Murmansk. Having a bright appearance, Larchenko decided to go to the capital and, after entering university, began working part-time in a modeling agency.

"House 2"

The arrival of Margarita Larchenko to the project surprised many. The girl joined the team on July 23, 2022. Entering the clearing, she spoke aggressively about the show's participants and their ease of access. Rita listed by name those who, without embarrassment, give themselves to young people, regardless of the status of their relationship. Declaring that she plans to make a revolution on the project, Larchenko herself has repeatedly been suspected of working as an escort.

One of the evening broadcasts of the show was dedicated to Rita's past. A young man came to the project and assured the participants that he was in a relationship with Larchenko. The girl allegedly behaved indecently, counting on him as a sponsor, and one day, without warning, she flew to Dubai with a new boyfriend.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Jul 25, 2018 at 1:13am PDT

Margarita Larchenko in the show “Dom-2”
Rita’s ex-boyfriend presented messages to the public in which, according to him, she agreed to meet with a wealthy man for a financial reward. There is no way to judge how plausible this information was. “Dom-2” regularly uses “ducks” to stir up interest in the program.

The first young man that Rita paid attention to when she came to the show was Vitaly Malyshev. The relationship with the guy did not work out. The advances and attentions he made did not stop the participants from voting against the presence of a man on the project. Vitaly was kicked out, and Rita was forced to look for a new relationship.

Before and after plastic surgery

Larchenko always dreamed of having lush and voluminous breasts, but nature did not reward the girl with such a bust. Therefore, she decided to correct the situation with mammoplasty. For some time, her lover interfered with this, but in the end, he agreed and even took on all the financial expenses in this regard.

As a result, Margot was given a third size breast. Many noted that now the girl’s bust looks unnatural, especially considering the beauty’s miniature figure. But Margarita herself is happy with everything and even promised to do a new photo shoot for her fans, showing everyone new charms. But, apparently, she is not going to do this.

The girl’s strange behavior and reluctance to reveal her charms seriously frightened her fans. Many began to assume that the operation was unsuccessful, and the participants in “House-2” even noticed that the blonde’s breasts were now of different sizes.

But Margo reassured everyone with her photos in a swimsuit. At the same time, she assured everyone that she is now completely satisfied with her forms. As Rita says, this gives her self-confidence.

Rita changes not only her breasts, but also her lips. She periodically uses filler injections to make them fuller. She uses the same injections to add definition to her cheekbones.

Interestingly, the girl’s body is decorated with various tattoos. On the back there is a school of birds, and on the thigh and lower abdomen there is a flower and a woman’s face.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Personal life

Having stated at the time of joining the project that she was interested in Roman Gritsenko, Rita regularly proved by her actions that in real life she was attracted to older men. The girl was seen flirting with Andrei Shabarin and Alexander Gobozov. Her personal life took a new turn after close communication with Ilya Yabbarov. Larchenko entered into a relationship with him, despite the fact that she knew: Alena Rapunzel was expecting a child from a man.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Dec 24, 2018 at 1:42pm PST

Margarita Larchenko and Ilya Yabbarov
Rita was not embarrassed by her lover’s former relationship, but she did not intend to establish friendly communication with Yabbarov’s ex-passion. The series of conflicts that accompanied the couple’s romance was associated with the condemnation of Margarita’s behavior by the team and presenters. Many accepted the position of Alena Rapunzel, believing that the expectant mother should not raise her child alone. Rita remained adamant, focusing on her own priorities and Yabbarov’s assurances of ardent love.

Margarita often became a participant in conflicts between Alena Rapunzel and Ilya Yabbarov, and also received reproaches from Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel. Being under constant psychological pressure from the team, the girl was often quick-tempered and, in a fit of anger, declared that she was ready to part with her lover. This happened in Moscow and the Seychelles.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Jan 11, 2019 at 1:32am PST

Margarita Larchenko and Ilya Yabbarov
The relationship between Yabbarov and Larchenko acquired a serious status when rumors appeared that Rita was pregnant. Many considered this news to be falsification on the eve of the “Person of the Year” competition. Others thought that by becoming pregnant, the girl would cut off Ilya’s path back to Alena. In the end, it turned out that the unborn child turned out to be a myth. But from that moment on, the couple repeatedly said that they were going to continue living together outside the perimeter, planning a wedding and children.

