Fatal plastic surgery: Yulia Nachalova and her plastic surgery, consequences

The famous singer Yulia Nachalova was born in 1981 in Voronezh into a family of professional musicians.
I studied vocals from the age of 2. She made a name for herself in the “Morning Star” music program, winning it. In the mid-90s, Julia already recorded her first album in the studio. Julia's three marriages were unsuccessful. And she completely immersed herself in creativity and caring for her daughter (born in her second marriage from football player Evgeniy Aldonin).

This is how Yulia will be remembered by her parents – successful, achieving goals, beautiful...

It's no secret that Nachalova did...

several plastic surgeries, the consequences of which, as experts say, she could not cope with. Everyone was shocked by the singer's death. From Yulia's photo in 2022, no one will say that she is sick. And at that time she suffered from padagra, diabetes and lupus.

The singer has always had an attractive appearance. Like, probably, any girl, she noticed flaws and decided to adjust her beauty. But not all operations were successful. Fans noted that Julia began to lose her charisma and individuality. Julia's fans even warned her against excessive use of plastic surgery, citing the fact that her natural beauty is better. What kind of plastic surgery did Yulia Nachalova do - read below.


Photo: Dni.Ru
Due to impaired kidney function, the singer developed gout (a disease in which urea salts are deposited in the joints, causing their deformation and severe pain, more details here). At first, Nachalova tried to hush up the diagnosis. Gloves covering her hands became Julia’s constant companion at social events, but had the opposite effect, only attracting attention. Then the singer declassified the disease and repeatedly spoke about her condition in talk show studios: “I have migratory gout: where it wanted, it showed up there. Knees, shoulders, hips, small joints, arms. The pain is such that I cannot describe, even a toothache is a rest in comparison. I received treatment in different countries.” Nachalova showed off her changed hands, covered with bumps, and admitted that she almost lost her hair due to hormonal treatment.


Breast surgery

The singer is naturally very attractive, but Yulia always wanted to remain so, especially on stage. Julia had mammoplasty after the birth of her daughter Vera. At that time, the young mother was 26 years old. After giving birth, the singer recovered and regained her previous shape with the help of diet and yoga. And the breasts were corrected with the help of implants.

In the photo before and after plastic surgery, Julia looks different, and this is noticeable. She enlarged her breasts to size 4, which she later regretted.

The singer performed operations 1 and 2 in a California clinic, where only Hollywood stars undergo surgery. Naturally, before the operations, the singer did not suffer from gout or diabetes. Otherwise they would not have operated on her.

Later, Julia decides to remove the implants. They brought her discomfort and did not suit the singer as being “too big.” Usually girls become more confident after breast augmentation, but for Yulia the opposite happened. Julia decides to return to her natural breast size.

The second operation was also performed in the USA. After this, Yulia began to have complications and was given an infection. On her Instagram page, Nachalova shared with subscribers that after mammoplasty she developed migratory gout.

After complications, the singer had to undergo long-term treatment and fight for her life. The body reacted very hard to plastic surgery, but the doctors managed to get Yulia back on her feet. Only on the third plastic surgery everything was successful, and the breasts acquired an attractive shape and natural size.

Yulia Nachalova did not blame the doctors for what happened. The girl understood that only she was to blame, because she decided to change nature. As a result, Nachalova inserted conventional standard implants. It became much easier for her to live with them, and her bust began to look natural.

Facial plastic surgery

In 2014, the singer was invited to the television show “One to One.” Viewers began to notice that Julia looked better. She became prettier because she had plastic surgery on her face. She was bombarded with questions about plastic surgery. Some plastic surgery experts claim that Nachalova did not undergo facial plastic surgery, but was fond of Photoshop. In different photos on Instagram, the singer “changed” the shape of her nose and facial features. In some photos the face looks very tense, with a complete lack of facial expressions. This suggests that the singer definitely had Botox injections. It is known that Nachalova regularly visited a cosmetologist and did not make a secret of it.

But the singer did not admit this fact to her fans and, moreover, denied plastic surgery on her face. This is not surprising - it is customary for stars not to tell the truth about their personal lives and changes in appearance. This is necessary to maintain the star status of a person discussed throughout the country.

At the show, Yulia shone not only with her good vocal abilities, but also with her ability to hold herself on stage, imitating famous performers.

At the age of 33, Nachalova had a facelift - she inserted fillers with hyaluronic acid. This allowed her to smooth out wrinkles and get rid of nasolabial folds a little.

Yulia Nachalova had a positive attitude towards “beauty injections”, believing that a woman can do everything to be and remain beautiful. In addition, the skin is affected by toxins, exhaust fumes, and temperature changes, therefore, it needs help. But Julia’s fans thought differently: her face no longer pleased them with its naturalness and began to seem like a “wax mask.”

The case of Yulia Nachalova confirms that any plastic surgery is a risk. But one thing is worth recognizing for sure: both before and after plastic surgery, Julia was beautiful and well-groomed.

Health effects

Julia recalled the experience of plastic surgery with a shudder. And she urged girls not to repeat her mistakes and think several times before deciding to have plastic surgery.

As it turns out, plastic surgery can affect human health. Yulia Nachalova had diabetes. Because of this, wounds on the body were difficult to heal. This manifested itself even when the singer had mammoplasty.

