Tattooing: features of the procedure and contraindications

Tattooing is a lucky ticket for beautiful ladies who need to look perfect at any time of the day. Achieving the ideal permanent option is not so difficult, the main thing is to take into account several factors - the qualifications of the specialist, the quality of materials and properly selected care after the procedure. Of course, the healing of each zone has its own nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

After the procedure, permanent eyebrow makeup, as well as any other areas where dermopigmentation is used (eyelids, lips, scars, scalp, blush, areolas), post-procedure care is recommended. Each zone has its own characteristics. Healing of eyebrow tattoos can occur in different ways. Permanent is a technically complex process, as a result of which pigment, which is essentially a foreign body for the skin, is introduced into the dermal layer and part of it is lost through the formation of crusts, their subsequent exfoliation and removal by the lymphatic system. The remaining paint is fixed in the connective tissue of the skin for a long time.

What is tattooing?

Tattooing refers to permanent makeup, which is applied according to a principle similar to a tattoo. But tattooing, unlike tattoos, disappears over time. This metamorphosis is explained by the fact that a dye is introduced under the human skin to a depth of no more than 1 mm. The most popular tattooing today is eyebrow tattooing, as well as lip tattooing. We will devote this article to their description.

What is lip tattoo

Lip tattooing involves changing the lip line by drawing it more clearly. Lip tattooing allows you not only to change the contour, but also to make it more correct. Permanent lip makeup allows you to give up the daily application of lipstick and pencil to your lips.

What is eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing is a popular service among ladies, which allows you not only to add richness to your eyebrows, but also to change their shape. Eyebrow tattooing frees the fair sex from the daily task of drawing in eyebrows with a pencil.

How many sessions are needed and what determines the effectiveness of the procedure?

The number of visits to the artist depends on the shape of the tattoo, the area it occupies on the skin, how long ago it was applied and the depth of the pigment. If permanent makeup is already old, then more sessions will be required to completely remove it. The results will be noticeable after the first procedure: the dye becomes lighter, the hairs become discolored. Subsequently, they will gradually grow back and acquire a natural color.

To completely destroy the pigment capsules, you will need to visit a cosmetologist three to five times. The break between sessions should be two to three weeks. If the tattoo was performed by an incompetent artist, it will be more difficult to remove it, since the paint may be of poor quality and be in the skin at different depths.

With the help of modern technologies and devices, it becomes possible to destroy the pigment while maintaining the integrity of the skin. After the first session, a slight effect will be noticeable, but to completely get rid of permanent makeup, it may take up to 8-10 visits to a specialist.

Eyebrow tattoo removal with a laser can be used as a preparation for covering up unscrupulous work. If necessary, the beam is used to target individual areas of permanent makeup, removing extra millimeters and giving the design the desired shape. The procedure can completely cleanse the skin and dissolve pigment capsules.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial hair removal: its features and advantages

How to make a tattoo

Tattooing is a complex and responsible procedure, the effect of which directly depends not only on the availability of the necessary professional equipment and material, but also on the professionalism of the artist.

How is lip tattoo done?

There are many different techniques for lip tattooing. But in all cases, the procedure consists of six stages:

  1. lips are cleaned of cosmetics and disinfected with an antiseptic;
  2. the mouth is covered with a special cream, which is distinguished by its analgesic effect;
  3. disinfect the skin;
  4. using a tattoo machine equipped with a sterile needle, contour lines are applied;
  5. using tools of different diameters, carefully pigment the remaining unpainted areas;
  6. at the end of the procedure, the treated area is wiped again with a sterile napkin and an ointment that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is applied to the treated areas.

How is eyebrow tattooing done?

The eyebrow tattoo procedure consists of a number of stages:

  1. The master and the client select the shape of the eyebrows.
  2. The eyebrow area is treated with antibacterial soap, after which the areas are wiped with an antiseptic substance.
  3. A weak color pattern is applied.
  4. The tone is gradually enhanced by dark pigment to the optimal limit.
  5. In chipped areas, the skin is disinfected.
  6. The treated areas are lubricated with a wound-healing cream, which will not allow dust to enter the treated area.
  7. Eyebrows are corrected. This procedure is carried out only after the crust has come off after the first stage of tattooing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before embarking on a radical correction of eyebrows and lips using tattooing, it is worth studying both the positive and negative aspects of these procedures. The portfolios of all masters contain impeccable work. However, in life, not everything always turns out as beautiful as in the image.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Representatives of the fair sex are encouraged to perform eyebrow tattooing by numerous positive aspects of the procedure:

  • After permanent makeup is applied by a master, the eyebrows get a beautiful shape, match the oval of the face, and save time on makeup. Under the influence of external factors, beautiful brow ridges do not lose their attractive appearance.
  • Those with light eyebrows can enhance their look by giving them any shape.
  • 6D and 3D methods give a natural look to the eyebrows.
  • The artificial color looks impressive for up to three years, after which it will require minor corrections. Without touch-ups, the artificial pattern will be completely removed only after 7 years.
  • The presence of a variety of drawing techniques allows you to make a shadow, watercolor drawing, add hairiness or create a new shape to the brow ridges.
  • With the help of permanent, it became possible to disguise scars and facial defects.

The main disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • There is a risk of ending up “in the hands” of an inexperienced makeup artist, whose work may not only fail to bring the desired result, but also spoil natural beauty.
  • Feeling pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia cannot provide complete pain relief.
  • Due to the procedure, the roots of the hairs are damaged, which will ultimately lead to their partial loss.
  • Due to constant staining at injection sites, the skin loses its elasticity and ability to recover.
  • After the work of an inexperienced master, removing the pigment will be difficult, time-consuming and expensive.
  • Hairy tattooing should not be done on women who have naturally oily skin, as the strokes will blur after a few months.

Pros and cons of lip tattooing

Representatives of the fairer sex often resort to lip tattooing due to its many advantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The procedure allows you to always look beautiful.
  • With the help of tattooing you can disguise distorted lips, hide defects and scars.
  • Tattooing allows you to change the shape of your lips and give them a suitable color.
  • A one-time procedure allows you to forget about daily makeup application for a long period of time.
  • External factors cannot have any influence on the artificial color and shape of the lips.

When starting the procedure of salon lip tattooing, women should always remember the negative aspects of such permanent makeup, due to which:

  • Lip color changes.
  • After the injections, there will be some swelling and a long healing process.
  • There is a risk of dangerous infections and allergies. Therefore, you will need to take antibacterial medications for 5 days.
  • The procedure is most often accompanied by pain.
  • After the wounds heal, some correction will be required.

Types of tattooing

Since permanent makeup has become very popular today, many types of lip and eyebrow tattooing have appeared. Let's look at them below.

Types of permanent lip makeup

Permanent lip makeup is achieved today through the use of various techniques. This:

  • "Contouring" . In this case, the master applies pigment along the lip line. This method involves the artist using a tattoo machine and introducing a pigment that will match the natural color of the lips.
  • "Contour with shading" . This method involves performing the contour first, and then the shading procedure. As a result, you will be able to obtain a well-defined natural beauty of the lips.
  • "Easy watercolor" . This technique involves introducing soft pigment paints into the upper subcutaneous layer of the lips (to a depth of no more than 1 mm). Only after this is shading carried out.
  • 3D technique . First, the master and the client select a pigment shade that matches the color of the salon visitor’s lips. After local anesthesia, a special mineral-based dye is injected. The second stage is a new procedure that involves shading the paint over the entire surface.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing comes in different forms. The type of tattoo depends on the chosen technique. Today in demand:

  • the shot technique (also called the shading technique), the eyebrows end up looking like they have been tinted with shadow or shaded. This technique is suitable for those who do not want to radically change anything in their appearance. Shotting allows you to hide unevenness and neatly camouflage bald spots. The shot technique is also called the “ten-minute method.” Tattooing using this technique is done as follows: the artist visually divides the eyebrow into two equal parts, a bright dark pigment is injected subcutaneously into the center of the brow arch, gradually moving to each edge of the brow arch, the artist uses a coloring pigment of a lighter shade. This method allows your eyebrows to look beautiful and natural.
  • Drawing technique. Its essence is that the master draws on the hairs, which become very similar to natural ones. This hair technique is divided into the Eastern method and the European method. The European technique is simpler, as it involves drawing hairs of the same length, one after another. Eastern technique involves drawing hairs of different lengths and at different angles. This type of eyebrow tattoo allows the brow ridges to look as natural as possible.
  • 3D technology. This method involves a combination of shooting and the method of drawing hairs.

Features of choosing colors

When choosing a shade, you must take into account the color type of your appearance. Blondes with fair skin are advised to choose light gray or brown tones. If the color type contains many red or medium shades, the color of the eyebrows should match them.

Owners of dark hair and dark skin should not choose shades that are much lighter than the natural color of the eyebrows. In this case, the most suitable option would be natural and dark tones.

