Eyebrow tattooing: hair method. Advantages and disadvantages, contraindications, implementation features, before and after photos

What is the hair method of eyebrow tattooing?

Eyebrow tattooing (hair method) is a modern eyebrow correction technique, during which a special pigment is injected into the upper layer of the skin. The result is flawless, neat and symmetrical eyebrows that look like after perfectly done makeup.

The effect of the procedure lasts a long time; there is no need to tint your eyebrows every day.

Unlike conventional tattooing, the hair method is considered one of the most popular, since finished eyebrows have an appearance as close as possible to the natural one. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the technique of performing the work.

The master draws each hair taking into account the individual characteristics of any type of eyebrows. In accordance with the client’s wishes, the appropriate shade, thickness and length of strokes are selected.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The final result can be assessed after about a week from the date of correction, when slight swelling and crusting from skin damage has gone away. In a month or a month and a half you will need to adjust the tattoo in places where the pigment has not taken root.

Will it hurt me during the tattoo?

If they tell you that the procedure is painless, this is a marketing ploy to attract clients. Skin damage is painful. You are not piercing the stratum corneum. You've probably pricked yourself on a needle more than once or cut your finger with a sheet of paper. To eliminate pain, there are local anesthetics used by tattoo artists.

Whether it will hurt depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity and susceptibility to anesthetics. Does it hurt to pluck your eyebrows or epilate your hair? Unpleasant, but not scary and quite tolerable, right? The same with permanent makeup: not scary and tolerable.

Types of hair tattoo

Hair tattooing is performed in two varieties: European or Eastern type.

Characteristics of European hair tattoo:

  • performed with small strokes of equal length and width;
  • the average hair length is within 0.5-1 cm, depending on the initial length of the client’s natural eyebrows;
  • Equal intervals are maintained between strokes;

  • the direction of the pattern of all hairs is upward;
  • the tip of the eyebrow is slightly rounded downwards;
  • the result of the work is beautiful arched eyebrows.

Features of correction according to the oriental look:

  • a more complex technique that requires the use of a creative approach when making a drawing in the form of chaotically applied strokes;
  • different lengths and thicknesses of hairs, as well as the shape of future eyebrows are selected according to the type of initial data and wishes of the client;

    Hair tattooing allows you to advantageously change the shape of the eyebrows and give them volume and expressiveness.

  • the hairs can be specially drawn in certain places shorter or longer, intertwined with each other to achieve the most natural look.

Often there is a combination of two techniques; such permanent makeup is called the 3D effect.

Is correction needed?

After any tattooing technique, it is important to return to cosmetology to carry out corrections or simply examine the result of the work, assess the fixation of the color layer on the woman’s eyebrows.

Correction is usually carried out a month after the hair technique. During this visit to cosmetology, negative consequences or side effects may become clear after the cosmetic procedure performed.

During care after the hair technique, inaccuracies can also be identified, which are then corrected by a cosmetologist. Correcting the technique is not difficult: just add a certain number of stripes to the drawing, so the work will look completed and neat.

If the work was corrected during the correction, after visiting the cosmetic center the girl needs another month or less to rehabilitate the epithelial cells after reapplying the pigment.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair tattooing

The main advantages and disadvantages of the hair method are summarized in the table:

Preservation of the original appearance of eyebrows after correction is quite long, but not forever. This allows you to follow fashion trends, experiment and change your boring shape to a new one. Cost of the procedure.
Natural look after the procedure.Almost always, additional correction of healed eyebrows is required after the first tattoo.
It's easy to change the shape of your own eyebrows to the ideal one.A period is required to restore damaged skin from the procedure.
No need to waste time on makeup every morning.
Natural composition of coloring substances, which is absolutely harmless.
The best solution to hide defects such as scars, asymmetry and areas without hair.
Allows you to make a narrow shape wider while maintaining naturalness.

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  • Eyebrows still require care - periodic correction, regular moisturizing, plucking hairs that extend beyond the tattoo.
  • Immediately after the procedure, the eyebrows do not look very attractive, so you need to wait one or two weeks.
  • While waiting, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your eyebrows, refuse to visit public places, or hide your eyebrows under bangs or dark glasses. All this requires patience and planning.
  • The procedure is not the cheapest; correction also requires money.