Ilya Yabbarov proposed to Margarita on February 20, 2022. By that time, their relationship was unstable due to the constant provocations that arose in the team. Larchenko said that their family would withstand any adversity, but in reality it turned out differently. The mercantile interest she had in Yabbarov broke their relationship. Rita's materialism was noted by presenters Olga Buzova and Olga Orlova, as well as show participants.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Margarita Larchenko (@margosha.l) on Jan 16, 2019 at 3:36pm PST

Ilya paid for Rita's expensive breast surgery. The girl’s figure looked attractive even before the operation, as evidenced by numerous photos in a swimsuit. But she wanted to improve. Her subsequent requests to purchase a new expensive phone became the last straw for Ilya Yabbarov. The man's financial reserves were depleted by the birth of a child and the costs of caring for him. Adhering to the opinion that the child should not interfere with their relationship, Rita did not accept the changes in her lover’s life, and this served as the motivation for the break.

It seems that Margarita Larchenko is a noble and decent girl. But now viewers of the TV show can say with confidence that the cunning beauty used Yabbarov. It was rumored that Rita cast a love spell on a potential groom by tossing him a charmed doll.

How Margarita Larchenko’s face changed - before and after photos

In the photo before the project, Rita is a sweet girl, as they say, without any special features. She understood that she had little chance of winning over spoiled young people, so she got ready - she got rid of her bangs and shaped her eyebrows. As a matter of fact, this was enough to get into the project, but it was clearly not enough to stay on it. The next stage is turning into a platinum blonde with a head of luxurious hair. Next, everything is as fashion magazines teach: contouring of the cheekbones so that the cheeks appear sunken (you can, of course, remove Bisha’s lumps, but Margarita is unlikely to decide on this rather complex operation) and contouring of the lips.

Contour plastic surgery is a cosmetic procedure, not an operation. It consists of injecting a drug containing hyaluronic acid into the desired area (cheekbones, lips, chin, etc.). Each molecule of this substance, natural to the human body, attracts up to 1000 molecules of water, which leads to an increase in the volume of soft tissues and, consequently, desired changes in the architecture of the face. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid disintegrate into carbon dioxide and water within 6–12 months. Repeated injections are required to maintain the volume of the cheekbones and lips at the same level.

How Margarita Larchenko’s body has changed - before and after photos

Firstly, the girl lost weight, and secondly, she enlarged her breasts. It turns out that a magnificent bust has always been her dream, which was announced to Instagram subscribers. Rita Larchenko spent a long time choosing a surgeon and was tormented by doubts, thinking about the optimal and most natural size of the mammary glands.

Finally, a specialist was found and a photo report of his visit was posted. Mammoplasty, that is, breast augmentation with implants, was successful, and Rita, after some hesitation, which gave rise to rumors about breast asymmetry, posted pictures in a swimsuit.

The ex-participant of the project monitors her figure, and not only forms are important to her, but also “content”. So, looking at the photo of Larchenko in a swimsuit, one cannot help but notice that a significant part of the girl’s body is covered with tattoos.


Margarita Larchenko became famous thanks to the television project “Dom-2”. She first appeared on the TV set in July 2022 and immediately announced a women’s revolution, signing up Ovsyannikov, Sheva and Kocherva as girls of easy virtue. She proposed to resettle these individuals from normal society, since she was not ready to live in the same territory with corrupt girls.

Margarita came to Roman Gritsenko for the project, but often paid her attention to older men Shabarin and Gobozov. The girl also had an affair with Ilya Yabbarov, from whom Alena Savkina was pregnant at that time. She told everyone that it didn’t bother her at all that there was a girl pregnant from her boyfriend on the project. However, the relationship soon ended, Larchenko turned out to be too jealous of a girl, although she tried to seem unperturbed, but the son from her beloved and his ex-girlfriend aroused conflicting feelings in Rita.