Yulia Nachalova’s immune system simply couldn’t handle it. Breast surgery and facial surgery have made their presence felt. Kidney problems affected her hands (in the last photos the singer is wearing fishnet gloves everywhere). In a short time, Julia developed a dangerous autoimmune disease.

The event that happened in the end is indirectly related to the TV personality’s plastic surgery. After all, they undermined the girl’s immunity. Julia's body lost its protective functions, diseases began to approach Nachalova one after another.

Yulia Nachalova is a living example of the fact that even the most well-established surgical intervention can have an unexpected result. There are many negative examples. No one is immune, and even an ordinary wound on the leg can lead to the most terrible consequences. Take care of yourself!

Kidneys failed

The procedure lasted five hours, and on the same day Yulia was sent home from the hospital - this is the custom in American clinics. It turned out it was too early. The sutures did not heal, inflammation, weakness, and a temperature of over 40 occurred.

“It turned out that during the operation I got an infection. The infection has begun. I had to have a second operation to fix everything,” the artist later recalled with regret.

The next operation was successful, but another, even more serious problem arose - the kidneys began to fail. The doctors pumped the singer out and put her on her feet. “I realized that plastic surgery is not for me. “I don’t want to conduct any more experiments on myself,” the singer taught when it was all over. But the problems, as it turned out, were just beginning...


Gout is not Yulia’s only ailment. In a close circle, as Vyacheslav Manucharov said, they had long known that the woman also suffered from diabetes. It was because of a sharp jump in blood sugar that the singer found herself in a hospital bed in serious condition. The information coming out about her health is confusing. Initially, the star’s representative denied Yulia’s hospitalization and left the debate only when terrible details poured into the Internet: an induced coma, the inability to breathe on her own, changing clinics, intensive care, the risk of pulmonary edema. According to the latest data, Yulia's condition remains serious.

Yulia Nachalova before plastic surgery: childhood and the beginning of her creative path

The future star of Russian show business was born on January 31, 1981 in Voronezh. The girl's parents were professional musicians, and Julia showed an interest in singing from an early age. To develop his talent, Viktor Nachalov took up vocals with his two-year-old daughter.

Julia received her first serious stage experience on the popular music program “Morning Star” in the 90s. It was a program where children all over the country declared their talents. Yulia won a TV show and met jazz singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who noticed the girl and invited her on tour.

In 1995, Yulia Nachalova released her first album, and then participated in the major international competition Big Apple-95 and competed with world star Christina Aguilera. Despite the presence of such serious competitors, Yulia took first place in this competition.

Today, Yulia Nachalova has released seven full-length albums, she successfully hosts talk shows, plays in films and attends social events.

Yulia Nachalova before and after plastic surgery photos: how the girl’s appearance changed

Despite her naturally quite attractive appearance, Yulia Nachalova turned to plastic surgeons. The girl admitted that she had mammoplasty on July 31, 2007. In an interview with famous magazines, Julia said that after the birth of her daughter, her breasts lost their shape, so the singer dreamed of quickly returning to her former beauty. Yoga and diets helped her lose excess weight, but only plastic surgery could correct her breasts. Yulia Nachalova hurried to the aesthetic medicine clinic, where she received size 4 implants.

The new bust did not please Yulia Nachalova in the photo after plastic surgery for long: due to too much volume and excessive attention, psychological problems appeared. From that moment on, Yulia Nachalova dreamed of getting her real breasts back.

The breast correction operation was carried out in a California clinic popular among Hollywood stars. It took plastic surgeons five hours to remove the implants.

During the plastic surgery, the doctors made a mistake, and an infection entered Yulia’s body. The critical situation could only be corrected by repeated surgical intervention, after which the sutures healed painlessly.

Unfortunately, after the plastic surgery, Yulia Nachalova was subjected to enormous stress, and her kidneys could not stand it. Doctors did everything possible to restore the singer’s health.

Is Yulia sick?

Frightening details about Nachalova's struggle for life flooded the Internet, relegating to the background the discussion of a corruption scandal in which the artist, her former lover hockey player Alexander Frolov and a new companion, a federal judge, are involved.

Yulia Nachalova and Alexander Frolov. Photo: Globallok

After her divorce from Aldonin, Julia lived in the capital apartment she inherited from the athlete. Having started an affair with Frolov, she moved her companion to live with her - and in 2015, the couple decided that they would own the real estate in equal shares. Alexander bought his part, transferring 20 million rubles to his ex-passion, as evidenced by the receipt, and registered ownership of the living space.

In 2016, the lovers broke up. For the next two years, Nachalova did not make any claims against the hockey player, when suddenly, last year, her lawsuit appeared in the Nikulinsky court demanding that the deal with Frolov be declared invalid - they say that she did not receive the money, and put up the painting in an insane state. Later, the case is transferred from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod - where Yulia’s new chosen one works, and the artist’s testimony changes dramatically - now she calls her signature forged, which could lead to criminal punishment for Frolov.

The case, which, according to pasmi.ru, has procedural violations, has not yet been completed: Alexander intends to recognize the transfer of the case to Nizhny Novgorod as illegal. They say that the publicity of the scandal undermined Yulia’s health - according to another opinion, the artist staged an exacerbation of the disease in order to “hush up” the discussion of legal squabbles.

Alisa Osina

health scandals Yulia Nachalova

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