Who is recommended to tattoo eyebrows using the hair method?

Eyebrow tattooing (hair method) is recommended by cosmetologists for those women who have the following problematic nuances:

  • sparse hair growth;

  • eyebrows too light;
  • noticeable asymmetry along the line of the brow ridges;
  • inappropriate shape, which makes facial features expressionless;
  • the presence of skin defects in which hair growth worsens or is completely absent;
  • everyone who has impaired hair growth after correction with tweezers for a long time.


  • Eyebrows become beautiful and well-groomed for a long time, while remaining natural.

  • Thin and sparse eyebrows become evenly thick.
  • The asymmetry of the eyebrows is leveled out.
  • The scars are hidden.
  • Eyebrows take on a shape that is more consistent with the client’s appearance and needs.
  • There is no need to constantly care for your eyebrows, tint and fill them in.
  • You don’t have to be afraid that your eyebrows will smudge or “flow.”
  • Saving time and effort every day.

Color selection

The color of the finished eyebrows should look natural, not flashy, and match the tone of the hair:

  • suitable colors for blondes are shades from light brown to brown;

  • brunettes should opt for dark brown and black paint;
  • red-haired girls would benefit from a touch of red or gold added to the basic tone of their eyebrows.

Experienced craftsmen mix up to ten shades of paint to achieve the desired tone and avoid color transformation over time into blue, green and other colors.

Shape selection

Not everyone is given the ideal eyebrow shape by nature. The ability to correct or completely change the shape of the eyebrows is an easily achievable task for a professional tattoo artist.

Main types of forms:

  • with a soft rounding at the end - a suitable option for those with an oval face shape, it makes the look more expressive and sensual;
  • curved high eyebrows - give an elongated and slightly elongated shape to a round face type;
  • arcuate – will decorate a square and triangular face, can add a little age;

  • thick and almost straight - they look harmonious on an elongated face type and are the most popular at the moment;
  • curved thin eyebrows are a feminine option and are not suitable for everyone. They can visually make a full face even larger;
  • eyebrows with a triangular shape (house) are out of fashion, they make the look offended and sad.

Preparatory stage

To properly prepare for correction, you should follow all the advice the master received during the consultation. According to general recommendations, it is worth strengthening the blood vessels with contrasting washes or with the help of pharmaceutical products. It is also better to choose a procedure date in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The day before the procedure you cannot:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • abuse smoking;
  • use spicy ingredients when cooking.

Preparation for the procedure

The most important thing is to choose a skilled and qualified specialist with good recommendations. It is necessary to study photos of his works and read reviews.

Before the procedure, it makes sense to strengthen the blood vessels by wiping the face with ice. It is not recommended to do tattooing at the beginning or end of the female cycle. On the eve of the procedure, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, or eat spicy foods.

What tools are used

For hair tattooing, special machines are used, equipped with a gentle mechanism and special needles that apply paint with minimal trauma to the delicate skin of the face.

The machine consists of:

  • power supply and control unit with different modes;

  • foot pedal for power control;
  • handles with replaceable needles.

There is the simplest version of the tool in the form of a plastic handpiece powered by batteries.

Eyebrow tattooing (hair method) is performed with thin and smooth acupuncture needles, due to which there is virtually no pain during the tattooing process.

Who should pay attention to this method?

Hair tattooing is a great way to open up your eyes if you have:

  • thin eyebrows;
  • “bushes” of hair instead of a clear edge contour;
  • asymmetrical eyebrows;
  • light and expressionless eyebrows.

Tattooing looks good on thick skin; dark-haired girls win with tattoos. But even if you are blonde, this does not mean that the hair method of eyebrow enhancement is not suitable for you. Consult with a specialist. Perhaps he will recommend microblading, or maybe he will decide that the described method is good for you.

Well, now let’s move on, no, not to water procedures, but to types of hair method.

How is the procedure performed?

Step-by-step description of the preparation and technique of the procedure:

  1. Coordination of a suitable form of tattooing - at this stage, the artist selects the best option, having studied the features of the client’s face, assessing the original shape and condition of natural hairs.