In May 2022, Margarita and Roman left the television project, as it is now, the relationship between the young people is developing is unknown. However, on the official VKontakte page the girl has the status “in love”, but the chosen one is not indicated. Let's hope that everything works out for the young people.

Margarita Larchenko. Biography

Childhood and youth

Margarita Larchenko photography

Margarita was born in Murmansk on October 29, 1991.
Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. The childhood of the future participant of “House-2” was unremarkable. The family did not have much financial income, and the parents raised their daughter according to the difficult times: modestly, but with love. Rita went to kindergarten, then to school. Everywhere and always the girl enjoyed public attention. She was a good organizer and the life of the party. Advertising:
Margarita’s biography is not full of bright events, but Larchenko constantly tried to diversify her life by participating in public events. She was involved in various clubs and sections: she danced, played in amateur theater productions, and went in for sports. But none of the hobbies became serious.

Margarita Larchenko photography

Having received a certificate, Rita entered the Murmansk Trade and Economic College. She chose to specialize in food service technologist. In parallel with receiving her education, the girl realized herself as an entrepreneur. Her brainchild was an agency for organizing dates and acquaintances.

Realizing that the provincial city did not offer as great prospects as she would like, Rita moved to Moscow. There she entered the Russian State Social University and received the profession of a social worker.

Margarita Larchenko photography

In Moscow, Rita tried herself in the modeling business, but did not achieve much success. It is likely that raging ambitions and a thirst for popularity became the impetus for coming to the country’s main television set in search of love.

"House 2"

Margarita Larchenko photography

The arrival of Margarita Larchenko to the project surprised many. The girl joined the team on July 23, 2022. Entering the clearing, she spoke aggressively about the show's participants and their ease of access. Rita listed by name those who, without embarrassment, give themselves to young people, regardless of the status of their relationship. Declaring that she plans to make a revolution on the project, Larchenko herself has repeatedly been suspected of working as an escort.

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One of the evening broadcasts of the show was dedicated to Rita's past. A young man came to the project and assured the participants that he was in a relationship with Larchenko. The girl allegedly behaved indecently, counting on him as a sponsor, and one day, without warning, she flew to Dubai with a new boyfriend.

Margarita Larchenko photography

Rita's ex-boyfriend provided the public with messages in which, according to him, she agreed to meet with a wealthy man for a financial reward. There is no way to judge how plausible this information was. “Dom-2” regularly uses “ducks” to stir up interest in the program.

The first young man that Rita paid attention to when she came to the show was Vitaly Malyshev. The relationship with the guy did not work out. The advances and attentions he made did not stop the participants from voting against the presence of a man on the project. Vitaly was kicked out, and Rita was forced to look for a new relationship.

Personal life

Margarita Larchenko photography

Having stated at the time of joining the project that she was interested in Roman Gritsenko, Rita regularly proved by her actions that in real life she was attracted to older men. The girl was seen flirting with Andrei Shabarin and Alexander Gobozov. Her personal life took a new turn after close communication with Ilya Yabbarov. Larchenko entered into a relationship with him, despite the fact that she knew: Alena Rapunzel was expecting a child from a man.

Rita was not embarrassed by her lover’s former relationship, but she did not intend to establish friendly communication with Yabbarov’s ex-passion. The series of conflicts that accompanied the couple’s romance was associated with the condemnation of Margarita’s behavior by the team and presenters. Many accepted the position of Alena Rapunzel, believing that the expectant mother should not raise her child alone. Rita remained adamant, focusing on her own priorities and Yabbarov’s assurances of ardent love.

Margarita often became a participant in conflicts between Alena Rapunzel and Ilya Yabbarov, and also received reproaches from Dmitry Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel. Being under constant psychological pressure from the team, the girl was often quick-tempered and, in a fit of anger, declared that she was ready to part with her lover. This happened in Moscow and the Seychelles.

