Personal experience: anti-cellulite massage - real before and after photos!

Anticellulite massage

Cellulite is not just an unpleasant aesthetic defect, but also a rather serious disease that occurs when blood circulation deteriorates and lymph flow decreases in problem areas of the human body, as well as when swelling of the capillary walls occurs.
This leads to changes in the structure of subcutaneous fat tissue and disruption of its metabolic processes. Cellulite can form on almost any part of the body: thighs, buttocks, upper arms, stomach and even back.

One of the most effective means of eliminating and preventing cellulite is a special anti-cellulite massage, which is designed to restore normal blood circulation and lymph movement, as well as improve the activity of blood vessels in problem areas. This massage speeds up metabolism, leads to the decomposition of subcutaneous fat, thereby reducing the percentage of body fat.

As an independent means of treatment and prevention, anti-cellulite massage shows good results in the initial stages of the disease, and then, as a rule, it is used in combination with other effective therapeutic techniques (health wraps, diets, etc.).

My impressions

To say that I am satisfied is to say nothing. You just come to a cool clinic, lie down for about an hour and... lose weight and get rid of cellulite. I could not get enough of the perfect smoothness, beautiful shape and velvety skin. Well, minus one jeans size.

And this is without sports, squats and tedious workouts. I feel like I will be judged by fitness enthusiasts, but not everyone can be an athlete, right? It's great that there are procedures that help you achieve beauty without sacrifice. The effect, as they promised me, will last for a long time. But to maintain it, it is advisable to undergo at least one procedure per month.

How does anti-cellulite massage affect the body?

Impact on areas of the body affected by cellulite through various massage techniques leads not only to warming up and relaxing the muscles, but also to the activation of natural processes of the body, which help remove excess fluid, cause blood to circulate better, enriching the hypodermis with oxygen and washing out all waste and toxins from fat cells .

With the help of mechanical stimulation, excess fat is broken down in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and removed from the body, resulting in a significant reduction in the appearance of cellulite or a complete cure of this disease. Cells are renewed, metabolism throughout the body improves, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, becomes elastic and toned.

Anti-cellulite massage fights the manifestations of cellulite in the following sequence:

  • improves blood circulation in problem areas;
  • activates lymphatic drainage;
  • creates conditions under which the active substances present in anti-cellulite cosmetics are absorbed into the skin as well as possible and have the greatest effect;
  • optimizes fluid circulation in tissues.

All this helps remove harmful substances from the body that can form cellulite.

If you regularly perform anti-cellulite massage to prevent the disease, you can significantly reduce subcutaneous fat, accelerate intercellular metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

Rules for anti-cellulite massage

  • The maximum result in eliminating cellulite will be achieved if, in addition to massage manipulations, auxiliary cosmetics are used. For example, this could be a peeling cream and a special anti-cellulite gel.
  • Anti-cellulite massage is especially effective in the first and second stages of the disease.
  • It should be remembered that at any stage of the disease, cellulite can only be eliminated with complex therapy. This means that in addition to massage, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet, exercise, take a contrast shower, etc.
  • If, in addition to cellulite, the patient has problems with excess weight (more than five or seven extra kilograms), then in this case it is necessary to first normalize the weight, and only then begin massage treatment.
  • When treating cellulite, the massage course ranges from eight to fifteen sessions. And if the massage is performed for preventive purposes, one session is enough, which will be carried out systematically with a break of two or three weeks.
  • The optimal frequency of performing anti-cellulite procedures is every other day or even once every three days.
  • Vigorous massage manipulations should begin when the body muscles are warmed up and completely relaxed. Therefore, at the beginning of the session, a light massage of the whole body is necessary, which will help the body prepare for the procedure itself.
  • When performing anti-cellulite massage, the massage therapist's palms should not be cold and wet.
  • You cannot work on the groin area, the hollow located under the knee, as well as the inner surface of the thighs near the pubis.
  • If bruises and hematomas appear on the body during a massage course, this means that the massage is performed incorrectly.
  • After the session, it is advisable not to overcool the body and try not to put too much strain on the muscles and spine.
  • At the end of each procedure, you must drink at least 200-300 grams of warm clean water or a mug of herbal tea.

Anti + pain = advertising

Many women who came for a massage to my friend asked the same questions:

  • “Can I lose weight from your massages?”
  • “Will I lose weight after your massages?”
  • “How many sessions do you need to attend for results to appear?”
  • “But they write there that after five sessions you will lose 3–7 kg, but what do you promise?”

Anti-cellulite massage advertising targets an audience for whom cellulite on the thighs is a sore subject. Having heard the prefix “anti”, women hope that with the help of massage they will get rid of the problem once and for all. But, having started their trips to the salon, most of them are disappointed and believe that they were cheated.

In fact, no one deceived anyone. The salon simply carried out an advertising campaign correctly. The advertisement pressed on your sore spot, and you rushed to the specialist, without thinking whether it would really help. But if you thought about it, you would understand that anti-cellulite massage literally does not exist at all .

Why? I'll explain now.

The most effective massage techniques in the treatment of cellulite

The technique of this type of massage does not differ significantly from the technique of classical European massage. The only thing in this technique is that special attention is paid to tissue kneading techniques in order to increase blood circulation, and deep squeezing techniques to activate lymphatic drainage and the movement of intercellular fluid.