  2. Next, he depicts his vision on paper for a more visual demonstration.
  3. The shade of paint is selected depending on the wishes of the client. It is also important to consider hair color so that the finished look is harmonious and natural.
  4. When all the nuances are discussed, the skin around and under the eyebrows is disinfected with special means.
  5. The next step is to numb the eyebrow area with anesthesia. You must wait a few minutes for the drug to take effect.
  6. Each hair is drawn individually in the style of a coordinated technique.
  7. The average duration of correction is about 1 hour.

What eyebrows look like after hair tattooing

Immediately after the master’s work is completed, the eyebrows look bright, which is due to the specifics of permanent makeup. The hairs look like they were simply drawn with a pencil, and the skin around them is inflamed. Don’t be afraid of this; in a week the inflammation will go down and the color will take on a less striking shade.

Among the numerous reviews online, positive ones predominate. The main thing is to choose a good master who knows his business, with a rich portfolio and recommendations from satisfied clients.

When can you fully evaluate the result?

Eyebrows after permanent makeup look well-groomed at any time of the day, as if they had just been tinted. This is especially convenient during a holiday at sea, when in extreme conditions you don’t have to think about how you look.

  1. After hair tattooing, the pigment is completely fixed after 10 days, although the result is visible immediately after the session is completed. True, the color will be more saturated at first, and later it becomes natural. The shape will remain the same as it was immediately after drawing. If desired, it can be corrected, but only in terms of increasing the volume.
  2. The situation is similar with microblading. The result can be assessed a few minutes after introducing the pigment. True, over time it is partially rejected. Therefore, after 35-40 days, additional painting is often required.
  3. Powder eyebrows look most impressive. They are immediately natural: thick and natural in color.


Eyebrow tattooing using the hair technique is considered a safe cosmetic procedure.

But there is a category of people for whom permanent eyebrow correction is not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • during a viral infection or inflammatory processes in the body;
  • if there are blood clotting disorders;

  • for very sensitive skin prone to irritation and inflammation;
  • presence of diseases associated with high blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the dye.


  • Wounds, ulcers on the eyebrows;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Oncological diseases, chemotherapy;
  • Diseases: diabetes, epilepsy, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders;
  • Use of medications that thin the blood;
  • Personal intolerance to the components of the dye;
  • Leriod of a viral disease or inflammation in the body.

Those with sensitive skin that is prone to irritation must undergo a sensitivity test before the procedure.

Possible consequences

With all the benefits of tattooing, you should know what the negative consequences of this method are:

  • the appearance of areas with severe peeling and cracks in the skin;
  • the skin around the eyes may become red and inflamed;
  • sometimes a side effect occurs such as watery blisters in the area of ​​tattooing;
  • severe swelling of the tissues around the eyebrows;
  • the occurrence of foci of nodular growth (granulomas) of an infectious nature.

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Before and after selection

Knowing the entire process of tattooing, as well as the time of its healing and correction, you will need to decide for yourself whether you really need such a procedure?
After all, it will then be possible to remove the pigment from the skin only with the help of a laser, which does not guarantee the leaving of scars. But if you are completely confident in your desire, then do not waste time. After all, tattooing is a convenient type of makeup with which you can forget about tinting your eyebrows. Don't miss: Gold makeup to make your eyes sparkle (51 photos)

Eyebrow care after the procedure

In order for the permanent effect to last as long as possible and the recovery process to take a minimum of time, you should strictly adhere to the eyebrow care specialist’s recommendations after the procedure.

The rules of care are as follows:

  • During the first five days, you should not wet the area where the design was applied with water;
  • treat damaged skin daily with antiseptic agents until the tissues are completely healed;

  • use moisturizing creams for the area around the eyebrows;
  • do not try to pick the crusts yourself;
  • In the summer, it is necessary to use sunscreen so that the pigment does not fade and lasts as long as possible.

Will there be crusts, and why do they form?

Crusts form as wounds heal. The crust consists of dried blood, ichor and skin cells. It protects wounds from penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Its formation is one of the skin healing mechanisms.