The relationship between Yabbarov and Larchenko acquired a serious status when rumors appeared that Rita was pregnant. Many considered this news to be falsification on the eve of the “Person of the Year” competition. Others thought that by becoming pregnant, the girl would cut off Ilya’s path back to Alena. In the end, it turned out that the unborn child turned out to be a myth. But from that moment on, the couple repeatedly said that they were going to continue living together outside the perimeter, planning a wedding and children.

Ilya Yabbarov proposed to Margarita on February 20, 2022. By that time, their relationship was unstable due to the constant provocations that arose in the team. Larchenko said that their family would withstand any adversity, but in reality it turned out differently. The mercantile interest she had in Yabbarov broke their relationship. Rita's materialism was noted by presenters Olga Buzova and Olga Orlova, as well as show participants.

Ilya paid for Rita's expensive breast surgery. The girl’s figure looked attractive even before the operation, as evidenced by numerous photos in a swimsuit. But she wanted to improve. Her subsequent requests to purchase a new expensive phone became the last straw for Ilya Yabbarov. The man's financial reserves were depleted by the birth of a child and the costs of caring for him. Adhering to the opinion that the child should not interfere with their relationship, Rita did not accept the changes in her lover’s life, and this served as the motivation for the break.

It seems that Margarita Larchenko is a noble and decent girl. But now viewers of the TV show can say with confidence that the cunning beauty used Yabbarov. It was rumored that Rita cast a love spell on a potential groom by tossing him a charmed doll.

Margarita Larchenko now

In March 2022, rumors appeared that Rita was leaving the Dom-2 project. They were partly provoked by the controversial Stories that the girl posted on Instagram. This step would not have been beneficial for Rita, since at the time of her stay on the television project she had 3 credits. The newly minted businesswoman took money to open her own business. The fees for participating in the project covered her debts.

Rita constantly talks about her desire to create an original project. She tried to sing songs, open her own store and even cook, but so far things have not gone beyond words. Margarita actively maintains an account on Instagram, thanks to which viewers can find out at any time how the participant of “House-2” lives.

Margarita Larchenko’s height is 172 cm, and she does not disclose her weight. The girl has a tattoo on her body: a school of birds adorns her back, and her thigh and lower abdomen are decorated with images of a flower and a woman’s face.

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Participation and stay on the reality show “Dom-2”

Since Margarita Larchenko came to the already scandalous reality show “Dom-2” - no one has come yet! It was her scandalous appearance, or rather, her statement of her position that this new participant was remembered for. Margarita, in the very first minutes of her stay, declared that she had come to make a real women's revolution

on this project!

She is not at all happy with the fact that girls of easy virtue have literally taken root here. Margarita Larchenko was not shy and was not afraid to name these girls. They became: , and .

The brave girl, right on the front line, stated that these persons simply need to be expelled from the reality show “Dom-2” or, as a last resort, resettled in a separate house, which should be called “Escort House”.

Margarita was also remembered by all the participants of “House -2” for her wonderful and unforgettable staging, with the participation of old participants of the reality show. Among them: Cousins, Dmitry “Knot”, Andrey “Shtrikh”, . The guys perfectly played the roles of those currently existing on the Dom-2 project.

Margarita Larchenko accepted courtship and spent a lot of time with Vitalik Malyshev.

The guys seemed to be developing a relationship and it was very pleasant for TV viewers to watch them. But Vitaly was kicked out of the project, and the unpleasant details about Rita’s past made many participants laugh.

After this, Rita began to build a relationship with the scandalous participant Ilya Yabbarov. They were together on the show for quite a long time, and in May 2022 they left the project together.

Personal life on the project

Larchenko’s relationship began to develop with Vitaly Malyshev, but the guy was kicked out of the project. No matter how he tried to persuade Rita to leave the project with him, nothing came of it. The girl decided to stay. After this, the girl increasingly began to communicate with Ilya Yabbarov, despite the fact that another participant in the project, ex-girlfriend Alena Savkina, was pregnant with his child.

Recently, information appeared in the media, allegedly from an acquaintance of Margarita, that the girl is constantly in search of a rich man. According to him, she had many partners and various short relationships. Time will tell how reliable the information is.

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