There are five most effective massage techniques used to eliminate cellulite:

  • Stroking. This technique involves gently stroking the body with your fingertips, which is performed at the beginning and end of the massage procedure. This promotes better blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Squeezing. This technique is somewhat similar to the previous one, but is performed rhythmically and with more energy. Unlike stroking, the squeezing technique has a beneficial effect not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the hypodermis, connective tissue, and the upper layers of muscle tissue. Movements when performing this technique should be made along the lymphatic vessels and capillaries.
  • Trituration. Improves skin tone, helps eliminate subcutaneous fat and remove excess fluid. In the area of ​​the legs, rubbing is done exclusively from the bottom up, and in the area of ​​the hips - in a circular motion. If a person has many superficial veins or capillary fragility, it is better to avoid using this technique.
  • Pressure. It can be performed both superficially and affect the deeper layers of the skin. In the first case, the skin is simply pulled back and then released, causing the top layer to soften. In the second case, they grab most of the skin with both hands and perform massage movements reminiscent of kneading dough. Thanks to this technique, the appearance of cellulite disappears and muscle tone increases.
  • Pat. Includes a series of blows of varying strength. It is performed either with the pads of the fingers or the joints of the fingers, which are clenched into a fist.
  • Grips. Such techniques are much more effective than superficial massage, since they cause greater blood flow, thereby activating vascular functions and improving the condition of connective tissue.

At home

It is especially convenient to carry out manual anti-cellulite massage at home. It includes the following techniques:

  1. Stroking. Light movements, using fingertips, to warm up and prepare the skin for the procedure. They are recommended to start and end the session.
  2. Trituration. In this case, you should press harder, with your entire palm. This helps to increase blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  3. Pressure. They grab small layers of skin and work them, due to which the fatty thickenings are “kneaded”.
  4. Patting. Performed with fists or a full palm on problem areas. Typically, this technique begins and ends the massage procedure.
  5. Tweezers. They can be intense or weak, work on a specific area or the entire body as a whole.

At home, you can use a special anti-cellulite body massager. Such devices are sold in online stores, they can be found in specialized online stores.

Another option is a dry cellulite brush. It can perform a dry massage technique, which allows you to remove the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis and improve blood circulation. Massage brushes are also sold in online stores.

Massage with a dry brush against cellulite is recommended three times a week. You can use a special warming cream with it. Reviews on thematic forums say that this method helps improve the condition of the skin, but it will not be possible to lose weight through it.


Self-massage is a fairly common anti-cellulite approach. It is used for the legs, back, abdomen - where you can independently work out problem areas. It takes about 10-15 minutes a day to complete, but this is enough to improve well-being, increase performance, and slightly reduce body volume. The following types of self-massage are distinguished:

  1. Manual, done with your own hands. When carrying out this procedure, classical techniques are used (stroking, rubbing, kneading) and elements of acupressure, linear massage.
  2. Self-massage using non-mechanized devices - massage mats with spikes, protrusions, brushes with different bristles, spherical massagers.
  3. Self-massage using mechanized, electrical devices - vibration, pneumatic, hydraulic, ultrasonic massager. Baromassage is also used in cosmetology.

This effective anti-cellulite massage helps improve blood circulation and skin condition.

Vibrating massager

Cellulite formations on the body cause inconvenience and cause dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s body. They really do look unaesthetic, and at the same time they pose a certain health hazard. A hardware vibrating massager is an electrical device that runs on mains power. It can be targeted or zonal, based on vibration and contrasting changes in cold and heating modes. It can somewhat speed up the process of losing weight and reduce visible cellulite.

Rolling pin

For the procedure, a special rolling pin is used, adapted for getting rid of cellulite. It has special protrusions that provide a massage effect. Experts recommend wrapping it in cling film or cellophane. This will help avoid splinters and skin damage.

It is advisable that the massage with a rolling pin be carried out by a specialist, since it is necessary to regulate the pressure and follow strictly the massage lines, in accordance with the movement of lymph and blood.

The rolling pin moves from bottom to top, starting from the front surface of the thigh, while it is necessary to bypass the groin area and popliteal hollows. One such session should last about 15 minutes, it can be done no more than three times a week, alternating: one day of rest, one day of procedures. The course should consist of no more than 15 procedures.

When is anti-cellulite massage indicated?

  • the appearance of an orange peel effect;
  • prevention of cellulite formation in problem areas;
  • the presence of excess adipose tissue;
  • colon diseases;
  • pain in the lumbar region, back and neck;
  • violation of cell metabolism;
  • circulatory disorders.

In what cases can anti-cellulite massage not be performed?

Despite the unconditional benefits of this massage, unfortunately, not everyone can do it. There are a number of serious contraindications for which such treatment is not recommended. They can be roughly divided into three categories:

General contraindications to anti-cellulite therapy through massage:

  • malignant formations;
  • venereal diseases;
  • aneurysm of blood vessels and aorta;
  • infections caused by the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • acute mental disorders that are accompanied by excessive excitement;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and a predisposition to bleeding;
  • trophic ulcers, gangrene;
  • severe form of tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis in acute and chronic form;
  • Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis of cerebral and peripheral vessels;
  • circulatory failure and heart failure.
SpecializationUniversal masseur
    Soviet Pedagogical School.
  • Capital.
Special Skills
  • Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 6, bldg. 3, metro station Verkhniye Likhobory
  • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
Work experienceMore than 25 years


  • SpecializationNursing. Massotherapy.
    • First Kiev Medical School.
    • Kyiv College named after. P.I. Gavrosya, Faculty of Advanced Studies.

    Special Skills
    • Medicinal
    • lymphatic drainage
    • anti-cellulite
    • honey massages
    • hydromassage
    • all types of SPA massage
    • underwater shower massage
    • treatment of spinal osteochondrosis
    • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
    Work experienceOver 18 years


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    • Elizaveta Vladimirovna Egorova


      Anti-cellulite, cupping, French, honey, Brazilian massages, Madeiratherapy, buccal facial massage, original body modeling programs, lipoplasty.

  • Kirill Yuryevich Maslennikov

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