If there are a lot of contrasts in the appearance, you need to be more careful when choosing the color scheme. In this case, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics.

All color solutions are divided into warm and cold. When choosing a shade, you must take into account the color type of your appearance. The tone of the eyes is of particular importance. For example, combining brown eyes with a grayish palette will lead to unnatural results. In this case, warm brown tones will look much better.

At the same time, blue-eyed beauties should give preference to ashy, cold tones. Gray options will look especially impressive. Green-eyed girls need to decide for themselves which color scheme is best for them - warm or cold. In this case, you should definitely take into account all the features of appearance.

An important component is color depth. Overly saturated dark lines will look unnatural. Translucent, blurry solutions may also not look attractive enough. If the result is not very good, you can make the color more saturated.

The structure of the product is of no small importance. When choosing it, you must take this feature into account. This will avoid problems with shading or compaction of the pigment.

Indications and contraindications

Often, representatives of the fairer sex, wanting to tattoo their lips and eyebrows, are afraid that this type of makeup can harm their health. Therefore, we will consider in what cases permanent makeup is recommended, and in what cases it is strictly contraindicated.

Indications for lip tattoos

The list of indications for lip tattoos includes the following items:

  • no time for lip makeup;
  • Frequent use of water procedures, visits to the pool and beach holidays do not allow you to maintain makeup;
  • naturally ugly lips that even lipstick cannot give beauty;
  • there is a desire to have plump lips;
  • the presence of an asymmetrical shape of the lips and drooping corners;
  • presence of pale lips.

Indications for eyebrow tattoos

The list of indications for performing this procedure consists of the following factors:

  • desire to change shape;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • eyebrow loss occurred;
  • the face is damaged by injuries;
  • the shape of the face has become worse due to plastic surgery;
  • the presence of defects on the face.

Contraindications for lip and eyebrow tattooing

Regardless of the wide range of indications, lip and eyebrow tattooing has general categorical contraindications that you should definitely be aware of. Let's look at the list of diseases for which tattooing of eyebrows and lips is strictly prohibited. This:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that occur in acute form;
  • mental illness;
  • febrile manifestations;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes of any nature;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

If you have at least one of these diseases, tattooing is strictly prohibited. But in some cases, doctors allow it under their own control. For example, it is necessary to create the shape of eyebrows that have fallen out after chemotherapy.

In addition to strict contraindications, there are relative prohibitions. They occur when:

  • have hypertension (it is necessary to reduce blood pressure before the procedure);
  • pregnancy (lactation) has been confirmed;
  • Herpes manifests itself in an acute state;
  • menstruation is coming.

Who is this eyebrow shape suitable for?

Whatever the fashion trends, you should not blindly follow them and try to grow your eyebrows at any cost. It is important to consider that wide eyebrows do not suit every type of appearance . This option goes well with large eyes, noticeable cheekbones, and plump lips. Those with thin hair will be able to visually add volume to their hair using this appearance feature.

However, such eyebrows are strictly contraindicated for girls with small facial features or close-set eyes. Those with a delicate appearance should not choose this option. As a result, there is a risk of creating an overly aggressive image.

In addition, it is important to consider that this option can make the girl look older. If you do not want to achieve this effect, you should think carefully before carrying out this type of correction.

Post-procedure care

Considering that eyebrow and lip tattoos are performed by piercing the skin with a needle and introducing a foreign coloring pigment, the top layer of skin becomes inflamed in the first days, turns red and secretes ichor. Therefore, for 7 days after the procedure, it is necessary to properly care for the area subjected to correction.

Care after eyebrow tattoo

After this procedure, experts recommend using any healing cream that does not contain alcohol to quickly heal wounds. This could be Rescuer ointment, Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Contractubex.

During the healing process you cannot:

  • rub inflamed areas;
  • peel off the crust;
  • go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath;
  • apply cosmetic compositions to the eyebrows;
  • pull out hairs;
  • wet and air the inflamed areas for the first 3 days until a crust appears;
  • drink alcohol (as it reduces immunity).

Makeup correction

The first correction will be needed to improve the initial result and correct minor defects:

  • adjusting the shape and line of the eyebrows, as well as shaping their contour;
  • eliminating gaps in the shade and increasing its intensity.

It will have to be done at least a month after the eyebrow makeup procedure. The maximum period is 6 months.

The next correction (refresh) is carried out as the pigment fades, that is, approximately 1–2 years after the permanent makeup procedure.

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