On abrasions and wounds, a rather coarse scab forms; in the case of micro-wounds, as with the hair technique, with proper care, a thin film forms. Such a film is formed in approximately 5-6 days. At the same time, the skin of the superciliary arches itches.

Scratching the skin or tearing off the film is strictly not recommended. She will peel off on her own. If you tear off, you will damage the healing wound, ichor will begin to stand out, the pigment will be washed out and the scar will become rougher.

How long does a hair tattoo last?

Most often, the primary type of tattoo remains for 1 year, and complete lightening of the pigment occurs after 2-3 years.

The main factors that can affect the duration of hair tattoo retention:

  • initial tone - the darker the color of the tattoo, the longer it will last on the skin;
  • depending on skin type – it lasts longer on dry skin than on oily skin;
  • skill of the performer - a professional is able to determine the optimal depth of pigment insertion so that the tattoo retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • caring procedures and skin products – you should avoid applying lightening creams and peelings to skin with tattoos;
  • under the influence of ultraviolet rays, permanent makeup quickly fades;
  • Different tattooing techniques differ in the length of time during which the pigment is retained. It is recommended to adjust hair tattooing once every year and a half;
  • Compliance with recommendations after the procedure can also affect the quality of correction;
  • bad habits contribute to the acceleration of the loss of color of the dye.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Tattooing is a gentle and weakened version of a tattoo, so as not to seriously damage the face; an aggressive pigment is not applied, but is injected into the outer layers of the epidermis. This technique is also needed so that a woman does not have time to get tired of the chosen eyebrow style, and after the result naturally converges, she can change it to another. Alternatively, she can correct the shape of the hair tattoo if she did not like the previous technology performed.

The result usually lasts about one year. If a girl has oily skin and the dye used is not very dark, its retention time is reduced and the design begins to fade faster. In the best case, excellent condition of work lasts up to one and a half years.

The correction is carried out at a time appropriate and chosen by the girl, however, the optimal time for repeating and overlapping the previous result is a year. During this period of time, the previous effect fades sufficiently, and the epidermis is restored before the next injection of pigment onto the eyebrows.

Where to get a hair tattoo, and how much does it cost?

The main criteria for choosing a salon are safety, comfort and pleasant pricing. You can trust your beauty and health only to salons with a good reputation, where they pay special attention to cleanliness and use disposable tools.

When choosing a master, you need to pay attention first of all to the portfolio. Photos should show the condition of the eyebrows before the procedure, immediately after it and a month later.

The second most important indicator is the price of the service. Decent work doesn't come cheap. Professionals in their field are always developing, regularly raising their level of qualifications, for which they have many certificates and diplomas confirming this.

Real customer reviews are the best evidence of a specialist’s skill. It’s convenient to track comments from satisfied customers on social networks.

Eyebrow tattooing (hair method):

  • approximate cost of the procedure: 8000-12000 rubles;
  • correction costs about 50% of the original price;
  • laser removal - within 3000 rubles.

How to choose a master?

The development of the cosmetology services market has led to the emergence of many cosmetology salons, as well as craftsmen who work at clients’ homes. Choosing a specialist is a responsible step, since an inexperienced or inept cosmetologist can ruin the client’s face in such a way that it will be very difficult to correct the matter.

The following facts can help assess the qualifications of the master:

  • Availability of a portfolio. It is presented either as printed photographs or digital photographs. On electronic media. If you have access to an e-portfolio, make sure that the photographs in it are unique. The master’s watermark will help with this, as will systems for checking the uniqueness of the image. Vigilance in this matter will help weed out obvious scammers with stolen photos.
  • Reviews from clients. It’s better if you hear such feedback from a real person. On the Internet, you can trust reviews on social networks. To prevent cheating of reviews, go to the profile of the people who left them and make sure that they are not bots created to boost the rating.
  • A good master constantly improves his skills. Confirmation of completion of courses will be certificates and certificates.

It is better if the courses are completed in different areas, for example: coloristics (color selection), eyebrow architecture, various tattoo techniques, etc.

  • Salon reputation. If an organization has been operating for several years, has received gratitude from clients, and has received prestigious awards in competitions, it is more likely that the specialists with whom it cooperates are highly qualified. You should refuse the services of professionals working at home, since in such conditions it is impossible to achieve sterility.
  • Availability of an agreement on the provision of cosmetology services. The reason for trust is the provision specified in this document that the work is considered completed after the correction procedure. If there is no contract, it is better to refuse the services of the master.

And, of course, an important argument is the cost of services. It includes the master’s costs for completing courses, purchasing materials, and depreciation of equipment - this is a fairly large amount. Therefore, if the asking price is 4-5 thousand rubles, we can only assume that you are dealing with either a newbie or a scammer.

Do not hesitate to ask the master about the origin and qualities of the pigments, antiseptics and other materials used. You also have the right to review the safety certificates of any substance or equipment used.

What is better: hair tattoo or shading?

The result of shading looks like regular makeup without separately drawn hairs, the entire eyebrow is evenly painted with a slight smoky effect. When done professionally, you can make the shape wider. This technique allows the tattoo to last a long time – 1-3 years.

Eyebrow tattooing (hair method) will help to radically change the shape and draw hairs in places where they are completely absent. This technique looks more natural, but will not be the best choice in every case.

A combined technique is increasingly being used, combining both tattoo techniques.

The final choice of technology remains with the client. But this is the case when you definitely need to listen to the recommendations of the master so that the result of the work looks harmonious and natural.


Prices for eyebrow tattooing are quite high, it depends on the form of the work and the degree of pigment filling the eyebrows. The price gradation mainly depends on the quality of the pigment and the popularity of the salon where the client is located.

The work is performed during one visit to a cosmetic center, and for one visit different specialists charge from three thousand rubles (beginners, where the quality of the effect does not always coincide with expectations) to ten thousand (in such places there are usually a large number of quality guarantees and reviews from previous clients ). High price does not always equate to high quality, so you should be careful about the location in which you will be doing the work.

Hair tattooing and microblading: what are the differences?

Microblading is eyebrow correction using a hand-held pen with a small blade, during which microscopic incisions are simultaneously made and pigment is injected under the skin.

Differences between microblading and hair tattoo:

  • As a result of handwork, thin hairs are obtained that are difficult to distinguish from real ones. Machine tattooing creates thicker strokes;
  • different consistency of the dye - in microblading, thickly filled substances are used, in tattooing less concentrated ones;

  • with manual correction, skin punctures are not as deep and are made less often than with an automatic machine;

  • The recovery period after microblading is shorter compared to hair blading. There is also a smaller amount of secreted ichor and crusts after it;
  • the tattoo is inserted deeper, so it lasts longer (3-5 years, versus 6-18 months with microblading);
  • After manual correction, the color becomes lighter over time until it finally disappears. For tattooing, it is important to use high-quality dyes, since cheap ones change color to blue, orange or green over time;
  • after repeated corrections by machine, depressions may appear in some areas of the skin;
  • The cost of microblading will always be more expensive than working with a tattoo machine.

In the hands of a professional master, any correction, be it eyebrow tattooing with shading, microblading or the hair method, will look beautiful. It’s especially nice when your eyebrows are in order and look perfect in any life situation.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

What is a wax tattoo?

Eyebrow hair tattooing is a new method to tidy up the brow area of ​​the face. In cases where hair growth is impaired, there is no replacement for this method. Many cosmetologists recommend this method as an alternative to the usual tattoo. Because in some cases such a procedure has much more favorable conditions for creating the desired effect.

To achieve the desired effect, the hair is drawn down to one hair. This makes it possible to give the face a natural look. At the same time, there is a possibility that such a procedure stimulates the damaged area to grow its own hairs.

To achieve the desired effect, the hair is drawn down to one hair.

The emerging method in many ways competed with applying paint under the skin. The main positive aspect of this approach is the fact that the targeted application of small granules does not injure delicate skin so much. A solid tattoo with ink has a specific action, after which pigment rejection may occur.

The new technology has some features that need to be taken into account before going to the salon. First of all, knowledge of the properties of the skin, since individual qualities make their own adjustments. The qualifications of a master will make it possible to achieve a natural resemblance to the original cover. Which is an important aspect. In view of this fact, it is recommended to perform the procedure only in certified medical centers where the patient’s health will not be endangered.

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